Large Fall Family Home || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time I am building here in the world of brindleton bay which is of course the world that we got in the cats and dogs expansion pack which has been out for years now it's one of the oldest expansion packs now um but yeah I really love building in this world and you might notice that I'm building in the fall season in this world I pretty much was thinking that this would be like the perfect world to Showcase a fall themed build because there are so many deciduous trees in the surrounding area so all of the leaves turn colors and it's just so vibrant and just so wonderfully fall basically and so that's what I'm doing today it's a fall themed family home I pretty much wanted to do something that was fall like through and through that like the entire house like every room had fall colors I think this particular family leaves a lot of fall colors in their home throughout the entire year just because they like that color palette a little bit more but there's tons of pumpkins around there's fall leaves and of course since it's the fall season all the Landscaping in the build will have the Fall colors as well and I really just tried to give this house a lot of Personality um especially with like the fall theme and like the family living here and just tried to give it just a like a very Lively sort of interior I don't know I really tried to do something different here and not make it feel like one of my typical Suburban family homes I really tried to give it more personality and something that would be easy to transform into like a spooky day home or a harvest fest theme home I think those are the correct terms for the different holidays because of course we don't actually have Halloween in the game and we don't have Thanksgiving in the game but you could of course celebrate the specific holidays that are essentially the same thing as those so yeah I think this one would be easy to adapt to those different holidays in game is my point anyways um but yeah here you can see I'm working on like the shape of the home and the colors and everything I decided to go for white siding and white windows but then bring in some brown colors with like the shutters the shutters that I'm using actually came from Snowy escape and I sized them down to look a little bit more like regular uh like American style shutters or something I don't I don't know if they really do but I liked the color of them and I liked adding a bit more like contrast with like the white siding I tried doing like a brown siding but I just felt like that was a bit too much and I liked the contrast basically and here I'm also using some spandrels or not spandrels the columns that came with cats and dogs in that same brown color and I used it as like a like a trim on the corners of the building and I've done this before but using only white ones I've never done it with a different color I don't think so I was really happy with that effect and if you can notice my voice is already hoarse I think I'm a little bit sick and I'm pre-recording right now which is like the worst time but my voice has been a bit scratchy my mom is coming to visit so I've been working the past few days to get videos ready for her to come visit my husband's also leaving at the same time so it's gonna be me and my son and then my mom will come to visit a couple days after my husband leaves and so I'm trying to get ahead and so I've just been like bulk recording and now I am bulk voice overing and I probably should have done this a little bit differently I should have just recorded a couple of videos did a couple voiceovers recorded a couple more videos and then I did a couple more voiceovers but apparently I don't like to work that way and I like to just build and build and build and then do all the voiceovers at once so at least for right now that's probably not the best best choice since um I'm feeling a bit scratchy but hopefully it's not too much hopefully it doesn't sound too bad but of course you can always let me know if it does hopefully it doesn't but um anyways here I'm working on the Landscaping so as you can see there's the Fall colors and I really liked sizing down those trees and putting them next to the staircase leading to the front door just because it brought the Fall colors like right to the front of the house and I also liked framing the house with more trees and and mixing them between some that kind of just get like a more dull green color with some with more yellow leaves orange leaves and red leaves and just trying to mix them all together and there I just added some lavender and it had this like really rich purple color which I thought was also really fun it made it feel a little bit more like Halloween or something to add something with purple so I thought that was kind of nice in here I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to do the front of the build I had these planters out here from the live edit objects menu but I decided I didn't like them and so I decided to get rid of them and get rid of the pathway leading across the front and just put grass there instead and then of course a few more pumpkins by the mailbox and then I also add this wagon here and I thought it was like so perfect in that color and it just felt so just like right on theme basically and I also really liked the fence that I used at the front I hardly ever use this fence it came with toddlers and or toddler the toddler stuff pack but anyways it's a really