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it's so stupid yeah Charlemagne the guy Andrew show we oughta brilliant idiot brilliant idiots back second yeah that we started a listen to that dude that's Jules I've been disconnected I'll tell you all about that in a second but this week's podcast is brought to you by Toyota untold 20:19 new year new ads baby Toyota a than just a car company and the new podcast Toyota untold isn't just about cars okay it's about finding solutions it's about sustainability triumph facing fears celebrating life and rethinking was possible and Toyota untold you'll hear behind the scenes stories about what drives the team members of Toyota and keeps them there for so long from concept to production you'll discover what goes into designing for the future from advanced technology to the Olympics space shuttles and natural disasters discover how Toyota is rethinking mobility and a brand new podcast Toyota untold you can find Toyota untold right now on Apple podcast Spotify and anywhere else you listen to podcast so I'm assuming Toyota untold if either a loudspeaker podcast are somebody in Chris's family is driving around in a nice new Toyota Chris our both Chris new smart on your show okay okay just make it short it's make it show up if we see you driving to those Lyme's disease appointments and Toyota oh it's gonna be a problem okay also please go out there and continue to purchase my book shook one anxiety playing tricks on me I had a great conversation with somebody yesterday cuz you know a lot of times when you plant these seeds you don't realize like the fruit that it that it that it bears you know saying that you just really you live in your life you're telling your experiences you're good speaking your truth you live in your truth yeah and but you don't realize the impact that these things are happening on people bring I'm not I'm just doing me you know I'm saying but then I had a conversation with somebody you know they were talking to me about the book and just it's amazing when you have these these big companies who look at what you're doing and say this is what I want to be involved in I'm not talking like TV tell me what happened to my companies that can really change the world as far as like change can can really help us eradicate the stigma of mental health that can provide real services for people with mental health issues you know what I'm saying so it's just amazing I'm just a little kid from mom's corner I'm not a kid I'm 40 years old but I'm just a young man from not young at all I'm just the 40 old man from Moncks Corner who was just living it's true what is the company that can you talk about I can't say I can't say not yet yeah but soon the point is that you see the reflection of your work yes and we have a chance to really really really create some change there is uh yeah I was uh I had this conversation with Duvall and it's really interesting how these things work out and he has this amazing perspective on how he affects the world and how we can affect the world and to me how I looked at it is really how you continue living past your quote unquote death right like we die in a physical form yes but the way that we affect the world we continue to live when you create something that's bigger than you when you create something that that outlives sure sure and that that thing can be an idea right like for example I remember I spoke on this podcast once of how my I developed confidence because my father would listen to me right and he really made me value what I had to say right and thought it was important right and this guy deems me and he goes man I have a son who's autistic and he just loves to talk although all the time and I kind of like let him talk but I don't really listen I don't really pay attention and he goes after listen that podcast with you and Charlamagne where you shared that I started like listening with intention to my son and his situation has improved drastically Wow like he's become more sociable and he's really changed who he was I just really want to thank you for that and I'm like that's my dad but my dad's an old man he's losing his memory and all that kind of stuff but he's still affecting the world through who he was like in a way he continues he passed on his jewels to you and you're keeping that traditional and it like it affects all these people and like here seeing how you can affect the ecosystem you know to be honest what you're doing with mental health right now that's affecting the ecosystem that's like in the [ __ ] earth you know so it's like well we'll never will never truly see the the impact we may have had on people but but that's where you gotta sit there and that's what flipped it right like and I'd been I've been a stickler for credit so much earlier in my career in Australia because I didn't have success you know once I started like having my ideal of success which was like you know accomplishes things that I want to do in creating right and I started to care less about credit and then I had this combo Duvall and he's like you know I'm used to not getting any credit like this is new to me smile [ __ ] is brand new I'm used to being overlooked my whole time so I started to find joy in seeing the positivity I would put out in the world yeah seeing the kind of change interested Duvall the great case study you know Duvall is a great friend of mine loved the brother Duvall didn't give himself a lot of credit because sometimes when you're that talented when you're that genius I know people like so you thought where genius right under but when you're that talented and you have that level of genius you tend not to work as hard as everybody else because it just comes to you like he used to say that all the time he'd be like this [ __ ] ain't all this [ __ ] ain't on me and that's the truth what is in you you tend to take it for granted but this is the first time I've seen Duvall actually work and like know like actually work like actually take the credit of the note to give himself credit for creating something and then going out there but he knows he knows what he's creating he knows what he's been doing for years he this is the first time it's been like acknowledged and like for me and you probably we see this massive success and it justifies us believing in our friend like all these years we'd be like man we knew this [ __ ] yeah so it's like you know it is just it's just amazing a shift in perspective and what that can do like when you see like even when when when I see like the term hazy right we could say my effect on that word or not you know but like when I see that [ __ ] in video games now and I see like Julie announcer saying it's like yeah we played a role in that like we created it you better go soon mother [ __ ] check there to be god yeah well she's like it's amazing what yeah but I mean it's fun like Duval Duval created basic [ __ ] right dude I'll be I'll be laying in bed right this happened recently I'm laying in there with a girl and I'm like warrants why aren't you gonna do that why wouldn't you just wear that and then the girl will go it's always like your white girl bag it's just basic I'm not gonna do that like I slice up like girl friend of mine event to that terms like what are you talking about I remember the tweet I could tell you what year was it was 2009 yeah cuz I was doing radio in Philly because I remember laughing walking out the radio station looking at my Twitter and him tweeting out something like um you really want to piss the girl off call AB AC and then the next thing was like basic [ __ ] and literally that [ __ ] just took off the white girl used to rap from Oakland I can't remember her name oh yeah Craig don't charge yourself trying yeah I remember a name Kreayshawn Kreayshawn yeah you put it in a song quiche like you don't do ball invented that term and she was like hey do not woody and that became the running joke with the 3 zubaba be like what that mouth do yeah oh you're gonna do man with that watch this you know what I did to do up I told him he knows the shirts right I'm only up I ordered 15 not even 15 maybe was like Tina might be less than that but I've been like 5 it wasn't a lot and I wore one yeah and I was like y'all got these what these mouths do shirts for sale and he was like man what you doing man create something else wants to get paid off real quick and that made him go out there and do it oh [ __ ] there's a there's something about creatives I'm sure you probably feel this way as well but like when you're when you're an innovator like when you're unique right and you create something that's different because you're ahead of the curve the second other people start being you you almost reject your own creation like like I have jokes other comics will kind of like bite the joke in a similar way the second I see that yeah I stopped doing my own joke cuz I'm like nah I can't be associated with what everybody else don't want nobody to think that you imitating them exactly yeah you know you bit my dick definitely [Laughter] more lips but I'm saying you've must have like created something like started something on the radio etc you see other people doing it and you're like can I even still do this are they gonna think that I'm copying these kids you know on Instagram or some [ __ ] like that so I understand his reluctance to like monetize it or do something right away but on some level as like a creative that's in the space where you you're making your living off of it you got to monetize your [ __ ] you have to why in this era 2019 it can be direct-to-consumer why wouldn't you create a phrase yeah trademark that phrase putting on some t-shirts and sell it why wouldn't you you know if you got these jokes for Stan that why wait and be like oh I'm gonna wait I got this joking I'm only gonna telling these comedy clubs like why wait oh they somebody's gonna give me a special why just put here yeah there's my joke all right give a [ __ ] you know I felt like that I honestly felt like that was my second look I was saying like you know because it's selling great you know it's been out two months and you know it was selling great but it didn't make the New York Times bestsellers list like like the first one yeah and the first one was on your time by sellers for seven weeks and I'm like oh the numbers aren't adding up but then you come to find out later on that the New York Times bestseller this has nothing to do with actual bestsellers like it's all type of other politics in Kris you probably know better than I do like well the big biggest factor is what other books are coming out that week and yours came out Obama's two weeks before Michelle before there's a lot of Kobe's that we call we were that week yeah it was a heavier week but the fact is nobody knows what drives the New York Times list there's no formula that you can plug in to make it so that discredit said to me oh very odd Ryan holiday Vincent me article about how I can't remember who wrote the article actually came out this year and it was a metric it was calling the New York Times bestseller this BS because I forgot whose book it was Jordan Peterson was he had the number one book in the world and wasn't the New York Times best think it was Jordan Pederson because he was he was he was number one on the USA Today and the Washington journal but didn't get credited on the meal compass and there was joy their argument was that it wasn't produced by an American publisher but they put books on the New York Times bestseller lists that haven't been published by an American publisher before again there's politics they don't count religious books right I mean because that Quran been selling I'm saying all that to say I was looking at that list for validation right but that but did the book has had more impact you know what I'm saying then then black privilege even a black privilege sold a lot of copies and is no no I've been with number on notice at least ever was where New York Times bestsellers in seven weeks in a row if gladden it's like that my audible book but the [ __ ] but shipments has sold just as much but it's had more impact on people's actual life you're shifting the frame yeah you're recognizing like as dual [ __ ] you're recognizing your own programming like you were yearning for the validation of this of this book of sorry of this like New York Times thing because you felt that that would make you a good book writer I thought that's what I thought that's what that's what dictated success exactly that's just reaching out right it's like that's what we do in our careers probably right now is like we reach out what else can I have that validates me for who I am and I think sometimes like God or the universe like when we're not grateful for what we have he lets you the [ __ ] know dog he's like he literally he'll tap you and be like stop asking for more you got a lot yeah sit back and be grateful for this [ __ ] you're right and you're gonna get some more like if you notice smile [ __ ] we'll do it that you're that [ __ ] came out after Duvall was like I'm good I'm go to the Bahamas I'm gonna hang out anymore in my life my life is good and God was like oh okay here you go now this one's now this one's got more for you to do boom yeah I get what you're saying that's a bigger thing in life with a lot of people like like you know I think they're so funny I think Kobe just had his like fourth girl or something like that and you know he wants a son so bad and I think that's I think on some level as God just going to a you get it when I decide but you need to be grateful for these four beautiful girls you know my last two my last two girls I wanted to be sons right yeah and then I'm like I'm not having no more kids you know I really don't want to like my wife's older like we're not we're not doing it yeah every every pregnancy gets harder and harder yeah and so it's like we know one thing shaped oh she look like a superhero bro yeah she could have another kid that's like yeah but we're not gonna do it I don't know I don't want good I think I think that would be selfish and plus I had to look at it right I got this tribe of women I guess three daughters a beautiful wife anytime you see Charlamagne out and about more than likely I'm with more women than guys I don't have a lot of guy friends like that so it's just like this is my life this is what I'm