Branded by Burning: Part 2 | Pastor Kim Owens | February 23, 2020

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[Music] is going the key sweet [Music] three this is a nation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] because it's the Bernie thank you Jesus [Music] let's pray the Holy Spirit come on just 30 seconds we'll have y'all stay just a moment come on hand a little shiver today I will be dealing with specifically [Music] concerning a revival of fire if you were here last week heard my ex rotational this revival is a revival of fire [Music] I say today that revival widespread revival in America currently not only in the past currently demands bold revivalists who fear the Lord who burned for him and for his purposes for his person and for his purposes and the byproduct of boasts is a burning of boldness everybody say a burning of boldness in the book of Acts and I mentioned it last week when they saw the confidence the Bible says when they saw the confidence and they saw the boldness of Peter and John and the Apostles the Bible says they knew they had been with Jesus when we are with Jesus we will be imparted a confidence and a boldness that is not of this world it's not of our flesh it's not of our intellect but it is only coming from the power of the Holy Ghost amen so revive spread revival in America needs bold revivalist of fire who fear the Lord who burned for him and His purposes in the byproduct is a burning of boldness the fire of God wants to once again rest upon the church in America I want to read something to you this morning because it is as we have been singing as we've been praying and decree and declaring I'll read this and I'll let you be seated this morning and in case I forget I apologize to the PowerPoint person because you will be utterly confused so just pray in the Holy Ghost and he will guide you because I've switched some things up today deleted and added and it's all good amen but I believe the fire of God is we've been singing and saying and praying this morning with all of my heart wants to rest upon the Church of America today most definitely the spirit filled churches are those that call themselves that in name only but they don't practice it God wants to burn in our churches again with Holy Ghost fire yes to burn sent out and to burn idols out but also to burn within us that spirit of burning that I talked about last week that we have such a sold-out nacinda stemple world will stand before our our our walk with the Lord our our relationship with the Lord and and that nothing will contain the fire that burns within us when the fire of the Holy Ghost manifests the supernatural realm of God comes and dwells amongst his people and dwells in this earthly atmosphere I am praying and looking and aggressively pursuing the day when we will witness the fire of God and manifestations so strongly not only in this house but in our families and in on our jobs and on the street corners and in the grocery stores that it overwhelms and it overtakes and that sick bodies are healed and that tormented minds are set free that words of wisdom and words of knowledge are given and the byproduct is is that it shocks people that there is a supernatural power that is not a psychic power it is not a demonic power but it is the only true power of the universe and that is our God hallelujah Jehovah God Jesus Christ Yeshua I'm gonna be reading from you flash that picture up there very quickly I'm gonna be reading to you from one of our one of our curriculums in our school of revival Mantle's school of revival this book will be in the third tier they're not covering this much they've already finished the first book of this but this book will be covered in the third level or tier and it's about Pentecost it's about the history everybody say we need the fire of God again what you're looking at on this the screen there is an artist's rendering of the building at 3:12 Azusa Street when they literally in the natural saw the flames of the fire of God that was coming from the supernatural literally tangibly looking like it was burning the actual building from the outside and this artist through other account with eye witness accounts and possibly herself began to draw or drew what they described that the fire looked like from the outside the fire department was called many times to 312 Azusa Street and I read and I quote the Chicano glory was another fascinating feature of the Azusa Street revival it was the constant abiding and the visible presence of God which many said was like breathing in pure oxygen one observer said that when William Seymore came down which means he came down from upstairs and and down into the the service or the gathering of worshipers and then the heavenly choir started singing literally it was angels singing in the atmosphere they said the Shekinah glory would rise and fill the whole room and you could breathe so much better as if the room were filled with pure oxygen sometimes the visible mist mist was about a foot high in the room and people would lie down in it just so they could breathe in God's glory one woman who was only a toddler during the revival at that time later when she grew up she told how she loved to attend the meetings with her mother and crawl under the Pew and take a nap and only to awaken later and play with the thick mist of glory and Chicana that filled the room sometimes williams seymour would wave his foot and play with the mist other times the mist would become so thick that it would rise and the whole building would be like solomon's priest in the old testament when they praise god and the whole cloud of glory filled the temple many at Azusa Street walked in the mist set in the mist and Rand their hands through the midst of glory and breathed it into their lungs no one could actually capture it one brother tried in a jar to capture and the next morning it was gone some said that whenever the spirit started moving the substance began to glow even brighter and others said when the glory manifested like this miracles happened and Azusa Street it was reported and documented not only by Christians and by those of the revival but those in the secular world that flames often appeared outside the building and they were captivating as the glory of God inside many confirmed that when the greatest miracles were happening inside that was when you could see the flames above the building outside the fire department was called on several occasions as passers-by reported flames leaping from the rooftop is anybody bored in the room yet some said the flames could be seen as far away as Grand Central Station one said it looked like flames about fifty feet in the air coming down and was going up and out of the roof to meet and merge and go through the flame that was coming down that's the the drawing that you are looking at a lady named sister Kearney went outside to investigate and when she went outside to investigate because most the time they couldn't get everyone into the building and it just so happened that John G Lake was standing outside come on somebody and she asked him to explain to her what was happening he said the fire was coming down from heaven into the building and the fire was going up from the building and meeting the fire that was coming down again she walked about a half a block away as she began to see the awesome site for herself on one occasion when the flames were dancing on the rooftop William Seymore approached a man with a wooden leg [Applause] and he said what did you come here for obviously was many many many years ago he said I want you to pray for my leg because it's starting to get gangrene where the leg attaches the man immediately removed a wooden leg and stood before William Seymore on his one good leg William Seymore laid hands on the man and proclaimed this let thy name be glorified in the name of Jesus he said I command this leg to grow out all this is happening while the flames are dancing on the top of the building and the people around the city are calling the fire department and he said to the man you're gangrene is gone and you are healed and suddenly now with two legs the man ran up on the platform and around the room and the crowd went wild no one could get him to stop rejoicing and praising God needless to say William Seymour did not have to preach that night while the flames were dancing on top of the building and the people in the city were calling the fire department and the media was showing up and saying what is happening [Music] [Music] [Applause] another time when the flames were on the rooftop William Seymore approached a man who had lost his arm ten years earlier in an accident it was severed at the shoulder and brother Seymour asked the crowd would you like to see God have a wonderful time here tonight some of you may remember the man's leg that grew out about a year ago he said and he asked the one-armed man can you work with just one arm and the man said I am only given minimal paying jobs I can barely make enough of money to eat William Seymour like a good pastor says that's not good this man needs to work because he needs to pay his tithe I'm quoting glory then he slapped the man on his shoulder and commanded the arm to grow out and almost instantly it grew out the man