Focused // Womanology // Dr. DeeDee Freeman

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so well family listen it is the summer time and it changed church is summer school in the month of June we were in class and the class was called manology we talked about things men needed to hear and things women needed to know well we believe God loves every gender equally male and female so sisters July is your month we've shifted from manology to womanology and this is what I believe nobody can talk to a woman like a woman so in today's summer school class your professor is none other than the one and only Dr D D Freeman her and her husband Pastor the spirit of Faith Christian Center in the DMV area she was here for the change her Women's Conference rocked the stage and I said you got to come back and pull back up on us you are about to be blessed by her Ministry uh praise and worship team is going to come and after that the next voice you'll hear will be doctor Freeman class is in session Hallelujah praise God good morning turn to the person that you are about to see the seat to sit next to and tell them how blessed they are to be able to sit next to you all Service Long I love it I love it I love it we gonna have to hurry up and get right into this thing because you you you Millennials new folk y'all y'all like every bit of five or ten minutes y'all be like come with it bring it what do you want and tell us something so we can go to the uh what they like going to town to brunch oh yeah I know ah y'all ready to go to brunch y'all already got reservations I found out you can't get no restaurants doing uh brunch time here in Atlanta y'all do it a week ahead of time but I really have to give honor to whom honors do you guys her I mean your pastors are amazing [Applause] no I mean that yeah you should stand and give him some some claps and adoration and some love they deserve it oh I promise you if I lived anywhere near this place and my husband wasn't a pastor I will be right here with you guys Darius Daniels will be my pastor that man is amazing I know you guys sometimes get in his head because he's so you know he's so smart like how you be that smart you ever wondered like God why didn't you just give me a little bit of that all right then they bring me in here and I'm like what what you want me to say to say you got you know you know stuff I'm like I'm from the southern eastern part of DC better known as the hood so I know some of y'all how many of you all were here at the Women's Conference you're familiar with me I love it the rest of y'all are looking like who is she and what does she want just stay with me but I do I love your passes I love Shamika she is the sweetest cutest God I look at her every Sunday just to see what she got on and she'll be out there on that little wall they ain't take me to that little wall they got a wall out here she'd be in front of that wall I won't go to the wall I want to go to the wall no just playing that's her wall I love seeing her she's amazing I love her so much but I'm honored to be here I pray that you are committed to the decisions that you have made to be here to lean in to hear from your pastors you should never allow anyone else to celebrate your man and woman of God more than you amen amen I'm ready y'all ready I come in agreement with the prayer that I've already prayed that I will articulate your word clearly boldly and with authority that I will Minister Grace unto those that will hear father I thank you that they will be doers of your word and not hearers only I pray now Satan that you are bound every attack every plot that you try to set up against them from hearing and receiving on today we bind you now in the name of Jesus say I receive it in Jesus name amen when I first came in at the eight o'clock service I ran into a young lady who said that um I pray for her at the Women's Conference and she said you know what they told me I had cancer but I went back and I was tested and there's no more cancer that's not about me that's about it's in the house if it's in the house and it's on somebody that's in the family guess what it could be in your house and on your body and in your pocket and in every everything that's in your life say it's in the house say the cat is out the back and Jack is out the box that's right once the devil allow you to see your faith episode now you have no excuse to know that this word works all you got to do is be committed to working the word say I'm a work the word all right so since we gotta hurry up and get on and you know I know how many of y'all got paper Bibles y'all got paper about y'all got about oh we got one in here girl you go girl don't get embarrassed you'll be proud of your paper Bible oh we got another in the back the rest of them probably don't even want to pull out their phones they're going to depend on them putting them scriptures up there and that's why I got to read this one scripture right here all right let's go to it ecclesiastics five and one it's in The Message Bible I love teaching this word I am a teacher of God's word I know you know we like a little hype and we like excitement I do too I promise you I like all of that hype I like all of this I'm like I could go with you like yes and y'all know I just turned 60. can you believe that I turned 60. last week and I'm tripped out in my mind like what when did you leave 18 I don't know I was asleep I guess I don't know it's amazing I like all of that but I want to read you the scripture Ecclesiastes five and one in The Message Bible it says watch your step when you enter God's house enter to what to what to learn that's far better than mindlessly offering a sacrifice doing more harm than good now I want you to understand something that this here Old Testament when it talked about enter into the house of God they were talking about the building right so when you entered into the building they were teaching you principles and and precepts of God's word so they could live and have victory in every area of their life but now how many of y'all know that God no longer lives and dwells in a building you know that right so when Jesus came he went away and