Brindleton Family Home || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time I am building here in the world of brindleton bay which is of course the world that we got with the cats and dogs expansion pack so for this build I really just wanted to build a cozy Family Home and something that would be pretty perfect here in brindleton Bay just like the ultimate bridleton Bay house um I didn't end up calling it a brindleton bay dream home I a while back I built one for Willow Creek that was like a dream home specifically for Willow Creek and I mentioned in that video how I was considering doing um some for like the other worlds but then I just never really have and so I thought that this would be that but then I didn't know so I don't know let me know if you guys would like to see any builds that are related to that like specific for um certain worlds and stuff I think if I was going to do like the perfect brindleton Bay home it would be a little bit different than this and so that's why I ended up not going with it so yeah I just thought I would mention that because it is something I talked about only once and then nothing ever came of it but um yeah sometimes that happens but for this house I was looking on Pinterest as I always do and I found a painting and I'll put it up on screen with the information so you guys can see what I was looking at and I just really was drawn to how large the front yard was and how there was a lot of trees and the different Pathways leading to like the front of the house and the garage area and I just thought it was really just kind of um a little inspiring I guess I thought it was a pretty picture and so I really wanted to recreate it it's not identical I ended up adding one extra Dormer window just because I felt like the two wasn't enough I mean it was enough in the picture that I was looking at but in The Sims 4 I felt like it just looked a little bit odd that way so um I added another one but I pretty much kept the rest of it the same I didn't have any reference for the back of the house so I just made that up and the Landscaping isn't identical at all to um the picture but it's kind of similar I mean like the pathways especially but for like the trees and everything I didn't try to place them exactly in the same way I just tried to place them in a way that I thought complemented the build and looked nice on this lot and in The Sims and everything and I thought would look nice for screenshots so yeah I hope you guys will end up liking this house definitely let me know what you guys think um it ends up having four bedrooms and three bathrooms so it's actually a pretty good sized house when I was building it I really wasn't sure how big it was going be but it actually takes up the majority of this lot um considering I mean well not the majority of it I guess it's a 30 by 30 lot and I thought that I would have more backyard space but the house ended up taking up a lot more space than I had realized but also that has to do with like the front of the house because I left so much empty space here at the front with the driveway and the Pathways in the yard and everything but I just love the way that looks because so often I build homes that are so close to the street and they're like there's like no space in the front and so for this one I really wanted to specifically um do something different for that and I'm really happy that I did and so the backyard does end up being quite narrow but I get a lot of stuff back there I add a little chicken coop area because I thought since it's brittleton Bay you might want to have some sort of a farm it's not like a full-on farm with uh like cows or anything but there's a few chickens and so I just imagine this family collects some eggs for themselves maybe they sell a few of their eggs at like a farmer's market or something like that but they're technically like not in the city they're like in the county and so it's okay to have farm animals kind of what I was thinking and really like right across the street it's like a full-on Farm like not one that you can play in but like you know one off in the distance that looks really cool I really love that one but um yeah so there's the chickens there's a full Garden I placed a bunch of vegetables in there you won't see that in the speed build but I did have my sim go through and plant the entire Garden so there's a bunch of vegetables there's a bunch of berries so you could do some like canning and make some jam and stuff and then I included a few flowers I didn't add a flower arranging table in this build so maybe you'd want to add one in the garage garage or somewhere on the outside if you wanted your Sims to do that but I just think the flowers are pretty and so I wanted to plant some but of course some more like fruits or something you could always just grow them and sell them make some money so I guess that's a possibility but um yeah so there's the full Garden there's also a bug house and a beehive and some more planter boxes where I end up placing some fruit trees which I thought would be pretty fun and then also a swing set and then a whole little like patio area and I end up placing some toys out there like a dollhouse the play tint that came with um I actually don't remember which pack the play tent came with I don't know let me know if you guys know it's the one that has like um like the farm scenery on the outside there's also like a space one and a gingerbread one and then one that's like black and white and I cannot think which pack that came with I'm pretty sure it was before cottage living I don't know anyways you guys will see that in a little while and then also I place the building block table that we have from I think Parenthood right I don't know why am I drawing scissor blank on where items are from usually I'm not too bad at it but today I feel kind of off so forgive me if I forget or mess it up but um yeah so I added a few toy activities out there which I thought was pretty cool so I ended up actually having a lot of different activities on the exterior even though the yard was kind of narrow and oddly shaped but I think I made it work here I'm working on the floor plan so the floor plan came together actually pretty easily and one of my favorite Parts is actually the staircase I thought it looked really cool and my second favorite part is the teenager's bedroom because I built like a walk-in closet but I decided that the teen had renovated their own closet and so they got their parents permission to take out all