Breaking the Spirit of Witchcraft- Part 4B with Apostle Innocent Java

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continue now we're gonna continue now hey the battle is real the fight is real i'm telling you amen but we're gonna continue right you know the moment i said that um audio is good let's check two minutes sorry people have got just give me two minutes just wanna check something okay on facebook if you can hear me just type we can hear you you're sorry about the sound but just try to manage it for today and just try to listen to this for today we are very sorry about the sound but um just try to manage the sound for today we actually using direct sound from the form so just try let's just manage the one we have right now tomorrow we'll make sure that everything will be in place and everything will be proper as we will begin the broadcast for tomorrow in jesus mighty name amen god bless you god includes you in jesus name so quickly i want you to share the broadcast to as many people as you can i want you to share the broadcast as many people as you can watch me on facebook right now i want you to share the broadcast to as many people as you can i want you to share the broadcast as many to as many people as you can in jesus name i want you to share the broadcast to as many people as you can in the name of jesus we will have this broadcast in jesus name by fire and by force who make sure that people are blessed in jesus mighty name so let's quickly share the broadcast i want you to share the broadcast seven times make sure you share the broadcast seven times to seven people and make sure that people uh are blessed by the broadcast today in jesus mighty name the devil is alive just begin to type amen just begin to type amen just begin to type amen there's a special grace that's coming upon everybody watching now in jesus mighty name yes yes yes yes yes beginner type amen begin to type amen as you connect quickly begin to tap amen as you connect quickly recap so we are quickly going to rush into it so that we don't waste much time um so that we don't waste much time we're quickly going to rush straight into it so that we don't waste much time you're going to move with speed and precision in jesus mode now i'm going to talk about this i know the devil doesn't want me to talk about this i know the enemy was very very he's very very frustrated and he's very very unhappy in me mentioning these things and speaking um you know revelation and making sure that people are delivered the devil does not want to hear you the devil doesn't want you to hear this but we're going to make sure by all means that um you are going to hear this and your life is going to be altered and shifted from one level of grace to another in the name of jesus christ so wherever you are just tap amen and i'm connected we're going to do this today so okay how does witchcraft is operate now i'm angry now i'm angry now how does it operate i'll i'll say it i know the enemy doesn't want me to say but i'll say it number one which graphicism operates from a place called a cover right i mentioned this yesterday and i said that the coven comprises of 13 people now six men six female and one leader so which baptism comprises from a place called equivalent all right the strength of a coven is in the night time let me talk about this one the strength of a cover is in the nighttime which means most of which baptism it happens during the night it does not happen during the day so most of the witch baptism happens during the night time when people are sleeping that's why now the bible says while she was sleeping the enemy came and stole he stole what belongs to you why because he understood that the time that you are sleeping is the time that you are weak but people that are able to destroy the holds and the strength and the force of which baptism are men and women that are able to take charge of their night time am i talking to somebody here if you are able to take charge of your night time you are able to break any witchcraft spell there are hours that which claptism or the hours that which is normally uses are for them to uh to be active in order for them to affect the lives of people number one is 12 a.m number one is 12 a.m number two is three three a.m right so if you take charge of the night time you are able to take charge of any witchcraft spell let me repeat it witchcraft coven they are more powerful during the night time they are more powerful at midnight why because that's where the time uh moves from another day into another day most of the stuff happens during midnight that's why we always tell people let's do midnight prayers because when we do meet night prayers we now have the authority and ability to break any spell if you master your midnight you are able to master any witchcraft style but if people do not know how to master their midnight definitely every witchcraft spell will affect them it will attack them it will destroy them it will even weaken them you'll see many people during the night time some will even sleep at eight and they wake up at 8 in the morning and when they wake up at eight in the morning during the night time when they were sleeping the enemy was pressing how many times was the enemy pressing you he pressed you four five times but the question is were you able to come out from the pressing of the enemy no you were not able to come out from the pressing of the enemy do you understand what i'm talking about so which baptism or which club to cause one takes more authority during the night but i pray for you today jehovah god is going to give you strength jehovah god is going to give you ability in order for you to stand especially during the night time and be able to break any spell and witchcraft a power of the enemy in the mighty name of jesus christ may god give you strength that may god give you power god is going to give you strength and god is going to give you power so that you shall be able also that you'll be able to break any spell or any witchcraft after attack in the name of jesus christ hallelujah let me let me quickly move to the next point so that i quickly move with time right here hallelujah if you want to rule over which baptism or rule over your night do you know that there are people who don't even sleep during the night but they sleep during the day why because they have understood the act of which criticism they have understood how which graphism work they've understood how the enemy affect many people especially during the night many people are oppressed during the night when you sleep the enemy comes and they sit on you that's witchcraft those people i don't know i know many people here you've got that issue and you've got that problem but you're sleeping and you feel like there is something that comes and sits on you or there's