stood in total shock and he started moving his new arm and feeling around and feeling it with the other hand all by the miracle of God a few weeks later the man returned with 200 people with him telling everyone at the meeting this is a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fire can go mix your hands or pray with me right now I decree in the name of Jesus that the fire of God will once again rest upon the church in the United States of America i prophesy that the fire of God wants to rest upon this church and every church pastor you are watching by line on line the fire of God wants to come to your church I want the I want the the the camera that they hold and and go around I want that to come up here very quickly I'm being obedient to the Holy Ghost don't worry I got plenty of message to preach today and I was trying to be obedient to the Holy Ghost said little shaky oh there you are already God that kind of frightened to me he's like right there handle Shabak or sicker be ARMA and am I so tired I say pastor those of you who are watching right now live and those of you who will be watching this on YouTube or Facebook later he still longs for leaders who will welcome his fire into their midst the rebels have other be attack but as leaders in the body of Christ we have bought a lie we have been guilty of just doing whatever it takes to fill empty seats whatever gimmick we have to do whatever we have to do to convince people to entertain them whenever we have to do to appease them to come back to fill the seats can I tell you that you can have seats that are filled but hearts that are void of a burning for Jesus Christ now I do agree that there can be fully filled seats and they can be burning for God I believe that and that is what we are continuing for but I'm about to do something right now and I'm doing it for the pastor's that are watching right now and the leaders that are watching right now and even the skeptics that are watching right now I want you to pan this building and show because I want you to see the people come on pray pray for those who are watching and pastors and leaders I want you to see that not every seat is full in this house you hear me now pastors and leaders I want you to see that not every seat is full in this house will come a day when every seat is occupied in this house because we are praying for with people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on lift your hands [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rest upon your searches oh go burning for you burning for your purposes God still looks for those who were welcome his fire to work and to have his way in their hearts in their lives and in their churches God is longing to fill us with a fire that cannot be quenched by mere temporal appetites hallelujah I believe that there is a fire coming that will equal Pentecost and Azusa Street if there are those who are willing to pay the price and position their hearts and arrange their lives around the fire in these last days the passions of our hearts are being drawn to his fire some are answering some are not we're being drawn like a moth to a flame and because of this God is going to show himself in manifestations glory of glory that is equal to that of Moses and Elijah and Peter and Paul it's coming it's coming it's coming it has to come it has to come it has to come and if Jesus Terri's we're going to be the ones writing the next book come on about the fire there are people that are making themselves ready as containers of fire as burning ones and fire brands as I talked about last week they are discerning to the temporal temptations of the times that quench the fire of the Holy Ghost and they themselves have given themselves to surrender and sacrifice to know truth and to preach truth and to proclaim truth and to discern in the spirit in order to expose evil and deception and also to execute the purposes of God we are a people who are hungry for that I'm going to teach you today preach to you today and I guess part two of branded by burning on the spirit of Elijah the spirit of Elijah as Elijah confronted the evil resistance and deception of his day there are those in the day that we live in who will possess the spirit of fierceness and fire who will do in our generation what Elijah did in his generation before the return of Christ yes deception and evil will increase but so will the wisdom of God so will the revelation of God and so will the spirit of Elijah in these last days I'll read this scripture and then let you be seated and y'all can go down at the time of the offering first Kings 1836 at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice Elisha the prophet through our reference this all throughout the message here in the next few moments he was standing before over 800 prophets of bail and Astra's which had been incited by Jezebel the Principality this was dwelling in a woman as well as a man a half dwelling in both of them the spirit of Satan and these prophets of Bale which I'll explain in detail in just a moment was what Elijah came to confront really the spirit behind them and he said all Lord the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be known this day that you are God in Israel there you go let it be known this day that you are God in America come on and he goes on just saying let it be known that I am your servant and then I have done all these things at your word hear me o Lord hear me that this people may know that you the Lord you are God and have turned their hearts back to you hallelujah you are God and you have turned their hearts back to you then everybody shot then then the fire of the Lord fell hallelujah the same fire that fills us is the fire that will fall and destroy false religion and evil in our land and it consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and it also licked up the water that was in the trench everybody say the spirit of Elijah you may be seated thank you guys come quickly in and Elijah's spirit is branded with a burning of boldness in the face of sin and in the face of evil I repeat that one more time and Elijah's spirit is branded with a burning of boldness everybody shot boldness in the face of sin and in the face of evil an Elijah's spirit is a burning of boldness all that we may burn with boldness in the United States of America and even in the nations of the world in these last days and may it be accompanied by the authority of Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of lords may we burn with a boldness that is unrestrained and unintimidated come on hallelujah this aspect of the spirit of Elijah is undeniably necessary to sustain a revival of fire the aspect of burning with boldness in the spirit of Elijah is undeniably necessary to sustain a revival of fire and is why I'm preaching about it this morning you know why because Jezebel hates the fire of God because it was fire that exposed that spirit come on y'all now the Bible says and I don't know if this will be on your screen or not but in Luke chapter 1 verse 17 Jesus is speaking of John the Baptist which carried the spirit of Elijah and I'll reference several times in the next few moments but in Luke 1:17 I want to tell you just in in in two minutes here the aspects and characteristics of the the ministry and the spirit of Elijah and then hopefully help you understand why I'm zeroing in on the boldness and the burning of boldness that he possessed but jesus said he will also go before him in the spirit and the power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord he's quoting from malachi a' or he's taking that from Malachi chapter 4 verses 5 & 6 now there was Elisha the Old Testament prophet there was John the Baptist the New Testament prophet who prepared the way for Jesus of course Jesus Christ possessed the spirit of Elijah but in the last days God wants his church walking and flowing in and I'm wearing the mantle of the spirit of the love Elijah because this spirit is what will usher the second coming or the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it is also the spirit that will annihilate rubble Shiva KJ the deception of the Antichrist spirit enable shaking that blinds the minds of the hearts of people causing them to err in deception and walk in the ways of error but the spirit of Elijah carries a fire of God and a fiery boldness and a fierce face that can literally expose that spirit of deception and blow it wide open and let God be able to come down into this earthly realm and begin to perform his supernatural and his miraculous signs and release his power so that this earth will once again know that's your hope of God Jesus Christ is the only God ever has been ever will be He is God the spirit of Elijah makes a way for this and it is to rest upon his church in the last days but this scripture and the one in Malachi a-- says that the spirit of Elijah first seeks and it gonna just mentioned this briefly because if anybody cares decides that they want to criticize and some people do just no matter what you say I want people to know that I believe within all of the characteristics of the spirit of Elijah I'm not preaching on all of them today but I believe in all of them on that we should function in all of them I can't preach them all today I