BEST Ramen Noodles in New York! New York City Ramen Noodle Tour Part 2

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[Music] hey guys this is Mike Chen like I mentioned in the first ramen video there are just way too many great ramen places in New York City but you know what it's okay because it's gonna be my pleasure to eat through most of them and that's why I'm here in Long Island City New York that started the second New York City ramen tour you know the sequel the return of the brach and I am at a place I am super excited about because it's generally regarded as one of the best ramen places in New York City and it's a freezing cold day let's go get a hot bowl of ramen all right I'm first in line right now it's 4:30 p.m. and I heard from reduced at this place usually a line starts forming around like 4:00 or 4:30 maybe that's just on weekends but I didn't want to risk it but it's freezing cold so I'm gonna go inside and today all I had was some airplane food I had some dessert so I can't wait to go inside and get three bowls of ramen yeah I'm gonna get three plus a buncha appetizers so cold first away thanks honey I mean it's not really alone just me standing here although finally got inside this is a really small cozy place and there's four appetizers in four different ramen just got my appetizer stuffed chicken wing stuff with four Gua this is supposed to be like a spectacular appetizer back here the anticipation it's almost killing me right now look how massive decision it's up to dip the bottom in the strawberry we barking ha shoo shoo it's supposed to be cheese improv-y here Wow this is stuffed in all the right places my flavor is intense I mean without the gym I think it's fine what I love about this is just a different layer you fight it you get that crazy crunch from the outside then the tender chicken me which you think is already really tender then you bite into the fur gua nothing just dissipates actually this whole section is boneless so you can just take a bite of this entire part wow I've never had fried chicken with with Jam but that might be a great way to start eating fried chicken I honestly didn't know how much I was gonna like this but the yum factors off the truck this is moves version of okonomiyaki here they have smoked trout shaved bonito flakes syrup this is very New York also fish roll up pretty oh man there's a lot of surprises on this this is such a unique version of this dish the pink egg itself is fluffy beautiful pancakes sitting on a nice bed of syrup the fish brings in a light slightly savory slightly sweet element a very smoky element this is the perfect brunch item that's what's so New York about this and it's not heavy I'll finish this plate no problem masters great job you guys gotta get this mean Conrad how do you highly highly recommended wow thank you so much the first thing that comes to mind this is a work of art I don't think I got this emotional strand the Mona Lisa and Duluth because that's this really tiny and it was blocked by a sea of Chinese people whatever this is beautiful just gonna try the broth oh look at this look at his crane oh look how creamy that is Wow and that only tastes like liquid soap it tastes like smokey liquid soap I mean the amount of porky flavor in this broth is ridiculous Wow I've never had a ramen broth that was smoky the owner Joshua just told me that the smoky flavor is actually from black garlic who would have thought man that's interesting last fantastic the noodles itself very thin straight let's see how well the noodles grab onto the broth that grabbed on like a champ I never wanted that buy to end the smokiness of the broth transferred itself onto the noodles not only is the broth just absolutely fantastic hang on that's really good porky flavor but there's not a lot of fat in dish this little gelatinous which I think comes from the the tendons and the cartilage so it goes in I see a litter of live people goes down silky smooth hello pork chop oh you got to be careful with this thing treat this thing like an infant look at this it's just falling apart did I just drink that I'm sorry was that gone for a second here that's the most incredible piece of me who had ever synced into a bowl of ramen this was made by a magician I mean how else would he explain this thing disappearing in my mouth and me really in shock for like 20 seconds alright you know what before I go any further I gotta tried the egg before the yolk disappears on me I didn't know what could be creamier than this broth but that did it by far our best ball tonkotsu ramen pad in New York hands-down not even a close contest I don't even know what's better if the broth the noodles with the Splenda thing saved the best for last I'm just gonna stay here with my auntie Bo and just stuff reminisce for a while this fall is the move they only serve 20 bowls of these a day because this thing costs so much to make if he serves it like regularly the place will just go out of business and we don't want that because we need this ramen place here this broth bone marrow veal and oxtail Oh would that be filled that hit I hit me in the BMI it might be loving heart right here this reminds me of that $300 bowl of EPO soup I had in Taiwan I feel like you cool amount of richness almost as beefy as that in the Romney here okay this bowl of ramen the noodles are different this is more of the curly yellow ramen noodles man his noodles are chewy never had pickle and ramen before why not never had oh that's a spicy pickle - never had corned beef and ramen oh oh that corned beef just broke in half sorry I'll be more careful next time this thing needs a fragile