Reverse-Sear Tomahawk Steak on the Big Green Egg

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- [Cook] So, since we got something special like a tomahawk ribeye, we're outside to do a reverse sear on the Big Green Egg. (soft banjo music) So I've got this beautiful tomahawk ribeye here, and I wanna do something really special, so I'm gonna do a reverse sear on the Big Green Egg. The great thing about the reverse sear is you're slow cooking to bring it up to that medium-rare, and throughout this process you're introducing a little bit of smoke to give it some extra flavor. This'll help you accomplish a perfect doneness, and then at the end, I'll crank up the heat and give it a nice char to get that crust that is just so delicious. So, I'll get into the steak here in a minute, but first I'm gonna start off with everything you need to get this going. So, here we have some starters. This'll help get your coals going without having to use lighter fluid or a chimney 'cause you especially don't wanna use lighter fluid in a Big Green Egg. Next, I've got a little bit of hardwood, a little apple-hickory mix. You can use whatever you personally like, then I have the diffuser, I wrapped it in a little bit of aluminum foil. This just really helps to keep clean-up nice and easy. So, most importantly I've got the Big Green Egg that I've filled partially with some nice, lump, charcoal. So, I've got these charcoal starters that I'm just gonna put right into the coals, and bury them underneath a little bit to get these coals started. While this gets warmed up, let's talk about this beautiful tomahawk. So, what makes a tomahawk ribeye? A tomahawk is a bone-in ribeye with the long bone attached. Most bone-in ribeyes end about here, this has the full rib that goes down to here. It really just adds a wow factor to this steak. It's still your ribeye, but it looks more impressive when you serve it to your guests. If you wanna find a steak like this, go to your local butcher shop, and ask your butcher where to find one. To get the full flavor out of this steak, I'm gonna season it with nothing but a little salt and pepper. I'm gonna go on liberally with this because this is a large steak, it's almost more like seasoning a roast because it's so thick. Now that I've got it well seasoned, let's get the grill assembled. All right, the first thing I'm gonna do is get these wood chunks into the grill. They'll just help to add some extra flavor. Next, I'm gonna go on with the diffuser. So, the point of the diffuser is to keep the direct heat off this ribeye, that way you kinda cook it through before you get that sear on it. Top of that I'll get the grate. Now, most importantly, we'll get steak on. Now that we've closed the lid, I'm gonna adjust the airflow on the bottom. Let's close this to about an inch, so I'll adjust the regulator on top to about a quarter-turn open. I'm really targeting about 300 degrees. I want a nice, gentle heat to bring this up to temperature before I hit it with that hard sear, that'll ensure a nice, even doneness throughout the steak. If you try to put this steak just over direct heat, like you would a thinner cut steak, you would have it really charred on the outside, and still kinda raw in the center, and you wouldn't have a nice, even doneness throughout. So, it's time to check the doneness of this steak, it's been cooking at about 300 to 325 for a little over an hour. Now, that cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of your steak. So, we'll get a burp. Now, we'll open. All right. (grill sizzling) All right, so it's at about 112 degrees. So, that's about where I want it because, again, when I put this on to sear it's gonna continue to cook. Get this guy off the grates, reserve him for later. Then, I gotta get these grates off, and here I've got this handy tool for just such a purpose. (grill sizzling) Remember not to put that anywhere that it's gonna burn anything 'cause it's still extremely hot. We're gonna double up a couple towels because this thing's pretty hot. (grates sliding on grill) These grates back on. Now, I'm gonna open, gonna open this vent all the way, and I'm gonna leave this open for a minute just to let this fire get raging hot. So, I've already seen the flames start to come up, it's starting to get real hot. I'm just gonna close the lid with this fully open, that way I can really preheat this grill because I'm only gonna go on for a flash sear with this tomahawk. So, real quick before I get this back on the grill, I'm gonna wrap the bone in aluminum foil. The thing about this is, you're going on an extremely hot surface, and you don't want that bone to just char and become black. So, a little bit of foil will help prevent that. (aluminum foil crunching) All right, now this grill surface is already at 600 degrees. So, we've got a screaming hot temperature for this to get a good sear. I'm just gonna take that, and put it right over these flames. (grill sizzling) So, over this high of heat, it really only needs a sear for a minute or two. (grill crackling) All right, so its seared on the second side. I'm gonna pull it off to check the internal temperature to make sure it's right where I want it to be. (grill crackling) Can you hear that crackling? All right, so I'm gonna check this in the thickest part of the steak. So, we're right at 120 degrees. Though it was cooking low and slow, now it hit a high, direct heat, so we're just gonna let it rest for a little while. So, I've let this rest for about five minutes. I checked the temp, and it was just hitting 130, which is at the low end of medium rare, but just how I like it. If you like your steak cooked to a different degree, check out our doneness chart, and that'll help you find your perfect target temperature. I'm gonna start with unwrapping this bone. (aluminum foil crunching) The foil did its job, and it doesn't look too pretty at this point, so let's get that off of there. Let's cut into this beautiful steak. So, reverse searing on the Big Green Egg is really a perfect way to treat this special steak in a special way. And, I gotta say, nothing is more impressive than a tomahawk ribeye to show off to all your friends and family. Check out our other video where we cook a prime rib on the Big Green Egg. Thanks for joining us outside today while we cooked this amazing looking steak. (light banjo music)
Channel: Certified Angus Beef ®
Views: 101,456
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Keywords: reverse sear tomahawk, reverse sear tomahawk steak, reverse sear tomahawk big green egg, tomahawk reverse sear, tomahawk reverse sear big green egg, tomahawk steak, tomahawk steak grill, tomahawk steak reverse sear, big green egg, big green egg steak, steak big green egg, tomahawk ribeye, tomahawk, how to cook tomahawk steak, tomahawk ribeye steak, cooking tomahawk steak on the grill, big green egg ribeye, reverse sear big green egg, Certified Angus Beef, test kitchen, steak
Id: cTr4xNS0GPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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