Brand NEW slimes and updates! | Slime Rancher

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yo what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Ryan or 2d and today we're gonna be playing ourselves some so Lauren sure that's right we're jumping back into slime Ranger guys which I'm so excited about this is probably one of my all-time favorite series I've done on the channel I did it about a year ago where he played through slime rancher and it was still kinda in early access or still not like fully released yet and now slime rancher has been getting a lot of new updates on a lot of new love as well they come out with some new like new DLC new content new slimes and overall just more things to do and so I thought this would be a perfect time to jump back into the series and start a new guys and see what we can do see where all the sea where we're gonna be taking on this new awesome adventure hey everyone thanks for coming out of the streamer II know you guys are awesome I appreciate and love each and one of you a lot of this game poofles says I love you too okay I made it Adam here yo what's up Slim Shady yes Sam Slim Shady is something the real shady okay so we're gonna we're going to start a new game new game game name is going to be um this guy's name is sage bling he goes to D I love you I'm gonna name it after you sage sage Blaine there you go that the whole the whole my world is gonna be named sage billing now okay there we go so our icon we're gonna do um I like that one I I let that what's funny he's like why okay so adventure yeah a casual Andros we want to play an adventure mode because Adventure is amazing so we're gonna do that I continue okay yeah what's up boo balls yo what's up Joseph everyone thanks for coming out of the stream you guys are awesome Dillon hey as horseman eco-warrior okay 1000 light years away from Earth on a planet known as the far far range Beatrix and the blue begins her first days of slime range wait why is the planet just called the far far range because you could you imagine just like yo where do you live I live on playing it the far far range like that's just how it goes and you're like wait what okay hey I love you too okay I'm playing it as x''k same time as you okay let's jump into the game so jump oh my gosh this sensitivities okay and then we can sprint oh I forgot how amazing this game is whoo all right we got we actually have to turn down our sensitivity it's way too high right now other input Oh master somebody look it's all the way up there I'll let's bring it down there all right that's a way better okay hold right now so we can okay carrots oh yeah we got a we got a we got a loot up we got a loot up I'll step up cameras oh my gosh I missed my farm guys all of my old stuff it's all gone Hey look you dropped a port hey is it worth anything 10 gold look at all these value this is pretty good pretty good I need to remember to like start wait and then sell stuff when it's time you know okay there we go we're gonna throw you in there so essentially if you lose you don't know what slime Rancher is the idea of slime rancher is to collect different types of slimes to gather ports and everything so tasty food acquired food like fruits fruits or chicken okay well I'm just gonna give him some carrots what I don't know what they like um slime pedia slimes pink slime fruit veggies meat favorite none so it doesn't have a favorite fruit so I can just give it I'm just gonna give him some carrots there you go have some carrots wait no I want I want one carat weight do I want to care it I don't know if I care it's a special food true things here I think I don't want any pink slime I know they're making me like make a spot for pink slimes but honestly I feel like Pink's lines are just like kind of worthless like I feel like they're not that good yeah just another day is slurping up slimes okay here's the port market yeah so there we go so we get in a little bit of money just adjusted to just a to Duluth just a tidbit just a tad arenot okay that covers the bases you've learned from now it's time to get out there and score remember the best way to become a ranger is to experiment nothing ventured nothing gained okay that's true now what's this um oh the jet pack yo I do kind of want the jet pack because the jet pack cost three hundred and fifty and that's totally worth it but I think what I can also do is I can go to so there's secret Styles so this is like a DLC package select ass line type for the new after you have an app on the left after you've unlocked its secret style wait by discovering hidden special treasure pods throughout the far four range once unlocked you can management she could serve shown which salon ok strive to unlock him star may also have two messages so the 7z corporation miss Yuna blue what if we told you that the 7z Corporation has developed technology called secret Stiles oh this is for DLC I don't need this missing a blue the 7z Corporation would like to welcome you to the far far range welcome and extend you our support in your bold new venture as a slime rancher support extended we would also like to request that you exercise caution your first few days on the range until you get more familiar with your surroundings traveling at night is not advisable lastly should you require any additional tools for your backpack or items to make your slimes ranching experience easier the 7z corporation would be pleased to provide them for me the shop located just outside your ranch home the 7z corporation providing the tools you need to get the job done for us for a small fee the 7z Corporation what a tool alright we're getting out of here alright that about covers the basics all right well let's go out and explore oh this is also like the trade station as well so I can range exchange offline what's all this garbo alright we're going out and exploring whoa hello okay the dry reef so we don't want any pink slime I feel like pink slimes are worthless I'm gonna collect all of the food