sticker oh are you kidding me I reminds me of Kobe beef in Japan that the melty mess of it and guys not only that does not disappoint you a hundred percent you to come here and eat this thing right here I'm holding it between my chopsticks all right ramen bowl number three this is a lot different than a previous couple boil ramen I had this is shoyu ramen and traditionally this ramen is either made with chicken or dashi but this is me with Doc oh that's ducky all right definitely a lot of rich bit of chicken broth but I don't feel like it's overly boiled so she's got that extreme umami flavor and I remember the last ramen tour I did try a shoyu ramen but the soup was very enlightened was more soy sauce not as flavorful as dish all right let's dig into this I gotta tell you one thing about this place they give you a lot of food there's a lot of noodles in here again the pork here look at this it's ridiculous I'm glad I couldn't end it with a spool ramen because although it is very rich it's actually quite settling for my stomach so if you're ever in the mood for getting streamed bowl of duck soup with some ridiculous pork yeah this is your place place really see that all my expectations I mean I I knew this place was good I heard a lot of good stuff about it a lot of good reviews but to come here and eat it for myself Wow this might be my top two or maybe the best ramen experience I've had in New York City I think I like this place better than I ever Robin let's break it down in terms of Roth man that first Roth I'm still thinking about it right now I'm like every time I think about it I shake a little bit I'm gonna give that a perfect 5 out of 5 noodles spongy herby CLE with the soup two and a half out of five when it comes to value is price just like any other ramen place and actually explain to the breakdown off the prices and guys I'm telling ya for what I'm paying the quality here is unbelievable I also give that a 4.5 out of 5 that's an average of four point six six you know what I mean that means you need to come and eat at this place like like two nights I had a lot of gray ramen am I in my last food tour and I was hoping for a really strong start in my second one but now I'm feeling like not only did I get that strong start I'm out of petite I don't know I don't know what else kids could really top this but you know what that's the fun of food adventures so let's keep going onto location number two location overseer and date you I am at another one of the most famous ramen places in New York City total ramen this place is always packed I mean I got here at 12:00 it's packed I can't I went to what I figure was the least crowded location still packed but luckily I'm by myself so I was able to get a seat and I got there bestseller which is the makeup height I'm just a massive bowl ramen and chicken broth and this thing it's got a lot of stuff going on here this soup has garlic onions green sprouts scallions cabbage half a boiled egg and it's only been sitting here for about couple minutes you see it's already chilling on top give this a mix Wow look at this right away I can tell these noodles are gonna be chewy noodles not too thin not too thick also roasted chopped salt pork and check this out look at this pieces of pork with the skin on it and oh my god I lost my eggs somewhere there's a lot of meat in here this might be the ramen I've had so far with the most amounts of meats look at this this is just a big old piece of pork belly with tons of fat I'm gonna love the heck out of this it also gave me a big old cup of hot oil it'll try some garlic in there I'm gonna try the soup before I spice it up Walt this is there's a bi part that richest chicken brought that had it tastes almost a little bit starchy and ask your stir porky here at all bro no no it's chicken Wow well chase borderline like a pork broth so hard that the chicken broths I had it ramen I've been pretty thin a little more soy sauce flavor and that dish by far the richest silkiest chicken broth I've ever had thickness to know wow I just took a bite of that goes to garlic that's in there in contrast to MU ramen the garlic doesn't really provide much of a smoky flavor is this extremely garlicky a little bit bitter really nice right away I can say I'm gonna love these noodles I mean I don't want to judge a noodle just by looking at it I don't want to be superficial like that but it looked extremely good Wow a noodle suburban every mouth for I take you get a good amount of the suit in the pork so just look at it is this all scattered in the soup I feel like this is what also kind of thickens up the chicken broth oh that pork is caught if you get that beautiful porky flavor and just a hit of smoke every time you choose sorry I I think it's time to hot oil goes in here I just want to say on its own the broth is amazing I don't need this but I gotta know what is this like this looks like cowboy off with just a kind of garlic inside look at that spice clean to every strand of the beautiful golden noodles oh my goodness all the pork is just kind of broken up so every bite of noodles you take you got pork that the spice doesn't Rock holding on for dear life you've got the crunchy sprouts and onions and sometimes the cabbage can't wait to try this new and spiced up rocker now how I should it look spicy and it is spicy but it's also really flavorful numbing this to it and it doesn't overwhelm that's brought which I don't feel like anything really good because this broth is one of the most flavorful and richest broth I've ever had in New York so all that spice is gonna do it's gonna complement it that's perfect this is not a hyped