DOR WKND: Sunday AM | August 8, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't let the weight don't let the weight settle down on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord in his presence there is fullness of joy there is fullness of joy hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] just don't stop just don't stop don't stop you're pushing you're pushing this morning we're gonna expect this atmosphere i don't know what atmosphere you walked in with this morning but this is an opportune time to align your atmosphere with the atmosphere of heaven so all across this place this morning i'm going to ask that you not wait until 9 59 to engage i'm going to ask you to engage right now let's fix our eyes upon the one that we came here for are you ready this morning i said are you ready this morning i said are you ready this [Applause] [Music] this place from the morning to the back shoot your hands up shoot your hands up shoot your hands up come on 100 agreement 100 agreement they were all an accepted two they were in one mind and they were in one accord from the beginning and to the end and then suddenly there came a mighty rusting hallelujah there came a sound from that place like a mud rushing mighty wind and it consumed the house that they on this sunday morning oh in the name of jesus christ we refuse we draw a line in the sand and say we refuse to let this atmosphere become [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was spoken over this house several years ago that when we walk into this source we started and we go jesus [Music] who's ready to go higher this morning who's ready [Applause] [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it's sunday morning which is religion's favorite time of the week so let's make religion and let's explore the king of peace [Music] in the name of jesus we speak over the light on the bride of christ right now and i decree and i declare in jesus name that this house has the mind of christ that this house the devil takes is now it is the mind of christ in the name of jesus and right now we decree we declare over this atmosphere that the cage is that the cage is broken and the lion is set free in the name of jesus in jesus name in the name of jesus we find the strong man in the name of jesus as they loose your friend loose your grip loose your breath in the name of jesus oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] think authority we are god's given authority and we say every other counterfeit sound shall not come in this place only the sound of heaven shall be released it shall be released it shall go forth in power and we cry out for an act to encounter as they were gathered let us suddenly came in we want you to do it again lord [Music] for the weapons of our warfare they are not carnal but they are mighty in god for the pulling down but every stronghold so we speak to this atmosphere and we see every struggle you are brought down by the mighty power name of jesus christ and we establish the kingdom of heaven in this place in the presence of the lord [Music] on the holy spirit come and do what only you can do we decree and declare not by martyr not by power but by the spirit spirit of the living god come [Music] by faith we think do it again lord pour out your spirit this morning [Music] this atmosphere will be as it on was as it is in heaven on earth as it is in heaven we will not plant those we will not let go in this atmosphere but we agree and we declare unity in the spirit we draw closer to you we long for your presence we love foreign [Applause] [Music] oh god as we enter into year seven just as shadrach meshach and abednego fix the flame seven times hotter but they did not burn more we could not escape by the fires of hell we push back against the enemy the gates of hell shall not prevail lord your word says in the gospel of luke chapter 12 you came to set the earth on fire you came to divine we call a lie right now [Music] [Music] [Music] we just want [Music] [Applause] [Music] every expectation now in the name of jesus every religious paradigm we break it now in the name of jesus every religious devil that will try to slither up in this house we cut you down by the blood of jesus [Music] that divides between soul and spirit you are released to be everything that you are as the king of kings and the lord of lords the only one who is worthy the only one who is worthy is jesus christ at the mention of that name every name shall power on heaven and in hell shall confess that jesus christ is lord jesus we declare you our lord in this atmosphere and in this service heavy condition spirit we call you out and we say you must bow your authority is canceled [Music] we lift you up lord and we say come and move and do what you can do [Music] lord jesus [Music] [Applause] push it through push it through push it through push it through push it through push it through lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice if you don't know what we're doing right now if you're new to fresh start we welcome you to jump right on in just jump in there's no warm up here we just go all in from the start so come on jump in jump in what we're doing right now is we're creating a sound of unity we're creating a sound of oneness between the earth and the heavens come on unified with holy ghosts and cry out for jesus to come come on jesus come lord jesus come lord jesus cry out cry out cry out quiet cry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on don't stop praying don't stop praying in the name of jesus i break familiarity with the fire i break off the familiarity with the fire you're being so close to it that it's no longer high anymore and i cry out to the holy ghost increase the fire increase your fire turn up the heat turn out the heat turn on the heat holy ghost turn up the heat so there's no flesh left until there's no plus there's no flesh can take the glory oh we give all the glory to the holy ghost glowing glowing glowy clone cry captioning not available come on keep crying out in this place this morning sunday morning can you lift your voice sunday morning can you lift yourself sunday morning can you let you cry can you lift your desperation somebody shout the name of jesus shout the name of jesus shout the name of jesus your familiarity must bow to the name of jesus saint jesus jesus jesus jesus are you [Music] all power is in [Music] [Music] victory [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] nothing can stand against jesus [Music] nothing can stand against jesus [Applause] [Music] there's no chain that he can't break no way [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing will [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] nothing can stand against [Music] [Applause] somebody sent this i'll say there's no change that he can't pray there's no way i can say the same that's why nothing will stop this place nothing will stop this place there's no chain that he can't break there's no way i can stay the same that's why nothing will stop this place nothing will stop this [Music] [Music] come on [Music] and declare that jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus may jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] somebody [Applause] [Music] say [Music] she [Music] there's no shame that he can't break there's no way i can say [Music] that's why nothing will stop this place there's no chance [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing can stand again cause she's not [Music] [Applause] come on lift up somebody needs to shine [Applause] [Music] of what happens when you release a high praise you see it it begins to block our throne for the breaker to come and dwell and then he begins to break every train i'm telling you in this room the name of jesus still has the power to break everything [Music] come on if you need that breakthrough if you want that breakthrough i'm gonna invite you to give god a radical praise one two [Music] three break for your bread [Music] here comes the breaker here comes [Music] shut up [Applause] hello sunday morning [Music] we missed some of you this weekend awkward i said we missed some of you this weekend [Applause] [Music] i don't know if you know what you're looking at up here on this stage right now but some of us have been celebrating the goodness of the lord for six years of sustained revival in august of 2015 sam jones [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] that decided to walk up in here like it was just a normal sunday morning to do your religious duty and mark it off the list i'll say in the name of jesus let the testimony of jesus [Music] i [Applause] your way through come on the breaker is in this place i'm gonna give you ten more seconds to give them the praise and the [Music] one two three [Music] come on shake off your carnality [Music] farmers [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hear those [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] i promise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] depression for me [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now that's it right there that sin right there lifts your voice lifts your sound and freedom and deliverance in healing and restoration [Applause] come on that's similar to your voice lift your voice lift your voice crown press start cry out fresh start there's more there's more there's more power there's more glory there's multiply [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come down [Music] [Applause] come down [Music] break the trees [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] come down come down [Music] [Applause] [Music] come down [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come down [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to destroy [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah we say we shake here come on they're all gathered in one place [Music] cry [Music] oh [Applause] one [Applause] suddenly his word says suddenly he came in like a body rushing away [Music] he broke in like a mighty rushing head he