something that comes and chokes you do you have something about there are people whereby you sleep you are being praised in the sleep that's witchcraft spell someone is responsible for that blessing it does not matter where you are born from nightmares many people they call it nightmares said oh many people they call it nightmares nightmares is not something that you can do or say to modify what's happening to you nightmares it's a witchcraft spell it's a witchcraft power it's something that is being used against you when it comes to witchcraftism just to oppress you you dream weird dreams you dream nightmares every time you are screaming in the dream there are actually people men of god who actually talk in their dream they actually talk in their dream and you think that it was no more you think that you were tired no you were not tired that's a witchcraft step some people they they they sleepwalk they sleep they just wake up and they start walking they do sleep walking anybody that do sleepwalking you are being used for which baptism it does not matter where you are born from it does not matter you are born in canada or you are born in america or you are born in jamaica or you are born in yugoslavia if you walk during while this you are sleeping you are being used for which practices most of the people that do sleep walking they can even leave the house but the question is where are you going you don't even know where you're going some of the people who wake up while is there in the room it's a spirit of assassination that the enemy is sent upon you so that he kills you unless you're unconscious you stand up you start walking and you get into the road there some people don't even go out of the house right and they start walking and what is there sleeping the enemy wants to assassinate you while this you don't know but i pray for you today in the mighty name of jesus i pray for everybody that is experiencing stalking in the dream being present in the dream and dream working sleepwalking in the name of jesus christ anybody that is experiencing this i pray for you now if you're experiencing this i want you to type oh lord deliver me i want you to type oh lord deliver me oh lord deliver me in jesus mighty name all lord deliver me oh lord deliver me oh lord deliver my family all lord deliver my home although deliver my life in the mighty name of jesus there are people that are experiencing witchcraft spells in their dream they are being praised there are people that are experiencing witchcraft spells whereby they talk in the dream there are people that are experiencing witchcraft spell whether they are walking once they are sleeping that's a witch baptism that is taking place and it normally happens when you are sleeping in the night and i say to you that the only way you can destroy the power of the cover is by you dealing with your night if you don't deal with your night these things will continue to happen you understand what i'm thinking about but god is going to deliver you i want you to type if you're watching me on facebook just have oh lord deliver me oh lord deliver me oh lord deliver me oh lord deliver me in jesus mighty name there is deliverance taking place right now now i'll explain another there is something called witchcraft sim that i'm going to explain to you i might have said it but i'm going to say it again so that you understand how which gratitude opens there is something called witchcraft someone right witchcraft someone they don't discuss issues but they discuss people when they are in a coven they don't discuss issues but they discuss people anyone that is in a carbon of good practice they don't discuss issues they discuss people do you understand they don't discuss what issues they discuss what people they bring your issue in a cover and they wait for somebody to second that issue let's say for instance there is an issue that is connected to you okay let me let me give an illustration that is very very clear that is very very eye-opening to you there are people here that are experiencing an anti-marriage spirit let me explain to you what happens for that anti-marriage spirit to be activated number one for that anti-marriage spirit to be activated what they do they don't discuss your issue of you know being married but they discuss the person they don't attack the condition they attack the person and then they put the condition on the person so what do they do they see let's say for instance your family progressing in the areas of marriage and everybody is getting married so they look for a specific person that is loved by the family that is a help of the family and what do they do they inflict that person so if there is a person who is a family member who is actually in that covert you know what they will do that person will say cond whatever that they are saying so it can be an issue whereby uh in the other college it can be a village right it can be a village it can be an issue but it's a village or it's a locality or it's a community so every community every city every locality there are witches which means in new york there are witches in new york they are huge which is in maryland there are which is in uh florida there are witches in uh nasa so when they see your life progressing why because what they do is they they monitor people's progress they monitor people's progress they look at people and they monitor their progress and when they see that your progress is actually taking a different shift what do they do they look for a family member that is a witch within your family range and when they find that family member what do they do they make sure when they find that family member what do they do they make sure that they second with that family people and when they second with that family member whatever that's gonna happen to you it has been seconded by the family member but if there is no family member what they do they come to your house they take your hair or they come to your house they mark you now there is a difference between a mark of a wheeling mark and a mark whereby you are marked by a witches that you are not aware of the reason why they are mocking you they are marking you so that they can be able to take blood from you so that they can have access over you people are not getting me people on facebook they are sleeping it you wanna be honest what i'm talking about they mark you so that they can actually take blood from you in order for them to access you because which graphicism they can never access you without taking something from they need to access you in the only way they can access you is by them taking something from you do you understand so they need something from you in order for them to access you so if they second it in a cover then your issue is in process but if there is nobody to second it they can just