Will Smith, Vladimir Putin, and When Rules Get Broken

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there was uh one celebrity who slapped another celebrity um in the face so uh as you probably know already the slap heard round the world um the academy award for best slacker slapter went to will smith [Music] hi my name is father mike schmitz and this is ascension presents so earlier this week i i rarely talk about current events you might have picked up on that for this this youtube channel this podcast um but earlier this week there was a thing called the oscars and at the oscars chris rock was doing what hosts of award shows do and was kind of gently ripping people in the in the audience and at one point he made fun of the fact that uh will smith's wife jada pinkett smith uh didn't have any hair called this he said she was up for gi join two at first will smith laughs then he realizes so she's not happy about this now but the backstory of course is that his wife has an illness that is causing her hair loss and so then will smith walks up to the stage and he slaps chris rock across the face and then sits back down and chris rock is kind of stunned and will smith says some harsh words he sits back down and then says were some words about not don't not talking about my wife i will edit them uh because he uh doesn't use words that we use on this channel um don't talk about my wife essentially and why am i talking about this because this is not that kind of channel that talks about things like that and yet i thought you know what this is intriguing i was really intrigued by the whole concept um here's why not because whether this was a virtuous act on the part of a man defending his wife's honor or something like that like whether that was virtuous or not virtuous i'm not going going to weigh in on that what i found was fascinating was the reality that okay here we are and um if that were to happen at i don't know the iron rail saloon in downtown brainerd minnesota they'd be like oh yeah that makes sense if that were to happen in another context the context of you know here's a bunch of guys you know college party and they're out and someone makes fun of someone else's girlfriend yeah you would expect that kind of thing to happen those are the contexts where we oh this is expected that's that's what happens the fascinating thing is both of these men are wearing tuxedos you know everyone around them is dressed in this glamorous way that this night in fact is so predictable that you know the only way this could be real if is if it was staged right that's like the impression we have and yet in the middle of civilization you have this like essentially what you might even call this most basic of responses to someone being insulted someone being threatened and you have violence in fact i remember uh listening to a clinical psychologist who talked about the fact that you know um every male interaction is is it's given boundaries by the fact that there is an underlying threat of violence that that when it comes to men interacting with other men there's always the thing one of the things that keeps us in check is the reality that there's always an underlying threat of violence and that i look around my life look around the world and i think that's true that's really fascinating especially in the context of the academy awards especially in the context where everything is glamorous where where people seem very very civilized where people are wearing tuxedos you don't expect this most basic of human responses to insult those most basic human responses to honor the most basic human responses to any kind of threat right and so it's just fascinating and i thought why are we talking about this so much well why am i even making a video about this because this is where we live we live in a place where we're so used to things being stable right we're we're so used to the rules the rules are i mean i think about this when it comes to chris rock as a stand-up comic he'd be used to hecklers right he's completely because that's the rules that he uses his words he makes fun of people in the audience people in the audience they might use their words back but that's the thing that battle becomes a battle between words who can use their words more cleverly it is not a thing that in stand-up uh shows in comedy clubs that you can jump up on stage and actually punch the comic like that doesn't i mean it can happen obviously but that's beyond the rules right the rules are i use my words you use your words and then we'll see who wins with their words this was like a break of the rules and that's what's so fascinating what happens when the rules get broken what happens when things aren't stable anymore what happens when civilization shifts i mean we've experienced this over the last two years when it came to the pandemic everyone is like okay just this is how life goes you just get up you go to walmart you pick up your toilet paper you go to target whatever the place is you get your toilet paper and you leave some for everyone else and then all of a sudden wait a second will there be enough toilet paper who knows i will take as much as i possibly can because when things start to fall apart people act differently right when when things become unstable all of a sudden the rules seem optional i mean even think about ukraine right now i mean this is what making the leap from will smith and chris rock to vladimir putin russia and ukraine why because this is where human nature reveals itself we are used to living in a world that you know you turn on the light switch and the lights come on where you use the faucet and water comes out where you flush the toilet and it goes away we're used to that we just say that's how things work that's not how things work that's how they get to work when everyone does their part but that's unusual like that is in some ways it's unprecedented in human history that electricity is predictable it's unprecedented in human history that plumbing is predictable it's unprecedented in human history that when it snows up here in the north that there's going to be people who get into trucks and they get the snow off the roads that's unpredictable expect that that's what's going to happen so we get lulled into this false sense of security this is what always happens people are just good and then they get pushed and then there comes someone who says i'm not going to obey the rules and you realize what do you do then when will smith got up wait a second this is outside the rules what do you do then when kovit happens okay this is outside the rules what do we do then when