though there we go there's the food I don't need I don't want and I actually don't want pink slime I don't think should we get pink slimes hey dudes combined three slime slime farts together is that what I have to do is throw links to the $2 superjet you're awesome okay all right there we go wow dude okay there's so many people I want Rock slimes I don't think do we want Pink's lines if there's just so many of them like I don't even know if it's like worth it pink is important for science yo you you are you right you right pink pink slimes are pretty important for science star mail receipt from Casey I used to have a really good friend named Casey except you spelled it with a K instead of a seed so it's kind of weird but you know okay there we go ten so we can all I forgot so I played through this game a decent amount we had a huge series back on it ever we get what's up this like there's just way what is that noise that was a gold slime wasn't it oh my gosh I saw it I completely saw it and then I and I ruined it I Alyssa is there anything here there are some pink floors so we can go ahead and pick up these guys and then we might as well just get a full do we even want like a full thing of pink slime like is that worth it is that something we want I'm not sure how I feel about this you know all right we have a lot of pink slime so like a lot of pink slimes and yes I just started treating me 7 minutes ago all right let's go this way we're gonna have to get keys and stuff to get to like next area oh there we go we have hunter slimes not hunter slimes cat slimes okay what's this okay we want we want the tabby slimes think the tabby slums is they like to eat chickens right I'm pretty sure tabby slimes like chickens but either way that's fine let's look I don't really see anything around here all right I think we might be able to get out of here let's um let's grab some of these cocoa fruits the Pogo fruits thank you alright let's head not that way is most definitely the wrong way yo what's up Gemma or thanks for coming out of the stream also so there's something that I'd like to talk to talk to you all about um and so essentially for those you know I had my membership program and I have decided to just get rid of and not do the membership program anymore and I decided this for a couple of different reasons the main reason is I honestly didn't have enough time to fully dedicate to all the members we had to be able to fully like hang out in the discord all the time to do I was missing on doing like members only livestream just because especially this week and this month has been so busy for my birthday for males birthday I'm traveling a lot and so it just didn't really seem fair and so I decided just to stop it on but for if you're still if you were a member don't worry because I'm still gonna be doing members only livestream for like another month or so just so you know because I feel really bad if you came a member and up came of it so but after that we're not gonna be doing the membership program anymore friends sorry guys okay merge yeah what's up blade merge at a B+ rock thing tabby and rocks are actually pretty good I like this so let's put let's put down some pink slimes they're gonna try to escape here actually I don't know how I feel about that how can we upgrade this let's look um high walls 350 oh it's so expensive that's so expensive here here well I mean we're gonna need to use this anyways let's get a port collector 500 Kylie I think I'm made of money over here goodness okay do we want a bees in here I don't know if I feel like I want a bees in here I know I want do I have a storage unit yet I don't even have a storage unit they got 450 I don't know what to do yeah I don't know what I'd love to do I well I guess I'm gonna need money so we're putting the pink slides down and eat eat the carrots there we go thank you thank you now do we make tabby slimes do we make kitten combined the rock pink and Tapie yeah I probably do you want to do that and just leave these guys like alone okay let's just put a whole bunch of pink slimes in here I mean it's okay if they go everywhere they're pink slimes like they're not gonna cause any trouble I just need to like I need ports it's so annoying that I have to go in here and manually like grab them now okay there we go ports oh my gosh there's so many people or it's alright 14 17 18 19 20 okay well we're gonna keep that there and now we're gonna go put all our floors away because that's a decent amount of money see they're worth it's worth 10 I want the rock push the tab is actually we're 17 that's pretty valuable alright that gave us 480 dollars what do we buy with $480 guys I actually don't know it's also looking like it's becoming nighttime soon all right I forgot Casey sent me a letter let's go talk let's go see what Casey has to say because this game also kind of runs off of a storyline which is cool Casey KBM be BIA BIA I don't know ah Beale what's it like to sleep for a whole year did you dream I can't imagine what's that like 7z puts you in a pod and then lights out for all that time Wow what's the Far Far range like have you started exploring is the air as clear as they say I bet it's really beautiful I'm probably asking too many questions I bet you have a lot of work to do on there answer still can't believe it's yours now I guess I better leave to leave you to it and keep it short good luck BIA if anyone can make it out there it's you imagine so we are a year's travel away right so it takes us a year to get there I wonder how long it goes till I get through to places like to send that email I wonder how long it takes right because obviously it's not a letter because letters would take a year or more to get there right so letters wouldn't be a good idea so honestly thinking about that I feel like that's kind of scary like knowing that you're just I'll hit you - you're my favorite youtuber so doing it Joe thank you so much what's in here Oh cube fruits no no I don't want to hand in the cube