can briefly mention them I feel the one my assignment is on today is the fierceness and the boldness and the authority that Elijah carried but also the Elijah spirit seeks to break curses by uniting fathers and children and it specifically mentions father's not just a min or a man it specifically mentions father's meaning sit-ins simply our bottom line that the heart of the father's must embrace the children or the next generation because it brings a health to the next generation and it breaks curses and it moves the children or the next generation into the fullness of their Dominion and their calling this is part of the operation of the spirit of Elijah and it needs to be active in the last days the second assignment of the spirit of Elijah is to confront and to challenge which I'll talk about today sin and evil in a true prophetic fashion and we see this in Elijah himself in John the Baptist of course in Jesus and it should be active in the last day Church a confrontation of the sins of the nation and not not relenting and not holding back and not walking in the fear of man but walking in the fear of God not being afraid to proclaim and preach the entire Word of God no matter if it makes them feel good or if it doesn't make them feel good the spirit of Elijah will arise and confront in a spirit of love but yet with a spirit of boldness that says if you don't repent you will go to hell come on because there's a loving God that wants to raise up voices to let people know that there is a way that Jesus has made they can live free of sin and they can live in the righteousness of Christ hallelujah and God says I need voices with the spirit of Elijah that will rise up and tell them and cause sin what it is but show them and point them to the cross of Jesus Christ and the person at Jesus Christ Elijah's the spirit of Elijah's third assignment is to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord or I will say it like this for the presence of the Lord for the glory of God to prepare the way for revival to prepare the way for the tangible presence of God and we can see that both Elijah and John the Baptist possess this spirit by calling people to repentance and baptizing them and announcing the coming and the presence or the person of the Lord now all three of these are equally important and impactful but part of the Elijah's spirit that I feel that I need to deal with today for the purpose of sustaining a revival of fire is what I've already announced to you and that is a boldness and an authority that will challenge and that will confront evil we see this in Elijah we see this in Shawn and Jesus the confrontational aspect that was engaged in order to expose the enemies of God and the enemies of the presence of God and revival and expose Satan himself who vehemently opposes the fullness of the Lord being released or revival being release this enemy seduced and captured the hearts of the people turning them away from the worship of the one true God turning them to false gods or to religious activity and both Elijah and both John the Baptist face the strong opposition from the spirit or the principality of Jezebel and both men were revolutionaries for the kingdom of God they were full runners they were pioneers in God's kingdom they were revivalists of fire and they both operated under an anointing that would challenge and expose in order to clear the way for the greater manifestation of the presence of God or revival fire and this is where we will look today in the next few moments I'll go as fast as I can to find the attitude and the presence and the authority of the spirit of Elijah that is needed to defeat a primary enemy of a revival of fire because these identifying characteristics such as intense prayer and Golnesa in prayer and sensitivity in the spirit y'all gonna know up in this house that even the level of volume that we use around this place grace so much against the spirit of Jezebel and we don't even begin to tell you the number of times that that thing will raise its head it's not a woman it's not a man it is a spirit it can operate through a man it can operate through a woman but it is the spirit even the bride of Satan himself that manifests even the very volume that we use in this house great against the years of Jezebel which makes me want to scream even louder sound louder chants even longer somebody all trying to sing my rhythm up here my white girl rhythm what you don't realize is that if you had a revelation is that what is coming out of your mouth is grating against the nerves Jezebel itself raising my fire that exposes you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fierceness in the authority by the spirit of Elijah will point us to what I believe is the face and the features of the endtime Bride of Christ that is ushering in revival like as of fire I said revival like as of fire and also assuring in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the fire of gone must arrest on his church again fire departments need to be called again our neighbors to the south need to look over here our neighbors to the north those who live in those apartments to the west come on somebody need to look at this building is style 9-1-1 and say you need to get to fresh start church because it's burning it's on fire they need to see the tangible fire of God the fire the fire men need to come into this this place and look at one another and say there's no fire in here but then as they come in they get slain come on somebody come on Justin they get something there's our fireman over here they get slain in the power of the Holy Ghost because it's the tangible fire of the Shekinah glory of God within our churches again needs to be the holy all of God so that harvest can be gathered in this end time and an outbreak of undeniable unexplainable legs growing out and we are just a prime candidate for that around here I mean how many churches do you know where somebody don't have a leg and it needs to grow out I say let the fire come today and let the leg grow out in Jesus name go on let your name be glorified undeniable unexplainable supernatural miracles as never before we need a revival of fire and the primary enemy of that revival of fire will be the wicked and the ancient principality called the spirits of Jezebel that hates the burning ones and hates the burning ones because the fire has always exposed it it hates the burning ones because they are branded with the authority of fire that comes from the eyes of fire of our Lord as Savior Jesus Christ this spirit has already been defeated through the spirit of Elijah that resided in Christ Jesus of course in John the Baptist but it is now residing on those in the Church of Jesus Christ who will embrace a spirit of Elijah it is this fiery presence of God that is resident and characteristic of an Elijah's spirit the bonus and the authority is what the Jezebel spirit wants disciple and wants to destroy because you see Elijah struggle with evil or with Jezebel it wasn't about fire it was about authority are y'all with me this morning the struggle that Elijah had wasn't about getting fire out of heaven or fire to consume a sacrifice the struggle was about authority and I need to remind us today that heaven only invades earth through supernatural Authority and evil only bowels to the authority of Jesus Christ Paul I know Jesus I know but who are you Elijah's authority came through the place of prayer and fire was the manifestation I'm going to say that again Elijah's authority came from his god here the place a prayer and fire was the manifestation and I preached it up in this place this morning Elijah wasn't motivated by an intense love for God and an intense love for God's people but also an intense hatred for Satan for bail and for evil and so Elijah stepped up to defend the prophets of God that Jezebel had murdered and he stepped up to defend God himself and his flaming voice and his blazing prayer began to dismantle a principality and just saw deception from the eyes of the nation of the people and begin to release a revival rain on the land because the Elijah spirit stands with an authority on mountaintops one mountain is Mount Carmel where he comes from evil and close fire from heaven the other is on Mount Horeb where he puts his face between his knees and ask for the soaking saturating presence of God to feel a nation once I can if I can say this is that I want to welcome the rain we wrote a song they wrote a song about her we sing about it we talked about it we really mean the same thing but when I'm seeing more clearly is that we have less and less never wanting to call the fire down and confront the evil therefore we do not have revivals of fire that confronts principalities we just have soaking and sitting which I'm all about the soaking and all about that in the presence of God God wants both because there must be principalities that are dismantled all the territories so that the presence of God can come and the rain can soak region somebody lift us out today the final defeat of this evil spirit in the last days will usher in the king of glory and those who possess an elijah spirit will lead and prepare the way malachi chapter 4 I referenced earlier behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes commentaries say different things and but would they believe that this was obviously John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus but that there will be voices and a church in the earth that literally are operating heavily under the authority and the anointing of the Spirit of Elijah that will usher in come on y'all I'm sure in this coming of Jesus Christ and he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of fathers to children and the hearts of the children to the father's unless I come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction the Elijah spirit uh sure Zin a greater glory by confronting sin and evil and calling people to burn for Jesus if you missed last week's a message and you haven't already you need to go online and watch that because before you start trying to call down Authority favorable Shep Hyken some that can ever catch hey and get up and talk to this devil and that devil you better get on your knees shut that closet door and start burning for him because the authority only comes from an intimacy with Jesus and Jesus alone it doesn't come through your voice alone it comes through the authority that has been Burke in the secret place where you have been secluded with His Word and secluded with his glory that it has seeped into your very person and you radiate with the sounds and the thunders my friends that is the only sound it doesn't hear Milly Mouse and Mickey Mouse and performance praise and worship let me see where to play today let me see what I can do today God doesn't well in that mess God is saying I need a real people who shut themselves in the mantle of the spirit of Elijah come on it will clear the way or level mountains of resistance Lucia Burke hostelry shake oh my son arrogance it will level arrogance and evil he master Sokoto burnished uh became high it will bring up valleys of despair that hold and restrict God's people this Elijah's spirit it has the capacity of fierceness with the spiritual authority that speaks to anything that is Antichrist it has a hatred of evil and it is willing to assault evil with a most courageous manner and this is what we see in the Old Testament prophet of Elijah he was willing to confront the prophets of bale thereby he challenged Jezebel to our knowledge she was nowhere around on that mountain to our knowledge I don't think it's in the Bible she was nowhere around but the prophets of bale were there and they had all been incited or cited by her with the help of Ahab bailed just without now I've done extensive teaching here a fresh start in times past on this spirit we've held classes on it etc etc why do we do that because it is one of the primary principalities and spirits of evil that is against a revival of fire which is why I'm revisiting it today are y'all with me the gods that she worshiped that she brought from her homeland and married the king of Israel a hab and therefore seduced him to get all of the nation of Israel to worship bail and asteroth let me just tell you what those gods stood for and see if it sounds a little bit like the you culture of the United States of America today and probably other nations the gods of Jezebel which this was Elijah's primary life assignment was to expose her and to defeat her the God was bail and Astrid two different gods false cause bail can easily and accurately be labeled as the most vile wicked sordid evil malicious perverted demonic principality as a matter of sight will say this before I forget it is a monster fire I think I wrote it down but I'm gonna say it now is that some call Jezebel the bride of Satan which is why she hates the bride it hates the Bride of Christ so much because Satan himself literally possesses and moves this principality to to to to to come against revival to come against God's people to come against the Church of Jesus Christ it is the most vivid representation the Spirit is of Satan himself and at the core of the bail and Astrid worship is the religion of self worship self will it salud its indulgent its reckless behavior it acted out sodomy sex orgies and perversion just let me say something here for just a moment the next time that you decide to slip in and try to view the pornography understand sir or male that you are not just messing with a button on the computer and you are not getting by with it literally what you are doing is you are engaging with bail and you are engaging with a strip Satan himself can I just be so bold to say that today [Applause] priestesses were actually temple prostitutes sodomites or the male temple prostitutes they had extravagant orgies when worshipping their gods the priests of baile danced with frantic shouts around their altars they cut themselves with knives to try to get the attention of their gods asteroth the God was deified through sensuousness and legitimize sexual indulgence prayers or vows were made with magic rituals to influence these deities I want to say that again prayers or vows were made with magic rituals watch out for what your cartoons are showing your children today I'll move on these gods were worshipped because of their supposed ability to control nature chaos and to control love the people gave both human and animal sacrifices and they kissed literally these images the people believed that through their worship to these Gazza that they could do anything that they wanted to do that they liked to do and they were actually taught to believe that they were not being held accountable for their sins does that sound like Satan himself now there's more that could be said but you get a picture right now what Elijah was up against in the natural but in the spirit realm the reality of the story is that this spirit has seduced the people of God the nation of Israel and they had given their hearts to worship these gods they were introduced to them by Jezebel and Ahab but this was the condition of the nation of Israel in Elijah's day and God needed somebody in whom he could place a spirit of burning and a burning of boldness because those with a spirit of burning boldness are not fraid to face and expose the evil resistance because people that are burning for Jesus they burned for more of the glory of God and the righteousness of God and the manifestation of his kingdom purpose on this earth they burned for Jesus they burned for his purposes I'm telling y'all when God needs something to be awakened he's gonna look for someone with a spirit of burning and a spirit of fierceness and a spirit of war along with a powerful authority to defeat a Jezebel spirit and others and the agenda of the demon cause and in this last day God is raising up a breed of believers and we are doing our best at fresh start and I know there's other places to raise up a breed of believers that are not satisfied with status quo and don't just close their eyes when wicked is happening here and wicked is happening there but they are afraid of believers with an inward burning of the Elijah spirit I believe that there are many in our nation that burns for God and His righteousness and they burn against evil and what it does to God's people and I long to see the day when tens of thousands and millions and millions are rising up in the United States of America and are listening to the voice of the Antichrist and they stand up and they say in the name Jesus Christ and for evil in our nation any longer Elijah revivals of fire are sparking all around our nation and the nations of the earth to those whose hearts are willing to bear and wear the mantle of confrontation and reconciliation did you hear what I just said it's coming everybody say it's coming it's coming to those who have a zeal for the Bride of Christ in other words you love God's church Oh hear me now my goodness I could go off on that you have a seal for the Bride of Christ for the church you have a erver of holy spirit fire and other works are not afraid of a showdown on Mount Carmel come on as well as you have a fervent hatred for evil Lobos check' unfortunately this Jezebel spirit however has been successful in causing Baroness and fruitlessness and a lack of passion and spiritual energy and also resulting in a lack of of spiritual authority in many believers in many churches and in many spiritual leaders and pastors how do I know this because we have been one of them at one time and many times in 35 years of ministry specifically almost 23 here at this church we have faced Jezebel over and over and over before this revival broke out almost 5 years ago we were at that very place the place for Jezebel drives you to Pastor the place where Jezebel drives you to believer burning one that makes you want to quit that makes you want to give up and makes you want to lay down and say it ain't worth it anymore what's up with all of this I'm tired I'm ready to get out I'm ready to go this spirit will castrate you it will make you a spiritual Ășnica where you cannot have children not in the natural but in the spirit realm it wants to make churches a Pentecostal churches barren and infertile oh you may have a lot of numbers but are you fertile with the fire Holy Ghost Pentecost how do I know that Jezebel is successful in causing Berenice and lack of spiritual passion and energy because we have been one of them I can tell you so many stories have a