Revival Weekend: Sunday PM | Kevin Wallace | September 8, 2019

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[Music] if your hands all over this place my god [Music] Holy Spirit I thank you for the saturation of God in this place spirit of the Living God I thank you for the Cubs that have been full but tonight are overflowing I pray for an overflow in this place tonight Lord I think your father God not just a cup that's filled but a cup that's overflowing tonight if you want to leave here with an overflow just lift your hands and ask got to let your overflow tonight overflow tonight overflow tonight Spirit of God we don't just walk filled to the brim we want our cup to run over tonight my cup runneth over my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life take your father for the overflow of the Holy Ghost tonight in Jesus name I want you to take you behind all this is crazy Jessica David you got no clue I want you to take your Bible and open it to first Kings chapter 18 and 19 remain standing I like it when the Spirit of God knits it all together because I'm gonna preach about Elijah and the cloud of rain tonight [Applause] and I just declare in the name of the Lord there is a sound of abundance of rain before you see it you gotta say it and before you say it you got to hear it cuz faith cometh by and hearing by the before you see it you got to say it and before you say it you got to hear it Oh pastor that's just word of faith no that's the Bible the Prophet heard it so he said I hear a sound there is the sound of an abundance of rain and the next thing that happens is that the sky grows dark at the declaration of the prophet of God see that's why we have to maintain our prophetic anointing in this hour because what God puts on us and what God has put in us is always making a declaration against what we see with natural eye first Kings chapter 18 and 19 to spill their cuz I'm gonna walk through both of these places I have to obey God thank you Lord but your Bible stand for just a moment heads bowed and has closed Jesus heads bowed and eyes closed everyone real still for a moment just just play that in just a little louder for me sir in this world right now are people who don't know God you say pastor this is revival everybody knows God everybody is saved well I'm telling you what I'm feeling right now I'm feeling the Spirit of God tell me he's knocking on the door and he's pulling on just as some people in this room right now who I really believe more an opportunity to meet Jesus not just not just come into a room where they where everybody knows him but come into a room where you can find him I believe somebody came in this room tonight because you need God and you're away from God maybe you've known him and you're away from him maybe you've never known him before now I know that we usually preach before we give altar calls but we get ready to turn this thing in a different direction just for a moment tonight because somebody needs to respond to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit it is God that walked in this room right now to make Jesus real to somebody maybe it's only one person and I'm sensitive I'm trying to be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit who was knocking on the heart of one person and one person needs to say I need Jesus to save me tonight it's about an answer close if I'm talking to you and you do not want to keep living in Hell and you don't want to go to hell when you die and you want to find the love of God and you want to walk in the love of God and walk in the light as he is in the light and you want him to wash your soul from the sin and you want him to cleanse you from the mess you're making of your life I don't care how deep in it you are longer that you've been there I don't care how bad you feel like you have ruined your life I'm gonna say three and when I say three if you want the blood of Jesus to wash your soul and cleanse your heart shoot your hand up and say pastor Kevin would you pray for me I need to get right with God I don't care how long you been in church or if you've never been in church if you need an opportunity to get right with God when I say free I want you to shoot your hand up to the person next to you just to be into this [Music] [Music] [Music] never one of you stretching answered this altar pray for them like you wish thought it would work for you the night you gave it all to God of this spirit that I'm experienced new birth to 90 I don't wanna just to make a confession I want them to get born again born again by the Holy Ghost changed from the inside out Jesus Christ there's some right now [Music] that's right sweet girl I think there's about four more people in here that are just waiting there just waiting to see if this thing is real I'm telling you right now you know it's real because I'm talking to you and the Spirit of the Lord is breaking or your mind here's how what's your praying Church they get out of their seat and come to the altar loose every men like wax in the presence of the the neighbor ceaseless [Music] katara nama saya this is what revival looks like right here revival looks like an altar full of people getting closer to God revival looks like an altar full of people getting rescued [Music] now listen I know people teach people the sinner's prayer I've got no problem with it as long as people mean it but you cannot repeat a prayer that I give you and just say what I say and get born again born again is when a divine transaction happens in your heart it's when the old man or the old woman dies and the new manner new woman comes to life in Jesus how many are sick and tired of the old man how many wanna liken me yourself dad to the old man tonight and come up walking in the newness of life in Christ Jesus the vehicle by which this happens is prayer you don't have to know how to pray all you gotta know is that you know you're tired of the old man being your identity and you want the new man to come alive in Christ so every one of you close your ass in this altar quietly stretch your hands total please Church and just pray over gently every one of you who came to this altar I want you to lift your hands like this in a