Spanish Mission 🏺🌿 || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's almost 2 here so welcome to another speed build so today I am building here in the world of Salvador odda and this time I am building a community lot which is the first community left that I am building in this world not only for my save file but of all times I'm so excited to share it with you because this is one of my most favorite builds I've ever done I absolutely love this architectural style I had so much fun landscaping it and doing the interior and like everything about it to me was so much fun and yeah I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I have I did spend a very long time building this I think like 9 or 10 hours something like that it took me a very long time and so that's why the video is a bit longer and yeah I did think about splitting it into two parts that I have done that was some of my longer speed builds but this one I really didn't think made sense to split into two parts because there wasn't a clear divide in videos and so I just thought it would be a good opportunity to do a QA so I did leave a post of my community tap for you guys to leave your question so I really appreciate all of you guys who left your questions and I'm so excited to go through them and answer them I've read I've read some of them already but I still have a lot of them to read because so many of you guys left questions I'm so excited um but anyways I'm going to talk about the bill just for a little while just to give you guys some like context and say exactly what I'm going to be doing and if I see anything on the screen that I need to mention I will go ahead and pause and talk about it and then you know resume the Q&A afterwards the whole thing guys don't mind I've never done a Q&A quite like this before I mean I've done Q&A is I actually did one kind of recently so hopefully you don't mind I'm going to be doing another one but um yeah I've never done one that's just kind of random and not for like a special subscriber special type video so yeah let me know if you guys want to see me do more of these in the future especially if I have more longer videos instead of splitting them into two parts I could definitely do more q and A's if you guys have any more questions you want to ask or if I don't get through all of these I could definitely like answer more of them in future videos so we'll see how it goes but anyways as you can see I'm starting with the entryway and my idea for this build was to do something that was inspired by Spanish missions especially those that you can see in the United States and in Mexico I looked at a lot of pictures mostly of ones in Mexico I think if I can find the original reference that I was looking at I'll put it up on screen it was more of like a drawing and I'm not sure if it was supposed to be one in Mexico or California I can't exactly remember but I did look at a lot of Mexican churches to decorate the church part of this I'm not a religious person myself so I'm not sure how accurate it is because I don't have that much experience going to church but I tried to make it look kind of authentic and at least feel like a church so hopefully you guys do get that coming across in that building so that's a part of it and then there's also a main building and I was really struggling with the main building because I originally added some like massage beds in there and like after I did it and finish the build I was like this really makes no sense because I wanted it to feel like an old mission that has been turned into like a community garden slash sort of gallery museum type thing and I really didn't think the massage beds made sense I added them because my original idea with this lot was to turn it into a spa and then I went as I didn't do that obviously I was like well maybe I'll still add the beds and it could have been like a repurposed part of this building so I mean you could definitely still do it I think it looked really good but I just didn't think it made sense and I don't know I liked having the extra activity though so maybe some of you guys would want to include it but what I ended up doing is I turned it into an archeology type building and so there's the archaeology tables in there so you won't see my initial decorating of the spa you'll see it completed at the end and then I go through and redo it I don't know it was kind of a mess hopefully I pieced the footage together okay it's just I don't know it's I I still am not like 100% like happy with it I think it looks good though so let me know what you guys think and there's also some like don't wake the llama table and some chess table so there's other activities like that I also used the fountains from I think it was romantic garden was the stuff pack that it came with and yeah I use those fountains twice because you can interact with them you can throw coins in them you could like play in them and I just thought to be kind of fun but I did notice that the Sims like random Sims visiting the lot were kind of like getting in them and splashing around so if they do annoy you I think really any fountain that we have in game would look really good so yeah it wasn't too worried about it and then other than that there's a couple of bathrooms of course Oh above the church so the churches two stories and I did build a bedroom up on the second floor as well as an office space in a bathroom because I was thinking that somebody like looks after this place and maybe they're the the priest who runs the church I don't know exactly who what I yeah I don't really know like the best way to explain what I was thinking exactly so forgive me but either way I put a bedroom up there so I was thinking that somebody works here even though nobody will and so if you do want to have a sim stay the night here there is a bed available but I was thinking it was actually somebody that works here who's supposed to stay there so you guys will see that later on and that also on the very left side of the building there is a community garden and I do have some plants there and some picnic tables so you can like sit and eat and stuff and yeah I just really enjoyed this build so I'm excited for you guys to see it all come together and you can see that I'm starting with the church right now and I think I should probably get started with the Q&A excited everything that I mainly wanted to say oh yeah there's a kitchen too so that's supposed to be like connected to the church and then I was thinking that you could eat there as well but I was thinking it was mainly for whoever works here but either way they like work and live here so hopefully that makes sense I don't know I feel like it's kind of confusing especially the more I explained it but I don't know it's okay but anyway so that's basically it for the build um as far as everything I think I want to say and then going on to the Q & A the first question I'm going to answer is from tag Barry and they say what expansion packs would you recommend which ones would you not recommend I love you so much oh me too the ones that I would recommend the most would definitely be like cats and dogs seasons I personally really love city living for the apartments in the world not so much the decorations some of the items I do really like but overall like the art style of the pack isn't my favorite but I really love having