Double Photo Match - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys it's aaron uh so last week i gave some tips and tricks uh using match photo inside of a room so some ways you got to cross the the blue and the green lines that sort of stuff so today i want to take a look at a different workflow so this is we're going we're going back outside i know it's cold out there it's february but uh looking at using a match photo with multiple photos for a single model so in this case i have a couple photos of a simple structure and we're going to take a look at aligning the photos on the front and the back for two two main reasons i mean one for for modeling to get the the modeling geometry set up but also to to push those photo uh materials and the the textures onto the geometry we create so let's take a look two reference photos one photo match model okay so a brand new model here you see i do have the photo match window up i do recommend if you're gonna do this you just open this ahead of time it's a little easier if you don't have it it will pop up if it's not already open but uh it is important because this button right here done is how you tell it you're finished aligning an image so with that let's go ahead and go to file and i'm going to go to import and let's see here i took these two photos they are very simple you'll see i'll just i'll go ahead and import it i do want to make sure i have use as new match photo down here at the bottom i'm gonna hit import that's gonna pull that image in this is a super simple structure i basically wanted a box because you know we only have a few minutes here to do this so let's go ahead and get this lined up so perfect this is the direct this is how you should take a photo for match photo looking at the corner this corner is coming at me the two sides are fading away this is perfect this is what it should look like so i'm going to take this first piece i'm going to align it red line on one side at the top green line on the top of the other side and what i'm looking for is you know basically a spot of contrast that i can follow that line so this this this wall the top of this i don't know roof against the blue of the sky is perfect down here at the bottom so you want to go as far down as you can to get the next line but ground's not always a good line because it's not often straight so you can see here with the snow 2 adds to it i got kind of a bumpy line here so i'm going to take this line here this this concrete slab meets the wall right here so not as high a contrast but i think i can align this green line pretty well like that and then do the same thing with the red line bring this over here slide that up on my way all right so something like that and then of course i'll take my blue uh axes by the corner stick it right there all right that looks pretty good in fact that looks that was great because that's probably about zumele's height against that if i wanted to i could slide the axis a little bit to get it a little closer assuming this is all good i'm going to go ahead and hit done now i need to do some quick modeling so generally speaking when i do something like this i will go click to a plane so i'm going to go ahead and hit my right arrow key to lock onto the red plane and pull up a rectangle that is the body not the roof just the the main part of that building and push pull that through to get that rectangle all right so now real quick tip i want to push pull a new surface up to create the roof but obviously as soon as i go like this and grab it to push pull it i'm not looking at my photo match anymore so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hit the modifier key and hit option i'm going to click once and now i'm dragging that and while i'm dragging that so i've released it click and release and i'm going to hit this to come back here and it'll put me in this view and now i can just go okay pull that up to where that's supposed to go and then i will use that to pull that edge out and that edge out actually to make it to match it let's say i want to make it the same i'll pull one side out like this and then i'll double click here to pull it out the same amount and by pulling it out matching the perspective i found out there's a little bit too tall so i can do the same thing click and release right here back up to this photo and now i can pull this down to where it's supposed to be all right quick easy i'm gonna grab one two three four sides right click i'm gonna say project photo it's gonna come up and ask me do you wanna what about hidden faces so what this is saying is if this photo was pushed directly in this direction it wouldn't sumely would block half of it i'd end up with a basically a shadow of sumela so if you want to trim i'm going to hit no and then that will give me awesome so that's a few seconds of work on that side now i come over here to this side and i have a second match photo that i will put on the back before i actually click match photo before i do anything like that i'm going to move my axis so i'm going to go to tools i'm going to choose axes and i'm going to put it right here i'm leaving the same orientation leave green red where they are so i'm going to click here once click here twice and it puts the x on this corner this is important because when i come up here file import and i grab that second image i want this corner right here-ish right about it's hard again there's that snow in the way but right about like that if that corner was still on the back side i have a much harder time moving my model around so it lined up correctly once i've got that on there though the rest this process is pretty much the same you'll see you'll get to see your model like contort and convert and all kinds of fun shapes as you do this but you're going to go ahead and get the green and red axes on the lines i'm going to use the exact same geometries on the back side like this and like that all right and then the last step here is going to be to slide i can actually move this over a little bit because see i can see as i moved everything around i manipulated where that front corner is i can't actually can't tell i think the corners right here i got this little little seam right here that looks like the corner but it's not it's tricking me so i'm going to slide that down until it about lines up okay so so here's something that might happen to you these lines down here are pretty faint i don't know that line them up real well uh 3d mouse users beware don't click your 3d mouse don't try to orbit in 3d because even though you're just trying to zoom you might bump it off axis and obviously if you bump off axis at all it throws out your photo match and lets you just move stuff in sketchup scrolling however if i scroll my middle mouse button my my middle wheel i can actually hop right in here and see there we go get that little little closer same thing over here there we go yeah pull that up like that [Music] so scrolling with the middle mouse button or with with that wheel is not going to affect or get rid of your photo match orbiting will so i don't want to orbit but alright so we go like that a little closer and now maybe do another one of these and uh there we go so that's where i can i can start playing around with that now do be conscious that this is not it is not perfect i'll just point that out right now vanishing points are a little bit different cameras a lot of times adjust things as you're taking photos so i might have a little bit of manipulation that kind of thing um i can probably come over here oops and pull this out pull this out and then i can again grab these project photos and now if i go to look at this in 3d and see that i have and i didn't i did rush a little bit of this stuff but you can kind of see there we go i have all four sides i know half these are in the dark we have built in shadows created already one last tip if i do have things like this where it didn't quite line up you can this is just a texture now so i can select here i can say texture position and then i can actually come in here we'll switch fix pins and i'll just scale it up a little bit there we go and now it's fills and i don't have that blue gap right there same thing here texture position and then i can just do a quick bump up there we go so uh yeah that's really all there is to it so the big thing to remember if you go in and do those two pictures one is your pictures have to be decent so mine weren't perfect but they were taken from the right angle obviously there was some severe shadow on one half of the building but you got the idea so it was i was able to go to those different sides take the pictures fairly good reference image for that the other thing is that the biggest tip that you want with that is move your axes between photo match so once it's in there it doesn't matter so i can jump back right now i can jump back to my original photo match or the second and it doesn't matter anymore where where that the uh the cursor or the axis in is it's saved in the scene so i have to worry about that but before you place that second photo make sure you set that axis on a point that you can see in the photo especially ideally that front corner like we had there if you do that it's really it's really pretty easy to align multiple images if you like that video go ahead and click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos every single week and you'll be notified of each and every one of them if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below we make most if not all of our videos nowadays based on comments from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot but we like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 14,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Photo, Match, Image, Reference, Double, Two
Id: 2Z-kaZB1rHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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