receiving position and I want you to begin to confess to God you want him to come and live in your heart right now by faith begin to believe what am I supposed to believe pastor Kevin you are to believe that Jesus is the Son of God that he died on a cross and nailed every one of our stinking sins to Calvary you are to believe as you pray that they put his dead body in a tomb and that three days later the Holy Spirit invaded the borrowed tomb of Joseph of Arimathea and the Bible said that the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead and today he is alive forevermore currently sitting at the right hand of God praying for you and I so I want you to ask that God who raised the dead body of Jesus from the dead to come live in your heart forgive you of your sins and raise you from spiritual death and put you into spiritual life right now ask him that every one of you open your mouth can't do this in your mind you must confess it with your mouth God forgive me of my sins I believe Jesus died on the cross I believe he rose from the dead he lives now I shall live and say right now [Music] [Music] [Music] the spirit [Music] somebody left [Music] no more shackles no more chains no more cold heart Jesus Jesus Jesus come on Church this bram blessing I'm just blessing yet Lord fill this young man with the heart of God the fire of Jesus burning his belly again mind broken free from every chain listen and let him go loose him and let him go right now that every part of you is free I just saw the Lord coating chains and ropes off of you you're no longer going to be handled like a puppet in the hand of the enemy the goodness of God's eyes right now glory I feel glory Holy Spirit I thank you for making this man new serve the Lord has given you a new mouth a new tongue a new heart he's giving you another opportunity you know why because he's the God of second and third and fourth and fifth chances and tonight you're getting up buddy out of that mess glory to God I wish I could find someone to pray in the Holy Ghost things are bankrupt one of these sons and daughters' their sons and daughters' citizens [Music] there's a whole lot of people chasing you son but nobody's chasing you like Jesus is chasing [Applause] Jesus there he is there he is thank you Lord Jesus [Music] I break every soul time how old are you buddy 15 what's your name [Music] why are you jumping that Schurz I felt like that might be your baby [Music] gangs will never have you you come into citizenship in the kingdom of God sir chains are broken off your life tonight and said every part of it free and lord I thank you for Isaac his name means laughter [Music] you lose devil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] some of y'all just got born again you're not what in the world is this dude doing [Music] okay this is like for us this is like way better than winning the Super Bowl melanoma I must explain our excitement when someone comes out of darkness into the light it's way better for us when that happens and if the Cardinals won the Super Bowl and when the Cardinals win the Super Bowl people go bananas and no one looks at them ago you are weird you know why because we get to choose what we're passionate about and thank seems to go crazy over a touchdown actions to go crazy over 60 [Music] so [Music] we're just really excited to hear and when you recognize that all of our sins mine yours we have a bunch of them we could have worked our whole life and never had paid the debt that it would have taken to get us into heaven tonight Jesus the one who paid the price on the cross has just gotten off the pages of this book and come into your heart [Music] and I know we're excited but you just have to understand there's a sound that comes with freedom [Music] in fact I got a buddy that lives over in North Carolina right by a naval base and planes fly over all hours of the night and it gets to get on everybody's nerves in the area so they put up a sign outside the Naval Base is said pardon us this is the sound of freedom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm real thankful that you didn't get saved or come back to the Lord in a dead religious Church I'm thankful you came to a church just do you know what the Bible says that's happening in heaven sweet girl had you been the only one who come down to this altar all of heaven would have took a praise break over you [Applause] so can you imagine what angels are doing right now with an altar full of people so we might be a little loud but this is the open up your mouth [Music] [Music] no more shackles no more chains no more bondage sir I am free [Music] no more shadows no more chains bondage higher free [Music] somebody take a 20 second dance right say again no no psychos no more change [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow [Music] everything stretch your hands toward one more time lift your hands up like this all up every chain broken every yoke destroyed every addiction God oh yes oh yes every addiction the old man is dead the old woman dead [Music] and the new you is coming alive tonight in Christ hallelujah this is what it feels like to be free [Music] how many gonna pray for them not just tonight but tomorrow listen to me very carefully all of you who come to the altar I'm gonna say this and then I'm going to move on all of you who come to the altar it is vital you know I just like you I just love you in the Lord I [Music] don't know what the Lord has done for you tonight but I feel like I'm supposed to tell you it's not too late does that make sense [Applause] [Music] GSK's touch touch this sweet lady touch her it's not too late sweetheart oh yes oh yes is never too late lilulu it's vital to your future that you get plugged in and planted in this house now if you're from another state we understand but if you're in driving distance you need to be here and get rooted and grounded in the house of the Lord you cannot win the victory by yourself you are not the church alone you are part of the body of Christ and I just declare over your life right now that no matter what the past looks like the future is amazing it's gonna be amazing baby [Applause] [Music] thank you lord hallelujah break