Revival Weekend: Saturday PM | Josh Carter | September 7, 2019

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[Music] come on you can do a little bit better than that well I know you've been praising God all night long but there is a there's a coupe of people in this room let's say maybe maybe there's just 30 seconds left maybe I've got about ten seconds left and I can magnify the Lord [Music] [Music] to take 10 seconds why don't you take 10 second [Music] that is to his name [Music] so you see the look the problem the problem with the river is some people think that getting in is enough then just because I got in it that was what God wanted but that was only the beginning of God once when the river comes that in is not enough Oh hallelujah come on talk to me somebody I said in it's not enough you got to learn how to move in what's already moving because settling really could be replaced with the word stopping how you gonna stop it what's moving that's called rebellion but see there are some people in this room that understand that if I can move in what's already moving I could get to where he's calling me even quick even quicker than what I already thought I could get there so I wonder if there's anybody in this room that said Ian it's not enough and what's already movement [Music] hold on hold on hold on you got a move in what smoothing which means you got to get out of angle deep stuff I need deep stuff and the waist deep stuff you've already been there and they by the way when it gets to that level in the river that's all you control but there is a dimension where you lose oh where you lose control where you make up your mind that you are done doing it your way and you're done doing it the way that you've always done it there is the moment in after all in a service like this where you make up your mind that you don't care what people think about you and you don't care what they say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm trying to preach but but can I take it one more step deeper the Bible says in the book of Matthew chapter 1 there is a genealogy that's given and most people skip over genealogies but genealogy has really watch this the process that makes birth the manifestation of the process by which new things are birth is called genealogy it's progress to birthing and the Bible says if you if you see something I was just gonna miss this but the Bible says that Judah began Perez and everybody knows what Judah beans but not a whole lot of people study Perez Perez means breakthrough [Music] Suda begat perez are you only saying nothing I said su de grĂ¢ce gave birth to breakthrough and what you don't even know right now is that why your hands are lifted and your voices raised you are in the perfect position talk to - but I dare you humans if you've got a crazy praise first your breakthrough [Music] this is for the radical people this is for the people that say I gotta get a price this is for the people it sounds sick and tired going services service and their teeth what our painful the total is God has a breakthrough in this room with your name motive but he's looking for some praise [Music] so keep it right there and keep it just right there I'm gonna give you the last 30 seconds for our priest listen I don't know what you need but but but but but praise it's about to give birth to Perez and stuff the doctors say wouldn't be healed it's about to get healed and stuff your neighbor said wouldn't happen in your family's about to happen in your family stuff in your life is about to change with this brace so this is for the radical people keep the music down just a little bit this is for the people that say I don't need a band and I don't need singers I'm gonna use my praise to give birth to my own breakthrough I don't need a pen don't need people are you ready you've got 30 seconds to let Perez be born to let your breakthrough people on aren't you ready 30 seconds to it now do it now whoever's watching me online do it now do it now dancing your living room running your kitchen whatever you got to - Perez Perez Perez [Applause] fifteen seconds for all the radical rally people 15 seconds to get home [Applause] I'm telling you the Dibble can't stop this demons can't stop this oh you're about to birth [Applause] [Music] yes no no yes I told her my Sultana okay calm down are no more sons or couples feel the glory of the Lord in this room [Music] come on step up your hands father feel your glory since you're annoying tonight you are eager to bless your people tonight you are ready to touch your people tonight we came with expectation but you came with one too you are ready to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think in this place and our soul says yes and we give you praise and we give you glory in fact I wiII give you praise now even though we haven't seen you do it here [Applause] is Jesus mighty name and if you're ready for a breakthrough somebody shout Amen sums up in this room tonight something's up in this room while your sin and grab your Bibles grab your Bibles I have a prophetic mandate from the Lord tonight I feel like this whole weekend was a today moment for tomorrow move of God I feel like there are some people that are that are in the middle of Transfiguration something's changing forever Oh y'all miss what I said I said it's not changing for today's changing [Applause] which should open up your Bibles to the book of second Kings the book of second Kings who some will happen in here look easy neighbors say stay tuned stay tuned stay tuned somebody's gonna walk out of here free someone's gonna walk out of here someone's gonna walk out of here with joy oh the devil is in trouble [Applause] second Kings chapter four and let me just say is so honoring once again to stand in this pulpit and I do not take it lightly I've been coming here for four years from the inception really of this revival and I stand amazed at what God is continuing to do he's not done he's only just begun and I am anxious to see what the Lord continues to do as a preacher in this move of God we come not with sentences but we come with words and so it's always fun to look back and see how your word affected the sentence because because any preacher that stands in this pulpit that thinks he is the be-all end-all this move of God shouldn't be in this move of God we are parts of a body pieces of what God is doing and I say that because one of the greatest preachers I believe in America really around the world is going to take this pulpit tomorrow and if you've never never heard bishop kevin Wallace buckle your seat belt fastened it quick and tight because I'm telling you this man of God is about to deliver I think God for him can we let the Lord know how much we appreciate that this gift is in this house and I just love you I honor you so thankful for you and some dear friends of mine are here they are the overseers of Arizona in the Church of God and they oversee every Church of God Church in Arizona bishop shea and abigail hughes are here today on the front row there are difference of mind god bless you I love you honor you thank God for you what do you love your pastors [Applause] I say that's unanimous in the room that's unanimous uh uh there's sometimes when I get ready to preach up here and I can see pastor Kim get up here I just think why they even bring me in why am I here tonight but God has a word amen and I think I'm for this staff 2nd Kings