Strange Oil // Thrive with Dr. Dharius Daniels

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[Music] what's up family Pastor Darius here as always super excited about all that God's doing in and through this Thrive tribe listen I'm on a little summer break I'm gonna be back really soon to pour back into you but we've got some messages from the archives that we want to release into your life and you're getting ready to see a message that I taught called strange oil o m to the G I think you're about to be encouraged and blessed in a major way hey if while this message is going on you feel like there's somebody God puts on your heart that needs to hear it make sure you send it to them so that they tap in I'll be back at the end of the message enjoy [Music] [Laughter] Luke chapter 4 verse number 18 it says the spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to Proclaim freedom for the prisoners in recovery of sight for the blind to set the oppressed free to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor then he rolled up the scroll gave it back to the attendant and sat down the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him and he began by saying to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing the spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor I want to talk from this subject as we conclude this series on strange things I want to talk about strange oil clap your hands and give God praise if you're ready for the word tonight strange oil so family we are concluding a series of sermons that we affectionately entitled stranger things and in this series we a template attempted to establish the truth that out of all of the words the Bible uses to describe you and I none of those words are synonymous with common normal ordinary or average a unique God wants to do unique things in and through his people and uncommon God wants to do uncommon things in and through his people and the word we've chosen to use to describe those uncommon things is a word called strange God wants to do strange things in and through our lives however just because strange is God's preference doesn't mean strange will be our experience God can have an uncommon desire for us and we end up living common lives because God loves you too much to force you into anything love leads it doesn't Force and so because he doesn't Force he will let you live on whatever level you settle for even if that level is less than his best for your life he will respect what you want even if what you want is less than what he wants for you just because strange is God's preference does it mean strange will be our experience God gives the promise of strange but we must work the principles for strange because it is through the principles that we possess the promise I'm gonna say that again God makes promises about what he wants to do in and through our lives but then he gives principles because the principles are actually the pathway to the promise don't possess a promise just because God makes one we possess a promise when we pursue the Promise by faith and we pursue the Promise by Faith by working the principle attached to the promise so when I work the principal I'm actually working my faith did you hear what I just said I said when I work the principal I'm actually working my faith I have a question for you does God promise the believer peace that was weak imma ask one more time does God promise the believer peace as a matter of fact he doesn't just promise us peace promise us a different type of peace he promised us a peace that is qualitatively different than the peace people without him have Jesus told his disciples my peace I leave with you not peace as the world gives in other words there are people who are not people of Faith who will live with a degree in a dimension of Peace Jesus said what I want to give you is not that I I because their peace is predicated is dependent upon their circumstances and situations whether or not they have peace in them is based on what's going on around them Jesus said I want to give you nothing that fragile I want to give you something that surpasses your understanding talk back to me please and now he says I want to give you something that you have and when people ask for an explanation as to why you have it you can't even give them one it's when people are observing what you are experiencing from the outside and they are wondering how are you not going all the way off how are you not going I I didn't hear anybody how are you not losing it how are you not worried how are you not stressed and they're asking you a reason and you don't have an answer because of your peace doesn't just surpass their understanding your peace surpasses your understanding you wondering how you're still saying in the membrane but God so I can give you a piece that don't make sense he promised that I said he promised that he paid for it in full the chastisement for my peace was upon his shoulders everything that needed to be done to secure my right to that peace he did it he says I want to give it to you it's available to you I'm giving it to you by grace but you access it through faith that's how every promise is access salvation is given by grace but you access it through faith so it says I promise peace but if you're on experienced peace you got to work the principle for peace what's the principle Philippians 4 whatever's good whatever's a lovely whatever's praiseworthy whatever is of a good report think on these things and if you are willing to think on those things then the peace of God which passes all understanding will rule your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus when the devil can keep you ignorant about the promise here's the next step is to keep you from implementing the principle because if he can keep you from implementing the principle when you are aware of the promise he will use your agitation as an opportunity to make an accusation about the faithfulness of God y'all aren't talking to me he will have you and me upset with the father for not performing something that we can only possess by working the principle we will be mad