vladimir putin invades ukraine like wait a second what do you do then one of the things we need to be as christians we need to be smart right jesus even said it he said yeah be simple as dubs but be as clever as serpents meaning many things but one of those things is no human nature like understand human nature in fact in john's gospel it says that jesus he didn't trust himself to the people around him because he knew human nature he knew that he couldn't trust himself to our brokenness no yes i mentioned like when it comes to our catholic perspective on human beings and human dignity and our identities human beings are good but broken right so we're still good we still have this intrinsic goodness but we also have this brokenness and in that brokenness we are willing to abuse other people's goodness we're willing to use other people's goodness we're and we can become so comfortable so comfortable with the fact that we're good but broken that we forget the part that we're broken and yet still good does that make sense and so what happens in a moment like the oscars in a moment like covet and in a in a potentially world changing moment like russia invading ukraine we have to stop and say okay what am i called to do when things aren't stable how am i called to respond when things are like someone's breaking the rules here gosh think about it this way uh it's really easy to say that when everyone's at peace when most world nations are at peace with each other like oh yeah we can we can have international trade we don't really need to have our own oil right this is kind of the situation we don't need our own oil we'll just buy other peoples and all of a sudden when those other people are now in charge and they're not playing by the rules it's like well be really nice to have some oil right now or it's really easy to make fun of people who want to have guns in their homes like what do you have a deer what are those deer wearing flak jackets kind of a situation but then you say wait a second here's the people of ukraine that are needing guns to simply defend their own lives against an invading country again yes maybe when when things are at peace those seem extraneous right they seem completely unnecessary but we all know that while human beings are good we're still broken it's what we need to do is we need to be prepared we need to be prepared because maybe maybe i'm going to be asked when someone breaks the rules i might be asked to stand up and fight when someone breaks the rules i might be asked to lay down my life in martyrdom the issue is i need to be prepared because people won't always follow the rules so when the rules get broken what do i do again am i called to stand and fight am i called to to give my life as a witness am i called to give my life as as an act of self-sacrifice that is so important for all of us to pray about and to really wrap our minds around because the day is going to come when we don't we flick on the switch and the light's not going to come on the days is going to come when we turn on the faucet and nothing comes out the day's going to come when we're reminded once again of the fragility of life and the beauty of costco the beauty of life because this is amazing the fact that the lights are on right now is incredible the fact that we at least in the united states and canada and this is part of the hemis part of the world we're living in peace right now that's insane that's incredible it's a gift the fact that people in ukraine and other places in the world are experiencing the lack of peace they're experiencing war is horrible how can we be prepared for that day this is the last thing on that day how we're called to act we're called to act like jesus we're called to respond like christ yeah and there were times when he flipped tables and drove the money changers out of the temple and there was a time when he allowed himself to be overwhelmed by suffering he gave his life as a ransom but in all those things whether he was flipping tables or whether he was giving his life and laying it down as a sacrifice the son of man came to serve not to be served and so in every moment we get to ask the question okay where can i serve here is the united states that's where i'm at um where can i serve when people follow the rules where can i serve when people don't follow the rules here here are the people in europe the people of ukraine where can i serve people in russia where can i serve like the question every christian gets to ask is how can i act like jesus in all in a world that's stable but also when life becomes incredibly unstable how can i be like jesus because sometimes i'm called to pick up a whip accords and sometimes i'm called to sacrifice and lay down my life but every time i'm called to ask the question where can i serve we might live in a place of stability right now but we know something about stability is stability is incredibly unstable and what seems permanent will not last forever so we are simple as doves and as clever as serpents and we want to be ready ready for that moment when someone says i know what the rules are but here i am breaking the rules okay what do i do then that seems to be a way to prepare to be wise and to pray about it and bring it to the lord and say god how do you want me to respond is a way to prepare to live like jesus anyways that's what i'm thinking uh i don't know maybe you don't like the fact that i brought up the will smith chris rock thing i don't know also ukraine we are so much we're praying obviously because this isn't just about these two countries this is about a potential worldwide catastrophe we all know that and so we're praying this is not a laughing matter not a light thing to do but we're praying why because life is unstable and we need god so much we need to be ready we need to be ready to be strong and courageous in this world where can i serve and i meant the end but now i said more things at the end for all of us here at ascension presents my name is father mike god bless [Music] you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 224,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, catholic motivation, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, michael schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, fr mike schmitz, will smith, chris rock, will smith and jada pinkett smith, will smith slap, vladimir putin, putin news, putin latest speech, ukraine news, will smith slapping a guy, ukraine russia conflict explained, ukraine latest news
Id: FcSk2257IT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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