Brandon Lake - Create The Culture | Speaking Moment

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so I'm excited to share with you this morning for a few minutes it just entitled this this talk this is a move because it's kind of the best way to wrap up what I've experienced in the past year of my life and I know I wrote this it's you know leading a team to push for more how to turn up the spiritual temperature in a climate where it's been set for you to get a little give a little context I don't come from a church that looks sounds and operates like Bethel it's more of a stereotypical megachurch we have 14 campuses and I've been responsible for leading those worship leaders at those different campuses which has been an incredible honor and it's it's a just to give you an idea of where I'm speaking from it's kind of one of those we you know we do two songs upfront a 35 minute message two songs at the end and we're done our five our 10 anybody else kind of like that okay then you this is awesome okay so I'm going to be speaking out of a place of of this is yeah that's been my context essentially what this what really what this should be titled is how do you take Bethel home especially if your pastor doesn't want that I just know that's a reality for for many of you I I don't know if I want that you know so I love that you came to this class probably means you're like a little worship misfit you know a little problem problem maker but no no so just a little bit of backstory so that that's been my normal context year after year and then something happened one of my best friends who is our music director his name's Micah he had a disease for about four or five years and they basically couldn't really figure out what it was but they got it close they said it's it's probably the MS of the gut so Micah sometimes when we'd be leading worship he literally would have to go off the stage and he'd be laying on the floor vomiting blood really really serious he got you know skinny as a twig couldn't eat anything just crazy crazy it just it took over his life and his his wife is is like a nurse so um it's just kind of crazy you know she was so dedicated to figuring out what this was but we but really couldn't figure it out couldn't get him healed and then one day we had a friend tell Micah hey there's this guy in Nashville you should you should have him call and pray over Micah he's actually really well known well in at least if you're kind of underground if you look at who writes what worship songs great songwriter names Joshua's Silverberg and he just carries this grace for healing and some of you guys know who that is awesome he wrote miracles so he calls Micah one day and they played phone tag and finally gets get told this is really cool too in my one of my other sessions I said trust the nudges and I'm not gonna say this to like take credit but I will say cuz that happened I remember a few days before this I remember going up to Micah and I was like I don't know why cuz you've been prayed over for years I don't know why but I feel like God's gonna heal you really soon I mean I don't know I mean I know why but I feel like it's about to happen it's coming really soon but when it when it happens it's gonna be put on display so that thousands of people can get healed from your story and it was like two or three days later Joshua Silverberg I'm gonna try to make this fast cuz I'm gonna get to my practical points but basically calls him over the phone Nashville to Charleston fifteen minutes go by nothing happens he's like okay he's all right let me pray again let's let's go back in starts praying again all of a sudden boom electricity just starts coursing through his body his wife's right there he's like babe this is crazy but like my body's like like I literally feel that electricity and so all of a sudden all his symptoms go away Mika's completely healed and so he says go to you know test it out and so he goes outside he could never run he just played basketball the time couldn't play basketball he would just start throwing up it wouldn't make him super nauseous and so he got so started and he just starts doing laps around his house and he's like I'm completely different like I'm completely healed and so that what that did for us is when you experience something like that you can't go back and so my church found out my pastor found out about that and so we're like so might then my pastor's sister has cancer and so he's like well let's have Joshua come in and pray for her but I don't want to limit it to just her like let's have him pray for the whole church and when I heard him say one time from the platform hey we're gonna gather for our monthly worship night so we have our weekends of it once a month worship night where we got a little bit more flowy if you heard my other session it was more like let's do a few more choruses a few more bridges and that was about as you know freaky let's get weird as as as we as we got definitely not some of the stuff you saw up here last night you know which by the way was a writing session I don't know if you guys caught on to that but we basically wrote that's we're writing that song as we anyways where was I so he hears about it we like hey let's bring Joshua Silverberg in he prays for our church that our worship night none of us Oh what I was gonna say is when I heard him say hey we're gonna have this worship night and I'm just gonna call it we're gonna call it a miracle night I was like what like that's how like are you see are we doing this