at God when the only person we should be mad at because God gives the promise am I making sense but we work the principle he gives the promise of provision provision no matter how unstable the Earthly Kingdom's economy is he says I I have an economic system that is a part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken did you hear what I just said he says not he said so so I want you to live under an open window where you have access to every Divine opportunity so that if a door closes you know it's not my will and you don't have to wonder whether or not you in a season of Correction [Applause] y'all missed it this is when you're not working this principle and the door closes now you gotta Wonder am I in a season of Correction did the door close because it wasn't my will or did the door close because by my unfaithfulness I have demonstrated I'm not ready to properly Steward another opportunity but when I work the principal come on guys of releasing the first tense the time then the windows of Heaven are open and he says now you got access to every Divine opportunity so when the door closes you can say that wasn't mine when they walk away you can say they weren't mine yeah why because I'm living under an open heaven principle so if I want the promise the promise is possessed by faith Hebrews we follow after those who through faith and patience inherited the promises God says there are some blessings in my permissive will for you that you're not experiencing because you're not practicing the principle of Prayer he says your prayerlessness is an indication that there's faithlessness in that principle it's not that you don't believe me you don't believe me when it comes to that you really don't believe there are some things you don't have because you hadn't asked y'all better come get me tonight I said you really don't believe that there are some things you don't have not because he doesn't want to give it not because he's not willing to give it but because you have not exercised your faith by asking ask and there shall be given seek and ye shall find and the door shall be open unto you I know what prayer can do y'all not y'all to y'all y'all too young prayer has brought me through now I'm concerned about you you ought to pray sometimes that's that's I guess that's miss Pray in the morning any time of day prayers all right [Applause] but your your faith your faith is revealed in your willingness to work the principle this not Magic did you hear what I just said spirit-led principles in at last and so God gives a promise but then he gives the principle and your faith is revealed in your willingness to work the principle I don't even have time but but you okay Mama G got it um but I got to be willing not just to work the principle but work the principle Reggie long enough until I see the principal work because if the devil can't stop you from starting his goal is to stop you from finishing but I pray a finishing Grace on you I pray a Grace for the Long Haul I pray God give you not just strong faith I pray God give you long faith I know y'all know this one Lord I'm running trying to make a 199 and a half just won't do [Music] I feel something right there the devil's been trying to make you quit and some of you in your soul you had already quit you just hadn't announced it yet but the devil is a liar somebody make the devil mad and open your mouth and say finish finish watch me finish watch me finish watch me finish as much as I cried watch me finish as much as I've been through watch me finish the devil's gonna have to pay me for everything I've been through I want some compensation for my agitation watch me fit [Music] I feel you get up Shake It Off and finish get up Shake It Off and finish get up Shake It Off and finish get up Shake It Off and finish get up Shake It Off [Music] they lied Shake It Off they betrayed you shake it off they didn't keep their words Shake It Off they hate it on your shake it off they won't help you shake it off they exploit it just get up [Music] [Music] [Music] God gives the promises we work the principles their principles attached to the promises and I got to work the principles long enough to see them work because some of the principles don't work on my timetable sometimes it's so long I feel like something wrong but a right division make it make it played up on the tablets so that he that really can run with it for though the viewers if it is here for an appointed time in the end it will speak and not lie y'all say when it's all said and done on my timetable it's going to be exactly what I said my principles will work if you will work my principles I will keep your mind in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on me [Music] God gives a promise we work the principles got me he gives the promise of uncommon strange we work the principles and we share three of the principles so far in this series in week number one we share if I want strange things I must be willing to live with a sixth sense if all I'm living with is my five senses I can't experience strange things because there's some decisions you and I are going to have to make that can't be made just by the data we can accumulate with our five senses every decision not black and white every decision not right and wrong some decisions are great decisions it's like should I leave or should I stay should I scale up should I scale down should I take the treatment should I not take the treatment Come on talk to me and in those instances you need another sense that enhances the other five senses because that Sixth Sense enhances the five senses so that Sixth Sense which is God helps you see more than your natural eyes can see it helps you hear more than your natural ears can hear so if I'm going to experience strange things I got to be lit willing to live with a sixth sense and sometimes when you live with a sixth sense it's hard because sometimes it's sixth sense don't make a lot of sense so God you want me to not go to law school and go to Seminary that that make sense at the moment I'm prompted by my sixth sense but if you are willing to live long enough following the