Copperdale Modern Home || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign build so today I am building here in the world of copperdale which is of course the world that we got in the high school years expansion pack so it's a fairly new world because that was the last expansion pack that we got and I was like a month ago a month and a half ago something like that it's been a little bit of time but not very long and actually when we first got this world it had some pretty harsh Shadows especially like midday in this world uh but thankfully with the latest patch they've kind of eased up on the Shadows I think they kind of change the angle of the sunlight in the world if I remember correctly I think that's what they did but either way it's a lot easier to build in this world it's a lot easier to see because I was even noticing when I would watch other people's speed builds how dark the world was and I was honestly not really planning on building here very much but thankfully they fixed it because um yeah I guess a lot of people brought it to their attention and I'm really thankful so anyways today I am building a modern style home for copperdale so far I've built pretty traditional homes suburbani type houses and I wanted to do something a little bit different and I found an image on Pinterest I'll put it up on screen so you guys can see what I was looking at but basically I could just see that build in this world and it was really inspiring to me so I just started building it without any real plan on who was going to live in this particular home but as I was building it I kind of developed a story and a personality for the Sim that lives here I think it's either a single Sim or a couple I don't know I haven't quite decided on that so if you guys have an idea let me know but I definitely think like the main Sim that lives here is a retired musician and I think they were part of like a band but not like the lead singer so their face isn't that recognizable so there they can kind of live amongst regular people basically and not really get noticed unless somebody's like a super big fan but I imagine they were like the guitarist or something like that and so they're very wealthy they retired young I imagine the band probably still does some gigs every once in a while but mainly they're fairly retired and so um I was thinking this Sim really loves nature loves hiking fishing and all of those sorts of like outdoor activities and so when they were looking for a place to retire to copperdale was like perfect for them basically and it's a small enough place and people don't really I guess keep up with uh I guess pop culture basically so he Blends in um perfectly to this world and so I thought that that was a really nice idea and nobody recognizes him and I think it's pretty fun so let me know what you guys think about that story and I really just tried to make the home Feel clean modern and also I tried to add music equipment so in the dining room there's a keyboard there's a signed guitar and a microphone in the bedroom and then the garage is more of like the kind of like a wreck space it's a functioning garage like there's some storage and stuff but mostly the Sim uses it as their hangout and maybe like a little bit of practice space and thankfully there's no neighbors like close by so the Sim is able to like Play Music as loud as they want basically any time of day and nobody hears them I mean unless they're out like hiking around in the trails because it looks like maybe there's some places for your Sims to walk honestly I don't know though I've never I've never played in this world I mean I've done some play testing but I haven't actually played and I should probably play at some point because it would probably be helpful for building because then I'd have a better idea what Sims can actually do but um you guys are pretty good about letting me know in the comments um but yeah over here is going to be a garage and so that's the garage space that I was talking about where the Sim like does all of their music and I also really liked the Landscaping on this build this wasn't necessarily taken from the inspiration image I was just kind of making up what I thought looked nice with the house and so I did like gravel flower beds and then I Incorporated a few like Greenery with some white flowers and some rocks and then I also used some live edit objects Agave plans and I feel like they probably don't grow very easily in this world but the Sim has managed to take care of them here I feel like that happens every once in a while I grew up in Oregon which is the Pacific Northwest so it's a very wet there's lots of evergreen trees and Ferns and you know moss and those sorts of plants that thrive in a more wet environment and kind of like our cold hearty basically and every once in a while you would go see somebody's house or go past a house and they would have like a palm tree and you're like how is this palm tree surviving like what are they doing and so I kind of was thinking it was one of those cases and so I thought that was kind of a fun idea because it felt kind of like nostalgic for me in a way and kind of realistic too so let me know if you guys ever like run into that when you're in a more like a colder sort of um place or a place where tropical plants or desert-like plants don't typically grow and then you see one thriving and you just wonder how it happens because I feel like that's happened to me a lot um here I'm just expanding the side of the house just a little bit making the garage a little bit bigger because I knew I was going to want to have the bedroom on that side of the build and I wanted space for it and I was just basically trying to make the back of a build look nice with the front of the build because I definitely was mainly looking at inspiration for the front of the house and kind of just making up the back of it to fit the front and basically I just mirrored