low-lying fence which is perfect for a front yard actually because I think it doesn't block the view of the house very much but it still adds a bit of kind of decoration and fullness to a front of a build but typically I think I've used it in the white Swatch but this time I used it in that red Swatch and I thought it was so perfect for the whole theme of the build and everything so I thought that that was a really good color to use basically here I'm working on the floor plan I've been doing this recently where I have actually been figuring out the floor plan before finishing the landscaping and I think it has worked like so it's like so good for me basically um especially doing it like this where the majority of like the shape of the house isn't even finished and so I can kind of customize like the back of the build anyways to fit the specific rooms or to change things a little bit easy year and so I've been very happy with myself for doing that because I think it makes floor planning so much easier because that is something that I struggle with like sometimes floor like floor plans come together pretty easily and I'm pretty amazed that other times I have like you know five plus attempts at doing a floor plan and I still feel like it could be better so sometimes it's just kind of frustrating but um something that you might notice with my reshade the mxao setting is flickering and that's because I have a Sim on the lot and I have a Sim on the lot that way I can have the Fall colors in the surrounding World normally I don't build with a Sim in my builds I just go into build mode and so it's like the default sort of like summary environment or like neutral environment I guess but it's pretty summery um at least with like the colors and everything but I really wanted to have the Fall colors and unfortunately you can't do that in build mode it would be so amazing if you could like control the weather in build mode so you could build in different environments but for some reason recently with uh reshade the mxao settings have been flickering when I have a Sim on a lot especially if I do a lot of different things at once like you know place an object down really fast like in a row or something or delete things really quickly in a row so I try to minimalize that as much as possible because I don't like the flickering I think it's kind of disruptive but I still wanted to kind of mention it so you guys knew what was happening and why it was happening and I've seen it in a few other people's videos so I know it's not just my reshade or something that I'm doing hopefully hopefully it changes soon it was probably something to do with like an update or something because sometimes updates in the game actually conflict with reshade unfortunately especially with the mxao settings and if you guys aren't sure what the mxao settings are they're the settings that cause like the Deep Shadows within the game which you can turn them off if you don't like them if you like the other effects of the reshade you can go into the control panel and just take them off I personally really like them I think they make the game look really rich and full and I think they just make the game look better and so that's why I like using them but anyways here I'm moving on to the backyard I really liked using this base game tile I thought it was so perfect for like a fall themed build just because of the like different uh tones in it like the yellowy tones I thought was just um yeah perfect basically for the color of the build and the theme and everything and also a red barbecuer the red Swing Setter it's kind of like an orangey swing set I also use some planter boxes back here and I filled them with some trees and I picked ones that just plop down automatically there's a few different trees that don't actually turn into the little like dirt piles when you place them in planter boxes or on the ground or something and so um yeah I basically just wanted them to be there while I was decorating so I thought that looked really nice and I think it's just like a pear tree an apple tree and then maybe cherries I think if I'm remembering correctly so I thought those were kind of nice for the theme and everything and then here I'm picking out an outdoor dining table and I also put that little wagon over there which I think is just a table or yeah I'm pretty sure it's just like a surface your Sims can set stuff on I didn't set anything on it because when I placed it I was thinking it was like the wagon that came with toddler stuff where it's like functioning cooler but looks like a wagon but that one I don't think functions the same so you might want to put some decorations on it if you would like to but I didn't think of it while I was decorating and then here on the back steps I'm of course adding more pumpkins and the pumpkins that I'm using by the way came from a bunch of different packs we have quite a few packs now that come with pumpkin so we have seasons of course we also have cottage living and that's where we get the larger pumpkins and there's a few different colors of those and then also spooky day comes with some pumpkins and a lot of them have jack-o-lantern faces or different sort of like carvings on them but I turn them around just because I wanted the like color of them because they have a really nice variety of like bright orange light orange green and white and I think there's like two different greens so I thought that was a nice way to show like different types of like pumpkins and different colors