every chain I promise you I want to preach but I just have to do this i'm and i'm not even apologizing i'm just explaining sweet girl chains are broken now Lord he's healing your heart baby he's healing your heart Jesus Jesus in their heart healer heart break every chain [Music] this is gonna be this is sounding crazy just keep your eyes closed sweetie and while you're holding my hand I'm gonna tell you what I see in my spirit I see the Lord driving you in a car and he just punched in a new destination on your GPS and I don't know where you were hidden but I know where you're going now [Applause] Jesus loose that woman oh he's so good to you he's so good to you the love of the Lord the love of the Lord the love come on just pray Church what's happening right now in your life sweetheart yes I see soul ties getting cut off of you and people who said they own to you and they don't you're not theirs you're a possession in the hand of a loving father his name is Yahweh tonight your heart becomes he is he is jealous for you it's that woman that let her go she-sus Jesus Jesus do you know her do you know that lady that was right there you don't know her lift your hands Jesus I thank you I thank you Lord you're lifting confusion of her mind and she's coming into knowledge and revelation given by the precious Holy Spirit Jesus be real to her now Jesus be real to her now Jesus there he is oh oh lift your hands I feel glory coming in this room right now Jesus Jerome Bettis a kaboom th Atala hand Autobahn suitor to stay today Michael Shia Jesus Jesus thank you for this man of God how shall a young man cleanse his ways by giving heed to the word of the Lord word of the Lord word of the Lord yeah now Jesus now Jesus now now there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain there is power Jesus to break every chain break every chain break every letter go let her go freedom freedom make a 3-chain freedom Jesus every chain break every chain [Music] Jesus to break every chain break every chain break every chain [Music] [Music] [Music] wait average say [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] come on bro [Music] I don't have to preach I know I've floated flew here to preach but I just want you to know I feel like this is what God wanted to do before the preaching tonight [Applause] and I don't even it makes more sense to me now because I don't even have a real sermon but I know I heard from the Lord this morning when I came in here to worship and I want you to know I didn't even know what I was gonna preach till I got to Arizona you say why are you telling us that because I want you to know and did you pray about that before you got here oh yes I prayed about it before I got here but something happens when you get in the room I read the I think it was the entire book of Deuteronomy on my way here on the plane why did I read the whole book of Deuteronomy because you don't get revelation unless you read the Bible you got to read the book and let the book get in you amen and I was sitting in this place in worship last night and this morning and the Lord began to deal with me about what to say tonight now I want anybody kneeling and lame to stay there I'm totally comfortable with people laid out while I'm preaching we do it all the time in Chattanooga but I want everyone else that has gotten what you came to the altar for as you go to your seat everyone clap and shout and give God praise for what he did in their life yeah come on it's about 10 more seconds of that Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] well I've got water everywhere [Music] I'll leave it better than I found it hallelujah first Kings 19 can I just share the word of the Lord and that's not a clock I got a preach a sermon can I just give you what God gave me is that Alright standing for the word everybody if you can't physically first Kings 19 I'm gonna give you a little bit from 18 but I'm gonna go to 19 directly verse 9 when you got it shout word and there he went into a cave and spent the night in that place and behold the word of the Lord came to him Elisha and said to him what are you doing here Elisha and he said I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant torn down your altars and killed your prophets with a sword I alone and lift and they seek my life to take it and he said God said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and before behold the Lord passed by a great strong wind toward the mountain into pieces and broke the rocks into pieces before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind after the wind and earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice and so it was when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mandolin and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave suddenly a voice came to him and said what are you doing here Elijah and he goes back through the exact same confession have been Seles for the Lord the children of Israel forsaken your covenant torn down your altars killed your prophets with the sword I alone him left and they seek my life and the Lord said to him go return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus when you arrive anoint Hazael king over Syria anoint Jehu Kingdom nimshi Oh as king over Israel and elisha the son of shaphat avaible mahalo you shall anoint as prophet in your place whoever escapes the sword of house al j who will kill whoever escapes the sword of Jehu elijah will kill yet i have reserved a seven thousand in israel all whose knees have not bowed the bail and every mouth that has not kissed him so it was when Elijah heard it verse 13 he wrapped his face in his mantle I want to talk for a few minutes on this thought unconventional or fair look at your neighbor and say neighbor we are in a place and a time where it demands we operate in unconventional warfare oh god help the religious people not to thank Lord Jesus somebody shout unconventional warfare help me Jesus a man you can be seated our text thank you sir our text tonight is found in one of the darkest chapters in Israel's history the nation of Israel was under a spell of demonic leadership a spineless king named a hab and his wife the infamous Jezebel Jezebel