comfortable around you know I'm saying so why wouldn't God give me what I'm comfortable around yeah why wouldn't why wouldn't he go hey you need to appreciate how amazing this is that you got here and if something's in the cars in the future we'll get there after you learn to appreciate how great this is like here's this abundance right here it's st. enough it's never gonna be I'm I'm more than aesthetic and I remember somebody saying to me when I had my first daughter matter fact my man is on tour a salute to Tori Tori design so it's all right it's all real is like yoga daughters are blessing he's like you're watching you have your daughter like your life is just cool he's right and every every single one from my oldest to the middle child to the third one and it's just like I'm watching this all I all have different unique personalities and like I'm like last night I'm sitting with my daughter and she's um she's reading a book about Nelson Mandela cuz she's doing a book report about Nelson Mandela and I'm like oh that's dope because you know good to say that you actually was in Johannesburg and I was like yo did you take what do we take pictures in airports obviously am I could remember she was like nah but I took a picture you know in front of his - Nelson Mandela Mon she's like I'm gonna use that for the cover I'm like oh great pic just talking about work please I was there so I mean like your stuff like that but that's what you that's appreciation that's gratitude like I'm happy for what I'm able to do for my family and I'm happy too that have a family that's why these these people who like we think are successful are often miserable right is because they're just reaching they're constantly reaching mmm and they don't realize what they already got behind them you know innovating it's like I think even in my career like once I sat there and I was like man I'm so [ __ ] lucky like I blew truly am in love with what I'm doing like I'm in love with what I'm doing all the sudden I really start to have like blessings happen to me man cuz gratitude should be your attitude yeah what you mean it's hard to like tell people that tell people something like have them like really truly resonate with them but yeah it's hard to just say but like III think that if you like look at what's happened I don't know like just to the little things that we've been you know going on and these little things that happen like once I stop really like craving and reaching reaching reaching and just doing what I haven't being so grateful for it I had all the sudden should start to blow up in some man my motto 2019 you know I refuse to stress anything that I can not control I got I got I guess like you know Suton Ryan holiday I love Ryan I love you know stoic wisdom he talks about the big three two big three is um control your perceptions you know when it comes to action you know make sure your actions are positive you know saying erection with your actions and the third is willingly accept the things that you cannot control so we stressing about baby like it's just some things we can't what does that line God give me the strength to what I thought in the Bible but did you talk about a serenity prayer that's how a Bible know Slash's I know grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change no god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference who wrote the Bible who the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr never heard of them I don't know but never heard of them but all I'm saying is that's the truth remember your serenity prayer I'm not scratching about nothing I can't change like a nothing I can't control like once things out there they out there whatever here's the next level to it one you don't let it stress you right the other is you look for the positive message in it that's where your [ __ ] mind starts not just that what does I just sat with this woman as she was doing the tarot cards and like she was telling me that she was like my life is a whirlwind and it's just all types of things around me but she said there's gold in the chaos she said you've always found the gold indicate I think your comfort zone is the chaos I don't know any other way yeah when I yo it never failed you know what I did this week December 27th we flew to Anguilla right turn my phone off when we get on the flight like everybody should do I put in my wife's bag I didn't go near my phone put 12 whole days I still haven't gotten on social media as of right now we're taping this on a Tuesday what's today January 8th whatever I haven't been on my haven't been on social media since December 27 that morning at the airport right on Sunday I finally turned my phone back on I was I was texting you know looking at the email stuff like that taking calls whatever I didn't do none of that for 12 mother [ __ ] days I disconnected yeah totally that right there reconnected me with my [ __ ] spirit but it didn't make my remember any better cuz I forgot what the [ __ ] people talking about we're talking about how you could take something that is perceived ly negative and find the pot oh boom so every time I go off to Anguilla right yeah it never fails like and so it was so interesting to be out of the loop cause you know Vanna des brother ban and van is like telling me stuff that's going I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking about no no he's like Yoda saw Kelly [ __ ] is crazy I'm like what the [ __ ] are you talking about right and he's like you know the day we were leaving he's like uh yo Monique just posted some old tweets filled I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] don't tell me about this [ __ ] and then he's telling me some other stuff and I'm like it never fails when I disconnect and I go on vacation as soon as I come back home the whirlwind starts so it's like when I'm on vacation it's like I'm super comfortable right I'm content yeah but I'm like alright so when it starts getting back what I'm like okay what did I tell y'all when y'all see me group text when I got back on Sunday what was it I'm like [ __ ] I guess they missed me yeah good it must know I'm coming back let's go like so it's like what I like I don't know why I exist comfortably when it's chaos maybe maybe at some point in my life I'll get to the point where that that that that isn't the case anymore but I really don't know how to maneuver without resistance so there's like maybe that's the next part of your life man like the way I look at my life right now I see it in a few different phases so this phase right now I'm trying to achieve everything that I want not what people think that I should achieve or whatever the expectation is for my career but truly what I want I'm trying to achieve everything and I'm still grasping for these things but the next stage the last third of my life my old man stage is gonna be trying to master nothing trying to wake up and go I don't need to get everything done today I can just enjoy the day I'm there now bro nope and listen I admire man I'm just saying like that instead of looking at as retirement instead of looking at getting old as this like sad thing you just got a twin don't really die I'm gonna look at it with the same level of mastery that I've looked at Podcast understand up where it's like I want to get good at this I want to get good at just enjoying a [ __ ] day crafts exacting that that craft is life and accepting the existence that is [ __ ] life man that's how I feel I want to be the best father I want to be the best husband you know what I'm saying and everything else falls into place is like cool like I'm gonna I'm gonna always coming in execute my best on these podcast I'm always gonna execute great at radio I'm always have you know great ideas for content for TV whatever whatever ultimately I'm going to do my late night show I'm gonna do my daily show on TV like that like that's going to happen right but guess what yeah all that is secondary what if it didn't happen I'm fine I would already good when the clock struck 2019 good because that's when all that stuff to come but no no I'm saying like that's when all that stuff will I wore I can I'm already home I can't explain it no other way I want I won like if I had to go back and look at my long-term goals and my short-term goals and I look at ten years ago two things that I wanted to accomplish yeah I want you I'll show it to you I would tell you I'm going to be a nationally syndicated radio boo say anything past that yes well um I mean we've had this conversation in the past I remember what she said okay if they ask the question everything I'm doing now I said I was gonna do exactly the books the the TV shows like did everything like I said I was gonna do like none of this is like something that's just happening so stop there right okay like you set out what you wanted to do mmm and you did it yes right everything else that happens afterwards is gravy but if and you realize that there are some people that don't there are some people that are like I need to get a TV show to be validated yeah I need another bestseller to be validated I need need need need and that's when I think the universe or God whatever checks you that's what I think the universe like yo [ __ ] you realize you wrote down what you wanted and you got you got it and you still upset that you got morally how dare you absolutely you know and it's like I think as long as you know that you literally Jeeves but mostly you think there's impossible and you wrap your head around the [ __ ] wild success of that I set out to do it everything was an icing bro you already got the cake yeah I always said I said I want to be I want to be to I want to I want people to look at me the way I used to look at Tom Joyner Doug banks you know say God you already happen is establish you know like like those legends like that even Wendy Wendy Williams even though you know she don't welcome here whatever but it's still I look at like those of the yeah icons to me you know what I'm saying and I'm like yo I just wanted to be that now I'm not saying I'm not saying on my icon I just know that absolutely a lot of kids in this generation when they writing down their thesis is and what they want to do they like I want to have a career like absolutely oh yeah thank you God is all I can tell you you know and I'm happy and content and I would encourage all the other to the disconnect spell gave me that advice when I was in a Johannesburg yeah I mean me and Dave was just talking and he was just like yo there's only one there's only one way to stay sane in his business he said to disconnect and that's the truth yo disconnect in the past 12 days has been the best thing for me I have never felt more mentally I can't tell you when the last time I felt this mentally healthy and it made me realize that I don't need the validation of anybody because truth be told we all say we don't give a [ __ ] what people think about us mmm-hmm it's not true because if we truly didn't give a [ __ ] what people thought about us you wouldn't be on social media sure you know you want to feel connected you want to know what people are thinking yeah absolutely and like honestly I've been back since Sunday I have no desire on social media you know what it's like a diet like the first week is hard and then after that first week you're like I don't need Oreos I don't need you know bread I don't need that kind of SH like that but the first week you miss it so it's like getting over that over that hump absolutely but you got to be very intentional with your attention yeah you know like that's not what we're doing enough of but don't cut people out like I think I love connecting with people and I love the access the Instagram has has given us it's just if it's done with the light of yo I'm trying to spread some joy I'm trying to enjoy and laughter through this I just want to do it when I want to exactly a lot of us think we have feel it exactly a lot of us think we have free will we don't y'all [ __ ] is really just moving the way social media moves I don't want to be a part of that [ __ ] like I don't want to feel like I'm in the matrix breath like I don't want to feel like my thoughts and my opinions are not my own like here I want you to care about this right now Andrew you better comment you better respond and people will hit you and be like y'all you gonna talk about this like that I don't want to but here's the thing Charlotte you are in the matrix you just got decide if you're one of those people walking down the street or if your knee oh yeah yeah yeah hundred percent so that's up to you and that's your perspective there are people walking down the street and they're gonna feel a certain way and we have to we have to respect it a lot of people just walking down the street and that's cool right one of the trickiest things for me is when I see someone walking down the street and I'm trying to let them know that the matrix is is this and they're in the matrix and they don't want to buy it so I'm like that frustrates me but I gotta let go net I gotta let [ __ ] walk yes I can't try to make everybody kneel somebody just Oh 101 I got a another reading I got a reading the day but somebody else gave me reading a few weeks ago and they told me the exact same thing they was like you have to learn to relinquish control she was like you're the person who gets upset because you want to lead the horses towards our exact words you want to lead the horses to water and then you get mad when they don't drink she's like you cannot force them to drink yeah you're not force them to come to this to drink the water and I was like y'all you're absolutely right that's why 2019 mm-hmm you willingly have to accept the things that you cannot control no as you gonna do bro you just die you die yo it also you just gotta drink the water yourself and then when you drink the water and people are seeing how satiated you are and how delicious the water looks there we go I want some of that water white like listen why are we tripping we got our tribes bros we know this quad is you know I said we know we go we know we talked to like one last search and for nobody else I'm doing my thing and if you want to come and enjoy this we're here I'm creating content for my people we're doing me and all of us and that's what we're doing right now so it's like and if people want to jump on