apartments and as far as like game packs and stuff packs I really love I like dine out a lot spa day jungle adventure Stranger felt I really pretty much like all of the game packs a lot I think they're so cool I like Rome of magic I've recently been trying to build and realm of magic in the like mystical area and I am struggling so hopefully that build will be coming sometime in the near future if I can figure it out but yeah pretty much any game pack in my opinion are all really good the stuff packs I mostly really like to I especially really like laundry day I like tiny living a lot I do not recommend the luxury party stuff I just I don't think it's worth it at all I mean a couple of the cast items are pretty good but I think they're only really good if you compare them to the earlier pack so if you compare them to newer packs they're not that great like we've gotten some really good criticism items and like textures have gotten a lot better so I don't know yeah definitely luxury party isn't that for me and maybe spooky they wouldn't be for some of you guys too especially if you have seasons I do really like the floorboards that come with that pack though so yeah I don't know I think I pretty much like most of the expansions and game packs though but luxury party when it comes to stuff packs I am NOT impressed um but yeah anyways thank you so much for your question the next one comes from Lion XS also for fun one who would you rather Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom that's such a fun question Brad Pitt all day every day Orlando Bloom not so much it's not it's definitely not my type I don't think he's like ugly by any means but um okay I get the appeal but not my type Brad Pitt definitely oh that was funny okay anyways the next one comes from T ke a how did you decide to start a YouTube and will you ever do Let's Plays again love your style of building and love listening to your bubbly personality you guys are you guys are so nice to me so I decided to start a youtube channel when I was living out of state my husband had to transfer her work and so we were living basically somewhere where we didn't really know anybody and I was going to school currently in California so I was taking online classes and I didn't leave the apartment very much because I didn't know anybody and I was going to school online and so I was just watching a lot of YouTube and especially Sims YouTube at the time and I still definitely do some of my favorite things to watch and so I was just really inspired to kind of figure it out and since I was enjoying watching Sims video so much I thought that I would try out making it since the Sims videos and I was already building so much I did that a lot in my spare time and basically just spending so much time alone and just kind of wanted to try it out and see how youtube worked and yeah I never really thought that it would ever develop into what it has become today and I'm so grateful that it has like it was one of the best decisions I ever made and as far as Let's Plays um I do sometimes think about it but it's just not a video type that I really gravitate towards building or building see it my brain is on building gravitate towards making I've done a couple of things I did the not so very for a while but I would just kind of take really long breaks and I just feel like that's not the best way to share a video or a series of videos and I don't know it's just I don't want to completely take it off the table because it might I might change my mind in the future but for now it's not a type of video that I really want to make so I know it's kind of a bummer I know a lot of people do like those types of videos but it's just I don't know I don't know if they're for me so it's not a very good answer but I do really want to tell stories that with my Sims especially Sims in my save file so I've been considering and toying around with the idea making stories with them so we'll see if that comes in the future I need some like practice and I need to like sit down and actually try to make Machinima's but I think that would be a great way to tell stories without doing Let's Plays so we'll see if that ever comes and if you guys want to see that definitely let me know your thoughts or anything that you guys have recommendations or things that you would like to see come in possible stories in the future thank you so much your question the next one comes from Laura Hart what is the one thing or activity you have missed most while quarantined at home do you miss working a regular job or is this your dream job YouTube so yeah YouTube is my full-time job so not much has changed for me there I do really miss just regular like outings with my friends like going to the bar or a restaurant or going to the gym just any activity that's outside the house cuz I do spend so much time at home already even before being quarantined and yeah I would say going to the gym I miss a lot but actually I've been spending a lot of time riding my bike my husband and I've been going on a lot of bike rides and I've been learning how to rollerblade again I haven't rollerbladed since I was like a teenager and I am terrible so bad I have these roller skates right now and I feel so clunky in them so I've been looking for some roller blades actually you know the ones that are in a row and at the four wheels side-by-side but I can't find them anywhere they're out basically everywhere so I think I might have to order some and wait - no it was like four weeks I think on Amazon to get rollerblades right now which is crazy but I mean I've actually been seeing so many people outside there's more kids in my neighborhood that I even realized existed like my husband and I were talking several months ago how we realized that there really wasn't that many kids in our neighborhood but it turns out there are they were just inside so now we're seeing them at like parks and like going out on like family walks and riding their bikes and stuff like people are still mainly maintaining distances from each other but they're like out and active a lot more which i think is really good and I hope that once this whole thing is over people kind of still stick with that being outdoors and active and like just spending that extra time not only being active but with their families and stuff like I'm sure they're spending time with their families if they're inside too but it just seems like it seems like a positive and I hope people continue with it so yeah I just I I mean I've been enjoying that but I miss going to the gym and going out with my friends and just kind of doing things like that so yeah you guys should let me know if you guys are missing anything in particular especially if you're not working right now are you missing your job or school or something along those lines definitely let me know the next one comes from cane stitch canes - I think it's how you say your name probably not saying that correctly but advice for people who are building beginners um just keep building it's it's kind of difficult at the beginning I think everybody struggles especially with just like making simple shapes like these boxes look interesting and adding details and especially finding styles that you really like or objects that you really like it just takes time and I would definitely always recommend looking at Pinterest or just Google