Jezebel her insidious tentacles of destruction and deception not only surface here in first kings but they reached all the way into the new testament book of Revelation and we find her seducing and manipulating the servants of the Lord in the church at Thyatira under the leadership of Ahab and Jezebel Israel who had been brought out of Egyptian bondage by the strong arm of Yahweh had wondered away from the altar of the Lord danced in front of the altars of BHEL bowing their knee to a God who had asked but could not see hands but could not touch mouth but could not speak as the nation went whoring after other gods Jezebel massacred the prophets of the Lord in an attempt to rid the land of the voice of God among God's people the sin of Israel provoked the judgment of God as the nation experienced a famine a famine so severe that it calls their animals to die grass begin to wither and the withering grass in the field was a picture of the withering heart of a sin cursed nation as you read this dark chapter of history almost out of nowhere comes a boat holy lightning crashing on the scene in the form of a hairy man a Tishbite from the tribe of manasseh named Elijah the only thing that stood between Israel and her destruction was this bold fearless prophet who was rugged in appearance covered in animal skins and full of the fire of God as the nation reared in its rebellion Elijah burst on the scene with an anointing for transformation and a mantle of confrontation as I read the story tonight I cannot help but see the parallel of our day in the day of Elijah when everywhere we look we see corruption and we see rebellion and we save whales and kill babies uh-huh I'm gonna talk about it all tonight morally we've lost our compass now sexuality is the thing of our preference and choice it doesn't matter what we were created to be or how God deemed us in our world in our mother's womb we come out and in our own proud work to change the narrative and the identity of our own selves and we're reeling in immorality and perversion in our nation it's almost as if Jezebel is still on the loose I want you to know that Jezebel in in my day growing up Jezebel was identified primarily and I want to stand and apologize to all the sisters in the house that you had to endure the preaching of somebody that told you Jezebel was the female spirit I want you to know I've seen some deacons with the spirit of Jezebel I've seen some church bosses with the spirit of Jezebel Jezebel don't have to have a skirt on I've seen Jezebel manifests with a three-piece suit trying to condemn and manipulate and control the men and women of God raised up in a prophetic anointing there's still a Jezebel spirit trying to vex the soul of a nation that was born and blessed by God and just like in the days of first Kings 19 and 18 just like the nation that was under this insidious attack from this diabolical demonic spirit we find ourselves in the very same situation in the nation we call home and I want you to know tonight it is not time for timid oh god help me 20 minutes of chicken soup for the Christian soul every Sunday morning where we start at 10 o'clock sharpen in that noon dull I want you to understand this morning that if we're going to see this nation turn back to God we will have to stop being passive and polite to our own destruction let's just all sit in a circle hold hands and sing Kumbaya that's the strategy these days don't offend anyone don't speak the truth in love don't tell the truth god forbid don't stand up and preach there's only one way to heaven we might offend somebody I want to make a clear call clarion declaration in this house tonight there there is no other way to happen other than through the shed blood of Jesus Christ he is the son of the Living God and I want you to hear me to hell with the spirit of religion that tells us we just have the power need for whatever God the God flavor of the day honey our knee will never bow before another [Applause] this prophet Elijah returned Ayasha by it comes lashing out of them almost out of the sky at a command from another world and he walks into a jacked-up situation messed up nation under the spell of a spineless king who was married to the devil with a skirt on and she sat coiled on her throne and he took orders from his wife who was full of the devil and the entire nation had wandered away from the God that brought them out of Egyptian bondage and now they are dancing before the gods a bale kneeling their knees before these poles polls that had the carven image of bail upon them polls polls that had eyes carved but as that couldn't see had a mouth carved on the pole but the mouth couldn't speak had hands on the pole but the hands could never be extended that's what's wrong with America we're serving gods that have no power to deliver and although Wow the church is sitting in our little station where his own Sunday I think like all we need is a little God in a little corner talking about a little kingdom doing little things where are the people who have boldness Bible says the righteous are as bold as a lion says that the wicked flee but the righteous are as bold as a lion in the flesh he had courage so much so that he walked up to the king God give us some people with a spine in front of leadership he walked up to the king and the king said to me is that you Elijah no trouble er of Israel and he rebuked the king I'm not the one who troubled Israel God my heart gets heavy when I preach this text because there are people who actually think that the Christians are the problem now I will acknowledge that there are people in the ranks of the righteous who at times we have to give explanation for because they're hateful demeanor and their nasty attitude and their mean spirit has misrepresented the Lord and his love and his kingdom but I want to tell you right now that the born-again spirit-filled Bible preaching church that is full of the glory of God and full of the power of the Holy Ghost they are not the problem in this nation I can assure you that if you remove the prayer if you remove the intercession if you remove the preaching on the blood god I feel like preaching in this church tonight if you removed our songs