and stuff but I didn't want the jack-o-lantern faces because I wanted this to more be just a general fall house not a spooky day house but you could easily just turn those pumpkins around and then quickly turn this build into a house ready for spooky day and maybe add a few sort of more like Halloween decorations on the exterior of the house especially if you use the item that came from Seasons the little like uh tub that you can just click on and add lights and Banners and stuff like the spandrels and the fences and like the roof line of the house that would be an easy way of course to turn this to any sort of like holiday themed spooky day or harvest fest or I mean Christmas too but this house isn't really ready for Christmas but um you could probably easily turn it into a Christmas house if you wanted to to swap out some of the decorations for more wintery looking items and yeah here I'm just continuing with the porridge the front porch this time adding a chair and some more sort of just like plants and stuff that I thought were appropriate for the season and kind of went along with the theme and everything and that's pretty much like the whole like plan of attack basically for the build is just to pick things that are in the fall coloring kind of go with the theme and I also added a woodworking table over there on the front porch as well just to add an activity and on the back porch there's an art easel just to kind of make the outdoors a little bit more interactive and stuff like that but you could easily swap them out for like a chess table or maybe a don't make the Llama table or something like that if you want your Sims to do some like family interactions but right now they're just like solo interactions and then here I'm moving on to the interior in the first room that I decorate is the living room I decided to move the fireplace along this wall because I was going to have it along the other wall but I thought it would make the living room more like inviting if you didn't walk in and face like the back of a couch or something if you walked in and just saw the fronts of the couches hopefully that makes sense I just felt like it would be kind of closed off if I would have the fireplace like the main focal part be along this wall and sometimes I do it that way but I think for other Interiors or other floor plans it just kind of works out better that way for this one I didn't think that was the case and yeah I'm just continuing adding more fall themed decorations and lots of like sunflowers orange colors that basket that came from cottage living was absolutely perfect for this interior because it has a pillow with a pumpkin on it and of course like the the colors and everything are perfect but I really love that plaid throw in there with the tassels I wish we had that as like a decoration to throw on a couch or something that would be so cool and then there on the coffee table I used a basket you can find it in the debug menu from um Jungle Adventure but I sized it up and I actually dropped it down using the tool mod to make it look like it was a little bit of a a like a shallower basket and I wanted it to look like it was um basically like a tray to hold stuff on the coffee table and so I put a few items in there that I thought went along with the theme and everything and of course I'm decorating the mantle with the theme and so this house pretty much has everything to do with fall like the colors of it but like I said I think the home pretty much has fall colors already even throughout like the summer months and everything I think the family really likes those colors and so that was um something that I was thinking for the build but they come through and add like different decorations depending on the season especially when it comes to like Harvest Fest and like spooky day and like when it just turns fall in general I think the family really enjoys adding all of those decorations I'm not sure if they go all out for you know Winter Fest or what's the Valentine's Day equivalent game I'm not sure the name of that but um heart day or something I don't know what is it called I really don't know actually um but I'm not sure if they're so into those holidays but especially the fall season because I think the family actually likes the spookier things in life especially the parents um the kids too actually I think everybody equally because I decorated the kids rooms in more of like a spookier theme in a way I tried to go along with the different occults and games so like the toddler's room is a werewolf themed bedroom and then the teens room is more of like vampires I guess but I tried to go for like a pastel goth look I don't know if that's the correct term but more of like a girly themed goth and we have a bed that came from high school years that was so perfect for that idea and I almost forgot that bed exists and I'm really happy that I like looked through the swatches and I found it because I have been wanting to use that bed since I saw it so I thought that was perfect for the teens room and then there's also a child's room so three bedrooms for the children in the house and the child's room I was thinking it's more cow plant themed but maybe it's kind of um like the spellcasters theme but there's not really anything specifically in there that feels spell castery there's more cow plants than anything so you guys will see that of course when we get onto the bedrooms and then the parents of the build I think there's two parents I don't specifically know what