Images anywhere that you can like look at reference pictures but I definitely recommend Pinterest because you can save boards and kind of save all of the images so you can refer back to them later like I will save a ton of pictures regarding like a certain idea that I have or a certain architectural style or something based on the world that we have and then I kind of get stuck sometimes and I'll go back through and I will refer to those reference pictures especially if I want to build a specific world or in a specific style then I have those like ready to go so that's what I would definitely recommend and yeah the next one comes from Doris J I can't remember if this was asked before but what's your cat's name so I have two cats I have a boy cat his name's Carter and then I have a girl cat and her name is Madison I've shared more pictures of Carter on Instagram so if you guys do follow me there you've probably seen a ton of pictures of him I think I've shared like one or two of Madison but she's always like hiding behind curtains or just kind of more elusive and she doesn't like that much attention especially if people are around obviously that's not too big of a problem right now but she's just not as photogenic to like Carter is very photogenic like she's equally as pretty like both of my cats I think are very beautiful but he just is a really unique looking cat so I actually get a lot of questions about him and I think he's so cute and I just love them so yeah Carter and Madison we actually named our pets after presidents so yeah we have President Carter President Madison and their dog is President Reagan yeah thank you very question the next one comes from candy Reba's I think is how you say your name hey dawn here's a question for you from Argentina did you go to college if so what did you major in have you ever worked in that field I love your build they are very inspiring oh thank you hope you and your family pets and plants are doing well loads of love oh thank you everyone is doing very well and I hope your family is doing well too so yes I did go to college I went to a community college right after I was gonna say right after high school that is a big lie like when I was 23 why was I gonna say that I started going to college when I was 23 and I went to a community college and I got a Liberal Studies degree and then after that I went to a university I'm straight away and I went there for three years and I got a degree in geology and I've never worked in the field as part of getting a geology degree at least in the u.s. you do have to do field work so I did do field work so I have I guess some experience kind of doing geology but it was not for me and thankfully right as I was finishing my degree I started doing YouTube I wasn't working and doing youtube when I first started obviously that took some time to make that a possibility after that I did work at a bank and then I worked at an elementary school for a while and then I started doing YouTube so I had a couple of jobs in between getting my degree and doing youtube but never geologies so I think you thought your question and then the next one comes from Amanda captain man I think you suck you say your name what's your least favorite expansion pack in each category and favorite pack in each category and categories being Steph packs expansion packs in game packs so I think I should start my favorites and my favorite expansion pack I think would have to be cats and dogs because I love the world and the art style and basically everything about that pack I really like it a lot there are some other expansion packs that I really like too that come in very close so it's kind of hard but I think I would definitely have to say cats and dogs and then my favorite game pack has to be Parenthood because I love the art style I use that stuff so much especially the tile is probably overused by me and most people but I really like the pack a lot it's very fun for me as a builder and also a lot of my opinions around this would be from like a building perspectives I don't do a lot of gameplay and then my favorite stuff pack has to be laundry day which is probably not a suppress if you could probably none of these are going to be surprised but yeah I really like the art style of that pack and I love having the realistic aspect of adding laundry to our builds I think is is really cool for me like I like the realistic stuff a lot and then my least favorites so I feel like for expansion packs picking out a least favorite it's kind of difficult but I think I would have to say it's very close between get famous and get to work I like get famous a lot I like the art style I think is really nice I like the gameplay I did do some of that in my own time which was a lot of fun and I really liked the world - even though it's just small and that's the reason like I want to like make it not be my favorite pack or my least favorite expansion because I was really disappointed about the world like a lot I know a lot of people were too so I'm definitely not alone in this but for me being from California like I had really high hopes for a world that was inspired by California especially Los Angeles so yeah I was a bit disappointed about that but I'm gonna say get to work it's my least favorite because even though I really like that pack I feel like there's so many things that could be improved and so it just kind of is a bit disappointing to me sometimes even though I really like a lot of the items I like the idea of building for it even though I've only done one hospital before I actually get a lot of questions about this especially for my save file I have rebuilt the science lab so that one is one of my most favorite builds if not my favorite build I've ever done I think I'm really pleased with it especially the one in my save file because I did make some changes in my save maybe some of you guys have noticed I thought it was pretty cool anyways uh-huh and I really want to do a hospital and I really want to do a police station it's just kind of an intimidating build to do so those will be coming eventually and I will build up for my save but yeah I just say there's a lot of improvements that could be made on that pack and my least favorite game pack would have to be vampires and not because I don't really like the art style it's because I just don't really like building for vampires I think a lot of the furniture is really cool but some of the like criticism items and like the gameplay is just so specific and I know I said I wasn't really going to use gameplay like I'm definitely much more of a builder but I don't really like building in the world so that brings it down for me but also like the criticism items are not my favorite and the gameplay I'm not interested in it at all so it'd have to be that pack and then my least favorite stuff pack is a luxury party and I think it always will be I don't like that pack at all I feel like it came with like nothing I think it is the first stuff pack that came with the sims 4 so maybe they just hadn't quite figured out exactly what they wanted to do with stuff packs or something like that I don't know I think they've improved greatly I actually really like stuff packs are some of my favorite packs like I think kids room stuff laundry day like I already mentioned tiny living is really good and movie hangout and basically