Bride Steals Wedding Donations - Bridezilla Ruined Wedding Stories - askreddit women

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ass credit how would you feel if you were invited to a wedding where they expect you to pay for it bride steals 30,000 of wedding donations and then asks for more ride after much reflection and tear-filled conversation with our closest family members we have decided to cancel our upcoming winter wedding we will further notify this group when we are in a better place to reschedule we thank each and every one of you for generous early donations to our money fund can you believe we have raised over $30,000 unbelievable don't worry the money you've donated it will not be spent in vain but rather used towards a honeymoon we will announce a new wedding date and reopen our money fund for any further gifts weddings are expensive we are blessed to have generous family members who gave us these large donations it will help offset honeymoon costs and to scale to an even better future wedding we really couldn't have made it this far without you please stay tuned in the meantime I'll be updating our gift fund registry on Amazon if anyone would like to gift us something to take on a honeymoon if you have any ideas on where to go please p.m. me or Edward as mentioned we will keep you updated when we are reopening our money fund and have a new wedding date in the works don't be too sad this new wedding is gonna be a hit love you Pam family member of groom is it a joke after raking in 30000 you decide to be greedy and use it all for yourselves bride's friend Pam what did I tell you about day drinking in all seriousness is the wedding really cancelled I've already gotten the time off for December 1st which is less than a month away bride's friend - all right step the hell back what bride all please calm down you're making me feel very attacked and hanged up on you chose to donate to me if I want to use the money who cares how I told you the wedding is getting rescheduled not canceled back in 2006 I got into mail what I thought was an invitation to a wedding in Ohio 900 miles away from me from someone I knew in high school for all intents and purposes it looked like a fancy wedding invite ribbon and gold lettering well I didn't know the bride well anymore it was six years post high school at that point and didn't know her well in high school either we only were in Key Club together and hung out in the same friend circle but I definitely wasn't buddy-buddy with her if anything I thought she was kind of witchy especially with her penchant for fooling around with the boyfriends of other girls but she never directly bothered me so I was neutral with her so the invitation really came out of the blue I personally am of the opinion that if you don't have a good connection to the bride or groom that it's okay not to go to the wedding I personally would feel really awkward to go to a wedding of people I didn't even know or knew only well enough to kind of remember their faces so I called the maid of honor on the invite to respectively decline the RSVP since there was no RSVP card included just the maid of honors phone number but wish the couple well queue my surprise when I was informed by the maid of honor bride's sister that the invitation given to me was not the actual wedding but instead to the bridal party shower only I was confused as the invitation I received said please join us in the celebration of X&Y marriage the sister with an attitude told me that I'm wrong the wedding ceremony and reception are for close friends and family but that I should feel privileged to be invited to the exclusive bridal shower a bridal shower I might add was to be held in a churches rectory not exactly the kind of fancy affair that you'd manage to accompany such snobbery and it was made plain that both the bride and maid of honor absolutely knew that I live far enough away to require that I take vacation days and I buy a plane ticket and a hotel room for the trip I'll give her credit that that was a bold move but that bold move made it now completely obvious that the faux invitation and party begging was just a con so that I would buy the bride a present but they were at the same time trying to save face and not look like greedy little witches trying to shake down as many people as possible for money by giving some facade of being invited to something but not to the actual wedding because my role was only gift monkey I called them on it obviously told the maid of honor that if someone is close enough to be invited to a bridal party then it's the classy thing to invite them to the wedding especially if the invitees has to take out vacation and travel a long distance it's a said party she then dropped most of the act and told me that I needed to send them either a gift or a check in the mail if I wasn't coming at all I told her that there is no rule that anyone has to buy anything for a party they're not going to and that she and her sister are trashy and entitled children that they had the audacity to demand gifts was one of the lowest unclassy moves one can make I told her that the bride will get nothing from me except this one wish that I hope the groom learns sooner rather than later that his bride-to-be and his in-laws are tacky and greedy idiots I thought that was that I made it clear that their behavior was reprehensible and I was not going to give them anything then a week later I got a call from the bride herself she got my number from the sisters caller ID I picked up the phone because it was an unknown number but from the area code of where my sister was going to school there was no hello the bride immediately went on a tirade telling me that she never liked me anyways that I wasn't know it all nerd from high school who couldn't even bother to do a little thing like support her on her big day she said she knew I wasn't popular but that she was and giving me a bridal party invite was something an unpopular nerd like me should really take advantage of she then went on that it's somehow my fault that a bunch of other people aren't also going to her party she and her sister apparently tried the bait and switch non wedding invitation with a few others who also declined in the same oh no manner I told her that her disgusting desperation for gifts was trashy as hell as well as her harassing phone call told her the only reason she thought she was popular was because that she readily gave BJ's to guys at school then told her to never call me again and hung up grifters really have amazing audacity my friend received a formal invitation to her cousin's wedding five months prior to the party the bride mentioned a dress coat of pastels and attached this gifts you can chip in for less to it so far so normal after her positive RSVP she received another message from the bride this time a group chat to what she posted links for men and