long path of obedience then God drops you in a season where the season is the explanation they didn't hear what I just said God never gave me a verbal explanation as to why I needed to abandon my pursuit of law school and go to Seminary but he dropped me in some seasons and when I look around at the seasons he dropped me in he doesn't have to give me a verbal explanation because he's giving me a visible demonstration I speak that into somebody's spirit I pray that over your future that God is getting ready to drop you in a season where the season is gonna make sense all right of The Sixth Sense yeah I know everybody that's not for everybody because because I know some of y'all in here you've never questioned if you've heard them right this part is sermon not for you because every time he prompts you to do something you know it's him and you're never wondering if it's him or if it's you you're you're never wondering is this the spirit or the flesh you're never wondering is this God's influence or is this my ambition and you've never obeyed a prompting and then got in the middle of a season and begin to question whether or not you heard correctly but for the 33 of us that say sometimes I've been out of the boat like Peter and wondering now did you tell me to come out of this boat I thought you told me to come out of this boat but now I'm out of this boat and I'm wondering if I heard you right when I was in the boat [Music] strange things require me being willing to take my natural intuition and submit it to Godly influence and say I will not quench the spirit By ignoring promptings ignoring promptings is quitting quenching the spirit bringing order to a service is not quitting the spirit don't quench this Spirit no we bring an order to a decent in order we bring an order to a service because some people hadn't worshiped the father all week and then they come in church and they want to make up for what they hadn't done all week long and we got to watch you we've been with him Monday through Sunday you're not about to make us that's not when Paul tells the church that thessalonica don't quench the spirit there is nothing in that that Litany of verses that is in any way remotely referring to public worship it's nothing there referring to public worship when there's promptings when the holy spirit's like apologize and you don't you quenched [Applause] y'all not talking to me where's my honest Church well you know sometimes something said just go on in there you like [Music] and some of us [Laughter] some of us some of us engage in activity where you kind of like partially obey you don't apologize you just do something nice you want something to eat it's quenching the spirit strange things require a sixth sense strange things week two we taught you strange things require a strong no and we'd walk you through acts and showed you with the Apostle Paul and getting ready to go into bithenia and preach and get ready to go in Asia Minor and preach and the Holy Spirit saying nope the Holy Spirit forbidding him to preach these places need the gospel and the Holy Spirit is prohibiting a preacher of the Gospel from preaching the gospel in certain places because he lets us know every need not your assignment [Music] and if you taken somebody else's responsibility in bithynia then you will not be able to fulfill your responsibility in Macedonia so you got to be willing to have a strong no you got to set and hold boundaries you got to be willing to disappoint people to please God did you hear what I just said in week three week three we taught you this we said uh strange things require strange faith that's strange things really only happen to those who believe strange things still happen I used to wonder about this because I was seized sometimes like I would see the fruit of some people's life who may be under teaching that I might have felt like was a bit um bit off in an area or two and I felt like one time when I was confused about that inaudibly the Holy Spirit gave me a thought and the thought was dearest some of that stuff may or may not be off a bit but their faith part is on so the fruit you sin is because even though there may be some parts that may not quite be right they got the faith part right [Music] and so because they believed that I was a God that could do exceedingly and abundantly and above all you ask or think they experienced strange things only happen like you never see Miracles or rarelys if ever see miracles in churches who don't believe in them did you hear what I just said I want you to think about it you rarely see the outbreaking of the spirit in churches that don't believe that the spirit still breaks out but I got one more y'all tired I got one more strange things require strange oil when I say oil I'm using a metaphor that the Bible uses to describe a word that the Bible calls the anointing the anointing is simply the empowering and authorizing presence of the Holy Spirit it is when the Holy Spirit divinely authorizes someone to do something and then uniquely equips and enhances their ability to do it so now they're doing it with a level of impact and effectiveness that could not be achieved if God did not put their super his super on their natural [Music] it's one thing to have a gift it's another thing for your gift to have oil [Music] did you hear what I just said I said it is a one thing to have a gift but it's another thing for your gift to have oil and when your gift does not have oil it doesn't mean it doesn't have impact it means its impact is limited it means that its impact will succumb to resistance and boundaries but when there is an anointing the Bible says it removes burdens and destroys the Oaks [Music] there's a breakthrough anointing that will break through barriers of resistance breakthrough barriers of offense breakthrough barriers [Music] did you hear what I just said it is when God helps you do something that you couldn't do for you can't do strange things without oil did you hear what I just said you cannot do strange things without oil y'all all right I got nine more minutes y'all yeah come on now don't don't don't tap out on me as