board god bless but to be yeah to be completely honest there's a lot of people that are just every single day telling you how to live and it's kind of useless man bro it's kind of useless just do it like Gary Vee has way more influence just being successful than he does every day telling people what to do that's why they listening to him but they only listen successful yes like that and that's why I realized I gotta be a millionaire this year like I got it I never cared about money like I just never above a certain amount but I realized I gotta make a lot of money this year because of the leverage it will give me right like cuz I got tons of ideas but at least that was the Muhammad Ali quote where he was like you have to like he showed the money in the cars and stuff because he knows people listen I want it that might have this true like I might miss an Instagram she'd know but like I might have a little boo see it's like what what is that guy named in that like wild wild west or whatever documentary on Netflix the rajneeshees Oh show was his name he was like this like Buddhist like you know preacher guy whatever but he had like 25 uh Rolls Royces right and it's he probably goes boom tell me more yo son you know what it is no it's like and I never realized this right maybe because I came from privilege but also I always valid value talent like I'm prejudiced as [ __ ] when it comes to talent you know I mean like the all the people around me talented is [ __ ] that's undeniable right so it's like when I so when I see you I don't care how rich you are I'm like this guy Sharla is talented I even know that you would on the [ __ ] morning show when we first met right I just saw the pot the thing for for guy code I saw the preview episode and I just know so who's that guy he's good I wasn't a hot 97 I'm born and raised in New York that's what everybody listen to right so it's like I just was drawn to the same with duval same with these different people right I didn't care about money but now I realize how much it how much importance that is to people because just success in general no no no it's specifically money right because money for most people accumulate wealth is the hardest thing the [ __ ] world so when they see somebody who's accumulated massive wealth they go well [ __ ] he must have it figured out cuz he just did the hardest thing that I could ever imagine become a million whatever so well I don't give a [ __ ] about money all over asserted $50,000 like it doesn't make a difference my life between making half a million a year $150,000 never change there's been years I'm a hundred fifty you're gonna may have a minute but never change it in a million is coaching oh oh maybe Real Talk maybe feels great no no absolutely but like a millionaire I'm doing good in life but this yeah I felt like a millionaire yeah you a scandal exactly but when the clock scrubbed 2019 yeah yeah damn baby like I yeah just saying like bro I'm with you I'm just saying like I've realized the leverage that gives you like when I say [ __ ] like when I say [ __ ] about the stand-up comedy world now because people have seen me have success in it without like the help of networks or anything like that and they see all these comics that are you know replicating my formula and stuff like that and they should I'm not knocking it but like now all the sudden what I say carries weight but it only carries weight because they've seen me sell out shows and they seen album number one they've seen all that so they've go oh [ __ ] he's made money was actually profitable boom exactly but before I had the same ideas so your idea like Eli money your broke ass I do Eli must not the smartest guy he's the richest smart guy Jeff Bezos from Amazon not the smartest guy he's the richest right so I realized I gotta be a multi-millionaire just so I could validate just so I could justify these ideas to other people just so I could spread that positivity to the world you know like why do you care about the opinions of people who ain't got [ __ ] that's the problem with your [ __ ] I do is [ __ ] yesterday what I say is you said you said all these [ __ ] all they got is social media oh yeah yeah yeah when yeah I was like let your your miss phone bill away from not having opinion anymore we really Mormon we really given you value like you treated me like you missed that [ __ ] Verizon payment like you are done like nobody give a [ __ ] about I don't give a [ __ ] what you're talking about you know why because all of these [ __ ] online always know what to do with other people's money they always know what to do with other people's positions but you ain't even figured out what to do with your [ __ ] yet you can always telling me what he should have said what he should have done you can tell Andrew what he should have say twenty like you ain't done you haven't done [ __ ] with your existing [ __ ] so [ __ ] you you know and I'm gonna tell you something else we're talking about being controlled stop watching bird boxes that [ __ ] is trash oh you didn't like that [ __ ] was try really liked it no you did I thought was really good dead ass really hated tell me why it had its moments what the end was like oh come on are you [ __ ] serious I mean I thought oh that's from the beginning I was like yo do your line people killing it we should redo a sketch where instead of blind people like afraid of seeing the thing they just walking around all with their canes like the grocery stores watching it right it's like ten of us watch I'm like Stevie Wonder is flourishing in this world right now I'm like what a [ __ ] is Stevie so at the end I'm like so at the end of the duet when the world said and done in the future it's gonna be blind people and mentally disabled people who run the world well I disabled mentally disabled people cuz if you were mentally disabled yeah that's why they could see that's why they weren't never went crazy you didn't say that you didn't realize that everybody that that didn't go crazy with it was mentally disabled no what do you mean you mean like the guys that the people that you riding around in the BMW was trying to get everybody to see oh they are mentally disabled explain that in the movie what they say I miss the whole thing like if you were if you were mentally disabled I don't know if I don't know if it's I don't know what you would call it you know I don't just mentally disabled in some way yo you mean the dude that was in the house with them was mentally ill how he seemed normally seemed English he was no that's why he went crazy in the house and started opening up the window there was like look see he's the one who explained it to all of him yeah so he said if you're mentally disabled he's led something I don't know the exact rhetoric but he said something like that he was like if you're suffering from some type of mental disability you you you won't be affected by it at something like that cuz they already see the world for what it is I forgot exactly huh tell me how did it break it down you don't know Mike Taylor your first Michael Prince of 2018 the one thing that bird boxes climax makes clear those that these creatures are able to read minds and assume the voice of whatever person their would-be victim would be most susceptible to that's why sound of Bullock's character Maori hears the voice of where this is when she was in the Bushmen call it so so if you're already hearing voices and stuff like that it can't affect you yeah you're already hearing voices you already seeing wild stuff so it couldn't affect them that's why everybody who wasn't with either black people who aren't who blinders ability it says that bird box is a story about a woman overcoming severe depression and learning to feel hope and connect with others once more yeah that's what I understood about the movie depression riggan I'll remember that for like for example she's she's pregnant right but the first scene this is what I took from the movie it's about reconnecting with society and like having love for people and I think what happens is like so she was scorned by a dude or men yeah right so it's like she's scorned by a Deuter man right this guy left her even though she's pregnant all the [ __ ] and the first scene she's like in a room painting by herself she doesn't want to even hang out with her own mother her sister's the only person that's there right and she's realized that like the only way that she can she thinks in which she can survive is by completely isolating herself from all connections people right she doesn't even name the daughter a name or the son a name it's just boy and girl and that's her way of protecting herself in case they die because if she acknowledged them as her children like a loving them would hurt her would hurt her because what happened her in the past loving that man that she got pregnant with he ran away so that hurts you in the movie that's always like boy Blackman loved playing house boy these [ __ ] love playing house with other people churn so real quick so real quick so so I think what what the movie is trying to tell us is that in order to feel part of something and connected and whole right you need to take the risk of being hurt and the risk of being hurt was going hey your name is Tom and your name is Jasmine or whatever and I love you and I'm willing to put myself in the line of fire to connect with people like connecting with the world is painful and there's a lot of people that like are alone they're on their phones and they're not talking to anybody throughout the day and I think the movies basically saying hey yeah it could be painful it could hurt but it's worth it because of how loving human connection well correct me if I'm wrong that I didn't they didn't tell us what to [ __ ] these things were right which I thought was kind of dope I like that but are they good are they evil or they killing everybody though there was no black women in the future one black woman at the end there was a no black woman in the house women who was it was the wasn't she Indian the doctor that doctor Fonda by the way they could you know what I saw Amanda Steele's complaining about uh you know the lack of black woman you don't say what shocking but I'm gonna tell you why I'm gonna tell you why that was very accurate right there was a black woman in that house who would have lasted a lot longer know how to cook things up they know how to feed a family of five with just one loaf of bread who would like if the black one was in the house they couldn't had that storyline about the food not last you know what I'm saying this I get it that's why there was no black woman in the house right right nobody listened to him cuz he worked in the supermarket I caught that part now I caught that now if he was a millionaire maybe listened you work at the supermarket a name check off check the fight he said it was about biblical and people being explained that he said that is people being forced to judge are you being judged based I don't remember I just thought this [ __ ] was kind of wack it had its moments I'd like the end it's all good it's all good I'm saying all that to say yeah everybody got caught up in the hype of social media that's the only reason we watched Burrell box cuz everybody had to [ __ ] mean the [ __ ] I didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on so when we was in Anguilla everybody wanted to watch burgerbob we watched [ __ ] burbot great I thought Burrell box was wack and I was like I put on coming to America because it's just like when you watch some wag I now I need to [ __ ] go too but as well as we're flipping we see black mirror fenders and a statue I didn't see the whole thing yeah bro that [ __ ] was awesome that [ __ ] was great I try watching it we were watching it in the Bahamas we put it on and I ain't got time for all that [ __ ] was grating it you gotta run it back to the beginning if you go you know no it's just the principle choices you make it's five different endings say well it's five different endings it's literally five different endings like we ran in two days we got through all five and then once we got through all five we even googled some more and it was like one other ending that that was it was okay it was quick it actually leads you to a Bandersnatch a video game like the actual video game that's in the movie there's something that happens at the end of one of the endings to where it's like this tone and you can get to tone and then you keep log on to the website played and you get the Bandersnatch video game but that [ __ ] was so dope to me because did you see the part when the guy's like nah he's talking to his therapist and he's like I feel like I'm not in control somebody's controlling me yo that [ __ ] was ill and did it's one part where you got to select whether or not to tell him so he's like what the [ __ ] is going on he's fighting [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening and you gotta tell him whether it's Netflix are Bandersnatch what the [ __ ] is the Netflix you know that [ __ ] was that was awesome that was a you know why cuz I've always been clapping playing with the idea of choose your own adventure books lately actually have something coming out that's choose-your-own-adventure like someone so when I saw that in the TV show I was like oh that's dope you know what I'm saying like of course I felt like [ __ ] somebody came my idea but no no ideas original netnews Under the Sun somebody of common sense would tell you at some point shoes your own adventure good book I'm gonna take that and put that on some head of content especially with this streaming service [ __ ] yeah but that black mayor of Bandersnatch it was so dope especially windows the dude broke down how we're all in pac-man did you see that part no oh Andrew you gotta watch this you would love this [ __ ] alright I'll give it a second first of all I love the idea and it's something that can only happen in streaming because you don't have a limited amount of time to tell the story bro I will see y'all networking computer - no no they can't physically they can't because they have an hour to tell the story or two hours to tell the story yeah this Bandersnatch I'm understanding from you guys could potentially take five hours this should took us two days two days right like we've watched all the Blackbird but right what's this a copper