broke in like a body rushing away he broke in like a body rushing when he broke in like a mighty rushing window he broke it like a body [Music] is [Music] like [Applause] [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire [Music] release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire release your fire release come back [Music] release your fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] heart [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] photos [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] there [Music] a is that breaks open the heavens and there is a sound there is a sound a sound that shakes me [Music] there is no sound come on there is come on [Music] come on let's go [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we hear you breaking in [Music] so [Music] is release it [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] like we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] breaking with fire breaking with fire breaking down breaking with fire breaking with time [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everything is [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] and god broke open heaven and released the sound of pentecost i said god broke open heaven lift the lights up and he broke in with the sounds of pentecost throw your hands up begin to cry out for the sounds of pentecost come on [Music] [Applause] i'm hungry i'm hungry to see another level of the fire of god god spoke from the very beginning of this revival and he says this will be a revival of fire and i say in the name of jesus not on my watch will the fire go out i will do everything that i possibly can and link with the spirit of god to stay in the upper room [Applause] [Music] touched you today you're the fire toucher today john the baptist said i baptized with water that there is one coming after me god will baptize you in the holy ghost and with the fire oh i came to tell somebody this morning today is the day end with fire and with fire and with fire come on crap bam bring it down go ahead go ahead go ahead the lord says say to you today it's and with fire you may speak in tongues my friend but do you burn with the fire of pentecost there's a lot of tongue talkers who are evil people you hear what i'm saying but you let the fire touch you and it changes the landscape and the trajectory of your life and your destiny pastors let the fire touch your people touch your church and it changes everything it touches cry out cry out sunday morning cry out on sunday morning [Applause] even if you think you got it all figured out begin to cry out right now oh yeah y'all know well enough by now that i'm not up here just wasting time and passing time here at fresh start we do not do non-essential activity in our services we let holy ghosts do what holy ghost needs to do you got to know this morning if you've not been attending long enough that when i stand down there for 30 40 45 minutes i'm not just doing this and doing that i'm saying holy spirit what do the people in this building right now need to hear from your voice and he said tell them they may speak in tongues but do they have [Applause] [Music] when god needed to institute a dynamic change for the rest of eternity for his church and his people what did he send he sent fire y'all didn't get what i just said when god needed to shift from the old to the new what did he send he sent fire he didn't send pattycake hands [Music] he didn't send flowers he didn't send little hearts like this from heaven my god i'm saying something it wasn't little hearts that said on them little hearts little hearts little hearts but little hearts that came down was fire [Music] it was fire did you know what fire does when fire comes it changes the landscape my friend when fire leaves a region or an area nothing looks the same again [Music] and this is where i'm coming to because the holy spirit says some of you need the landscape of your life to change this morning [Applause] [Music] i don't care if you're excited about it or not you say how do you know well the spirit spoke but also i know is that when i have the fire that changes the landscape of my life i don't have to negotiate with the god about things i don't have to vacillate with god about things i don't have to go back and forth when the fire touches me i'm burning with a passion and a seal that is for everything that he is and all that he represents i don't negotiate i don't negotiate i don't negotiate i just get myself as we say in old church up underneath the spout where the glory comes out and i say god [Music] you speak in tongues but you do you have the fire your knowledge doesn't impress gone [Music] that doesn't that's not a that's not a a a campaign to stay ignorant in the word and ignorant of the things of god and even ignorant of the things of the enemy that's not a campaign for that but that's not what impresses god he came down with tongues of fire [Music] you need the fire to change the landscape of your life today some of you have gone around the same mountain so many times so many times so many times you see in the old testament god says you have dwelt on this mountain you all don't know your bible y'all have dwelt on this mountain five of you know your bible you have dwelt on this mountain long enough he said fire came down on that mountain i said fire came down on that mountain fire led them in the desert wilderness you hear what i'm about to show you right now because since the inception of this revival it has been a revival of fire and i refuse to be the one on watch that lets the fire go out [Applause] no matter who fills this building in six full years there are some that are not with us today that were with us in the in the beginning i don't know if they kept the fire or not my my answer is probably they did not but you hear what i'm about to say you have a choice right now in this moment of the service you may speak in tongues you may be able to quote more bible verses than i do but do you have the fire in you [Applause] the world has a lot of knowledge my friends there are a lot of religions out there that propagate knowledge and they just spout it off and spout it off the koran all this other kind of stuff and mess the mormon bible you listen it's out there my friend and by no means am i demeaning the word of god but do you have the fire of god that is behind what you are speaking what you are speaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] you dwelt on that mountain long enough they followed the fire they saw the fire look at me but they did not have the fire in there they could not have the fire in them they chose to stay far from the fire jesus came to baptize with holy ghost and with fire and on the day of pentecost god took the fire that was on the mountain and the fire that was in the pillar and he put it in the hearts of 120 men and women in an upper room he came down with the fire that he longed for them to burn with in the wilderness he came down in the upper room and put the fire on them everything that you see after that my friends and my how the church has got it twisted today the church has got it twisted i said the church has got it twisted i will i will narrow it down the pentecostal church has got it twisted i say to you pentecostal church where's your fire where's your fire not your programs not your platitudes not your platforms not your good ideas not your name where is the fire when fire came down to that upper room it changed the landscape of the entire people of god from that day forward as is the natural progression of fire it's to go out are you with me if you do not fan the flame what am i up here doing today i'm fanning the flame get ready because i'm about to give an altar call you hear me now some of y'all are so attacked up in your life right now you are so vacillating back and forth your mind is all messed up you don't know if you love your wife or you don't love your wife or love your husband or you don't love your husband you might serve god you might not serve god you might come to church you might not come to church i'm not sure if this was revival or is it really revival you got all kinds of demons talking to you you need the fire of god to change the landscape of your life [Applause] [Music] so get down here now come on and get the fire right now right now right now right now run for the fire come on i said i'm talking to y'all who your life is all jacked up right now the devil's been lying to you everything in your mind is contrary to what you know the word of god says you're making bad decisions you're just confused come on come on run down to this altar right now clear the aisle so they can get down here get ready to have hands laid on you i need every pastor that can be available to get ready to lay hands on these come on god's gonna burn out addiction god's gonna burn off chains god's gonna come in with a fire look all i can do is come to a point of agreement you have to cry out for the fire of god and my friends you will know when the fire touches you if you're not down here for this altar call take a step back right now come on everyone get close get close that you want the fire to touch your life change the landscape change the landscape lift up your hands and begin to cry out god break in with fire god break in with fire i need pastors right now come come go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] landscape of your life [Music] fire of [Music] change change change [Music] change the landscape changes [Music] change the landscape change the landscape fire fire [Music] oh [Music] is all over this building i said it's tangible it's tangible you will know when the fire of god touches you you need to open your mouth you need to open your heart you need to cry out for the fire tangible fire tangible fire the holy ghost peter the holy ghost heat the holy ghost eat in the name of jesus lift up your cry in this place even if you didn't come for this altar call and you think you have enough fire today i got news for you the upper room had more fire [Music] lift up your cry come on fresh start i talk to the pastors who are watching online now or you will be watching later on i say pentecostal pastor where has the fire gone and why have you let it go out on your watch you need to get above your house and get out of your lazy boy and you need to find the altar of fire and get it back in your church get it back in your heart get it back in your people get it back in your atmosphere stop [Music] fire fire come on come on we're still praying for people [Music] change the landscape center fire center fire center fire centrify burn burn burn burn bird bird burn burn burn burn burn lift [Music] come on change the landscape change the landscape turn turn it with your fire god when the fire touches you nothing is left the same everything looks different that bad attitude unless you have all your life when the fire touches you it dissolves how in the name of jesus [Music] father in the name of jesus burn in this young man with your fire touch him now yes yes yes go ahead go ahead this is beyond religion my friend this is a tangible texture of the essence of his glory realm oh this is beyond protocol and platform this is the essence of his holy realm the fire that is on his throne touch now lord touch now god touch touch [Music] touch [Music] don't stop don't stop crying for more as far as we know they have to wait 10 days in that upper room why are we so impatient in the body of christ i'll tell you why because we have been trained to come to church for 55 minutes and do 22 minutes of worship and we hear a message that teaches us how to change diapers to get rid [Music] higher higher [Music] and you see that people in the aisles are not being prayed for go now go now jump over the chairs whatever you have to do pray for them lift up your hands my friend god's anointing is on your life god's power is on your today it's life that you've not ever known the fire but the fire comes today for a new direction and a new impartation and a new power be in the name of jesus let the fire touch you now [Music] come receive your voice will find her your voice will thunder with the fire of pentecost pentecostal is in yours your bones pentecost is in your belly pentecost my friend is in your mouth and an entire generation will know the fire because the fire is in you ow right from here [Music] in the name of jesus the fire burns everything the fire burns carnality [Music] foreign go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead if you haven't been praying for lift up your hands because there's prayer leaders that are coming to pray right now i need my prayer team right now go pray pray for those come here mama today's your day my god the fire of intercession the fire of the intercession be upon this woman of god let the fire of intercession all in her belly right now god release it now release the fire release the fire into her bones release the fire into her mind i say intercession intercession intercession [Music] [Music] foreign if you're not baptized in the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues right now is your moment right now is your moment lift up your voices and begin to say jesus baptizing baptize me with holy ghost and with fire and with fire baptize me with holy ghost and with fire oh yeah do i have to speak in tongues yes my friend you have to speak in tongues the first initial evidence is that you will be filled with a heavenly language you need to know that once you are filled with that heavenly language there has been a total yielding of your entire person called to jesus and he comes with the essence of heaven and gives you a language of heaven that is the initial evidence you must right now seek jesus the baptizer if anybody has told you that you don't have to speak in tongues that my friend was an error and it is not correct you must seek the baptism of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and today god is going to add a fire like you have never had before there's always [Music] press fire fire fire fire how do i fix my marriage get the fire get the fire of god in your life changing your mindset changing your attitude [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on [Music] is [Music] change the landscape of their life today with your holy fire change the trajectory of their destiny with your holy fight there he them now is ghost mama mama somebody needs to cry out come on god is altering destinies right now somebody needs to cry out come on the atmosphere right now is to shift shift shift shift in the areas there he is there he is come yes yes yes yes yes now lift up your hands both of you close your eyes father in the name of jesus or the other [Music] in the name of jesus their holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit come on let him touch you it's okay let him touch yes i feel the presence of the lord something is shifting something is changing something is rearranging never the i don't know what has gone on in your life up to this point but i decree the fire of god is changing the landscape and from this day forward air conversion day hope and freedom and deliverance in jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah people are still being touched people are still being touched those of you watching online let the fire of god come upon you now let the fire of god come upon you now make it the fire of god is real it's real it's real it's real it's real it changes everything in our lives the devil my friends does not care about anything in your life he entices you with lies deception with sin with carnality appeases you with this and that his only his only agenda is death in your life death if not physical death spiritual death [Music] you need god to break in with fire today we need god to break in people are still being prayed for i'm going to ask us this morning to lift up our hands all over this building if you've happened to have made yourself comfortable and set down i'm going to ask you to stand up in this building right now if you're down here kneeling you're welcome to stay kneeling but i'm talking about those in the seats right now we're going to ask in this seventh year i said it a moment ago i'll repeat it for emphasis from the very beginning of this revival the lord says this is to be a revival of fire a revival of fire many of the songs that you hear hear them sing are indicative and a result of the atmosphere of the fire of god that has been on this revival from six years ago this is our seventh year weekend for those of you who haven't been here as pastor jessica said this is our seventh year weekend that we are ushering into friday night come on and i'm gonna tell you for six years how many months and weeks and days and hours that is there is a remnant in this house that has fought for the fire of pentecost we have fought for the fire of pentecost the lord says put my fire back in the pentecostal church my friends you can go to multiple churches in this city and cities across this nation and they may have pentecostal on their name but there is no holy ghost fire on the on the inside of those four walls and the hearts of the people this is a revival of fire the lord is speaking loudly to us there was prophetic words that were released uh last night and and maybe even some on friday night but i'm telling you the lord is speaking loudly to us that this is the year year number seven when god takes center stage he takes center stage you hear me when god takes center stage everything changes we get out of control and he is in control we need to lift our voices come on for 30 seconds right now and we need to ask god to send another level of his holy ghost pentecost fire some of you need to stir yourself stir yourself stir yourself stir yourself stir yourself stir yourself stir stir stir stir stir stir stir stir fan the flame fan the flame fan the flame fan the flame fan the flame on the inside fan the flame man the flame we won't let the fire die out we will keep the fire burning on the altar for as long as it takes in the name of jesus in the name of jesus right now in this moment oh god [Music] the fire that is in the eyes of jesus we say let it come and touch down in this place of god in the name of jesus christ [Applause] in this place this morning we stand here oh god with a resolve that we will not let the fire on the altar burn out we will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes oh god to keep your holy ghost fire in your pentecostal church in the name of jesus lord i thank you that shall fire from this day forward as we move forward into year number seven as the prophetic word has said on god that it will be like that a foreign this house lift your hands for a start university i call us today forerunners of the fire of pentecost in this nation for others of the fire of pentecost doing whatever you have to do whatever you have to do god in the name of jesus with your burning presence in this place [Applause] there is a consuming fire and it's moving [Music] across this building right now [Applause] [Music] a a consuming fiber lord let us be consumed that there is nothing of us [Music] but all of you consume every idol [Music] consume every distraction consume every ounce of religion that is still in us consuming now god we don't want to take it into seven we want to be purified consecrated sacrificial offerings consume us oh god consume us [Music] i'm so feeling what pastor kim was talking about god taking center stage god taking the field what we take to the sideline and cheer god on instead of waiting on everybody to cheer us on we should cheer god on [Music] we've had enough of the flesh we've had enough of selfish ambitions we had enough of those looking for platforms and pulpits and microphones can we truly let god take center stage [Applause] can we say god i'm just glad to be here i'm just glad to be with you i'm just glad you came lord because we've done all we can do but we are ready o lord to see everything that you have let the fire consume it all so many times we think fire is just an emotional experience