like what so it's so cool and so Joshua comes he brought a friend with him and they pray over our church we have 800 people show up that night and over 200 people were healed we started at 6 o'clock I remember getting pulling into my driveway at 2:37 a.m. I I couldn't believe it like and we had a meeting the next day to talk about like upcoming series and all that kind of stuff like very mega church type stuff I am great stuff but and we literally just sat there and we just told story after story after story the next morning we like and so then we're like let's do it again so we had another worship night the next month 3000 people showed up several hundred people were healed that night again got home at 3:00 a.m. it was the craziest thing ever and it's so that began a conversation what do we do Mike holy spirits wrecked our church you know in the best way and so that's kind of we started to wrestle with with is there is there a lot more that we're missing out on and so we've made small adjustments on the weekend to prioritize that but here's the thing Sunday is still are we are laser focused on the first-time guests and we're still trying to figure out what's comfortable how far do we go how you know and I know it's a silly question but and I'm still wrestling with that because I want to get I want holy spirit I want God I want his plan I don't want mine but how many of you know like you still got to create a flow on Sunday you guys still you know have an idea of what you're gonna do and so that's kind of where we've where we've been but we've had we've positioned the prayer team down front they were hidden in the back so people felt comfortable you know now we put them up front because we've realized as people are being prayed for it gives other people courage to like actually go up and receive prayer and we've seen breakthrough weekend after weekend after weekend with still are two songs message two songs flow you know so we've seen em SEO we've seen backs healed shoulders knees I literally watched my friend be given arches and her feet that was the first night she had flat feet and as we prayed for her to she just said it was the last person we prayed for and she's like this sounds silly but I just want I just want arches I've had flat feet my whole life and so our friend West just goes down and kneels down touches her foot and just says so arches grow right now in Jesus oh my goodness and it was literally like her it was literally like that was just like ma'am and we're all well you know I start doing laps around the church there's like only five people in the church at this point like we're literally ready to go home and I just start run and does so great the first time I've ever seen anything like that on Torah we watched this was right after this which is so cool trust God's timing too because I never would have known how to lead a room in a time of ministry time of healing hadn't it been for those guys modeling it for me and then God sends me on tour with Bethel and we get a text from Bill Johnson that says hey I heard there's miracles breaking out on the East Coast has no idea it's my church and that I'm on the bus getting ready to start tour that I'm a representative of that church he goes but I heard miracles are breaking out in the East Coast somewhere Jenna I think you guys are supposed to go after healing on tour didn't have that in the plan is you know a bunch of songs compassion all that bit but but not that and so we're like art let's carve out time I remember Jen looking I mean she's like hey we're gonna co-lead this thing and I'm like what I don't know what to do and then I just I was like okay I'm just gonna do what I saw Joshua's Silverberg do you know and and we saw crazy amount of healing on tour like literally if you saw an Instagram this dude had like hunter one night called out medal this got a huge metal plate in his leg and it completely disappeared dissolved and then he's like I've never felt flesh and bone there in like 13 years so cool anyways I'll to say you can experience those things in in your church I really believe that you can how many of you know God is always moving but there are special moments where I believe he pours his spirit out in greater measure and in certain seasons for whatever whatever reason and that's what we've kind of been in and here's why this is important to God is always moving but we we can kill it I think we can kill it and if enough people get in the way I don't I don't know exactly how it works but I know that we can stop it I've been there I've felt it so there are a few things in this season I'm realizing really move the heart of God and this is from personal experience and that keeps this movement alive I'm gonna get to the practical stuff and I'll fly but just a few things hunger hunger is so important this movement we're experiencing did not by the way start with our leadership it started with our worship team our worship team has been the hungriest department and people group in our church and our leadership has caught on and heard about it and it's it's honestly that's just because our worship team is I think been the hungriest people in the church um so how is your hunger level I think about the woman with the blood issue who literally fought her way through the crowd she didn't wait for Jesus she reached out and grabbed his robe are you that hungry is your worship team that hungry another thing hunger obedience will you literally do anything that he tells you I'm seeing a lot of people that say they want to