chapter 4 I'm going to preach it like God gave it I need you to lean in take notes this word is heavy in my spirit prophetic to your life and prophetic to this house if you're ready to take the journey say Amen second Kings 4:8 through 17 this is what the Word of God would say and by the way I woke up this morning and I'm I'm still a dad [Music] just just letting y'all know I'm still a dare they men after 8 years of struggle and pain still the damn faithful faithful God faithful God all right let's go to work tonight he said Kings for a through 17 this is what the word of the Lord would say now what happened one day then Elisha went to Salam where there was a notable or great woman and she persuaded him to eat some food now it was as often as he passed by he would turn in there to eat some food and she said to her husband look now I perceive what I know that this is a man of God who passes by us regularly like that word please let us now make a small upper room on the wall and let us put a bid there for him then a table and the chair and the lamp stand so it will be whenever he comes he can turn in there hmm and it happened one day that he came there and he turned into the upper room and laid down there and he said the gaze on his servant called this you know my woman and when he had called her she stood before him and he said to him and he said to him say now to her look you have been concerned for us with all of this care sounds familiar about this house what can I do for you hmm do you want me to speak on your behalf to the king or to the command of the army and she has it I dwell among my own people so he said what then is to be done for her and gaze I answered and said actually she has no son and her husband is old so he said call her oh I like it and will he called her she stood in the door and he said about this time next year you shall embrace the Sun and she said no my lord man of God do not lie to your maidservant watch this but the woman conceived anyway and bore a son when the appointed time had come of which Elijah had told her God sent me tonight with a prophetic word to tell you that you are going to have a season of Transfiguration and transformation but the prerequisite to see it all is that you have to make room oh that ain't for everybody but if you're looking for a title for somebody God brought me in this room all the way from Florida through a hurricane to tell you that in this season it is time to make room for what God is about to do in your life let's pray I feel the anointing father thank you for what I feel I know it's not about feeling but thank you Lord for your anointing thank you kid that you can't be felled thank you Lord that you can be understood that one glimpse of your face we can understand you we can come Lord together Lord in this room to be taught your word in Jesus name I pray have your way and we'll give you all the glory in Jesus name someone who believes it's out amen you may be seated thank your band just look at somebody say make room come on look at somebody real seriously say make room make room make room make room make room make room to make room many preachers that preach this text are ignorant of the power of this text that the real power of this text does not come from this text alone many preachers only preach this text and in doing so they alleviate and pull back the power the real power of this text preaching this text by itself without referencing the text previous to it if the leaves and Rob's this text of real power because the power that comes to the text I read comes because the preceding text that lies before it because preceding this text is another woman because really in this miracle there is not one woman there are two there are two women because when this when you come into second Kings for you are touching not just one woman who has it all together you are touching another that is under distress because how many know if you live like for long enough there will be seasons you got it all together and there will be seasons of distress how many know if you live long enough there will be seasons where you're up and seasons where you there'll be seasons where you got joy and they'll be seasons where you feel like all hell is breaking loose but aren't you thankful in this room that God knows how to minister to both all y'all to quiet on me not to religious because there are some of us that can testify in this room we have a testimony that he was as much God in the valley as he was on the mountaintop that he is still powerful no matter where on that I wish I had about a hundred people that could give God some praise for being powerful all the time this text it's a powerful text because of the precedes it because this woman in 2nd Kings for the first woman not the sooner my woman the first woman is under strange to rest she's about the loser kids he's about to she's about to lose it all she's lost a husband already things are gone crazy and yet one visit from a man of God changes everything in her life help me know that one visit from a real man of God can change everything in your life and before you shout and dance right there please know it's not the man of God it's the garden the man that makes the difference oh that's why you gotta watch who you listen to and watch who you take notes from because it's not so much if you think they're a man of God but it's can I sense the God in the man is there an anointing that breaks the yoke not just the kiss that tickles your ears [Applause] because we have traduced the anointing down to what made me feel good we have reduced services down to what made us feel good and not what made us feel God's because when a real anointing shows up in a man of God that manages to make you feel good it will break the yoke off of your life because the real anointing will leave you like you came for your lease a another real anointing will show up and break every shackle and break every strong hook and set you free because who the Sun sets free is free indeed if their City free people tell you to give God some praise right one visit from a man of God changed everything he watched this game to her he tamed her she needs a miracle but watch this when he comes he brings nothing to the house oh he brings is a highlighter oh can I go deep oh he does is pull out of his pocket a highlighter to show her that God uses what you already possess that God uses ordinary things common things things that seem like they're mundane and mediocre to you but when God gets ready to do a miracle God does it with things that you already have things that are already within your reach because most people look for the next big thing and in doing so they overlook the very thing that is within their reach that God wants to use could it be could it be that your eyes are in the wrong place and because your eyes are in the wrong place you are keeping yourself out of a miracle the Prophet does not come but to do anything else but to highlight a small thing Oh y'all highlight a little thing because how God does does it do small things and little things and ordinary things it's noise a little bit of meal it's always a little chore avoid your source the jawbone of a donkey it's noise five loaves and two fish I'm preaching better y'all later it's always a little thing but here's what I know it might be small in your eyes but if small things never get in the hands of big God a big car can take a small thing and bring