but true fire burns stuff away and i really believe this morning that god has been burning some stuff off us you say i'm good pastor no you're not just the fact you would think you're good tells me you ain't good now lift up your hands right now and once again receive the fire of god not as an emotional passion which is that but i want you to receive the fire of god as a cleansing spirit as a burning spirit that's burning everything that god does not allow us to take with us as we are in seven it cannot survive in the realm of seven cause the fire of god is at a whole nother degree level not are we going into the fire more we're going into the fire hotter it's a hot fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] seven times hotter jumping into the fire coming out more purified more sanctified more consecrated you know when we started this journey six years ago it was all about repentance and consecration weeping before god brokenness it wasn't about the shout the shout wasn't here yet see everybody loves the shout that's in this house everybody loves the sound that's in this house we love the passage that the people carry in this house but see if you would have been with us six years ago that wouldn't here yet oh there was the level of worship and there was a level of presence i'm not saying there was a level of push but what you hear today that sound i remember i was standing right over there on a sunday morning with the first time i heard that's out and i thought oh my god you want to take the sound volume up you got to stand the heat [Applause] you got to be willing to get in the fire again fresh start church [Applause] and let the fire burn seven times hotter so the shout will have some clout [Music] my thank you lord for readying your people thank you father for what lies ahead i have not seen ear hath not heard nor has it entered into our minds what you have prepared in seven but we lay ourselves back on the altar and we say sin the fire purging burning then that we might move in the purity of passion you know what separates an authentic worship and an authentic praise the purity of it it's when it is a response back to god when we have yielded ourselves and laid ourselves on an altar [Music] to be a burning sacrifice a living burning sacrifice it is the depth of revival [Music] it's what many today have bypassed but you can't bypass it if you're going to be in the purity of this thing you got to go through the fire you got to go through the fire hallelujah so i think it is very appropriate that god sent the fire this morning he said wasn't it here yeah he just sent the hotter fire you ought to be burning out a hot whole whole other level of octane lord help us today i won't be long this morning i don't think hallelujah i just want to share a couple of things with you [Music] apostolically i felt like i should speak to us this morning you guys are good you can go hallelujah give our praise to him a big hand [Music] didn't jessica do an awesome job bringing the word of the lord last night she's amazing tonight pastor kim is going to be bringing the word we know that's going to have to have seven time hotter fire on it trying to figure out where i fit in this at first i thought maybe i'm an oreo then i thought no that don't work then i thought maybe maybe i'm the thorn between two roses that works better i want to read out of acts chapter 3 acts chapter 3. i just want to speak out of this text for a few minutes this morning i want to i want to talk about again i want to talk about quantum leap 7 quantum leap 7. our text says now peter and john were going up to the temple at the ninth hour the hour of prayer and a man who had been lame from his mother's womb was being carried along whom they used to sit every day at the gate of the temple which was called beautiful he was set there in order to beg alms to those who were entering the temple and he saw peter and john about to go into the temple and he began asking to receive alms but peter along with john fixed his gaze on him and said look at us and he began to give them his attention expecting to receive something from them but peter said i do not possess silver and gold but what i do have i give to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth walk and seizing him by the right hand peter raised him up and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened and with a leap he stood right up and began to walk and he entered into the temple with them walking and leaping and praising god and all the people saw him walking and praising god and they were taking note of him uh as as being the one who used to sit at the gate beautiful of the temple to beg arms and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had just happened quantum leap seven when i was reading through this story or earlier this week i realized that this miracle at the beautiful gate was a quantum leap a quantum leap is something that that is huge something that increases and moves forward something big that moves forward it is abrupt it is sudden it is a sudden advance in magnitude or mass a quantum leap then is an abrupt transition in in the world of physics is an abrupt transition of a quantum system or an atom you take an atom and when that thing shifts or when that thing leaps a quantum leap is when it moves from one quantum state uh to another and from one energy level to another that's what a quantum leap is in physics and when when the system absorbs the energy uh in that in that in that transition it begins to take on higher energy so when it when it leaps it doesn't just leap randomly it leaps because whatever level it is on it begins to cr it begins to become jittery it begins to be filled with excitement and it begins to move until it leaps from one level of energy one level of power to the next and when it got when it makes that leap there's no in between that's why it's called a quantum leap it doesn't take any time it's it it like a boom boom boom boom boom boom it may have seemed like it it was jittering for a while technical term it may look like it it it it was just being excitable and then but then all of a sudden as it built it built it built it built up i guess whatever realm it was in couldn't hold it anymore so it just boom all of a sudden it's in the other no in between no slow down time no trying to figure out what just happened and as soon as it hits the other system it begins to draw energy from a higher force this this this this is important um see let me let me take a few more minutes to talk about this quantum leap thing so i can i can press where i want to go but quantum leap then again it's an abrupt movement of an atom or electron from radiant from from from a radiant energy level to another so like i said there's no in between in that it's a sudden leap to another level and and when it makes that leap it stays on that level until it takes on stability yeah i want to be i want to be sure i got there and so so there's something going on in this this this whole quantum leap thing and this atom leaps over into another realm and it just stays over there and it begins to draw on the energy because the draw on that energy but while it's drawing energy it is becoming stable it's becoming expanding and then and then it as as as it becomes stable now it begins to build energy again it begins to work up to the next leap but it's just like the last leap when the leap takes place it's just poo so here's the deal in a quantum leap in a quantum leap moment everything changes not just one thing everything everything changes now now the reason i'm working on this quantum leap thing is because uh a few weeks ago as i was praying in to seven in year seven that's the phrase that came to me quantum leap i wasn't really familiar with the term i had heard the term it's not a term that i used often so i really felt like the holy spirit was speaking to me because it just came just seemingly out of nowhere quantum leap that's that's seven i'm not saying it's the year of quantum leap but i'm saying it's taking on the characteristics of a quantum leap what i'm saying is everyone we as as we are now oh by the way by the way welcome to seven i said welcome to seven i said welcome to seven we're not getting ready we're in it we're in it we're in it you don't even know it yet but you're in a quantum leap you just shifted a season that's why you ought to praise different that's why you ought to shout different that's why you ought to dance different that's why you ought to pray different prophesied different you're already in a quantum leap everything has changed your mind just hasn't caught up with it yet [Applause] see spiritually what i'm working on this for is we have to understand that the quantum leap is is is when suddenly everything is redefined your presence and your future is redefined i believe that the the present professor church and our future is being redefined so it's just like boom everything's different this this miracle there's a quantum leap the crippled beggar has been crippled since his mother's womb day after day she takes him and she lays him at the beautiful gate and day after day the prairie warriors passing by three times a day on their way to pray peter and john are on their way to pray they already had a quantum leap on the day of pentecost don't have to go over that again so they're on their way to pray and the man's mama's putting him out sitting him at the gates so he can beg for alms and peter and john are on their way to pray like they were every day but somehow this beggar caught the eye it literally they became captivated by the beggar and when he saw them and he saw that they saw him and they made eye contact alms offs and peter look man look at me and the man looked at him expecting to get what he had gotten every day [Applause] just give me some arms to get through the day but peter said gold is silver i have not but such as i have i give unto you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk and the bible says that peter stretched out his hand and grabbed his hand and pulled