both of them do but one of them is heavily into uh like fortune telling and all the interactions that came with the Paranormal stuff pack so I have a room specifically in the build with the um the table and like the what I'm not sure exactly what you call that table exactly but it has like the crystal ball on it and you can do all the interactions that came with the Paranormal stuff pack I've never actually played with it so I'm not exactly sure what comes along with that but I also put a voodoo doll on the table and I thought that that was really fun so I think one of the parents primarily does that as like a living and people come to the house and they like tell their fortunes and do different sort of like readings and stuff like that so I think that would be a really fun character to play with and so I really enjoyed that and then the other parent I think they just are very supportive and they work outside of the house and I'm not exactly sure what they do for a living they were kind of left out of my mind basically um and then over here is going to be the kitchen I quickly decorated the dining room I absolutely love the dining table with all of the pumpkins and the candles and the sunflowers it just felt so like harvesty to me I like pretty much after building this I am ready to go to a pumpkin patch and have some apple cider and go um pick out a couple pumpkins like I really would love that I went to one in Oregon last year when I was visiting my family and it was so perfect it was like the most perfect fall day it was like cool but sunny and we got like the most delicious apple cider and they had little animals there and it was such a fun day and it was so fun taking my son there he was like uh 11 months old at the time 10 months old at the time I think when we went there and so now he is almost two and so he's so much bigger and it would be so much fun to take him to one again so I can't wait to do that it's gonna be a blast um but yeah over here in the kitchen as you can see I chose some darker wood for the counters and cabinets with these black tops I thought that worked really nicely and then I loved the red um bar stools at the at the bar counter and so I guess it's not a bar counter what would you call that an island that's the word for it um at the island counter and so I thought that that worked really nicely also these yellow curtains I thought were pretty fun as well and then I really enjoyed using the um stove and refrigerator that came from the uh Country Kitchen kit I use those actually quite frequently I think more frequently than I thought I was going to when I originally saw them but I love the variety of colors and like the style of them I think is super fun but this like darker green color I thought was absolutely perfect for um this build and I actually sized up the stove just slightly and so I'm not sure if that causes any weird animations or anything I'm imagining that it still functions just as it should but it possibly has maybe a weird animation with it so I need to play test that if it does I will decide to back down and um yeah it'll look just as it normally did the only reason I sized it up is because I used um some of the smaller counters on either side of it to fit in the space a little bit better and there was a tiny bit of a gap and so I didn't want there to be the Gap so I just made the stove bigger to fill in the Gap um you might have noticed that when I was placing them but if not hopefully my explanation makes sense and yeah I'll play test it to make sure it functions just as it should and then here I'm picking out different decorations to fill up the counters with I made sure to leave one of them open but I really just wanted to add a lot of clutter and a lot of decoration so the one to the right of the sink there's a full counter completely open so hopefully that doesn't cause any problems but I think that's all your Sims really need is just one counter to be able to do all of their cooking interactions on of course if you want to have multiple sins cooking at once then you might want to remove something but I think for like the whole you know style of the build and everything more clutter in the kitchen was necessary and so maybe the other parent is really into cooking and baking maybe they own a restaurant or work at a restaurant and still cook at home a lot too that could be a possibility I don't know let me know if you guys have any ideas for the second parent this is the hallway leading to the downstairs bathroom and then that Seance room I guess that's what you would call those interactions with the crystal ball and everything I don't know correct me or let me know the right terms because I'm not exactly sure I also really loved using these curtains that came from high school years I thought they were a really nice um like color and like curtain to use in this particular build and then also the one from cats and dogs that I'm using here in the kitchen and in this bathroom I thought were also really nice and so I really liked including a different variety of curtains in this build I felt like that worked pretty nicely because some builds I feel like it doesn't work like mismatching the curtains I feel like one curtain is like the only possible option basically for that particular build um but for this one that's more colorful and more um I guess just not so modern it's quite traditional I think that works better so uh let me know if you guys agree but uh yeah anyways here in this bathroom it's a full bathroom