ALPHARAD GETTING BODIED (feat. Plup, Infiltration, ESAM, Fullstream, and more)

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Everytime I see Ori he just turns me on more and more, and I haven't even played the damn game yet.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ennyish 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hey I have an announcement to make welcome to Alfred ASMR where I announce very important things for the future if you guys are familiar with the East boards team panda global they've officially decided they'd like me enough to bring me on as an equity partner or as a shareholder this probably means nothing to you but what it means to me is that I will start helping them with eSports things behind the scenes pretty much I will be working with their players to make them better content creators on twitch and YouTube and this includes some of the greats like infiltration from Street Fighter 5 plot from super smash bros melee even Issei man MVD from Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U and you know soon to be smash ultimate so if you're looking for an eSports team to support you kind of know where to find me now this will not take away from my view for this channel at all I will be continuing this channel completely as I am right now but now I have some other work to do here and there and to honor my reveal panda global is giving away some stuff as well as a Nintendo switch so if you want to check out that giveaway it is going to be in the description below and be sure to think panic low before doing that because that's completely outside of me they're just doing this in honor of me and what is this video about well so we have some really good video game players on panda global so I decided to pick six of them and challenge them in their respective game does it go well your guess is as good as mine because your guess is probably accurate and then after that I take on three of the staff members from panda global being the three higher-ups outside of me I don't really notice call this video it's just alfred being body's sure let's go with that I love seeing my death in slow motion oh the angle oh I liked your foxes doing good oh thanks man it look like he was doing good a good part is that if you're looking for like a combo video man I'm here for you appreciate it I do what I can to give back do you uh play Falcon to possess like the optimal kind of your character oh you know what I can for you thanks bud oh and there she goes here's your compliment you if you're looking for it you appreciate it oh well this is how it ends not a good was I my kind of a video no it's okay there's still hope it's still happening oh no it's not you know I'm gonna see how long I can last no you do this to me that's true these are kind of fighting this buff oh oh you're really fun all right sorry I'll play the passing game oh then the pasta pulls out the gun when I do that yeah this is a good practice though you're killing us all the previous measure party oh dear time I did it I did the thing how did you do that can I win majors now close god that's like oh that's my life yeah that's your start that's just great gotta be careful if you play anybody you don't have to piss busy that's all right you must work you tricks I got you don't see you more two tricks hang on Stadium Oh God Oh No oh yeah that's nice damn he got me you got me okay okay take your time let us tell you out yeah so how's your day been uh it's been going pretty well [Laughter] just know puff any character but puffs respect thanks man all the boys still living oh look at that so close put it all out there didn't you are you gonna be ready Mario go around - alright hey yeah hold up hold up one random one rainbow damn really what yet come on - all right sit right gonna try again all right yeah please okay Oh Pichu oh you're animating again yeah that one hurt like on the inside good playing with you but at least two more in me yeah close one yeah you took 100 K okay mr. plug I'm sorry I think you won is it over yet I have a password that's all it is 69 69 69 okay you can play anyone I haven't always respected you for picking the cute girls over everything else okay Sheree first Juhi okay all right let's go this is what I like to see on screen oh look at it ass damn you did know what you're getting yourself into yeah I got to life ooh yeah you are a man of culture all right okay at least didn't get crossed up there oh god you good yeah I'm proud for that Oh God and here it comes remember those times I hear you though you know what I'm just trying to see how long ago without being perfect it because it might beat this game right here oh okay yeah okay yes I got an achievement for making a name for myself I feel like that's just insulting all right there's my wing condition Justin I you timed it perfectly yeah this is Michael God [Laughter] you know what I think I got to keep the trend up huh Oh Myka I hate that cat look at my walk I know Oh walking yeah let's go well I did love her why should she have to go down like this you put your orb there all of that hurts yeah oh that's so sick though surprise this no leg yeah no we are a different continents right now and this is a pretty good that's oh no no no all right I can wait some time okay the game says you lose but I feel like a winner yeah I feel like we are going for a firsta 10 but I feel like after one more we kind of get the point you know Oh for a s attack cool yeah sandbagging this whole time Oh what's up okay I'm coming now have no you're supposed to cool all right all right I got my distance Oh