come and mock you then they put your issue on standby so the mark proves that your issue is being investigated so there are people now that are experiencing wickedness not from your family but you're just experiencing wickedness just because you stay in a particular place so it can be your neighbor that is actually visiting you during the night causing all these things to happen to you and you don't even know why your neighbor hates you so much but your neighbor is actually envious about you is actually jealous about what you are having and when your neighbor is jealous of you you are in trouble because jealousy is another level of witchcraft if you are jealous over somebody you'll be practicing witchcraft that's a very simple way the mark like i'm saying the marker happens during the night you are sleeping they mark you they take blood from you right when you wake up you begin to feel like you're marked or someone marked you with a nail or someone marked you even with a sharp razor do you understand what i'm talking about so they mock you when you're sleeping you are enjoying your sleep they come they muck you and when they mock you they take the blood from you and when they take the blood from you that blood is the same blood they will use you to affect you you know i'm talking about i'm going to give people the opportunity to ask questions today i know many people have got many questions today that they have that is actually happening to them and i'm going to answer a lot of questions i'm going to help you so i'm going to teach you how it works and i'm going to teach you how to actually uh break the the spell and the altars of which baptism amen so they can mark you either in the dream or in the in the real thing but when they mock you you even see it physically you will see physically that they mocked you and many of the times when you are marked you begin to face what we call misfortune you begin to face misfortune number one you begin to face rejection number two you begin to face delay a lot of it what because you've been marked i always say this to people when you move to a new place let's say for instance in union locality you moved in a new house you need to anoint that rather invite your man of god your past for your prophet invite them to come papa come to my house and anoint my house come to my house anoint my yacht speak words of power the bible says wherever you step your feet upon you must possess but many people they just step into an apartment they just step into a beauty they just step into a house without actually gaining access authority over that place when i came to stay here i took a lot of time anointing my house anointing the beauty making sure that every witch baptism even in this rock view it will not gain dominance over my house over my marriage over my my future over my life there are some people who are actually experiencing a lot of breakout in their marriage not because they are having fights or not because it's just no it's because of the area on their house that they are staying in the moment they leave that house everything is okay the moment they are in that house they fight when you think that's normal it's not number there's a witchcraft spell in that place that does not support marriages so if they don't support marriages how can you manage them if you are not spiritually active you are sleeping every night like you you're competing with the dead when you sleep competing with the dead uh you sleep at eight you wake up at eight in the morning and you are not even able to rule your night how is your marriage going to stay some marriages they fell because of the house they stay and you didn't even know that the reason why your marriage is failing is because of the house where you stay you didn't even know the moment you visit your grandmother or your mother the moment you sleep somewhere else you love each other like no other business the moment you enter into that house the war begins you know i'm talking about the war begins so some people the moment they moved in a particular home in a particular house that's the day a lot of things started taking place that's a day a lot of things started shifting around their lives but today i'm going to make a declaration as i am here distance is not a barrier i'm going to pray for your house right now i'm going to pray for wherever you are right now i'm going to pray for anything that you own for your building for your house for everything that you have i'm going to pray right now in the name of jesus christ that the divine protection of god rests upon your life no witchcraft spell not wish of power know which god force will come and affect your business will come and affect your family will come and affect your children will come and affect your home in jesus mighty name i pray amen care about somebody just have amen in the eminent amen thank you holy spirit of god there are some people whereby you moved in a particular house you moved in a particular place you don't even know why your children are acting the way they're talking and you think it's normal it's not normal your children were the best but the moment they moved into that house or the moment you moved into that house or at the moment they started staying with your auntie or the moment they started staying with your ankle or the moment they started staying with your grandmother that's the moment things started changing around them it's not because it's idol essence or it's puberty no it's it's beyond pure but some of these things are spiritual in your family there's no record of drugs there's no record of people being done drugs there's no record of of of people doing prostitution but why is it your daughter all of a sudden she started doing prostitute prostitution why is it your son all of a sudden he's worked on drugs there is a witchcraftism spell around the vicinity and around the area where you stay or around the house where you are or around the person that is staying with your child but there are some people who have got a tendency of dropping their child at their mother-in-law's house or at their grandmother's house let me tell you parents be very very careful i'll be honest with you i don't care what it is if you hate me after this it's fine but be very be careful of whom you leave your kids with let me repeat it again be very careful whom you live with your kids with because will you leave your kids with determines what your kid is going to do after that because some of the things that your child is doing right now is being caused by the person that you leave your kids with you just wake up oh let me just go and drop my key there there and see so-and-so's house you don't even talk to him just because you are too desperate you want to go to a date for a date and you want to enjoy but at the cost of the destiny