like all of them like I really like them I don't like luxury party though and so yeah those would have to be my least favorite in favorites and next one comes from Tosh what is your favorite size house to build in the sims my favorite things to build are actually apartments so pretty much any smaller apartment not some large ones I do have a new apartment series that I'm planning on doing that'll make me build some of the larger ones I'm going to be talking about that pretty soon in another apartment build but yeah I really like building apartments but when it comes to houses I would say like a probably a 30 by 20 lot or maybe a 40 by 30 like a good size house that has like three bedrooms and a lot of outdoor space so I can do like a garden and a lot of landscaping cuz landscaping is one of my favorite things to do so yeah probably like a house that's like three bedrooms I should say on on either a 30 by 20 or a 40 by 30 probably more towards a 40 by 30 would be my like favorite size family home to do yeah thank you so much your question the next one comes from same time forever and they say are you an alpha or Max's match fan and why so I am definitely much more of a Max's match fan and that mostly has to do with because it matches the art style of the sims 4 and I think having an alpha in your game it just doesn't really it just doesn't match it's not that it's bad or anything like I actually really like some alpha especially the hairs I did download some of it and use some of it for a while but this was a couple of years ago or so and I do really like it I think it's pretty but it just doesn't match so I don't really like having it in my game I could see possibly liking it for a future Sims game if it was a bit more realistic looking as a whole but I think I would definitely prefer if the Sims franchise stayed in this more cartoony style I just think I prefer it a bit more so yeah we definitely have to say Max's matches my favorite the next one comes from Modena so and they say have you ever lost your passion for YouTube or the Sims and would you ever quit YouTube I love your personality and build by the way they make my day and I always look forward to them well thank you um so I haven't lost my passion no there's definitely days where I don't want to do it I mean but I think that goes with anything there's just some days where I'm just not and some days I really want to and I'm just not inspired and I kind of just struggle and then it makes me really frustrated and so I'll just take a day or so and just kind of do something else and that helps me kind of reset but I definitely haven't lost my passion for doing YouTube I really enjoy doing it like I consider making another channel hopefully that'll be in the works within the next couple of months or so I have some plans and I will definitely you guys know so no I really enjoy doing YouTube I don't see myself doing anything else from work if I was to do anything else for work it would be probably working in an elementary school again because that was probably my most favorite job I ever did but I love doing YouTube as a job and as for the sims sometimes like if it's been a while since we've had any new content sometimes I will just become uninspired and it's not that I don't enjoy doing it it's just because I'm I'm just kind of running out of ideas but as soon as we get like a new pack I'm usually like flooded with ideas and it kind of Reese parks it so that definitely helps but even in between packs like right now I have a lot of ideas I actually went through a bit of Builders block recently but yesterday I started building something that I'm obsessed with I'm really excited to share it with you guys and so it kind of comes in waves but as a whole I haven't really lost my passion for either so yeah it's not something I've really struggled with no so things aren't your question yeah the next one comes from Lisa Monroe and they say do you have some tips to start a gaming channel about the Sims PS I love your videos you're so talented you guys are way too nice to me I do not deserve this you gather to speech thank you um so some tips about starting a gaming channel about the Sims I would say first off think about what what do you already enjoy doing in the game so if you enjoy building like that was definitely what I already enjoyed doing so I made a building channel primarily and but maybe you enjoy really watching let's play so maybe you'd be better at a let's player or maybe you really enjoy create a sim also do you like custom content so I would definitely think about what you really like doing and then start making those types videos and my advice as far as like making the videos don't worry about buying the best equipment or getting the best computer right away just start with whatever you have the best thing to do at the beginning is just start making them so you can practice you can learn how to edit you can kind of learn your style with editing and with making videos maybe you want to do voiceovers maybe you don't there's definitely people that don't do voiceovers and there's people that do obviously I do voiceovers so maybe you have a preference to one of those or maybe you want to try making both of them and I think just experimenting and actually starting making them is definitely the best way to go but don't worry about spending a bunch of money initially like I would definitely not recommend that it's not it's not necessary it does help like I think the first thing to get sorted would definitely be audio that took me some time to get blank started and so I think that's probably one of the the biggest things to do is your audio but as far as having like the best graphics or anything I wouldn't worry about it so much just start making them and start practicing and also get a Twitter account I know I've said this before but everybody is on Twitter and it's the best way to like socialize and meet other people who make videos and to talk to the gurus and just kind of share your things in general and like kind of create a community it's it's a really good place to kind of share that and like organize collabs and just kind of meet people who are also sharing Sims content whether they have a youtube or not like I feel like it's just a best way to communicate with people is on on Twitter so that's what I would recommend but just start making videos if you want to do it just start and don't worry about making the best video just practice and practice is the best best thing to do at the beginning so yeah that would be my advice um I actually get a lot of questions about this so maybe someday I will like actually write down all of my ideas and do like a more thorough discussion about this because so many people I think are curious about starting channels but they don't know where to begin so let me know if you guys would be interested about that but um anyway something I do want to mention actually while I'm decorating this second floor to the church this is the bedroom obviously and I already decorated the bathroom I forgot the toilet I do put a toilet in there later on so don't worry if you guys notice that I will put one in I think when I decorate this next bathroom here in just a little while I realized that I haven't placed a toilet yet and so I go back in place one so there will be one eventually and then the next question comes from