Breaking Bad : The Lost Tapes Part 1 | Walters Revenge

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hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the Breaking Bad what if series that I call the heisen verse a series where make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or better call saw timeline and see how that one change ripples the out the entire universe and in this video we're going to explore the famous Lost episode of Breaking Bad that was ultimately cut from the series and although the script may or may not still be out there with the help of an old Reddit post in a couple of interviews I'm here to bring the episode to life and also full disclaimer the story is going to get pretty dark so you've been warned and before we get started if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into [Music] it you're done Walter and Jesse nervously get into the car before driving away from the junkyard and as Tuco watches him leave he begins to think to himself if he can actually trust his newest Associates and decides to put some feelers out to learn more about them a couple days pass and Walter meets up with Jesse to talk about what they should do in between Walter seeing too's black Cadillac park down the street from his house and Jesse spotting it riding through his neighborhood as well they start to worry for their own safety thinking that they could be next and when Jesse pulls out his recently purchased gun when slamming it on the countertop no words would need to be spoken to know what he means by this gesture and at first Walter's against this plan having never handled a gun before let alone fired one and when working out the logistics on how they'll even do it there's not many scenarios that end with them surviving a shootout with Tuco especially when they can't even open the Chamber of the gun so instead Walter goes with a more discreet approach and decides to use rice in to poison him and after cooking it up in Jesse's basement they start to work on their pitch on how they're going to give it to him there a new meth formula we've been working on would you care to try it okay well what what's new about it but when Walter receives a phone call from Hank who sends him a photo of a crying scene he's left in shock when he sees Gonzo dead at the junkyard right along with noo and they both go into panic mode as Walter gets the gun from Jesse and he tells him to just get out of town because if tuo's killing his own guys it's only a matter of time before he comes after them and Walter leaves a check on his family as Jesse scrambles around for his things but just outside parked a few houses down will be Tuco sitting in a beater car looking to be watching Jesse's home and after seeing Walter leave he Ducks down in the seat in order for him not to be seen and once the coast was clear Togo decides to pay Jesse a visit because he just nearly evaded the DEA and he knows with the heat on him that he has to get across the border to lay low but he's not going to leave without his favorite cook and being that he can't just walk up to Walter's door and ask him to come to Mexico he's just going to get his mu boy to do it so as two walks up and knocks on the door Jesse would assume that it's Walter who forgot something and doesn't even check to see who it is which would be his biggest mistake because Tuco just forces his way inside and without a gun Jesse grabs a nearby bat telling him to get out but when Tuco brandishes a gun Jesse lowers the bat and says defensively hey yo I promise I didn't say anything to anybody but if if you want the money you can have it back and tuo says with a half smile I don't need your money but I do need your ride and as Jesse slowly goes into his pocket to get his keys to offer to him to too tells him you're driving and Jesse being in no position to refuse just slowly walks out the house with tuo following behind him and together they take a drive over to 308 Negra a Royal Lane over at Walter's house after pulling into the driveway he slowly enters holding the gun and when he calls out for Walter junr and Skylar and gets no answer it would make him assume the worst but when he opens up the bathroom door and see scyler taking a bubble bath he's relieved to see that she's safe and after asking about Walter Jr he's able to breathe a s of when she tells him that he's out having dinner at Lewis's house and knowing that his family is safe he can actually relax for a second but with the gun still in his hand he's reminded of the danger that he's in and he quickly goes over to Holly's Nursery to get his money but by him abruptly leaving Skylar in the middle of her talking she yells for him to come back but Walter ignores her while packing his money into a diaper box and before he's able to put the gun inside scou shelling forces him to return back to her and he just keeps the gun in his pocket for now and while sitting at the edge of the tub Skyler just wants him to talk to her and right when it seems that he's about to come clean to her his phone rings but he just pulls it out to ignore the call and before he can get another word out he sees flashing car lights poking through his curtains and already paranoid of an attack from too Walter gets up to see who's in front of his house but when he pulls back the curtains and sees Jesse in his driveway he gets annoyed and goes outside to see what he wants but as he approaches the car demanding answers from Jesse he would see tuo emerge from the back seat with the gun and telling him to get in and Just Like Jesse before him with no other choice Walter looks around before he slowly gets into the car and as they drive away from his home Walter feels a gun that's still in his jacket pocket and he would discreetly take it from his pocket and put it into a sock and when they get a couple miles down the road Tua would take their phones before putting them in the trunk and driving for hours to an unknown location and after a