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[Music] hi welcome back to new york let's go get some dumplings [Music] yes i am picking up dumplings from my farm well not exactly dumplings buns green colored buns i don't know what's inside all i've heard is that these are amazing [Music] lunchtime green color bun oh oh it looks like carrots and some cheese hi and i think a little bit of pork in here dish is delicious a little bit of tea town how do you translate cheats hi shepherd's purse shepherd's purse anyway this stuff is great in dumplings and buns especially when you dip it in some vinegar soy sauce mike's hot oil if you don't think i'm going to sit here and finish off almost the entire bag of this i don't think you really know me that well so i know these videos are kind of uploaded in random order and i just want to give you guys a little update on what i'm up to so this video you're seeing it's uh when i was in houston i think this was filmed maybe uh two three weeks ago in in houston and i just came back from chicago so uh there is gonna be a video where i go from dallas to kansas city to chicago where i was dropping off christine's furniture and then after that i came back here because uh the ramen restaurant is about to open so trying to get a lot of stuff done right before then i think this year in particular has just been full of changes and surprises for me like i thought it would have been in taiwan at the beginning of the year but i didn't get my visa and that whole process took about five months before i got my rejection i was devastated i thought i was gonna be in taiwan i was gonna stay there for a long time and just eat beef noodle soup every day and then to move to dallas so a lot of variables a lot of unexpected changes in my life also in the future i kind of want to tone down the the traveling and the food thing i want to kind of go into more cooking maybe stories a mukbang channel something like that and then i i met someone so that kind of changed everything again and all i've got to say after all these changes and and things falling through and plans being altered is that everything happens for a reason and change is good change has been really really good so i am happier than i ever been i am hungrier than i ever been so i'm going to stay here in new york for about a week and a half sorting out all this business stuff and then uh go back to chicago and a whole new chapter of my life begins so that's pretty much what i've been up to and this video right here was filmed i think two three weeks ago it was such a magical day because i found the two things i loved so much in the world the filipino food and all you can eat buffet together and before we get to the video a huge thank you and shout out to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel surf shark vpn is something i use every single day and i encourage you guys to definitely check it out because now more things are open people are traveling more you're connected to a lot of 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when you're trying to watch japanese anime in japan no english subtitles where you're abroad you want to have access to us streaming services like hulu crunchyroll you can also use search vpn for that and also what i love about them is that you can try it out for 30 days if you don't like it for whatever reason you get your money back so if you want to give surf shark vpn a try go to my link down below use my promo code dumpling you're going to get 83 off your order plus three months for free all right let me get back to this and uh enjoy the video [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much nikki for telling me about this place all day breakfast everyday buffet here it is morning where's your buffet what time what time is your buffet open you love it 10 30. okay i'll come back thank you that was very anticlimactic ah it's about 7 30 right now i got here because they said it open at 7 30 i got here as soon as they opened because i was ready to just chow down some filipino breakfast buffet just so you know their buffet isn't set up till 10 30 or 11 so be back then it's about 10 30 a.m let's try this again oh this is so philippines hello hollow you got philippine tv on i am so happy i am so like food is not even in my mouth yet i'm so happy look how big this buffet is look you got this whole section here and you're going to have that whole section here it's smelling good they're still setting everything up so i'm just going to get started with uh whatever is on the buffet so far there's some lechonko getting a little emotional right now i'm sorry oh you can eat lachan kawali there's gingling which i love oh what is this never had this before pork filipino pork stew be called never had that manure really i didn't know that was a filipino dish menudo oh look at this filipino rice cake this is the whole dessert section look how big this dessert section is oh humber never had that kare kare haven't had that in a long time lumpia of course calamari the fried chicken tilapia let's just get started let's get started i'll get a nice piece with