great glory from it somebody's gotta give him praise so what God is about to do with the small things all right oh but pastor I got just a little bit of annoying I got I got a little bit of gifting I got a little bit let me tell you something if you got any at all oh you'll miss what I said I said if you've got any at all Eenie is enough for God to do more than enough because he can't do more than enough until you're enough touches his hands he comes to let her know they're what you needed you already had can I go deeper because some of us so much this room don't even understand that it's not coming to us it's already in us that's why God always talks about seed before he talks about harvest that's why the see what's this in Genesis is always inside itself oh because that's how I protect the investment of your purpose is I put it down on the inside of you I keep it protected and at the right time I know how to sin the rain at the right time I know how to get you in the river at the right time come in highlight it and when I put my hand on the little thing I will call small gifts and smaller Nordics to rise and release and to grow what I'm trying to tell somebody is you might seem like you've been hidden in this season but get ready baby because God is about to let you Rhys he's about to let you rise and if you're ready to rise somebody ought to give him praise somebody ought to give him glory because you're just a power no and that's not just for the 30 year olds in the 40 year olds gotta find a 12 year old that's ready to go to another level and he'll highlight a little gift in a 12 year old gotta find a 75 80 year old person who everybody said was done and finished and all of us you'll highlight say 80 and I know except for tasks that nobody said you could do the devil is alive all generations [Applause] whoa kosher I came to tell some person that's a safe you're not done I came to tell some older lady some older man you're not finished I mean to tell you your best days are still ahead despite what people said about you and it's right where they told you you can't do the devil is a liar I know ya eighty but so getting ready to run you ready to rise but what this means can I go deeper what this means is that when a real prophet comes he doesn't come to bring he comes to reveal a real prophet brings nothing except revelation how about helping anybody so when a real man of God shows up in your life and a real encounter happens sometimes they put nothing in your hands sometimes they sign the flashlight just the right time just the right angle that's why you need to watch who you get around because some people in your life highlight all the bad things about you they highlight all the terrible things but if you get around the right people the right people with your life but go on your tests Anita they're gonna stand the light on your gift they're gonna stand the light on your anointing do not go deeper because being anointed and being gifted is being ordinary for you being be ordinary sometimes is the curse in your own eyes because you never see yourself you never see yourself like God really seizure that's why God brings you in these services to highlight for you what you don't know about yourself that's why you can't do this lone ranger for Jesus nonsense this thing online will go to church and angle coming the move of God the devil is a liar because every once in a while God will bring somebody from the outside to show you what you don't know about you so that you can finally fulfill what you're called to fulfill in your purpose it's why even Jesus had to go to a Jordan and submit himself to a John in a crowd of people John says let me get out the flashlight in the highlighter and bring a revelation behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world he said and not let me just tell him who he is let me give a demonstration of what his ministry is gonna look like I'm gonna take him down Oh y'all I stand up that he's gonna go down and he's put don't worry baby he's gonna get back up and the glory of the Lord [Applause] are you submitted enough to let a man of God not just submitted enough have you been submitted long enough to let a real man of God tell you what you don't know and yet you're trying to figure out this text is powerful because it takes an ordinary woman under duress and one revelation brings her own miracle that changes everything forever that's not my text tonight the real reason there's power behind that is because just the polls are put right up against it is another woman the first woman is under duress the second woman is a woman of great means and yet God uses the stories of two women to create contrast Oh can I do it not just comparison this is not a text of comparison this is a text of contrast because here's what I know about God God is a master artist now I know I'm six foot five and I know I'm into sports I like the KJV the NKJV I like the ESV and the ESPN amen I like that ESPN when that's a good version amen but but but even then I came into a place in my life where I understood I can't leave people beyond my learning you can't lead people behind your learning you can't take people where you've never been and if you want God to give you more colors on your coat you gotta let God expand you through your learning [Applause] you know why Joseph can go to Egypt this ain't my message it's cuz his coat has many colors he is diverse enough to be effective in every environment he's in and the reason why some of you are stuck in a move cuz you ain't got no new colors on your coat since 93 [Applause] contrast is what God does because here's what every master artist knows that if you want to make it a masterpiece there has to be a great level of contrast because if you have a great level of contrast there will be a great deal of clarity that's why in the book of Genesis that the first thing God does is he says let there be light to darkness because I had to create contrast and then inside the contrast of light in dark he says lamb goes here and ocean goes there that goes here that goes there why because it's contrast and some of you got confused when you got saved because you thought God was taking stuff but God wouldn't take in anything God was creating something in your life but he was only doing it by contrast even amazing at the moment you got saved people went crazy and things went nuts and used to carve what's happening because it ain't nothing bad happening baby everything good is happening I finally gave the contrast you need it to be the best you you were called to be the highest level of contrast in theology it's a little thing we call sanctification [Applause] [Music] everybody's enamored with anointing but where are the people who okay being sanctified anointing is designation for sanctification is separation from and before Kabul designates you for he has to look and see have you been separated our greeting buddy I'll letting on I know what a popular stuff but God told me there is a fresh anointing that has been waiting on you but he hasn't seen enough separation enough contrast to pour the oil just God doesn't pour oil on chaos and he doesn't pour oil on mixture but don't make me do it don't make me do it don't make me do it don't make me don't make me do it because that's where most of us live with a little bit of that and a little bit of this for the last time I checked in my Bible you better be hot or cold because if you're