chazzy Sims and they say what is a movie that you always watch and love every time PS - Parent Trap from 1998 stay safe darling you stay safe - thank you um mine would have to be the burbs with Tom Hayes Tom Hanks is my favorite actor this is also something that I've mentioned before in previous Q&A I love him and basically any movie by him is my favorite movie but the burbs is just like a classic I grew up watching it and even if I watch it today it's still just such a good movie my husband doesn't like it at all he thinks it's a terrible movie and it I wish he liked it as much as I do so we could just watch it all the time but yeah the burbs is my my favorite or at least one of my favorite movies it's probably not my favorite I really don't know what my favorite movie is but it's it's definitely one that I could watch and always love it every time something you so much for your question the next one comes from Marlena trim patch I think is how you say your name advice on building family homes and roofing holy cow I am so bad at roofing roofing can be really tricky it's definitely something that I struggled with for a long time but I think the best thing to do is just practice definitely probably watching tutorials I know I've mentioned before that I want to do tutorials on roofing I've just kind of bad at recording tutorials but that will that will come at some point once I figure out exactly what I want to say in a roofing tutorial and yeah just basically practicing is the best thing for building in general it's just trying to recreate things possibly like if you look at a picture on Pinterest especially if you find one of a floorplan and just try to recreate it as best as you can and it's act as you can of course that doesn't always work because it's the sims and things don't always translate that well so that's what I would say is just practice and building family homes the same thing just looking at pictures on Pinterest or Google and trying to recreate them is a really good way to practice and then eventually you can create things on your own I even don't really create that many things out of my own head like a lot of things I usually start with an image and I'll either change things along the way but it's very rare that I actually just build something that just comes out of nowhere like I am not that good at doing that there's definitely people that are though and it's like amazing I pretty much always need references so references are a great place to start but something I do want to mention about this garden area the plants that I have placed in the first row of the garden I do end up having to get rid of those because before I took the screenshots I had my sim go through and plant all of them but I couldn't plant those I don't know why I don't know where you get them in jungle-adventure they definitely came with that pack though because I wanted to plant only things that came with jungle-adventure I ended up putting some random stuff in there because I couldn't plant those if you guys know how let me know but all it said is your sim doesn't own this item so you could she couldn't interact with it at all so I guess it's not a plant at all even though it was with the plants I don't know what that is so let me know about that plant in the first row of the gardening it was so frustrating to me I really wanted to plant it but anyways moving on to the next question um builds by Janet says I have a silly question and a serious question silly one do those cute debug stepping stones everyone is using come with base game or with a pack they are basically I'm actually doing a base game built right now and I'm using them so they are base game and the serious question what advice would you give someone who's just starting their Sims YouTube channel so like I said previously think about things that you enjoy watching already because I think that if you're going to enjoy the videos that you're making and if you would watch them then other people are more likely to enjoy them as well like just be as genuine and as much yourself as possible and just practice don't worry so much if you don't want to do a voiceover don't voiceover if you want to do them that's great because it's really good to practice especially if you know you're going to want to do them in the future because that's one of the probably one of the hardest things about making videos is doing voiceovers at least for me cos sometimes I just can't do it I struggle with words or I can't think of what to say or I just don't feel like I have the energy to do it so definitely if you can if you want to do voiceovers practice with them and just practice making videos don't worry about having the best equipment the main thing is just learning your style of editing and what you like to make and then you can invest money later in getting better recording equipment or improving your computer or getting a better microphone the best thing is just to start doing it and don't worry so much and also like I said before I get a twitter so you can share pictures of what you've made you can share links to your videos you can interact with other people you can organize collabs and just things like that it's a great place to like socialize and kind of do all that kind of stuff so yeah good luck with everybody who's trying to start a YouTube channel like it was honestly one of the best decisions I ever made in my life and I wish you guys all the best and don't worry don't stress out about it too much and you guys will be fun um something else I want to mention about this build is I'm decorating this kitchen area I didn't really feel like a bar made sense for this build either I was thinking just to have another activity it would be nice to have a bar I think it looks good over here I was trying to make it blend into the art style or not the art style the architectural style and the interior style but I just didn't think it made sense so I do a seating area instead later on but if you like it I think it looks pretty in here and the only reason I got rid of it is because I just didn't really think a bar made sense so that's the only thing with that but yes thank you so much Janet for your question and the next one comes from melody violin and they say will you do let's play videos after your world build is complete yeah like I said earlier I just don't think I'm really one for Let's Plays and I'm sorry for all of you who are disappointed and want to see them maybe they'll come I don't want to rule it off the table but it's just not something I'm really thinking about at the moment anyways the next one comes from KCK and they say hey girlie I was wondering who what you get inspiration from and how do you keep that inspiration flowing I seem to get burnt out when building quite quickly so I definitely get burned out sometimes too and if I do I just I go do something else I'll take a shower I'll go for a walk I'll take the rest of the day off or maybe even the next day if I'm really struggling or running out of ideas and I'll just look at Pinterest I'll watch art videos just anything that makes you feel inspired in general I would just I would just start doing that like step away from building step away from making videos if that's what you do and just take a break and do something else for a while just to kind of clear your mind especially something like taking