him up on those broken feet and never stood on before ankles pulled him up and there was a moment ah there was a moment of quantum leap where he went from the way he had always been to the way that god has always intended him to be and in a moment boom everything changed i said everything changed i love the passion translation there it said he sleeped up on his feet and he stood there and he just had to take a second to figure out what just happened to me see when you hit a quantum leap it hits you so hard you gotta take a moment to slap yourself did that just happen see what just happened to that blonde burger it it redefined his entire life it redefined his entire life sitting there thinking this is the way it will always be and this is the way i will always be but when when peter and john showed up full of the holy ghost in power in the name of jesus said we don't have no mercy it's totally opposite today today in the church we throw gold and silver at everybody and say go your way but then they didn't have silver and gold they had something much better they had the name of jesus with power i say let's get the power back because when peter reached out and touched that man there was a surge of power into his legs and ankles [Music] yes you know quantum leap it's an interesting concept theory they call it but i really sense we're kind of in that quantum leap moment don't know but pretty sure everything changed for that crippled guy he had been set there lame now he jumps to his feet and it's such a powerful moment it takes him a few seconds to figure out what happened and then he starts jumping he says the word leap which means to jump high or to jump far to leap he's doing what he can never do before he's sleeping he's jumping and he's praising god [Applause] and then peter and john say hey come on come on with us come on with us to church come on we're going to go in we're coming to praise to have a prayer come on with us and he went they went in through the beautiful gate which he had set his entire life begging people throwing money at him as they go by but nothing ever changed the reason i'm pushing all this because i felt really strongly that the beginning of this year the holy spirit spoke to me and i no longer really had a time limit on it but it was simply we were getting ready to move into mass harvest invisible manifestations i told you last night that that god is showing me that seven is like a pie that's been sliced into seven slices so it's not just gonna be one way god's gonna do something and it's not just going to do what he's been doing at a higher level i keep going back to the man and how everything changed in a moment i'm crippled boom i'm not [Applause] we just read the stories they're getting that cool but think about it for a moment your entire life you've never stood up on your feet with even help you can't stand up on your feet you've never your feet have never touched the ground the bottoms of your feet have never touched the soil of the earth and you're you're just sitting there oh i'm saying can you help me i can't help you i don't have any money but what i have in the name of jesus get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up i'm gonna i'm gonna just help you get up eddie [Applause] and he's just standing there for just a minute give him a minute and then it hit him and he leaped and he jumped and he started praising god he leaped and jumped and peter and john are like this is crazy you need to get go give this testimony come on we're taking you to the prayer meeting with us and they get inside the temple gates and what is he doing leaping jumping praising god leaping jumping praising god the reason the reason i'm pushing on this is because you see this is actually the first recorded miracle in the book of acts now now in chapter two it talks about the fact that many miracles signs and wonders were done at the hands of the apostles but this is the first miracle recorded first miracle recorded so they were already in to some some powerful movements of god but what i wanted you to see here is because it is the first recorded miracle in the book of acts then we can if we would like to apply the law of first mission the law of first mention states that when you see something its first place in the word of god or or you see it that it is the first place where something is experienced and then you can use that as a pattern as the primary use of in scripture and so when we see this this situation obviously the the spectacular thing is that it's real so this isn't this isn't a narrative this isn't just a story this isn't just something that oh that's really cool no no this really historically happened on this planet which means if god did it then he can do it now as well as the truths that are hidden within the reality of the story there now are applicable to you and i that we can use them and live in them that's what i want to do for a few minutes i want to i want to work this just a few minutes today because because i i want us to understand this i want us to understand because you see well what this miracle really was because some reason luke chose for this to be the very first miracle that was recorded in in in the book of acts and and so it gives us first of all the principle of called key miracles it's a key miracle what does that mean does that mean it locks the door for us to understand the power of a miracle beyond obviously than a man's life being changed forever there's truth locked up in it there's revelation locked up in it fresh our church and that's what i'm trying to get us to see a key miracle a key miracle is one that unlocks the door for other miracles a key miracle is always followed by a wave of miracles i have been praying though we have seen many miracles i have been praying for a key miracle a miracle that unlocks a wave of undeniable notable miracles ain't nobody hearing me today anybody need a miracle [Applause] healing miracles financial miracles relationship miracles it the the the idea is is taken from acts 20 to acts 28 where paul was on the island of malta shipwrecked there and the governor's father became ill so will he could not get out of his bed they asked paul to go pray for him and the bible says that paul went and laid his hands on him and god healed him and then they brought all the other people on the island who were sick and god healed them all that's the idea of a key miracle it lose faith in an entire island that said if he killed the governor's father then he can heal my friend he can heal me i i'm just trying to get us somewhere today lord help the preacher everybody say lord help the preacher so what i want to do for a few moments now is i want to talk about how visible manifestations and what visual manifestations produce because i believe we're getting ready to hit a level of mass production mass production is a large amount of product and a constant flow i believe god want to get he almost get his church in mass production where we're not just hit and miss not just a season of miracles and in a miracle and things do here and things breaking there but i'm talking about visible manifestations which even really go beyond the miraculous and move into the supernatural i'm talking about the fact that how we how we respond to the very presence of god when it invades the place and how that affects us how we respond to it how we surrender to it how we give ourselves to it and there is a manifestation upon the people of god now look at me i'm not talking about learned behavior my wife spoke to that last night we have to stop the learned behavior we have to stop responding to god the same way we did 20 years ago and we need to get another visible expression of awe and of glory of who god is and what god is doing visible manifestations produced number one high praise no i don't have to stay here long because jessica just she rode that horse quite well last night so i'll just say a couple of things high praise is revival praise high praise is not for the religious it's for the wrong some people say i feel uncomfortable with high praise and this is what she was jessica was that's why people just jump right in bypass high praise because somehow in their mind they think that high praise high praise is is a reflection of our flesh well i say something right because they don't enjoy provocation let me let me give you a revelation nobody does [Applause] somebody said well i i'm in this this high level of worship and then they come along and start provoking me into a high praise and they're making me get in my flesh no most likely you're already in your flesh because you just found your comfort zone if i'm comfortable with it i think i'm in the spirit but the reality is when somebody comes along and pokes you it says no you're not quite there yet [Applause] i don't know where we got the concept of worship is supposed to be comfortable it's not supposed to be comfortable don't we call it a sacrifice of praise a sacrifice of praise a sacrifice of praise that means i gotta push past my last level of comfort into a ram that i have not yet become comfortable in [Applause] well they're just upset because they're the people are responding to their gift no they're not they're upset because they are not responding to the high praise of a high god that deserves more than me too that wasn't hard at all try it oh some of you already did i'm sorry okay [Applause] hey listen to jessica's message it's much deeper [Applause] in the in in in truth provocation pushes us out of our flesh [Applause] that's why it's not for the religious because religious people want to be comfortable in everything this i wish they would have gave us this blind not blind crippled beggar's name let's call let's call him jumping or leapy leapy jumpy lj there we go i knew there was a little raw thing in there somewhere lj quiet down lj oh i ain't quiet now i ain't quieting down i was crippled but now i'm jumping and now i'm leaping i want you to know there's a crippled generation that's getting ready to feel the surge of god's power and when it