Out Dated Family Home 🌞 || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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foreign here so welcome to another Speed Build so today I am building another family home and this time I am building here in Oasis Springs and I'm building a more like mid-century style house I've done a few of them recently that have been base game only and so I have definitely been wanting to do one using all of the packs and so yeah that's what I'm doing today and I really just want this home to feel outdated I don't know if it's necessarily set in a mid-century like time period necessarily because I gave them like a modern television but that's really the only thing I didn't give them any well there's kind of there's a computer but it's more it's an older looking computer I think I don't know I just really just wanted this home to feel like it's a modern home but it's outdated and it's a really large family home I ended up including five bedrooms and two bathrooms which you know may not be enough for this mini Sims because the way I decorated it you could fit seven Sims in here really easily um and so you could easily fit eight if you wanted to but um yeah I don't know I think two is probably fine there is a laundry room too so if you really needed another bathroom you could easily turn the laundry room into another one if you would like to um but yeah the house ends up being uh kind of an interesting shape I was trying to make it look like a split level home it is split level because I use the platform tool in part of the house I make a raised area leading to the hallway I'm going to the bedrooms that's what I'm adding here this is kind of a weird way of doing it I don't end up doing it this way because the platform for some reason kept being deleted and I guess that's because it's a rounded one and the rounded flooring and rooms and everything just don't work very well they're kind of broken unfortunately um but I make it work in the end I just had to replace it a few different times but I wanted it to have that like split level appearance especially from like the street view and I think I think it worked out um I think it looks pretty good anyways and yeah here I'm working on like the floor plan and trying to figure out how this home is going to be laid out and put together and I decided to use this room divider that came from I believe it was discover University actually it's either that or get famous but anyways I thought this would be a nice like kind of retro kind of 70s or 60s looking detail and so I used it at the intro I was going to use it into like the kitchen area but I just felt like it was making that look a little bit too busy and so I just have it there at the entryway which I feel like um works really nicely and I've definitely seen a lot like a lot of homes that are like 1970s homes or 1960s or maybe even 19 like 50s homes that have that like separated entryway with like a half wall and a pillar and maybe even some of those interesting details like I used with that room divider here I'm adding a chimney on the exterior and just bringing the brick up I thought this looked better than just having the chimney on the roof and then here I'm adding a couple more bedrooms upstairs so these two bedrooms are the largest in the house and one of them is going to be the master bedroom but the other one is going to be a toddler's room I thought about making it a teen's room because I have two teenager rooms and they're both a lot smaller but I just felt like the toddlers should be next to the parents and so since it was such a large room I did two toddlers instead of one and I think it just ends up being a really cool toddler room just because it's so big I was able to include a lot of different activities and it's just really cute and playful you could easily make one of the teens rooms a lot bigger because it's downstairs and you could just make the bathroom or the laundry room a lot smaller or you could combine the bathroom in the laundry room and make them one smaller room and make the bedroom bigger so it kind of just all depends on your preference for that and if it bothers you that the room is a bit smaller but I was still able to include I think everything that I wanted to in that room and I liked having the laundry room separate from the bathroom and so um yeah that's why I did it that way here I'm moving on to the back of the house just working on the back porch area I really liked adding these pillars I thought they were kind of like a nice detail and then I just fenced in the yard and I also end up fencing in the front yard and I use that really low-lying fence that came with the toddler stuff pack and I used it in a similar red color to the siding on the top right of the house and so I thought that kind of matched really nicely it also tied in with the concrete that's leading to the front of the house too so I thought that kind of I don't know just kind of worked nice it was kind of more um matchy and it also matched the front door too and so I thought that looked really good and I definitely brought that color into the interior with like the flooring and especially the kitchen cabinets I used the ones that came from Parenthood and that same sort of like orangey Red Wood color it might be a little bit more orangey than this color but anyways I still feel like they all match and kind of tied together I also changed the color of the grass which I thought was kind of fun and I put some sprinklers out here which I also thought was kind of fun and pretty cute too and for the Landscaping I just used mostly Greenery some like succulent looking plants and some bushes but a few flowers I used the yellow flowers that you can find in the live edit objects from cottage living and then these nice base game orange flowers that are just in the regular buy catalog I always think these ones look really nice in Oasis Springs so I thought that looked really good and then I just used some palm trees and some green trees I really don't know what those those trees are called but I thought they looked really nice especially on the sides of the house kind of like framed it