a walk or a shower or a bath like something that's not demanding so you can just think and relax and it's not something that's going to like stress you out it's going to be more relaxing so that's what I would recommend doing and looking at Pinterest for me it's always a great place to get ideas because I I can become so inspired from looking at pictures so that that to me it's always like my go-to so yeah that's that's how I stay going but I definitely get burned out sometimes and I get builders block and I kind of just struggle and it just take a break so if you're struggling just take a break even probably the best thing to do and at least it works for me so I don't know hopefully that was a useful answer I'm not really sure how helpful that actually was but moving on to the next question um it comes from Stephanie Jennings and she says hi dawn I hope you and your husband are doing well my question is if the Sims world were real places which one would you most want to live in have a great weekend this is such a tough question no because I really think like windin burg and Brendan Bay are the two prettiest world so I mean sue Loni is really pretty too but I'm not sure if I'd want to live in sue on because I feel like it might be a bit too humid and there's no City area like my ideal place to live in real life would be somewhere by the water like on the coast that's in a bit of a smaller town but close to the city I would probably pick del Sol Valley if it had like a beach area because then I could just live on the beach and then it'd be close to the city but I don't know I I definitely prefer to be warm so I'd want to pick a warmer world and so maybe I'd pick Oasis Springs I would pump I liked stranger ville and I would like to live like on the plateau area that would be kind of cool but definitely not if it was an actual Sims version of that world because the downtown area is pretty rundown and that has that whole like you know plant problems so that might be an issue I might pick oasis spring so I feel like that's the most similar to where I live right now and I think it's a pretty world and I like that it's warm so maybe I picked that but then again I would like to swim in the ocean in Salani that would be really amazing I don't know I feel like I'm not good at answering this question I feel like it's so typical I'm so terrible at this so I'm so sorry I'm definitely not answering your question very well oh wait this spring's I'm gonna go with it even though I don't think that's the best answer or where I'd probably actually end up living but it's the closest where I live now so that's what I'm gonna go but thank you so much for your question the next one comes from ivy Swain and she says how do you remember where certain objects are in the build menu I've been playing The Sims for a long time and I still find it so difficult and confusing sometimes um I mean I build almost every day so I don't know if maybe you build that much but I I don't know I still have things that I kind of struggle with finding especially like in the debug menu but when it comes to the actual building by menu I really don't struggle too much maybe because I usually go by the room categories and so I kind of remember where certain objects are in the different room categories I really don't know I feel like it's just basically spending time in the menu and because I build every day I find it a bit easier as time goes on to find certain things but yeah I feel like even if you build all the time some things are just kind of in weird places so I really wish there was like a better way that we could at least organize things ourselves and put things into certain categories and I really really don't like when they put the same object in there like eight different times but it's just different swatches that drives me crazy but then some things will change like basically shape like some of the rugs if you scroll through them they have so many different shapes and so I wish those were actually their own different like categories I don't know I feel like I feel like that is one of the main things that could be improved is the actual way things are organized in the actual building I kept like catalog in general drives me crazy sometimes but just spending time finding objects and building it's really the only way that I do it I don't have any special technique or anything but yeah thank you so much your question the next one comes from Ellie Smith and when is the furnished new crest starter video coming I'm so excited oh I'm excited too I'm actually planning on maybe decorating that one today that's my plan we'll see if it happens so pretty soon probably early next week what is today today is Wednesday I do have some builds ready for the next day or so and then this weekend so sometime next week maybe sooner we'll see how it goes you can put on yeah I don't really make schedules for myself so I'm sorry if that's a bit confusing for you guys or if you're looking for certain belts to come out at certain times just works best for me not to make a schedule and so maybe that would be a piece of advice I could give to some of you who are wanting to start a channel that don't restrict yourself to stay into a specific schedule it definitely upload consistently that'll help your channel but for me schedules don't work very well especially if I try to plan out having specific builds done because sometimes I just don't have the inspiration to do that certain build and I have to do something else at that moment and so I'll just put it off till maybe a week or even a month down the line because sometimes things just at least for me I can't figure it out so that's why I don't stick to a schedule in case anybody was wondering the next one comes from crystalline e Nathaniel I think it's how you say your name and that's a pretty name what age did you start playing The Sims so I actually played The Sims for the first time The Sims one I think once I got like 11 maybe 10 or 11 something like that and that was at my friend's house I played it like once or twice and but the actual time I got into the Sims was the Sims 4 and I was 26 I think somewhere around there yeah I think I was 26 um so yeah I actually got started with the Sims pretty late even though I did play the sims 1 like I said a couple of times I played The Sims 2 a little bit more when I was in middle school with my sister I never played The Sims 3 I'm thinking about getting it and trying it out because I'm kind of curious so if you guys would be interested in seeing any videos on me struggling with the Sims 3 because I've never played it before I think that could be kind of fun but yeah 26 with the Sims 4 is when I really got into it and I've been pretty much addicted ever since not even pretty much I've been absolutely addicted ever since so thank you so much sure question the next one comes from thought and they say which other games did you play before you started playing The Sims or other games you would recommend for Sims players so I never really played anything else that was quite like The Sims though if you're looking for something that maybe as a Sims player you might like I would say Animal Crossing because it seems to me like a lot of people who are into the Sims are into the Animal Crossing right now I've never played it I'm not really sure if I have too much of an interest