downstairs um you could easily add a washer and dryer in here I considered it and I decided not to but you could easily add one in this bathroom if you wanted to have that interaction or gameplay in your build so yeah it's a nice bathroom it has a shower and a tub and a sink and a toilet I do add a toddler potty in there I also add a high chair I believe in the kitchen once I decide to do a toddler's bedroom moving on because I wasn't really sure exactly what bedrooms I was going to do at this point I was kind of making them up once I moved on to the second floor but uh yeah anyways over here is going to be the room with the uh paranormal stuff pack interactions so there's the Seance table there's the fireplace from that pack as well and I had forgot how beautiful at least this particular Swatch is because a lot of the items that came in that pack are very colorful and so I like them but they're just kind of hard to use sometimes just because they're so vibrant in color and I'm not as confident building that like colorful of things although I do have a couple of more colorful things coming up one on my uh CC Channel if you guys haven't heard of it yet it's called seamlessly with CC and over there I'm doing full-on like CC bills from my entire CC collection and then I also have one coming up on this channel that I've pre-recorded and it's an apartment and it's quite an eccentric apartment but I think it's really fun and it's a little bit more of a fall themed but it's not like a full-on fall apartment but I definitely want to do one of those probably after my husband comes back home so yeah anyways I'm just continually decorating this room trying to add a lot of personality in here just adding um lots of cool different objects I really like that cow plant that's in like the terrarium or whatever you would call that little glass enclosure I thought that looked pretty cool and also the hand sculpture that came with paranormal stuff pack and then this whole like uh Gallery wall I thought was pretty cool and I also really liked including this cabinet that came from vampires I thought that worked really nicely in here as well I like the decorations inside of it like the skull on that book and then I also added a radio in here just because I felt like it needed one basically and it gave me another surface to add more decorations and I forgot about the little hand that has like the different I guess palm reading stuff on it I remember it in here this is going to be like a little Library slash office space at the very front of the house and so I remember it in here and so I placed one in just a moment and yeah in here I have a computer I decided to use this one that came from I believe it's from cottage living but it looks more like a typewriter I felt like that was more appropriate for like the family that lives here and like the theme and everything of the build and I just add a few decorations up on top of it and then there's lots of bookcases in here because I think all of the family members enjoy reading quite a lot and I think that goes along nicely with a more fall themed build do you guys say fall or Autumn I'm curious because I see a lot of people who do fall themed builds in game call it like an autonomous I don't even know how to say that correctly autonomous I think is how you say it um yeah they call it a bat sort of theme build or they say autumn um so I'm not really sure in the United States is it more common to say autumn or fall in my experience at least here on the West Coast it's fall definitely you don't hear Autumn too often um but maybe on the East Coast or maybe in like the center part of the country or in the South or something maybe Autumn is more common but I feel like in other countries Autumn when people are speaking English is more common I don't know let me know your guys's experiences because I would be curious um and yeah here I'm moving on to the second floor so I did decide to make the staircase open to the first floor I thought that this would be a really like Grand effect when you're walking into the home and so you could easily just enclose it if you needed another bathroom or another bedroom you could have like a small bedroom there all of the bedrooms in this build I think are quite large this is actually a pretty big home I was surprised when I was doing the floor plan how big this house actually turned out to be because I didn't realize it from the exterior I mean I knew it was like a large house but the lot itself I think is only a 30 by 20. so this is like a lot of house I feel like on that size of a lot but there I picked out all of the bedrooms so like I was saying earlier there's a toddler room a kid's room and a teen's room and I just picked out like the bedding that I wanted to use the one that is the like reddish pink bedding I don't end up keeping that bed but the other ones I do end up keeping so yeah this one is going to be the parents bedroom I thought this bed that came from cats and dogs was so perfect in this room along with the curtains that came from high school years I liked the combination of like colors and everything it just felt very just harvesty and very fall themed it was super fun for me to decorate pretty much this entire house I really enjoyed doing something that was so themed throughout an entire build I definitely need to do more throughout like the whole holiday season pretty much from now moving past Christmas I think I need to do lots more because I think that would be a lot of fun uh over here I'm