here I'm just picking out some lighting for the interior and some flooring and covering up this weird visual glitch with the raised platform area it only seems to happen on the round platforms and even round just flooring in general even if it's on a foundation and not a platform it's like bringing up the flooring underneath of it and I really wish it didn't do that thankfully we have some thicker platform trims that you can add and it covers it up pretty nicely so that ended up working out but um yeah it's kind of frustrating here I'm moving on to the backyard I do go back into the house in just a little bit of course I was kind of stumped on the interior of the house I actually made a few different attempts on decorating it especially the living room area and I was just kind of like not really sure what I wanted to do so that's um it ended up working out because I knew what I wanted to do in the backyard I wanted to create this swimming pool and I wish I would have saved the Tweet or something but I briefly saw a tweet on Twitter of somebody using these really nice side tables as a pool frame and it was so genius and I just briefly saw it and the Tweet like went away I didn't even get a chance to like like it sometimes you know when it's like updating as you're scrolling and it's like a tweet goes away um that happened and so I can't give credit to the Creator but I definitely wanted to mention that just because I I definitely did not come up with this idea and I thought it was so genius so if you guys know or maybe saw the Tweet definitely uh let everybody know in the comments and let me know too because I would I would like to tell them how smart they are because it totally works and it really adds like a different trim to the pool it makes it look I think a little bit more mid-century and a little bit more in this particular like style of home so I thought it was so perfect and I was really happy to find out that it was functional because I was kind of worried that maybe it would block the swimming pool but I play tested it my sim got into the swimming pool like perfectly fine there was no issues and it didn't seem to cause like any weird like overlapping when they were swimming like they were able to like swim around and there was there was basically nothing weird so I thought that was pretty cool and then over here I'm trying to find some like activities and decorations to put in the side of the yard I really want to leave a lot of grass and have some more sprinklers back here but I also wanted the area to be fun and functional and so I added um a sandbox with a couple of toys in there I also have the swing set and later on I do go ahead and add the toddler slide um you may have noticed I had it out for just like a moment but I thought that it just took up so like too much space but then I saw it again when I was decorating the toddler room and I really felt like it needed to be included in the build and I wanted to put it in the room because I thought that would be kind of fun but it just took up way too much space so yeah I ended up putting it back here in the backyard and then just continuing with the same Landscaping that I did on the front and adding a few decorations here on the back porch as well and then I add a couple of trash cans and a side gate too I add a side gate over here and I just moved the swimming pool over just slightly that that way um The Sims could actually walk through the gate and get to the side of the swimming pool and so I put a few like planter pots over there anyways over here I'm going to add an outdoor dining table and it's just a four-seater dining table it's pretty simple but I thought it looked really good I thought this one that is a base game table with the tablecloth I thought that was pretty fun and I love the flamingos on it and then I just put a barbecuer over here and then a few planter pot decorations just to sort of like fill in the space and make it feel fully decorated and pretty cute I think and then here on the front porch I have the mailbox a light and then I add another plant decoration I was going to add this cluster of three on the right side of the door but I thought it would block the mailbox so I just decided to leave that area open and then here I'm moving on to the interior and working on the kitchen first and I decided to start with the kitchen just because I had made my several attempts at the living room and clearly had no idea what I wanted to do um but I knew I wanted to use these counters and cabinets in uh the kitchen area and so I thought that I would just go ahead and do this and it ended up working out so nicely and for the stove and refrigerator I'm using these ones that came from cottage living just because I felt like they looked the most like retro and outdated I feel like they really like this looks like an old style like 1950s refrigerator like my parents used to have one of these and it just it really makes me um like think of that so I thought that was pretty perfect and then here is the dining table there's only four seats again at this dining table and then I do include a toddler high chair only one of them just because I didn't have a lot of space and honestly when I was decorating uh this area I didn't know I was going to put two toddler beds in the house and then later I do swap out the high chair that I put in here and I thought about adding another one but it just felt like it was going to be too crowded but I think with two teenagers and a child Sim and then two toddlers there's probably like not many times where they all want to sit down and eat at the same time like I'm sure with activities and friends and school work and different things they're probably not all sitting down and eating at the exact same time so they didn't bother me too much but I really like the way this kitchen turned out I especially liked including that cabinet at the end of the dining table I was going to include the one that came from um get famous just because it's definitely in a mid-century style but I feel like the items that came with that pack are a little bit more like gimmicky looking and not as realistic as I would like them to look