of the shelving and stuff for their clothes so they just have a dresser and then they made their closet into a little hangout room which I thought was pretty cool and very like a teenager to do so um I thought that was pretty fun and then there's also going to be two kids rooms I was thinking one of them is like a full-on kid like you know eight years old or something and then the other one I think is still a child Sim because well of course we don't have pre-teens but I think they're probably a little bit older approaching that pre-teen age and it actually really surprises me because we're getting infants after the new year and this is going to close the gap between babies and toddlers which is maybe a couple years but the gap between a child Sim and a teen Sim is like 10 years or something it's ridiculous because you go from being like eight years old to like 16 17 18 years old like they look like adults like that the difference between a teenager and a young adult Sim is so slight and so it seems weird to me that they would close that Gap I mean I'm happy that they're going to it actually makes me very excited and even interested in gameplay which is something I never do but the gap between a child and a teen just drives me crazy so I like to imagine that there's preteens because I think that makes sense um but anyways I talked over creating a tire swing in the front of the yard I've done this several different times in different builds and it works really nicely all I do is take a live edit object's entire decoration I think the one that I'm using came from Eco lifestyle and then I rotate it and raise it up using the tool mod and then I size down a seat and merge it into basically the base of the tire or the bottom of the tire where the Sim would sit and so they can actually sit on the seat that I'm hiding in there but they can't swing necessarily but you could take cute screenshots and I really just like having like a tire swing in the front yard because I feel like that's just so cute and classic and perfect for a home like this especially and here I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do in the back so as you can see there's a lot of space I guess it's just awkward and kind of narrow in certain areas so on the left side of the build over here is where I create the patio space and I thought this was a good solution because I ended up being able to create like a pretty large patio area so I put an outdoor dining table out here and over here is where I place like the building block table and the play tint and dollhouse and those sorts of things and then the swing set is tucked in the corner I think it should function perfectly fine over there sometimes I've play tested swing sets and a Sim will have a hard time getting behind the swing set if they're going to like push another Sim or something but hopefully it'll work so yeah it's something I should probably play test but I actually only play test with one sim so hopefully I'll remember but if not hopefully it's an easy thing to fix if you guys decide to download this bill and of course it'll be on the gallery and if you're interested I am now offering my builds Early Access on patreon so you can see my builds early on YouTube you can get like an unlisted link and see them before it's actually live on YouTube and then also I have the tray files available for all of my builds there um so you can download them early before I put them on the gallery but of course if you're not interested everything stays the same my builds still go up in YouTube and all my builds still go on the gallery so it's still the same but um yeah so here I'm just working on like the terrain paint and stuff I had originally placed down the flooring for the patio area but then I decided I wanted it to blend into like the other Pathways and everything a little bit easier and like the dirt and stuff so I decided to do a Terrain paint of that same flooring which I love that we have the same terrain paint as that flooring it would be so amazing if we had that for every sort of like concrete or Stone material in game I I guess wood too would be nice but it definitely makes sense to have like the terrain paint for all of the stone and everything but um yeah there's a few of them that have the matching flooring here I'm just continuing with the landscaping for the Landscaping I mostly used a lot of greenery I used some wisteria bushes and also some hydrangea bushes in the blue color I thought the blue was nice because I'm using a lot of blue in this build because well the house is blue and of course a lot of like the furniture that came with cats and dogs which I definitely want to use on the interior comes in some really nice blue swatches so I figured why not tie the Landscaping into it as well and then the rest is all just like bushes and trees and stuff and here I'm creating the little pin for the chickens and I just made a stone pathway connecting the two gates which I really wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not but I just I don't know I thought it looked kind of cute and then there's just like grass and stuff and there I quickly laid down the beds where the garden is going to go and like I said I do have my play tester Sim go through and plant the entire Garden so you'll see that in the screenshots and then I also have my sim plant some trees over here in these planter boxes which I thought looked really good and then I'm just continuing with the landscaping and also I created a pathway with a nice little like Pebble Stone terrain paint which I thought looked really cute um something that I really liked from the picture that I was looking at was the chimney it was like right in the center of the roof which I thought was so cute and I don't know it felt a little bit awkward just having one single chimney and so I decided to use smaller chimneys these ones that came with seasons and I used a half wall to create the chimney instead just because I felt like the proportions were a little bit better for having a chimney in that location on the build and here this door did remove for some reason I don't know why it disappeared um and so it's actually a dog door and I sized it up and I tried to make it look like a garage door and I don't know it just it ended up not really working out for me mostly because I put the house up on a foundation and so since I lowered it to make it look like it was actually on the ground level it cut into the inside of the garage and just looked a little bit weird so I