a matter I want you to know that the text shows us that these strange things that Jesus did were not attributed to his natural ability and Acumen the strange things Jesus did can be attributed to the anointing that is on his life as a matter of fact it is it is it is inseparable from the ministry of Jesus his name Christ in a last name Christ means anointed one foreign Messiah because in the Old Testament the prophet the priest and the King were anointed Jesus is the personification of all three of those offices he is the prophets that is without honor in his own home he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords and he's the priest that ever lives to make intercession for you and for me he's the anointed one and that anointed one the spirit of Christ the pneuma Christos [Music] comes on the inside of you so the anointed one in spirit form takes up a residence in you so that you can experience the authorizing and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit but what the text teaches us and I wrap up because y'all tired what the text teaches us that it is not enough to have it you must do more than have it you need an awareness of it see some of y'all I don't know if y'all can handle what I'm getting ready to say here because for some of you it's gonna sound it's gonna it's gonna shake your theology of humility cousin Luke Jesus goes into the synagogue he opens up the scroll reads Isaiah and then looks at them one translation says he reads it folds it back up hands it to the attendant such a boss move and said this day that scripture is fulfilled you know Jesus said I'm him y'all don't want to talk back to me today Jesus said what you just read in Isaiah wasn't about Isaiah it was about me I'm him foreign he didn't just have an anointing he had an awareness of it because you can't use what you're not aware of you can't leverage a strength you don't know about you cannot release what you don't know you possess and Jesus was able to set the captives free because he had an awareness that he had an anointed to set the captives free you can't use what you don't know this is why self-doubt is spiritual warfare Jesus had awareness and that's what I'm getting ready to pray for with us awareness he had awareness in three areas number one he had awareness of what he was anointed for is it the spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me too and he begins to listen what is Anointed for we need to be aware of what we're anointed for I know I'm not Anointed with a ham in my hand it ain't on me [Applause] but you put one of these in my hand y'all missing this you can't use you can't leverage a strength you don't know you possess awareness only leads to arrogance in an emotionally unintelligent and immature person if I got to keep you ignorant to keep you humble ignorance ain't your problem if I got to if I have to have you live with low self-esteem so that you don't think too highly of yourself there's another problem we need to fix [Applause] awareness shouldn't lead to arrogance awareness should lead to humility I'm aware of what you gave me watch this are y'all catching this I'm aware of what you gave me arrogance doesn't come from knowing what you have arrogance comes when you forget who gave it to you this is important now Pastor how do I know where I'm anointed the oil always leaves evidence [Music] I'm not anointed in it just because I'm passionate about it I'm passionate about a lot of stuff I don't have oil in I'm not anointed for it just because I have ambition for it because you can claim anointing in a we live in an era where you can claim it like it's people teaching especially entrepreneurial it's people teaching people to do stuff they ain't done like I want to teach you how to be a speaker you don't speak did you hear what I just said and we could that can happen so easily in the church we can confuse volume with anointing [Applause] the anointingly is evidence is fruit you can see where you're anointed when you see fruit of unique impact [Applause] and once you're aware you've got to accept it some people's issue is they don't think they all is enough the oil leaves evidence somebody say fruit he had an awareness of what he was anointed for number two he had an awareness of who he was anointed for your oil eating for everybody and just because they don't value it doesn't mean your oil doesn't have value [Music] and some of you may be in a different season than me I'm too old to convince people to value oil Jesus literally taught his disciples how to respond to people who won't accept their Ministry he literally told him not to spend time trying to convince people that have made a decision they don't want to be convinced it doesn't mean those people won't ever be reached it just means that you won't reach them right now and that's okay because you're not the only one that's got oil [Music] I know my all is for the hungry I know it I know I've been born for those that want it Jesus accident do you want to be made whole I know that but some people's oil is for those that don't want it and they got oil to create a hunger in people who not foreign and I promise you if we understood oil like this we'd have a better culture of Honor there'd be less dishonor in the church because you would you wouldn't see somebody's lack of oil as an insufficiency you're like he ain't teaching nothing over there he's all ain't that am I making sense and number three he knew how excuse me he had an awareness of how to Steward the anointing gifts and callings are irrevocable the oil is not he said I will not un-gift you but I will lift all off you ask Saul I lift it off at Samson I lifted It Off what's scary is this if the Christian church has a culture of carnality most Christians can't tell when it's lifted [Applause] the Bible says he that is spiritual judges all things so those that have a degree in a dimension of spiritual maturity can tell the difference when all not there but if there's a culture of carnality in Christianity you're going to see the proliferation of gifts without oil because we're not spiritual enough to want more I want oil when