move of God they want to experience that in their church but they're they're not very willing to do what God wants them to do cuz it's extremely uncomfortable it's not always the crowd-pleasing thing to do so question a wrestle with are you giving the people in your church are you giving the people what they want in a service are you giving God what he wants definitely want to be obedient to whatever he says not what we come up with and a lot of times we partner with God and our ideas are his heart but be careful not to do something just because you know it makes the people on the on the weekends happy you know and then last one persevering faith I love this when Jesus looks at Peter and says you have little faith the word faith in this text refers to persevering faith it wasn't one of size but of endurance so we're not talking about loving people praying for people walking them through their mass just a few days of out of the year will you literally do whatever to love people every single day and every moment you come in contact with them our church did all of a sudden experience this outbreak of healing because we prayed once like we want to see healing and then boom this is I'm talking about our churches like 30 years old and who knows this could be accumulation of prayers and faith year after year after year so like have faith that is enduring that that persevere is like this isn't gonna change for you overnight you're not going to necessary and I pray it does but can you stick in there can you hang in there it's a it's gonna probably look more more like baby steps and baby steps and pray or after prayer after prayer and then you never know when it's just gonna like break open like what we've been experiencing so if you want to experience a move of God you've got to realize that it starts with you and your own personal revival like I said with our worship team you have to take the responsibility and realize that if you're gonna experience it it's got to start with you you have to have a personal revival so I would really look inward and go what is my relationship with God was my hunger look like with God is it something that I love this quote light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn it's about John Wesley light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn are you burning are you burning the only way I know to catch up my team and get them involved and get them excited about pushing for more is if I'm on fire I've got it that's got to look at R acting you know and like it's only moves like a wildfire because it started with a few and we've just burned so passionately and we've not given up and we've had faith that was just enduring and just we've prayed a time and time again and it's eventually caught other people on fire so just know like no one's gonna light that fire for you you've got to light it you gotta let Jesus light that fire that's got to be cultivated it's got to be created it's got to be ignited between you and your relationship with God okay so some practical stuff I think I have like 10 or 11 points or something is this cool is this good all right let me start with the one that's like the least fun but you just have to know to experience and to push for more experience move of God you've got to honor your leadership this has been a challenge for us lately for us again like I said our worship team's been the Pioneers for this and we've watched our leadership catch on and I don't say that to dishonor them it's just they've literally said that from the platform our worship team is pushing us to go after more but you have to be in alignment with your senior leader or it's not going to happen or it won't last I know it kind of stinks to hear this but like I say it because it's it's good for you like you need to know this because it's it could be super frustrating if you're pushing and you're pushing and they're not on board you're gonna be frustrated time and time again when you align your culture with your primary leader he becomes a co champion to your culture and that's what you want you do not want your senior leader to be against you huh like I said realize it's gonna take some time baby steps are important please don't leave your ministry just because it's taking them time to come around I think we get really really quick we're quick to want to give up or it also please like with those things when you're frustrated and you're waiting keep your mouth shut don't talk don't like if you're if you're gonna complain if you're going to throw up do it up not down don't do it with people in your team or even people beside you if you're gonna complaint complaint up go to your your leader and say hey this is what I'm wrestling with help me understand help me help me know how to handle it handle this thing it says if your worship culture and your pastors vision don't align you'll always be disappointed frustrated be willing to have the hard conversations and see their side a lot of times I've been like why don't we do this why don't we add that it uh like really really simple practical thing I want to add more worship time on the weekend I mean if you know that effects not just what's happening in the main room but that means ten more minutes of those amazing people watching your crazy children who are freaking out they're hungry they're crying so realize this every decision you make affects multiple multiple people and departments and so realize that it's not as easy as just going hey can sometimes it is but can we can we add another song can