box you watched all the bird box technically it would be white we watched all the bird box and then we watched band snaps right after that and got caught up in that [ __ ] and then when we stopped the Netflix you know you can finally exit the credits if you want when you exit the crack we only had got to like 30 minutes like you what the [ __ ] so next night was [ __ ] spent on finishing [ __ ] black beer Bandersnatch Brandes yeah yeah yeah no I love it I love the idea I love the concept and again at the end of the day you're just selling distraction right so if you can distract somebody for five hours six hours eight hours with the same one movie it's a million a new way to break watch its ring I just didn't want to make all these decisions like I went into it with the wrong expectation life is about expectations I went into it with alright this would be nice couple hours just distraction I had a great day and then we had to make all these decisions about cereal and I'm like family oh you know [ __ ] was cereal that [ __ ] so great because everything leads to something else like you went dude yeah broke down the pac-man [ __ ] yeah and how we're all in pac-man yeah he was like pack means program and control he was like we're all in this [ __ ] maze and all we do is consume consume consume try to run from our demons sometimes we get to eat our demons but then demons come right back he was like we go through one side and come out the other and we're still in this [ __ ] system I'm like that's what the [ __ ] they doing us right now we can't exit this [ __ ] as we cannot have this [ __ ] we can but we don't want to I need more and you're waiting five different engines we got to find all five exactly that's [ __ ] listen at me like awesome what was really interesting about it is that you watched it in Anguilla which was your version of exiting the system yes but even after exiting the system you still but that's but that's what happens like that's what and that's why these things are kind of dangerous to tell people like not everybody's ready for this information like sometimes you got a lot of people are telling the truth you know like if you tell people exactly what the world is and exactly how it works then they're like emotions aren't ready for it like when I started understanding how the world works and what we are I even had to back away from it at times because I was like whoa whoa am I ready to understand this like am i emotionally secure enough to understand that we're in pac-man mmm right like is that I've put all this importance on our lives and what and what it is but like an earthquake happens and everything's over so you know what you're explaining right now Alyssa another great movie that I watched over the holidays which is small fleet that [ __ ] cartoons about yetis yes okay not squash yetis that's crosses cousin that [ __ ] was um - yeah it's exactly what you're describing and right now because and [ __ ] it mr. spoiler alert we don't have time to be [ __ ] waiting for y'all to catch up to watch movies in small foot yeah yetis think humans don't exist of course humans don't think yetiz yetiz exam [ __ ] human crash lands on the the [ __ ] mountain or whatever that [ __ ] is the Yeti sees it the humans I know my guys a [ __ ] Yeti goes back tried to tell people he saw a Yeti nobody believes I'm struggling struggling reality star who's like a Steve Irwin trying to get his show [ __ ] pop the Yeti goes back and tries to tell everybody a small foot exist they tell him he's [ __ ] crazy he got to leave the [ __ ] mountain so he goes down I'm going to find it's for conspiracy theorist who everybody calls crazy who live on the outskirts of the Yeti [ __ ] mountain they tell him they believe him he goes back to find him a [ __ ] small foot and bring him back he does that brings a [ __ ] small foot back right the king of the yetis has to explain to him you stupid [ __ ] yes we know small foots exist but this is why we had to tell our people these small foots don't exist and I'm not gonna tell you anymore cuz you need to watch it for your mother [ __ ] sometimes you had a lot of people tell the truth and he says that he says you have to he says you have to I'm lying to them for their survival he was like baby like you got you gotta go watch small foot great [ __ ] movie that's why you show not tell right you if you want someone to believe you don't telling me yetis exist you get them and a small foot by the way for anybody's listening his little confused is what a Yeti would call human a human yes we call them Bigfoot so they would call a small yeah but uh what's that it's the cute movie would all great oh oh great kid movies have the messaging breath all great and you know why they do because you know don't say please well no double you know the kids gonna watch with the parents so they got double duty they gotta have a message that a parents can [ __ ] with like remember Sesame Street was like low-key funny and like sexual had like we're like sexual innuendo like emanates all is not partner neo gay maybe that was fit to yeah but like but like not even safer but there was like adult jokes kids didn't get and you watch them with like or like you know you're watching with your babysitter your babysitters laugh and you what's going on so I think those movies I think that's why we can resonate them put back to that pac-man [ __ ] like this this goes to exact like about how they're telling us what to do and how they're telling us what to not pack my Netflix [ __ ] you know how like we are telling him what to do and telling him what to care about and telling him what to choose right tell me that's not Twitter outrage that exactly that's exactly what I [ __ ] it is like it's like Twitter gets upset at one thing right and that like this r.kelly [ __ ] was a perfect situation Twitter gets upset at one thing and then all these people who know are Kelly's been a pedophile for [ __ ] ever all the sudden decide that today is the day listen I haven't seen it so I can't speak on it what let's pay some bills that we will they don't need the [ __ ] facts here now today's episode of brilliance is brought to you by hims 66% of men lose their hair by age 35 I am in at 66% thankfully baldness can be optional things I'm not cuz it hims bro hey a one-stop shop for hair loss skin care sexual wellness for men tell us more jokes well the active ingredient is called finasteride I've been taking that for years I have a beautiful head of hair and they're really just what it comes down to I mean as far as like aging and and and whenever you say guys aging great it's just if he has hair if he doesn't have hair and this only applies to white people I pretty much because black people age incredibly well but us white folks we do not have that privilege so we got to keep our hair but if you want to keep your hair you don't have to get one of those like lace fronts that dudes are getting now have you seen these like dude wigs no dude Alex and I were just talking about it they're doing like wigs but you can get a [ __ ] shape it looks like you have like a Caesar or some [ __ ] it's just plastered on your head but you are familiar with what they are yes so you don't have to do that you just get some finasteride or get this hymns and hop on it okay they're well known generic equivalent to the name-brand prescriptions that I just said right there to help you keep your hair not snake oil nothing ok these are real pills go-to for hims calm you answer a few quick questions and a doctor review and prescribe you okay the products are shipped directly to your door no more waiting rooms no more awkward doctor visits order now my listeners get a trial month of hymns for just five dollars right now la supplies last so see the website for full details go fo r hims dot-com /bi okay for hims com /bi get your hair back alright let's talk about the pi pedophile I had no idea what the [ __ ] was going on cuz I was totally disconnected but when I got back all I kept hearing about was all Kelly all Kelly van was trying to fill me in like all Kelly dis I'll tell you that and III couldn't follow the conversation because he was telling me about all Kelly and he was telling me about you know other people that they were trying to come at for messing with underage girls and I was like well I don't get what the issue then it was like chance the rapper did this and did that I'm like what I'm like hold on hold a holla what the [ __ ] train going on drink I'm like what I'm like what does any of this have to do with art Kelly you know nothing so I really didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on I I didn't even know the government was still shut down because when I got back everybody was talking about all Kelly everybody was talking about Kelly meanwhile it's a whole government shutdown going on yeah the world keeps moving is what people don't realize you could be upset about something the world keeps go here it's not gonna stop yeah yeah I was on I was on the documentary I saw people was upset because they said I should not be on the documentary because I got arrested for criminal sexual conduct with a minor back in 2001 but the thing that people forget about that situation is I also got my charges dropped like I cooperated with the police I did everything I supposed to do I gave blood samples I and and I'm not going to I'm not going mister right now the other thing too you know when when they came to me they told me that no man wanted to do this special mm-hmm right so being that no man wanted to do this special I said why as a black man who's a father of three young girls why would I not take the opportunity to speak out against somebody that I've been speaking out against I'm supposed to not do that because of what you believe about me that's not my truth which your perception of me what you believe about me is not the reality of my situation no I'm gonna speak out against this sexual predator the same way I've always spoken out against the sexual predator and dinner you know now I'm seeing it's like some narrative the way they're trying to bring up old tweets I guess Monique posted my old tweets and you know my friend mr. C mr. Z yo y'all gotta get over it yeah I mean yeah I gotta get over it I know the donkey today is hurt but you did that to yourself I didn't make any of this up about you so I know for the rest of your life you're gonna be trying to get back at me but what you need to do is just look in the mirror and say to yourself you know what I wasn't living my truth I'm the one who got arrested for being idea sleeping with you know transgender women trans into prostitutes whatever it was like all Charlemagne to God did was give me donkey today for constantly getting arrested I never and so did you feel your sexuality I said be free mr. C be free yeah you know what I'm saying all I wanted you to do was get a boyfriend an apartment yeah yeah be who you are so I understand that you're gonna take shots whenever you get the chance to sure but to answer your question sister see cuz you know somebody screenshot of that and send it to me when I got back he asked you know how could somebody with sexual assault be who got arrested for sexual assault beyond they're talking about are Kelly commits sexual assault because that's what happened I got arrested that's not the reality of my situation I've never sexually assaulted anyone who raped anyone so it's like what I'm posed to do I'm posed dead at guilty because you think I'm guilty all right I don't understand like what's the logic is yeah you know what and also to my problem with it was it's not about me why are you talking about me you should be talking about the abuse of young black women that's what we're all doing by speaking out against our Kelly right like that's what the the point of this documentary is about check it out against our Kelly like we should be focusing on that like none of us are focusing on the actual issue come here like I said I'm hearing about Drake I'm hearing about chance the rapper I'm hearing about you know chasey and I'm like what what is going to Diddy I'm like what is going on right now why you your [ __ ] you're focused on Charlemagne saying he shouldn't be on here talking about a man sexually assaulting other women because of your perception of Charlemagne because of what you believe about Charlemagne you know know how wild you got to be to try to discredit somebody for talking against a sexual predator you're trying to discredit me for talking against a sexual predator same sexual predator who's threatened me on quite a few occasions yeah I don't think people realize yes last year when I was telling everybody to hash tag PP 14 yeah on our Kelly's Twitter page because of the the hole he had all these that cult or whatever he was like yeah I would love to meet up with you come to hotel let's have a conversation no hell no yeah no same aren't I a little old for you these young ladies are saying we're threatening them they do the same thing to me yeah like so when are kelly saying he's gonna sue people he's like I'm gonna sue lifetime I'm gonna sue died I saw this on conflict I'm a sue lifetime I'm sue John Legend I'm a sue Charlemagne to God that's the problem with once again you guys on social media you women on social media y'all not on the front lines at nothing yeah all y'all doing is talking talking talking it's a bunch of empty calories you know what I'm saying when we talk when we have these opinions there's real life consequences that's the difference between me and you baby yeah that's what so you wonder why sometimes people don't say nothing yeah cuz it's not worth it to do well to that point exactly it's like these people or the reason why Oprah's not gonna run for president these people are the reason why it was you and John Legend we're the only dudes on there on that special right these people are the reason when I say these people I mean like this fake outrage type with right where they're attacking you it's like the cost of speaking out it's too expensive for a lot of people to pay you're willing to pay it but a lot of other musicians like [ __ ] I'm not gonna have them looking through my old tweets you know I'm willing to cheat it's not about me right you understand the greater value and that's a different conversation but um about like how smart it was but I guess you're willing