Sawbuck a so toy about taya I'll show you help me Holy Spirit I could tell you so many stories not enough time but the bottom line is they're so one of the ways that he and I have recognized that Jezebel is trying to move in again in almost Chiques not only drained energy and not only discouraged and NN and a defeat that you cannot seem like you're going to shake and it begins to rise up things over here and rise up things over here and rise up things over here and one of the things that I had that I was standing down here and the Holy Spirit says attack this because one of the consistent things that we have seen over the years in this church and and even before here is that when chasm L starts to strike it will attack people in congregations especially those with money somewhere you're like my god does she just say that I did I did because I want some pastors watching online right now if they can't take one person with a lot of money they'll take a lot of people that make a little bit of money that are faithful to tithing and giving to the church because Jezebel understands the defeat and the discouragement sir come on that comes in and moves in when her wicked its wicked vile presence of starts hovering over a disgruntled this one and an offended that one it works through wounded people it works through offended people it works through all of these things in the mind and it's trying to get at what it's like that spirit doesn't care about the person that spirit doesn't care about the leader that spirit one is after the fire of the Holy Ghost [Applause] and it has castrated many leaders in the body of Christ leaving them without Authority and infertile and the primary way that this spirit does this is drained energy it'll just wear you out quenched fire and an overwhelming inadequacy and failure through the spirit of fear on your mind Satan is always threatening and make as a means of making a person submit to him through fear and by that fear he just wants you to simply give up the fight see fear is Jezebel's weapon and comes by her threat of death you hear what I'm saying now it comes by her threats of death this spirit of death has symptoms of depression and futility and despair and despondency and it drives you to quit if you watch this one about to say weight loss checker they say because some of you say how best I can't get a parent say this and say that my god if you only knew what we have walked through over 35 years of ministry at some point you have to the grave fear despondency fear hopelessness fear this fear lack fear the threat I believe in your church and I'm taking my money with me you don't know how many times we've been told that my husband I thank God we died to that a long time ago and we look each other say well God's go some more [Music] a spirit of death has to be broken of course death and the natural Oh death where is your victory grave where's your steam there is none but I'm not only talking about death in the physical I'm talking about death of your reputation death of the favor of man and a favour of man systems this spirit wants you to back you into a corner of mute compliance to its evil agenda and it carries our spirit of hopelessness which is why we must fear the ward if you're going to dismantle Jezebel you have to conquer fear of death this is truth Elijah possessed that spirit he had a spirit of burning it was successful in challenging this principality of Jezebel the brightest Satan and God won that day on the mountain by fire I said he won by fire fire because Elijah challenged there by disabling dismantling and defeating and it came by fire boldness by fire the devil will let us serve all day long he'll let you worship all day long but the moment you begin to challenge is the moment the retaliatory strike begins I came to tell somebody in the room today Lulu Bolshevik Adam - I know who your Jesus is know what God has graced you and made you to be [Applause] we do not presumptuously get up and talk about these kind of things I will let you in on that in case someone may be thinking that I have intercessors that are praying for me right now I had intercessors praying for me yesterday I prayed in the car on the way this morning pray too early this morning early a lot of mornings this morning glory to God and many times throughout the day you hear what I'm saying I do not come in and presumptuously talk against these things and I told the Lord I said Lord I will not be presumptuous today but I will get up with a boldness that I know comes from your word and from what you said in your word we do not have to bow to this because of this retaliatory strike give me just a few moments church because of this rotala retaliation of the enemy the church has now turned inward I'm talking about the primary enemy of a revival of fire and the church has become self focused causing us to believe that we don't have to challenge or confront or even talk about the opposing force you don't have to talk about him but he's out there I'm absolutely convinced that revival stays away because too many enemies of revival go unchallenged you cannot have toleration and have a holy habitation you cannot have toleration and have revival you cannot have toleration and have a holy habitation because as you engage in revival the levels grow past the point and I don't mean this in a demeaning way because we do it around here soaking and sitting that's all fine in the presence of God but it goes into a confrontational place why because the spirits of Darkness realize your spiritual authority is growing and it is threatening their territory are you with me it is threatening their kingdom so as authority grows the kingdom of darkness takes more and more notice in other words you start moving into the devil's territory so then the challenge is on and this is where many start backing off and hopefully we can tell our story around here come October at the doorkeepers conference revival conference so we can tell our story two pastors and two believers and say don't back off don't back off link arms together and fight this fight because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world so before I leave here today I want to blast a spirit of fear and inadequacy off of you today I want to blast a spirit of fear and inadequacy off of this house and off of this revival in Jesus name and to anyone else watching who may need this now or down the road inadequacy yes can be a natural human struggle however the underlying cause of inadequacy is fear stay with me I'm sort of wrapping this up watch this fear is a spirit of the devil watch this and it is set to paralyze you it is set to neutralize you it is set to capsize your function in the natural and your spiritual pursuits and destiny but the Bible clearly tells us that fear is a spirit that is sent from the devil and it is not sent from God but that God has given us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind this is Bible I'm telling you now God has given us watch watch a spirit of power love and a sound mind if you look at those three spiritual graces power love and a sound mind you will notice that the spirit of Jezebel specifically targets those three things power love and a sound mind and twists and turns them into perverted power perverted love and perverted Minds did you hear what I just said the spirit of Jezebel takes the graces that God wants to give us and turns them and perverts them think about that because that describes our culture today let me tell you one of the main things that call not the only main thing the main reason is to expose what comes against a revival of fire but the second thing was that happened that I but that just kind of let the fuel even more if you will a fire even more was husband I happened to watch we were babysitting our grandsons last Sunday night well they were here at Awakening and we just happened to watch the oh my gosh what's it called American Idol thank you and you know I'm watching sunlight and being a singer I just like to hear how they can or can't sing come on I just like to be their judge amen and so anyway so watching it so this Katy Perry girl is one of the judges and I don't know a lot about it I can't tell you any song as saying except one about some tiger or something like that I know nothing about her except for this that she came from an assembly of God background either her parents were pastors or she grew up and there's suddenly got church or something like this it was last Sunday night two of the contestants that came through to to audition were born-again believers and and and one got up bless her heart loss sixteen-year-old girl player guitar singing they asked her what kind of music that she primarily sang she said Christian music praise and worship music immediately the camera pans or is on the judges which Katy Perry is one of them and you see the spirit of Jezebel and the mockery and the smirk that comes across her face sure okay maybe I'm messing with somebody's Idol in the room today hear hear when I say go - to vodka soda and the country guy the guy's a country-western guy that said beside of cider he looks over her I don't see it like what he said wanna be said that reminds me when you were young well see anger rose up in Jezebel and said young you