Why You Hate Chuck McGill - Better Call Saul

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what does it mean to be a villain is being an antagonistic Force constitute the title villain or are you just another obstacle for our protagonist to overcome do mental issues nullify characters terrible actions or do they still bear responsibility for their villainous traits is it right to root against or even hate someone who suffers from severe mental illness or are we simply distracting ourselves blaming the so-called villain while ignoring our own protagonist's crooked ways this is the dynamic of Chuck and Jimmy McGill who flawed brothers who both suffer at one another's expense however only one brother is seen as the villain only one brother receives blame while the other one often avoids him we only root for one brother while blaming the other despite Chuck McGill's mental illness we often view him as the villain A Better Call Saul and these views often lead us to dislike or even hate Chuck but why surely this hate isn't exaggerated let alone unfound right well make no mistake Chuck McGill is not a good man he's lied bonded abused and even sabotaged his own brother simply because of his own pride and ego but how much of his behavior is excusable or even dismissive with his mental illness in mind this Chuck doesn't serve the hate and blame he receives for Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman and why is he so insistent on destroying Jimmy McGill his own brother why do we the viewer hate Chuck McGill it's very rare that we're shun Chuck and Jimmy's early relationship throughout better call Saul's entirety we're only shown 11 scenes of Chuck and Jimmy's earlier life and in the very first one we see Chuck's demand to be in control something that defines his character for his entire life we cut the Chuck a teenager at the time reading to Jimmy a child whilst Chuck reads the adventures of Mabel to his younger brother Jimmy interrupts Chuck asking if the book's main character will be all right and Chuck sternly tells the younger Jimmy that she'll be all right once again Jimmy interrupts asking how Chuck knows Mabel will be okay and Chuck tells Jimmy just listen such a simple scene provides so much integral characterization for our young characters and through this scene we learn of Chuck's incessant need to be in control especially in front of Jimmy years later Jimmy is arrested for uh a Chicago sunroof as he meets with Chuck who's an established lawyer at this point he begs Chuck to get him out of prison he asked Chuck to work his magic and cheat the system to get him released and this scene is crucial Jimmy's first instinct when meeting with Chuck is to ask what kind of loopholes he could explain his first instinct is to ask the brother who he hasn't seen for five years is now how he can cheat the system and help Jimmy Escape in this scene we see slip and Jimmy in his fullest after years of planning stealing and exploiting innocent people he runs through his brother Chuck who isn't spoken to in years and the only reason he reached out was so chuck could save him and Chuck well he never lets this go he'll always see his younger brother slipping Jimmy nothing more after freeing Jimmy Chuck gets him to come to Albuquerque where he's hired as a mailman at hhm Chuck's firm in hopes of him getting a real job and turning his life around Chuck convinces The Firm to hire Jimmy as a male room assistant and Jimmy actually turns his life around he stops his schemes his plots his exploitation and essentially goes clean lip and Jimmy is gone and Chuck can finally be proud of his brother finally Jimmy McGill has a respectable job if only this was the end of their story give me once more he doesn't just want to make Chuck proud he wants to beat shocked he doesn't just want to make money he wants to be rich he wants success the same success his brother has achieved But Chuck doesn't want this he can't have this Chuck in his mind cannot allow slip and Jimmy to be on the same level as him because if he is then what is that make chuck all those years Chuck spent studying noting his reputation his firm all the years he spent becoming a lawyer not just a good lawyer but a great one Chuck worked all those years just to see his irredeemable brother attain the same success that he had and this was unforgivable from this moment on Chuck made it his mission to completely tear down his brother Chuck McGill is Success he's smart he's respected and he's attained the level of success that most can only dream of but he's not The Lovable one everyone loves Jimmy McGill everyone respects Chuck everyone laughs with Jimmy everyone works with chalk Kim and McGill is relatable Chuck McGill is admirable Chuck was always jealous of his brother's ability to entertain others in season 2 we're shown a flashback where Chuck and his wife Rebecca are preparing dinner for their guest Jimmy Chuck prematurely apologizes for Jimmy and describes him as an acquired taste as Jimmy arrives the three sit down for dinner and initially the conversation starts out pretty bad and is an awkward silence bestows himself upon the dinner table Jimmy opts to tell lawyer jokes poking at his brother's profession as Jimmy tells joke after Joe keeping Rebecca entertained we see Chuck tugging on his earlobe signaling to Rebecca that he wants to end dinner early however Rebecca takes no notice