of your child the moment they went today they come back with a certain character and a certain attitude that they never had when they left the house some kids especially in africa some kids when they go to certain houses let's say for instance they go there to be dropped today to to spend the day there to spend the night that when they come back you started seeing that they are now addicted to certain things that they were never addicted they are hooked to certain things that they were never hooked they are speaking to you anyhow something or someone made them like that they didn't just wake up thinking that i need to insult my mother your own child that you gave birth to is insulting you now today from nowhere check one last day the way your grandmother sounds jealous is witchcraftism if you are genus if you are generally jealous you are a witch although you are a witch include one you are practicing jealous is not from god jealous is pure witchcraft jealousy simply means that you are actually envying what somebody has then you are actually voicing it telling other people that they don't deserve the job they don't deserve the husband i'm the one who's supposed to have it in other words you don't wish others the best or well all you wish is wickedness upon their lives that's which which gravitation somebody just type i refuse to be jealous in the name of jesus i refuse to be jealous i refuse to be jealous in jesus mighty name just step i refuse i refuse to be jealous i refuse i rebuke the spirit of jealousy in jesus mighty name i refuse some people are jealous without them knowing that they are jealous that's why i'm saying what i'm saying some people they are jealous without them knowing that they are jealous you don't even know that you are jealous but you are jealous when people tell you that you are jealous you refuse but when we see and we look at you and the way you are acting we know that you are jealous i want you to type i refuse the spirit of jealousy in the name of jesus i rebuke you i refuse you i reject you i denounce you today in jesus nightly and there are some people that i need to deliver from jesus definitely i know you will not say that you are jealous i know you refuse it right now even if i prophesy to you that you you there is a spirit of jealousy in you you rebuke me and you say no i don't know you do not you prove to me that i'm not a prophet but deep inside of you you know that you are jealous there is a jealous spirit in you you see your friend driving a car which is higher and better than you you start envy that's jealousy he said what did they do for them to drive this car me i deserve this carpet that's jealousy why can't you be happy for your brother why can't you be happy for your sister why can't you be happy for your mother why can't you be happy for everybody around you especially in ministry let me talk about this to those who minister just because his church is bigger than your church just because his church is bigger than your church his prayer steam is better than my prestige you begin to have jealousy or you begin to compete anybody that carries a spirit of competition competition is not from god i'm telling you the truth because there is some competition that will lead to jealousy there is some competition that will lead to hatred you are hating on your brother because they are doing better than you why can't you celebrate your brother why can't you celebrate your sister that they are doing better why can't if your brother is doing better it means that it proves that there is an opportunity for you to be lifted if my brother is gifted if i post a bunny he is lifted it means i'm lifted there is no way i will suffer if i know that a foster bunny is driving a maserati and i don't if he's driving a maserati then i know that i have a right to go every time after church in the name of jesus but i pray for everybody watching me right now the name of jesus everybody that is under the influence of my voice may god give you grace may god deliver you from jerusalem may god deliver you from any jealousy may god make god deliver you i know i'm talking to you may god deliver you in jesus mighty name somebody type i'm delivered now i'm delivered in jesus name i'm delivered i'm free i've been made free now in jesus mighty name i'm free in the name of jesus malika bharara theatre thank you holy spirit number two any gossiper you are in kindergarten you are a small witch if you sit around to talk about issues you'll be small which any person that gossips is a widget being called or being a witch is not something you don't have to fly on the ground most people are thinking that only those who fly on the broom they are witches or only those who walk naked they are witches no if you are a gossiper you are a witch i'm sorry to say this you are practicing witchcraftism why are you busy down talking someone that's which cryptism it's like you're in a covenant you are planning evil against your brain how can you sit drink tea about your pasta drinking tea i don't agree i don't agree you are a witch practicing witchcraftism in daylight you see when we're talking about which craft is in the night you you are doing which captive in daylight straight up during the day anyone that does gossip you gossip about your brother you go to other people you gossip you go speak gospel you eat on your brother you drink on you your own brother imagine your own brother your own blood flesh the one that is always standing with you every time you meet other people ah that guy is not even a man of god i am the one that is treating me better but why is his life better than your life why is it his ministry is better than yours and you are telling oh i'm i'm actually training him you know i taught him a lot of things stop stop stop talking trash you are just a small witch your friend receives promotion at work and every time when you know and when you've seen that your friend has received promotion it worked you have a problem no i'm the one that mentored you and the one that mentored you i'm the one that stood by you prayed for you i pray for that i pray for that point you have which why can't you just be normal and say oh well i'm happy for that young how many happy people that you're he's a man um you know god is using him why can't you just speak good upon support every from today the moment you shall even me this is what i do when i hear people oh my my brother is here my brother's watching god bless you pastor give it love please me i do not do that this is a when someone wants to gossip someone what i do is either i record i cannot practice any witchcraft is you i can be part and parcel of your witchcraft do you want me to be called the witch i refuse in jesus name i record you and after i record you as soon as i finish recording you i send the same audio to