Lighthouse Family Home || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's lucy here so welcome to another speed build so today i am building another family home and this time i am building one that is a lighthouse i'm very excited about it because i've actually gotten a lot of requests to build a lighthouse um especially since we got the option to do round walls and i have to tell you guys the round wall feature is such a pain i was struggling with it a lot so you might notice that some of it is cut out because i was just struggling trying to add stairs the stairs were a little bit easier because i was kind of like putting them in the house but it was taking away too much from like the interior and then also i was gonna have to add like a second little like pop-out piece to the round room to make them work at like the very top to get the sims to go to the very third floor of the lighthouse um and so that wasn't going to work and then ladders is what i originally planned on using because i'm like they'll take up no space they'll be easy to place inside of a round room no you can't place them in a round room whatsoever so i just found that absolutely ridiculous but i made it work i had to place the ladders on the exterior of the lighthouse and yeah i don't know it's just not what i had envisioned for the lighthouse i still love it though i still love this build though this is probably one of the most beautiful builds i have ever created like the thumbnail is like the best thumbnail i have ever made and it was just so easy because the lighting here on this lot and just like the house and everything just looks so pretty and i'm obsessed so hopefully you guys like this build as much as i do and yeah hopefully you guys have had better luck with round rooms than i have because i don't know i think it's probably mostly to do because i used the smallest round room you can create which is like a perfect circle maybe if i would have used a larger one then you could place you know stairs or a ladder in them easily i just feel like a ladder is just kind of obvious for a small space like that so it just seems ridiculous that it didn't fit but anyways for this build i really wanted to make it a family home so there's a couple of bedrooms there's a couple of bathrooms and i really just wanted to give it like super coastal decor i've been really enjoying coastal builds recently i've done a few i've done one on this channel recently and i've done a couple on my cc channel and i actually just finished another one for my cc channel i'm gonna have to hold off a little bit because i do know that charlie pancakes is coming out with a coastal theme cc set and it looks amazing and i can't wait to use it so i'll definitely be doing another one on my cc channel once that is released and maybe another one on this channel we will see but um yeah i was also looking on pinterest for inspiration for this build and i came across a painting i'll put it up on screen so you guys can see what i was looking at and i've just been more and more inspired by paintings rather than images of real home or like floor plans or even like i don't like i'm some sketches of homes but just like paintings of homes i feel like they're just so pretty and something about them is a lot more aesthetically pleasing i think well because it's a painting and a real house isn't always so dreamy looking because of course the painting isn't perfect but with like the way like the like foliage is painted and like the angle of the house and i just i love them i just can't stop looking at them and so i thought that was the perfect inspiration for this build and something that i thought when looking at the painting was that the lighthouse was very close to the actual house and so i was originally going to make them two separate buildings but i decided to put them as one building and i actually really like this i think it's very unique because i think typically a lighthouse is just the lighthouse and maybe like a tiny little building built onto it but not like a full house and so i thought this was pretty unique and pretty fun to build it this way a little bit challenging because of the round rooms like i said but i tried my best to make it look like a real lighthouse i don't have too much experience like being around lighthouses i visited a few when i was a kid because i grew up in oregon and so the oregon coast definitely has lighthouses and i remember touring one as a kid and it was like the most spooky thing ever they had you watch this video of like this mystery that happened there i have no idea what town it was in because i was pretty little but i watched it with my mom my sister and my grandmother and i remember them saying like some girl went missing there and they have no idea what happened to her and i was like a little girl and the person who went missing was a little girl and i was so freaked out and so it was kind of traumatizing but the lighthouse itself was beautiful and like the grounds and stuff that it was on i wish i could remember exactly where it was but um yeah i don't know so i tried my best i looked on google at lighthouses trying to make it look realistic i ended up placing a light in here of course so the lighthouse actually has light but i was watching freezer bunnies build recently because he just built a lighthouse and he used these like stage lights or something i think they came from get famous but he rotated them using the tool mod and they actually like rotate around like the lights themselves and they shine and they look a lot more like a lighthouse so i'm going to copy his idea i will link the video i definitely recommend that you guys watch it he's an amazing builder one of my absolute favorite builders to watch and he's just so talented and very smart for