to pay the cost like you know and I guess I you know I've said it on this bar guys here's like I'm willing to pay the cost to be a comedian these days you know like I will pay that [ __ ] price yeah cuz I believe in these jokes and I believe in this type of comedy is like if you believe that people need to speak out against this pedophile and you're willing to pay the cost of [ __ ] digging up these old tweets and trying to create this fake narrative that's cool a lot of [ __ ] are not you know I mean like is he was Jay Z in it I didn't see Jay in it right he wasn't in Jay did a whole album with him and like to be honest Jay could get a lot of smoke for that like you did a whole out giving him smoke and they made me rightfully should like if you knew as much stuff as people in the industry knew and you're doing a whole lot I mean if you bottom line knew he married alia 15 yes that alone is like I don't know if we need to do it like you know what you're saying is true that that's another reason that's another reason I didn't hesitate to do it because I feel like as a radio personality even though I've always spoken out against our Kelly I feel like our industry has you know enabled a lot of our Kelly's [ __ ] and the reason I say our industry has enabled a lot of our Kelly's [ __ ] is because whenever he was going through you know his his his legal situations all he did was kept he kept putting on music kept putting on music and radio was playing that [ __ ] you know saying and and and TV networks were playing his videos and all that other kind of stuff that gave him more money I gave him more power that gave him more influence that he was able to use to manipulate more young women so have you been a part of a problem for so long why wouldn't you try to be a part of the solution what wouldn't you because a lot of people don't to pay the cost are as simple as that they're like I don't want to smoke I know y'all know me shut up show me God has never claimed to be perfect hey you knows and it's like it's a lot of old [ __ ] that you can pull up on me to use against me if you choose to you know and that's fine I'm willing to deal with that you know I'm saying because I truly believe when people can't do anything with anything when people can't do nothing with who you are yeah they keep trying to dig up who you were but the painted narrative that I somehow support our Kelly is [ __ ] stupid I got too much no hope for Kelly over to you know I don't think that people are saying you support them I think they're just like how can you say this with these allegations towards one of my one of my consistent enemies I don't see enemies without critics yeah Monique yes she posted some old tweet I say this about that first of all I hope you're going where I think you're going with this I think I might be I think we may be I think we maybe need to give some smoke to people who hijack causes as an opportunity to [ __ ] on their and impersonal agendas Yosa because think about how evil think about how think about how evil a person you need to be when little girls out here getting raped and you look at that and you start salivating like oh I could use this I could use these little girls getting ready to [ __ ] over Charlemagne and they posted they posted three old tweets it was uh what was one of the tweets that's evil bro I'm sorry that's a different level of evil I wasn't even gonna go there I was I was thinking more so like you're yeah you're a comedian right yeah you're not gonna sit here and tell me that aughh Kelly and that aw hell Etape didn't create so much comedic content now I was talking with some young lady who called radio station just want to tell Lisa Lisa is one of our Kelly's original victims she's I think she if I'm not mistaken she was the first person to testify against him I asked her I said yo how do you feel you know back in the day when Dave Chappelle was doing pee on you you know I said I said I've made jokes that are killed I thought they were at our Kelley's expense you know if I say something like are Kelly's looking at Barack's daughters like they can get it yeah I'm thinking I'm distant are Kelly this 10 years ago I tweeted that I and I said I think I think another tweet was um you know our Kelly looks 20 years old clearly you know the Fountain of Youth visit underage Virgina I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm let snot laugh at that cuz I don't want nobody to take that the wrong way like it's not laughter but I'm thinking I'm slandering our Kelly right I didn't think about the actual victims so I asked her I said how did you feel when all that I was having a Dave Chappelle pee on you you know the boondocks episode jokes like I made and she was like it was very frustrating because it made it seem like nobody was taking this situation serious well and truth be told we weren't well no I can't say what she feels what you feel is what you feel I can tell you how to feel what I will say is this the frustrating part is not the jokes the frustrating part is the justice system not delivering for that girl right because if the justice system stepped in and delivered for that girl we can make all the jokes on our game to get those jokes off because right look I'm nerd out about comedy all day but like the the crux of that joke is not about the girl the crux of the joke at least what I hear from you in a joke like that or Chapelle is that being a pedophile is wrong it's disgusting yeah that is what the joke is hinging on and leaning on yeah so you're by saying the joke you're saying are Kelly's a pedophile it's not about the victim it's about our Kelly being this bad thing it's a fat joke that's what I thought it is what it is but these girls aren't getting justice and if the [ __ ] justice system deliver for these girls you know what we're just reinforcing what a piece of [ __ ] RK exactly if the just you're absolutely right if the justice system had delivered for these girls back then piling on to him would be good in those jokes absolutely but I can see in you know now because I'm older you know I mean I was 10 11 years ago I analyze I'm not saying that we didn't have empathy for the victims we weren't thinking about it we would just like [ __ ] Kelly let's clown yes yes and the other tweet that they were mad at was I and I don't really understand the context but I said and furthermore or Kelly had the best celebrity sex tape of all time yeah no what I was saying was and probably best was not the right choice of words and yeah but what celebrity sex tape is produced that much content think about it we're 25 30 years later - we've had we've had Kim Kardashian's there's no way Kim Kardashian or AJ can't touch the aw Kelly sex tape not even a little bit now ray Jay and Kim sex tape produced the car - exactly but I'm talking about content Dave Chappelle penis cart since our content I mean they have multiple team songs on the actual tape Dave Chappelle Don that Ray J Kim Kardashian's sex tape produced three children with Kanye how if she's never famous she not me and coming you stop oh I'm just saying if she's not Kim Kardashian the famous celebrity socialite she never gonna become I'm just talking about the odd Kelly tape produced so much cons I mean come on we're talking about a documentary Kim Kardashian sex tape freed Santoya Brown or whatever her name is I'm just saying I get what you're saying but yeah that tape made Kim famous right ah Kelly's sex tape produced a bunch of cod directly directly reflected from that tape atrophy on you when he says let it drip what would a smells like drip that's based about Kelly saying let it drip yes my god the word drip has changed over the years huh I get I guess like the Aaron McGruder boondocks old like I'm talking to every this morning mu like yo I never saw that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was wow that was on TV and I'm like was it on TV I love the boat like like those are my show yes I used to study those I get to say directly yeah a little extra day directly created content so that's what I meant when I said you know I'll Kelly got the best celebrity sex tape ever I'm not saying it like oh it's the quality of it was good come on stop it stop it didn't he bring up the old clip from brilliant idiots yeah well I was like I learned to eat a smart Kelly tea yeah I did say that yeah it's not like the gifts not like the it's not like the woman's ass he was eaten was underage it wasn't it was five different girls on the tape I talked about we the compy something yeah I don't know what you call that you call that physics what do what's the word for that biology biology still trying to figure that [ __ ] out yeah that's all I'm saying like I'm like I'm like how is that possible you know so is this like when I when I when I'm talking I'm not glorifying anything that even [ __ ] did I'm just watching this [ __ ] like everybody else and saying my god this mother [ __ ] is insane and on a whole lot of different loads I guess a number of different reasons to say why all Kelly is insane why he's sick and I will be the first person to tell you yes okay and I heard that they explored this in the documentary I didn't see it but yes pop culture that [ __ ] was a running joke I'll Kelly was a running joke for a long time even though we all understood the seriousness of the situation but we thought clowning him was what we were supposed to be doing yeah you know but now 2019 we're looking at it we like he had that [ __ ] ain't so funny no more especially after what after seeing that documentary like all of these different women and the things that he used to do to this the women it's like this [ __ ] is sick not on a it's [ __ ] just sick we should make jokes about this [ __ ] sick he needs my [ __ ] ass kicked and needs to be thrown under jail somewhere yeah I don't know why I don't know why it took the documentary to make us realize this I mean we had all this information I don't think it would it well there I'm realizing that a lot of people hadn't thought hadn't watched the tape right I'm realizing now that a lot of people didn't really understand Aaliyah was 15 years old guy always thought that was the sickest [ __ ] in the world you marry a 15 yo girl and you write a song about her called aging for an aging than wooden and you fake the marriage certificate because you know it's wrong you never knew like even though I'm thinking now when was a little boy was he born the me and Lea had to be around the same age right 79 so I'm a year old in Italy so believe would only been 39 now and they're crazy Wow but Herbert doing me coming up though like January now back then I just thought every celebrity was older than me unless they were like a child star like you knew the child stars back then but I just didn't think Aleeah would was 15 years old back then I didn't think nothing of it you know until later on in life there when you see the marriage certificate you like whoa did he really fortunate did that really happen when he ever really married so it's just like there's a lot of things that went into people not taking the r.kelly situation is as serious they should have but between age ain't nothing but a number thing in the Pied Piper thing is what really made me realize something is wrong with this [ __ ] yeah and I've said I said that on the documentary but I've said that a million times before on Breakfast Club Britney I remember the TMZ caught me and Tiffany at us in the street like a year and a half ago and I don't even know why he was talking us about our Kelly thing yeah but I broke down the whole pie Piper thing like that [ __ ] is just you're a different level is sick when you name yourself after somebody who let a bunch of kids out of a village through music to never be seen again and now you're watching these parents actually looking for any [ __ ] kids they haven't seen their kids and yes yeah come the [ __ ] on bro rap for Kelly are you letting to talk about and in there for everybody saying [ __ ] like you got to separate the art from the artist how can you separate the art from the artist when the art did this artist is making is a reflection of his crimes yeah yeah I think I think with the art to the artists argument it's like music is you know objectively good and bad right like a good song is a good song and that's just hardwired into our brains there's nothing we can do about it I think I was talking about on flagrant two but like the same every rock song that's been popular over the last 30 years is the same three chords in it literally the same three colors in it that's fair but like literally cord up there oh well the cord will be there oh and then there is another one you know there's actually a YouTube video it's really funny there's these comics that do it and they play every hit song with the exact same chords just because our Kelly Arceus music doesn't gotten worse because you found out what a piece of [ __ ] he is but it's gonna elicit a reaction in you that makes you go what I don't want us keep listening tonight stop listening to our Kelly sexual songs a long time ago songs in general I've never bought in our Kelly album I don't like our Kelly and I just I've never supported it you had liked it first of all I think 12 played the most overrated album of all time hopefully literally had like six good songs on I remember bump and grind and I remember watching that is like a [ __ ] 11 year old at my house like this is a lot think about that think about the fact that the motivation for that song is probably a 14 or 15 year old right now can you live now you can't that's what I'm saying now you can't listen to music now that you understand what's going on at least that she was like feeling on feeling on your booty oh yeah she said feels like feeling on your booty was about her it was another song she named I can't I can't I can't remember but I don't know all I know is this all Kelly's a piece of [ __ ] we've been saying he's a piece of [ __ ] welcome to the club you know I'm saying like like this is nothing new like I've been getting the threats from all kelly and his team I uh I mean I got a homeboy and I don't even know if he still manages them now cuz I haven't talked to him in a while this used to be my man and he's still my man like I got love for him but once he started managing all Kelly I was like bro I'm gonna hitting him like what the [ __ ] are you doing like how can you morally stand by this and I remember him hitting me saying like yo I need you to lay up off our Kelly now managing him you know I'm not getting up off our Kelly because you managed him now the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah and we've had these guys we've had like knock-down drag-out arguments about why he shouldn't be doing it and he was the one trying to facilitate the y'all I want you to come sit down with him hear his story I don't want his story unless he's planning on being honest yeah that was always man I think I've said this on the pond oh but yo unless you're planning on being honest and telling us hey I used to get molested when I was young I used to get abused hurt people hurt people that's not justifying anything that you did but at least people will have a reason because you really cannot start getting to any healing until you reveal that hurt right so whatever he went through he is just recreating that pain for other people sure who out his [ __ ] life but he gotta go it might don't care if you got Melissa you just take them out back you shoot him in his head I don't have no mercy for anything that happened there's a lot of people who've been molested the DOMA list it's a fact you that's a fact so it's like we can't use that as an excuse of justification that kind of [ __ ] like that you out of here we take you out back simple as that I will save me being molested I hate me about their ever talked about this with two things might be my favorite talking about this I mean Bishop TD jakes talked about this when you're molested at age you never quite feel Warby because when I got molested at eight and I used to always say the reason I made her stop is because I didn't like to smell her Jerri yeah Putin matters I made her stop could I understood that what she was doing was wrong and when I made her stop she started talking down to me like he's like oh you got a big ass in holes and you ugly and this is Matt whatever whatever when somebody putting that into your head at eight sure that kind of never leaves you even when you grow and you become you know who you supposed to be you still have that I don't necessarily feel worthy like that's why that's why compliment is so tough for me like if muff yeah if somebody says to me like you know so I mean I like what you do I'm like whoa but I'm more comfortable with [ __ ] you shot man you ain't [ __ ] so that was one conversation and my therapist told me that um do you feel comfortable doing this podcast with me because when you look at me your nose feels regular-sized makes me feel better about myself sorry smell this my therapist was telling me being uh being no no you're saying TD jakes my therapist told me something - about being molested at 8:00 message just slipped my mind so [ __ ] fast but the idea the idea is that these things affect you especially a young age and there fails your foundation but here's here's a here's a weird time but maybe like where we get to practice this positivity right that experience you had made you kind of feel not worthy hmm and that feeling a lack of worthiness instilled a work ethic an insatiable desire to get value from the outside and maybe you don't become as good at what you are or what you do without that feeling of a lack of worthiness yeah but that [ __ ] is hey it's a fight I like fighting through that self-doubt it's a fighting through those insecurities fight don't worry like like like like that [ __ ] is a fight like I don't want to fight all the [ __ ] time with myself so now it's here now you know that you now you know you're programming you got to figure out how to change that that's part of it right that's part of unpacking [ __ ] but like everything that we go through in our lives like that hardship prepares you like that chaos you were going through with your honor cousin whatever cuz ex-wife like that chaos you were going prepares you for the chaos that you could be in now prepares you for all the chaos that you could do it's like yeah of course you feel comfortable on chaos right cuz you've been dealing with chaos since you were very young okay I don't know anything else like it so much [ __ ] I mean so that's the next part of your life Real Talk figuring that up not only after you figure this out is how do you find comfort in the calm you got chaos down your Bane bra la jolla Bane Charley Bates all of you babe yo so it's like real talk like you feel comfortable in the hole cuz you were born there right so then like nobody talks about what Bane would have done like after if they just gave him a hand like what would you be the art you got to run it now everything's good we're gonna let you do it anybody well I'm cool in a darkness I don't know how to I remember Chico bean told me once on she could be say you like a wax for ministers society you know did so much and cost so much chaos that you just like sitting back watching it happen to other people watching other people do what do dirt I'm like maybe yeah you know what I'm saying but you know I like I said like I don't want to just I don't constantly want to fight this self-doubt you know what I mean like I don't I don't constantly want to go through that who does nobody that's 40 years old and mother [ __ ] therapy I'm unpacking all of this [ __ ] that I shouldn't unpacked 20 years ago 15 years ago but that resource called therapy wasn't on my radar you know I'm saying like just trying to figure life out wasn't all my radar like one thing that therapy teaches you is empathy now you asked me just now you said what I have succeeded in life if I didn't have like the chaos right would I have gotten to this point with empathy maybe empathy don't cause you to say two things I would used to say and but they don't cause you to talk to the people and interview is the way that I used to and I realized that I realized that two things made me realized that before therapy what made me realize that was being on the other side meaning that when you become somebody with a little notoriety and you got a little celebrity you start seeing things about yourself on blogs and in magazines and on YouTube that's not [ __ ] true you like you know what the [ __ ] so then you start thinking like so why did I but why do I believe everything I hear about this person why do I believe everything I hear about that person then you start having conversations with these people and you realize like it's just a human being just like me going through the same exact [ __ ] so between that and therapy yo that absolutely gave me more empathy I'm talking to one of my homegirls of the day one of my homegirl and this might is one of my people one of my one of my people like truly respected if she wants to tell the story she could tell the story but she was like she was just telling me like I like your growth you know I like the way that you've evolved blase blah and she's like I love seeing you do to work and she said to me you've made me cry twice in my life and didn't even know it mm-hmm and I'm like well I apologize you know what I'm saying because it's just something I oh oh like in a bad way cry yeah it's something that I've said I said that triggered her in some way and that's like that's the thing that we don't take into consideration like if I my father if I talk about being 8 years old I'm like I made my I made her stop because I didn't like to smell her jheri curl everybody laughs you know what I'm saying and then I'd be like yo when I watch great Outta Compton I get triggered like those are things that I say to make myself feel better about the situation what is somebody else out there who got molested when they was young as hell and that they don't want to hear me laughing and joking and guns ain't light about it they gotta let I think that they should in my opinion I think they should take cues from you like the way I've always looked at the world is like I can find joy and laughter in the darkest [ __ ] and that's my gift because we can all find joy and joy that's easy to find joy but if I can find the joy and the funny in the darkest most uncomfortable dares right now my life is double joy and if I got more joy in my life than you then try to do what I do think about that right in fact every day we just try to be happy and we just try to be joyful and I found some [ __ ] way my gift for whatever reason the things have happened in my life you know the universe God whatever it is a bestowed is gift to me that the darkest of subjects I'm able to pull [ __ ] humor out of it I can find joy and that should have makes us uncomfortable like yo come on my side if you want more joy cuz right now if you're miserable because of it yeah if that's how you feel you got misery so come up out of that we're all we're all just laughing to try to [ __ ] push the [ __ ] door we're all just laughing to keep from crying that's really what we're doing cuz I know I know I'm that type of person hey I know I'm that type of person I'm the type of person who [ __ ] when something is like real dark yeah and something is like real depressing and somebody's going through something I need everybody to laugh immediately so i'ma say some [ __ ] you know I'm saying to get everybody their coping mechanism with my [ __ ] I understand know that everybody doesn't cope with their [ __ ] that way totally so if they hear me talking about being molested at eight and they think that I'm trying to make light over there joking of it no I'm not that's just my coping mechanism so all I'm simply saying is man I feel everybody's pain once you're now here is this once you accept something that's happened in the world or something has happened to yourself once you accept it what you do with that is up to you hoping to tell you not to joke about it right cuz that's how you're processing that [ __ ] but they can be mad about it but you do whatever the [ __ ] they want yeah what I'm saying is what's bringing you more joy is it bringing more joy being mad this situation or is it bringing you more joy trying to find a joy in it now some people get how they possibly could you find joy and all these horrible things give me a few minutes you know what doesn't bring me trying to please every [ __ ] bus don't please only I'm gonna do my coping mechanisms because I'm the person that has to deal with this [ __ ] yo you want I'm gonna and you know what else brings me joy having like like you know constantly evolving constantly growing learning empathy for other people but I'm doing that because I you want it want to do it that's the thing sure I mean people don't want to be pleased they want to be led the biggest contradiction in the world is the assumption that people want to be pleased they don't want that [ __ ] they want to be let you were telling me the other day we were talking like I think it was last night just about like even the idea of freedom like people think they want freedom no they want security yes they will trade that freedom for security in a heartbeat they don't have no freedom now all the more other thing they got free will you I have no free watch Bandersnatch time I tell you'd be upset about something you upset about it because you got free will are as soon as the time I tell you to care about something you care about it listen man this is a dark conversation so we're gonna lighten reckless [ __ ] maybe we'll come back and talk the Loreal in wax yeah Toyota isn't just a car company and the new podcast Toyota untold isn't just about cars it's about mobility it's about helping people move physically socially and emotionally it's about respect for people and continuous improvement in Toyota untold you hear the behind-the-scenes stories about how his sons love for his mother's for his mother led to Toyota's unlikely origin as an automated as an automated loom company why in how a Toyota Tundra was used to tow a space shuttle through the streets of LA and how robotics and other advances in technology and mobility services are being researched and developed to address challenges for the elderly disabled and even Olympic and Paralympic athletes so much more is on this podcast guys from advanced technology to the Olympic space shuttles to natural disaster discover how to iota is rethinking mobility in the brand new podcast Toyota untold you can find Toyota untold right now in Apple podcast Spotify and anywhere else you listen to podcast let's get back to let me uh Gloria I'm gonna give you an air hug L'Oreal hi Laurie Ellen his smelling like the finest of fragrances you know what I mean listen this is very interesting to me because Laurie Ellen wax have a new podcast called boolean to pee yeah and he's just whatever here look at him he looked like a [ __ ] beef listen you see she been bullying me ever since we first met you remember the time we first met oh I can't listen one of my favorite stories well first of all is wax whoa keep in mind about 2011-2012 we're in LA yeah it's my birthday I'm drunk as hell you know I've been slandering Busta Rhymes remember about what you put him in the freezer nice to do a second I'll call just read to put him in the freezer Busta Rhymes approaches me at Melanie Fiona's party me Mel if you only got the same born day that's how I remember this she's a cancer 6:29 he walked up to me he goes yo yo he goes you know who I am I gonna skew me he goes you know who I am I already know where this is going so let's just get to it I go yeah you're an artist and you know I used to think was hot but I think you should his wack now he's like you better stop this tough-guy [ __ ] and he starts talking to me about his baby mom being on Wendy home I had nothing to do with it I wasn't even on the show at the time then whatever whatever better stop to talk got your lair you better talk discuss ah [ __ ] so the his security comes up and then wax wax pumps his security whatever will you see that pie yeah I didn't see that whoa but prior to all of that um she's a mania swell I don't go to industry parties by the way talking to Chris Bosh's manager Chris bosses manager is talking to me and he's like you know you'd be so hard on Chris Botti I'm not hard on Chris boss I just think that Chris Bosh will be dope if he was the first openly gay and be a flea I'm like no instead of jerseys you could have the jersey dress you could hand so she goes nobody thinks he's gay crazy I'm like Chris