then he said who Holy Spirit and so now holy spirit dwells on the inside of you so when somebody is talking about the church come on let's go to church how can you go somewhere you are come on that's not a put down that's not thing because I do that we've been trained to be that way we talked about hey let's go to church you go to church what you learn in church today it's like how how do we go to church we we we are the church so if I could get your mind to understand that you are the Living Church of the Living God then you will carry yourself in a different manner because what you do is you come in here and sometimes act better in here than you would out there but if you knew that you were packing with the same thing that's in here out there you would carry yourself in a different manner no come on go with me go with me go with me I need you to know that when you come into this place this house of worship that you should lean in and be attentive to your pastors or whoever he assigns to this position to teach you at that particular time because this is something that we just don't do but this is Who We Are you you hear what I'm telling you and so for you to come in and not be hungry for the word that's prepared for you is could be a little offensive right and so when you come in I want you to come in to learn now you have an amazing praise team can you give it up for them and the music Ministry like you guys are like you'd be like I mean like y'all make me wish I could sing I can't sing a lick and it's okay I I just stay in my Lane to say stay in your lane girl stay in your lane that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna stay in my Lane I promise you and so it's so important again I just want to really you know make that clear I want you to set yourselves to learn today I want you to set yourselves to really hear today now you may not jump up and shout and run and and dance and lose your wig in here and kick off your shoes today with me but I promise you if you lean into these principles if you hear what I am telling you and teaching you today you're gonna run around at the car dealership when they approve your loan you're gonna run around at that house loan place that office when you sit down you're gonna run around when that doctor tell you you got some disease going on because you know that you have victory in every area of your life say I may not run here and that ain't even important what is important is how I run out there all right so are y'all ready let's keep going and so I've been given this topic womanology and I was thinking like what is womanology nobody comes up with this stuff but Darius Daniels I'm like what is that right and I'm saying why can't he just say the study of women or women knowledge or you know why he got to go be so deep right but it's all good because I was talking about how you know he used so many words and I thought about this word he used I think he used etymology or something last week and I was like is he talking about uh edamame or what you know I'm thinking about food and he thinking about words so it's just totally different so you know forgive me if I mix up a little bit of stuff just know he'll come back and he'll fix it here here here here work it out he'll be able to tell you no she meant this I remember when you know when I first got married how I used to uh say a long time ago because I've been married for 39 years and oh that's good right oh that's good I know I know that clap is for him because I was cray-cray and I'll talk about that in a little bit but I remember how you know I used to try to cuss my husband out you know I would use certain words and I would be like and no no no no no no no no no and he would look at me and say what are you sorry you said and then he would come back and say you say you know he would tell the right way so I know to your pastor if they're watching they'll come back and fix up the words that I use today all right and so we've been talking about this womanology and I love how everything is it's just being laid out my analogy was last month in womanology is this is this month but one thing I love about God is that whatever words you hear it will go to both of us the man and the woman right and so none of us will be left out of this service on today as long as you lean in and set yourself to hear what I shared with you all right and so when I was thinking about womanology I was thinking about what are some things or what is something that I can address that is stereotypical of women or things that most women are um label with or have been mystified with see like that word right here is like mythified I don't know if that's the word or not but like um but I do know I'm a doctor and I can come up with words for real on my own so I'm just saying ow okay oh stop playing oh that's so funny and one of those things is emotions have you ever heard people say stuff like women are just emotional they just all over the place you know you know they're this and it's like oh you're a hormonal have you ever heard that come on how many of you really have believed that about yourself at one time I mean even me I believe that about myself at one time like I tell you I was like cray-cray I mean I used to really allow my emotions to rule me I'm talking about save Sanctified and full of something and it wasn't Holy Spirit [Music] I was a mess I was a mess I I really was because that's the environment that I was raised up in I saw my mother to be you know a little emotional and so it was the same way with me it was like this is how you respond to things this is how you handle things you cuss me I cuss cuss you you cut me I still kill you right and so it's like it's it's like I would always take it to the next level it was never like you know equality in that it was like I would just go over because I was very emotional and so I began to like read some things and wanted to really get into the scripture and find out like God what do you mean about this why do we say this about women why are we so stigmatized what is this myth about and I said it was a myth because I'm reading the scripture and I'm seeing something just typically