lukewarm you'll spit out what's lukewarm its mixture baby it's too much of that and this the table is full higher God raised up regeneration again that's all right with being sanctified and anointed and filled with the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] he said I am going to use these two texts to create a contrast the first woman is under distress the other woman is Livengood oh yes she is the Bible says she lives in sanam sanam means uneven in other words she is a woman who has an advantage my real question to you is have you taken advantage of your advantage no no as a believer you have Oh help me do it tonight if you have an advantage as a believer you can unlock some stuff that other people can unlock and do some things that other people can do and call on a name that is above every other name and my thing if I question is it doesn't matter what season you're in if you have the advantage you always come out a winner if y'all y'all ain't saying nothing that's why something this room needs to understand that it's time for you to take advantage of your advantage and if you would you'd run every devil up out of your house you run every demon up out of this region because we've got the advantage what does the advantage look like Jes you ask Jesus and if you're thankful for a name that is above every you're missing it's above uneven it's above every other name you ought to give God some praise for Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God see lives with advantage why are you losing when your identity says you're a winner let me flip the question it's not just why are you losing how how are you losing when you've been given Dominion you are designed not to be ruled but to rule over everything means uneven she's got an advantage so much so that the Bible calls her a great woman oh if you only knew the paradox of that statement a great woman this is Bible times y'all not 2019 this is Old Testament this ain't a New Testament grace Old Testament calls her a great woman that is like saying hot ice a great woman she is great Oh hallelujah despite her circumstances she is great despite society she is great despite what people say she's only saying what she should be and God told me to tell somebody you are still great despite what people did to you and despite what people said about you you are great that greatness is not a matter of circumstances the greatness is a matter of identity and you have already been told great long before you got into the earth she is a great woman not by virtue of condition but by virtue of position that's why the enemy works so hard for you to give away your own identity no known as I say he doesn't take it from you he works hard to confuse you so you give it up that's why there's an onslaught with our young people and our young adults but they don't even know what gender they are they don't know who they are and what I'm supposed to do why because if I can get their identity I can cause the greatness on their life to come to a standstill but I feel like in Arizona there's some radical young people and some radicals young adults who say I Know Who I am and who I am is great Who I am it's annoying it Who I am has purpose I wish I had a hundred young people that would jump up on your feet and give God some praise if you know this you're great she is a great woman she has means she is able to do it because she's great and you're able to do it because you're great oh I said you're able to do it because you're great you're able to do it because you're great I'll say it till you get it you're able to do it whatever is in your heart whatever send your spirit whatever God brought you're able to do it because you're great they're able to do it because you're great I'm gonna say it to you believe it you're able to do it because you're greater whatever is in your heart whatever dream that thing in your spirit you're able to do it because you're great mmm that's why it doesn't matter who didn't give you what you thought you needed that's just why don't matter what your daddy did well your mama didn't do it don't matter if your grandfather did that or your grandmother didn't do that because that was not your origin if you think that your first breath is your CH and you have missed out on what purpose because you were a purpose long before you were a person what I'm trying to tell you you were already great when you were in eternity and all God waited for was the great moment to let great purpose come into the earth and when it was just the right moment God in his greatness took your greatness it blew you down into the earth and you're great because you were great and you will be great and God will be great for you she is a great woman with distinction and meanings and yet in all of her greatness she still recognizes her need for God because everything she has is significant yes she still feels incomplete so much so that every time she looks around her house unlike the first woman she recognizes what's missing contrast as so much so that every time she looks out of her window after doing inventory of her house she recognizes a man of God that is walking by constantly walking by constantly trying to do something honest and are constantly trying to do something he keeps walking back it would have been one thing if he walked by one time and it was never seen again but this man keeps walking behind regularly he keeps coming back because that's how God does it he's he's so eager to be a part of your life and part of your purpose and he just keeps walking back saying are you ready oh are you ready that's the grace of God that's the mercy of God that despite all the moments you didn't recognize that he was ready he keeps passing by somebody ought to give him praise that it keeps passing by for all the times you missed him and for all the times you couldn't recognize him he's still passing by and finally one day she says I feel too incomplete maybe this is what I've been missing and the Texas don't miss it that she persuaded him oh she persuaded him to come into the power of persuasion don't miss out on it because I know God is sovereign but God can be persuaded you don't believe me that's the woman who who said he'll give me the crumbs that fall from he said I don't want to do it this is for the chill this this children's bread and saying your bread this ain't your time this ain't your moment and yet something about her praise let the persuasion see what you don't even know sometimes it's right in the middle of a lyric and right in the middle of a song you are doing more than praise and you are persuade oh y'all a sinner I said you are persuading God that you are hungry and that you are desperate and that you're ready and I don't know what you need God to do but I tell you to take about 10 seconds and use your praise as of matter and a means of persuasion Oh Chateau be seated be sweet we see the persuasion she persuades him can I go deeper not just to come in she persuades him to eat she understands that every moment where I'm in the same room is a feeding moment for somebody every service is a meal y'all they ready for me tonight every service is a meal it just depends on who's doing the eating and who's doing the feeding see see see the word is you eating and him feeding but that 45 minutes of worship was you feeding and him eating and I wonder in the room who got the better meal tonight I wonder if there's still something