the person you were talking about say this person i was with him just he was talking about you so me i don't want to be part and parcel of witchcraft there is your recording sir listen to what you were saying and some they've got the audacity of calling me one islam with the person that they're trying to possibly put your loves big enough you are the most realistic man and the true brother and the something that i took as i'm saying it happened somewhere i was with my brother yeah someone was trying to crash on him and bring him down i just put it on loud speaker he heard everything as it said you heard it you know witchcraft is people thought that they can practice witchcraft me and i'm supporting them i'm already raising a flake against you i'll never do that because the moment you do that even the moment you hear gossip and you agree with what they are saying which characteristic you would rather say say uh i you you want to talk about who about prophecies you vote no problem let me record or let's call it because why why why are we speaking about here in the absence why can't we speak about it in a presence so rather if you want to speak about it let's call him so that you can speak your mind to her right is as easy as eating shawam it's as easy as eating a beautiful pie glory be to god so number one gossipers these ones are wishes witchcraftism small ones baby witchcraftism baby wishes jealousy people who have jealousy these people they operate in witchcraft a person can put on a suit and is a witch in his suit he's doing with practicing practicing it 24 7 i'm telling you so this is how which capitalism operation work right this is how which graphism operates and work they deal with issues from recover and when they deal with issues from a coven they agree in a covenant and then that's when they will come to you and afflict you they assess your issue they assess your story they assess everything about you and when they assess those things that's when they will come and they will affect you but i'm gonna pray for you now before i tell you how to do and how to defeat it i'm gonna pray right now in jesus name some of you your issues are already being assessed your name already has been taken there was a time i was testifying and i was saying that there was a time they took my name in a cover and in our village what they normally do when they take your name in a cover they make sure that they call your name and when they call your name you appear on the mirror or you appear in a port your image appears in a port the corresponding 23 times what they call you they chant when they chant you appear when you appear they will tell you what to do in order for you to destruct yourself so they took my name in a covenant and they tried to call my name i could not appeal i did not show up why because i had already mastered how to break the forces of which baptism and i'm going to teach you how other time they tried to call me all their pots broke into pieces all the approach they broke into pieces i'm gonna pray every spell of which baptism coming after you destiny coming after your children every person that has been summoned in which baptism you might be someone who at least you know or you might be someone what is you don't know you might know about it or you might not know about it i declare whatever they are trying to do may they be frustrated and may they be disappointed in the mighty name of jesus christ i said may they be frustrated and may they be disappointed i declare that decrypt by the reason of the anointing god is taking you out from any witchcraft spell any witchcraft someone any witchcraft coven you are being delivered right now whenever you're watching me on facebook i declare right now upon your destiny upon your future upon your life upon your marriage upon your businesses in the name of jesus christ you are being separated you are being delivered you are being exempted in jesus mighty name somebody just type amen i'm separated amen i'm exempted amen i'm delivered now in jesus name you are being separated you are being exempted you are being separated you are being separated you are being separated you are being separated you are being separated in jesus mighty name you are being separated you are being separated by the power of the holy ghost come on somebody lift up your hands i want you to pray you are being separated khalibra has sat up married a know witchcraft spell will come over your children in the name of jesus christ wherever it's coming from it might be from your ancestors it might be from 1900 it might be from 1901 it might be from 1922 wherever it has been moving coming to you even to your kids it will not affect your kids your kids are protected your children are exempted by the power of the holy spirit no weapon formed against them shall prosper no tongue raised against them shall come to pass i declare right now as a prophet in jesus mighty name your children are protected your family is protected your destiny is protected your home is protected your house is protected by the power of the holy spirit protection protection protection protection you are protected in the mighty name of jesus christ if you are a mother and you know you have got kids if you are a father and you know your god kids i want you to speak a prophetic word upon your kids a word of covering my children are protected my children are exempted in the mighty name of jesus christ no weapon formed against my children shall be able to prosper they are protected they are exempted they are covered in jesus my name i pray lapras santa and devotion there are some people here i want you to do even something prophetic i want you to do i want you to do prophetic i want you to follow this prophetic instruction i just felt it in my spirit i felt it i felt it that there are some people that need to stand with a seat for their children you need to stand with the seat for your children you need to stand with the seat for your children for protection our kids are going to school we don't know what's happening in schools our kids we drop them every time we don't even know who we are dropping our kids with right our kids are being associated and affected by a lot of things wireless we don't even know those things we are now seeing the results of what's affecting our kids but we don't even know where the root is coming from i want you to stand with the seed of 99 dollars for your children you might have five kids just stand with the seed of 99 do you understand me i want you to go to prophet and sow that seed when you shall give that seed your kids are going to be exempted some of you your kids are in college they're in school you don't even know what's happening do you even know what happens in colleges in universities do you know that there are things called cows or couches do you