Brisket on the Big Green Egg: Franklin BBQ method

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welcome today we're going to do something a little bit different and that is go against my brisket rub recipe and my brisket smoking technique that I've used for years and years which you might watch the other video on today we're going to try to replicate what Franklin barbecue does down in Austin Texas and if you've ever had his brisket it's the best brisket you ever eat but he came out with this book and has basically everything from Indian on on what he does from rubs to trimming to cut of meat to wood to smoke and everything else so this is a great book you can get on Amazon but basically we're just going to try to replicate exactly what he does on the Big Green Egg we've we smoked brisket similar in a couple ways we use we both use oak we both use the same resting technique and we also use prime brisket so this is a prime brisket they're kind of hard to find if you can find them at your local grocery store you can you'll know it because it says prime on there I found this at our local AG be here in Austin Texas you can go to your look your butcher shop or wherever you want to get it at but basically try to find a prime brisket that's the key that's what Franklin uses I think it makes a big difference but after that there's a lot of major differences that he does two verses I I always took my meat off at 185 his recommending recommendation is 200 to 210 203 to be safe as there as a rule he uses my grill temperature I used to smoke at 225 he recommends smoking and brisket at 275 which is 50 degrees higher than what I'm used to so I'm a little bit nervous about that we're going to give it a try another big thing I used to rub my my briskets the night before his recommendation is to do it an hour before I and let it get to room temperature so an hour for verses 12 hours before and there's justification in the book on why to do that another big difference is the type of rub he uses he uses just plain old kosher salt and ground black pepper 16 mesh and then that's it so everybody's got their own favorite rub but I'm going to try his method and see how that tastes and then one other thing he does is he after you get through the stall and it tells in the book what the stall is I think a good rule of thumb is 180 to 185 years through the stall raps in butcher paper and then puts it back on at 275 until the temperature gets dipped to 203 if I was going to rap I used to do it in foil I've never tried the butcher paper so we're going to try that as well but as far as putting on the rub traditional he uses a water-based solution mustard kind of does the same thing key is don't put it on too thick you just want to get it a little little layer there to have that rope stick onto something and I put my salt and pepper it up little shake it here it makes it easier to do basically just kind of rub it on there and this is again this is just kosher salt and pepper 50/50 mix even mix of course your salt and pepper you want to get that nice heavy on there too worried you could see all the pepper because that's what's going to create your bar when you're smoking these things is your rub especially with this black pepper review every franklin's you'll notice it's got that really nice bark really almost not crispy but it's just a good bark and that's where that pepper melts into that meat and creates that nice bark so I'm going to do that that's about the right what you will have the consistency there I'm going to go sent the smoker now with the oak wood and let this continue to rest I'll do the other side of it right now as well all right why that meat is resting inside for an hour I'm going to get the grill started you need to use oak wood and the kind of oak wood you want to use is very important Franklin talks a lot about it in its books but what you don't want is those chunks from what you get from the grocery store if you feel the density of those they feel almost like air that means it's not really good quality of wood they've dried it out and it burns too fast it doesn't generate smoke so if you can get real oak firewood or even go to Academy they come up come with logs and then chop them up into you know sizes like this basically I've got a mixture of 50% charcoal 50% wooden here I know a lot of people out there are going to respond to the video and say it's too much smoke but I disagree we're trying to smoke the meat we're not trying to grill the meat so I don't know how you could actually have too much smoke it's impossible when you're smoking meat but basically I've got two of these little fire sticks in here and I just put them in here and if you watch by the video you can watch it but you know the key to this thing is to slowly bring up the temperature once you get these eggs to hot it's really hard to bring them back down so basically I'm going to leave the lid open on this for a while and then I'll layer in the wood once we get it smoking but although I leave the lid open for about 10 minutes and then I'll close that lid no one wants the white smoke stops I'll put that wood on top of it put the water pan in there and then we'll get going all right so the tip is getting up to about 250 so I put the play setter in there pile the wood on I'm gonna put my water in as always do use hot water you try to keep this grill warm can hit cold water in there so it's going to take longer to get the temp up so use hot water and I'll brisket nothing nothing other than just water in there got the place set our feet up got the water in and I'm gonna close that and I'm going to let that get to about 275 before I put on brisket all right so the tip is raised up to about 275 so I've got the brisket in this is about an 8 pound brisket so it's a small brisket it's long but it's thin so my guess is this thing is only going to take about 8 hours total so it should stall work through the stall at about 185 in probably six hours but I've got my temperature probe in there and I'm going to close this lid and I'm just going to keep the temperature regulated at 275 got plenty of smoke and I'm going to check it as soon as it gets to 185 I'm gonna take it and wrap it in the butcher paper and then after that I'll show you what to do all right so the briskets been on about 4 hours I've been able to regulate it at 275 really easily on the egg and the temperature is at 160 i stalled at about 155 anybody who's cooking brisket before understand what the stall is it gets to a temperature mine is usually around 150 to 160 and it'll stall like that sometimes for up to three hours and we'll get over the temperature that's perfectly fine do not raise the temperature on your grill keep it at 275 and just wait for it and be patient and then a little once it gets past the stall you'll notice a typically here starts to go up pretty drastically quickly just to you know my configuration I've got the windmill open and then below I've got the vet set about probably an inch and a half wide and with that configuration I've been able to regulate it about 275 consistently all day long all right so we have worked well through the stall internal tip on the meet is 175 and if you look at that a bark on that thing it's just fantastic all that pepper so what I'm going to do now is take the meat thermometer out take it inside to wrap it in butcher paper alright so what you want to do is get two pieces of butcher paper which you can get usually at the grocery store if not you can order it online Amazon you're basically going to wrap this thing up like a burrito so you're going to want to keep it back side up now Franklin says you can actually put in the oven right now or you could put it back on the grill I'm going to put it back on the grill because I've got it at 275 but if you want to put it in the oven at this point that's no problem but the goal now is to get the temperature up to 203 so now that you've wrapped it in butcher paper put it back on the grill at 275 or put it in the oven at 275 and letting it to 203 degrees all right so the meat has rested to 145 and now it's time to cut so you can you can read Franklin's book on how to cut but basically there's a fat line right here you want to this is a tip of it you want to cut this this way and then cut it in half here and cut this this way so we're going to see and this is a tip you can see the bar this is about a cup that you want to make it right here about this thick anything less than that you're trying to hide something anything more than that you're trying to hide something you see the bark on that you see the smoke ring and the marbleization that's perfect so now we're going to do the review we're going to eat some and see if it's better than the flaming rooster BBQ method all right so if we've sliced it and we've tasted it and we agree that it's the best brisket we've ever had if you look at that Mull realization in the bark on it it's so simple but it's the right thing to do oak take it off at 2:03 salt and pepper is the rub and it's that simple thank you very clean
Channel: Flaming Rooster BBQ
Views: 601,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: franklin bbq, smoked brisket, smoking brisket, brisket on the big green egg, BGE brisket, how to smoke a brisket, best brisket, big green egg, Barbecue (Cuisine), Brisket (Food), how to cook brisket, big green egg recipe, the big green egg, kamado joe, kamado joe brisket, smoking brisket on a smoker, franklin bbq brisket, franklin bbq austin tx, big green egg brisket franklin, big green egg smoked brisket, smoking brisket on a traeger
Id: OGsZkoa-lIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2015
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