as she gives her full attention to Jimmy Rebecca hysterically laughs at joke after joke and it's clear that she's enjoying herself later as Chuck and Rebecca lay in bed Chuck tries his own Hannah lawyer jokes what do you call 25 attorneys buried up to their chins in cement not enough cement what the joke Falls flat Chuck has always been jealous of Jimmy's Charisma Chuck despises Jimmy because he can make people laugh and Chuck him he can charm others while Chuck can only make them proud Prisma is the one thing Jimmy has that Chuck doesn't and it bothers him later we see Chuck and now divorce Rebecca and Jimmy sit down for dinner and besides Chuck's new development of electromagnetic hypersensitivity or allergy to electricity all goes well Chuck Cooks a beautiful dinner for his ex-wife Jimmy's recently become a lawyer and Rebecca seems to be enjoying herself that is until she gets a phone call as she's on the phone she gets closer to Chuck his allergy to electricity causes more and more discomfort as Rebecca inches closer finally Chuck steps away from the table and Retreats to the kitchen but Rebecca moves to the kitchen back to chalk Chuck once again is in pain and finally he snaps he essentially assaults Rebecca ripping the phone out of her hand and throwing it to the ground keep in mind Rebecca had no idea about Chuck's illness at this point a simple explanation could clear this entire freak out up but rather than admit to himself and Rebecca that Chuck has an onus he remains silent he remains in control Chuck's pride and ego often dictate his actions in season 3's final episode Chuck and Jimmy's mother is close to death both brothers have been in the hospital for roughly three days without leave Jimmy leaves to get sandwiches for both of them and right as Jimmy leaves Chuck begins to cry as Chuck is crying his mother who at this point is essentially senile wakes up Chuck immediately stops crying and rushes to her side and as he goes to hold her hand she calls out for Jimmy Chuck lets her know that it's actually him in the room but once again his mother calls out for Jimmy Jimmy returns to find his mother dead and Chuck waiting in the lobby as he frantically runs around he asks Chuck whether she said anything and Chuck responds no Chuck lies to his brother as he's jealous and ashamed jealous that in his mom's dying moment she wished for Jimmy a shame that in her dying moments she wished for Jimmy Chucks hatred for his brother grew immensely in this scene but it's not until Jimmy passes the bar that we see Chuck's hatred for his brother truly flourish for five years while Jimmy worked in the mail room he also went to correspond at school at the show's University of American Samoa while there he was able to obtain a law degree and pass the New Mexico State Bar this officially allowed him to become lawyer he surprises his brother with the news and initially Chuck claims to be proud something he'd wanted from Chuck his entire life and even when he asked for a job Chuck basically guarantees that hhm will hire Jimmy however in his conversation with Howard it's clear that Jimmy wouldn't be hired as a lawyer and it wasn't Howard who denied him in fact Howard actually wanted to hire Jimmy as a lawyer because he really respected his work ethic and his go-getter attitude but in season one's finale it's revealed that Chuck was actually the one who didn't want to hire Jimmy but why well look back at their flashbacks suck his clearly jealous of Jimmy he's jealous of his Charisma his likabilities people skills he's frustrated how he worked his entire life to get where he was but Jimmy only worked a few years Chuck found it not only unfair but outrageous that Jimmy was his peer the Brotherhood schemed plotted exploited cheated and lied was now his peer by the end of season one it was now Chuck's mission to utterly destroy his brother's legal career Chuck wanted to feel Superior to Jimmy no he needed to be superior to Jimmy so when Kim Wexler leaves hhm with her huge client Mesa Verde to start a solo practice Chuck and Howard immediately tried to steal Mesa Verde from Kim and initially they succeed Chuck Howard and hhm are able to keep Mesa Verde and in his life with nothing and when it comes to tearing down his brother Chuck lets nothing stand at his way this point in the series Chuck is unable to go into the office without the lights being off and everyone's phone being taken however as soon as an opportunity to hurt Jimmy presents itself Chuck is fine he meets with Mesa Verde to convince him to come back to hhm and all the lights and electricity remain he almost seems unaffected by his illness and this is because of his drive to destroy Jimmy see Chuck's allergy to electricity is mostly made up for the most part his illness is actually a psychological one not a real one Chuck only seems to be affected by a zonus when he's thinking about it and when there's an opportunity to tear Jimmy down that takes priority over everything else Chuck not only needs to be superior but he needs to be in control in control of his marriage his illness his practice his brother and his his life if he can't control it he'll destroy it but his Mesa Verde sides with hhm Jimmy develops a scheme to return Mesa Verde to Kim Mesa Verde plans to expand the reach by building a new bank however before Howard and Mesa Verde appear in court Jimmy switches the address of the proposed