if you removed our tears if you removed our worship this thing would go to hell and handbasket in a nanosecond because there's only one thing that is keeping the judgment of God from turning this thing upside down because I choose to stay the hand of judgment Jesus help me preach tonight and the Bible said that he came with courage and stood before a hampton he rebuked a happen he called for her he called for a meeting he said I want the whole nation to show up so the whole nation comes to a mountain the Bible tells us something powerful this is unsay unconventional warfare say unconventional warfare you've got to do things differently in this hour the devil has pulled out some secret weapons and it's time for the church to understand that God will never be outdone or out strategized by the enemy we do not serve a God trying to come up with a plan he is not sitting in some far removed corner of the universe twiddling his thumbs at trying to avoid a nervous breakdown over the condition of this world uncle stand up right here and I'm gonna tell you that Yahweh is sitting on the throne of authority he wasn't voted in so you'll never vote him out [Music] [Applause] you didn't appoint him so you can't uh appoint him Elijah called for the nation to come together he said we're going to see who goddess if bail is God's servant but if Jehovah is God serve Him and the way we're going to determine who God is is let the God who answers by fire let him be God unconventional warfare get the altar kill two bulls put the pieces of the bull on the altar and I want you to pray for your God Baylor to send the fire so he let them have the privilege of praying first and this is interesting because he actually gave his into enemy access to the first demonstration and had bail been able to summon the fire then the entire nation would have seen the fire a bail and turned from Yahweh and serve bail so I must ask the question why would the Prophet take such a risk and allow the prophets of bail to pray to their God first why wouldn't he take the opportunity to demonstrate the power of Yahweh first and that bill have the explaining to do I will tell you why because the profit wasn't hindered or staggering or double minded in his decision-making he knew that bill was a dead God and had no access to holy fire so why wouldn't I let them pray because they have a God that has ears but they're not here that's why they prayed all day long from Sun up to sundown and just before the evening sacrifice Elijah walks up and they're all hoarse their arms trying to sacrifice their own bodies and bring holy fire no fire the only one who has fire is the one that created the heavens and the earth and that is why a holy fire over the windowsill of glory the fire was so hot that the fire licked up the water in the trailer God we don't serve help uni we serve Elsa we serve a God who has fire that can consume the sacrifice [Applause] but that's not what I came to preach about when I came to preach about first is this issue with the altar we don't preach this in the text but I want you to look at verse number 30 in first Kings 18 it's very important you see this before the rain came the fire came and before the fire came Elijah look at the text repaired the altar say repaired why is that significant because the Hebrew word for repair is Ruffa it's where we get the word Jehovah Rapha the Lord our healer we have sick nations because we have sick altars the altar well I know him to heal my body he's healed it before but I've never seen a sick altar until I saw this text Jesus how is it sick pastor I'll show you how because at this point in Israel's history Israel is divided into two kingdoms the Northern Kingdom being Israel and the southern kingdom being Judah that happened as a result of poor leadership through a man named Rio Boehm who increased the taxes on God's people and because he made he made them pay unusually high taxes they rebelled against his leadership and the Kingdom split into two northern and the southern kingdom each of them had their own place of worship each of them had their own way of worshipping God each of them had their own Kingdom like idiosyncrasies that made them different than one another it was Israel and Judah northern kingdom southern kingdom they were supposed to be one but now they're divided and when elijah walks to the forefront of the nation he refuses to look at two altars he builds one altar out of 12 stones rather than two altars out of ten stones here and two what's the point the point is if the church has six divided altars no wonder she doesn't have any power I'm not getting any help right here that's why we have churches oh god help me I'm flying out in the morning so imma let it rip tonight glory to God we've got black churches altars and white church altars making people mad at me right now but the reason we have no Kingdom power is because we are more in identified by our culture then we are our kingdom god I feel like preaching in this room I want you to know my ancestors are from Europe I am white but I don't serve a white god we got a deal with this in the church God is not a divided go there is not a black church God in a Life Church Latino there is only one God with one people we bring brought out of every nation every kindred every tribe every tongue [Applause] [Applause] [Music] but I don't got it stirred up let me go on with it I was in a very affluent part of Tennessee pastoring what some would call a successful church we had a six million dollar campus we were completely debt-free I was 35 years old living in a debt-free house we were blessed until one day I got a revelation God was calling me to the city suburbia into urban craziness and I had one of the men that had been with me for a long time walk up to me and he said to me why would we want to go downtown in the city I said because that's where God said go [Applause] [Laughter] that's where God said go here's what he said to me I don't want my kids let me go over here and talk to him I don't want my kids going to church with them kids and I stepped back and what he didn't know is that was born and raised in the hood all of my baby all of my childhood I'd sit out on my front