a little different but I went and I looked at a little bit of science you know and to see you know exactly what they were talking about as it relates to women and the emotions because again that's all we've heard really I've heard it all in my life right and so when I went in to see it it said that there is no difference between the emotions of a man and a woman that men are just emotions some of the men right now looking like you don't know my wife because she is all over the place okay whatever uh-huh so like I said the study said that there was no difference between how a woman and a man really uh have these emotions that the emotions are the same and in fact years ago they wouldn't even include us in the studies they wouldn't even put us in the studies because they would say you know our ovarian kind of hormonal changes that we would have every month y'all know what I'm talking about right you know we would have you know what caused us to be a little bit unstable and inconsistent and then make the study inconclusive and I'm like wow this is crazy and so there has been biases that have been establishes have been established in the minds of men to make them think that women are more emotional where in fact they really aren't and so when they did these studies they found out that yeah no it's not it's just that we label them different because how many of you know that when a man is looking at a football game or basketball game or baseball game how emotional they become these men are here they looking at me y'all know what I'm talking about you let your team lose or you let your your best player miss a shot yeah oh my God I kill you breaking up televisions and acting all crazy and all kind of stuff but if you let a woman do that for the same things then she's labeled as something else like a man we say he's just passionate oh look at his passion man he got passion for the game oh man I love a man with passion yeah if you feel me baby like if he that passionate about a game he gonna be that passionate about me no not all the time I'm just saying but then when a woman we just say she's just irrational she crazy she cray-cray like me like I was really cray-cray and I understand that but there's something that's called pre-understanding pre-understanding is information that we've garnered or gathered you know through the years and we have taken hold of it and we have established who we are off of pre-understanding without even searching the scripture or searching science to see really is it so we have just taken it from the environments that we've come out of because we saw our mother or our grandmother as an emotional being and so we've put it over here in This Woman's World and we've said okay we're just this and now when somebody try to present you with something different something new you push back away from it because you say well I just need therapy I just need counseling I just need help I just need a chair to talk to somebody well no if you really knew who you were you would be able to process it a little for it so now if you would look over there I'm not going to turn to it but you can write it down because we really don't have a lot of time to go through a lot of scripture but I said I'm a teacher and so I would love to show it to you in the word the Bible says to let every man be a liar and let his his word be true I should be able to show you you know what I'm talking about in the scripture and remain a liar in your face in your eyes until I can show it to you all right and so it's so important for you to go back and read what I'm telling you like I told you we come in here to do what learn oh please I love that and so over there in Genesis 1 26 through verse 28 it talks about how we are created male and female in the image of God and in his likeness so there is no variations or no differences as far as our emotions are concerned but yeah I understand how makeup is different and there are some things some proclivities you know for women and some for men so I understand that there are some differences but as it relates to our emotions God has created us to be just like him he's created us to be in His image so if Jesus has some emotions and he was our greatest example Setter here in the earth and he handled them properly why can't we handle them properly so our emotions do have a reason for being here but the reason is not to be led by them they were never given the power and the authority to lead us what is supposed to lead and guide you into all truth now is what Holy Spirit oh y'all are smart I told you y'all got a good pastor just tell you holy spirit is supposed to lead and guide you not how you feel like Bubba come over and you feel real good I gotta stop saying Bubba cause we call my grandson Bubba um what's another name what's another uh Hood name what's your name [Applause] [Laughter] I gotta stop playing whatever his name is it could be Joe Mike Tim Josh those are all my sons names I don't know call I don't know you know whatever his name is he come over your house and he's smelling real good he drive a nice car and he can find Genesis and your feelings your emotions I'm telling you that this is it like yes but holy spirit at the same time you don't know when you go ahead and be with him you don't know all of the other stuff that can happen and so I don't want us to be stigmatized it's just emotional beings because we make dumb decisions being led by how we feel opposed to how we believe so I'm gonna be led by what I believe so I will be led by Holy Spirit who will guide and Lead Me all right I want you to read this scripture here Matthews 13 and 19. Matthew 13-19 it says when anyone hears because I'ma keep going because y'all ready to go already I already know yeah oh y'all not oh I'll call you Pastor action can I stay five more minutes all right no but Matthew 13-19 it says when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it then stop right there can y'all read this with me okay follow with me let's go when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it then stop ready let's go when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it then okay now can you