building in truth this could have been chalked up as a tiny mistake and the hhm might have been able to retain Mesa Verde Chuck thought otherwise when Kevin CEO of Mesa Verde confirms the address to be 1261 Chuck argues he knows what he saw and he knows the address is 1216. Chuck once again needs to be in control he needs to be right to keep control he argues with Paige and Kevin about the address of the proposed bank and still holds his belief that the address is 1216. this infuriates Kevin and page and to make matters worse Mesa Verde has to wait an additional six weeks to request expansion again Mesa Verde leaves hhm and decides to go with Kim who is sort of working with Jimmy and this infuriates Chuck he knows that Jimmy swapped the numbers and he's hell-bent on proving it he confronts Kim and Jimmy and claims Jimmy sabotaged him forging dozens of documents and then covered it up by replacing those same forged documents with the original as Chuck is convincing Kim that Jimmy sabotaged him Kim gives quite possibly the best reality check in all of better Castle after this Chuck decorates his home with space blankets he pretends he's losing his mind and with that his legal career he pretends to be affected by his error in his sickness he pretends he needs help I'll debate Jimmy into a confession a confession that he actually did sabotage Chuck but Chuck wanted this to happen he knew what would happen he used his brother's affection against him by baiting a confession at a Jimmy all the while he was secretly recording his confession Jimmy later finds out about the tape and goes to confront Chuck he breaks down Chuck's door screaming at him demanding an answer as to why he recorded him once in a while his own brother betrayed him after everything he's done for him all that time he spent running Chuck's errands how could he betray his own brother but Chuck expected this in fact he knew it would happen so as Jimmy breaks down Chuck's Thorn and storms and Howard in a private investigator are hiding in the other room waiting for Jimmy Jimmy steps outside where he and Chuck have a conversation Chuck gives a lengthy reason as to why he recorded his brother's confession and why it was the right thing to do tells Jimmy he can change and turn his life around he tells Jimmy he'll become a better man because of it Chuck justifies his recording claiming that he's stopping Jimmy from destroying himself and others and In This Moment almost all of Jimmy's love for his brother dies Chuck betrayed him and for what now Jimmy the only person who stood by Chuck all these years is dead set on destroying him just as chuck had been trying to do his entire life it was now Jimmy's turn to tear down his brother only he plays much dirtier first Jimmy hires Mike to take pictures of Chuck's house these pictures are taken to detail the absolute chaos and lunacy inside of Chuck's house then comes chicanery which is quite possibly the best episode in all of Better Call Saul at the end of season 3 episode 4 as Kim is talking to Chuck and Howard she figures out that Chuck and Howard's plan is to focus on the Mesa Verde document forgery not the break-in and destruction of property realizing this their goal shifts from defending Jimmy to exposing chalk throughout chicanery it slowly revealed to us what Kim and Jimmy's plan is I mean the evidence seems insurmountable there's almost no way Jimmy could prove he's innocent he quite literally confessed to all of his crimes and then destroyed that evidence there's no defending Jimmy but Kim and Jimmy know this they understand there's zero way to prove Jimmy's innocence I understand Chucky's gunning not just to tear down his brother but completely destroy his legal career they understand all of this and with a few dirty schemes they're able to not just save Jimmy but destroy Chuck first as Chuck is entering the courtroom he bumps into huel who planted something on him but we don't know what yet second Jimmy tells Rebecca about Chuck's condition and gets her to come to the bar hearing likely in an attempt to Rattle Chuck then Chuck gives his testimony he remains impartial and hides his true motives for recording Jimmy giving a near Flawless testimony but then Jimmy reveals the pictures of Chuck's house he shows wires torn out camp stoves for cooking and even lanterns as the only light source in Chuck's house in front of the court he begins to question the legitimacy of Chuck's condition Chuck states that he's able to sense anything that has electricity whether it's close or far away he also claims that if anything close to him has an electric current then it'll cause him discomfort no matter what but then Jimmy reveals said he's had a phone in his pocket for quite some time but Chuck sees right through it and he points out that there's no battery in the phone and then we remember number of key detail we remember when heel planted something on Chuck and it's finally revealed what it is in Chuck's pocket is a fully charged cell phone battery Chuck throws it to the ground and the entire courtroom comes to understand that Chuck's condition may not be entirely real if it were he would have been able to sense the battery but he never did not until Jimmy pointed it out but it's what comes after that truly breaks Chuck starts to realize that he's no longer in control he begins to think that everyone thinks that he's crazy and if he just