Bosh you have all the pictures that when people think of Chris Bosh in the kochiya what did you think about she's like oh he's gay oh my god and so no she said oh my gosh like a [ __ ] I was right there that never happened lore'l was standing right there she would have heard that never happens being Laurie I met her earlier I know she ain't gonna accept that so I'm like Gloria she's called you a [ __ ] accept you because I'm not thinking anything you hear I just call you a [ __ ] I was gonna kill her I don't know whether he was thinking this [ __ ] I look at the person like here the [ __ ] the tree falls in the woods and no one's there doesn't make any sound you know she go crazy me hello she called you a [ __ ] so then we leave wearing the car this way it gets foggy I remember the conversation I just don't know how the situation like we're in the car call you a [ __ ] about what whole life I could I knew Laurie always fit always and I know wax ever going to anger management never see them react like that with a woman but I don't know I'm like pull over we'll just get the [ __ ] out in the middle la do you not know my name ring GIM um like a weapon or something or like yeah I got the whole La behind me you know why that you [ __ ] know why you oh he told me to sit there and say that you are they gonna show me because she's going crazy she never called me a [ __ ] you're from Jersey but you you live in LA it sounds so pretty are you angry Oh like this together to keep sticking us together like after that remember when we went to your birthday party and he ran out of gas and he was like something's wrong with the car I'm like no you're a bum there's no [ __ ] you know you know you know you know exactly how long it is from Columbia is at least 20 25 minutes at 30 minutes of just driving with no from 26 to 77 yes once the Charlotte Airport so how much gas did you have when you loved Columbia probably a quarter tank is life he would be on empty all another place where there's no gas station gas stations right before the tunnels there's literally eight because the gas there's your say was leaving the station oh yeah all right so someone calls you the b-word they call you a [ __ ] nobody calls me that allegedly hypothetically somebody does right why not why have them that real estate in your head like why be triggered by it why give them something that could get you going why not just like so I'm not gonna give you a pair and I think that don't say I'm saying now I think they jacked it because I feel like once you see somebody that's caught off guard cuz I just came back over and I was like you call me a [ __ ] so like with your hair no way asking a question if she woulda said and she what is that yes then I don't know where I would have went from there but she didn't say yeah don't say no like now that someone did it right now like why give them the power like right now if somebody wants to piss off L'Oreal right all she got it all they got to do is say to be worth like that's so much time somebody got seven years ago I'm a grown-up now she was young as hell I'm like I'm in my early thirties early thirty yeah what is that 32 that's fine 32 that made me feel like a grandma you look great for 89 you call girl an old-ass [ __ ] is that or is that as hey you gay it's okay hey [ __ ] she pulls up on me yeah [Music] one for China come on tiny dicks use not gay yeah you like [ __ ] [ __ ] if you [ __ ] the one [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz my [ __ ] might look like the other [ __ ] you liked so I'm not going what if you have to try something no you don't like it like you ever try like Brussels sprouts I've got a lot of my gay homies have told me that they told me that they slept with women and they didn't enjoy see my parlament if you slept with one man to me you're gonna be okay right as you sleep a one woman you're not all the way gay I don't I know a lot of gay men that are virgins like they never had sex with a woman birds call five-star five-star gays know there's gold star this is actually funny there's gold star gay right gold star gay is you never [ __ ] any girls at all you've just been with dudes I would wait for it platinum star gay you were born c-section so you'd even touch [ __ ] on so you never thought about that so all the gay guys if you came out there see sexy in that you probably gay the fact that y'all know he always runs out of gas cuz he can't read he doesn't know what he is she put a lot of things in context mind you is that the exit like what a guy wouldn't even get out the car [Music] you got two arms one could push and one could drive Dubai y'all miss you too is you guys have like friends chemistry there's like no sexual chemistry between you guys everybody yeah everybody but with you guys I truly feel like you guys have like a friend thing going yeah he makes me vomit there's no way beautiful she made me think of her eatin ass the other day and I was just why would I make him - oh wait wait you're saying that you were eating ass or someone was eating your ass something about on the show and I was like I know like damn he asked you like yeah yes yes like I can't Lauria yes and that could somebody let me think about dick and like leading somebody like that on personal between two loving adults the so so back to the eating as like this this you this is something that you like to do this is something that's like if it's a special guy like you can't trust how people clean their eyes like you have to get your finger up in there to clean a little bit and if you don't know that screaming that's how you gonna really know if it's clean you got to be doing the clean how clean I don't care because if I'm gonna do it whatever but my whole thing is like yeah I do like the put finger and like you told me that before because you was violating somebody it depends on the guy like sometimes I like to do it because the guy has talked [ __ ] like oh I would never let my eating that that's not true because I've taken the tongue without the finger but it's gotten close it was probably telling that to do is for years you know what that's cause it's not milking what happened with Stifler he got melt so like it you could come from like your dick right getting like fingers and your ass that's the gate that's very painful did they have a finger in your ass maybe trying to jerk off it's a no you got it they're not doing it experience often I tried that don't work ain't no way my dick is not hard when the fingers up my ass no yo when you're eating a guy's ass right like his do you like him to be on his back legs up like a turkey or do you like it to be he's in doggy style position doggy style is weird to me he gets in doggy style that's gonna make me think something SPECT the guy that you put in his ass if I could put two fingers into that I won't respect gasps in the car once the regular gas in the car also here that girls like they swallow do come and then they spit it back in succession I never did anything like that before but like I think that now that I wouldn't respect yes now balling it respectful after tasting you didn't taste my own it got close no I came on my face back and it got caught in my mustache and that's why I didn't taste [Music] my own peer as a kid thinking it was [ __ ] but it was what I mean Anguilla you know my wife again on top of me and you know like I squirt and it got up to like right here can I be so oh [ __ ] don't got their race coming guys why coming on overtime Steph Curry [ __ ] like a week or like I like for five days and I'm gonna shoot you but if I was [ __ ] like each day and go nowhere yeah layups all day point is when it's tired like a week I smash yeah I need to be backed up when the sperm does it that's the vertical like that's UPS you know what I'm saying he's probably got no UPS be now yeah my mom wasn't like a hierarchy shot it was a chest pass it was it was direct like the back boy son literally it was like skipping rocks on a pond I love that part oh no that mean you Inc you can't handle kids it's the only time that you is thinking that you can is like see my [ __ ] is like [ __ ] oatmeal yes you're like well you have what's called an STD is coming out like [ __ ] what you got yes it is like you ain't holding together yeah maybe your chest in your face which one will collect any green discharge listen from four years old the nine years old all the women was making him eat their yeast infection growth that's affection I told you at 27 I I was around area and I was like yeah she smell she wants a duck she had a yeast infection I was like that's the [ __ ] smell I used to smell like a visual came back to me when I was young so what about my homegirls had a picture kind of picture to him down munch you know what is that the girl that called into the show hello we actually [Music] oh my gosh yeah oh my gosh she said that wax out the little dick it's cool that he likes to eat [ __ ] what else was it Bella she said she was cookie he sleeps with his sims on now she didn't think he had a little dick but she did say that he keeps his Tim the hat on how big is little how big is little to me yeah see I don't like big big big oh you have a small uterus is it little for wax a little cuz like wax is a big dude yeah so he could have like a six-inch D for you like what size probably like 8 7 8 inches 8 inches is the average sized a Google average size that please can you look that up Taylor just seven two three four eight witnesses average what is okay okay we're in America yeah that's so disappointed in two sec describe your dick in centimeters you feel very good three feet can we fire her figure it out then tell us okay let's say three centimeters sweetheart Jim your phone is okay it's saying seven six point three inches is the average four point six point three so you chillin the game hold on so your your your dick size is your not your average is roughly 35% bigger than the average dick okay right so you tend to like a bigger dick I guess now I don't know but maybe you don't know what inches exactly inches are maybe it's right nowa inches I'm notwhat inches are but not likely when you look at a dick you can't calculate this bottle is this bottle the average size [ __ ] this big I would think that would be like about average [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I did date a guy with like girth like this and he was a little longer and I just couldn't do it it was too sex is great but like it was too much has it can you imagine a girl went around telling her homegirls like I he call me not too long ago and I thought about it I need my [ __ ] did it make it change it like it would change it for the rest of its life like a rocket yeah like if I was if I was junk I could but then if I wasn't it's like my mouth wouldn't even get to that and I'm just like nah I'm sorry I can't do it just this guy this individual is [ __ ] happy man sasquatch like that [ __ ] don't ever call me either again so when is the beauty in the bees podcast art and I heard Chris was [ __ ] yeah Chris was bullshitting yeah I was pretty boy [ __ ] y'all know Christopher I don't know he was scared of wack definitely a reckless podcast yeah I'm saying we show that we don't like each other actually love each other yeah I love waxey's lying like I just not ever want anybody to think I would ever touch him with somebody else's place has he ever tried to hook up with you hell no he no really Shawn how not saying Shawn hell has he ever even try no find her beautiful I think you're stunning Chris why were you holding up the podcast beauty and I mean boobies I didn't think it was ready yet and it's also a show that's like a little bit more heavy editing than a lot of the stuff we do so I want to make sure they're like four or five and it can before we launched smart okay so y'all got five in Canada yeah all right so okay ready to go then we're gonna pack Sinicki the crux of the show is you guys are taking callers and giving advice I can finally put wax on black but the thing is the real thing is I got two crazy people that's behind it and it's fun size and l'oréal listen already got and already got the girls calling in saying bunch of crazy stuff like they slept with me and all of the crazy a lot of women calling we do not heat swear that we set him up I gotta know these hoes they just call sorry women I don't know these females they call and they put them on blast like this but sometimes he gets women that call and they want to talk to him so that's how do how do these girls even getting the number whack stuff like that I know no [ __ ] that's why they're calling these girls how many girls you think you've had sex with in your life I mean any man over thirty should know but um you should know knock you know you don't know you've done too much that's a good point yeah I know yeah how many girls you know baby the only mother [ __ ] scumbag yes yes there's more than one scumbag in this room but we want to know yeah your boy still in it you know what we had like a lady that came up here and like she tell you yeah I got great energy like you your structure for like love and stuff like that but she said you're not gonna be with nobody yeah and I'm like like out of everybody she told anybody else that they was good but when it came to me that she's a Native American tarot card reader but she was amazing she she read me - I thought she was great but you didn't need her to tell you that cuz I've been telling you that for years at least I know I'm structure for she's like did you know she told you to change your ways but he's saying I need to be vulnerable no never [Laughter] she want me to get V you know I'm saying honorable so that's basically having a girl you know your girl cheating on you just turn your head I turn the cheek no that's not what being vulnerable means just being open to love I'll have an empathy caring about somebody else putting yourself in compromising situations that's what I'm not going to do because well I don't get hurt who are living like Sandra Bullock and Burt bucks yeah and you need to be living like Sandra Bullock's unfolded you emotional connection you're blind failure to love you won't let it in because you fear if you look at it it will kill you yes you're afraid so what no but you know what why are you afraid of love because a lot of the girls do not know that I thought that was in love with these