Aries are actually pretty nice I don't know what their favorite foods you though I'm not entirely sure ok ok ok you don't want to make me mad because I just unsubscribe it unlike any of you realize this I will describe alright that's gonna be a band I always love when people trying to like be rude and then and then either my moderators deal with them because they're also our Rockport's this is what I was looking for I don't need pink line any mark I don't want pink funds I don't want a pink line no give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me rock let's rock let's rock rock oh gosh this is this is madness I'm taking damage I'm actually doing image another rock floor ow ow ow I think these these out leave me alone I'm being bullied what is this thing what is this press e to activate oh it's a map okay oh yeah there's a Gorter over there that's pretty cool oh my god he just died not the Gordo but like our oh wait what what's this taking us oh so this takes us over to the Gordo and this is where I have to feed him right I just feed him a whole bunch and then eventually he's like good to go I'm pretty sure at least yeah so he eats everything all right let's fill them up we need more food so essentially with these giant Gordo's if they're always hungry so if you fill them up then they then they pop but we need what is what is this open pod is this a secret Stiles thing this one looks really cool I got sparkly all right well I'm not gonna give him my cube area because my cube areas are actually very valuable to me and I have to rock floors so I need to open up a new farm that has tabby and rock floors because that's that's pretty good there is a goat now my friend he's dead save yourself friend get out of there you you goofball there's a actually there's so much food up here let's just grab all this food that's not oh my gosh there's so much food here all right now with that guy's definitely gonna go get some food there's some chickens over there is there any cubes if I wait if I feed these guys they should there we go look there you go so you see he gives us the rock plorts thank you thank you thank you wait out of curiosity if I feed him the cue berry because I think these guys love cue berries I'm I could be mistaken let's see let's see they don't love cue berries what is it that rock ah where did it go it was definitely right here it's gone now alright whatever we're heading back it's already nighttime how's the day going well my dad kind of just woke up but so far my day is going really good thanks for asking I know that's phosphorus ah phosphorus like the balut right let's look let's look slimes oh he's a question mark next to it that's not good I guess I have to like get him or something either way here keep feeding him he's gonna blow oh my gosh he's so hungry I'm gonna give him another cue berry he's still not blowing up auto feeder and collectors are the best I agree poofles about we got out we got to work on it well we're working on it we're trying to get there right so we have our tabby slimes and maroc parts so the first thing we're gonna want to do is make a new farm with rock with rocks and tabbies because they they give a lot of money like they give a deceptively large amount of money here also I can pick up these pink quartz because they're very valuable well they're not very valuable but they're very valuable to me cuz I'm really poor right now and we need to go make lots of money so onward we go I'll be back for you big boy ye there's actually a lot of just pink oh I'm kind of glad I decided to pick up pink Florrick's along the way just cuz there's like kind of everywhere you know your room I wonder what's faster I wonder if jumped like hopping is faster what does the h mean again I don't think it's actually important oh oh yeah it's that it's that person that just leaves messages around okay why is there slow mo because if I don't have it on you guys span the chat and that's why you guys can't fool me I know you're always up to no good okay alright pink blue pink floor thank you yum yum yum yum yum yum okay the thing is I can get like pink slimes any time so I don't think it's really that important okay all right do we want to make a new area how old are you turning in five days I'm turning 21 like I said guys if you guys want to for my 21st birthday which is this Sunday if you guys want to send me anything I'm gonna be opening up anything you guys send to me on my birthday so make sure to send it to the PIO box that's in the description down below um let's okay we have to be very considerate that we have to think a lot about where we want to put everything right so wait how high can I travel okay this is cool enough so remember guys we have to think about where we want to put all the slimes and where we want to put everything down because think about it guys if we have let's say if we put down a whole bunch of slimes now it becomes very difficult later right so what we want to do is we want to make sure that the farms are next to the slime that we want to deal with right so last time I had things I had a silo there I had something else there I had a farm there I had farms up here and then I had slimes here and then I had slimes down there so there's a whole bunch of like random stuff everywhere mmm I guess it doesn't really matter too much right what do jet freezes refresh the page okay so that's for slime that's the garden a coupe an incinerator a pond here let's buy the coral okay and now let's also get the hot oh I can't get high walls yeah that's fine all right so we're gonna put down our tabbies thank you talk to the $1 super chat for the record whoo I love your vids keep up the great work oh thank you okay so there we go we got no that's fine oh my gosh she's getting huge I'll leave me alone leave me alone these guys are rude okay there we go no they're escaping all right we need high walls so they're gonna definitely try to jump out so we want to feed them eat eat why they're not eating I only need one part