that says something in somebody that says God if you're still hungry I got some worship that will feed your spirit got some praise that will bless your heart and I'm telling somebody before you eat another morsel before you take another hit of this bread I dare you to feed God with your worship why don't you take 30 seconds you got 15 seconds to feed him feed him for whatsit didn't give him what we were singing and once it didn't get him while the band was playing him feed him feed him oh oh do you don't think that you can feed him and not be fed greater you don't think you can give and it not be given back pressed down shaken together and running over you don't think that you can now give him if you can out give him that would make you God so carplay never be out giving so to the level of your feeding it will become higher in the level of your eating be seated let me finish this wool sure there's some happening up in here tonight me she said I must persuade him though eating and feeding and they're sharing communion through the feeding and the eating it's called communion now communions down a little cracker in some juice some of that juice y'all need to check the expiration date on that thing one time I didn't have juice I had jelly [Applause] you know it's true you got to go to the bathroom mysteriously after communion but the eating and the feeding is what God calls communion when's the last time you really took communion when's the last time you took communion outside of this building when's the last time you took communion sitting in your car on the way to work when's the last time you pulled your whole family in the room and said kids shut down the video games turn off the cell phones we gonna take communion well where's the bread and the juice dad we don't need it we gonna praise Him and he's gonna bless us right in our own living room she persuades him to eat and for a while it works huh I'm wanting this thing down right here for a while it works for a while doing that is cool but just watch a married couple who's been married for a long time watch them eat dinner every once in a while ocaml ass in half yes the techs are out to dinner the other night and we were talking about our baby and talking to the baby I love oh and I looked over and there's an old man real old and an old lady and they looked just angry to be even with one another I said mark odd because sometimes you recognize that even in romance it's got to go to another level and some of you have been doing the same way for so long you have lost your romance with God no no no no no no no not not just romance with God romance in the middle of revival singing the songs jumping and dancing but no heart behind what you're singing no care in your words as you release them no no you've lost the romance but see tonight I came with a message I preached all that for some people who realize that there's still another level I wonder if they see anybody in this room that recognizes that that there's still another level came for some people who recognized that God is not finished and it's not done and it's got something great on the horizon that God has something bigger no eye has seen no ear has heard what God has prepared she says if it stays on this level it's gon get stale and then watch this she moves from the power of persuasion helping anybody she moves from the power of persuasion to the power of perception I perceive she said that this ain't just an ordinary man I perceive that this man has something that will take this whole family to another level well with what do we got to do make room we got to make room where we gonna make it I don't see anything in the current structure y'all y'all ain't talking I need you to hear by the holy girl I don't see any way in the current structure how we can make room there's no way for us to expand there's no problem and they looked at a wall that's that they looked at a wall what was it perceived limitation was a design or hallelujah by God for them to make room what if I told you your walls aren't really walls that God can take a wall and make a room with the right perception she says let us let me stop right there because that means yang go try to do it all by herself so fall you trying to do it all by yourself you're missing out on the strength that is the body of Christ because we weren't meant to do it by ourselves let us all it's the prerequisite for building something great if you want to do a small do it by yourself but if you want to do it big you got to do it with somebody you got to get around some people let's say let us do you realize that even when it came time for Conda to his apex creation he didn't say let me he said let us make man because of what I'm about to create I'm about to create a room inside of a space [Music] let us let us take over a city let us take over a region let us build a move of God that this country has never let us let us make okay this is exegetical preaching what I want let us make let us make in other words there are some things that are own you to build there are some things God ain't gonna do because it's your responsibility but I'm just gonna wait for God to do it wonder why he ain't done it and God's going is cuz it's your responsibility he says come let us make a small upper room let us make a small upper room making a small upper room let us make room that's what you're after to make room to create a space that he could feel can i go real deep and be done because God always responds to space and God always feels what he forms so if there is no space there can be no manifestation if you keep having the same thing happen over and over over and over that means you have not created the room that was necessary for God to do the next best and the next greatest thing you gotta make room do you realize that that space comes before occupancy as a principle of the book of Genesis that I will make a space long before I fill it they say you can't have what he wants to give until there's room for him to give it are you hearing me in this room that's why I had to create land before I could put the beasts of the theater I had to create the water I had to make the space so there could be a manifestation of the thing that was supposed to go in it do you realize even with Adam I created the form but watch this I had to have the space before I could breathe the breath can I go real deep Mary is trying to have Jesus and is trying to manifest Jesus and she cannot manifest Jesus because there was no no room in the end can you imagine what they missed out on but not having room to manifest Jesus but look at that lowly little stable that lowly little manger that said I don't have much but here's my room and because there was room there was a manifestation God always responds to space that's why even now he said I go to prepare a place for you I'm making space I'm making Steven now God is abiding by his own principle I'm making room because one day the trumpets gonna blow Oh hallelujah one day in the twinkling of an eye we shall be caught up in the air to meet him and when we do we go occupy that space that he's making right now because the principle is hardly room to manifest fresh start the Lord told me to tell you as somebody comes to the keys that's time to make room if you want to know how hard it felt to hear God say that after watching you build an extension oh I don't think I'll heard what I just said you just you just built that and