some skin and meat and a little bit of everything but definitely the skin oh this little piece looks juicy oh so does this this is why you gotta come here early look at this nice piece of skin juice flowing out heck yeah baby let's get some of this the kindling the call express fried tilapia tea fried chicken sure why not fried chicken calamari why not lumpia for sure i'll be back for the kadekare look at this beans giant pieces of pork with skin still on here look how saucy and nice this is this peas with some nice sauce right here yeah all this beef with tomato sauce put that next to my pork i'm sure they get along well together all this definitely goes all the rice so saucy you see all that saucy stuff on there i wish i could just take this whole thing to my table and just just eat all that this is in chinese what we call fanta basically it means dishes that go so well with the rice i'm waiting for the rice room getting a little a little too excited too happy this i think this is better than going to disney pretty sure it is [Music] [Music] start with some of the katakade if i lived in houston i'd be here every single day every single day so good one bite can already tell how legitimate this place is long period is delicious crispy scam meaty stuff filling look how saucy everything is already this is the pork stew it's so tender it's so tender this is cooked in coconut milk it's so tender and the coconut milk is just wonderfully delicious covering every single grain of rice [Music] this is the tomato beef stew [Music] that's my favorite oh that's good fatty pieces of beef body and that thing there is all tenderness this is the spicy pork stew i'm sure i'm not naming these by the filipino names because my memory is like as good as a caterpillar you know assuming caterpillars have really bad memories hmm every bite everybody it feels like i'm back in the philippines and every bite just makes me want to come back not even tomorrow like i want to be later tonight wow this is so good everything's so good this is like going into your grandma's kitchen except for your grandma cooked the whole buffet full of food and you can eat as much as you want and she will keep replenishing every single item we haven't even got to half of this stuff yet i haven't even got to the value yet that's the best part 12 dollars 12 12 all you can eat amazing filipino food 12 um all you can eat and drink you know this calamari is so tender have you had this this is everything that's so gender crunchy on the outside ridiculously tender inside forget vegas next time you want a buffet just come here it's not just like it's a buffet so quality goes down every item you can taste them made with hair the chicken skin is so crispy and light oh it's sloppy it's so tender i don't think i've had a bad bite so far as good as all that was every single bite i was taking i was thinking about what else just showed up on that buffet shelf the much anticipated round two [Music] all right they're still loading a lot of stuff um in there so the new thing is the soup delicious i prefer even more vinegar but there's a lot of good chunks of beef tripe a little spicy with this nice big chili in here tender meat flavorful broth oh with just a slight bit of funk slight ah paxio one of my favorite soups [Music] god oh yeah i feel like super creeper right now as soon as they come out of the kitchen i'm just like that's how i stock food this is the pork cinnagon look at this big pieces of pork bowl in here some eggplant some okra daikons as well [Music] oh that's so good actually that's my favorite soup i keep forgetting about this the difference between this and the pakio is that usually this is sour by tamarind it's much more of a fruitier sourness oh this is so good pork is so tender and meaty it just goes so beautifully with the sour broth filipino soup love of my life christine's never had a synagogue see what she thinks i like the other one better the other one's more sour sour do you like the other one better let's see i think this is going to be a problem in our relationship i don't know how we can get past it no it's good because then you can have this one and on the other one we want to fight over it that's true always thinking [Music] [Music] dessert time fresh cake i don't think i've had many filipino desserts that's not a halal hollow a rice cake there's a good finish verdict love this place home style delicious filipino food basically all the favorites on the buffet 12 bucks this might be a spot i'm gonna have to come to every single time i'm in houston value quality how are you gonna beat this so happy again nikki thanks so much for recommending this place love it feels so good i think the next few hours can be kind of blurry for me so see after that [Music] had a really nice nap after all that filipino food um dinner is gonna be christine's suggestion sundown noodles and dumplings okay so that place was carried out only were uh dinner option number two at this plaza that has a new hop-hop place supposed to be really good the hop-up place is also close so pretty much everything accused in chinese-wise close