read it or can you quote it by now go oh I like that Can I submit to you that we wouldn't have to read what's after the then if we understood what we heard like if you really set yourself to understand the scripture you've really understood it you wouldn't even have to go any further because you would know that the people who don't understand need to keep reading because this doesn't apply to me because I set myself to understand and when I have understanding of something I can repeat it at will and so again this is why it's so important for you to set yourself to understand something but I am for the people who really may leave out of here not understand I think we should show them what they're going to be working with it says then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart this is the one who receives seed by the wayside so here you are setting yourselves up by not understanding what you hear you cannot process everything you hear through your emotions because typically that's what we do when we're going through certain things and say your husband comes to you or your your prayer partner your boo when they come to you and they say things like hey babe you getting your hair done today the first thing you think what's wrong with my hair because you heard it through how you feel your emotions and what you think about yourself all they were simply saying I want to be a blessing to you I think you're beautiful I just wanted to know if you're going to get your hair done because I wanted to go get a haircut but we read things so differently when we feel a certain way that's why it's so important again for us to be in check of our emotions and not allow our emotions to get the best of us the bible really talks about getting a grip of your soul look at the person sitting next to you and say girl if it's a girl just say girl get yourself together okay I like it better like this say girl get a grip now if it's your wife you on the sofa tonight Bubba cause you say oh I can't say bubba cause you said it a little different you say it a little hard you said girl get a grip well I really heard my husband saying it like that I think that's what I was processing it through that but I want to read the scripture judges 18 and 10 because I started something here when I was at the Women's Conference I started talking about focus and something that God gave me when my husband was in the hospital in 2014 and I really want to end with that want to share some things with you because it's impossible for you to have Focus the way you're supposed to have it when you're all over the place and that's male and female I told you this word will land and I may have you know a lot of different decoys a lot of different you know branches of what I say or whatever but I promise you we're gonna land at the same place is that okay all right so judges 18 and 10 it says when you go you shall come unto a people secure because this was talking about the day nights how God had promised them some land and so they were sent out to spy awesome land and then they ended up here it says when you go you shall come into a people secure and to a large land for God has given it into your hand chance a place where there is no want of anything that is in the Earth this is powerful now listen when you realize or you understand or you know that God is the same yesterday today and forevermore and that he is not doing anything new there the Bible says there is nothing new Under the Sun this place still exists no this place still exists because you quoted over there in Psalms 23 you say the Lord is my shepherd oh really really you say that right so why are we as Believers still wanting why are we still wanting when the scripture talks about overhearing Judges that there is a place where there is no one of anything there's no one of healing there's no one of Deliverance there's no one of finances there see when I talk about Prosperity because some of you hear me say you know God's release prosperity in this house or prosperous you will be or whatever I'm talking about whole life Prosperity I'm not just talking about money in your pocket because you can still have money in your pocket and be broken your soul that's poor to me you can have a bunch of money in your pocket and your relationship is jacked up you poor you broke to me I'm tired of the people coming to church and just you know like putting on pretending why do we come in this place the place that we should be free and delivered and see God move in our lives but yet we come in every Sunday like it's you know October 31st look at the person sitting next to you say come out Bobo take that mask off say she talking to you so there's a place for nothing that I mean for no one there's that place exists I want to read the scripture here second Corinthians 1 and 20. it says for all the promises of God in him uh what yes and and him amen so if you could get again revelation of just this one scripture God says for all of my promises are yes and amen God it does not say sometimes God said show it to me in the scripture sometimes God says yes sometimes God says no sometimes God says maybe so the Bible says if you don't get it you ask to miss meaning that it was not in his word as long as you are asking according to his word in an alignment with the scripture all of his promises are yes and amen we cannot say sometimes God heals and sometimes he does it because the Bible talks about God what Jesus was in the earth and he went about healing some oh Jesus came and he healed all so now I would like to propose a question to you if this is the healing side and this is the non-hilling side how many of you would choose to sit on the non-hill inside I believe all of you would try to rush over and get a seat over here am I right about it huh absolutely so why would God put us in competition of a spot why would he make us compete against what somebody else has on their life and I can't have it on my life no because we also know that he is no respecter of persons but he is a respecter of per of Faith because you have to believe that the promises of God are true if you don't believe this word you're not going to