we do this ask yourself before even present that who's this going to affect and how can I come up with a solution before hand or even rally those team leaders those departments that go hey how do you feel about this I was going to present this to my leader how do you feel about this which your team be equipped to handle ten more minutes where they how do you feel about it okay know the purpose for each one of your experiences like I said our Sunday context is I mentioned this and my another talk but think about it is like rooms in a house our weekend we're unapologetic about it it's for the first-time guests and we want them to feel comfortable we want their family to come back and so there's gonna be some things we're just gonna steer away from and we're not going to go for I guess if you say I don't know and so that's our living room culture the first time you bring someone over your house where do you bring them the living room you're not gonna like if you have a best friend like girlfriends y'all probably cool with like bringing your girlfriend into your bedroom and you know I don't know that sounds super weird but you know what I mean like you know there let me say this when we have people over the first time my wife definitely is not letting our bedroom door just be open for them to see what our bedroom looks like you know what I'm saying but if it's like my best friend or like my brother-in-law like she doesn't care but a lot of times I've heard her say she's like shut the door they're about to be here you know and and so I think for us the weekends was living room and then our first Wednesday the first once a month we did these worship nights and that has come like healing miracle night that that was like our bedroom culture that was our core team we're where we are comfortable going for more and we are comfortable with not having to explain everything if that makes sense you know so just know the purpose for your worship experience what is the ultimate goal besides the obvious of worshiping God alright number two so honor your leadership number two be the thermostat not the thermometer set the temperature every time you gather I don't care how tired you are I have come in to Sunday mornings exhausted frustrated but it have made it my goal to put that stuff aside and realize that it's my responsibility and my opportunity to set the temperature no one else is gonna set it for me but I get to set the temperature and even if you're on the front row and you're not on the platform you can set the temperature in the room I've watched time and time again a worshipper on the front row like be so expressive and responsive to God it's lit the whole room up and encourage me at the same time some of you your team needs to know that you're a worshiper like one of the best things you could do is get on the front row while your team is leading and go harder after God than then count like encourage them challenge them are the best things my pastor said is I dare you to go after God harder than me this year like I dare you to and so be willing to show them that be the hungriest in the room no matter no matter what number three I got to go I got six minutes my goodness never stop never stop expecting God to move Mike what am i another one of my favorite quotes is expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles what kind of breeding ground are you creating with your team if you're expecting the same experience weekend after weekend that's probably what you're going to get man you guys gives himself number four never stop communicating the why if you're a leader of your team can't stress this enough proverbs obviously 2918 you've probably heard this word there's no vision the people perish vision leaks so as you're pushing for this realize that your team's coming probably allow your team's coming to run through rehearsal just coming from a nine-to-five job they're frustrated at their boss you know they're not coming in going I'm expecting a move of God today you know so you have to you have to communicate that over and over and over again vision leaks so don't people don't connect people to the what you're doing connect them to the why and they'll stay on on board and keep keep just when you get to the point you're like I am annoying the bejesus out of my team with saying this is why we're doing it this is why we're doing it this is why we're doing it it's because of him it's because of her it's because of this just when you're annoying the heck out of them you're they're probably just now getting it I'm telling you remind them why we're doing songs about miracles remind them why we're carving out time to pray before service after service what then we're gonna stay late and pray for people why okay never say my people won't XYZ as their leader never say my people won't respond in worship my people just won't pray my people that just they won't sing loud how many of you have said that like I'm like my people they just won't lift their hands they won't as their leader it's our responsibility to help them understand why we do those things and so saying my people won't I would encourage you to say this I have not led my people to raise their hands or understand why they would raise their hands I have not led my people our people to understand why we sing out why we shall you've got to be where a worship teacher not just a worship leader carve out time to teach people why we do this alright number five share stories literally last night I think all we did was share stories about how