Brian David Gilbert Answers 27 Questions

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Give me your best theories: where DID Brian get his tux? (I think it was a necessity for choir).

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/lightningbugs15 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello i'm brian david gilbert and i'm a person who makes videos sometimes today i will be answering 27 questions [Music] who is brian david gilbert that person is me i am one person who has three first names don't get confused some people do some people call me david or just gilbert and i respond to all of them because i have no sense of self-worth what is brian david gilbert doing now that is a question i have received from my relatives multiple times and i have not really figured out the perfect answer to it uh i'm making videos uh for my own personal channel and i'm writing a bunch of stuff on the outside i also doing voice acting things basically um i'm a freelancer and i'm trying my best to start saying that i'm self-employed as opposed to unemployed does brian david gilbert have a twin sadly i do not actually have a twin i am a single again entity if if there was a real david brian gilbert out there um i'd be i wouldn't i wouldn't be as surprised as i probably should be you know what is brian david gilbert's favorite nail polish color i'm going to grab it for you real quick um just give me two seconds my nail polishes are always within reach so i have uh i got two nail polishes because i lied about saying that i only have one favorite one uh one is called terracopa and it's um this kind of nice like bronzy shiny one and then this other one is called let's get digital and it it looks super blue but it actually goes on very translucent and uh sparkly and it makes my nails uh look like iridescent beetle shells which is what i like to go for how tall is brian david gilbert um i have said uh i'm five nine five ten on a good day but the truth is that i'm probably closer to like five eight and a half and i know this because i uh when i was in high school and this should be a surprise to know when i was in chorus and i i went to all-state chorus once and in order to like figure out the risers they would ask everyone to write down um their height on it so that way they could make sure that everyone was in a in a row with everyone who was the same height and that's when i learned that all men lie about their height because i uh put down my actual height which is five eight and a half and then i was put in a row where everyone was three or four inches shorter than me and so i towered over all of the other guys in the first row who said that they were five nine five ten felt very very proud of myself and seemed very out of place for uh that specific riser brian david gilbert bed yes very much so yes correct where did brian david gilbert learn to dance uh i learned to dance nowhere professionally my sister is a trained dancer and she taught me everything that i know that's um somewhat okay my older brother is not a professional dancer or trained in any way and he taught me all of the cool dance moves that you could do uh at weddings where like you pretend to have a heart attack and then somebody comes over and then pretends to do a defibrillator on you and you go as you as you like go across the floor and it's super uh it's a it's a crowd pleaser do that at the next wedding you go to uh 14 years from now when the pandemic is over what's my favorite dance move well i already uh admitted to the defibrillator obviously but that one you can only do once a year at most or else it gets overplayed um a big fan of uh here i just realized that i'm wearing green pants so this might be impossible to see i'm just gonna blend into more but i'm a big fan of this one where you go like this it's a really it's a really good one i like that one a lot anything that really just involves a lot of large big arm movements i'm a big fan of are brian david gilbert and patrick gill related we are not related our last names are different names but my older brother is also named patrick um and that's mostly because there are only six names that white men have and they are brian david gilbert patrick michael and tom dream character to portray if they ever do a live action zelda and i wouldn't i wouldn't wish for this to happen but i would love to play tingle but other than that any villain really any villain any villain or tingle and perhaps those are the same thing [Music] white wheat or rye i'm a big fan of wheat i'm a big fan of breads um that got seeds in them i like to have a little texture in there white bread if you can like squish the bread and turn it into like a play-doh-like substance not good enough for me [Music] how do i like my eggs i'm a big proponent these days of soft boiled like popping them in for seven minutes and then as soon as seven minutes is over you put them in an ice bath for one minute and then you crack them open and then you put a little cholula and some salt and pepper and i eat that for breakfast most mornings because it's super easy and it's delicious game to have the biggest impact on me there are so many games it feels like a cop-out to say like ocarina of time but that was like such an important game to me in my childhood and like growing up and watching my siblings play it and then me also playing it but being too young and not being very good at playing games at that point but that being said i also think celeste had maybe the biggest impact of my adult life i would say celeste was like it hit right at the exact moment when i needed to play that game um and i will never stop talking about celeste no matter how many times my friends are annoyed by it dream project whoo i mean i flip between like wanting to go off the grid and open a pottery studio in western arkansas and never have to go onto the internet ever again and like writing for a tv show so somewhere between those two things i think would probably be my dream project [Music] morning routine i wake up and um i've started streaming uh on twitch while playing video games and uh riding a bike because i've realized that i never will exercise if i am not doing something else at the same time to keep my mind off of it i love to gamble don't you got something to say about that and for some reason playing a video game and also streaming and also riding a bike is just enough to keep my mind uh confused at all moments that i'm not really aware of the fact that i'm exercising and i'm also not really aware of the fact that i'm streaming and playing video games so it's a real big mess um but it's a great way to wake up and really get yourself started [Music] creative routine creative routine