up place take it a hundred percent back it up probably in terms of spicy ramen this might be the best thing I've had after an each one in Japan check out this egg we got about this called a spice in the egg for some porking here [Music] oh that's creamy the brothers cream iam the ager screaming from that exactly I think I got to try this fatty pork this is my scare people if you don't like fat this might scare you I mean this is intimidating right like all those bass on this oh that was a port symphony in my mouth I almost feel like I had a porch soup when I took that bike cuz all the fat just just rendered completely a little bit of chewy meat nice smoky flavor oh I think I found another piece of it this might be even better than the last piece because it's a little more even fat and meat and this time I eat it with a butter noodle that's but I had all day Bravo although keep on doing what you're doing look at this this is perfect on me - what place isn't the same as famous as he put all in my opinion ten times is better just wish your makeup ball I pick this ball here if I wasn't going anywhere else today I can knock back three more days isn't that good I mean I wish you out for like a ramen challenge I think I would that well the bottom is the best part all the scattered meat sunk all the spices this is probably the most flavorful part of Obama meal and I still got my big pieces on the pork I feel like something else that sets this place apart the roasted garlic is beautiful touch the broth in the spice it's not just spicing I love the peppery element to it it almost water line tastes like a super-rich brothy citron suit all right to break it down for make this really simple rock v we don't spill point five value $17.50 for that big bowl noodles yeah that's a four point five exceeded all my expectations one of my favorite places in New York - four - let's keep going location number three Wow - say that was a delicious bowl of ramen at toto as an understatement a bit like herding cattle because there's so many people in there didn't want to get you out but still I go back any day also when I came out there's a place right beside it that I remember last night I was at mu ramen the chef Joshua told me that that's his favorite place for ramen since it's next door let's go Wow so if you're seeing this you're at the bottom of the stairs the 20-minute wait not too bad pretty good price too this place is open by the same people that that's responsible for Toto and I heard if you come here we've got to get the tonkatsu you can actually customize your Robin a lot here you can choose your noodles you can choose to have wavy or straight noodles the firmness of the noodles and this is supposed to be their best seller I think this is a ton katsu ramen Wow but so true this spicy garlic ramen and that's just calling my name right there I would like straight noodles and I would like it very firm second Bowl ramen and in like 30 minutes I'm still going strong they're robbing to are walking team thank you so much check this out the spicy garlic ramen I think they're second most popular ramen here I'm gonna set the egg aside keep making the mistake of like mixing my egg in with a broth and then yolk all disappearance so I'm not gonna make that mistake this time well we do this choose big big pieces of roast pork and I think this black thing this is all spicy garlic sauce broth doesn't seem that rich worth thick [Music] it's spicy it's very soy sauce eat just like I thought brothers and that rich is creamy the broth does have some nice smokiness to it but I don't think this thing can afford apartment in here are shitty oh so maybe I didn't mix this well enough but for being a spicy garlic ramen it's kind of lacking the garlicky flavor that was so pronounced that mu and even over a toto but great aftertaste a little bit gelatinous these noodles actually look quite good the noodles are good I mean they're firm but just as I thought they're not able to grab on to the broth so well I feel like with this ramen you need to take about a noodles and just slurp a mouthful of rock that works these are two giant pieces of roast pork though [Music] that might be the best thing in this ball you know I have ridiculously porky it's one of the most tender pieces of rolls poor guy had in Robin doesn't have that smoky flavor because there's no blowtorch involved in this process still nice fatty flavor but I don't see I expected the garlic Robins to be more garlicky I mean don't get me wrong I like the flavor I love the mushrooms but haven't just had an extremely flavorful rich creamy bowl of total ramen this kind of lacks that well factor in to break it down Tim's a broth I give it a three and a half out of five noodles are good solid two out of five when it comes to value this is a $15 boil ramen which is probably one of the cheapest bowls of ramen I had in New York there's a lot of soup a lot of noodles inside this bowl so it will satisfy you but it won't you know completely satisfied so I'll give that a 3.5 out of 5 as well so even though over a total nextdoor it's really rushed feels like the service that people aren't aren't the nicest I would still choose to go there every single time yeah all right let's keep going this makes place I hear good things I'm here at Minka Romney and this is the last place I'm going to for this video first impression this place it's a cozy place in Alphabet City people you guys are really nice very nice thank you thank you for not hurting me like cattle I appreciate that they told me that the best seller here is a bowl of spicy miso ramen they had me at spicy thank you Wow third Bowl