realizing that that light would be so perfect for a lighthouse so yeah i will replace it because i think it's much better but if you don't have get famous then of course the light that i used or really any light that just makes it bright in there will work fine too so um yeah here i am playing around with the terrain the terrain manipulation was definitely inspired by a build that i did on my cc channel i built something on this lot and it was another coastal themed build um it wasn't it wasn't a lighthouse or anything but i built it up on this hill and i tried to put like rocks and stuff around it so it's like supposed to be more on like the cliff's edge even though like the edge of the island is a little bit farther away but i still like this lot i think it's perfect for this sort of build and especially using like uh the terrain manipulation and rocks and stuff it really makes it feel like it's closer to the edge than it actually is and the view from this lot is so pretty and like the lighting like i said it's just it's dreamy i love it so and i don't know i just i feel like this is probably one of the best builds i've ever done so i'm completely obsessed and i'm hoping that you guys like it like even as half as much as i do because if you do then you're gonna like it a lot because yeah it's one of my most favorite builds and i know i've said that a ton but i truly truly think this one is like special so um yeah but if you are on my patreon page if you guys missed the community post i am adding a like extra perk to my tier two and so that one is uh like early access to my builds and i wanted to mention that in a video in case you guys haven't seen my patreon page so if you're interested in playing with my bills a little bit early then you can so those of you that are on my patreon page had access to the tray files to play with this build before uploading to the gallery and before the video was released so if you're interested in that definitely check out my patreon page i had it paused for quite some time just because i felt like i wasn't like providing enough on there so i added something to the tier two well early access like i said and then i'll be adding another tier here hopefully pretty soon i'm working on something um and hopefully i'll get it put together in a reasonable amount of time so we'll see how that goes but i'm very excited about it so i'll keep you guys posted anyways um i talked over me fiddling around with the lighthouse as you can see there's ladders on the exterior and i also put a couple of platforms the platforms actually worked out really nicely because it made the build more functional but also it looks somewhat more realistic this way from what i was looking at on like google images and stuff of lighthouses and so i'm pretty happy with the shape of it and i also really liked using the red brick with like the white siding on the house i think it just looks so nice this way and i think it's just so nice and like contrasting so i thought that was pretty um the shutters on the very left side of the build are blue at the moment and i actually changed them to white when i was taking the screenshots i liked the blue because the painting that i was looking at had blue shutters on that side of the build and i don't know it looks nice in the painting but for some reason in the actual like build itself i didn't like it as much so yeah i just changed it but it's an easy change back if you guys decide that you do like the blue better and of course you could change the other windows to have blue shutters but i also think some of the windows that i used don't have the same blue option even though they're all from base game i think some of them have like a darker blue and then some of them actually change like the frame of the window along with the shutters so i don't know for me white was just the easier way to go and then here i'm working on the floor plan just figuring out how many rooms i'm gonna be able to fit in here how many bathrooms where the living room and kitchen and dining and all that stuff is going to go uh but what it ends up having are two bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom and then downstairs is another bathroom a living a dining and kitchen area and i think it's just all so cozy and i really like the floor plan i feel like the floor plan is actually pretty unique and so i had a lot of fun with it like the placement of furniture and stuff i thought was fun too and i really enjoyed thinking of the sims that live here i really like thought in detail about like their personalities and their interests and stuff so i i don't know i feel like it has like a lot of life and character because of that and also because of that i spent a very long time on this build adding like personality and decorations and of course the terrain and all of that stuff took me a long time especially adding all of like the grass and stuff because i had to use the tool mod to get them to place properly because with the terrain manipulation plants just kind of sit at the regular level and that's part of the reason why i chose these rocks i think they look good but also they like just stick into the ground automatically there's only like a few cases where you actually have to make them lower than they are and so they're super easy to use on a build like this i highly recommend them they came from cats and dogs so yeah they make it very very easy but anyways okay so for the household that lives here i think the primary sims that actually own this house are a couple and they've been together their entire lives they have no children together um or a part either they just don't have any children and so yeah they're a husband and wife and they decided that they would not have children like they decided this early on but