I heard the Lord saying prayer when you go in September tell him make room I [Applause] said the Lord they already built it he said they built it from what I brought oh but what will they build for what I'm going to bring and if you think I'm just talking about the church you've missed it because I'm talking about you too I'm talking about you God already brought some stuff before what he's about to bring you got to make room baby you got to open up your spirit you got to be willing to be stretched willing to be uncomfortable willing to be radical you got to make room looks let me say make room make room make room for the anointing that's about to come make room for the glory that's about to hit you let make room for the healing that's on the way make room make room make room make room for the gift make room for spiritual gifts and words of wisdom words of non-accrual make room make room make room in this house for the sinners now about to get save make room for the glory that's about a crew for the miracles signs and wonders look at somebody say make room so I feel prophetic break room make room make room I gotta make one I've gotta make room the problem is the problem is is that any time you have construction demolition precedes it and the beginning stages of making room making room feels missing making room creates of vacancy it feels messy and some of us see the mess of construction the mess of making room and we give up on the process because all we see is vacancy and there is pain when you make room and nothing feels it do you know the pain I walk through for eight years making room for a kid that I didn't see yet do you know the pain it takes can you survive the pain of vacancy in the pain of baking room and every time you go to check on what you're made it's still empty and it's still vacant and you don't see anything and nothing's moving and nothing's changing and you keep coming back and you keep moving to breathe and you keep trying to set it up but every time you go the thing you really want has it come to the room yet it's empty can you survive can you survive the empty days when it feels like nothing changed and nothing moved but there was a day after she made room then when the manager came by they saw the room he didn't even hesitate I feel like I need to tell somebody God is not going to hesitate when he sees the room oh that's for somebody who has been waiting a long time there will be no delay no hesitation no him trying to figure out when he sees the room it's about to be immediate he's go step right in he's gonna move right in and she put a bed at a chair and a table wait a second Shion just making it up a room she's making a mini tabernacle but while she making a mini tabernacle because she just don't want him to come and stay and leave she was him to come and leave she wants him to come and stay I've made room so you would never want to leave the kind of room we make as believers it's the kind of room where he never leaves us once he gets in us once he gets in it he never leaves we made the kind of room that makes him a resident not a visitor can I finish right here she made a room and now he's coming and he's going up on another level gone are the days of just empty communion now he's living there and when he lives he'll know your secrets and he started watching a life and realizing she thinks she made this room for me [Music] she thought this room was for me but I've been watching and I've been looking and I realized there was something she wanted but she didn't have and so he called for and said hey you've done all this out of concern for me what can I do for you but watch her she said it looks like a lie but until you realize it's not intentional that she's lying because you can get to your you can get to a place in life where you've gone so long without the thing you've been dreaming for that you're just living okay to be without it oh I can testify it would have been easy over eight years to say maybe kids aren't for me maybe I ain't gonna have a kid maybe I won't have a daughter maybe I'll never have a son I'm cool uncle do you need me to do anything well Lord I'm good I'm good maybe I'll just resign myself to just having you and not having the promise but you can't get God and not get the promises for your life for the promises of God promises of God are yes and amen for carpel kitties the desires of your heart the whole time you've been communing with God he's been put a desire in you and God told me to wake you back up to everything in your life you thought you lost and everything you thought you couldn't have the devil is a liar you thought you were making room for God but God was making room for the promise in your life [Music] [Applause] let's never say make room he said this is about to be a boomerang blessing you won't do it for me it's gonna come back and hit you he said bring her here and the Bible says gays I said while she was coming tell me what she really wants get Hayes I said she wants a kid in that moment I realized get Hayes I is a picture of the Holy Spirit because how many know when you know when you know not how to pray the Holy Spirit will pray for you and deep calls unto deep and when she couldn't get the words out of her mouth Hayes I said let me talk for you I don't know about you but I'm thankful for the precious Holy Ghost that will pray through me when I've run out of words when I've gone through so much pain it's so much hurt and so much anguish and I've run out of anything to say and I don't know what the brain comes up out of my spirit and little do I know that the Holy Ghost is talking to God about the matters of my heart Hayes I said let me talk about she won't ever tell you but let me show CC that's for somebody in this room you've gone through so much you're scared to even say it you're scared to even mention it again you're scared even bring it up you're scared to even say God I wanted you're scared to say God do it you're scared to say God can I have it you're so scared for all the rejection and all the pain and all the disappointment you're too scared to say it but that's why you got to pray in the hole it goes because our Holy Ghost will tell God which you're too afraid to tell him too regular words gays I said sinful she wants the baby eyelashes sbrega watch where she stood she come to the door because that's where faith brings you Lord help me do this to finish this I don't know what you're gonna preach on tomorrow all day but I felt like I'm supposed to set this whole thing up because faith brings you to a door every time it brings it to a door it won't walk you in it it'll bring you to it faith always brings you to a door and she came to a place watch this that she had been before she had gone what's this to the end of herself and that's where God will bring you right before he does a miracle to the end of you to the end of where you thought your faith was he will stand you in the doorway and he's not coming out to get you he's gonna stand right in the room you prepared and say if you really want this it belongs to you you made room it belongs to you but you got to be willing to take one more step and come across the threshold where faith faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not seen every once in a while you've got to cross over from faith to the tangible from the unseen to the seen from evidence to reality and she stepped in stand up stand your feet everybody because