people pray for me I want oil when you open up this book to me I want oil when you're sitting across from me counseling me I want oil cause I I want the I want the Holy Ghost to prompt you to ask me something that's going to unlock something in me come on I want all y'all I want it when I'm talking to my children I want it when I'm leading teams I want it when I'm teaching in the classroom I want it when I'm performing a medical exam I want it when I'm doing research I want it when I'm in the courtroom I want oil and we're living in a season where we're underestimating the oil we're associating oil with tradition and some of the people that came before us don't have half the stuff we have and we're way more happy you got a bigger house and less Joy your Grandmama was way more happy something that we left that we should have brought with us nothing wrong with changing the house you just should have brought Grandma's oil with you please I want the anointing I want him to work when I work when I speak I want you to I want you to feel something that's more than Goosebumps I want you to sense God and speaking strange things require strange oil and I came tonight online in this room for people that want it past I wanna I want this well I'm gonna tell you something I'm getting ready to pray but you need more than prayer for this number one you need consecration a life not perfect but set apart a life of restriction because you value oil more than some of the things that entertain the Bible says in the book of Acts when people heard Peter and James preach it says that they knew that these were unschooled and ordinary men but they had been with Jesus Lord I want that when I speak I don't want people to say he went to Princeton I want them to say he'd been with God [Applause] higher he's been with the father [Music] there's no way he would know what to preach that will speak right to the season that I'm in I want to I want a question living right salsa old school doesn't change your relationship per se like you're still son daughter of God but it affects your fellowship if your son or daughter is out of sync they they still your son and daughter they're still going to eat but it impacts the intimacy of your relationship when they keep doing things that hurt themselves and others and so here's the blessing God gives us the gift of repentance to say yeah I meant something I probably shouldn't be in but I'm gonna make a u-turn I wish I had never got in it pastor but I I have and I but Imma make a u-turn because I know I need to live a life that is set apart yielded a life that says for your use only God I don't get to do what I want to do with me for your use only the principle for oil consecration too crushing all is produced literally when olives were on the Mount of Olives and they had they had a a a apparatus that crushed The Olive and they produced the oil and God's like oil comes when there are some things that are crushed and I know you think I'm crushing to kill you but I'm crushing to release something out of you I'm crushing the ego I'm CR I'm crushing some dreams I'm crushing Pride but what's going to come out of this if you let me is some oil that you didn't have before you went through this season of crushing and I'm done number three commitment he doesn't anoint quitters he anoints finishers and so there's a specific prayer I wrote down that I'm praying over you tonight as we prepare to go it is Psalms 92 10. where the writer says you exalt my horn like the Horn of a unicorn thou has anointed me with fresh oil Lord pour it out again [Music] I need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit and if you do it for me again father I'm going to Steward it well I'ma consecrate my life I'm going to endure seasons of crushing and I'm going to quit quitting I'm gonna commitment the Biblical word faithfulness [Music] so father I I pray Psalms 92 10 over every person online and in this room I pray according to your word for a outpouring of the Holy Spirit I pray for fresh oil I pray for anointed parents in the name of Jesus anointed counselors and coaches anointed leaders and preachers Allah anointed siblings anointed spouses anointed teachers I pray for fresh oil upon us God poured out and we'll Steward it well I thank you for this we receive it in Jesus name amen clap your hands all over the house come on Church Clap Your Hands and give him glory well family I hope you enjoyed that message man listen strange oil I hope a deposit was made into your life uh that's going to produce value that cannot be calculated with human currency man God is so good I mean what's our response to his goodness should be the fruit of our lips but also the work of our hands if this is a principle that has literally changed my life I just like Paul the Apostle Paul literally gives us not the only key but a key to favor like one key to favor is humility humble God resists the proud but gives Grace what's Grace unmerited favor to the humble so humility is a key for favor and generosity is also the key to favor Paul says and God will cause all Grace to abound to you that you will always have all sufficiency in all things what's Grace I'm married a favor sometimes you harvest from The Siege yourself is favor calls you to have abundance in all areas and so Lord third is coming on the screen to let you know the Avenues by which you can give and so into the work that God is doing in and through this ministry and I'm excited about it I'm grateful for all that God's going to continue to do in your life man all right I love you see you next time well listen thank you for watching Thrive I want you to make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of our teachings and remember you can watch me live at Thrive every Wednesday at 7 pm Eastern Standard time take care I'll see
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 62,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, Jackie Hill Perry, Sarah Jakes, Priscilla Shirer, T.D Jakes, Steven Furtick, Tony Evans
Id: Ebk2IR5exSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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