usually what happens is that i get um really stressed out about not having a good idea uh and then i say no brian just go and take a walk and don't think about anything and don't consider any ideas and just you're just taking a walk there's no point to it just get out of the house and be in the sunlight for a few seconds and then usually somewhere on that walk i go oh here's an idea of something i could do that feeling when you bite into a pickle and it's not as crisp because it the pickle is it's a little squishy and then i come back and i write it and then i don't do any work on it for four weeks and then i uh film it and edit it in two days in a blind fury and that's that tends to be how it works these days [Music] how many suits do i own too many suits for for being a self-employed individual now too many suits my like my dad had to wear a suit to go to work every day and i was like i i want to have a job that doesn't require me to wear suits and guess what young brian you did it you managed to get that job it's called sitting in your apartment all day in uh sweatpants and having in your closet one two three four five i've got a bunch of other jackets i have a tuxedo how did i get a tuxedo i have no memory of how i managed to procure a tuxedo am i good at darts i would say that i am better than average but i only say that because i'm able to hit the dartboard 19 out of 20 times i'm not able to get specific parts of the dartboard yet um but i am able to hit the dartboard now uh and not hit the drywall next to it which i would say again is better than the average person who never plays darts ever what kind of voice would this have no oh no oh i don't even want to think too hard about this i'm honestly it's this voice that i'm doing right now is the problem is that i saw the face and it just naturally became this voice and i'm so sorry [Music] uh biggest strengths i'm i'm really good at soft boiling eggs now i think has now become my biggest stre the problem is that i have no concept of like things that are useful in the real world anymore now that i've been at home for 11 months so i i think my biggest strength is definitely cooking a really good soft boiled egg and like um i'm i'm really good at making biscuits and gravy too those are my two biggest strengths those are the ones that i feel the most comfortable about those are the ones i might feel most confident about on a daily basis that i would be willing to brag about so i'll say that those are my biggest strengths weaknesses uh physical uh like illness wise definitely weak also they're um really bad at first impressions that's a thing i've noticed is that when i first meet people i'm very quiet and i don't like to talk to them and then usually hopefully if they're willing to give me a shot for like a month or two months then they i somewhat come out of my shell and i become a little bit more friendly and uh don't feel so self-conscious all the time but first impressions i am very bad at how do i work with a team i was very fortunate at polygon to work with really lovely people that i care a lot about and uh it helped me feel much more comfortable talking about creative ideas with other people i'm really bad at putting stuff down but i'm really good at like bouncing ideas to the furthest extent they could possibly go and then once we've gotten to that point uh backing it up into a position where like oh this is the actual good idea so my job usually in a team place is to throw as much clay onto the pedestal as possible and then hopefully someone else will be there to help hone it down into something that's that's worthwhile i can never open a pottery uh studio in western arkansas if that's how i make my clay metaphors job experience um what i did not realize that this was a full job interview uh i started my first job uh technically you know i did like you know i mowed lawns for people and stuff but that my like first actual job was working at a climbing gym uh and running birthday parties and camps and that was my first ever uh paid job and it was probably the best one i will ever have for the rest of my life um and then uh i worked as a copy editor for a terrible terrible company in um baltimore for a bit and then i worked for polygon um and those are the important ones how am i how's my problem solving skills how's my problem-solving skills apparently not that good considering it took me a moment right there to to switch between how are your problem-solving skills and how is your problem-solving skills it really it gave me a major moment of uh anxiety trying to figure out how i should read this question um uh pretty okay once i've calmed down [Music] why would i be the best candidate for this position that's a great question i i am a team player and i you know i care a lot about the company um and i think if you hire me i will be able to make you know the the growth rates uh and the synergy of the company are two things that i am really passionate about um and if we can really focus in q4 on the marketing team i think we can see great turnaround and great click-through rates um and and you know i also have six suits so i can i i you know have a different one for each day of the week i work six days a week where do i see myself in five years oh well if not in western arkansas then hopefully somewhere equivalent or better i think i i'd love to [Music] be doing something similar to this or something bigger than this where i can you know hopefully work with other people and make a big story that people connect with um and people can be passionate about [Music] do i have any questions for you uh plenty i would like to know what type of images you're going to be putting on the green screen behind me um that's a very important question i have uh i would love to know um if there's anything else i can i could do in this uh question and answer session to make this any easier for you because you have a hell of an edit in front of you given given the responses i've given you you have quite a lot to go through you can check me out on my own personal youtube channel it's brian david gilbert i have weird sketches and of horrors i guess a whole lot of stuff happens over there and i can't um be held responsible for it so feel free to check that out if you're interested i think that's probably enough
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 377,596
Rating: 4.9818664 out of 5
Keywords: brian david gilbert, bdg, what is brian david gilbert, doing now, who is brian david gilbert, brian david gilbert twin, nail polish, question and answer, most searched questions, bdg dance moves
Id: 2O0VVoPiHAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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