Top 10 Hottest Female Breaking Bad Characters

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Breaking Bad one of the greatest and most epic shows ever fought up it has awesome characters can take them out in a Flash and best of all it's set in Albuquerque and knows how to handle the females speaking of females the Breaking Bad Universe might also be classified as hot chick Heaven because there're such a mess of very beautiful and tough women that it'll make you love a franchise even more and since valent 's day is around the corner I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of the most beautiful female Breaking Bad and better call Soul characters grab yourself some meth and a bottle of straighter brow and try not to reach through the screen because here we go number 10 try this question onesze who schemes with Jimmy McGill all the time and wields a powerful law degree why it's Kim Wexler of course though more of a cutie than a hottie you can't deny the fact that she's still attractive two things that make her attractive are the fact that she wears a suit and and when have you ever seen a big very smooth ponytail sticking out of a person's hair I haven't so once again Kim Wexler is lovely that is until she goes berserk and starts ruining people's careers who's at number nine it's this girl from the Rehab Therapy Group Andrea she arrived in M show when Jesse needed someone to sell meth to she doesn't do much except have her son be poisoned the real reason she lands up a number nine spot is that she becomes Jesse pinkman's sweetheart something Jesse needed for a long while numero oo Walter Junior's mother Skyla she's attractive and is the size of an average human mother what really surprises me about her is the leader of beniki Fabricators Ted beniki falls in love with her kind of silly don't you think she's another character who doesn't do much but in the season 2 episode of Breaking Bad she sings a birthday song for Ted what numbers next seven of course L Salam Mona from better Cole Soul people always root for the good guys but sometimes the bad guy steal the show her mechanical IQ is equal to Gus she also happens to be the smartest member of the Salam Mona family I wonder why she isn't the leader like Tuco and Hector salamona her specialty is murdering innocent people with an impeccable sense of fashion and a winning smile L will rock your socks if only we could see her Take Wing numero Aaron Brill from better Soul named after a North Atlantic flatfish of a same name Aon is a secondy year associate at Davis and Main she's yet another character who hardly does a thing except when insult Jimmy for being so greedy she also is assigned to watch over Jimmy so that he doesn't re Terror upon the law when you're an employee of a person in the highest power you need to look your best and Aaron delivers perfectly that's why she's number six number one 2 3 four five HH ah drama girl from better call Soul how could you go wrong with a girl who looks like this she is nearly as rich as Jimmy and she went from being a UNM student to a world class maker Up Artist next to Bill Oakley she looks more humanoid than the other characters who could top someone who does The Dark Crystal cosplay this female standing at number four Marie shraer one word klepto Mania how would you like to have that superpower I mean Marie could play around in an open house for hours and she'll be perfectly fine also her love of a color purple makes her look like a h and films fan I really love that her love interest is the DEA agent Hank the combination of stealing and policing make these two a reliable couple but what really lands Marie in the number four spot is that her attitude is apparently more different than the other females next up is number three what's better than having a female with a ton of money how about a female with a ton of money and hair Cheryl Hamlin another better call Soul exclusive has that feature she's smart knows exactly what to do with the coffee and even got gas lit by Kim once she's also the girl of Howard's dreams H lucky him her older self in AAL Soul episode Waterworks is just down right hot just look at that short haircut now we're talking number one two button my shoe Jane Mar goess there's a lot to say about this character she's a landlord Jesse's first official Romance the only character who used to not wear clothes Brave and athletic the most humanoid character and she's like a daughter to Donald in the TV Show Breaking Bad one character the Cowardly Walter White constantly tries to woo Jane but doesn't succeed because he's a c Howard the landlord is also a semi-perfect example of an excellent love interest although there were a couple of times where she really snapped and acted like a lunatic but overall Jane margolus really stands out against the slew of females not just because she's Jesse's first official love interest but because in the show she overdosed on heroin and died so you've seen a kleptomaniac a salamun two gorgeous lawyers and even a landlord who could possibly top those kinds of females well get ready folks this is the number one hottest female Breaking Bad [Music] character Lydia rart Quail if anyone denies it how dare you this woman can drive she's a smart as Heisenberg and is a femer toil seducing other characters into getting what she wants instead of having one love interest she has two Todd and Mike man trout being a meth distributor she's only interested in one object set murder especially Mike's nine guys there are actually situations where Lydia has had her life threatened but she eventually got poisoned by Ryon what a price to pay I think the best part about this beauty is that she wears three different outfits unlike the other female characters and who wouldn't want to feel a bit under the weather be as rich as drama girl and flirt of any male anytime anywhere these free traits make Lydia Rod dark Quail triumph over over Breaking Bad females my hat goes off to you Vince Gilligan you ought to be proud there you have it folks those are the hottest female chicks in the Breaking Bad Universe I hope you enjoyed it happy Valentine's day and I'll see you later it doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up a f there is no way I will run away from all of my chist long as the suide we say go I will always keep on run there is no way to stop me from going to the very top it doesn't matter who is or who is [Applause] right
Channel: HN Films
Views: 7,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad, better call saul, top 10, breaking bad top 10, breaking bad women, breaking bad females, women, feminism, oscars, HN films, betsy kettleman
Id: oWCjt2PNV7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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