guys is having sex with other men why don't you tell the truth because you have a son so you've been in love before with someone at the time on here two other girl pregnant in Miami [Music] [Music] at the end of the day what you find a boy she already told me that I'm not gonna end up with nobody so why try now so what the [ __ ] am I gonna do because nobody he's sad that's what I'm saying she already telling me my fee now she told she told him if he told his ways but what you're saying is you're not willing to change but on me to watch I'm really gonna believe some [ __ ] cards bruh who actually believe it well actually to believe yeah I'm look you need to believe that advice but we could giving you that advice these girls don't even know your name you don't know their names as long as he's giving girls different names you don't take your Tim's off and you run from love he's in love right now he's been in love with the same girl for about two years now but warning me to Tim why don't you just try it give it a try I'm scared to waste when they cheat all the girls I know all the girls I'm having sex with got boyfriends yo hard to be honest with you cheatin may come with the territory yes you know why you like it cheer on and that's the risk you take for the pure yeah you let them cheat on you I said you see this certain things I accept I won't even accept that she smoked weed she might even drink coffee don't smoke cigarettes you know I'm saying what do you want I'm breaking up you smoke cigarettes you can do this you can do that when nobody talked to her that's not that works out like she's her she other people that can have standards their watch knows he's not good enough for any woman that's not who you are currently a good person but you're not a good mate usually a good boy anyway mighty down yet only cheating polo so I'm the bad guy cuz i only cheat all right relationships out here the boyfriend's cheating how he'd get to still be any relationship and he'd be a good boyfriend the [ __ ] and only I'm the bad guy cause only the idea would get some side please I'm not saying you can find someone that will potentially allow that relationship that's not what we're discussing we're not talking about cheating or not cheating we're talking about whether you're willing to open yourself up emotionally to another person Lena get scared to love okay why because all the girls that I know a girl okay so these are you why why are you afraid of that no don't don't say nothing about me at all because I know that I'm not smash other girls ain't got nothing to do okay so then what's the issue we just got over that permiso leisa do did she like his ass Herman listen I'm calling have to do you talk about it Herman is afraid of his own calm and the same reason he goes into restaurants and he only uses plastic utensils yes we used to work in the restaurant you would take the and rub them on his dick put the bun I use plastic no cuz you rob spoons in your back stop it you told me that you missed yeah will you push shanks up there so [Music] many women so wrong don't say that he's afraid of his own car yeah can you stop saying wrong know you don't know yet so we're gonna help you get there okay so you're afraid of these girls cheating on you why what will them cheat on you do to you what does it say about you because I'll actually let girls to be uh no no we know what you like we all know that no but what will that do to you a girl cheating on you what does that mean to you what happens with she lies to me didn't that Matt can't trust her no more than I can do okay so then she's gone so then she's gone that's fine you can break up with a girl for that that's fine okay but why are you afraid of potentially breaking up with a girl so you my girl my shorty my wifey now I'm investing that second and to you and now also okay sometimes they don't you didn't lose you didn't lose anything because you're not gaining anything yeah you're not in any other relationship now to gain so now you just have all this money and you're just letting it sit there it's in the bank but it's not getting any interest nothing so want you take some that money and invest it in something why are you scared you can't play scared baby it's true I so save I get with some money getting hurt but guess what in life you get hurt sometime you know this you know my woman is cheating on me before 20 years crazy thing is I like girls that got boyfriend so they already having sex with somebody or not no karma you know you [ __ ] other dudes girls now you don't want to have a girl because you don't want somebody [ __ ] your woman the reason you the reason you [ __ ] girls with boyfriends is because you know you're not emotionally ready to commit to somebody and you can get out of it heartbeats the reason why people have long-distance relationships it's like yeah I don't have to worry about this person wanting more you live in a different place there's still the fear of connecting with somebody and that's what I want to figure out why are you so afraid of connecting with somebody why you so has your heart been broken you have the symptoms of someone whose hearts been broken like severely yeah you are Sandra Bullock and [ __ ] bird buck so I was like I'm never doing that again or I don't want to go through the pain again that's what you're going through I was so hurt I don't want to go through that pain again no I know it's not that hurt but you got also understand that the other side too like I seen a bunch of these girls have good guys and cheat on these guys so I was on the other side I wasn't the one who actually seen cheated on early and you got hurt no something happened early no so if he's simply afraid of his own Karma he knows how bad but if he doesn't know that if they're if there's no bad feeling that's associated to being cheated on that he doesn't have already inside him then he wouldn't be afraid of it he's one of these people he has that these other girls he feels bad about it he's like her boyfriend hi but listen that's [ __ ] crazy stop believing Instagram they're not happy nice do you not get like just somebody just put something in me and just go [Music] because ya [ __ ] fools come in to play it yeah if you don't long as you feed her you make it half funny you [ __ ] the right yeah you got that girl oh my god you have to stop this where these girls that's different I know a bunch of these older women they always tell me like I needs a man to [ __ ] me right like we're the same [ __ ] yeah if you in a relationship you could get [ __ ] right - it doesn't mean that you got to just go out [ __ ] everybody I'm just saying you wanna stick with this dude if he fool [ __ ] funny you right you know no [ __ ] life I don't know what you're talking about but it's gotta be food [ __ ] fun and fingering yeah no I don't think so I think that have us stop sleeping with other people's girlfriends and maybe you will find your own and your own happiness but while you keep ruining other people's [ __ ] I'm actually helping though ruin it that's your Karma yeah so you go to jail for that you may not be doing the drugs tune yes a comedy gonna get for somebody else's come here for me I thought exactly but that's on them for being shitty in a relationship so you for being a Fein yeah but you just shitty to [ __ ] somebody else girl and you just I don't know about just ass but but yeah you playing a part of this you think every girl that's in a relationship will have sex with another guy like I'm not that kind of person the only way to I'm out if I'm dating then I'll talk to more than one guy but if I'm in a relationship I'm about to go [ __ ] another yes come back if you do that I hate that girls that do it [ __ ] [ __ ] because she wants to go home she's happy they like my stuff you got any not [ __ ] her good watch what happens it thing works here's the thing you gonna realize that lady told you exactly the truth today you need to change she said how I will get it but if I changed my ways and that's basically I thought that if she cheat on me just turn the cheek you act like you see it why do you want to be Malcolm X so bad [Music] here's the thing you you don't realize it but you're not attracting it's like otherwise bayonet attack no no no you realize it but like you're you're being used I am so by these girls you're not they're not into wax they're into this fantasy of a guy that won't like them cetera so you're being all the women who would love to [ __ ] a gorilla but don't believe in BTS they call you Caesar probably see these girls and keep on moving they know I'm not gonna say nothing they gonna keep on moving and I get it and oh my being what I'm saying is you're being used bro and eventually you got to realize that these girls are using you for this this like cool wild sexual experience and then some of these girls they're wounded too so they they misinterpret your lack of affection right they misinterpret that right it may misinterpret that as worthlessness in themselves so now they're seeking your affection is your way well there's wait for it just wait for your affection okay right they're seeking your affection not because they love you wax what they want to do is love themselves because they don't and you reinforce that feeling they got already so now they're like I love this guy they don't love you you know they're using you and then they get caught up in this [ __ ] this this stupid trap where they're just trying to feel desired go get a good girl that you could share your don't get she know her [ __ ] man girl that's it I'm also playing it safe listen I do about as I smash him but I still get in the bible scripture I still I don't make them feel bad about this like I like older [ __ ] we're definitely because the thing is I build these girls up and then they get to fly with their men I put a lot of people into marriage oh dear would hurt women and have hurt kids break the cycle break the cycle listen I built these I built these relationships these dudes should be [ __ ] thanking me anyway why don't you build your relationship no I don't want my shorty building another man building Marsha that means you're not doing yourself yeah you don't come to everybody else a girl but none for your own yeah it's not that it's just that hey I got a little be perfect but the thing is I don't know I got we know accepted girl bro is a beautiful thing I've been where you are I've been like you heard right now I've been no not right now but I've been hurt to the point where like I was afraid of having that connection with a girl because what could possibly happen is I could go through that pain again but once you get past that pain the best advice I ever got from was for my mom that for our breakup that I was like just so distraught over and she's like it's like son I hate to tell you this but this is gonna happen many times in your life and once I got through that first one yeah and I realized I could get through it the next one I was like okay I got this it was painful you're right let me explain this in a way indistinct I'll friend you know why you're not afraid to fight you know how his face look like it's been punched in a few so you gotta be willing to deal with that just go get a bunch of girl from that could just like every two weeks break up oh god I don't want you to get herpes and stop this [ __ ] true indeed did she call yeah she tells what I want to call she Todd [Music] [Music] well you don't have to know it but when you get it it's gonna stick with you for everybody and hurt bees they both got a whole time like this like it Mary is just gonna be like yo come on let's go anybody will get married I don't think I'm gonna do this whole that's four minutes hold stop treating her like you're going to [ __ ] Popeyes that's not hot marriage what I gotta be like that you know I'm smoking some chick there's no way I go to the mall just go window shop and I'm going to the mom going straight to that store and right out I'm getting the [ __ ] out that's why you got that hoodie from at the mall there we go [Music] [Laughter] you be like this with anybody Gloria set the tone early you have to learn just get out the car and calm down why are you so I'm not like that no more no I understand that pretty calm energy I'm surprising you why why was he so concerned why does your name ring in these streets I've seen Lorri Allen actually I think I saw somebody fighting what's up with that meetin a lot of people try me for some reason it's just like I have a target on my head or something that's like she's not gonna do anything it could it be the light-skinned thing it's like here's this pretty little light-skinned girl she's not gonna do it they should not gonna stand up I think that people be thinking about so you had to like over wait yeah no no I'm serious but like being more like Skyy yeah I do feel like that there has been like a thing for me like people have always been like targeting me so you go extra like you ever seen the Nation of Islam dudes I know the black Israelite dudes in Times Square yeah but it's always the lighter skinned one who the most woke the white people everybody's like you almost there like standing out in front of the best buy in Anguilla like swapping a subzero [Laughter] [Laughter] angry angry black woman bullying the bees podcasts out win right now Tyler yeah STAAR ing ello Arielle and the bully and a beast podcast make sure y'all follow - you don't have to follow axe because he's an idiot that's about it thank you for having us on the show well me this is my first time I've been waiting to come on go subscribe to bully into beasts podcast right now um why you can't I don't know how much how long he's gonna stand behind this yeah but as always if you listed this podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you absolutely right if you lose to this plot gap you think we're just a couple idiots you don't know [ __ ] you're right - it's a brilliant podcast thank you for listening
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 167,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, brilliant, idiot, idiots, r kelly, r-kelly, kevin hart, joe budden, joe rogan, jre, oscars, spiderman
Id: 6wfG7IkR0hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 28sec (8248 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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