but I thought the cabinet that I chose actually looked more realistic for like a mid-century Style shelf or um shiny cabinet rather really looks like an older one to me so I thought that worked out pretty nicely and then over here I have a couple of shelves above the microwave I really just wanted to add more kitchen clutter and decorations but I didn't want to block any of the counters so I thought this was a nice way to do it and then also these little canisters that came from cottage living that have like the fruit on them I feel like they look definitely like some old style like storage containers that you might find at like Goodwill or something so I thought that was pretty perfect and then I just add a few other decorations around I was really wanted to add that hanging plant but I didn't have a great spot to put it and then I also have this apple clock and I was thinking maybe one of the parents is a teacher and this is really the only reason I thought that is because of the Apple clock and so I really don't have anything else in the house that might say that but one of them definitely could be a teacher I don't know what the other one does I really didn't think too much about like the parents careers or what they do necessarily it was more about like the style of the house so if you guys have any ideas or suggestions I would love to hear it but here I'm finally moving on to the living room so I think why I was getting so stuck with the living room was I was trying to use that long couch that came from high school years just because I love all the pillows on it and the throw and I thought some of the colors might work nicely in this interior but I could not make it work for like the life of me um so I decided just to use these base game couches I feel like they're the best couch that we have in game they're the most realistic looking couch in terms of like the shape of them I wish we had more swatches and of course I wish that we had more decorative pillows thankfully we did get these just like floor pillows that came from the Little Campers kit and so I used them and they're nice they're a nice fill-in but I wish we had more like throw pillows these ones definitely look like they belong on a bed um but they definitely they work and they still make me happy because they still add that like extra detail that I'm looking for um and I thought in this particular Swatch they actually paired nicely with the couch so yeah it ended up working out and then other than that I just put like a plant around a couple of side tables with different clutter items I have this large coffee table that came from Parenthood and I was going to use this fireplace that came from Parenthood but I ended up using this one that I think came from cats and dogs but as you can see I ended up putting a modern TV on top of it my original plan was to use the debug TV that came from Eco lifestyle just because it looks the most old school I do end up putting that one in the parents bedroom so if you have Eco lifestyle and you want it to really feel like a mid-century like home set in that particular time period Then I would definitely go for that TV instead but I don't know for me it doesn't really matter too much and then other than that I really just wanted to add um like toys around and clutter pieces and really make this home feel like lived in because there's a lot of kids in this house so they're definitely playing and adding their like toys everywhere and leaving their clutter and their mess and stuff so I definitely wanted to have that and I love the way that looks and then over here I'm just finding some decorations to put on the walls and the entryway I decided to use this coat rack that came from I believe Parenthood maybe cats and dogs I don't actually remember but anyways it came in like the right wood tone and so I thought that worked pretty nicely over here and then I just have a mirror next to the front door and I was really wanting to use this nice little like hanging bag decoration that came uh recently with the everyday clutter kit and now I'm looking back and realizing that I forgot the uh the nice little decoration it has like the mail sticking out of it and the keys hanging from it I totally forgot about that one so maybe you'd want to include it somewhere in the kitchen because I don't really think there's a great spot to put it over here in the entryway and of course if you wanted to like remove something that would be the easiest way to put it over here but I decided to use this nice um coat rack decoration that came from Snowy escape and for this particular build I didn't mind the skis too much I felt like they were kind of fun and added more of that like silly personality to this style of home because usually I just get frustrated with the skis because they don't necessarily fit the interior but I don't know I think this time it worked and then here in the hallway I just add like a couple of simple decorations I put some of those um little square artworks and I was thinking those were more like placeholders for like family portraits and stuff that you might want to take in game if you decide to play in this house and then over here is going to be that laundry room that I was talking about so as you can see it's a pretty large laundry room so you could even make this room a little bit smaller make the bathroom um not even smaller or bigger but just move it over slightly and then you could have more room for that one bedroom that I was talking about because um I don't know it didn't bother me too much but it's definitely something I was thinking about um that it could have been a little bit bigger because it kind of felt small and this mostly has to do with the bed that I wanted to use I think the bed that I ended up using works really nicely in the room but I really wanted to use that really cool bed that came from the um pastel pop kit that we got recently so yeah since it was a double bed it didn't end up working um so while in that room I wish we would have got a single version of it but anyways over here is going to be the downstairs bathroom so this is the only bathroom on this level and then there's one