porch because we live next to a Church of God in Christ I never got to go in the building because I was white and they were back but I sat on my front porch and they'd open those windows and that Hammond b3 organ would get out in the streets and it got down into my soul and the first time I ever stood up to preach I didn't even know what I was gonna say but the first thing I said and they looked at me like what have we done [Applause] man cold today I've come to tell you we will no longer be identified by the stereotypes there is a kingdom and we're not going to get rain until we heal the altar I went downtown to the dismay of some people and I found family I found family I want you to understand something tonight we're going to heaven together and when we get there you won't be sitting over there and me and my folk over here I have asked God to put me in the middle of the African nation [Applause] can I tell y'all story this is true this is gonna be great for Christmas I bought myself a gift it's called ancestry DNA dot-com I wanted to know where I came from so I went and checked my ancestry and I knew most of me came from Scotland Wallace [Applause] but I almost fainted when 7% of my DNA [Applause] that's why I preach in the key of a-flat hallelujah you don't know what to think about me and I love it God's raising up a tribe of people that don't fit in religious boxes we don't fit in your mama's stereotype we don't fit in your daddy's personality type we've been brought out of a bunch of different places but we got one thing in common lost in the blood of the lamb from the top of our feet [Applause] [Music] haled the altars we're not four or five different types of people one not only did he heal the altars that's unconventional the next thing I want you to see it's that when He healed the altar fire fell and suddenly rain came and when the rain came everything dead came back to life the Prophet who had heard the sound now here's the report of Jezebel and she says by this time tomorrow I'll have your life the Bible says something amazing in the New King James and in the King James it says and when she said it he saw it he actually saw what that spirit said and he ran Laurie he ran somebody's running tonight there's some prophets running oh I'm not just talking about in here I'm talking about in this nation we got some prophets and prophetesses we were hiding in case running for their life hiding from the voice command Ori came in the hush Appa and he's in a cave camping out hiding trying to preserve his life and God comes to him in the cave Elijah hey bud can I get you anything that's not our God God will never comfort you while you're living beneath your calling and your purpose he loves you too much to leave you at an address that you weren't in called to be living in case are not created for profits and yet the profit is in the cave and while he's in the cave hiding trying to preserve his life something powerful and unconventional happens the voice of the Lord comes to him I am amazed at this text because it has all the components of what we used to call camp meeting earthquakes wind and fire when I was growing up if the fire was burning and the wind was blowing and the place was shaking God was in the house I like it like that I love it like that in fact when I walked in this room I almost felt like I do when I go to a swimming pool on vacation just I said oh I'm a hole [Applause] but I want to tell you this there are people that have learned I'm not saying here I'm just saying there are people who have learned how to blow the wind create the fire and shake the house but there is no voice of God so God calls the Prophet to the edge of a cave and the Prophet hears the voice of the Lord don't miss this say unconventional warfare what does the Prophet do he wraps his head in his mantle why because the last thing our way needs is another prophet who responds to what they see with their natural eyes and hear with their natural ears we get too much of our sermon material from Fox News and CNN we get too much of our sermon material from the craziness happen in the streets of our cities where are the people who get away with God wrap their head in their mental and forget about what kind of Hill is breaking loose in the world forget about the reports they're listening to in the news cycle where are the people who hear the word healing would return if we'd hear the voice of God well God's go restore healing he never stopped healing we just stopped listening for his voice to many prophets preaching with eyes wide open instead of a spirit connected to the Holy Ghost so that they can hear what God is where are the people who are not afraid to wrap their face in a mantle if you ever wrap your head in a mantle you won't have to strive for sermon material [Applause] you have more to say than you know how to preach if you ever wrap your head in a mental he'll give you business people oh this is for a preacher no this is for the kingdom because there's some business people who are one strategy away from being in debt to being a billionaire I said billion that don't sound like me I ain't talking to you then but I'm talking to somebody that's too much for me we'll move over I'm not talking to you Tom that woman behind you that's been waiting on one download from the Holy Ghost because if she ever gets in that place of supernatural provision she'll finance every dream got every pudding [Applause] we've lost the ability to hear the steel small voice that leads to shaking gigantic transformation still oh I got REM science of a still small voice leads to gigantic earth-shaking transformation steel small voice leads to gigantic earth-shaking transformation steel small voice leads to songs that shake nations steel small voice leads to one message that becomes a book that becomes a word for an entire gender missing what I'm saying some of us are waiting for the Thunder and the lightning and the fire but God is saying I'll do it for you but I want to make sure you know that it's still intimacy with me hearing that voice that was the situation he puts the mantle on his head and I'm almost through musicians if you'll come he puts this mantle on his head and