at nine location number three for dinner lau houston so this place is known for um and i don't remember if i had this in vietnam it's basically intestines from pig or cow here it's a beef intestine stew served with bami sounds pretty good oh they're also fried beef intestines with tamarind sauce oh razor clams razor clam is the best okay this plate's been on my list to try for a while now so see how it is my bread is here i i do like how much chilies they gave us all right it's coming it's coming that's pretty oh that's really pretty this is their most popular dish this one looks really good oh nice beautiful oh thank you wow everything looks so good here so this is razor clam stir-fried and tamarind sauce i love the chilies on top this is the i'm gonna butcher this bundle mom tom it's rice noodles and tofu with shrimp sauce so rice noodles rice noodles here got the fried tofu here this is some kind of i think fish cake fresh herbs some sausage pork belly and some intestines and this is the shrimp sauce you're dipping everything in this is something i'm really interested this is this looks so good though the beef intestine stew so pretty it looks like almost like a tomato bisque soup color orange color tripe look at that oh this looks so good i am very very excited about this some of you might not be into inners and tripe and all that for me i live by a model so what's on the inside is that count so i am super into it throw some of this chilis in here by some i mean all [Music] this is really good it's so smooth and coconutty right wow slightly sweet [Music] that is so good the tribe is so good wow this is this is really delicious i have i never known about something like this before you want to try dipping this in the tamarind sauce [Music] oh wow this dish is off the hook i mean it's not even off the hook it's like the hook is nowhere to be seen the hook is gone all right the tribe in this tamarind sauce is just incredible the baguette so you're supposed to dip this into the broth soak up all that great amazing bra wow [Music] this is so good all right so razor clams that's cooked in basil chilies i love how liberal they use chilis oh that's really good sauce i wish they cleaned it a little better there's some grains of sand in there otherwise that's a slam dunk of a dish i think i think the bread honestly needs to go into this sauce [Music] that is where it's at this is a tofu dish that everyone gets when they're here you dip it into uh shrimp paste to see and they brought over uh fish sauce in case we couldn't handle shrimp paste [Music] little do they know little did you know we think shrimp paste is amazing how do we eat this i'm not quite sure how this is supposed to be done i think you take a piece of the rice and maybe take a piece of the meat add your herbs just put this whole thing in your mouth delicious just so good everything is just so good and they brought over this dish i didn't order it they're so nice look at this king crab wow that is i think little chicharrons yeah a little fried pork cham on top king crab leg it's in the same tamarind [Music] sauce well king crab is great there's a reason they call this the king this sauce is unbelievable i think we need to get some rice and just put the sauce on the rice i think that's what we need to do oh yeah okay this is oh really river prawns oh thank you so much thank you wow haven't had something like this since i was in asia the smell of char grilled river prawns the size of this i remember this i've missed this and now i'm gonna have this they flew this in from vietnam they said wow best thing about the prom the noggin christine do you suck the brains out of the prawn you do right that's the best part oh this oh my goodness look at that that's just the best part of the prawn right there sweet and full with mommy oh it's so good it's so good so naturally sweet and the glaze to put on top from the outside this chamber and glaze pile of this world wow just finished everything fortunate turn of events i always believe this in life nothing happens by accident even the most miniscule things and that of course applies to food too like this is the third place we try to go for dinner and it turns out to be probably the best place i just call this food serendipity as always all the places i went to listed down below for you what a fantastic food there great beginning fantastic end definitely try this place out all right gotta go to bed see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,059,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filipino buffet, all you can eat buffet, all you can eat filipino food, filipino food, houston filipino food, filipino food houston, houston eats, vietnamese food, viet food, houston viet food, houston viet town, vietnamese, viet, houston vietnamese, vietnamese restaurant, viet restaurant, vietnamese seafood, viet seafood, seafood, buffet, all you can eat, eating, restaurant, dining, cook, cooking, houston, texas, houston texas, travel, tourism, tourist
Id: eMHkXbSIiSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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