while the heat would cause them to pass out in the trunk only to be awakened by the blinding sunlight when they're pulled out by Tuco who's aiming an M16 rifle at him and while Walter is begging for his life telling tugo that he doesn't have to do this Jesse's already accepted that he's probably going to die out here and although he's just as as terrified as Walter is it's not that difficult to know who he really wants and if that's the case he doesn't want to delay the inevitable by going into this little house just to die and he tells Tuco hey yo if you're going to if you're going to kill us just just get it over with yo and as Walter tries to speak for Jesse saying no no tuo he he didn't mean that but as tuo closes the trunk he walks right up to Jesse without breaking eye contact with him and like a switch has been flipped on inside his head out of nowhere Tuco would go in the attack and he kns Jesse right in the grind having him fall on the ground he then picks him up by the neck and pins him against a nearby wall and as Walter tries to deescalate the situation Tuco shuts him up by aiming a rifle at him while he continues to beat Jesse until he finds himself on his hands and knees right in front of a nearby ditch begging for his life and while Tuco holds the rifle to the back of his head he would call Walter over to his side while he pulls out a pistol from his waistline and while pointing the pistol at Walter's head he would hand him the rifle that's still pointed at Jesse and Tuco gives Walter an order saying okay Heisenberg now shoot him too please no I I can't please Walter says trying to refuse the rifle but tuo forces it in his hands and while standing right behind Walter with the gun to his head he tells him either you're going to shoot him or I'm going to shoot you then I'm going to shoot him now do it and even with the gun to the back of his head he finds it hard to pull the trigger on his former student especially hearing Jesse from the ground crying that he doesn't want to die and after a few seconds pass and Walter still hasn't pulled the trigger Tuco gives him a little motivation by starting a countdown five four and Walter's hands begin to sweat as he feels the cold steel against his scalp pressing harder and harder with each number three two Tuco says pulling the hammer back on the gun and Jesse would tightly close his eyes as the tears fall into the sand and he yells Mr White just do it and before Tuco gets to one Walter says with watery eyes I'm sorry Jesse and he fires a single shot to the back of Jesse's head killing him instantly and as his body slumps over halfway into the ditch to to would take the gun away from Walter who right now is on the verge of breaking down having just committed cold blooded murder of his own partner but tuko snaps him out of it when he kicks Jesse's body all the way into the ditch before telling him come inside Heisenberg don't want you going belly up on me no time soon and as they go inside the house to leaves Walter standing in the doorway while he goes into the kitchen and as Walter takes a look around the tiny rundown home he sees an older man who's in a wheelchair with a bell attached to it and before he's allowed to even take a seat Tuco comes from the kitchen with a gallon of water and sets it on the table but wouldn't be allowed to take a sip until tuko does his lie detector on him and after a solid 10 minutes of eye contact tuo puts his head against Walters now believing that he can trust him and he pushes him down on the couch to allow him to take a drink and as tuko walks around to comfort his grandfather he sits across from Walter and lets him know that his place just so happened to get raided by the DEA only a day after what happened with noo which he defends wasn't even his fault that his own man didn't know his place and after going on a meth field ran about not trusting the people you love Walter simply listens trying not to upset Tuco but in his mind all he can think about is Jesse as he slowly gets consumed by guilt but when tuo tells him his plan of going to Mexico to cook Walter would then speak up telling him that he can't just leave because he has a family but that doesn't matter to Tuco as he responds saying you'll get another one and being too scared to speak out against him Walter just nods while his eyes follow tuo around but deep down inside an ember of anger will begin to ignite within him not only for Jesse who tuo hasn't even acknowledged at this point but also because tuko just looks at him as nothing more than someone who can cook for him not a person or even a friend but just a slave so after tugo takes another bump of the blue meth he heads back into the kitchen to start cooking and leaving Walter in the company of his Theo Hector but as he sits on the couch listening to the Spanish program in the background Walter nervously begins to shake his leg and feeling the extra weight around his sock he realizes that the gun is still on him and while Tuco continues to cook Walter begins to think of the original plan of using the Ricon but after what he was forced to do to Jesse a more Sinister idea comes to mind and after a couple minutes when Walter's called over to the table to eat Tuco walks over to his uncle Hector to take the brakes off the wheelchair to bring him over to the table as well and while his attention is focused on a Spanish program Walter would quickly reach into a sock to grab the gun and Hector would see the entire thing but before he can even ring the bell once Walter fired but the shot would accidentally hit Hector right in the throat and causing him to slump over in his wheelchair and choke on his own blood and Tuco would only have a fraction of a second to react but in that time Walter would get another shot off hitting him in the side and having him B to the ground to clutch out his wound and Walter's able to get up from the table and knock tuo out with the butt of the gun and with his adrenaline pumping