i think the husband actually had wanted children but never voiced it that much because it was something that he was never like 100 certain about and he just kind of thought that maybe it would be nice but he loved his wife more and so if that was like her true wishes then he was willing to you know just put that away put that to the side and just make her happy and he didn't mind too much because he really is focused on his career as being a lighthouse caregiver and he just really likes being alone and so does she like they're both loners like i think if i were to create these sims i would give them both the loaner trade and they just like being alone that's why like the lighthouse keeper job was perfect for him they both just gravitated to each other because they both you know like to be more isolated and they're not too bothered if you know the other one goes and spends the whole day in like a room reading a book or something they're not offended that the other one isn't giving them like a lot of attention because they just don't need that much attention they don't crave it that much they just kind of like uh doing their hobbies and those sorts of things and so i really like that story i think the husband is from brindleton bay i don't think either of them are from windenburg originally and so i think he got interested in lighthouse work when he was like a child living in brindleton bay and so when they got the opportunity to buy this house they just kind of jumped on it and i feel like they just been fixing it up over time i feel like this home used to be like a lot more run down and the wife of the home is just really into those sorts of things and like crafting and like homemaking and so i actually give her like a whole crafting area in the second bedroom and so the second bedroom has like some crafts like supplies in there but i think they had like a family member who could no longer take care of their child and so that child is going to be moving in i don't know if they're like a kid or a teenager or you know exactly their age but i put like a couple of suitcases on the bed and i made that part of the room just like a little bit more tidy because i feel like they're preparing for this person to come into their home but like the crafting stuff is still there and so maybe this sim will have to find a new place to do their crafts but they haven't yet they've just kind of consolidated their area and so i feel like it's kind of nice conflict because she never wanted children to begin with but now a child who is part of their family maybe from like the husband's family or something um is going to be moving in with them and so she's going to have to learn i was kind of toying around with the idea of her hating children but i kind of just i don't like that trait it makes me sad and so i feel like she doesn't hate them she's just not she just doesn't have many like maternal instincts and so she doesn't know what to do around kids and stuff like that so it's going to be a learning experience for her and then i think the husband is completely ecstatic he is like over the moon but he's like containing his excitement because he's always wanted like a kid around the house and so he's he's really happy about it also very nervous because he does like to be alone and so he's nervous that he won't be able to give the child as much of like attention as the child needs and so they're gonna have to work on that as well and it'll just be uh interesting experience and life for them but they're very happy to be able to provide the home for the kid who no longer can uh you know live in the home that they used to i don't know the story around that i didn't really think too much in detail about that part of the story but um the rest of the story i was thinking about quite a bit so i really enjoyed that um and hopefully you guys like it too but of course you could have any family that you see living here would be easy easy to make it work for a lot of other stories so yeah um here i'm just adding a couple of decorations that we have from cats and dogs i thought that these worked perfect on the porch they just added so much like color and personality and i i really like them and then i put just like a couple of rocking chairs over here looking towards the ocean which i thought was pretty nice and then you may have noticed that on the very bottom part of the lighthouse i placed some storage there just some like boxes and like fishing clutter and random things i also put like a couple of decorations on the second level and then the third level i decorate for the husband of the house and just add like kind of like a reading cave with a woodworking bench and um a bunch of fish plaques this person is a huge fisherman and so i thought that was or not person this sim is a huge fisherman so yeah i thought that was pretty fun i also put like a tv in there as well as a mini fridge just to kind of show that that sim like spends a lot of time in there um but yeah here i'm just continuing with the landscaping i spent so much time on this landscaping just adding rocks and grass and lots of different types of grass actually i really like the more like sea dead grass looking grass that i added um and so i really enjoyed the way that looked and just lots of greenery and not like a whole lot of flowers there are a few but um i really wanted it to feel more natural and not so like had like huge flower beds although the one that i'm working on for my cc channel has lots of flowers so if that's something that you're looking for then that one will be coming up pretty soon so we'll see i just finished it and so now i have to like edit it and all of that kind of stuff so it'll take me a little bit of time it probably won't be up the same day as this video but we will see maybe i