that's all I need all right these guys need anything so here just eat this chicken I feel kind of bad but money is money and I really need that extra 10 gold because I need to build high walls so they don't escape it's very important because these guys are like my moneymakers now right so we don't want them going anywhere so press e to activate and then purchase high walls there we go okay these guys will not be going anywhere now so now I can put in more tabby slimes and then BOOM all right we cool are they sparkly now I think they have the the sparkly effect on him cuz we found it look how sparkly and adorable they look I love it okay so I think what we can do now is if we wanted to we could go to sleep but I feel like sleep is for the weak or sleep for a week I haven't decided which one what is this thing slime oh this is just the slime pedia okay that's not actually important so now we're going back out we need to build a farm what do rock slimes like eating Eifert I totally forgot what do rock slimes like eating okay I have to oh my gosh they're they're these these guys these guys these guys I totally forgot about these phosphorus limes phosphor phosphor phosphor perfect just what we wanted okay they the heartbeat that's right they love heartbeats you are indeed right sir you are indeed right it is the heartbeats that they like all right we want to make sure we grab some phosphorous lens because they're adorable and I love them I also want to go through and like uncover all like the secret slimes right because there's all these like cool secret slimes - well not necessarily secret slimes but they've added new there's like a DLC that I got that a lot that makes them all my gosh look at all these ports there was a feast here and I am the one oh my gosh it's so little much money okay it's really not that much of money but it makes me oh my gosh okay I like this is a lot of money you sports her everywhere there's like 17 floors right here like just right in my face okay could you please play minecraft I'm actually probably gonna play minecraft later today I'll probably either play pixelmon or the cube SMP I don't know which one so don't don't no promises we'll see no more crash more crash ooh the best I love that game Oh more cash you're the best I love that game that's awesome thank you so much with the donation oh that's really cool look how they they like combine together the giant slime is now like super shiny and everything alright we're looking for we need more heartbeat fruits and we also need more food because we want I want to be able to okay let's go this way we're looking for more more like unique fun slime stew and we also need more ports because we're kind of what's this Oh another a new secret thing what is it I'm actually so excited it's heavy metal yo I want to see what they look like oh whoa all right let's see if is there any over here what do they look like oh they look so cool well right let's see is there any like normal ones I don't see any rocks slimes cuz they're all pink I think it changed him to metal I'm not entirely sure let's look either angry they're angry run they're after me help me friends oh goodness me oh goodness that's for Roxxon yeah welp that's a key I can't go that way yet so we need it we need a key that unlocks that door which we can get from feeding the big guy bye-bye angry guys good bye good up nope goodbye sir goodbye we're getting out of here are all let's get out of here we're on time for these shenanigans okay it's time to go what wait what car - we like long talking about miles oh yeah Phineas and Ferb slaps Phineas and Ferb it's like low-key slaps it's such a good it's so good I'm maxed out on ports what kind of Garbo is this okay fun fact I don't know if you guys knew this but can I go down here um Phineas and Ferb like the the intro song is done by Bowling For Soup and I love Bowling For Soup I think they're like a really cool band okay it's likes it like they always make really good songs okay I don't know where I'm going guys I'm definitely lost right now wait a Stoney in do I want to get Stoney oh I found really these treasure treasure pods locked well um I don't know what these guys are good for but I'm gonna grab them anyways I don't think that the rock guys eat them I think someone else is something I'm not entirely sure no clue okay well let's keep going okay um there's more phosphorous slimes down there there's chickens more oh there's a phosphorous wart oh look this is what the metal guys look like now I don't know what do you guys like more do you like the rocks limbs I kind of like it when they're blue like I think it looked I think they look a little bit cooler when they're blue because you oh my gosh you just ate a man how rude that's not very nice I think over here is locked as well oh there's a big cat Gordo right there okay I know he makes us oh those guys are angry look oh ok ok I'm leaving I'm sorry this you guys aren't very nice to me alright let's head back we need we need to get food we are severely lacking in the food department oh my gosh what just happened here it's all gone we what I have no it what just happened oh I I pressed one okay all right it's becoming daytime let's head back we want to put down so we can't actually get rid of the phosphorus lime because they'll they'll perish if we need to make sure we have a puja bobber we need to make sure we have a night a night den thing we needed food wait wait okay let's get rid of the rocks limes and let's try to get as much food as possible because there's so many plorts around here oh can I not gather water yet I guess not is for food gonna be enough I don't thinks I have is 8 thank you thank you for listening to my sneeze everyone okay we're going onward we're gonna go talk ah my ear itches now oh yeah we're gonna go talk to this pink order person thingamabob ER and hopefully wait what's that are these mushrooms okay oh you literally only needed one more oh we got a key alright so there's the key what's this