know this kind of thing she don't want to be called old you see because that's what Hollywood does to you and that's what kind of fame does to you is it doesn't ever that's why they have to do their racing like this and all this kind of stuff lift this tuck that is because they want to be forever young none of us are gonna be forever young come on somebody this is the spirit of Jezebel alive in our nation today trying to make us look like something and act like something that we're not created to be and he said that reminds me of you when you and they flash a picture up there a little chubby girl nothing against that when she was a little girl singing at a microphone and I'm looking at that picture that they just flashed up there quickly and I'm thinking that is the little girl that is still on the inside of this good woman that has been possessed by a Jezebel spirit that is leading our teenage girls to think that if you act like this sing like this moves like this twist like this and dress like this then you are accepted and you are in my friends I am Telling You that that is modern-day bail and Astra the worship and she's not the only one but as I watched her begin to mimic and monk about the Christian music that this little girl sixteen-year-old girl has devoted her life to singing to something rose upon the inside of me and they're just a few minutes later there's another african-american a girl comes in from New York I believe are somewhere on her mama is African from from the country and the continent of Africa one of the nations and she show this story of the grandmother praying with her she comes in and auditions and there's a whole long story watchman ought to say and this girl before she makes it and before she after she makes him crying all this stuff she comes over and she asked the judges can I pray with you on national TV in the United States of America as she prays as she has them repeat a sinner's prayer father I just want to live my life for you father I just want to do what you want me to do something like that and Jesus name and the moment that she quits Katy Perry says well hallelujah I be saved she's nuts a mocking spirit that is from the spirit shares about I'm telling you God will raise up girls that come out of New York City and those who come out of country places with a little guitar that will stand in for the millions of people in the United States of America and boldly preach the gospel without even trying to do so as I looked at the the the look on her face and the smirk I've seen that smirk before and I looked at the smirk on her face and the and and the mockery in her voice I said God raise up AHA almost shakey revivals of fire where people burn with a spirit of boldness in the name of Jesus in a spirit of Elijah that is not intimidated by those smirks that is not intimidated by those little lines of the mockery and I will quote my husband by saying what you're intimidated by is what you usually minimize Jezebel what you're intimidated by is what you usually minimize and I guarantee you that as a revivalist of fire that spirit is intimidated by the god of fire that is on the inside of you so I just got to say to us today that a spirit of inadequacy and a spirit of a mockery that thing that is straining your energy and quenching that fire the fire of Pentecost it has to come down in the name of Jesus give God a shout in this place because he's saying in free from a spirit of fear go now in Jesus name that spirit give me just another minute is after your burning I talked about last week it's after your zeal that's after your passion it's after your revival resolve it wants to quench your Holy Ghost fire because fire is responsible for exposing and challenging it color elbows shake a fire is responsible for the fire department being cold come on and legs growing out come on y'all and arms growing out and sick bodies being healed and demons being cast out so this tool this this spirit is loosed against revival is to fire to make you feel intimidated inadequate less than like you're shallow like you're not enough you're not good enough you're frustrated you're a failure and I believe this is why revivals cannot continue because this thing comes sweeping in the fire of Pentecost has been neutralized because of this spirit because if it can get your fire it can quench revival I'm closing this right now are y'all with me watch this so a recurring attack of backlash is that of inadequacy we see it when Elijah came face-to-face with it he was a burning man of God on Mount Carmel who challenged and confronted and exposed over 800 prophets of God of the gods of bail and Astra and then he prayed for fire to come down from heaven from Jehovah God and consumed the sacrifice and all that was around it and that he called for rain to come on the land and it rained again and yet one threat of inadequacy and one threat of mockery mockery from the spirit of Jezebel sent him running and sent him hiding watch me now John the Baptist came face-to-face with this spirit he challenged King Herod and his illegal marriage to Queen Herodias this perverse spirit rose up in her odious to seduce Herod with her daughter to dance in a seducing way before Herod which got ahold of his mind are you watching me now just like Elijah's mind had been gone hold up it got ahold of Harrods mind and so Herodias after all of this was happening tells a Herod because he was going to give her anything that she wanted she watched now watch she said I want the head everybody say the head I want the head of John the Baptist on a platter this Wis Wilde Jean and this this one one this then John gets thrown into prison and while John is in prison getting ready to get his head chopped off he begins to doubt because this spirit comes on his mind he begins to doubt the very reason that he had been raised up by God to prepare the way for the Messiah the one that had been ordained by God filled with the Holy Ghost in the womb touched by the Holy Ghost in the womb he was asking the messengers to go ask Jesus if Jesus was the real Messiah don't have time to read the whole scripture but Matthew 11 1 through 6 and John is in prison and he's beginning to doubt this Spirit will make you doubt your call it will make you doubt your anointing I'm talking about a man that called fire down from heaven a man that literally annihilated all the fierce circle attitudes John the Baptist and baptized Jesus in the Jordan and saw come on sweetness the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus this is the John that heard the voice of the father speaking out of heaven this is my beloved son think of the boldness that John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah Jesus called him the bright and the burning one Jesus asked the people about John the Baptist what are you all going out to see are you're going out to see you read that's been shaken by the wind no jesus said I'm paraphrasing you're going out to there to see him because he is a fiery prophet that is set ablaze with a burning heart to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the hearts of mankind to Messiah yet one threat and mockery of this spirit of inadequacy that was sent to John is now making him question not only am sell but who Jesus is are y'all with me in the room today Sean knew his mission John knew his calling John knew his mantle and so did Elijah but one encounter with this Jezebel spirit and it sends them into confusion and despair and division of the heart which is the Oh Jezebel confusion despair and defied she'll do that in churches she'll do that in families she'll do that in your own mind to confuse to despair you and to divide you so this attack of inadequacy is the one thing that this spirit uses to hinder and to halt and to harass a revival and the revivalist of fire because it carries more than just an inability this spirit that comes on and attacks it carries more than just an inability to perform a duty or attack I'm helping you now it carries with it a debilitating presence of hopelessness and impossibility it will make you feel drained and cause you to blame that draining on your godly seal on your revival sealed and on your spiritual burning and passion as a matter of fact some of you have been even sealing that recently you've been blaming that lack of energy and that draining on the godly seal the seal for revival and the spiritual Burney and passion my friend if that is you that is alive from Satan himself dressed like Jezebel I'm telling you today that it is not your godly zeal that trains you it is not your spiritual burning that causes hopelessness it is a spirit sent from Hell to get you out of your godly zeal to get you out of your burning and it seduces you into abandoning fazer and abandoning the fire and just save just back off Elijah didn't take all of that [Applause] the primary principality warring against revivals of fire and a machete ax greater is He that is in you than he that is Earl you are the temple of Holy Ghost fire you have Christ in you the hope of glory by your glory of all of creation God shows you and I to be carriers of his fire Jesus came to bring fire to the earth but then Jesus ascended so fire could descend into human vessels on the day of Pentecost and Christ then ropes