even know that there are kids that are joining groups which are cows or organizations which deals in witchcraftism in school there are kids who are being initiated in school or cultism cows some they call it brotherhood it's a crowd i want you to stand with a seat for your children to say lord as my child goes to college lord as my child goes to school i come against any initiation of the enemy of my child into which baptism do you know that there are children who are agents of darkness who are sent into schools you need to watch who is the friend of your child who does she or who does he play with these things you need to be very cautious of even new prophet israel even if you have kids that are old now check the friends of your kids who is influencing my children because as a parent you are the first covering of your children before your child says zika is being covered by by prophet passion you as a parent you are the first covering of your kids and if your kids or if your child likes to eat so much then you are in the picture because when he goes to school he is going to be taking people's lunch boxes some of the lunch boxes you don't even know whose lunch box it is in the food that is initiation the moment they eat that food they are initiated into which captive tell your children not to take food from anyone from school don't rather put fear in them it's better so that they won't be able to do it but some kids they call it sharing but in sharing someone who put something in the food to initiate someone into which captive there was a situation in in zimbabwe the other time whereby a child gave other children food and that was poison it was poison in the food and kids died at that school children died that's am i talking to somebody here be very careful about who hangs around with your kids like i'm saying now do you even know that there are people that are not people who work on this earth check your friends check you you the friends of your kids they are people that are not humans but they look like humans but they are not humans and they walk on this earth i want you to understand that point are agents of darkness that have been sent in schools to look like a human being but they are not human beings ask them what do they say you don't even know nobody knows where they stay but they just appear during scooter then you call them your friend and they will tell you touch this route or attach this thing and the moment you touch it you are initiated their duty is to initiate other children in schools i want you to stand with the seat for your kids i'm serious about this i'm serious about this i want you to stand with the seat for your kids go to proper give you a seat of 99. do it do it for your children do it for your kids if you really love your children i want you to do it stand with the seat for your kids i'm going to pray for you some of you i'm going to call you we are going to pray for your children in the name of jesus christ v b o a version of god bless you we shall god bless you do it for your kids it's very important it's very very important there was a situation in south africa whereby a child went to the supermarket i saw someone writing supermarket a child went to the supermarket and never came back you need to stop this thing whenever your child is nine years old or seven years old and you send them to a supermarket that is about a kilometer children are being taken for initiation in africa has happened children are being taken they are being sacrificed killed sacrificed why because they are innocent blood the moment they are sacrificed to whatever they are sacrificing it to they get more power so kids are being sacrificed children are being sacrificed and you need always to be cautious and be watchful over your kids be over protected or be over protection your build up over protect your children it's better for people to say that you're obsessed but you know that you're protecting your kids i want you to stand with this seat of 99 for your children do it for your kids do it for your kids amen now how do i break witchcraft out how do i break witchcraft out now we call it a witchcraft outer which means it is an out so an outer can only break another out so which means you need to have it out that's number one and out i can only break another out which means if you want to deal with which graphism you need to raise an out that's point number one you need to resonate and out number one number two you need to develop confidence you need to develop confidence okay some people are asking how do i do an hour an outer it's another topic on this one i thought people knew about outers because last time we spoke about autism so i thought people knew about it but let me just explain an outer it's a place of sacrifice and out it's a place of worship an outer is a place where you pray when you go to church okay it's a prayer out thank you when you go to church where the men of god stands that's a prayer altar the reason why you say oh when i came to this house when i came to this church when i came in contact with this uh house or this outer things changed in my life it's because of what you gave on that out it can be an offering it can be a sacrifice that you give that that is what caused change but the enemy now has manipulated outers to his advantage whereby he's using it to sacrifice against you so you now you need to raise it out against the enemy in your house because there are some people the outer of the church or the outer of prophet passion is protecting you when you are in charge but when you go wrong you face more opposition that you have never faced in your life and it's something to start looking like this thing is not working no you are not balancing it when you went out at church heaven out at home when you have an out at home even out in your office when you've been out in the office heaven out in your car have an outer everywhere the bible says abraham raised outers everywhere it's important so you need to raise an outer and you need to put sacrifices on that out you understand it's called a prayer now from raising an altar you need to to to be very confident now many people are not confident when i even tell them or when they are told raise out doesn't do this they are not confident about it but you need to be very very confident and when you are confident when i say be confident i'm simply saying be confident in prayer in your prayer life because if you are not confident in what you are doing in raising outers against witchcraft they will not take you serious and they will attack you so you need to be very very over confident extra confident in as much as you can do you understand what i'm talking about be very very confident be over confident your prayer life must be confident and the way you should pray you should not just pray anyhow