comes they're going to be jumping they're going to be leaping they're going to be shouting praises unto god oh don't worry they're not afraid of our high praise [Applause] they've been dancing with demons they're not afraid to dance with hey all right so so i'll stop there because that's that's that was done well done well last night okay visible manifestations what am i talking about i'm talking about i'm talking about seeing god touch something in the physical realm seeing it a visible manifestation of god lg is now a visible manifestation of god they take him to church and the religious people are probably freaking out [Applause] can somebody get lj to calm down and they can wait a minute wait a minute are you are are you the crippled beggar the set at the beautiful gate every day you've been sitting there and i i threw you some arms and they realized this is lj and he's leaping and he's jumping and he's praising god and he's holding on to peter like [Applause] and then he's jumping and he's leaping and the bible says that the crowd began to run toward peter and john and lj they run toward them see what you have to understand now they are seeing a manifestation of god [Applause] and so they run toward it the crowd the crowd that minutes before which is meandering around the maze of religion going through the motions of prayer that they went through three times a day every day not expecting anything different today than was there the day before or was even there that morning in the morning prayer hey did we just go through we just we and then they showed up and lj's jumping around shouting and praising god you know what you don't want that that visible manifestation shifted the atmosphere because they moved from emptiness to expectation they moved from apathy to amazement what in the world just took place and peter says all these people we know at least five thousand could have been ten thousand we don't know they're standing before peter and peter being a good apostolic preacher this is only his second message you know but he's doing pretty good because on the first one he got 3 000 but the atmosphere shifted the entire crowd ran toward peter and i want you to know something i've seen it happen in this house more than once i have seen miracles come and manifestations take place and i have seen us in all in the moment and i've seen the atmosphere in this house you wouldn't think it could happen i i keep going back to isaiah when i say it what is he 12 13 years old little isaiah got his legs healed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and so it was it was about right over here somewhere y'all remember that how he had to use the walker to get around he was losing control of his legs and his feet and he had to get around are you here today so so so so so with evangelists pray for him and the three boys prayed for him and then he said you want to walk a little bit he said i think i do and so he began to walk they took the walker and he began to walk him and he began to walk a little bit about right over here somewhere and then he lead over to the evangelist and said could you maybe get them to make room i think i want to run y'all remember that and how he ran down that aisle around the back of this building up on that aisle jumped on this platform read up on this platform and begin to jump and begin to leap did not the atmosphere shift like we had never seated before can we believe that we can live in a realm where miracles are continuously happening that the atmosphere is constantly shifting shooting shifting shifting shifting yes the atmosphere shifted and the people were hungry and peter said it's time to preach that that that right there that's that's the third thing that visible manifestations produce is they produce bold preaching oh preaching religion hates confidence it smells insecurity it despises boldness because the religious set in seats of authority that do not belong to them [Applause] they try to control atmospheres but revival preaching which we desperately need back in the church is always confrontational what you heard in this place last night was revival preaching [Applause] it looks it's it's the weight of being a revivalist because you see things through a filter and if it doesn't have revival on it then i don't have time for it i don't have time to step off the wall of revival we got work to do we're building and we're battling we're building and we're battling i don't have time to come off this wall and have a discussion with you let me just say it and then we can get on and after i say it you can walk with me or you can walk away from me [Applause] because i just don't have an idea i just don't have a program i just don't have a plan i have the spirit of fire burning on the inside of me and i'm not going to let anybody's idea anybody's opinion to quench that fire [Applause] i feel something on that right now lord raise up bold preachers we don't have time to be cute nor do i have the inclination i'm getting old you know preaching revival preaching always confronts the carnal and the casual always anytime there was revival there was bold preaching there was always a call to repentance as you go along with the narrative we see the visible manifestations produce religious lockdowns i know i'm dealing with this spirit of religion and my wife did an amazing series on that but it is indeed as you said the number one enemy of revival i'm talking about seven i'm talking about visible manifestations cause high praise to go higher atmospheres to shift continually both preaching without hesitation but it does stir up religious spirits i'm not talking about people because i want to go deeper than just somebody having a religious spirit to a principality that sits on a nation called religion you may not know this and where we were at during during the the four corners of prayer friday night we were in birmingham alabama which is considered percentage-wise the most religious city in the nation you know what the bible belt is within the bible belt it encompasses the most religious states in america it goes from texas and then it moves east all the way to alabama then it shoots up to north carolina then it shoots over to arkansas back down to texas they say birmingham is the buckle of the bible belt so those of you that were here friday night you helped us plant our feet on the soil of the buccal watch me that southeast region has been held it has been locked down and it's been under a limitation of thinking they have enough of god and they go to church every sunday and they and they get baptized and they say a prayer and then they go through their week and then they go back the next sunday over and over and over and over while a region is dying under the spirit of religion but you helped us you helped us draw the sword with the blood of jesus on it and drive it in to those four corners and i'm telling you that buckle broken and that bible belt has been loose but this is what i want you to see here because of their bold preaching and because of this visible manifestation they could not deny they literally became angry bitter saying we have to do something to stop the power that is moving from that miracle the momentum was incredible the momentum is sweeping through the temple and the religious leaders bring in finally bring in the police the the the temple police bring them in that we we got to stop this we got to stop peter from preaching right now because he he's bringing it hard and he's bringing us strong and these people are getting free all over the place we've had them under control we've had them under control you see you see you understand the reason you do lock downs is cause you're trying to contain the spread what what what they say we got to stop this thing right here we can't let this get out of here we got to stop this right here we got to stop these guys from preaching we got to stop these guys from doing miracles this thing stops right here and they locked them down but on the next day they walked out and they said don't you ever speak of the name of jesus again and they said look man we'll do what we can but we got to do what our god tells us to do we're going to serve our god rather than man and they took it they took that gospel and they took it around the world and every time they preached it signs of wonders miracles confirming his word with visible manifestations yes religion always tries to limit the realities of the supernatural when i was preparing for this i was just doing research and finally i just quit this waste time because everything i found for some reason is written by those other guys so they spend all their time explaining why this doesn't happen today because religion likes to lock down the moving of god because it cannot be stopped so as we move into seven and there is there is greater visible manifestations there will be the religious that will criticize that will demonize an authentic move of god why do they have to act like that why because when god comes on somebody they act like that i'm not going to tell you what you can act like i'm just going to tell you you're going to act like something so if i tell you you act like that because we always get it weird let me say you know if i act like that god's on me no no god gets on you you act like that [Applause] is this all right one more one more of these physical manifestations produce a magnet for the masses peter preached boldly the religious tried to lock him down and in the midst of all of that five thousand believed five thousand believe oh really that's all you can do is go oh that's great you know why because you don't think that'll happen now i think that could happen now i think when you're in a quantum leap you can go from one to five thousand [Applause] boom just stay with me i'm almost done do do i know you i know you read your bibles so you know this you know when you read your bible and you read the gospels that over and over and over again it's jesus healed the sick proclaim the gospel of the kingdom cast out devils he preached he healed and