gonna give us um heartbeat I need those badly okay that's really good that we got that and on top of the heartbeat we got a rooster ooh I don't know I think roosters are actually pretty valuable so we got the key and we also got the rooster so where do we want to use the key check the slime PD at the house to knee the bridge go to the bridge through the pink corner instead of crossing and go to the left I always sees somebody's telling me to go this way I don't know which where this is taking me but apparently we need to go this way you're right look there's all these heartbeats here you're a genius who ever told me to do that I love YouTube being Everett okay alright keep going guys we're pushing onward okay it's now day time thank you for that helpful tip for getting the heart beat that was really useful okay so we're gonna head back here now now that we have the heart beats I want to make a heart beat farm because Rockport's and tabby ports are like they're they're pretty much useful throughout the whole game and since they're like a double value we definitely want to farm but we don't have any money wait we just got a whole bunch of pudding ports pink ports okay we can start we need to basically just start making money right merge tabby and phosphor well we already have tabbies in the rock guys so we need to find another plant that's gonna go with our phosphorus line but I'm not entirely sure there's a Cheska I can't open that chest yet that I can't open that chest you need we need roots we need to do research before we can open that chest sorry guys oh they're all hungry I'm sorry that you're starving friends um here here here here here here okay I can't use all of them I'm sorry I'll come back from Floyd's I'll come back for him all these slimes are starving ah Judy are you ready for the area 51 right no I mean if you guys want to go right area 51 that's cool I'm just doing it for the memes honestly okay I mean okay let's throwdown I guess we're just gonna we're gonna throw this rooster around here like I can't wait to be is I can't wait to be rich with with Rockport's and tabby ports okay problem is is I want more okay so these guys oh right so they oh that's up oh so that they're not gonna eat that because they want meat that's fine all right we're gonna head back and we're gonna put in all this money six doesn't sound right you know what never mind six - sounds exactly right okay here we go we're gonna throw this all in how much should we get for it no tabbies our tabby ports are worth less now okay so that's fine all right 443 well you can now make we're gonna make a heartbeat farm because tap those are gonna be like these are pretty useful so we're gonna make a garden and we're gonna put a heartbeat in there and now it's gonna start growing heartbeats what's the price what was that noise okay nutrients oil sprinkler system that's also expensive I feel so bad that all of my that they're hungry all right we need to get them some food guys we need vegetables and meat that's that's our goal is to make sure that these guys are like good okay am I the only one who doesn't know the area 51 memes so it's essentially this Facebook group started and they all want to like rate area 51 because they think they're gonna find aliens and now it's become this huge thing and like it's like 900,000 people are like yeah I'm gonna go to area 51 and I'm like okay okay okay all right we got the phosphorus lime which we're gonna chill out with let's go we are gonna go to we're gonna go this way this this is we're gonna let's go this way and open up this door with this key and we might be able to find some pretty cool stuff okay go go go pass all the the crazy evil people we just need more money honestly I don't want with like money's gonna solve all of our problems all right there we go slime door open eventually we'll be able to open up all the slack boards okay we're in the indigo quarry and when we're in the quarry we can get new slimes which is the rock star I don't want rock slimes I want not to not go that way cuz that would surely be my demise we want to go onward race onwards my brethren so there's no fruits magma slimes Oh yo it's one of these things these things are actually really rare an odd onion and more heartbeats okay the odd onions actually really rare from what I remember no joke they're like they're they're rare the blooms I'm a onions I'll take that see you can't open these unfortunately okay that looks pretty good do we want so I always put the boom slimes and the the what oh no it's a bad guy run I always put them odd onions odd onions our radiation slimes favorites AHA that's good news can I open this treasure pods locked okay so we want radiate we want a radiation slime that's what we want if we can somehow find a radiation slam we're gonna be set I kind of so let's put the boom slams and radiation slimes together if we can find any radiation slimes that is normally there like right around here another boom slime thank you oh there's so many boom slimes around here this is great okay thora what sent me a send email Thank You Dora what is okay I'm sorry but I am just gonna throw these guys out for now we can capture them at any point all right what is the stony okay wait wait let's look at the slime pedia slimes okay Rock slimes heartbeat stony hen love tabbies love stony hens they love cue berries - boom slams like a briar ham but that's fine so that's the stony and so we find more so nians let's capture those guys just because they like those so much there we go more stony hands alright we're looking for radio oh my gosh that's a bunch of clothes over there that's fine okay this is another odd onion it is we're gonna we're gonna eat oh I hear bad guys we're getting outta here okay no red slimes are like no red sounds like okay okay crystal I got onions you're right nope you right you right that's true why is there so many um oh we got another another treasure pot all right what's this gonna do lily pad sweet oh look that's what the