God told me to tell you as a church to tell you as an individual you are standing at the door of a new dimension and a new season last night I talked about me up now I'm talking about being on the threshold one step brings you into new realms one step brings into a new dimension and he said if you'll take a step it's yours she stepped in and listened to his words Deheza what day is it y'all miss then get hazy what time is it show me the calendar cuz she's in the room you want a baby now that's in the room what day is it oh it's September 7th 2019 by this time next year oh but this time next year you will hold what they said you would never have and the Lord told me to tell you you got to make room because by this time next year by September 20 2010 you're about to come out of your Transfiguration and your transformation and you are about to concede the next season of car [Music] to make room make room but never change the room damage in the room you're the Holy Ghost by this time next year you will see the promise of God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wait a second in September it's the ninth month [Applause] gods don't give you one year and god says by the ninth month of 2020 in this room you will give birth and a birthing month you will give birth guys listen I know it's dangerous I know it's dangerous and some of y'all going man that's crazy pastor Josh oh my gosh how you gonna say 2020 in the ninth month but everyone so while you hear God in such a way that you are confident in what you heard and I heard the Lord in prayer tell me that this season this season is a year this season is here but by 2020 choose all September 2020 you will see a manifestation of the thing that you have been believing for but this time next year and the Bible says at the appointed time not a minute early not a minute late in the room that was a wall there was the cry of an infant Bobbo closed in the same room where there were tears of pain and agony from the emptiness now there was a wail of the things she had just birth and there is a sound that's gonna come out of this next move of God in this city that's not gonna be the sound of your tears it's gonna be the sound of the thing you put powered by the spirits of the Living God lift up your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see my taeho I see called I see tested if people weren't careful they would overlook you and they would walk by you but as I was scanning this room I saw the highlight of the Lord on your life God said in this next season make room woman of God make room make room make room on on better commitment and dedication and there is an anointing that's coming on you there it is that's the glory that's the glory right there that's the glory right there I pray by this time next year this happens you're about to be thrust into ministry thrust into it now now now lift up your hands I feel the glory of the Lord I feel the glory of the Lord I feel the glory of the Lord [Music] [Music] the anointing the anointing the anointing make room make room make room make room make room [Music] make room I know doesn't seem like it's gonna happen but gosh they will make room I feel he's going make rules make room [Music] oh [Music] speak to your dream ask me to what [Music] Oh snake rule [Music] [Music] [Music] here it is there it is for every person in this room that's got a dream that has been on delay and you feel like it ain't gonna happen I'm talking to some people that you got to make room tonight there is an impartation because that's what impartation does is it creates space in part is it create space so that something else can come in and something else can be given to you so bacon room is what God needs as a prerequisite for impartation you got to make room and if you're ready for God to put some things on the inside of you and put some things in your liked it to this altar now hurry hurry hurry there is an impartation in this room there is an impartation oh yes oh yes you don't see it do you gonna see it do you will see it for all the years for all the pain do you all see it same room make room make room make room now make room now not another day make room now for now Holy Ghost now Holy Ghost [Music] but I lose the good make room make room open up your spirit again gonna say look look again I know they told you what more happen it's gonna happen now will they go [Music] this house is gonna work the most shot make room make room gotta make room you gotta make rule yeah girl we're gonna sing this what we're gonna do I know we got a bunch of preachers in the room I don't normally don't even ask this but but but but but if you pester Kevin Bishop Kevin Bishop Bishop che pass through the staff we're gonna sing this one time and I'm gonna release them to lay their hands on you and I'm telling you what the farm god is going to touch your life but here's the prerequisite make room so I'm gonna give you a couple moments with your hands lifted and your voice raised to see and make room make room because why the Bible says he inhabits he inhabits the praises of his people when you make room with your worship he gets in it animal Shia hey make room make room make room make room make room are you ready to come on with your hands lifted and your voices raised come on sing and say it say it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pastors I'm about to release staffer mother Alicia [Music] David it's time to make room it's time to make room for what God said to you in secret places it's time to make room [Music] for the gifts you carry and for the leadership you hold time to make room by this time next to you I see an elevation I see a pronouncement you have been hidden for season and the thing God is most pleased with this you were humble the whole entire time you carry yourself with humility even though you were gifted and anointed and there are things God still with you along the way but I hear the Lord say by this time next year make room make room make room make room for more revelation make room for greater dimensions and preaching and then leading make room make room make room but this time next year custard you got a year you got a llamo give you a year make room make room father I pray impartation father Lord in his spirit and soul god I pray Lord I'll first I'm thankful but God I pray in this next season let there be light let there be contrast let there be Lord a pronouncement got an ushering in God and opening up Lord father I pray not another second but I thank you lord I thank you I thank you are you ready it's gonna happen fast I want to listen pastors and leaders staff move quick because the fire guards can't chase you the whole way through this thing if you're ready and you've made room slip up your hands [Music] make room make room make room make room make room make room make room are you ready close your eyes pastors are you ready I mean boom quick because the fire guards about to hit this place 1 get ready my soul Messiah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make room make room make room make room come on some of you don't even know you're under construction make room pardon the mess I'm under construction make room make room make room make room make room make room for more songs worship team make room make room for albums Mick room make room make room make room make room make room make room for influence Mick room make room make room [Music] now if you're