delivered and then it said massive crowds followed him wherever he went he would leave he'd even go somewhere else and he said a massive crowd would follow him i'm telling you it is not shallow listen to me fresh start so when the religious come along and say that's shallow it is not shallow to believe and to contend for visible manifestations of god because they become magnets for a lost in a broken world we said no we don't want them to come because of visible no yes we do want them to come we want them to come because when they walk through those doors before they care what i have to preach they want to know can your god break this devil off me can your god make this sickness leave my body can your god [Applause] i'm believing that the end time harvest as we've been talking about coming straight out of darkness looking for a visible sign that god even exists visible signs manifest can you imagine five thousand and and and some believe maybe twice that many because they believe men and women and children and i mean it it see church please in seven let's allow god to increase our capacity not to believe for five but thank god for five not to believe just for ten but thank god for ten we if we can get one today heaven will be rejoicing as so will i but can we not believe that god's getting ready to pull back the darkness and bring up out of the realms of darkness not just five and ten and a hundred but how about thousands how about thousands how about thousands that are not under the weight and the rigors of religion just come out broken come out possessed come out crying out it can somebody help me out of this mess one more thing i'll wrap the wrapping it up right now so as you see visible manifestations are very dynamic they're dynamic when god moves it is a dynamic a spiritual dynamic visible action as i was wrapping this up i felt the holy spirit said you're not done you hit on one more thing tell them that seven is not only going to be dynamic it's going to be demanding [Applause] if we're going to live and experience what i've been talking about it's going to be dynamic but it's also going to be very demanding seven is going to put a demand on our current spiritual capacity now think about the statement i just made seven is going to put a demand on our current spiritual capacity so all the stretching all the growing all the expanding all the anointing all the praying all the prophesying all the preaching that has been done in the last six years and then god looks at us and said you have grown you have expanded your spiritual capacity but what i'm getting ready to do in seven it's gonna take all of that and some more of you all the sacrifice all the giving all the praying all the contending everything that we have done for six years that have grown us and that have developed us into revivalists all of those things he's saying when you would listen to me listen to me first start you better hear your apostle you better hear your pastor you better hear me right now you better hear your daddy i'm telling you right now what god is getting ready to do is going to yank something on the inside of us and we got to be willing and say yank it yank it [Applause] so i heard the law saying you must you must quantum leap from strength to strength from faith to faith and from glory to glory strength to strength faith of faith glory to glory all represent forward movement this this phrase strength to strength it means we celebrate the past but at the same time we look to the future i was strong i'm strong now i'll be strong then strength to strength in the hebrew it carries the idea i am strong it's reciprocal i am strong and who can i give the strength to i am strong i give my strength to somebody and then it is where do i go to get more strength i go from strength to strength it's reciprocal he's telling us we must learn to be strong in the lord the power of his might david encouraged himself in the lord jesus after his wilderness warfare god sent an angel to strengthen him i don't know how your strength is going to come but if you'll keep moving forward into seven no matter what you gotta push through no matter what you gotta face on the other side is your strength you're strong pushed to the battle because on the other side it's more strength the battle doesn't make me weak the battle makes me strong i feel weak but i'm not weak [Music] i'm just telling you we've got to increase our capacity in the realm of strength faith to faith faith to faith faith to faith you know that phrase literally means starting in faith ending in faith start faith to faith start in faith any faith start in faith end in faith faith to faith please look look at me faith is not a formula i'm a faith person i believe in believing standing in faith i'm asking you to stand in faith with what i'm preaching right now we stand in faith that this is truly a quantum leap time i put my faith on that i don't have any proof of that i just put my faith on that so i understand faith but faith is not necessarily a formula faith has strength because it is in god this is important we got to start with faith and we got to finish your faith if satan steals our faith he steals our future but here's this is what i felt that's how i felt guys as we are in the seven and we're in the quantum leap that as we are starting in faith we must finish this thing in faith the idea is there's something in between faith to faith that challenges your faith if you're going to start with it and then we say you need to finish with it that means there must be something in the middle of it that's going to try to steal it [Applause] that could be a narrative of things but can i just can we just talk to the peak elephant in the room what happens when you're believing and it doesn't happen what happens when you're believing for a miracle and it never happens what happened what do you do what do you do so you have to understand see i can relate to this well because you know what today 15 years ago i had my motorcycle accident 16 years ago august 8 2005 16 years ago today three weeks later they walked into my hospital room and said we're gonna have to take that leg or you're gonna lose your life why because we they wanted to take it immediately we said no we are a people of faith we will pray we will believe we will contend they would i was drugged pretty much for three weeks just gone but here here's what i want to teach you because i have learned something because for 16 years i have been believing for a creative miracle there is a thing called hope defer and it's a real thing and it can be very painful it can be very difficult when you're believing for something and it doesn't happen immediately and you keep believing and you keep believing and then you move to the point where it is impossible with man and but you keep believing i i don't know how many times i won't be honest with you i don't know how many times i said that's fine god i can deal with it and you don't have to heal me i can deal with it i can go on i don't need this i'm i'm doing fine i'm you know what i'm doing just fine i'm doing fine i'll praise most you with one leg that may be a little off balance but i get there [Applause] but let me tell you something i had i had to learn this i had to get to a place in my life where i understood that faith has two sides to it there's a believing side and there's a trusting side there's a side do you believe that god can do anything anytime anyplace and anywhere but if it doesn't happen i still trust him if it doesn't work out the way i wanted to work out i still trust him if my marriage didn't work out i still trust him if my finances are where i wanted to i still trust him i don't have to have what i need to trust him i came to this conclusion he is good and he does all things well and if i get my miracle i get my miracle but if i don't get my miracle i still trust him i'm gonna finish this fight of faith strong you gotta start with faith and end with faith somebody shall yes everybody stand all over this building musicians come i haven't forgotten glory to glory glory to glory glory to glory the bible says in acts 7 55 speaking of stephen but he being filled full of the holy spirit gazed into heaven and saw the glory of god what we hear are now in seven we must learn how to go from strength to strength faith to faith glory to glory i just come to tell you keep looking for the glory you see the glory is a visible power it's not just an invisible force it's really the manifestation of the holy spirit glory glory because wherever there is glory there is change we are being changed transformed glory to glory glory is the atmosphere of heaven it is the atmosphere in which visible manifestations take place this leg am i i say one day god be a level of glory in this house apparently we haven't got there yet so i'm going to keep going from glory [Music] to glory to glory to glory and until i get to that place and that weight of glory i'll just be strengthened to the lord i'm not gonna be weak glory fresh start church do not ever settle for the level of glory keep looking for more glory this i feel very strong today quantum leap i believe i believe god i believe [Music] i believe that this place this people we will never be the same after this weekend nothing will ever be the same i want you to join me around the front of this building quickly come [Music] [Music] on [Music] what are we coming to you're coming toward the glory [Music] the dynamic part of what i've been talking about invisible manifestation god's going to take care of that what i feel like i need to impart to you this morning [Music] is strength faith glory [Music] strength faith glory presence power presence power [Music] persistence the demand will be high but i have come to prophesy over you you are strong enough you have enough faith enough strength and enough glory [Music] it's manifesting around you it's manifesting on you fresh start church you were made for this moment you were made for this moment you were made for this moment you're unique you're chosen [Music] simply