tap into it and so back in 2014 I got a word from God while my husband was laying on a death bed I didn't say his he was laying on a death bed I was going in a room every day and they told me you know that he was going to die he wasn't going to live he wasn't going to make it that you know his lungs were were already Whited out his liver is kidney everything was just failing and so I didn't understand why God was giving me this word and I'm gonna tell you the word he gave me after I read this next scripture let's look at Genesis 8 and 22. Genesis 8 22 it says while the Earth remains see time and harvest cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease now's one word in here that I would love to bring some attention to where it says see time see time here is a compound word right that's when two words come together to prompt to form what how many words one word some of y'all like oh that we know that I don't know you can't assume everybody knows everything and so I never assume right and so here it says see time is one word but I would like to suggest to you that seed time really should be two words are y'all okay I told you about your pre-understanding things that you've heard before in the past you become so crystallized and it was somebody presents something new to you it's a little difficult to process and then you know over there in Revelation talks about don't add anything to the scripture I'm just saying just stay open for a moment because the word of God is inexhaustible and you have to understand these were translators that wrote this and so translators wrote it from their view their position they were hearing something that they thought was what it should be right okay so see time really should and I'll tell you why so when you think about seed you think about time and then you think about what Harvest well y'all know Harvest everybody want Harvest but everybody don't go through seed time and harvest some of us just want to jump from seed and straight to harvest like I started a little garden thing and it was uh you know a while for it to get up and start producing something and so I'm looking at them like can you hurry up because I'm tired of buying all of these little herbs at the store I'm trying and I'm so new to this I can't even tell if it's ready at times or what so this is how the scripture talks about we put that Circle in and take it out before it's even ready and we eat it and now we don't even have anything else you know to put back into the ground okay but that's my not my lesson okay so you talk about this seed time and harvest right how many of you ever planted something and you knew that it was going to take time for you to see it okay so I would like to submit that that time simply is talking about process just want to use another word for it so you got to talk about seed a process and then a harvest right and so before you can get a harvest you gotta know that it's going to go through a process and what's happening in the body of Christ we get so emotional in the times of the process that we don't get to see the Harvest meaning meaning like some of you gonna leave out of here today and you're so excited about what you hear and you're going to want to go out and apply the principles that I'm telling you about having an understanding of being focused when you go through things you're going to get out of here you're gonna say I'm gonna be focused I'm gonna be focused I ain't let nobody disturb my peace I got this I'm a focus on this promise and you all set for it but as soon as you get out of here and this Joker or whoever I don't know maybe somebody cut you off in traffic maybe your mama and them call and cuss you out because you left the house and didn't wash the dishes most of y'all probably gone out your mama house I don't know no y'all back home now I'm just saying okay anyway let me leave that one alone and so you know something that happened to get your emotions you know a little thrown off and then you get yourself back over into an arena where you won't be able to tap into it and so it's so important that you remain consistent and constant being built up in this word knowing that I do not have to be moved that I can stand here and trust that this process is going to lead me to my Harvest I'll tell you like I am a licensed cosmetologist right I um had on two hair salons I did hair for about 18 years and I you know was I was I was really good at my trade right I'm still a licensed cosmetologist I tell people all the time you know because people we got bootleg cosmetologists now you do hair at home where you go on girl life and I'm just getting in the meat of my message where is she going tell us hey don't be leaving she gotta hear how to you know I'm just playing they ain't gonna ever let me come back oh that's so funny oh she probably like oh my God she should put up her finger that's how you do it like I got I gotta go do number one I'll be back let's play so I still have my license and I have my license for two reasons one is because I'm very frugal I like discounts like I will not shop in Macy's if I know they got a sale and I don't have a coupon right like I may run up on you and say hey you got extra coupons and my kids call me cheap I don't care what they call me but I'm gonna get a 20 discount at the end of the day right so I like my discounts right and so I'm always saving my my uh making sure I renew my license so when I go to the beauty supply place I could pull it out like yeah give me that 10 percent and then the second reason is if my husband ever loses mine go crazy and act the cold food act like he don't want to take care of me I'm gonna go give me a job doing hair again right y'all better keep your skills up but in the 18 years that I did hair I did a lot of sodium hydroxide processes some of y'all like what is that it's better known as lie right better known as perm and some of y'all even know relaxers right so when you think about it it's like I used to do that for years I mean like lots of them 18 years now a lot of people are more natural you know y'all naturalist y'all like yes take me back to the motherland like no problem I I don't have