just decided to use this regular garage door instead that came from City living so I felt like that worked out a little bit better and then here in the front I also add a basketball hoop and a car in the driveway I ended up using this car that came from I believe get together if I'm remembering correctly but I just love those cars I love each of the colors they're so cute and just like the shape and like design of the car it looks a lot like better quality than some of the other cars of course all of the cars are purely decorative but some of them just look better than the rest of them they look more like they were intended to be used as like a Decor piece basically for your Sims to or for you to see them basically because some of them just you can tell they were made to be seen at a distance but um anyways here I'm moving on to the interior starting off by decorating the kitchen first I tried decorating the living room and kind of got stuck with like the placement of avid couches in the fireplace and everything so I decided just to move on and something I did in here which I thought was kind of silly was I placed this cabinet over there by those food bowls and I completely forgot to decorate the surfaces that are on there so when I was taking the screenshots I realized and just added a couple of simple things on there it's not overly cluttered or anything and you're not really missing out on much but you can see that it's decorated in the screenshots but for some reason I just forgot now but other than that I do clutter up the counters with a few different decorations mostly I used the items that came with the Country Kitchen kit just because I really thought they were so perfect for this type of build and they're just really cute pieces and stuff and so yeah other than that I also used things from base game and Parenthood I used a lot of Parenthood in this build because well it's also perfect for a build like this and really any family home it's still one of my all-time favorite packs but this kitchen set entire kitchen set besides the sink came from Parenthood so the stove the refrigerator and the counters and cabinets and even the tile the rest of the wallpaper that I used in the build actually came from cats and dogs I end up using the one that's like a wood paneling and I use the blue Swatch sometimes I feel like anytime I place this wallpaper I don't know if it's going to work this time I thought the same thing when I initially placed it I was like I don't know if I'm gonna really like it I thought I would end up switching it to something else but once I started placing the like Furniture pieces and the curtains and everything I felt like it kind of all tied together and I loved having the red fireplace this was very much intentional because I could have changed it to I don't know a color that maybe had gone better with the windows or well the windows are white but it's kind of like a gray white so I could have changed the fireplace to like a gray color or something that may have matched like the muted blue tones better because I felt like it definitely stood out but I liked it because I felt like maybe it was the original fireplace and maybe the house had been renovated at some point and they changed the wallpaper but kept the original brick fire place but I don't know I this is kind of something I was thinking about it's really not a very important detail but um I thought it was kind of a fun idea anyways but this is going to be like the whole main living area of the house so the dining room the living room all in one room that's that tent that I was talking about like not for the life of me it's a dream home decorator actually it might be dream home decorator but anyways I placed it out there and I thought it was pretty cute especially since it had the farm print on it and I definitely think this family is very into Farm Life they're not into like running a farm but they love living near a farm they love living in a more rural community and they have their chickens and that's pretty much all of the farm that they want to have besides like their Garden they don't want to have like a full on working running farm with cows and everything but um yeah they think that it's important to live close to Nature and so they love brindleton Bay and I love that idea I definitely think they also love living by the ocean so I included a lot of artwork that's related to the ocean so basically just artwork that came with cats and dogs but I didn't add like any fish plaques or fishing decorations or anything like that because I don't think the family are necessarily into fishing they just like being by the water and so Brinson Bay again is perfect for them because they're close to the water and all about kind of stuff over here I am adding some decorations to the kitchen table I have these glasses and this little stack of books and a coffee mug all of them came from the latest kit which is the everyday clutter kit we also got another one at the same time which is called the pastel pop kit and you'll see some of those decorations when we move on to the kids rooms but I thought those items looked so cute all like clustered together because I can imagine that one of the Sims had recently been having their coffee and they put down their glasses they use their glasses probably just while they were reading whatever books are on the table or magazines or pamphlets whatever those might be and so I thought that was kind of a cute little detail and then over here I had some extra space and so I decided to make this an office Nook and so I just put a desk over here with a computer and a few other decorations I had cluttered up the desk a little bit not too much though because I know sometimes having too much clutter on a desk can block a computer from being usable I mean there's workarounds to it but it may not be that obvious because it took me some time to figured out when I was play testing but if you have too much clutter and it's blocking your computer you can actually click on the chair instead of the computer and have your sim sit and then use the computer and that seems to solve the issue but if you have them directly go to the computer then that seems to cause problems and so let me know if you guys have had this like same issue but I've definitely found that when play testing builds over here is going to be the downstairs bathroom there's going to be another downstairs bathroom but that one is going to be the parents ensuite bathroom because the master bedroom