will get a bunch of it done but um yeah i think the landscaping is pretty much done i really also like the fence that i used this fence came from um cottage living and i think it just looks perfect for a build like this because i like the white color it feels like a white washed finch that you might have on a build like this but it's also very worn looking and distressed so i feel like the salty air has kind of like distressed it a little bit and like all of the wind and stuff and i feel like it kind of shows a little bit more of that like older feel that i wanted the build to have and so i wanted it to have some more like distressed pieces like the floorboards on the decks have like that more distressed look too and i just i like it a lot i think it's perfect for a beachy sort of lot and then i also add a couple of like planter boxes and pots on the exterior so your sins can do some gardening and if there's any like extra bouncing around on my speed build i am so sorry for some reason it's been happening a lot recently in like the past like couple of months where the camera just jumps a lot easier than it used to and so i try to limit that as much as i can when i'm recording but sometimes i notice it a lot and sometimes i still notice it in my speed build and i like been have been meaning to mention it in my voiceovers but i keep forgetting so yeah hopefully it's not too annoying let me know if you guys have noticed that in your own like building or even gameplay i'm sure it happens in gameplay too yeah anyways here i'm moving back to the interior finally doing the decorating part of the video and i'm starting off by decorating the living room first and right now i have these couches that came from cottage living and i really like these couches i feel like the texture and like the colors of them are really pretty but unfortunately it didn't have like the right color that i wanted to use in this build this one's just a little bit too green and the actual blue one is like too much of like a light sort of like sky blue color and just wasn't what i was looking for so what i end up using is a couch that came from cats and dogs one with like all of the pillows and it's just so cute and comfy looking and then i used a couple of chairs that came from base game instead and i feel like it's nice um sort of like pairing because they don't necessarily match and i like them i don't know you guys have let me know and then for the coffee table i used these two like trunks i put two of them next to each other to look like a bigger coffee table but i really like using these in coastal builds because i feel like they look perfect for the style but yeah these are the chairs that i ended up using i really like these ones and i don't like use them like as much as i probably should but every time i use them i'm always like really happy with the way they look i feel like the texture on them is really nice and the colors are nice too so i thought these looked perfect in here and they kind of toned down some of that like overly like coastal feel because i was trying to add a lot of coastal decorations obviously but i didn't want it to be like overly blue or overly beachy colored but i feel like i did it in a way that it still has those coastal colors but it's not like overly like blue basically um the one that i just am working on for my cc channel is very blue though but that was very intentional um here on the coffee table i'm using this side table that came from dream home decorator and i'm turning it into a little tray i've done this a few different times and i think it just looks so cute and i think it just really added something really nice to this coffee table and i don't know i like it so hopefully you guys will like it too and then other than that here in the living room there's a side table beneath the window behind the chairs and so i put some decorations over there and i think that all looks really nice i put a few things around like a corner shelf that came from cats and dogs this little basket with the pillows and the blankets spilling out over it i think that's so cute and then a plant i think i place a plant or maybe i place something else i might go for a different decoration but i have that clock over there in the corner and then i also have another clock over here i actually placed quite a few of them but i felt like that made sense for a lighthouse keeper's home because they probably have to keep track of the time maybe for certain times they have to go turn the lighthouse on or do scheduled maintenances or something like that so i thought that was kind of a nice idea there's also the fireplace in there there's another one over here in the dining room space as well and in both spaces i cluttered them up with different decorations and artwork the one in the living room also has a tv on it just a small tv i didn't really see these sims as being too much into technology so you won't see any like fancy technology pieces in this build just because i didn't think they're interested in that so i thought that was pretty nice and yeah here i'm just adding another painting up on top of the fireplace this painting i actually end up using in the master bedroom and so i changed the swatch of it later on i think this swatch looks a little bit better here but it looks a lot better above the bed and so i felt like i wanted to use it more there and yeah i really enjoyed picking out the different decorations to decorate the surfaces with i thought these bottles that came from my wedding stories were perfect because they look like bottles that would be swept up from the ocean i mean that's what they're supposed to be but they're supposed to be like notes in them i'm not exactly sure because i never do any gameplay but i don't know they just they seemed