himself in us his church we are the fire carriers now we are the fire challengers in the earth we are the spirit of Elijah so I think probably the main reason why I need to do this today is because we've seen us so much especially in the five years of revival but even before then people get so intensely passionate for the Lord they burn for the Lord they burn for for revival even the assignment of revival and then all of a sudden this thing starts coming up tell me all because I'm gonna be flippant about this there's any time any time that we sense we mean our staff we sense or we discern this spirit and operation however it may be manifesting however it's irrelevant I can honestly tell you now because of the revelation that God has given us and this is not an statement of arrogance or know-it-all but is that we have asked the Holy Spirit to teach us and to train us to recognize when this thing is coming against this spirit of the enemy is coming again wanting to douse the fire corporately but also in individual lives and while I don't think that we should teach and preach on this stuff all the time I do think that we need to get up at certain times in certain seasons which is where I felt the checkmark for this week to do so and to get up and plant our feet and say you know what in the name of Jesus the Son of God with fire in his eyes I stand in his authority and I will not let you take that person out in Jesus name I will not let you have that heart in Jesus name I will not let you take that went down in Jesus name we pray that for you however we say it we pray that for you some are gonna make their choices regardless but we pray and in the name of Jesus that spirit cannot take over this revival of fire in the name of Jesus we stand and serve it notice today that it will not and cannot and will not have authority in this atmosphere system is some some of that spirit manifestation is easy to recognize and some of it's not so easy to recognize I can't say that I've seen a full-blown Jezebel once again can be a man or woman a full-blown one but I definitely have seen characteristic as a matter of fact every single one of us in this room no matter who we are have a tendency to give ourself to either an Ahab spirit or a Jezebel spirit which is why I'm preaching about this today for just a few more moments because it takes one for the other to operate one can't operate without that one and that one can't operate without the other so we just serve all of that notice today and say up in this room we humble ourselves before the presence of the Lord we saw mid ourselves in humility to one another company y'all help me and we say devil you cannot have this revival of fire in this church in my heart in my family I will not give him I will not give in I will not give up I will not relent I will not give in to your suggestions I will not give in to your propensity I will not give in to your chest a bell or a hat to your characteristics and to your tendencies you see folks and I've done all the reading there is to do on this spirit there's a lot of things that play into it yeah personality yeah this yeah that yeah gender this gender that but I'm telling you ultimately it is a demonic spirit and it wants to take over anybody that will let it have its way in their life but I came to expose it today with a spirit of Elijah and confronted in the authority of the fire of Jesus Christ and say as they had in the book of Acts they pray God empower us your servants to speak the Word of God freely and courageously stretch out your hand a power through us to heal and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy son Jesus and the Bible says at that moment the earth shook beneath them causing the building to tremble and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and they began to praise the Lord and preach the word with unrestrained bonus search the answer to Jezebel's challenge is unrestrained boldness of the Holy Ghost and the authority of Jesus Christ God let us burn with boldness in this place yes now I want to show you one more thing and then we're gonna pray to they go ahead and stand up all over the building please don't leave please don't leave y'all gotta see this watch this three times this evil spirit watch watch oh no need for any of the servers to go do whatever okay just stay where you are cuz you got to get this three times this evil spirit manifests in the Bible I've been talking about Jezebel Queen Jezebel who massacred the prophets of God Queen Herodias who beheaded had John the Baptist beheaded both of them carried of course the spirit of Elijah but do we see the spirit mentioned one more time in Revelation chapter 2 verse 20 and this spirit is blatantly manifesting in the Church of Thyatira write the following to the messenger of the congregation in thyra tomorrow revelation 2 18 through 24 these are the words watch this of the Son of God whose eyes are blazing what and whose feet are like burnished brass verse 20 says I have this against you that Tyra you tolerate the woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess and is seducing my loving servants teaching that it is permissible to indulge in sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols today may I submit to you as Jezebel was for Satan in the Old Testament the woman Jezebel and as the woman Herodias was for Satan in the New Testament tolerance is for Satan in 2020 tolerance is taking the head of authority and chopping it off of the church if we're not careful this tolerance we will buy into the lie of the devil of false Grace and false love I believe in grace of a lead in love but not false grace in love because that comes from that spirit itself that Jesus is addressing in revelation 2:20 that not only you embrace the person that is in wickedness which we need to embrace the person and love them but this false this this tolerance this spirit of Jezebel then begins to have you embrace their wicked lifestyle tolerance will not let you separate the sin from the person [Music] and if we're not careful we will succumb to the seduction of the spirit of the age that caused things wrong or that are wrong and we just saw there right that's evil it's okay for this spirit that reduces us to rationalization meaning we justify excuse conform make things tolerant how many times have we heard that on our secular news and Internet it's a cultural and political word these days and it's sneaking into the church and Jesus spoke to it because he knew it needed to be addressed for such a time as this we must beware of this ancient evil spirit that tries to manipulate and seduce and convince that compromise is now acceptable and that God's Word is antiquated there's a lot of Millennials out there and younger that whatever they call them these days that being convinced by the lie of the spirit that there's some things that are acceptable and that now in that Bible thing it's a little antiquated no he's after your boldness it's after your boldness that spirit is after your authority because that spirit has no authority so it has to ride on your authority that is the mode of operation of a Jezebel a half spirit stealing authority to work in authority it's getting sing away that it gains access is through our minds Elijah fire down from heaven one sentence from Jezebel and his mind became intimidated and he was running in hopelessness John the Baptist's intimidated in prison now intimidated in his mind all messed up didn't know who you was doubted that Jesus was who he was and then got that spirit got his mind and then eventually literally got his head watch me the last day seduction of this spirit that Jesus addresses to the Church of Thyatira is also after your head and it comes in the power of your agreement with it because that's what tolerance is agree agree with that perverted power agree with that perverted love agree with that perverted mindset all that the Church of Jesus Christ would be possessed with this spirit of Elijah the spirit of Jesus himself so that we can effectively war against this evil antagonists of revival of fire of the three times that we see this evil spirit manifest in the Bible watch there's one column common element fire Alijah calls fire down from heaven John the Baptist Jesus called him a burning and a shining lamp fiery zeal unashamed revelations chapter 2 verse 20 if you can put that back up there again Jesus introduces himself as the Son of God accomplished lean the fatherlessness aspect of the spirit of ahab and jezebel he introduces himself as the one with eyes that are blazing with and whose feet are burnished brass by doing so he Trump's a fatherlessness spirit with Jezebel he reminds this spirit of its original defeat by the spirit of Elijah with fire and of its ultimate defeat in the lake of fire plus Jesus doesn't stop there he points to his feet who heard which are feet of the bronze not fetus silver not feet of gold why because bronze is weightier in heavier than silver and gold and Jesus points to his feet and says I want you to see you spirit of Jezebel that I am the son of the Living God my father is in heaven and I have eyes that blazed with the same fire that came down and consumed your prophets and not only that Jezebel my feet represent my weighty authority and