is downstairs which I feel like I've been doing a lot recently but the majority of my floor plans recently have worked out that way so yeah it's just kind of something interesting because I feel like that never used to happen like it would happen pretty rarely and now it's like almost all of my bills but yeah the downstairs bathroom is pretty simple I did put a litter box in here since I put two food bowls in the kitchen I imagined that maybe the family has a cat and a dog or a couple of cats or a couple of dogs but I definitely wanted there to be a litter box in case you guys decided to have a cat in this house and over here is going to be the parents bedroom so for the parents bedroom I essentially just wanted to decorate it like the rest of the house because they've decorated the house um the only thing I did in here different is I used a different curtain than I was using in the main living area of the house I used these heavy drapes that came from cats and dogs when I was originally trying to decorate the living room I tried using these curtains and I just felt like they were so heavy basically because there's so many windows with that large room because it's all you know it's all one room with the dining room and the in the living room and so there's so many windows and all of those curtains it just it became very like visually heavy to me if that makes sense um but in this room I thought that it looked better and so yeah I liked it in here and then for the bed this also came from cats and dogs this chair came from cats and dogs and the dresser and then I thought this basket of pillows and blankets looked really cute and I love what I did with the door leading into the bathroom because originally I was just going to have the bathroom closed and I thought that since I had this space next to the door that I would make it look like it had been opened and this is just one of my favorite things that CC creators do is actually create open doors and I use them all of the time so I love being able to create them myself with move objects or the tool mod but I wish the Sims team would make a few of them open just for decoration purposes because they're so cute and then there I quickly decorated their ensuite bathroom it's nothing too fancy but it has a shower tab combo a sink and a toilet and yeah it's pretty cute over here is going to be the garage area so for the garage I really just wanted to add a few different sort of Garage items so there's a woodworking table and like I mentioned earlier if your Sims are interested in flower arranging you can put that in here and then I just put a washer and dryer in here so your Sims could do some laundry you could easily remove this and add just another decoration or another sort of like functioning skill building item like the juice making machine or candle making station or something along those lines I think there's a few different things to pick from that have came with various different packs but yeah I thought the garage actually looked pretty good this time sometimes when I'm decorating garages I feel kind of stumped on what to add and how to make them look good especially without using custom content because I've gotten pretty used to using custom content and in case you guys haven't heard yet I'm I have a cc Channel and I've had it for a while now but on that channel I'm using custom content and I'm using all of my custom content because on this channel every once in a while I have done builds using CC but it's mainly to Showcase like a specific Creator or like a group of creators so if you're interested um I will have a link in the in card actually I have a link in the end card in every video so you should be able to find it pretty easily but here I'm decorating the upstairs bathroom so this is going to be the bathroom that all of the kids share and it ended up being a pretty big bathroom so I was able to have more counter space so I end up putting a lot of decorations on the counter just to make it feel a little bit more cluttered and messy and like the kids and the Teen have been actively using this bathroom and getting ready and fighting over it probably every day which I thought was kind of a fun idea and I liked the shape of it when I first started decorating it I felt like it was going to look more Awkward than I think it ended up looking I think it actually looks pretty good but um it's a it's a little bit of an awkward shape and it's kind of a long bathroom but I think it ended up working out and then here I'm going to pick out the wallpapers I was trying to get an idea of how I was going to decorate these rooms and what colors I was going to use and what personality they were going to have because I really had no idea basically I knew I wanted the big bedroom to be a teenager's room because I thought it would be cool with the walk-in closet um but for the other rooms I really had no idea and even for the teens room I had no idea what the style was going to be and really placing this wallpaper kind of spurred on the entire like theme and color scheme for the teens room and also basically I wanted to use a few things that came from the um pastel pop kit and like the everyday clutter kit because they're very new and I think the only thing that I really ended up using from the pastel pop kit is the shelf that came with that one this shelf is so cute I love the flowers and pairing it with this rug that came from high school years I thought they just kind of worked together so nicely and also that chair that came from high school years and then those art pieces that I just hung above the bed also came from the pastel pop kit on this computer okay I actually used more than I thought that I did um but yeah I thought these kind of all worked really nicely in here and basically I was just trying to find like posters and artwork and stuff that I kind of thought went along with the color scheme and I was trying to show some personality like I think this teen likes artwork and Muse music and traveling and so I tried to find decorations that were related to that and also I included a couple of skill building items like an art easel and a guitar so um yeah I thought that was kind of a fun idea and I was happy to be able to include a lot more skill building items because sometimes I feel like bedrooms don't always have as many as I would like them to but sometimes bedrooms are just a lot smaller than I had originally planned on them being but um yeah I think this room just ends up being so fun and I loved the