because you said yes to revival you said yes to never stopping and settling because you said yes to consecration you said yes to sanctification you said yes i will live a life of repentance you'll have also throw your hands up in the air right now and with all the apostolic authority that i possess this morning i say be strong in the lord the power of his might i say let your face soar lay your faith sore let your faith be risky and even if you don't see what you want to see your faith is still producing i say the realms of glory realms of glory realms of glory theology the weight of god fall upon every one of you may the weight of god fall upon every one of you i say the days ahead are days marked with victory they are days marked with victory their days marked with victory i say there are days marked with victory i say it but though do not fear do not fear do not fear the days ahead of us they will demand they will demand it but you already have on the inside of you the dna of a victorious god and i say to you the battle is bred to you the battle is straight to you i say it we're gonna take you out i say it will build you up i see you with the end of seven you will be stronger you will be more anointed you will be full of the spirit i say the blood of the enemy will peel your hands because you will fight [Music] from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glowing from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory and glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory [Applause] from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory for glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from glory to glory from knowing the glory of glory to glory to glory from glory to glowing from glowing to glory from glowing [Music] can we [Music] on this beginning sunday of seven seven amazing years of revival six amazing years of the time can we as we did six years ago say yes [Music] can we say yes lord can we say we will be that people we will be that people we will be those that carry the burden and the torch for territories and nations we say yes lord we say yes [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] yes lord we are your servants we are your hungry ones once again set us ablaze set us ablaze with your holy fire [Music] foreign [Music] before we leave this morning i wonder if there would be anyone here that would like to surrender your life to jesus maybe for the first time or maybe for the first time in a long time you came this morning wondering is is there anything real is there anything that can help save my life save my marriage my family i tell you this morning if you will surrender your life to jesus he will come and he will meet with you he will redeem and forgive and restore so real quickly if you have your hand raised would you put it down please but this morning you say i need to surrender my life to jesus just throw your hands straight up in the air and then keep it up is there anyone today yes yes all right stay right there over there [Applause] keep the hand up would you oh yeah yeah right there okay yeah without that shot just bring them right just give us a little room is there anybody else today i told you if there's one there's one [Music] we'll rejoice with heaven but is there anyone else maybe you could look over the person next to you and say would you like to surrender your life to jesus today if so i'll walk up to the front with you just we just got to make sure today so is that it where's the young lady at oh what's your name jasmine all right jasmine kim won't you come pray with jasmine father i just oh you you're gonna surrender your life to jesus that's awesome what's your name zachary nice to meet you zachary great decision great decision man amen amen anybody else before we pray all right father i thank you for these two i thank you that you chose today to touch their hearts to draw them to you i ask father for revelation and understanding i pray holy spirit you have touched their hearts give them hearts of flesh that will be tender towards you o god to know you and to experience you in a whole new way i pray father that you would just surround their life with your goodness and with your grace and your mercies i want you to say this prayer with me will you do that say dear jesus today i believe that you are the savior of the world and today by faith i make you my savior and my lord i give my entire life to you father i ask now that you would forgive me that you would cleanse me and that you would transform my life in jesus name amen i just want to pray over you real quick father let's pray your presence will saturate their life i pray right now that the power of the holy spirit would come upon them i pray lord that they will never be the same i pray father that that when they even wake up in the morning it's going to be like a whole new world and a whole new life i thank you for supernatural manifestations of love grace and power all around them and in them and i say no weapon formed against them shall prosper i say any attempt of the enemy to draw them back and bring them now we we render powerless now in the name of jesus and we say let your perfect plan let your perfect will manifest over their lives and we thank you for it i'm telling you man the devil is a liar he told you that he had you but he doesn't have you he doesn't have you he told you you were gonna go to hell he told you that your life was gonna matter to nothing but i'm telling you from this day forward you're gonna see the awesome plan of god over your life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you for father thank you for it father in jesus name come on church let us rejoice hallelujah oh by the way welcome to our family [Applause] i think we're waiting two baptisms tonight so if you would like to somebody want to be baptized like what was that oh you swallowed your gum oh i'm sorry if you would like to be water baptized we're going to wait we're going to finish those up tonight amen so come back and be with us tonight it's going to powerful tonight pastor kim's going to be bringing a powerful word it's going to be a great encounter with the holy spirit amen god bless you guys we'll see you back hey fresh start here's what's going on for the month of august here at fresh start we have a community outreach called community hope center this is a food distribution program that takes place here at fresh start and enables us to bless those in need throughout the area our next focused distribution is on thursday august 12th from 7 a.m to noon here on the church property we need about 25 to 30 volunteers each month to help with organizing and distributing food please help us bless those in need throughout our community for more information and to sign up please stop by the information center in the foyer life groups are a great way to get involved connected and to build relationships with the people and families of fresh start church life groups are meeting the week of august 23rd through the 30th throughout the city visit the info center in the foyer for times and locations and let's build life together if you have physically or geographically moved from another location in the united states to phoenix arizona specifically to attend fresh start church and revival we are hosting a relocation dinner on august 27th at 6 30 pm to honor you and help you in this new season we will give you practical and spiritual advice to help you acclimate to a different culture and living in the desert sign up at the info center in the foyer hey invade youth and young adults join us sunday august 15th at 6 pm for our monthly awakening service this is a powerful time of worship word and fellowship you don't want to miss it for those online who have been requesting our merch you can check out don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel and to stay up to date on all things fresh start church go to and follow us on facebook instagram and twitter this new decade of the lord demands that we look at revival through the lens of sustainability revival isn't outdated it may have been sidelined by new techniques and ideals but it's the way jesus started his church and is the way he will culminate it revival requires encounter and the place of encounter has been lost in most of our modern church settings corporately the altar has been replaced with more seats and less spirit privately the altars have been replaced with competing weights and sins that encumber our schedules the byproduct is empty hearts surface relationship with jesus and no fire of the holy ghost in our corporate atmospheres we don't have to sacrifice powerful moves of the spirit just because we're not doing what it takes to keep the door open to revival it is our sincere hope that your heart will be set ablaze with the fire of pentecost once again as you learn to keep the fire burning on the altar and to be a doorkeeper of revival tuesday august 31st through thursday september 2nd let's saturate heaven with 72 hours of continuous prayer and fasting in preparation for upcoming doorkeepers of revival weekend stop by the info center to sign up and pick the time slots you will be joining with us in prayer doorkeepers of revival weekend is on september 3rd through the 5th launching friday night with pray america powerful worship and specific territory intercession for revival outpouring pastors paul and kim owens will be imparting sustained revival truths and revelation guests sean and christa smith will also be joining us what god is doing here he wants to do in every region let's sling hands up holy ghost fire to spread all over the nation for such a timelessness if you'd like to partner with us you can give by visiting our website or texting the keyword offering 623-299-2707 you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 3,256
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: H0Cd47psA90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 4sec (11704 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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