perfect for this build so i really enjoyed placing them there and i just i'm completely obsessed with it we actually have a lot of good like coastal related decor in game so it's pretty easy to do a very like coastal themed build and yeah here is going to be the dining table at first i really wasn't sure if i wanted the dining room to be over on this side of the build because of the door right there and i was thinking that that's probably the front door but then i decided that the front door is the porch and so then it didn't bother me anymore and so of course i'm not really sure where the sims spawn and would go to right off the bat but there's this door or there's the doors on the porch so they might go to either one but either way i actually like the dining table over here and i like that the stairs are over here as well because i don't normally have the staircase in the dining room or close to each other usually like the staircases in the living room or in an entryway or like some sort of hallway or something so i felt like this was pretty cool and kind of unique and in here i placed a coat rack also an umbrella rack and so i guess i was kind of thinking was like the front door but i don't know i didn't really have room to put it in the living room so it worked better in here and i also really liked using that china cabinet that came from cottage living right next to the door as well i think it just looks so cute and perfect in here and yeah over here is going to be the kitchen the kitchen i kind of struggled with just because i wasn't sure which overhead cabinets i wanted to use the lower cabinets the countertops were easy i really wanted to use these ones in the white color i thought that would be perfect and then i was trying to use the cabinets that came from the uh country kitchen kit just because i like how you can see like the pots and pans and like the extra clutter pieces but they're kind of a bit more distressed looking than i wanted them to be and i i don't know the different variations of them i found a little bit difficult to use so i end up actually using the same cabinets that came with these counters so they match a little bit better and yeah basically i just tried to add a lot of clutter around tried to make the kitchen feel really used and lived in i definitely think these sims both of them like to cook a lot and so it's something that they have in common so i was thinking that was kind of like another thing they both really like food and cooking and then they both really like being alone and so i think that's i think that's pretty nice and that's why they kind of fell in love with each other and just yeah kind of hit it off basically here i did move these windows i liked how they were up higher a little bit i thought it looked nice from the exterior and it was pretty similar to that painting that i was looking at but then the placement of the sink i wanted the sims to be able to look out the window when they're washing dishes and stuff like that and so i just lowered them a little bit and i still think it looks nice from the exterior and yeah here i'm just continuing messing around with the cabinets and trying to figure out how i want it to look and everything but yeah like i said i end up using these ones that came with this set from cottage living and i think they look nice in here and i think the curtains on them actually look nice too because they're in a blue color sometimes i'll want to use like a particular swatch and then the curtain swatch is not what i want to use at all same with the country kitchen kit and so i feel like the curtains while they look cute sometimes can kind of be more of a pain than than good basically um yeah here i'm just adding this book that came from vampires i wanted it to look like a cookbook that was propped up on the counter and so i just sized it down and merged it into the counter and used the nine key to raise it up a little bit to make it look like it was sitting on the counter so i think it actually looks pretty good and then over here i'm cluttering up these shelves with a few different different decorations that little clock that came from high school years i feel like it kind of maybe looks like a kitchen timer and so i've been placing it in kitchens recently and in case you guys i don't know i don't think i've mentioned it in a build yet but i think of it kind of as like a kitchen timer so i thought that was kind of cute and then there's also a table in the center with a few decorations and here i really wanted there to be something above these windows and what i end up placing are some fish plaques but the fish blacks have like a pretty orange plaque and i don't really i wish there was a few different like color swatches maybe like a white swatch a black swatch and then like a couple of different browns and i mean it looks okay it's not like i guess too crazy now that i look back at it but i decided to hide them and so i hid them in these cutting boards and i actually think this looks really really good this way and so i'm really happy with it and i don't know it was kind of nice just sort of to give it a different look than it would normally have and so yeah i'm pretty pretty proud of the way this turned out and so i really tried to make the little name plaque underneath the fish show through the wood too and i think i was successful it took me a little while to get them to place correctly but thankfully with the tool mod you can make very tiny changes and so if you want to resize an object you can do like very very tiny like fractions of a of a number to change the size of them and same if you're like uh you know raising objects up or moving them to side to side and it's just it's very easy and really nice to use so um yeah i highly recommend it i know i mentioned