trying to figure out what dressers I wanted to use I decided to use these dressers that came from high school years and then I put a vanity table in between them because I do think that that was like an appropriate thing to put in this build I could really see probably the Sim that's more into the whole like Paranormal stuff probably does their makeup quite a bit and so I thought that that was nice to have in here and yeah it gave me another surface basically to add fall themed decorations I really like that um little paper lantern it came from Seasons but it has a little fall leaf on it so I thought that was pretty cute and then here I'm going to quickly decorate the upstairs bathroom so this is the only bathroom upstairs so if you really felt like the parents needed like an ensuite or something you could easily turn that area at the open part of the staircase into a small bathroom but I didn't think it was necessary I think two bathrooms is plenty especially two full bathrooms and also the office space could be turned into a bathroom if you really wanted to but I think an office is more fun so um you could also add like a bush or something outside you could just have your Sims go outside um Kind of a Funny idea but it's definitely a possibility and honestly if you wanted to you could make one of the bedrooms smaller or two of the bedrooms smaller and squeeze in another bathroom too I think there's a lot of different options but I was actually really happy with how large all of these bedrooms were because I was able to add so much um decorations and personality and you guys probably know by now how much I love decorating kids bedrooms I just think they're so much fun because I feel like you can just go all out a lot more and make it feel a lot more just vibrant with their personality by adding like posters and stuff and I feel like it's a little bit harder to do in an adult space let me know if you guys agree but that's how I feel you may have noticed I was trying to place a curtain that came from cats and dogs the other one that I've been using throughout the entire build and then we had one that had stars on it but it looked so close to like like in the American flag sort of stars and I was really wanting one that looked more like a starry night I think that would be so cool so I decided not to use it I thought that these base game curtains worked a little bit better uh there I was just adding the toddler stuff to make sure that you had some items for a toddler in the build but like I was saying earlier this room is going to be more of like a werewolf theme I don't think this toddler is a werewolf necessarily you could definitely include that in your gameplay if you decided to play in here but I was more just going for that theme and using a lot of items from that pack and I really loved the blue and black color scheme that I used in here and I could have swore that we had a starry night wallpaper that came in base game or a pack or something and I looked and I looked and I looked for it and then I realized it was custom content I've been using so much custom content recently on my CC channel of course that I I'm kind of mixing up objects sometimes now I'll think that something is like a part of Base game or a pack and then I'll realize that it's custom content and I get kind of disappointed because there's some really good items over there so if you guys haven't seen it yet or maybe you're not really sure about custom content definitely check out my CC Channel because I think cc is amazing and it's really good and it's a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying those builds so I think you guys might like it too but anyways yeah here I'm just continuing with uh decorations I found this wallpaper that's I think it's base game um but I felt like it was close enough to a starry night so um yeah it worked in here as like an accent wall color and then other than that I'm just trying to find decorations that go along with the theme and the color scheme and everything and I really just I had a lot of fun with this toddler room I feel like sometimes toddler rooms are a little bit difficult to decorate especially when it comes to adding like a variety of themes because we only have so many items for toddlers and like babies in game I'm really hoping that we get like like a nursery themed kit and just get lots more like wall art and new toddler beds bassinets and just different furniture and toy pieces and stuff that would be more appropriate for a toddler because I feel kind of limited but for this theme I felt like we actually had quite a bit and a lot of different Furniture pieces that I felt like worked nicely in here and I really enjoyed doing the werewolf theme I thought it was a lot of fun and so yeah hopefully you guys like this room too over here I do have a bookcase I'm going to add some uh decorations I find some like uh books and stuff for werewolves that I thought was nice to include in here so I put one over here on the bookcase and then one on that side table uh by the chairs a little reading Corner which I thought was cute I usually like to include those if I have the space for it in a toddler room but um yeah anyways over here is going to be the teens room this might be my favorite room I don't know I actually like all of the rooms pretty equally which is kind of um kind of different for me usually I have at least one room that stands out more to me but I love the toddler room I love this room I love the kids room the parents room is