it for the most part I added a little extra porch at the back and I just have like a little outdoor seating area with a barbecuer and I also really love the Skylight that I put above the main area or like the middle area of the house and that's where the kitchen is and this kitchen is so just like dreamy in my opinion like this Sim definitely probably likes to cook or maybe they live with a significant other and they like to cook I don't know let me know if you guys have any ideas but I definitely think if you're going to buy a house like this that has this kitchen cooking is one of your top priorities so hopefully you guys like that and here I'm using the new windows that came with the luxury or desert Luxe kit I thought they were perfect for adding that sort of like modern feel and they were really interesting looking this feels like like a super custom home in my opinion and so I felt like adding Windows like that really added to that like custom look and I thought they were really interesting and also speaking of that kit I used the couches again okay so I'm going to use them quite a bit I just use them in The Farmhouse I use them in this build I just finished two apartments using them I'm gonna have to like space them out a little bit so you guys don't get too burnt out on those couches but they're new and I like them they're pretty and I feel like with doing modern Interiors we don't have a lot of great like modern couches that look comfortable a lot of them look either just like too firm or they don't have pillows or they kind of look modern but then they I don't know have some like weird color or something I just feel like we don't have like a lot of great options and so I've been on kind of a modern kick lately and they're just so perfect and I actually finished 888 Spire apartment and I'm so so excited I know so many of you guys have been asking for so long and it's a build for my save file and that's another thing that you guys have been asking about a lot I've gotten questions in the comments I've gotten questions on Twitter about it so you guys are definitely like wondering what's going on with the save file I don't have anything other than that in like works for it right now I just haven't been that inspired to work on the save in a while it's just such a big project and I feel like it's easy to get kind of burnt out and yeah I don't know I just haven't been that inspired and we've gotten so many new worlds and things since I've released the second version of it that I'm just so behind and it's kind of discouraging but you know I'll keep working on it and um I do have one coming up like I said but I'm probably gonna space it out a little bit just so you guys don't get burnt out on the couches because I use the couches in that apartment um but yeah I just like them and yeah you'll see them here on this interior but right now I'm working on the floor plan trying to figure out where all of the rooms are going to be located how everything's going to flow together I actually really like this floor plan it's very different I think than pretty much any floor plan I've done before it only has one bathroom and one bedroom by the way if you really wanted to you could probably squeeze in another bathroom and you could easily turn the garage into a second bedroom if you would like to but I really imagined that this was for a single Sim or a couple only and they're like you know adults virgin on becoming elders but maybe they're just some really wealthy young adults and they don't have children either so I don't know I think there's a lot of possibilities uh here I'm working on the Landscaping at the back of the build I just continued with my idea for the front with the gravel flower beds and some evergreen trees I used these ones that came from the werewolves pack I just really love the texture on them I think they look so good like the leaf texture is interesting and the bark has some sort of like like a roughness to it and some like moss and different sort of like just textures and stuff so it looks a lot more interesting in my opinion than some of the other Evergreen like trees that we have in game and then over here I have these two trees but I do swap it out for just a single tree one that came with the high school years pack so it Blends in nicely to the world these ones came with high school years too just kind of felt like a bit much to have another set of two tall trees on the opposite side and I wanted to keep the other one so I felt like they were more of a priority in my opinion um here I'm adding a couple more chimneys these chimneys came from seasons and I just sized them up a little bit using the tool mod just so they fit the look of the house a little bit better and looked a little bit Fuller and a little bit bigger and I do end up placing a fireplace in the bedroom so there's two of them in the build one in the bedroom and then one in the living room and both of them are from the desert Luxe kit just because I'm obsessed and I really think that style actually goes really nicely with this particular style so it was kind of nice that that pack could be so versatile even though it's very desert themed I'm really enjoying it like the wallpaper I think is really cool it's very interesting and then also the flooring is really pretty too so I'm just completely obsessed are you guys liking it as well and speaking of it it is free so you might as well get it because it's free and it's only gonna be free for so long I believe October 17th so um yeah I think that's very exciting hopefully more things are going to be free and then after the 17th so the 18th moving forward the base game is going going to be free and I'm definitely planning on some base game builds for that when that happens so definitely if you have friends that don't have the Sims yet let them know that it's going to be free and yeah I'll be working on some base game builds so hopefully I can have a