water plort guys look like now you're right crystal slimes like it do I want a chicken coop I don't want a chicken coop get water water slimes are such a pain to maintain I can't go that way yet I don't have a jet pack if I'm gonna make water slime so I need 450 water slimes are just like you find irradiation slims are at night okay let's get rid of the odd onions then because um these are also good though I want all of these things I need more inventory space but I also want water plush because water floors are pretty useful I don't know how much about I like you don't need to refill ponds anymore so I mean that is true that would be pretty nice but it costs 450 for a water pond that's the thing and that's kind of expensive you know alright let's head back for now get rid of the stone Ian but we need to know nur we need them we need we definitely want know I want to hold on the Sounion we can wear it will come back it's not like these things are just gonna be despondent gone forever oMG to di4 thank you for playing this again I was on the guy who made the floors water drug like almost a year ago thanks for playing this no worries thank you so much for the five dollars I the Sparkie gave me these for the five dollar cheaper chat though I really appreciate it you're awesome ok um here we go puddle slimes are free money now well they're not free money because we have to start it up because it costs $450 at the start right and I don't have that $450 at the start I can come back because it counts $450 to start it up but where am I gonna get that extra because I don't have that money right so where am I gonna get that money so if I get the slime guys and I don't have that money I'm just holding on to the slime characters because I can't do anything with them so they're taking up an inventory space but if I grab food and I come back to my base with all the food I can feed port the the slimes I currently have and then the slimes are currently ever gonna give me ports and I use the port to sell so I can get money then I go back and get the water slimes and it's a little bit it's a little bit strange we have to go about it that way but I feel like it's the best way to go about it you know what I'm saying guys you guys picking it up are you gonna be making a series of this and how long will the stream be so the stream I have no idea I really don't have that much to do today so I this dream could go on it as long as you guys are watching pretty much as long as like we're all having fun this room's probably gonna go on just because I love slime rancher and I could play this game all day long and the series I would love to make a series out of this it's honestly the series depends on how well how receptive you eyes are to it like if you guys want to see more okay so here umm stoning him there we go okay so there's the rock floor so we're gonna give him the rock floor come on turn into the guy there we go and then there we go OK and now heart beats and then more heart beats I have the heartbeat farm over there right so I don't need to worry about it there we go and all they'd already grown they're already grown this is this is a grew glorious this makes me so happy is the odd onions worth keeping okay all right let's get the oh my gosh this is so difficult I kind of want to grab like an auto like an auto harvester because this is this is painful having to do it this way here I'm gonna put I'm gonna put my odd onions over here don't you don't you Gary my odd onions somebody probably ate my own Indian already as long as I have one of them it's okay okay there we go just pick all them up quickly what there we go that's enough okay let's go sell them and see how much money we're gonna make for all this cuz I can see is making a whole lot of money let's see let's see Floyd I know I know I want I want all of these things there we go we have six hundred and forty dollars now okay so do we make the pond or do we make do we just make this as easy as possible to collect from these guys um let's see air net is a force that goes at the top it can take a few hits before needing to recharge I don't care about that Solar shield flirt collector 500 that's so expensive I don't have time I I can't do that yet can I know we can do let's do a pleura collector is it worth it I love it's worth doing it yet I don't think it's worth it yet we're not gonna we're not gonna bother with that yet we're not gonna bother with that we have the boom slime so we can make we can make a boom slime thing pond or set up blooms yeah I agree I agree a pond or bloom slime area um boom slime I decided on - did you plays multiplayer I don't know I kind of like the fact that slime rancher single-player I don't think it would do I were gonna do boom slime then we're gonna do make a pond slime box would slime box would be epic the pond let's do the pond I like the idea of the pond I wish I could put the pond let me see let me let me see if I can put the pond back where I had read it originally how much does this cost that's way too expensive that's way not included um let's slide manager Battle Royale where do we want the pond though like where would be a cool place for a pond so last time I kind of liked this setup I had last time right we had add incinerator here where we use to burn everything also we can just take all these ports I think there's okay I think we have too many pink slimes around here I think these pink slimes are actually causing a lot of chaos wait guys we're doing this all wrong we don't need the pink slimes here like they've all got they've all escaped and we could literally just put the boom slimes in there that's all that's that's all we have to do that's super easy yeah we're just gonna do that that's what we're gonna do here watch this watch this watch this don't stand back stand back citizens press eat err Internet we're gonna purchase that so we have the height that's not what I wanted that's not what I wanted to do at all all right whatever let's do I feel like how many