this in like every video but it's amazing and so uh over here i also use the tool mod to size up this side table just because it felt a little bit small and so since it's sized up the objects are placing a little bit weird they're like clipping into it so i just raise them up and make sure that they're not actually sitting on the surface and if you guys aren't sure how to do this i actually did a move objects tutorial where i covered about placing objects on a surface and pulling it away and having them like hover in place and how you can place them easily again in a place where you would like to place them so hopefully that makes sense if not i do have a tutorial like i said um yeah over here is going to be the downstairs bathroom so for the downstairs bathroom i wanted it to mostly just be like a half bath and then i also wanted a washer and dryer so i placed a washer and dryer in here a couple of laundry baskets and laundry related clutter and those sorts of things so the upstairs bathroom is like a full bathroom with a shower and tub and all of that kind of stuff and over here i'm using the sink and toilet that came from cats and dogs i feel like the toilet actually looks really nice we have so many of them in game though it feels always so silly when we get another one because i feel like we have enough i think we probably had enough for a while but i do think this one that came from cats and dogs is a nice one and the sink is nice too and the blue color was perfect and it matched these um other things that came from parenthood the mirror and then the cabinet above the toilet came from parenthood and the blue color is like identical so it looks like they're all supposed to go together so i was pretty happy about that and then there briefly i thought about changing the color of the table but i decided not to and then yeah moving on to the upstairs so the landing area is pretty simple i just put some like artwork around and i forget exactly what it like all i place in there nothing too spectacular but um just a few things just to fill in the space but i still wanted it to be a functional hallway so not too crowded i want your sims to easily get to the bedrooms and the bathrooms and all that kind of stuff but i think it looks nice and has everything that it needs i especially like that painting about the staircase it came from cottage living but i sized it up because originally it's very small and i think it looks really good sized up there so i was pretty happy about that um here is going to be a little patio space i put an art easel out here also looking back i think a telescope would be nice to have here but i did place a telescope on the very top of the lighthouse and that was another thing that was really hard to make work because the game thought that the telescope was inside i guess and so i had to move it to where it's almost looking like it's falling off of the lighthouse to get it to function but i did playtest it because i really wanted to make sure that that was going to work because it's really the only reason your sims have to to walk all the way up there and so they do have something to do up there and it works it just was a little bit tricky to get it to work but thankfully it does so yeah over here is going to be the upstairs bathroom so this is going to be the bathroom that the sims all share there's no ensuite there really wasn't the space for it i mean maybe if i would have done the floor plan a little bit differently or made the bedroom a little bit smaller but i didn't think it was necessary and so i'm really happy with the way that turned out over here is going to be the master bedroom so this is where the um the couple that i was talking about sleep and i thought this bed that came from cats and dogs was perfect there's some other really good swatches with some like quilts on it and i would have liked to use those if they would have came in a more neutral color palette because some of the patterns and colors are a little bit bright which i think is really fun for certain builds but for this one i wanted a more neutral look to it i really wanted it to match the rest of the build and yeah so over here i decided to place a vanity table i've really been enjoying using these recently i've used them in a lot of builds both here on this channel and my cc channel but i thought it was perfect for the wife of this house just because i see her as being a lot more prim and proper i think her husband's actually quite rugged and more like i don't know more natural looking i guess like he grows a beard and doesn't always shave like i'm sure he does sometimes and then wears a little bit more natural looking clothing like more neutral colors and stuff and she is a lot more like put together always has her hair done and her makeup and wears dresses and skirts and perfect outfits and always had like things color coordinated and it's just really important to her and not so much her husband and so i really wanted to have a vanity table somewhere for her to do her makeup and those sorts of things and so i really i really enjoyed thinking of that character and so i thought that was pretty nice and then over here i decided to use this dresser that came from parenthood i believe but i've done this a couple of times where i put two of them next to each other just to look like a longer dresser and i think they actually pair together really nicely there's no any weird like clipping i think if you put them too close together there's a bit of clipping but if you do it just right then it actually like looks nice together and so i just put some clutter up on top of there and then i put a few decorations on the walls like i said this painting was originally the swatch that i had on the fireplace downstairs but i thought it looked so nice above