he knows that he's on the clock because the cousins will be here soon so after finding some tape nearby he binds tuo's arms and legs before dragging him out to Jesse's car and putting him in the trunk and as he drives away he looks back in the rear view mirror where Jesse was killed and is saddened that he was forced to leave his body behind but he makes a promise that he will avenge his death because he has plans in store for too Salam Mona and he drives off in the red Captain Cook Low Rider but only after a few minutes H Traer would arrive in the area and will be left with the Zone set of questions when seeing both Jesse and Hector dead at the scene with the biggest question being who exactly was Jesse Pinkman later on that night after hours of driving Walter finally makes it home still behind the wheel of Jesse's Low Rider and he circles the house looking through the windows to see if anyone's home and luckily the house is empty and Walter nervously opens the trunk with his gun in hand afraid that Tuco might lunge at him but when he sees that tuo still passed out likely due to the blood loss that he suffered Walter pulls him out the trunk and quickly drags him into the house and once inside he puts even more duct tape around Toco starting with his hands and completely binding his fingers and his legs making sure there's no wiggle room for him to get out and finally putting a gag over his mouth and even tending to The Gunshot to make sure that he doesn't die anytime soon and after tuo was all wrapped up Walter would simply drop him down into the craw space and throws a blanket down to cover his body and after closing and locking the door Walter gets back into the low rider and and drives it over to Jesse's house and in the middle of wiping down his Prince from the car he notices Jesse's rainy day fund sitting in the passenger seat and it leav him conflicted about taking it but he's not just going to leave it here and besides they were 50-50 Partners so as much as it eats at his Consciousness Walter would take the bag of money and start walking home and while working on his Alibi instead of him coming up with a fug State story he would actually tell them the same thing that he told the therapist while he was in a doctor's office my wife is 7 months pregnant with a baby we didn't intend my 18-year-old son has cerebral paly and within 18 months I will be dead which yeah if you're Skyler or Walter Junior you might feel some kind of way but I'm sure over time you might understand where he was coming from so after one of the most uncomfortable confessions he ever had to make to his family Walter sleeps in the nursery across from the crawl space until Skyler lets him back in the room but with two Co squiring around under his house Walter would spend the night listening out for any sounds he might make without sleeping at all and the next day after making a breakfast that nobody eats Walter's left home alone when Junior leaves for school and Scot just takes off for the day and even though he's curious about where she's going he decides to deal with that later and takes advantage of his alone time to visit the cross spas and have a conversation with Tuco even bringing a plate of breakfast down as well as a bag full of tools get up Tuco I don't want you going belly up on me now Walter says while shaking Tuco awake and with his mouth taped up Tuco would only be able to respond with muffled noises while he struggles in his bondage and Walter says while eating a piece of bacon in front of him I'm sure you're hungry Toco but don't worry the human body can go without food for a while but in case it can't that's why I brought this and he reveals a feeding tube that's attached to a funnel and while grabbing the back of tuo's head Walter would forcibly shove the tube up his nose so it can go down his throat and if you've seen yoner season 2 episode 1 it's the exact same concept but with tuo basically mummified with tape he wouldn't be able to do anything but squirm and struggle while it happens and once the tube was in place Walter pours a couple bottles of inure protein shakes into the funnel and feeding tugo the only way he could but that wouldn't be the end of his punishment because Walter would then grab a pair of bolt cutters from his bag and he places it around tuco's pinky toe and he tells him are you ready and while looking into his anger-filled eyes Walter clamps down on the bolt cutters and severs his pinky toe and again all he can do is squirm while his screams are muffled by the tape and as he kicks out his feet in pain Walter is still not done with him as he pulls out a small blow torch from his back the C arrives the wound and stop the bleeding but as much as Toco struggles it doesn't stop Walter for even a second and even starts to enjoy how he makes someone like Tuco cry out in pain and while putting the blowtorch away he tells him while ruffling through his bag don't worry Tuco I'm going to give you a way out trust me he says while pulling out a syringe that turns out to be horse tranquilizer and he tells him while injecting him but for now Tuco you're going to go to sleep for a while and as tuo's vision gets blurry the last thing he would see is Walter pulling out an M16 rifle and then everything goes black but hours later when Tuco awakens his blurry vision focuses on Walter who's been waiting for him to wake up and with Skyler and Walter Jr still mad at him they told to spend the weekend at Hanging Marie and leaving Walter with the house all to himself for the next few days and he says the Tuco who now has a wire that's attached to his taped up hands that leads all the way to a rifle that's positioned just to the right of Walter and he explains I'm glad you're awake and I told you that I was going to give you a way out and well here it is Walter says while holding the bolt cutters all you have to do is pull that wire and this will all be over but until then he says while snipping off another one of