on the second level and so it's going to be the bathroom for all of the kids to share down here and the guests and whoever's you know downstairs but for this bathroom I basically just wanted it to feel fully decorated I clutter up the counters with tons of um different bathroom items because of course there's two teenagers in the house and I definitely think especially the one that shares a wall with this bathroom uses a lot of makeup and so I definitely wanted to represent that um and then I'm decorating this bedroom first just because I had a more clear idea of what I wanted to do in it and so I knew I wanted to use a lot of black and gray and maybe some like blues or Reds I didn't end up using any red I mostly just used blue as like an accent color but I really love this room I think it turned it out to be um pretty cool and I ended up actually including some photography equipment which I didn't plan on doing so I think this teen is definitely really into photography and I think they want to do it as a profession right now they're in high school and so they probably are taking like a photography class maybe they're in like a club or something which could be kind of cool um but basically I just wanted to yeah use a lot of black because I feel like there's definitely a lot of teens that like black and so um I basically just try to find posters and decorations that I thought went along with like the color scheme and the photography thing and I kind of struggled at the beginning trying to find like posters and decorations as you can see I'm adding these ones and trying to find CDs and I don't know everything was just too colorful and not really working for me so I decided just to move on and that I would add those other decorations later but I found this nice Shelf with all of the photography equipment so I decided that that's what this teen is into and then I just go back and add a couple of other decorations over there and these nice little skateboards which I always think are so cool to add in pretty much any teen's rooms I ended up adding it in this teen room the other teen room and the child's room so there's a lot of the mountain skateboards um and then over here I do have this bookcase I'm not sure if your Sims will be able to access it but there's tons of other bookcases in the build if they need to read something but I like the way it looked over there on that corner and I liked having like the boxes and clutter underneath of it and then it ended up being the best spot for the dresser was right here and then on top of the dresser I do clutter it up with a bunch of different decorations of course including more cameras and things like that um so I put a camera over there on top of that shelf and on this rug in case you don't recognize it came from the um pastel pop kit so it's not pastel but it definitely is more Poppy and I thought it looked really cool in this room and this is the computer that I was talking about in this room so if you wanted it to feel more mid-century maybe you'd want to get rid of the computer altogether um but I thought this one kind of looked a little bit more old school and so I thought it looked really good and then I put a stereo over here and then I decided to add this action figure which I thought was something that this teen has been holding on to since they were a little kid maybe it was like their favorite toy or something and I thought it was just kind of like a nice way to tie it into either childhood basically and then over here is going to be the kids room I ended up loving this room so much it's probably my favorite room in the house next to the parents room I actually love the parents room which is kind of surprising because usually it's always a kid's room that I love the most um and so I think it's kind of a tie between this one and the parents room but the parents room I just feel like I really captured that mid-century feel that I was going for so you guys also let me know if you agree but in this room I basically just wanted to match the wallpaper and the rug and so I used these ones that came from the pastel pop kit with the strawberries and the flowers and they're just so cute and so basically the entire room was based off of the rug and the wallpaper just to um yeah match the Reds and the yellows and make it feel cute and playful and I think it's just such a fun kid's room and I really just enjoyed picking out the different decorations for it and I also included some like more activities in here so there's an arts and crafts table there's a toy box and well a dresser a bookcase again the bookcase might be blocked because I put a chair in front of it but again there's plenty of other bookcases for your Sims to grab books and of course they could always store them in their inventory and I thought this bed worked so perfect in here I love the hearts on it and it came from high school years in case you guys don't know and I just I'm so obsessed with the beds that came from high school years there's so much variety and so many colors and I just love them um and the styles of them are really fun too um but over here I'm just picking out different decorations and adding those skateboards again like I was talking about and then there's a nice big stuffed animal that came from the Little Campers kit and then I just changed the color of the bookcase to match the room a little bit better just because I felt like the white was looking a little bit plain so this is the bed that I was talking about so for a brief moment I considered moving the teenager's room upstairs so I could use the larger bed I could have made it work in here but I just think the room would have been a little bit more just cramped and for I don't know the size of the house and how spacious everything already was I didn't really want to make this room too cramped and so I ended up using this bedroom high school years and I thought the colors ended up actually working out pretty nicely at first I thought it was kind of clashing with the rug but once I added this wallpaper and the dresser I thought it was kind of tying together pretty nicely and then I add a lava lamp in here which I thought was