but you should pray in other tanks that's the only way you can break witchcraft out witchcraft which gravitating when they see people speaking in tongues they see fight and they're burnt so be confident in speaking in other tongues consistently for you to break without us okay number three be a person that always confess and be a person that always declare something that is positive so whatever that you declare and confess let's say for instance you wake up in the morning you make confessions declarations it's a paramount importance for you to do it you make confessions you make declarations every morning in the afternoon make confessions and declarations why are you confessing and declaring you are speaking protection and you are speaking a hedge of protection upon your family making confessions and declarations and you are confident in what you are doing all right and number four make sure that you raise sacrifices which craptism is broken whenever you raise sacrifice whenever you give sacrifice like there are people that have already given for divine protection over their kids so the moment you are going to pray declare sacrifice the moment you're going to do all those things your children are going to be protected know which baptism will happen around you number five make sure that every time or once in a week you are going to home you are going to your doorsteps you are knowing your beauty and went to your house around your bedroom are not your doors and when you do that you are speaking divine protection upon everything that you do you wanna say what i'm saying before i give people the chance to ask questions i'm going to pray again and we are going to pray again number one i said what what is this about people number one raising out number two be confident number three declarations number four sacrifice these four things are the only things that breaks evil or evil witchcraft founders let me speak about developing confidence you need to be overconfident because if you are not overconfident then you're not going you have to be overconfident i'm going to pray again make declarations over your life facebook is sleeping work out facebook jesus we are not here to stay here today in the name of jesus everybody that is watching me on facebook right now i'm going to pray for strength kaababa santolo i'm gonna pray for divine strength that this journey that you're about to embark into this journey of breaking witchcraft outers is going to elevate you and catapult you from one day of glory to another in the mighty name of jesus christ i declare that they create everybody wherever you are just have a man connect begin to pray i want you to pray for five minutes for the next five minutes we're going to pray we are going to declare divine protection over our families divide protection over our hopes divine protection over our houses divine protection over everything that has to do with us i want you to make that declaration type a man take a break anything that you feel you have to break begin to break it in the name of jesus christ begin to pray now wherever you are begin to pray for begin to pray i want you to to separate yourself i want you to separate yourself from any spirit of which baptism i want you to declare with confidence i want you to build confidence build confidence build confidence begin to pray begin to pray every spell every every spell after my destiny after my life after my future be broken be broken be broken be broken be broken by the power of the holy ghost also come on somebody make declarations right now makeover and just like break break break break break any witchcraft spell break any witchcraft spell break any witchcraft spell break be broken be broken break be broke broken be broken in the name of jesus christ come and begin to separate yourself begin to separate yourself begin to separate yourself right now begin to separate yourself right now in the name of jesus christ begin to pray faith all those who are watching us on facebook begin to break just have break disconnect disconnect disconnect disconnect begin to disconnect begin to disconnect begin to disconnect this is the place and this is the time for your deliverance open your mouth and begin to pray open up your mouth and begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray wherever you are begin to pray make declarations make proclamations in the mighty name of jesus male pro riccata in jesus mighty somebody just type a man in amen just have a man in the amen thank you holy ghost just type amen okay i'm gonna take questions we don't have youtube right is that oh all right okay so help me now i'm gonna take questions on facebook um i'll take i'll try to take five questions on facebook i'll take also questions on zoom and i'll take questions on youtube so uh if you've got your question if you've got your question uh manipulate can you come and bring me that thing on the side thank you if you've got your questions if you've got questions on which craftism i want you to ask it uh if you're on facebook i want you to type your question can you just give me that i want to see the questions all right question from julia on youtube what are the sacrifices that we should make on the outer at home all right when you raise your altar the sacrifice that you make you cannot give a goat or a sheep in the old testament people used to give goats and chips but all those things are monetized enough so you can give your outer offering in in the form of money all right you can give your out offering in means and forms of money all right so it's either you can put money on your altar then after you are done doing that you need to take it to a higher out so it can be to your church or to your spiritual father so right now some people can actually give money on your out you place it on your outer physically or maybe if it might be it might be in your phone you just place your phone on the outer and when you are done you send it prophet you send your after offer you actually name and label it outer offering all right if you are under me i know my sons and daughters are watching they already know what they do when they've got outer offerings they send it to their father so that the father will pray for them you understand and whenever you send an outer offering you need to send a message that actually labels your offer why are you sending this out offering why are you saying is it to break witchcraft outers in your family so that when the man of god sees is able to what to pray in order for you to help you so the reason why you're sending it to a higher out is for a higher altar to speak for you do you get the point there is your altar at home it protects your home but that outer offering you cannot pile it in your house you need to send it to a higher out which can be your spiritual valve or