women where to buy pastel toned dresses and suits she provided five to seven varieties of suits and dresses and expected people to sort out among them so that it will be a nice mix not everyone the same mind you the suits one 150 euros the dresses started at 180 euros my friend as well as other family members were taken aback by this they thought it was clearly a nice to have not a must to turn up in exactly those dresses and the discussion began bridezilla was not happy and put her foot down this is her perfect dream wedding and anyone who tried to ruin it would have to take it up with her personally so discussions splintered off into private chats my friend tried to reason with her cousin as a student she could barely afford the trip and stay a hotel quite out of town travel the guests were expected to pay for a two-day stay which is about 300 euros plus travel expenses but the bride was not having any of it and ignored her messages after a bit we are at 500 euros plus in expenses my friend and her cousin used to be close but this behavior I told her quite frankly it's crap made her reconsider if she wanted to attend or even could afford to meanwhile the groom got wind from what was going on among the guests the mother of the bride wrote a very angry message into the guest group along the lines of how dare you make my baby sad this is her very special day and you should all try to make her happy just buy the clothes groom has been sleeping at a friend's place and they have been constantly fighting because you guys don't want to commit I think the groom realized what unreasonable demands she put on the guest and got worried everyone would be angry at them on their special day or something other guests were now also considering to drop out of the wedding that was when the bride came back I don't know what she smokes and sent out another message via letter this time dear guests despite the recent unrest groom and I are looking forward to celebrate this special day with you I must stress that we already ordered the food after your positive RSVP and at 90 euros a person if you wish to not attend we will be forced to forward the portion costs for your food to you that was when people started dropping out the bride tried to talk to my friend again trying to guilt trip her into coming to her wedding she realized that the clothes was something she would not be able to force from her guests and put into the group message that people could show up however they wanted but she would love it if they tried to adhere to the pastel theme or just buy the clothes then she added that they would be looking forward to the wedding gifts and a monetary donation of at least 300 euros per person I dunno how you can write this in a classy way I just saw it came and print on some very fancy paper my friend asked her if she was serious and why he at least turns out the bride was hoping to finance her dream wedding on the backs of her friends and family and scraped together money for a house the newlyweds wanted to buy we are at approximately 900 euros expenses for someone else's wedding my friend told her she was not attending this was two months before the wedding from what I heard the number of actually attending guests dwindled - very close family of about 40 people and a very angry mother of the bride going around harassing and berating the other guests who dropped out a month after the wedding my friend received another letter in pretty paper dear cousin I was sad to hear that you could not attend my wedding I am holding a brunch for those who couldn't make it I'm looking forward to your bridal gift the address is that so and so this is the story of my friends bridezilla cousin my family owns an event space that's often used for intimate wedding receptions one day this couple books the garden area for their wedding reception a day before their wedding we obliged and let them use the space on the day of the wedding while her wedding coordinator was setting up it started to rain the garden venue did not have a roof and they were warned about this we even recommended that they rent the indoor function room instead since the weather is quite unpredictable suffice to say they ended up moving into the function room which only had a side access when guests do not rent out the lobby area as well the bride's started to cry because she didn't want to use the side entrance because her dress might get wet but she also didn't want to pay for the lobby area either she told our venue manager to just let them use it for free and she could give us exposure for it note that this lady isn't some sort of influencer at all our venue manager told her that we didn't need her exposure since we get enough bookings already she had to pay for it if she wanted to use it we had already allowed without extra charge them to overflow beyond the function room to accommodate for her number of guests when the event had ended the bride started to cry again saying she didn't have enough money to pay for everything as if guilting us into giving her the use of the venue for free we ended up just giving her a discount since we didn't want her to end her wedding day on a sad note but these types of clients are such a pain my husband was asked to be the best man at his longtime best friend's wedding we didn't get along super great with his fiance but they were a package deal and of course we wanted to show support my husband and I live in a major city and his friends live in a small town a few hours away so when it came time for wedding clothes shopping they came into the city and stayed with us the friend his fiancee her best friend forever and her mom the fiancee invited me to go with them to pick out wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses as I was the only one not in the bridal party I thought just to be inclusive I went along and after everything was picked out the fiance put her nose about an inch away from my nose and said will you be one of my bridesmaids I was caught really off-guard and felt like I had no choice but to say yes this girl is the kind of person who gets her feelings hurt any time she hears no like even if she invites you to something with no notice and you already had plans if you say no it's going to be weeks of drama and pouting so I stammered something about how flattered I was and suddenly I was stuffed into a mermaid green monstrosity of a bridesmaid's dress when it came time to pay for the dresses I was told that we are expected to buy our own dress the dress she had picked out for us to wear was about 125 dollars this was an unexpected expense but I kind of side and pulled out my card then when they were buying the wedding dress and mother-in-law's dress their card didn't work tried three times declined so I had to pay and they said they'd hit me back later another four hundred and fifty dollars the best man clothes were also a fiasco the