cuts this too and go out on the hitch of the cave he puts the meant alone and God gives him a neck one instruction I want you to annoyed annoyed everyone say annoyed this is unconventional warfare point number three if you're taking notes number one he repaired the altar number two he put his mantle on his hip number three he was not afraid to anoint next if you are going to win the war on with Jezebel you're gonna have to do it generationally because she surfaces her nasty face it's nasty face in every generation that's why you can kill her in first Kings kill it in first Kings chapter eight of 19 or second Kings chapter nine you can kill it in second Kings chapter nine but it shows up in Revelation chapter three why because the name of a person is a demon and if you go in it you don't have to win it in every generation she keeps coming back so we keep raising up for profits to stay toe to toe I'll meet you Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday you might try to take Arizona and Phoenix but you are lying devil as long as there's breath in our body not only will we stand against you but our sons and daughters this is unconventional because common sense tells me if you want to preserve your seat of importance you have to put everybody else who is a threat to you out of business this is why we got preacher competition this is my father's can't raise our sons it's my sons you gotta be careful sons that you don't get a spirit of absolute because when you have a general like this and you have a powerful team like this if you're not careful hmm if you're not careful you will miss the assignment of next in my church I'm 40 years old in a week and a half I already talked about the future why are you getting better to be done nope if the Lord tarries I'm asking the Lord for 120 years of life I'm just asking for it well I don't know you you know you don't look like you're gonna let them just be quiet I'm asking the Lord for 120 years get an agreement or just listen to me don't say nothing but I'm already talking about the future I'm are talking about next well brother why are you just 40 then that make you a little bit and insecure nope because of Jesus terry's I need sons and daughters that will take my ceiling and make it their floor so watch this watch this I'm through I'm through he said I want you to anoint Elisha prophet in your place I know in how CL king of Damascus then I want you to anoint Jehu king of Israel the wash this come here partner help me come here partner help me cut my partner help me we help me yeah yeah come on watch this you stand right here face to people for me okay y'all line up right beside him he said I want you to know i J who has Al and Elisha and never thought one of them will have a sword and the one that survives one sword if a person that survives his sword he'll take him out and whoever survives his sword he'll take him out there'll be nothing left of the enemy when I get through with these three watch watch read the Bible the only one Elijah Elisha anointed was Elijah read the Bible second Kings chapter eight and second Kings chapter 9 how CL and Jade who got anointed guess by who Elisha don't miss it God told Elijah you go anoint Elisha you go ignore it ha CL and you go anoint Jehu Elisha only made it to Elisha the anoint Elisha has the Prophet Elisha them turns and anoints how CL and Jehu what is the point the point is he had to anoint next but next had to finish the assignment didn't annoyed all three he only anointed one who anointed two and three it's a generational assignment is this making sense if you don't anoint next Jezebel will sit up in her house look through her window and despise the hand of God on a nation but I'm telling you right now Jehu is coming for Jesse I may never read that story that's where we get that whole thing about Maybelline jessabelle that's all about makeup growing up all the women in the church that wore makeup was going to hell zone and put that makeup on listen there's some women it's a sin not to wear makeup come on in here and tell the truth Church how many know Jezebel is much more than maple Lena near Bob's I know some men that got a spirit of Jezebel talk to me somebody she was sitting up in her window and here comes Jay who I was like a madman she started painting her face second Kings chapter 9 read the text we always preach she was painting her face to seduce him that's not true she was painting her face like they did in the Orient to prepare for death because when she saw that King coming on a chariot when she saw the fire in his eyes she said my days are done baby I'm out of here this is the generation that's gonna take me out and when Jay who walked up to the Jezebel Palace [Music] and the units that she had stripped of their intimacy and reproductive power grabbed her and threw her out the window and the dogs lift up her blood what's the point if we'll release the anointing to next and next finishes the assignment we will see a generational victory over principalities and powers that have tried to destroy a nation that God has called to bless so my altar call tonight this the second one my altar call tonight is for people who want to put a mantel on their head and hear the still small voice of Yahweh again get here now [Music] [Music] get a Terrell a boo-boo killer palpable kata-kata develop indeed any colored it is she can Tallulah Messiah pray in the spirit and with understanding pray in the spirit and with understanding Kiera ba Baracus on de k Telemachus on de que tal abacus anda voice of God come voice of God come voice of God come and tune the frequency of our spiritual ears I need to hear your voice right now Yahweh I want you to speak to my spirit tonight pray like that search come on I need to hear your voice I'm tired of living by what I see living by what I hear with natural ears I'm wrapping my head in a mantle I'm wrapping my head the voice of the Lord send the voice every one of you young men right here all of you lift your hands I hear the Holy Ghost reminding me right now with the story of Samuel he came into the temple God came into the temple Samuel was sitting by the Ark of the Covenant on the outside of the holy place tending