left everything B he likely would have gotten what he wanted but he doesn't he can't he can't allow anyone to think he isn't in control and it's finally revealed what Jimmy's plan was all along and this utterly destroys Chuck but Jimmy takes it even further he wants to tear Chuck down completely so Jimmy takes away the one thing that Chuck still loves the law he pretends to be Chuck and gets his malpractice insurance canceled and he takes away Chuck's ability to practice he takes away Chuck's ability to be a lawyer and Chuck can't take it without the law he has no purpose and without purpose he has no will to live Chuck and Jimmy have one final conversation Jimmy attempts to fix his broken leg relationship with his brother but Chuck is tired of it he tells Jimmy that all he can do in life is hurt people and tear everyone around him down he instills the thought that Jimmy will always hurt others and that he should just embrace it and finally he tells his brother what he really thinks of him Chuck's final words to Jimmy are you've never mattered all that much to me and shortly after Chuck sets himself on fire ultimately ending his Feud with Jimmy Chuck versus Jimmy is truly one of the show's most dejectful Dynamics Chuck insisted on his mission to destroy Jimmy caught up on his own Pride ego and jealousy ruins the relationship Jimmy hellbent on earning his brother's respect and making him proud does anything to get what he wants he'll exploit as many loopholes as he needs to he'll cut as many corners as he can this is all to make his brother proud the fact of the matter is if Chuck simply swallowed his pride and ego Saul Goodman would never have existed and if Jimmy didn't seek revenge against Chuck he'd still have his brother ultimately both brothers are wrong both brothers are flawed both brothers could still be brothers if they only let one another be is it really fair to put all the blame on Chuck yes he instilled in the Jimmy that Saul was just in his nature ultimately leading to Jimmy just accepting Saul and yes Jimmy may never have been Saul of Chuck just left him alone but Jimmy is still responsible for his own actions Jimmy schemed he plotted he got Howard killed not Chuck he supported a ruthless drug lord and in the end Chuck was right he can't help himself Saul Goodman is just in his nature but he didn't have to be and better call Saul's final only after Chuck's death in the events of Breaking Bad were treated in my favorite scene of the entire show through a series of flashbacks Jimmy has asked if he had a time machine what he would change in his life first as Jimmy sits with Mike stranded in the desert he says he'd go back in time and invest everything he has in a Warren Buffett's company this is a very Saul answer to give next we see Saul just as he's about to run away and accompanying him as Walter White he tells Walter that in his past he was slipping Jimmy and he took a fall that permanently damaged his knee he claims he'd go back in time to change that but finally we see one last flashback conversation between Jimmy and Chuck during the earliest episodes about her Call Saul Jimmy enters Chuck's house with a handful of groceries and the two go about their usual banter it seems to be just another conversation between him and Jimmy but then Chuck does something he rarely does he shows care for his brother he shows love for his brother he asked Jimmy if he wants to stay and talk for a little he asks if Jimmy wants to talk about his clients about his work but ultimately Jimmy says no and Chuck's Sommer only tells Jimmy that that's not what I had in mind finally the camera moves off of Chuck onto a book written by none other than and HG Wells Under The Time Machine signifying that if Jimmy could go back in time and change one thing it'd be this conversation it'd be his relationship with Chuck despite the flaws of both brothers and despite misconstrued feelings for one another both Chuck and Jimmy at least to some degree loved each other and Jimmy would love to go back and change all that so does Chuck deserve that hey I think he does but no more than Jimmy deserves to be blamed both were clearly flawed and they had messed up ways of handling the relationship but in the end they both cared for one another they both loved each other and that makes the relationship even more tragic because I really could have worked everything out all I had to do was try thank you guys so much for watching once again I absolutely loved making this video and plan on more in the future now according to my statistics 99.9 percent of you guys aren't subscribed so if you enjoyed it and mean the world if you could drop a like and sub down below as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Misterz
Views: 428,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better call saul Jimmy and Chuck, better call saul howard hamlin, better call saul howard hamlin death, howard hamlin death, better call saul video essay, better call saul cinematography, better call saul ending explained, better call saul seaon 6, better call saul analysis, better call saul jimmy, better call saul review, misterz, better call saul breaking bad, better call saul ending, better call saul, better call saul theme, bcs theme, chuck mcgill death, Chuck McGill
Id: fZQPnQwPo1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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