good too but it's kind of just lumped into like the rest of the house and I like the house but um each of these rooms I think just have so much personality but I've never done a room that looks like this it's more of like a pastel goth theme and so I felt like it was really refreshing and something completely different for my decorating style and thankfully this stuffed animal bat teddy bear thing actually comes in like the perfect colors for this theme and we actually have some really nice posters that came from werewolves and came from like high school years and I think some of the furniture that came from high school years was good for this um theme as well but uh yeah this bed is so perfect because it has skulls on it but it's in that more like pastel color scheme so I thought that was really fun and ever since I saw that bed I knew I wanted to use it in this sort of a theme for the bedroom so I'm happy that it finally happened basically so hopefully you guys like it too um over here I do have a desk space I use this desk that came from high school years I thought this color was pretty perfect and I'm just cluttering it up with a bunch of different decorations that I thought this teenager would like and yeah also this bat fish plaque that I thought was also pretty fun as well so yeah I really enjoyed finding the different decorations I felt like we just had so many good things for this theme and so yeah I don't know I really enjoyed it hopefully you guys like this room as much as I did and you may have noticed I decided to use a full double bed instead of pushing two twin beds next to each other I do do that in the kids room and I've been doing that for a while now I just think that it makes the proportions of the twin bed a little bit better it just looks better better to me in interiors and so you of course don't have to leave the two you could just remove one of them and have one single bed there I was going to do that in here but this particular bed didn't overlap as nicely as some of the other ones I mean they all don't overlap perfectly but some better than others that one just really didn't look that good so the double bed worked better and I think for a team that that's pretty appropriate but uh yeah in here it's going to be the kids room so like I was saying earlier this ends up being more like a cow plant room or just a plant room in general I add lots of green in here lots of decorations that are more like outdoorsy plant related and so I think it's kind of a spellcastery sort of vibe maybe like a plant witch Vibe I don't know but I don't think any of the family members actually have any powers or anything magical about them except for maybe the parent that's into fortune telling because maybe they're actually quite good at it and have some sort of abilities to talk to you know Sims beyond the grave or something I don't really know what all you can actually do with that Seance table or what interactions actually come in that stuff pack I'd be curious to know maybe maybe I could implement it more in different builds and stuff so let me know anyways in here I added this really cool uh cow plant sort of like tapestry thing that we got from high school years I thought that was pretty cool and then I also add these little cow plant they're supposed to be like wedding Toppers but it's such a cute little decoration it came from my wedding stores and you can find it by turning on the debug menu and so it's such a great object and so I thought that was pretty cute to include in here I was also going to add another cow plant terrarium but then I felt like it was kind of overboard with the cow plants so I end up removing it and replacing it for something else over here and there's already one of those down in the Seance room so I don't know but you could easily place it in here if you felt like it was necessary but I also put a frog in here which I thought was pretty fun to give this kid a pet because I think this kid would be very much into like frogs and uh those sorts of creatures and stuff but um yeah anyways we're getting close to the end of the video so I hope you guys have enjoyed and like I've been talking about earlier I am working on my patreon page so you guys can go over there if you're interested in seeing like work in progresses screenshots uh those sorts of things you guys can get early access to my builds via tray files and then I'm working on having early access to my videos as well so far it's only uh the videos for my CC Channel but soon it'll be these ones too but I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope you guys enjoy the screenshots so thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye I went out and tried to call a pine tree down fell through the ground like Alice [Music] oh what a sound this must be a name I got a rocks and sticks against my chest I'm a Alice [Music] dear Queen of Hearts [Music] so you can learn to be kind [Music] so you can learn to be kind foreign [Music] [Music] like Alice first hand me sizzles [Music] and bring out the heavy artillery oh Justice is my middle name I'm Alice dear Queen of Hearts [Music] so you can learn to be kind [Music] of taking your heart [Music] so you can learn to be kind [Music] of house [Music] time and the Horizon Silver Line [Music] thank you
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 82,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: sbmBiDBNcQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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