No oh my god yeah no I'm just sitting right yeah yeah hmm that's it okay I'm gonna uninstall the game cool okay now was your main character right Mika no I suppose my tags my phone oh you can't yes it we have desi what a good first one to you thank you yeah yeah earned it felt as easy as frostbite damn damn so you told me you're starting this game on Wi-Fi you're not even like hardwired and then you go crag on me listen it's not like I'm gonna play to disobey hold up oh no wait actually no no it's trying to get a kill okay okay no no no no no no no okay bye oh of course the legendary Excalibur skin as well oh okay good I need to go out like that I'm gonna go out like this though but yeah this is a reliable poppy you use good oh my no we're good okay sorry I got a little carried away with that you just ran up and did it yeah that's that's the arcane mr. adalah sir I would to like to play the game all I mean it's working I haven't even 0 death to yet what the heck is character suppose be busted No thank you still busted don't worry why why it's this game like boys that's so powerful I feel like I lost this on the character select screen definitely definitely that's it oh nevermind I'm the best asset I I'm sorry I'm sorry hold hold hold up I'm alive and I'm dead cat yo casual with casual 2d fighters it doesn't translate too well ah okay she's cute let's not pick my maze by the way I completely relate this happens sometimes I'm online like online in this game I'm gonna go ahead and just like a reset my little Tekken Stephanie okay so don't you like Altaf or out yeah I have played in training mode for approximately two minutes and hell yeah goombas in here okay oh god I need me to click Akuma you like my little player information right there we go easy on me as your mic muted or am I not interesting oh my god well I'm gonna teach you the meaning of fear she's putting words in my mouth I don't really mean it okay alright uh-huh I don't think the corner is a good place to be oh okay I'm further than I ever thought I'd be so I'm doing great in my book play so I can move in a plane what yeah yeah yeah you can sighs so in this game it's a 3d fighting all this is wild this is wild so many dimensions at three of them this game plays leave me with a few questions okay y can give you the rundown of how this game works uh yeah it looks like you're giving me the rundown right now this is better okay yeah yeah and that was risky you're right I died for it can't take go easy on me and I'll show you the meaning of fear I I do see how that's misleading though yeah right uh hi walking's Hardman kanikama those not combos work in this game ah sick that's what I was asking [ __ ] alright alright I'm sorry for making you mad I apologize for it okay okay body that I'm hurt I'm gonna run it into three dimensions I have God look at the raw power of knitting from your character shiny because I bought it on day one it's terrifying okay I'm ready to have fun are you I'm gonna have fun beating you up yeah I mean it's not what's fun okay uh-huh all right is the game over yet nope I'll let you give me a little bit I did I got one I got one everybody gets one is praying a viable option because I don't even feel like that's worth it at this point and I'm stuck in the corner against so what do i do what do I do I'm trying to figure out what to do about him you're not the only one no I I wanted it to end there okay well I got this I'll take that all the damage I need to feel good enough about myself no no no I see my health slowly going down and this Elise feels like I get to play the game a little bit no no no no okay how was it ready for it that was fun my buttons were wrong don't tell me that so scientists I still not found an answer for that one yet right mmm okay oh my god okay I think I died I think it's ended all right Android 21 it's nice knowing ya he lived a good life nope wrong call oh my god do you feel like a man I thought we had something I thought I did too until I had the Great Wall of China blocking me in the corner he's not dead hello mister you Sam how's it feel to be a smash bros professional feels pretty good mr. al Farah and is it true that you just started a let's play channel called games over easy it is true that I just started a let's play channel called games over easy oh wow let's get into the game yeah oh well uh jeez oh my god I yeah that's fine let's it was dark Sam once I was like a sister of him like I look at that look at that look at that poor man no Mario is never reform in oh yeah I wanted it I was some [ __ ] right there yep you could choose silly I never feel bad about that one's good okay that one I feel bad about Oh nah like I never get to play on the stage just be like the quick attacks are so good even MVD bans it against me and he's mr. Latta is amazing and perfect and what's always counterfeited OOP you like that one up you have attacks a bouncing fish acted that was that I literally wasn't even there mm-hmm I disagree with that one I think there had to call this is a character that people hate but they might like it when I play it also can I show you the worst animation this entire game yeah yeah hello hello you like that one yeah oh no I'm good that one wasn't even a too afraid oh it's good no this is good good player me thank you Bayonetta for making me a good player Eric how'd you get out of that with SDI White has it actually matters yeah I thought it didn't matter just do [ __ ] are you kidding me how so intentional you two can take a game off a top player okay just like that that's a perfect way to do it I do everything you really