couple of them up for when the base game is free basically um but anyways here I have moved on to the interior for the decorating style I went with lots of Browns blacks creams whites just very very earthy and natural feeling I think that that suits this build um pretty well I think it matches the style of the exterior and I think it matches the Sim that I had in mind since the Sim I think really likes the outdoors and they have probably lived a pretty chaotic lifestyle basically and I think they were probably part of like a rock band so I imagine most of their life has been pretty wild and crazy and now that they are at least I don't know retired they've slowed down at some you know in some way and and so this is their tranquil space this is their dream home and I wanted it to feel more just like a calm kind of neutral environment and I guess I'm just kind of in the mood for that basically because of the desert Lux kit is very neutral the next apartment that I'm doing is a very neutral style apartment and even the 888 Spire apartment is quite neutral as well it's a little bit more like fancy and high-end because I think that suits that style of apartment I'm just like completely blown away that I actually built something in that apartment because I have really been dreading it and very just intimidated by that apartment so hopefully you guys are looking forward to it I'm working on a Suburban home right now and that one is definitely not going to need the desert looks kid that much I mean maybe I'll use like one or two things perhaps um if that but uh yeah I'll try to put that in somewhere in the middle to kind of break up so much desert looks and stuff um but yeah anyways over here is the dining room and over here I'm creating a little bit of like a music space with the keyboard I also put a music trophy which I thought was pretty nice to include in this build and then some artwork and then there's just like a few candles on the dining table and that's pretty much it so it's very simple but I loved using that dining table I think it came from cats and dogs but it's just extremely like rustic and I think it just suits the build so nicely and then over here is the entryway so for the entryway I just put like a few simple entryway like decorations and I think it looks really nice I was kind of bothered by the coat rack because it didn't span across the two tile wall that I have it next to so I tried placing two of them next to each other and it just they didn't overlap very nicely with like the scarves and everything and like the shoes so what I decided to do was change the wall color behind it and then once I did that I think it didn't bother me as much it didn't look as like awkward and empty place there and so I think that was a pretty good solution and then over here is going to be that dream creamy amazing kitchen that I was talking about earlier I just I'm completely obsessed with this kitchen I think it is so just interesting and unique and refreshing and I just I had so much fun decorating this kitchen and so hopefully you guys like it as much as I do because I just think it is so cool I love the big Windows you have the view of like the carnival area and you have the front view of the house which is like all foresty and then the lake and it's just it's really cool like I think this would be such a cool spot um to be so I really like that I decided to do two of the glass skylights above the kitchen island so I could fit the range hood I thought this range hood would just match the style of the kitchen really nicely and I don't think I'm making the skylights smaller raining of separating them really took too much away from that so I felt like that worked out pretty nicely and then here I'm trying to find some like clutter items to put around the kitchen and I tried to keep this pretty simple I wanted it to feel like a Sim action lived here so I do add some decorations but I think for this particular style a lot of clutter isn't necessary and just would look kind of um out of place especially since how minimal I was decorating the rest of the Interior so I tried to continue with that but with kitchens I really like clutter so it's kind of hard but I think I added just enough but of course you guys can let me know what you guys think maybe you disagree or maybe you guys would do something different definitely let me know but I thought it looked really nice and I really liked how the stovetop was on the island but then the oven part is over by the refrigerator I liked how they're separate and I just thought that looked so nice and I just love the view from these windows like it looks so good oh yeah over here I'm using some of the wine racks that came from I think it's from the dine out game pack but I sized them down and then I stack them on top of each other it just looks like a big wine collection basically is what I was thinking and then here is the outdoor area so I just put a couple of uh like little couches basically wool couch in a seat I use these ones I came from Seasons I think the style of these also worked really nicely with the style of the build and then the barbecue came from the desert Luxe kit and I also thought that was pretty perfect for this style too so yeah it's just a nice little outdoor space I thought about putting an outdoor dining table there as well but I decided not to the space was pretty small if you really wanted an outdoor dining space there is the porch that wraps around the other side I didn't add anything over there just because I didn't think it was totally necessary but you could easily fit just like a tiny um you know two-seater dining table over there and you could easily have your Sims dine outside and have like a great view of the water and I don't think it would um take up too much space in the porch area because that's why I didn't add anything that porch was like so small and I just felt like it would just be too crowded and cramped