the bed that i decided to change the swatch on the one above the stairs and so yeah i don't know i think the room is nice and cozy and feels so lived in and then over here is going to be the other bedroom so like i was saying these sims have somebody who's coming to live with them it's going to be a kid or a teenager somebody who is like a distant relative's child or maybe even a close relative i'm not exactly sure so um yeah i feel like this will be something that you guys would have to develop in your own gameplay if you decide to go with this story and same with the room as well because i left that part of the room very simply decorated like it's just ready for the kid to come live with them it has no personal decorations there's just like a couple of suitcases on the bed and so it'll be easy to adapt depending on your sims personality that ends up living here of course if you have like a family then you can easily move your kid in and just delete all the crafting stuff or maybe move a few things into the sims inventory or something like that but i really like this part because it's just like a nice like crafting space but the room definitely used to be an entire crafting room but i really liked this idea because you know this sim doesn't really like kids or at least is not interested in children and now they have to share their crafting space with a child or a teen and they have to live with that and also take care of the child and all that kind of stuff and so i feel like it has some nice sort of um conflict there so i thought that was interesting and yeah over here i'm just decorating the other half of the room like i said it's very simply decorated doesn't have any specific personality decorations for a child or a teen so no posters and stuff like that but i i really like that i like i don't know i enjoyed thinking of this story i spent a lot of time thinking about it and i feel like i thought about it in a lot more detail than i have in a while so i don't know hopefully you guys appreciate it and hopefully you guys like it and over here i'm just placing some more decorations more storage and stuff for art supplies i feel like this sim had a lot of art and craft supplies and they really had to condense it and so um i think that's kind of a nice idea and i don't know i think this room looks nice and so i liked having the two different rooms like merged together so that was pretty fun and also i hung up a couple of aprons which i thought was nice to have in a crafting space because i feel like aprons would be nice for like painting and stuff and then here i'm placing these suitcases these are actually a table or a side table that came from city of living and then i just picked out a color that i thought looked a little bit more youthful and then i placed them to where they look like they're sitting on the bed and then here moving on to the lighthouse so the first floor has some like clutter and then on the second floor i place some extra clutter and stuff as well there's some like boxes and like boards and things that i thought would be nice to have in there and then this is going to be the space for the lighthouse keeper and then there i'm just placing the telescope and like i said i did make sure it worked up there and it was very difficult but i managed to get it to function so hopefully everything works if you decide to download this build um so yeah in here i place a chair and a tv and a mini fridge a radio a woodworking table bookcases so there's a lot of different activities in here there's also a ton of fish plaques all over the wall and i think in here the color of the boards that the fishes are mounted on actually worked really nicely so i didn't worry about covering them up and i just put them everywhere i also put some of these bird collections where you can collect feathers for birds and um yeah they look really nice in here and so i just really tried to make this space feel like very personalized for the sim and just have like a lot of personality and you know be a nice space for the sim to hang out and yeah i think i achieved that i don't know i feel like the build like the whole build has a lot of personality so hopefully you guys agree and hopefully you guys like it as much as i do or even as half as much as i do like i said in the beginning just because i'm completely obsessed it's one of my most favorite builds i really enjoyed this one and enjoyed like the story and everything so hopefully you guys did too here i'm just adding a few extra details and then we're on to the screenshots so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggest that you have and i'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] standing underneath the lights look into each other's eyes tired snowflakes are coming down collapse into water when they hit the ground i hear the sound of empty streets yesterday has gone asleep [Music] some that's left is you and me i can promise you're the only thing i see hold my hand and hear the words i'll say close your eyes and let us fade away build a secret place for you and me and let our minds be caught up in a dream [Music] quiet voices in the night [Music] tries to carry all the whispers that it finds [Music] there's no one left but you [Music] [Music] close your eyes and let us fade away build a secret place for you and me let our minds be caught up [Music] standing underneath the lights look into each other's eyes there's no one left but you and me it's like i made a place that only we can see [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] that
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 184,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: NJxv_ym1xsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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