the things of the priesthood the Bible said that the voice of God came to Samuel Samuel Samuel and he came to Eli the priest who did not know that he was hearing the voice of God and finally the preset go back if God talks to you again telling me here my lord what do you want to say to me young man you don't have to wait till you're 30 hear the voice of the Lord hears the voice of the Lord will shut up higher speak to him tonight o God raised up as Samuel generation raised up as Samuel generation pray in the Holy Ghost raised up as Samuel generation raised up as Samuel generation Holy Ghost Holy Ghost sweet God tomando dose and ayah speak Lord which a meant alone puts your mental own put your mantle all which are mental around your head somebody I hear the holy ghost God said somebody's picking up their mantle right now someone dropped it along the way you've thrown it a sad you said it don't take all that anymore but tonight the ember is burning tonight the soul is on fire tonight your spirit is burning with the fire of Yahweh Oh God let the voice of the Lord let the voice of the Lord let the voice of the Lord the voice of God Oh speak Lord throw your hands up and ask God to remember you tonight romantic [Music] come on come on this Masek Savi blast this nation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus mantel [Music] [Music] if I could ask you to to hold hands [Music] you're already in a mantel and you're here in God my prayer is not that you'll get a mantel it's that you'll stay in it and you will and I'm telling you there are instructions coming instructions that are unconventional to the conventional church [Music] and the spirit of Yahweh is going to let you have the grace and blessing of being tuned in Jesus I feel that national anointing on this house in the [Music] Mahabharata Baba peseta set a set about a hot tub agenda by Oh seanny bond a kangaroo Tana bobis and Arabic in the Dorobo shape Harada Bobo c-come on seeing in the spirit seeing in the spirit here on a llama so kondaiah we're getting ready to go to another level of go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna do something takes great courage but I feel God in it I don't want there to be any music for about three or four minutes I want everyone in this room to close their eyes lift their hands and let this mantle of God come on eyes and ears in the natural so that we're led by the voice within it's gonna feel uncomfortable for the first 10 seconds but some of you are snapping out of the flesh and into the spirit voice of God come I'm asking you Father speak now to your people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this he's recalibrating let him do it he's recalibrating let him do it he's fine-tuning the frequency of your heart tonight voice of God come voice of God speak to your people [Music] Jesus [Music] lord thank you for this house thank you for this house why the Lord have set my face in your direction for the Lord says I have set my face in your direction and you will hear my voice says the Lord be attentive since the spirit of grace to the church for I am looking for those who would hear my instruction the Spirit says because you have not been satisfied with other voices but hunger for my voice I call you my chosen I set my face toward you you will hear my voice be attentive says the spirit of grace for this line for this night I have recalibrated your spiritual earring and I even hear the Lord saying it's going to wake some of you in the night you're going to hear the voice of the Ave instructions and downloads are coming strategies are coming look not to right and left but look toward me says the spirit of grace and I will speak and when the sovereign speaks who can but prophesy you will hear it and you will say it and I will do it says the spirit of grace oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't even know what to do with this [Music] [Applause] ha hmm I spent a long time since I felt at this heavy miss have you tonight it's a holy thing what God is doing right now it's a very holy thing very holy moment I just believe there's some very significant things happening in all of our lives tonight some may be more discernible than others right now but in the days to come some of you were going to realize some things that God has done in you tonight I choose to believe that Fresh Start shirts will never be the same after this weekend yes for all of you that are here from other churches I choose to believe those that are in leadership and pastors that your church will never be the same because you will never be the same after this weekend this is usually when I - how much I appreciate and love everyone for what you've done this weekend but and I do that I'm overwhelmed by your faithfulness and your hunger and your pursuit but I think we got to leave this moment like it is right now we don't we don't need any more music to go out by tonight with this need that we just need to leave this moment right here this is this is a this comes one of those sovereign settling moments of God's presence and he's just going to walk right out of here with us and I do want to honor the bishop and think a bishop Kevin Wallace for coming and being willing to share and pour into this house today and y'all know how how we do here God has moved this weekend and here's the significant things and now we will contend for more we will continue next revival weekend and we will experience more yes-man so you know pastor Kevin and I on the staff of this church love you deeply and thank you for believing and fighting and contending and growing and hungry for more of God yes and there is something special about every one of you that you carry on the inside of you and when you leave here you're leaving here a revivalist and you're leaving here to go change the world amen thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering six two three two nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 3,433
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ujf76TrQBtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 55sec (7435 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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