but you could probably fit a small dining table or even a chest table too but I didn't really see chess as being too much of this Sims thing they're definitely more into like music and I also thought reading too so I put some bookcases in here I definitely think they're probably mostly music books um probably some like novels and other books and stuff too but probably they primarily read about music because this is this Sim's whole world they're completely obsessed and so I think that's a nice idea but anyways um this is the bedroom the bedroom feels very industrial because the side tables and the dressers that I used came from the industrial Loft kit but I really like them I think the like style of them actually goes really nicely with this build and then that chair that I placed in the corner Came From Snowy escape and I sized it up using the tool mod just because when I placed it I liked it with like the fuzzy throw and like the colors and everything and it matches the bed nicely because the bed also came with that pack but the chair just looked so puny over there it just looks so small and so I don't exactly know how it's going to look if your Sims sit on that chair because I did size it up so if it bothers you you could of course just remove that one and place the shape like the same chair again in its place and it'll be the regular size and so it shouldn't have any weird um interactions with the Sims or anything but I just I don't know I felt like the tear just looked so small but I want to use that one so sizing it up was a good solution for me and then over here is going to be the bathroom so like I was saying earlier this is the only bathroom in the build and I think it ends up being really nice I decided to do this cool like double shower over here um right here I was trying to find a glass piece to make it look like it had like a door that was open but all of the doors at an angle or off the windows that I was trying to use um they like became like wider when I placed them on the wall so I just felt like it was going to take up way too much space and not really have the look that I was going for because I more wanted it to feel just like a little glass piece was just like propped open or the door to the shower was open a little bit but I think for yeah this particular case it wasn't going to work out the way I wanted to but I really like how I used the platform to raise up the shower onto another level I thought that looked really interesting and then other than that there's of course a sink a toilet some bathroom clutter items and yeah I don't know I think it looks nice I think it matches the rest of the build it's just like a nice nice bathroom basically and then of course I'm using these curtains that came from the desert looks kit throughout the entire build I'll probably use these curtains too much but I really love how the curtain rod is separated so you can actually span them across you know a single tile window or two three four like basically as many tiles long as you want it to be because they're completely customizable so it's a very awesome in my opinion and I hope that these aren't going to be the only curtains that they do this with because I would love to see more of it um and then over here is going to be the garage space so like I was saying for the garage I think it's a functional garage I think they do have things like you know they have their bicycles in here and maybe some storage I put some base game shelves in here that look like it might have some garage related Decor on it but it still felt quite in industrial looking um and then I also placed some music equipment in there I decided to replace the guitar that I had in the bedroom for that signed one because I was thinking they would probably keep the signed guitar somewhere safer like inside the house and not in the garage because I feel like maybe the garage would be easier to break into I don't know but I think I mean we don't have burglars in the game so I guess that's not going to happen but um I don't know it just felt like it would be safer to have it in the bedroom but I think this home is probably pretty safe and that's why this Sim feels pretty comfortable about keeping the rest of their music equipment in the garage um and so I really enjoyed adding these in here we have some really great items from like the Moschino stuff pack and so like the uh instrument cases that I use in here came with that stuff pack we also have these really nice art pieces that came from the get famous expansion pack so they're like these framed guitars I guess they're supposed to be like famous guitars from like movies or something but maybe they're supposed to be musicians guitars I don't know but I thought they were perfect to add in here and I don't think they would have looked that great maybe in the rest of the Interior I don't know I might be wrong but I didn't think about using them until I was decorating the garage so maybe they would be better off in the inside of the house but I felt like it really added to the look of the garage so I was pretty happy with the way that all came together then I just added some dumpsters in here and then this is pretty much it for the entire build I hope you guys have enjoyed this one I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots um here I'm just adding the final few details and then we're on to screenshot so thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or assistance you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] porch same song from the store he was a score [Music] he was really Within [Music] she lived in the Panic made a home with the Sirens [Music] five boys [Music] like a bird's space [Music] later [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 57,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: EZRc_8_C7sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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