in playing it even though it looks so cute that's the only reason I think I want to play it is just to like look at the decorations because it's such an adorable game like I like seeing the screenshots that everybody's been sharing it's super cute so it seems like if people are into the Sims they're also into Animal Crossing so maybe that'd be something you'd want to consider if you have a switch or something but as far as games that I like to play I like to play battlefield I still play pug field I think I actually started playing that about the same time that I got into the Sims before that I used to play Call of Duty but I hadn't really liked the most recent games for Call of Duty so I haven't really played that in a while and I don't know I would like to though cuz I was like the like smaller Maps I call it Judy had but other than that I haven't really played too many other games though I would like to maybe I just don't I just don't feel like I have the time to there's so many other things that I want to learn and spend time doing that I'm not making time for that I feel like before I ever started playing any other games like I need to actually take time doing those like painting and doing like crafts I do I do crafts painting not so much but I definitely need to like make some more time for those types of things so yeah I don't want to play that many games if you guys have any flick favorite games or anything that you would recommend to me definitely let me know cuz I wouldn't rule it out I definitely would like to play some games but I need to spend some time doing other things as well um but yeah the next one comes from Curtis age and he says would you ever try playing a previous Sims game like The Sims 3 I love your videos thank you so yes this is definitely something I have considered I mentioned this a little while ago and yeah just let me know if you guys want to see that it's something I've been kind of toying around with for a while but I'm just haven't taken the steps to actually get the sims 3 but I think it'd be kind of fun and maybe some of you guys would like to see videos like that so definitely let me know I do want to say something about the build really quickly and that's because here in this building you will see that there's these rooms with the changing installed from spa day that's because right now is when I currently have the massage tables on the second floor so if some of the footage in this part looks a bit weird or there's certain parts that are cut out that's because I didn't want to show me decorating the second floor twice normally I would leave it in so you guys could see what it looked like fully but since this video was so long I decided to cut it out but you will see it decorated and then me replaced the items at the very end of the video so hopefully yeah I put everything together ok but I really like this building especially this this bottom area I think is kind of nice with the reception desk and the fountains I thought were pretty cool so hope you guys are enjoying the speed build but the next question comes from panda girl and she says what do you enjoy doing in your free time when you're not building editing left you on let me - so I really enjoy boy I really enjoy spending time with my friends but that hasn't really been too much of a possibility recently but I really also like just going outside going on walks going to the park my husband and I have been doing a lot of picnics recently going on bike rides and I really enjoyed doing craft projects I've been doing a lot of macrame I've got a loom for Christmas I started weaving it but I'm not very good at it and I needed to kind of redo what I did so I need some practice with that I also recently bought some clay so I could do some oven baked clay and I also want to do some painting I really enjoy just doing arts and crafts in general painting is one that I never make time for and seriously that's like a big goal of mine right now especially since there's not too many options of doing other things outside of the house like I really want to spend some time and actually do do those things that I've been wanting to do for myself that I never make time for so it's a big goal of mine hopefully I will hopefully I will do that hopefully I'll make that happen so yeah that's that's why I enjoy doing but the next one comes from Lizzie with fire and they say okay two different fandom questions a Buffy angel or spike and Gilmore Girls Jess or Logan or Dean um I have no idea I don't watch either of these shows I'm sorry well I feel kind of bad cuz I would like to give you an answer but I did watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer a little bit when I was a kid but it's been so long that I could not even tell you who angel or spike are and I've never seen Gilmore Girls but a lot of you guys have mentioned Gilmore Girls in the comments like asking me to build certain things or just making references to that show so maybe I should watch it at some point maybe I would like it I don't know I've never seen it so yeah I'm sorry that I'm not answering your question but the next one comes from Abby simmer and they say is it possible that you could create an apartment for Grandma and two grandchildren girl and boy twins keep up the great work and stay safe thank you um yeah I could definitely do something like that I actually get a lot of requests to do grandparent apartments it's something I've been thinking about actually a lot recently and I did mention that I have a new apartment series and I'm planning on doing and I could definitely probably do some grandparent apartments and that one at least one if not two so hopefully I will make it happen sooner than later but yes it's definitely a possibility and it's something I want to do but the next one comes from Ann Murphy and she says what's your favorite kind of bill to do and could you also do some houses and maybe apartments with only based game or base game and city living so I'm actually starting a base camp only build I'm starting I started it yesterday I'm sorry I started it yesterday and I will probably be finishing that today so that'll be coming sometime next week and as far as doing apartments with base game and city living yes it's definitely something I've thought about a lot I've done I think two before in the past but it's been a really long time so I've been thinking about that pretty recently so it's something I'm thinking about and my favorite kind of build to do our apartment I love doing apartments and I also love doing community Lots but I find them harder to start like once I get started with the community lot and I like figure out the like style and actual structure because I feel like building the actual community lot itself like just the exterior is always the most difficult part and then the interior kind of follows but I really love doing them like this is one of my most favorite builds that I've ever done the one that I'm building right now and it's a community lot but apartments I think are always going to be like my all-time favorites so I would say they're my favorite but also like family homes I don't know I have a lot of favorites I think for different reasons so it's kind of a hard question but yes definitely more based game houses are coming and I will do a base game and city living apartment eventually once I