do the heavy lifting that no one else wants to do the heavy lifting I'm very strong which is from my understanding anime hearthstone the countdown is for your amulet there for the Pegasus he'll come in three years oh if I hit the people I waste damage if I hit you the people stay alive I take back my decision I'd like him all again he's looking rough and that's yeah you sure about that one would have been better so can every car be evolved here I think habit you have only three points this is a big boy I would like him out of here three oh I didn't even see the four okay he's a bigger boy there you go it's done thanks for making it quick and painless so I've been playing all these fighting games and we are gonna be playing fire and ylim heroes today what was your choice in this one there was a summertime banner and I liked waifu's so mine you want to tell the people what you do for panda outside of hunting waifu's well I'm currently the general manager I'm one of the original co-founders so it was Al and I who started the team I mostly do all the biz dev partnerships with sponsors I do a lot of the player coaching player management as well and your life and CPA yeah so like I'm also an accountant and I've been like in the finance industry for a very long time I was a wealth manager I've done supports marketing over at the NBA and NFL since I've been challenging everyone else in their respective fighting games David and I are gonna be pulling and see who can get the best girl possible yes all right so we have summertime Robin summertime Tiki who else is in here so there's the UH the summer's arrival banner you guys you got some pretty good girls in this girl Kaduri Cordelia you know what it's a race - Cordelia that's what it is all that I might win because like I have a free summon so okay well you use your free summon I'll roll at the same time as you okay no okay okay I thought you got it right off the bed that's right summon all right uh I got to you and are we in trouble you're in trouble mister okay okay I rolled one you roll one now I'm along did you get her I did not you just lost this is over like wait literally it's a way what literally is over yeah it's oh no that's that's you can't challenge me this stuff like my orangey like when I played this game no no no no it's no no best of three best of three we're moving on to the next banner yeah yeah somehow I feel like this is a really bad like this could go on for a very long time oh it could Cordelia pretty fast three blues alright I have a total of one blue oh my god this is hmm oh there she is yeah I got one check your blues alright I'm going all in for Kiki and her tikis Robins okay but we got to go green yo yo yo there's a watermelon on her staff like you don't know about me and I think Alan's told you this but like whenever there's a watermelon skin or a watermelon colored like character in a fighting game or any game like that's my main character that's your thing okay yeah well then you better win this there's a lot of pride on this there's a lot of pride this is literally the watermelon character like they have to go through a whole tempus trial before I can roll against oh you just lost dude you got Tiki yeah check that out how embarrassing would it be though if I beat you it'd be like so to be embarrassing so I can't let that happen right because I'm a full-time doctor I run panda global and I'm better than you slap city like that's that's gotta be great well hear me out I make youtube videos just a random-ass campus I don't think they're random I think they're very calculated you got in my head right from the start like if you just did brag about being a doctor and everything I'd be much more confident that's all it is well see that's why I do it because I not have to destroy the conference before the match begins oh oh oh my god I think we take this really yeah yeah we do take this down oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you can't really brag about ask just get back here hide back here from halo it's the deadliest weapon in any platform fighter [Music] [Applause] how's the big brain I was telling you about is this the new meta oh can you believe that we've got nerve apparently not much I used to be able do that oh [Laughter] [Laughter] that's okay that's the way I'm gonna go no what no invincibility you don't get invincibility on the left in this game yeah I ain't nicely really balanced oh hold up hold up hold up windows windows I die who knows ask me to update anything okay you're fine real dirty now what's dirty you said I did hold up after I killed you hmm all right you took a game does it feel good do you feel like a man now feel like Who I am what I am until a command downloads coming why does your moves do everything they do why question why that's a good question all right fair I'll give it to you I know I think I know where this oh wow you just said hold up hold up I thought your windows was was was [ __ ] the again no no I wouldn't just be mess this is this is why I don't stop [Music] this is why I don't stop hey I think was just redo that game uh-huh I think was just uh the game shouldn't count who should we do it again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 937,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros, smash bros wii u, smash wii u, smash 4, street fighter v, street fighter 5, sfv, sf5, smash ultimate, rivals of aether, roa, melee, plup, infiltration, nakkiel, esam, fullstream, alpharad, panda global
Id: F5kyB1HFTlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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