definitely very like 1970s and then this chair and so many cool items that came with the pastel pop kit I'm completely like so satisfied with that kit and uh like I mentioned previously when I first saw like the teasers and stuff for it and like I think like some leaks I really just wasn't that interested in it I didn't really see anything that stood out to me but now that I have it in my game I love it I think it's so fun and adds a lot of personality to Interiors so I'm probably going to be using this kit a lot especially in more teenager rooms um here since I sized down the Shelf while I was using the platform tool so the Shelf at its original size would cut through the roof so I just sized it down slightly and just filled in all of the snapping points with a picture frame and size them down so you can't see them and just used basically the nine key and the tool mod to place everything where I wanted it to go and just filled it with makeup clutter and different sort of decorations that I thought suited at this teens room and then I just added some artwork and posters I came from high school years that I also thought worked nicely in this room and also that new cork board that came from the pastel pop kit too I thought worked pretty nicely in here and I think that room is so fun and then um here I'm moving on to the second floor so up here like I mentioned is the parents room and the toddler's room another bathroom and of course this hallway the hallway is I mean pretty much just a hallway um here I'm trying to find some wallpaper that matches the wallpaper that I'm using downstairs it doesn't have the wainscotting so thankfully this base game one with the white trim worked out pretty nicely and then here I'm copying over a lot of the items that I used in the downstairs bathroom for the second bathroom and just trying to make them feel cohesive um I do add a toddler potty in here and then I forgot to add another one downstairs but I did do that before I saved it so um there will be another toddler putty you just won't see it in uh the screenshots and in here it has a little bit less clutter and like mess on the counters just because I didn't have as much space but also there's just parents and toddlers up here so there's not the extra like teen clutter that I was trying to add downstairs because they never go up here they have really no reason to come up here so they never use this bathroom well I guess if the downstairs bathroom is being used then they would come up here which I'm sure happens probably quite a bit but anyways in here I'm trying to think if I want to add a bassinet and a toddler bed I did consider that briefly but I decided just to add two toddler beds and I was trying to figure out what colors I was going to use and how this room was going to come together it ends up being mostly mostly orange is like the main color but it has some like blues and other colors as well but I thought this room just ended up being so fun and I'm really happy that I made such a large toddler room just because it's so different and I'm really happy that I made it so colorful recently I've done a couple of other toddler rooms that are more on the colorful side and I thought they were so fun so I was definitely happy to do another one and yeah in here there's a dresser large stuffed animals um toy boxes there's a bookcase and a couple of like toddler sized chairs oh here I found the slide again and I was like maybe I could put it in the bedroom I thought that would be kind of fun to have some like indoor play equipment because it's such a large room but really the slide was just too big so um maybe for another build but yeah over here I'm creating the reading area and I thought this ended up looking so cute and again as always I kind of struggle with picking out artwork for toddler rooms I'm really hoping that when we get the update for the infants will get more artwork that's like baby related and toddler related because right now I just feel like we're very very limited to these few like base game artworks um I decided to use the one art piece that came from my first pet stuff that has all the like dogs and cats on it I thought it was kind of cute for toddler's room but I don't know it's definitely not like what like my ideal pick but I think it worked in here and I also added a height chart which I thought was pretty cute and then I add some wall decals just to add some more artwork and decorations and then a little mirror over here and that's it for the toddler's room and then over here is going to be the parents room so like I mentioned I love this parent's room so much I think it matches the rest of the house perfectly and I feel like it just feels so outdated and something I haven't mentioned yet in all of the bedrooms I used this Shaggy carpet that came from the pastel pop kit I thought this was so perfect to use in a mid-century style home it feels like the carpet that my parents still have in their house except for theirs is like this burnt red color but it's definitely it's Shaggy but it's from the 1970s so now it's kind of like definitely worn and more matted down but um it just feels so nostalgic to me and pretty perfect so yeah I loved I just loved this room but in here I add another bookcase a side table um that old school television like I was talking about out and there's also a desk in here I didn't give them a computer but you could easily add one if you would like to and then I just add a few other decorations around and this is it for the build so I hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots so thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] if I would have had the worthiness to be the perfect lover would you stay under the willow tree when I asked would you be my valentine can I [Music] voted as your lover take my hands cover your eyes and tell me there's no other would you be my valentine please [Music] find the right one when the time is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 71,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: e7dG_iKAmI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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