figure out exactly which apartment I want to do it in and for who I'm building it for and those kinds of things but also something I want to mention when it comes to base game belts I started a playlist for all my base game only bills so if you guys are looking for them and maybe there's some that you've missed that I've uploaded before in the past definitely look there and I'll talk about that more when I do my base game only build here pretty soon so keep your eyes peeled for that if it's something you're interested in but the next one comes from caramel and that's a cool name it's Kara and the Mel it's like two different names but it's caramel like caramel that's cute okay anyways when did you start building a lot on the sims and where did you get your motivation to keep building from also where do you find inspiration from so like I mentioned before Pinterest and how do I keep my motivation it's just because I really enjoy doing it and so it keeps me motivated because I like it I just find it a lot of fun and I feel like it's like the most creative game and that's why I really enjoy playing The Sims and building in it that really keeps me going and when did I start building a lot as soon as I got the sim so like I said I think I was about 26 I was in college and I actually started playing The Sims on mobile and was getting really frustrated so my husband told me that I should actually go and buy the new Sims game I don't think it was new at the time but you know this is the newest version and I didn't even think they made the Sims anymore I hadn't heard anything about it and so I went to Walmart and I bought the Sims and I immediately became like like so obsessed it's just building was like the first thing that I did I did more gameplay back then but gameplay for me didn't hold up as much as building like I really like building and still really like building and yeah that was like the first thing that really got me hooked so right away as soon as I started playing huh so thank you so much your question the next one comes from Tali I think it's how you say your name and they say if you could travel to anywhere in the world where would it be and what would you do there and try there um if I could travel anywhere I would say it would be back to Europe and I'm saying Europe as a whole because there's a lot of different places I want to go in Europe I went last September and I have been like in love like my husband and I have been talking about it so much recently because we're in you know quarantine with all of the credit buyers stuff and so for kind of like reminiscing about actually being able to travel even though we probably wouldn't be traveling right now but we would maybe be planning a vacation for the summer or something I don't know exactly when we plan here for another vacation but it's something we're always talking about we've just been reminiscing a lot about that vacation recently because we were so impressed and like in love with everywhere we went we went to Spain Portugal France and then a tiny little part of Switzerland I definitely want to go back to Switzerland though so maybe I would choose that out of all of them because we only saw like a tiny portion of it and I thought it was so pretty and I definitely want to see like the rest of the country but mainly Europe and then travel around to different countries is what I would really like to do like I really want to go to Eastern Europe and I want to see Northern Europe and I want to go to the UK and travel around like there's pretty much like everywhere I want to go and as far as things that I want to try I know food is like a big thing for a lot of people and they travel for us it's not like a huge part of why we travel I do like to try different things but I'm more disliked to see the people and the different towns and architectural styles and just kind of like I don't know how to say it it's like trying things because I don't think there's like a specific thing that I want to try just really like being there and seeing new things it's what I enjoy doing so yeah thank you so much your question we are coming up on almost the end of the video though so I do want to answer one or two more questions I will try to answer as many as I can but we'll see how long it takes me to answer them so the next one comes from Amanda Panda that's the cute name would you ever consider doing a real-time build tutorial for new beginner builders and maybe landscaping as well so yeah this is definitely something I've considered doing like a real time building but tutorial style it's something I've actually wanted to do for a really long time I just haven't planned out the best way to do it but if you guys would really be interested in seeing something like that definitely let me know because it's I think it's probably the best way to do a landscaping and like roofing tutorial because those types of things are kind of like case-by-case scenario so maybe I could do different builds for each of them I don't know if I would do like a SIV real-time build it would probably be like smaller family homes and try to do like one or two maybe three different types of styles I don't know we'll see we'll see what I end up doing but it's definitely something that I've thought about and I hope to make it happen hopefully sooner than later but thank you so much your question the next one comes from I cry BB PG I think it's how you say your name and if they say not really question but more of a comment your voice is super relaxing and I use your videos to help me sleep oh and keep up the great work done thank you I really appreciate that think I have time to answer one more question and I had this one from Sarah Grayson she says how did you meet your husband and when and where did you get married send any lots of love from Canada thank you so we met when we were in the first grade and you know we knew each other through elementary school he moved away when I think we were in middle school like 7th or 8th grade I forget exactly when he moved away and then he moved back when we were 20 and we met back up we started dating and then actually really quickly after we started dating I moved to California with him and it was kinda crazy my sister got really mad at me so it was probably a bit fast but it definitely worked out for me and we got married after five years of dating we've been together 10 years now and we got married at my parents place because my parents have a farm and yeah we got married in July five years ago so this summer in July we will be celebrating our five-year what I need a pursue so yeah that's it for the questions I know there's some more that I didn't answer quite a few more so if you guys do want to hear me do any more q A's like this in the future especially for builds that are a bit longer I don't think I'll do any q and A's for shorter builds but maybe if I have any longer ones in the future but this is it for the bill too hope you guys have enjoyed and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots so thank you so much for watching and please leave any comments or just isn't and I will talk to you soon bye [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 559,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: qV9cBOAg2Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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