no problem up here but I got color girl because I got some stuff I want to cover anyway with praise the Lord and so for 18 years I gave this chemical and what I would do is I would ask the client have you been scratching your scalp and what would they say oh that was you and the winner they will say no I haven't been scratching why because they wanted that process they wanted that chemical put in their hair and so I would say okay but let me just take precaution here and let me put a little petroleum jelly you know the girl got a base that scalp you do hair you do oh I know you do that because you was like oh no we gonna base that scalp so we will base that scalp parted out squeeze it melt that stuff in it let it run down and grease be coming all down your face and all of that stuff because we didn't believe you we didn't want to take a chance however at the same time we didn't realize that that sodium hydroxide was eventually going to penetrate that petroleum jelly all it was doing was delaying the process it was just delay in it and so we would put that perm we would go in there part that thing off in the four sections get some of that perm put it in there part it going back put it in there Panic get it put it in there you know going through this whole thing and by the time we would get to the front we would look at the client and they sitting there like how much longer how much longer it was like oh you okay yeah I'm okay keep going keep going and then all of a sudden this right here will happen I'm like what are you doing nothing just keep going keep going I don't know why we thought that the leg was going to make our scalp cooler some of y'all looking like I don't know sodium hydroxide we do you um Bo do you know sodium contract you know ammonia igloc delay that's when you get the little curls in your hair you know that's the other people grouping here all right praise the Lord and it's the same thing it could burn you too right and so after they would shake their legs for a while then all of a sudden tears will come down the sky when you like you want me to rinse it out you want me to take it out and be like no just hurry up hurry up and so now I'm getting oil sheen spraying it what spot is burning right here right here I'm spraying oil sheen in there trying to cool it all but now this side is burning and now I'm getting the water bottle all of that should be like man let me just wash it out and you know what in the 18 years that I did had I never saw anyone get up and jump out of my chair why because they wanted the finished process why is it that we as Believers we go through these processes and we jump in and out and don't ever see the Harvest because we won't sit still enough long enough to see what we're believing God for so when my husband was in the hospital in 2014 and he was on his ECMO machine in an induced coma for almost four weeks I had to see that every day and the doctors would tell me he's not going to make it we don't know what else to do this is the last ditch effort everything is shutting down I went in a room and God gave me this word he says Dede I want you to focus on the promise and not the process [Applause] now listen to me he never said that there is not a process that's taking place because there is a process but he says don't focus on this process because it is doing a process most people quit most people faint if you could just keep your ass fixed on me you will get through this process and you will see the end whatever you focus on will expand right and so when God gave me that word I had to go find some scripture and understanding you know of this because I'm saying God I am focused what are you why are you telling me this he told me to read Mark chapter five and so I'm saying okay I'mma read Mark chapter five but what is this like about why am I reading a woman with the issue of blood man people already think we the issue like we the women sees the women we got an issue right no our issue is you Joker oh I told them this at the um eight o'clock service I think this is funny you know like over there in Genesis 1 and 28 when they start talking about how God created man and woman in His image and how you know really man was manifested in the earth first and then God came back you know and took Red made woman right and it made us think like we just after thought like a after product right you know like oh wow why you ain't pulling me out the same time you pull him out like why you make him over me now he think he can control it dictate to me and I was thinking about that where it kind of hit me while I was up here and I was like wait wait wait which is better the iPhone one or the iPhone 2. okay praise the Lord let's keep going let's keep going let's keep going [Applause] let's keep going I gotta hurry up cause my time is up so here you have in mark five and it's talked about the women with the issue of blood but that's not where we're gonna stop we're gonna go back up a little higher when it start talking about Jay Harris the Bible says that Jay Iris knew that Jesus was coming he was a ruler of the synagogue so he goes to meet Jesus right and he sees Jesus he says gee hey Gee look like for real like my daughter is sick and she's at the point of death but now if you go you know maybe you can heal her he said better yet if you go I know she shall live so now when you talk like that to Jesus you put a demand on Jesus to move on your behalf because Faith doesn't say it's going to happen Faith's sake it is happening no it may happen faith says it is happening right so it's not an if thing so now Jairus puts a demand on Jesus to follow his faith because Jesus only follows what Jesus doesn't follow your fears Jesus doesn't follow your tears Jesus doesn't follow your begging and you're complaining you can do it until you blew in the face hey let me see your Works without you know let me see your faith with our works and I'll show you my faith with works okay so I'm just saying so you can sit there and crawl you up but it's not gonna happen you're never gonna see that manifestation right so now here's Jesus like gangster he probably walking with Jay Iris Jay iris is