closet idea because it reminded me of when I was a teenager I was hanging out with one of my friends and she had a closet that was a pretty good size it was like a square closet and she decided that she wanted to gut it and put her bed in there and build like a platform and we tried building it and we got the dimensions and everything all screwed up and so her dad helped us and it was really cool we ended up putting like this futon mattress on top of the platform and we hung up like string lights in there and we got it really cool for and then we they had an extra couch and so we brought the couch into what was her living or her bedroom and so her bedroom ended up being like another living space and so we just thought that it was like kind of a better use of her bedroom to make the sleeping area so much smaller because then you'd have so many other activities and so much room you could you know or so much room you could do other things so we thought that was kind of fun um I don't know how long she ended up sleeping in the closet I don't think very long because it was kind of small but it was fun while it lasted um but yeah over here I'm decorating the closet area I decided to put some shelves with a few different decorations and then that's it for the teens room and then over here I'm picking out the beds that I want to go in the kids rooms so the purple room ends up being the one that I imagine is like a pre-teen sort of age and then the dinosaur room is for a child Sim and I think this child is smarter than anybody in the house and probably smarter than anybody this child ever runs into except for maybe like a teacher here and there or somebody at the library like they're very smart very genius and very into like science and different sort of activities and just like I included a Scouts board in here the science table and a lot of school projects like I just imagine they're very active in a lot of different activities so they like the scouts for basically the reward system getting like Badges and stuff they're not so into the outdoors I think they're into the outdoors a little bit but they're more into being rewarded for their accomplishments and so I thought that was kind of a fun idea and I really just enjoyed like finding items for this color scheme which is green so everything that I was picking is pretty much green and then I used lots of um science posters and some dinosaur things and other other things that I thought just kind of worked with the theme and everything and so I think this kid likes a lot of different stuff like they like movies and games and stuff and oh they're also really good at chess and thankfully with the everyday clutter kit we got this nice little chess set that's just like a decorative basically a board game chess set and not like the full-on chess table that we have in you know in The Sims 4 and so I just put it on the floor and kind of tucked it partially under the bed and so I imagine that this Sim likes to play chess a lot and they're very good at it and they probably beat their parents all the time I think one of the parents is probably a little bit good at chess but not like competition level and this kid's like competition level so I thought that was kind of fun too and then over here I'm decorating the top of the dresser with some school projects and different decorations I also put some bugs up here that I thought that this Sim had collected probably while on a scouting trip or something like that so maybe they're a little bit more into the outdoors than I had originally thought because I think to keep bugs in your bedroom you probably don't mind being outside too but I don't know let me know what you guys think and then over here is going to be the kids room or pre-teens room I really just wish we had preteens because I feel like there needs to be like an age 13 or 12 or something in between the eight-year-old and the 16 year old it just there needs to be some sort of Middle Ground I don't know let me know if you guys agree I just I feel that way but anyways for this room the color scheme was pretty much spurred on by the wallpaper and the bed that I chose so I used lots of purples lots of Pinks and I used a lot of makeup clutter decorations and I was thinking it's play makeup but if we can pretend the Sim is a preteen then maybe it's real makeup um and then I just tried to find decorations and toys and stuff that I thought suited the color scheme and basically the theme of the room I didn't end up adding really any skill building items in here I had wanted to add like an arts and crafts table but I didn't quite have the space for it and so I decided not to so yeah I don't know I really don't think this Sim is that into like arts and crafts maybe a little bit I definitely think they're more into like makeup and dance and singing and those sorts of activities which is a little bit harder to show in a kid's room but of course I mean the makeup definitely helps and then over here I'm cluttering up the top of the dresser and I thought this mirror decoration with all of the makeup looks so cute and this pegboard that we recently got in the pastel pop kit which so cute it's so perfect for this room in my opinion and here I'm just putting up some like posters and some artwork and stuff that I thought worked nice in here and that's it for the interior so moving on to the exterior I place a barbecue here on the back porch and a couple of decorations like some plant decorations and then on the side of the house I place an outdoor dining table and then a few toys and activities like I was talking about but yeah this is it for the build so hopefully you guys have enjoyed and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots so as always I really appreciate you guys for watching and please leave any comments or just that you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] oh I used to see in colors now it's gray till I met you at the concert the other day tonight we'll turn minutes into days and nothing's gonna make me look away [Music] lift up your head and lean before we leave [Music] a save a kiss pretty please try to reminisce over me know that I will cherish your memories [Music] the whole world is warm Sunny Rays tonight we'll turn mid day [Music] and nothing's gonna make me look away [Music] however we end tonight we'll turn minutes into days [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 74,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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