are in here six I think six I think six is acceptable all right I'm sorry but we have we have too many we have too many pink slime there they're running around causing an absolute mess of the place will we can pink slimes are everywhere if we need pink signs I can go get pink slime but for right now there's too many of them okay so we do not need pink slime what do you over here dropping your ploys down for okay so we're gonna take these things back to where they belong I could just shoot him over the edge but that seemed like it'd be a little bit rude now that it's nighttime I'm not I'm not throwing them off a cliff guys that's really rude how would you like it if you're just chillin like if I you own a pet and you no longer want it and you're like I don't need this anymore let me just yeet it off a cliff all right we're gonna put them back where they belong okay now we're looking for phosphorous slime and I'm pretty sure we find that back in the original G place we were originally at right so that's where we're headed to we're looking for the the phosphorus we're also gonna need a lot of food because we need to feed the tabby is gonna be so difficult to feed because it actually needs meat that is true so we need to find any time we find like a hens or stuff we need those guys um that was a different story the phosphorus under they had to go okay if they have to go they got to go and that's just kind of how it goes sometimes okay but if I could be nice to them I I'd rather be nice to him you know okay here we go you keep going everything off the cliff they become one with the seat yeah they they become a water water slime you know you throw them off a cliff I promise ya okay we are looking for radiation slimes okay we need radiation slaps if we can get radiation slimes we are in the golden era guys okay the golden zone I wonder if feeding this guy heart beat makes them does that give him double food I think that gives them double food I'm like 90% sure if you feed him what he likes then he's happy okay keep moving yeah if your stream is lagging guys you have to lower the quality of it unfortunately okay where is the the slime boys they should be over here right just woke up best way to start my day battlebot thanks for the super Ken words you're awesome well let's we can get a puddle slime traitor pods locked here we can just hold on to these guys for now yeah only to puddle slimes but I think that's okay and there's no way I can make this jump right there's okay guys I D do I dare try some hardcore parkour here alright guys I'm gonna try this is probably impossible guys this is probably impossible but I'm gonna cause they're all this okay wish me luck guys here we go he that didn't work guys that didn't work I didn't even jump him all right that's fine because now we're gonna so I need my jetpack all right but I can also feed that guy too they're all hungry don't worry my friends I shall feed you okay there you go are these guys angry those guys look angry what do they eat they eat meat I don't have any meat to give you right now you stay in there sir you're not going anywhere you're not allowed to go anywhere there we go there we go thank you thank you thank you thank you I will take all of these things they're so hungry give me food you you make me rich right wait why am I only getting ten did all of the meat looks like let's look are they all know you're still hungry you're still hungry these are people that are still hungry because no no we should be getting 12 of each right because there's six of them so we should be get we should get 12 of each every time we feed them let's see prices are down for those oh it's down to only 17 now no where's my boys go and come back here okay 641 okay you guys know what's up right because weird it's time for a jet pack it jet pack is actually kind of cheap - boots you can sprint I totally forgot you could sprint oh my gosh I just been jumping everywhere I totally forgot but yeah we have we have the we have the jetpack now and that's gonna help us out a ton oh we want we want all of these handles you just ate it okay well onwards we go friends yeah we can just print everywhere I totally forgot about that one kind of important factor also we want we want to get a whole bunch of Henin's because um well with all the head ends we can feed our boom boom slimes and it's kind of important to feed our boom boom slimes okay oh my gosh you're so fast for sprint you're so fast it's amazing I'm kind of upset it took me just now to figure this out okay I assure you sure you there's nobody behind me he eat the hen hen I I think this should be enough to oh especially with these heartbeats what's that what's that noise what's that noise oh it's you what's you what are you do you want what do you want do you want this did did he give me food I don't know if he gave me food I think he ate the chicken and then I ran I'm not entirely sure I fed it okay we got the pulse wave yes okay alright let's see let's feed this case of heartbeats oh my gosh oh he only eats veggies I totally forgot about that okay well he's almost full like he's so close to being full and we find some on the way back yeah he did give me he did give me a little bit of money didn't he it was pretty nice of him alright we need those pots phosphorus lime so we can get those phosphorus limes up and running I'm gonna be a happy camper guys what's over here more heartbeats okay there we go we can kind of just chill up here right there's always like fun cool stuff around here do I want water these water guys will I be able to make I think it's probably worth it I mean it's just free money right so a puddle slime puddle slime I don't know how many puddles slimes we can have max but well there's three so we're gonna we're just gonna borrow those guys for a little bit okay I can totally make this jump now and I see the radiation slime over there there we go yes rad slimes wooo no you're not eating those oh there's an old rooster we want all of these hens we want