probably saying gee I'm so glad you're going to the house because my daughter ain't but 12 years old man and I was thinking I won't be able to go to the prom and see her graduate from high school I want to be able to walk her down the aisle but because you going I see all of this happening there so he all excited you know all turned up probably you know like passionate so now he gets to this woman with the issue and Jesus stops right there gee wait wait wait we on a mission right with what you doing where you going like my house is this way not right here let's let's keep going well he didn't say any of that he's probably patiently waiting the Bible says that this woman comes and she touches Jesus and Jesus is surrounded by all of these people but at the same time he knew that it was a different touch it wasn't an emotional touch it was a touch of Faith a woman who they said are just emotional just all over the place and can you imagine how emotional some of us would be for 12 years doing going through your ovarian hormonal times she had enough of that she said if I can't just touch touching the Hem of His Garment was not the whole faith move it was just a point of contact she knew that if she could just get to Jesus like you come in here and you say if I can just get a word from my pastor I know everything is going to be okay that's just the point of contact right so now Jay iris is standing there because the Bible says that this woman just told the whole story so she went back 12 you know 12 years gee I'm telling you I remember when this thing started and my family left me they Banned Me from coming in society Jay Alvis is probably back then like oh oh will you shot ah come on y'all man y'all know y'all be looking at us like I should have never asked her how she was doing honey how was your day never mind wait I got something to do I'll be right back the Bible says that some men came from jairus's House and they told Jesus and they told Jay Iris they said hey you might as well leave G alone because it's like for real for real your daughter's dead I love what happened next no I love what happened next the Bible says that's why I gotta read you you ain't got to look at Jury Springer you ain't gotta look at Judge Judy and them well I tell you it's some drama in the Bible it is full of drama I'm telling stuff but you got to read the details it's in the details and you guys see yourself in it so anyway so they come to tell them that and the Bible says immediately say immediately immediately Jesus grabbed those words what did he do he was like uh-uh he says Don't Be Afraid only believe only believe just like Jairus started believing just like the woman with the issue of blood was believing and the Bible says that her faith made her whole now it was jairus's time to keep going on to his home to see his daughter being made whole however Jesus knew something he knew if those words would have penetrated jairus's heart got in his Spirit Jairus would have became doubtful in fear thinking that now it is way too late I'm not going to see God heal my daughter I'm never going to go to the prom I'm never going to have graduation I'm never going to walk her down the aisle before Jesus would allow those words to penetrate jairus's heart he grabbed him and said uh-uh because Jesus only follows faith so the Bible says that they kept going on their Journey towards James's house and if you know the story you'll know that his daughter live just like the woman with the issue of blood she was made whole I don't know what you're dealing with I don't know what emotions that have gotten you all over the place and thrown you all off to make you think that this word doesn't work for you because you just too just too out of control and you haven't seen it work before I'm telling you when you get yourself settled I'm a woman but are full of power I'm full of authority I'm full of the word of God I'm full of the grace of God don't mess with me Satan don't come for my family don't come for my household don't come for my body don't come for my money don't come for my friends don't come from the girls that's sitting next to me don't come for me hey [Applause] you gotta take on a different mindset you're not just emotional you are created in the image of God I would have never seen my husband live out the life that he is living today if I would have stayed or remained it or got into an emotional state I knew that it was going to require a faith fight of Victory knowing that I had to stand regardless of what they thought I was saying put that picture up and we're getting ready to go y'all got a picture back there they thought I was seeing this they thought I saw that tube running through his neck they thought I saw him being intubated and in an induced coma in his lungs shut down and his liver messed up and his blood all out of wire they thought I saw that but I didn't see that oh man that was healed I go home with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so regardless of how you feel remain standing we're getting ready to go regardless of how you feel regardless of the picture that they put in front of you remember the picture of God's word knowing that we win always not sometimes but always can you give God praise for victory [Music] so the next time your husband tell you you are just emotional that you ain't got nothing girl going on you can say joker I can bring home the bacon fry it up in a pan and never never let you forget your own you're a man cause I'm a woman I told you I can't sing look you are a woman full of Power full of authority you get out of this place and you go and Rule give up some praise come on give them some praise I love you guys all right come on everybody one more time put your hands together and give it up for Dr DD Freeman yeah you guys are enjoying the first installment of woman knowledge
Channel: Change Church TV
Views: 51,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Change Church, dharius daniels, church online, sunday service, praise and worship, Christians, lifechange
Id: ioxO5CFQYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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