groom decided on formal tuxedos with tails and top hats the rental on that ended up being $200 plus $50 for a top hat which I guess we had to buy and couldn't rent but that's cool totally lots more occasions that would call for a top hat right so that was until the week of the wedding we bypassed a lot of the wedding showers and engagement parties as we were not living in the same area and could not drive down every other week we did come down the week before for me to attend the bachelorette party and my husband to host the party and we stayed till the wedding I spent about $200 on bachelorette party gifts as another bridesmaid asked me to pick something up for her too and she wanted me to buy these glass toys that were decidedly not cheap obviously she didn't pay me back and I was getting used to that the groom is a gamer nerd so they had a land party for the bachelor party the only expense we ended up fronting for that was alcohol which ended up being about $300 it became increasingly obvious through the week that no planning had gone into the wedding itself the city park had been reserved but no chairs or decorations had been arranged for and the food and cake were all going to be DIY it took an army of everyone involved aside from the bride and groom of course to make all of the finger sandwiches baby quiches mini cheesecakes and other nibbles required it was the height of summer in the south and hauling a hundred folding chairs and stringing twinkle lights and flowers in above a hundred degree weather was indescribably frustrating nobody in their right mind would plan an outdoor wedding in July in our area and also select ultra formal clothing no the bride was two hours late to her own wedding she had her friend come and do all of our hair and she expected to be paid $50 each at the end money is just hemorrhaging out of me at this point and I'm in such a state of exhaustion and shock that I no longer care the wedding happens everyone seems happy my husband and I were preparing to drag ourselves home to recuperate physically and financially then the bride stops me she grabs my arm oh I think this is where she thanks us for helping to make her big nightmarish day a success no such luck she is crying and shaking with anger and she says I guess you didn't get me a wedding present just so you know when someone invites you to a wedding you're supposed to get them a present I froze and I could not close my mouth I'm sorry what she got dragged off to take such and such picture and I was still standing there failing to compute what had just happened to me we just laughed couldn't really say bye or anything I was just so done the car ride home was so much repeating what had happened to each other and just being at a loss we needed a lot of time to just process how much of a ride we'd been taken on with no thank you no apologies actually they were completely ungrateful and thought we scan them out of a wedding present I feel like I need to add that we are not rich we are young working people who basically emptied their bank accounts to help someone else's wedding not be a complete dumpster fire due to lack of planning I had broken my knuckle a few weeks before her wedding and since I worked for a doctor I was able to change casts on a weekly basis she demanded I take my cast off and keep it off for the wedding as to not ruin her wedding pictures never mind the fact that it was a destination wedding and yes I did it and no we are not friends anymore restaurant manager story the wedding dinner was on a Sunday so instead of the usual one manager on we had the banquet coordinator come on for a few hours to make sure everyone was happy they were a rich couple and we wanted more of their business their menu was a hundred and nineteen dollars a person and they had $80 bottles of red on the table so guests start to arrive and order obviously start ordering drinks at this point bride and mother see this and approach the head server they tell her that everyone except a head table are to get separate bills that they are not planning on paying for anything but what's at the head table server finds us tells us what's happening and banquet manager heads over to figure out what's going on seems that the bride and mother decided that their guests should have to pay and they didn't want to be the bad guys so they expected us to have to tell the guests they also decided that since they are their guests at their wedding they will drink and eat what they are eating we tell the people that have already arrived half of them thinking it's a joke once we told them the truth they laughed and left my job became to stay at the front and tell all the people arriving for the dinner that they are going to be responsible for their whole bill and what the costs were final guest count was 20 people most left once I told them what the costs were we ended up threatening legal action against them since they signed the banquet sheets stating that they agreed on 60 dinners best part was they paid the full 60 dinners plus gratuity and only had 20 people there because they wanted to save some money I worked management at a resort in a popular tourist town when weddings are booked at our venue with the event coordinator we can hold certain number of rooms for guests attending a manager was always required to check in the bridal couple and I had been given a heads up by the coordinator on bridezilla they wanted a room on the highest floor and closer to the beach were booked into the honeymoon suite third floor ocean views know she wanted higher and closer had an absolute meltdown at the front desk when I explained there was nothing higher or closer a colleague of mine ran for the event coordinator when she started screaming at me and her husband-to-be he was very apologetic and trying to calm her down she was placated and sent off with keys less than 30 minutes later she was back and demanding we empty the rooms next to her and below her honey those rooms cost six hundred and forty dollars a night and we are fully booked I was lucky enough to not be working the night of the wedding but I heard all about her mistreating the waitstaff kicking the band out for playing a song she didn't like and the screaming match she got into with her mother-in-law what a peach all up the wedding was about $40,000 and she made everyone miserable the groom left our front desk staff and box of wine to apologize for her behavior not the only bridezilla but definitely the craziest I had [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 123,946
Rating: 4.6873522 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit wedding, askreddit marriage, askreddit bridezilla, askreddit bride, reddit wedding, horror wedding, bride steals wedding donations, worst wedding, worst bride
Id: dG1MiQF51o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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