God's moving and nothing just ignited the fire kept the fire burning like from literally it's ready do laps last night just hearing some of these stories share stories with your team the easiest way to get them stoked into connecting them to the Y is by putting a face on it like reminding them this person's life like Micah's life was forever changed and now mike has become this radical prayer and just has this grace for healing and like remind your team they're not coming in thinking about those things all the time I carry these stories like in my back pocket essentially everywhere I go because I know it ignites faith for other people number six celebrate is often as possible get creative with the ways you celebrate these stories of life change like I said that's the other day but you'll eventually suffocate what you don't celebrate celebrate culture that you want to see repeated celebrate behavior that you want to see repeated little parenting tip as well we literally have a wall at our church where we write down all the like really cool stuff that God is doing and I'm prophesying we're gonna have a wall that is full of wheelchairs and everything that people been delivered from signs that they've been you know cancer reports like you know healed gone like I want a wall just to remind people why we do what we do I got to move really fast number seven get creative when it comes to programming moments get really creative make it really hard for your pastor to say no because of all the great ideas that you have make your weekend experience just ask this question how can I make it ten percent better this weekend or one percent better excuse me one percent better how if every week how can I make it one percent better or push for a little bit more take baby steps practical just worship leader thing I have a I have a note in my phone that's called flowtown and it is all the songs I know like I could pull out at last second between songs and just like you know and so a lot of times before I got first set I'll just kind of remind myself Jesus we love you greater you Lord what a beautiful name here for you this is a move plug this is amazing grace better is one day miracles Holy Spirit build my life oh praise the name holy ground healer bless Lord greater you Lord so good you can do it twice so crowned it's surrounded God is so good art God reigns reckless love how great thou art how great are God like there's so many songs that you could send this to your team and go hey be ready for any of these they're so simple and just a really practical way just like get your team ready for flow for like a flow moment if if that happens the last thing you want to do is get ready for like be so excited like we have an opportunity to flow but then like no one knows what to do or like where to go you know so just have have some options in your back pocket number eight pray a lot prayer is isn't a part of the ministry it is the work of the ministry if you don't have a praying team you're not gonna have a team that experiences the supernatural create moments my team is now a praying team we're now it's like okay guys we really have to get to run through now but it was not that way and we've had to create space where it's been awkward at first but create awkward space to give your people a chance to step out and pray if you're always talking always praying it's never gonna give them opportunity to stretch that that muscle okay it's not a movement if it's just you there's got to be a second person a movement was never started by one person it was always started when the second person started following the one so make sure it's not just you prophesy a lot write what you want to see speak what you want to see also speak life don't say here's what I'll challenge you with even when you're leading use language like I'm so grateful that our church is a worshiping Church I'm so grateful that our God as you go into a song about healing I'm so grateful that our church values healing and praying for people even if you don't really see that speak it over them and help them see that you're right I do love to worship you know I do value praying for people and seeing healing prophesy a lot Snoopy's sneaky with it to put it in your songs if your pastor is like I'm cool with you doing a new song but I don't want you preaching and talking about prophecy what we did is we wrote a song called prophesy and so we're singing it but they're not like cool necessarily me taking ten minutes and going hey can I let me help let me help you teach it look you know let me let me speak about this we just put it in a song might be a sneaky way to do it number ten know that miracles start with a mess praying for miracles isn't sexy it's hard it's fun to pray for someone and see and it's amazing to see a breakthrough but when you have to walk with somebody through cancer month after month year after year until it's healed it's not fun we're not pushing for more to brag about it we're doing it because we love people so just remember it's all about people and the miracle isn't the goal it's a goal but the person heal delivered save restored and God receiving the glory from it that's the goal all right I'm out of time I love you guys [Music]
Channel: WorshipU by Bethel Music
Views: 55,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Lake, WorshupU, Bethel Music, Bethel Worship, Speaking Moment, Speaking, worship leading
Id: IBI_eRk2crA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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