Jesus steps down right in the middle and the center of a tolerate now Thyatira and it says this is what I have against you you are tolerating this spirit of Jezebel and because of that because it has been causing my leaders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] those of you watching who might shoot us with us pray with us this morning [Music] straight up I gotcha [Applause] we will burn for you Jesus raise it up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on pray and the Holy Ghost so I go Sunday weekend cook Italian it is no accident that Jesus introduces himself as fire as he addresses the tolerance of Jezebel spirit that hinders the purity and the power in the church a revival of fire and authority will challenge this spirit adamantly aggressively then it maliciously enslaves the minds of people I pray over your mind today couple it your hands I break up a spirit of fear I come against the spirit of death the Robo Silver Lake Eustis totally pushing that thing that has tried to kill your passion that thing that is trying to kill your fervency that thing that is trying to kill you're burning in your yearning in the name of your physical body - in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus this evil spirit challenge the [Music] burning in the name of Jesus I ask you America what is going on what is going on challenged in your territory what is going on what is going on what is going on in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little the outside so let the war rage over the atmospheres of fire we know your game of intimidation and fear but we're equipped with a blood of Jesus Christ of the fire of God a burning seal for his love and his presence nothing will deter nothing will limit fire exposed you Jezebel [Music] the Son of God with fire in his eyes exposes you today [Music] fires what escorted Elijah to heaven fires what burned inside of that wilderness prophet burns in the eyes of our Savior and it's burning in you today so every discouraged one everyone in despair or hopelessness everyone where the devil has been doing mind game mind games with your thoughts everyone who has ever experienced any kind of slander gossip [Music] manipulation I say you are strong in the Lord [Music] the Lord is asking not just fresh start the churches of the United States of America will someone rise and challenge with the burning bonus because what you do not challenge pester will not change and I intentionally showed you our sanctuary today because people don't always do that I don't want you to know that you are enough [Music] the fire of God within you is enough the anointing and the calling of God will keep you you don't wrestle against flesh and blood you need to quickly come to revelation of that pastor that you don't wrestle against flesh and blood it may seem like a personal attack on you and they may even mean it that way but it's against the enemy it's against the God in you that the enemy is lashing out against be encouraged today be encouraged today Joshua be very strong and courageous the Lord your God is with you hallelujah mr. pastor Kim are like just something major happening going wrong not that I know of but bless God I just blasted it if it was [Applause] kind of learned you don't react to this thing we did that for too long you know react to it you respond with the word we respond hallelujah to the lamb of God so in the name of Jesus God is not giving you a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind don't let that thing convince you that you're drained energy and your your your that that all that physical stuff and mental stuff is because of your burning zeal for God any mouth that has been telling you that whether it's the devil's mouth himself are coming through some some religious apathetic person that doesn't burn for God that is of the enemy your burning passion for Jesus will only bring refreshing to you refreshing to your spirit obviously our physical bodies have limitations obviously it should understand this the lie of the enemy you seed you to back off of your spiritual pursuit and then when you back off it steps in as we've seen it happen over and over and over and over watch me we've seen and we've watched people the further back that they get I [Music] mean they'll be like right here in the front dad this is not against all y'all who had to sit in the back today all right somebody has just in the back I understand that but I mean I watch another list all about and then when this thing starts to move in its like three or four rows back three or four more rows back and how can I get here last minute and slip in and pretty soon only come a couple of times a month and pretty soon seen it over and over and over and over I said why you're saying that because I care I care about you I care about what God needs to do through you and I know many of you study in this room you yearn to be used of God there's a price to pay there's a sacrifice to make and when you get up in that mode the enemy or someone working by the enemy will come and start telling you it's calmed down a little bit it doesn't take all that fire fire revival of fire revival of fire Heather oh boy shake it out my son dad I gotta put that picture back up there again oh no I wore the PowerPort white person Ellen there you go y'all I say in Jesus name come like a fire [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna ask my husband to come and close us out in prayer lift up your hands and pray in the Holy Ghost if the live stream is still on pray with us little Sheila castle today receive this prayer as we leave here today mother Lucia Botero coach Tom Brokaw's Shabana under the robucket and I'm under law shaken [Music] Nana nanana basho go try the knob Ashoka Totoro Maya and Shonda ha ha - and every one of us hallelujah we say yes the name into your word today Lord we say yes and a man to your word today Lord we say yes and a man to your word today Lord let it be so among us O God let it be so among us O Lord hallelujah I just want to speak a word over over Tony I was gonna do this in private but I kept feeling like I need to do it publicly because [Music] I just want to speak over you that you are a new breed this is why I need to do this publicly because and you're not alone and I just said Lord that I'm the only one left no sir there's 7,000 sometimes you feel all alone because you stand for righteous and righteous things you stand for common-sense things now I want to speak over you because you are the phrase that kept coming to me was prophetic a prophetic politician [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's that I mean there's politicians but I think God's wanting to raise up in our nation prophetic politicians they walk under the spirit of a light show and it just felt like the Lord say just stay the course you're gonna walk into rooms and they're gonna shake [Music] and I know intimidation doesn't fit your personality type but the enemy has tried to intimidate you and that is so foreign to you because that doesn't even fit but Tony Kern so you know it's the spirit so you're gonna walk in the rooms and they're gonna shake an intimidation is gonna come back on those that are resistant to righteousness they will be intimidated by you sir you don't have to say anything you just got to walk in the room and I believe God is going to raise up multiplied prophetic politicians in our nation over the next eight years we're going to see men and women of God stand and say righteous things out of their mouths that they were never saved before I'm telling your revivals about where to smack this nation [Applause] I'll just say this somebody's probably thinking this it's not because of trauma it's because there's a revival church rising up in this place in there is a people rising up in this nation there are prayers multiplied millions that have been released over this nation in the Bo's [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we cover you in our prayers Tony I want y'all if you know pray for Tony can you pray for representative Tony Kern we need men like him and women like him sitting in the places of authority in our state we need that we need that and there's there's I'm not saying he's the only one because there he's not we know there are others but we need more a man we need more we need more as God begins to release greater levels of revival in our state yes are you too kind man well thank you sir appreciate that thank you so much we're proud of you bro we believe in you stay in the fight well let's let pastor Kim know how much we receive that word of the Lord today [Applause] I got to go home with her man oh I get to go home over there that's right that's what I need to say wow this is like one of those wow wow wow I don't know what else to say y'all what a word yes what a revelation receive it church we got to get this deep in our spirits yes thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering six two three two nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 2,813
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: zUz1T0Zexyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 57sec (6657 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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