your church where you could those who come to kingdom members you bring it on the outer at kingdom members i need questions on facebook please those that are on facebook i need questions a lot of them what's happening facebook today i can't see commented all right uh let me take a question on zoom oh my goodness can i just see um what do i do witchcraft is heavy at my school on the walls in the hallway and paperwork is it your school or your kids lama is asking why is there so much witchcraftism targeted against marriage what are they so much afraid of the reason why there is a lot of witchcraftism targeting marriages is because marriage is a covenant that god has blessed and the devil does not want marriages i want you to understand it the devil does not want marriages you will find every reason for you to be divorced you make sure so the reason why which baptism attacks marriages is because the enemy is against marriages and he wants to dissolve and destroy the marriage so that's why there's a lot of witchcraftism that follows marriages how do i uh this is consuming fire from youtube how do i identify which practice you've done against my life in the past since more than five years that's when a prophet can come and reveal to you what has been happening or you can engage in prayer and all these things can be reviewed all just by what's happening around you like i think i spoke about science to know you are under witchcraft isn't it right i spoke about science right to know you are under witchcraft spell so when you look at those signs and reflect on your life that's when you are able to see if you are under which clubs or not when you try to use this one zoom i thought i i had many questions from you uh i might not have seen your question what uh prophet prince what do you mean when the jealous of you it means that they are practicing witchcraft is even there is nothing you can do about it they are actually practicing witchcraftism in their ignorance and they don't even know about it just don't go to them and say you are witches and you create a lot of division in the family people start fighting all right but just know for yourself that if they are jealous of you they are simply practicing which criticism in a nutshell you need to pray for them so that god can deliver them sorry i think it's network because here i can see it also can you open it zoom can i have questions you know if it means if it is okay you can you can sanctify yourself or you can change the school there's nothing wrong with that path came kendall from facebook is saying i saw a young snake for the first time in my yard last night since i begin to pray against witchcraft help me understand snakes they resemble witchcraft and snakes or small snakes especially those ones they can simply mean that there is a spirit of assassination that is about to come in your family that's how i interpret it and that's how i know me if i want to know whether death is about to hit my favorite snakes appear in my yard like when my mom and my grandmother died in june snakes appeared in my yard i knew straight up that was witchcraftism and i killed the snake brother alison ali saying man of god is witchcraft is responsible for me and my family everything we don't we do don't work i think i mentioned about science of wisconsin maybe take a reflect of that message and you take it from there but if things don't work there is a hand responsible for that amen let me go and zoom um uh bb is asking official prisoner how do we confirm that evil out is broken oh okay the man of god is responding here he's saying that the only way you know that the evil altar is broken okay first of all the question will be number one before we talk about an evil out of being broken have you done the instructions that you give people have a tendency of complaining oh something ah today's death campbell if you if you killed the snake then deliverance took us why which is attacking the dream because they don't like you respect there is no witch that likes you that's why they are attacking that's why they want to destroy that's why they're coming at you what can i do when i notice mark of which baptism i think i explained it last time the only thing you should do when you experience the max is for you not to eat for the next 12 hours make sure you do not eat in order for you to neutralize whatever mark you saw so make sure you don't eat by all means make sure you don't eat by homies make sure you don't eat by homies try not to eat if you notice witchcraft mass the only way you can neutralize that one the only way you can neutralize it is by you not eating don't eat for the next 12 hours make sure that you are praying and fasting with confidence declaring put sacrifice like ever that's what is when you when you wake up in the morning and you see marks on your body it's not time for you to rest and start going to order shawarma or chicken licking it's time for you to step up and start praying because if you don't that's where the attack will originate and come all right so make sure that you engage in prayer in order for you to break any form and sign up which catches zoom apostle you have muted oh sorry sorry sorry sorry about that i'm sorry okay can i have two last questions on facebook zoom and youtube youtube can we go on youtube see i'm praying for my family i guess we stopped doing motivation but now they have resorted to go to spiritualist and now i understand by your teaching come again all right um there's nothing much you can do it's just that you have to pray you have to pray for them so that they can be deliverance there's a question here can i announce myself with oil to not be seen or brought into a cover number one you can announce yourself but also like i said you need to raise it out you need to put a sacrifice there are some people that are so kind some people they are being forced into which baptism because they are christians but they are not strong some are actually christians you are a christian a believer bona fide spirit-filled believer child of god but you are being used for which claptism why because your foundation is not strong whatever that you are doing is not strong you need to change the format you need to start raising an outer you need to start putting sacrifice sacrifices you need to start having confidence in your prayer life you need to develop a strong prayer life and speak in tongues what do we do when we break even which baptism alters in prayer and get attacked in the dream even more it means something is wrong with your prayer the way you are praying is wrong all together
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 1,038
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xO6s-_1oc8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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