ramen for today I think I love rum a little too much really no reasonable wait I should still be excited for this boil ramen but yet I am let me just look at this beautiful thing this just kind of reminds me of staring into a beautiful orange sunset the only difference is the Sun has no core in the middle and you cannot eat the Sun but just just bite them putting this together I mean its its cause for excitement do you hear the crackling when they're roasting the cha shell with a blowtorch beautiful color there's black mushrooms corn bamboo shoots kind of surprising that hard boiled in the broth it looks thick it looks a bit spicy that's my favorite thing to do in ramen I mean as picturesque as ramen is as beautiful as it looks I just love mixing all the ingredients together get that piece of nori nice and soggy zorp that broth noodles beautiful golden color nice and curly rose pork looks beautifully tender I mean yeo-hwa I cannot wait for this thing to go into my mouth I can barely pick it up I think there needs to be instructions on how to do a CLE handle this piece of pork look at this thing I can cut this thing with chopsticks first things first let's try the broth I think this is my first bowl miso ramen in this video series whoa this is thick I can almost chew this bra it's a mixture of chicken and pork oh you can't absolutely taste that miso flavor that's strong miso flavor oh I can get drunk off this miso but seriously I might need a knife to cut this drop oh that is I feel like this is borderline not broth anymore it just borderline sauce I think cleaning sauce ain't nothing wrong with that though and no because the sauce is so thick I I know this noodle is gonna pick up a lot of it I mean let's just look at look at this you know this is gonna be a flavorful visit some spider-man noodles right here it is hanging on to that block for dear life happy ramen day to me Wow that is awesome and Wow is that me so ever pronounced we can taste the soy beans in here it's almost like a hint of Josh I'm in taste in this ain't nothing boring or ordinary about this ball I want to say just be more suited for like I like a dip ramen because the sauce is so flavorful and it is so thick but yeah I've never complained about too much sauce before I'm not gonna start now no I can't wait to bite into this report barely hang on to my chopstick oh did it look really tender and smoky because the bidet it is that's ridiculously in the mortgage shoe oh the more that smokiness resonates in your mouth our it's different than the total Orkut because total pork is more fatty but the lean part is still a bit chewy but this thing every bit of it that's really phenomenal the noodles are nice I feel it slightly over boiled and the spiciness of the spicy miso it's not overwhelming I would call this more milder special maybe this hard-boiled eggs just misunderstood I don't know hmm it's got a good mommy flavor all the way from the whites to the yolk it doesn't do that melty things you like a taste more like a Chee eggs in it it got typically fun in a bowl Ranma the star of this ball is a hundred percent from this port that is the shining star nothing the rest of this is bad it's just that the pork is that good I feel like my pork can't find it anymore because we just anticipate it into the broth and that makes me sad this is really delivering me the knockout punch I mean this is probably the most flavorful and heaviest ramen I had today I think next time I come here I'm gonna do the spicy miso as a dip ramen because to sue me all this broth I'm probably as sweet as I need I let's talk about this place I only try the spicy miso today and it turns a broth it's delicious it's also extremely heavy I'll give that a 4 out of 5 the middles a little less chewy than I like three and a half out of five for overall value that massive full ramen was $15 I mean I'll pay that much just for a few pieces of that beautiful pork so I'll give that a 4 out of 5 I like this place is cozy you can see the kitchen around it from there and you can see them actually blowtorching the pork now I've been to Paris and I've seen the Eiffel Tower this looks better I think I'm all ramen down today I have no idea how I'm gonna drive home that's um yeah let's go take a walk I love ramen days because afterwards it just feels so good to walk around on a chilly day with a belly full of warm soup noodles so a little recap I think the place I love the most in this video we really have to be a tie between mu and Toto and probably mu R is out just because it's a better atmosphere you get to sit down people are nice to you and no one's rushing you but oh my god that bowl of ramen at toto ever since I had it the next couple places I went to I still pop it up in my mind I feel like I was cheating on it with other ramen places oh and I insane porky tonkotsu ramen I move along with some of the best savory sweet spanked I've ever had you know I made a lot of memories on those ramen tour hi guys as always all the places I went to is listed in my description box below thank you so much for watching this ramen adventure you know till we eat again
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,342,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen noodle, ramen noodles, ramen soup noodle, ramen soup, japanese ramen, new york ramen, ramen new york, noodle soup, noodle, noodles, new york ramen noodle, ramen, japanese ramen noodles, japan ramen, best ramen, best new york, new york, food, restaurant, restaurants, foods, eat, eating, eats
Id: K5h0NZ-7BtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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