tuo's toes then burning the with a blowtorch once again leaving Tuco in complete Agony as he lets out muffled screams while Sweat and Tears drips from his face and Walter leaves him in the crawl space with the hopes that Tuco would take care of himself before the weekend is over but with each passing day he starts to get worried when Tuco hasn't pulled the wire yet and with his family coming back by the end of the night when Walter visits the crawl space and he brings down the pillow to cover the barrel to have a makeshift silencer and instead of taking a toe this time Walter decides to take one of tuo's legs and cutting all the way up to the knee and despite the excruciating creating pain Tuco refuses to give Walter the satisfaction of killing himself and even after his leg's gone although there's no getting used to the torture schedule when seeing Walter grow frustrated with each visit he gets a sense of Joy knowing that he can still get under his skin despite him literally losing a pound of Flesh and when his family does eventually come back home Walter surprisingly manages to keep a healthy balance between his nights with Tuco and his days with Skylar and Walter Jr but after a week of this routine when Walter has to go out for chemotherapy he leaves the house for the first time in weeks and with Junior in school right now him and Skyler make their way over to the oncology center and while Tuco sits in a crawl space now with no legs and a feeding tube hanging from his nose that's crusting over he thinks about pulling the cord not wanting to endure another day of this and when he hears the front door of the house open he starts to get ready for Walter's daily visit but the person walking through the door would actually be Walter Jr who came home early from school that day and when going to fix himself a cup of water would seeing the brown smelly liquid coming from the sink's tap he takes it upon himself to see if he can fix the water heater and he goes into the closet and starts hitting it with his crutches but that doesn't work and he opens up the crawl space to get a better look underneath and to his surprise he sees a taped up and bloody Tuco Salam Maka curled up in the corner with no legs and barely alive but in Junior's eyes he sees an innocent man who needs help and he goes into the kitchen to grab a cup of water the first thing he does would be to take the gag off his mouth and give him something to drink and when he puts the cup up to his lips tuo's eyes would flutter open and when he looks at Walter Jr he remembers seeing him in a picture in Walter's wallet and he figures that he's looking at the son of Heisenberg right now and as Junior tries to ask him questions like where did he come from or who is he after tuo swallows a mouth full of water for the first time in weeks without saying a single word he would yank the cord causing the rifle to Fire and riddling them both with bullets until the magazine is empty and only minutes later Walter and Skylar return home but when seeing the closet door to the crawl space opened Walter calls out for his son W Walter junor but he makes a horrifying Discovery when he looks into the crawl space and sees both Junior and Tuco covered in bullet holes and bleeding on each other and he says no no no no no no please no Walter says in a panic as he cradles his son's life to his body and watching from above will be Skylar who screams out in Terror and drops to her knees at the side of her son who's almost unrecognizable due to the amount of bullets he took and Walter says in a sad tone Skyler I can explain but her cries only gets louder as she says oh God oh God W what did you do what did you do and as she gets up and heads to the kitchen to grab the phone Walter would get out the crawl space and follow closely behind her and as she dials for the police Walter would snatch the phone out of her hand and causing a fight between the two and in Walter's anger he would push Skyler to the ground and having her fall on her pregnant stomach and as he stands over his wife Breathing heavily Skyler looks up at him with fear in her eyes not knowing what he'll do next and she says while holding her stomach why would you do this and when Walter sees the blood seeping from Skylar's dress he wouldn't be able to handle what he's just done and he runs over to Holly's Nursery to grab the diaper box full of drug money and before he leaves he looks back at Skyler One Last Time who's crying on the floor and he just says I'm I'm sorry and he shuts the door behind him hey everybody and thank you so much for watching this video and I really hope you enjoyed another story from heisen verse and this video will Mark the beginning of a brand new series that I'm simply calling the Lost Tapes and basically retelling the story of Breaking Bad from this point going forward and with how we leave things off in this episode I'm sure there'll be a lot of questions about what else is going to be different in this version of the series and to that I would just have to say wait and see but that's just me but now I want to hear from you guys what do you think of this story did you like it was it predictable is there anything that you change whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll do my best to respond but until then my name is merge later
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 65,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking bad, Commentary, Heisenverse, Murge productions, Story, Voice over, Walter white, What if, aaron paul, bedtime story, better call saul, breaking bad, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad funny moments, breaking bad season, bryan cranston, jesse pinkman, story in english, story time, vince gilligan interview, voice over artist, voice over talent, watch breaking bad online, what if cosmos, what if scenario
Id: 29mc-R7Sv1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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