able look up here this one thing I gotta do the Lord told me specifically to speak to dreams tonight that you thought and think will never happen stuff that you've said maybe it's not in the cards for me stuff that's used to cry about stuff used to pray about and dream about then now you see so you hear it it's already happening stuff that you are in pain over agony over the Lord said you don't have the words anymore but I was supposed to lead you into a moment to let the haze I'd tell god what you really need because you can be in this alter right now and not even be honest [Music] you could stand there with hands lifted and voice raised and not even really be honest about what you really want but I am challenging you up under the unction of the Holy Ghost to dream that a dream again and I know you don't know how to pray for so God said to tell you to let go haze I tell him Oh Hannibal sad so let go haze I do the talking for a little bit so for the next 60 seconds and I'm done there is about to be a Holy Ghost impartation that won't come from the hand of a man but it will become from the voice of the Holy Spirit as deep cries unto deep concerning your dreams so lift your hands here's the challenge stop lying [Music] and you got 60 seconds to bring before God the thing that's really been troubling you the issue that's almost scared to mention in English let that Holy Ghost start talking for you are you ready oh I just felt something come right across me are you ready sixty Seconds pray in the Holy Ghost do it right now [Music] come on gays that talk come on gaze at talk more than the holy ghost talk let the Spirit of God talk let the Spirit of God talk it on our mind or above sad let the Holy Ghost [Music] ah now now now look who's talking now I hear they're holding [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you got 30 seconds pray in the Holy Ghost and dead trees are coming back to life dreams are coming back to life [Music] since theater do a new thing I'm about to make away where there was still whether what snow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're the ones below [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's the pole wherever you are I have fulfilled my assignment God told me to tell you this time for Transfiguration and he told me to tell you it's time to make room I don't know what pastor Kevin's gonna preach but I my assignment his right where it needs to be by this time next year here's what I want you to recognize for you to birth anything there has to be a womb what's a womb room in you [Music] your assignment over the next year it's the creates of space in your life in your family in the ministry for God to film whatever he forms he feels and by this time next year you will see the next dimension of the glory of God like you have never seen it before but here's what I know when I'm done pastor get ready it's when the baby is born babies aren't born quiet they come out with a cry the question is can you make the cry before you hear the cry sometimes that's what worship is it's the cry before the cry [Music] so I'm gonna give you one shot that's it nothing emotional this is your shot to give the cry before you hear the cry this praise seals this word so it's for the radical it's for those that have made room so the last 30 seconds pastor he's a radical praise that God said tell him to give me a cry before they hear the cry nothing more nothing less and I'm done so on the count of three it's on you but if you made room you shouldn't praise the same as you were praising earlier at the service are you ready on the count of three this phrase is the phrase [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on up your shoulders this place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] message received message received [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] well learning many things but this seems like this the season we're in God just keeps pushing us to expand our capacity it just never stops it just never stops before you even get one assignment completed I'm telling you God's accelerating his work in the earth and he's looking for some people he's got the capacity to run at the speed that he's wanting to work and God's getting ready to do a quick word a quick work in this house and many houses where the people are ready to run where the people are ready to shake off every weight every sin he's looking for the wild ones he's looking for those tonight they say yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord four days receives yes Lord what does that mean pastor I don't have any idea what that means will I say yes Lord yes Lord if you want it you got it yes Lord yes Lord somebody shout yes Lord [Applause] Josh pastor Josh I should call you pastor Josh because sir we love you and we received the word of the Lord it was an amazing word tonight man thank you for being obedient to the Lord I'm bringing that work to us with great authority and clarity and we receive it in the name of the Lord amen so we're inching up on something you know the two years ago apostle Rick Shelton prophesy it'll be two years in February so we're moving toward that the two-year mark on that the landscape of this revival would change it would be something that we would not recognize and I'm telling you we're pressing into that so quickly and then and then Josh comes and lays this out which tells us whatever God's gonna do in the next few months she's gonna accelerate it's gonna be powerful and then then we're moving toward next September to give birth to something we don't even know what it is yet but I have complete faith that in this house there are some people that understand how to pray things through and I don't know how to birth things in the spirit amen and so I am anticipating I am truly looking forward to see what God is going to do to all of you and and what all of you are gonna look like just in a few months from now and then in a year from now holy smokes who knows only God knows right now but he's gonna show us yes he leads us he just leads to see this whole process he just leads us and so we're we're just we're ready and we're willing and we just want to follow him with all our hearts and to please him we want whatever got whatever happens here to please the father yes we wanted to please the father and so thank all of you so much for being here tonight and thank you for pressing with us praying with us and believing with us but you know what this is only this is only service number two we got two more to go [Music] and I still feel that in my spirit I've been saying it to myself greater measure greater miracles I believe tonight there's been a greater measure and there's been greater miracles and I believe tomorrow morning greater measure greater miracles and then I believe Sunday night greater measure and greater miracles amen so come hungry come ready don't put on your don't come on don't go up in your religious tomorrow we're coming ever going hard yes bringing our best praise a man thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering six to three to nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to 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Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 1,744
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 23sec (6023 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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