we want all of the hens because hen hens are nice and we need them right is there anything oh I forgot there's something over here too oh there's another Rock Gordo there's a lot of rock quarters okay we need to start growing more of those things in because if there's a rock quarter they're definitely all right so we have I'd like more rat slimes but it's not the end of the world if you don't get them all right let's see oh those are evil rad slimes and I don't want those okay um more heartbeats yes thank you all right let's see I don't know I have no idea where I am right now I am very much so lost what's up here they're just savagely eating some chickens more heartbeats yes I'll take those any chance I get I can also I can't take those all right there we go six six rats on that's all we need s all we came for all right we can head home now let's head home before we get even more lost than we already are box is there anything in here that I want no but I do want that chicken the more chickens we have it better because I want to be able to feed the boom-boom songs what do a slime pedia what do these guys like to eat oka oka where in the world are we gonna find oka okay guys those are odd onions I don't want hot onions I want oka okay where where are we to find oka oka guys this is oka oka this is oka oka right here but it's not grown we're gonna have to come back for it okay I'll be back for you okay okay and I can totally make it I can totally make ah I made it didn't I I didn't make it okay the duck song all right guys I tell you what with those it fell through the hole I had oka okay in that box all right duck song guys all right tell you what um I'll sing I'll sing the duck song do you guys want the duck song where do you guys want bananaphone what song would you guys rather hear duck song a banana phone very important okay all right yeah I'll come back for the for the Yoko okay I mean I didn't really have anywhere to hold it anyways okay here we go eat eat eat eat eat II ate all right I think this okay what's this that's heartbeat and a carrot I don't want that all right what's this I'll take the hand that's a phosphorus line which I also don't want and okay and that's don't in okay where is this taking us where in the world are we I have no idea oh it takes us here banana phone banana phone banana phone duck song duck song type yes it's type banana foe all right so duck song duck Duck Duck people want that people want the duck song okay actually this is a lot a lot of course let's just take these this is a deist this is actually oh my gosh this is actually a decent amount of money Wow okay that was actually really nice duck song a lot of people all right fine 500 likes guys and I'll sing the duck song where am I oh I know where I am okay okay who's the audience top 500 likes there's 800 of you here it should be relatively simple alright we also are gonna want the water area as well oh what's this please tell me there's okay okay here there is no oka oka but there is nine of these hens yeah likes boy I totally forgot like I gotta open up these boxes every chance I get cuz they have like they have decent stuff in them they have like different fruits and vegetables so alright we're gonna head back we can put our plots in and then we can start buying some upgrades we got to check our mail apparently we have mail that we need to see what's going on okay yeah 500 likes and Toodee sings a good goodness gracious what's wrong with you guys okay already already at 400 oh no oh no looks new alright it's faster to just sprint so banana phone is my ringtone that's an amazing ringtone I don't even how did you get out what are you doing out of your cage mister back and stay okay so these guys are hungry but that's okay you know what I just realized we did this all wrong we definitely did this all wrong we did this all very very wrong okay I lied okay so we're gonna put in all our rock parts and now what we're gonna do is I hate to do this to you guys okay we're gonna take three of you and then we're gonna do one two three okay and now sorry sorry sorry sorry guys but be free okay I feel a little bit bad but not not bad enough um okay so here here's the head here's a head and here's a hand and then those guys need to eat there you go and now we can make this will by the high walls on this thing there we go so we need to make sure all of these guys become big okay there we go keep keep doing your thing there we go there we go okay there we go that's working for us okay this is this is kind of dangerous for me to be here okay we are missing there we go and okay so we can no no that guy goes back in there so where's the rat Florida he goes into him okay there we go now we're taking some considerable radiation poisoning but that's neither here nor there that's fine there we go look at one Gris they are okay there we go that you know only gave me mild radiation poisoning they ask you apparently I'm allergic to radiation oh my gosh that's so valuable yes okay so there's those which is pretty nice so we can make we debated let's put let's put our water let's put our water guys over here so there's maybe a pond and purchase there you go okay we're gonna yeah okay we are all good now and let's so we can take a nap so let's read star mail my pet cactus I bought a cactus from from you sort of when I came back home it was the only thing left in your shop was a lonely little guy so I decided to adopt it you know I kill every plant I touch but I promise you this one will last I mean if I can't keep it cactus alive then clearly something is really wrong well when I look at it I think you're out there on the range doing your thing hope you're okay Casey welcome to the range exchange that's way too much to read I'm going to bed only I sleep until morning yeah make a no cocoa form I will make a no cocoa farm that's a great idea so today good morning good morning every pet okay give me heartbeats okay good morning my beautiful tabbies good morning everybody Paul how's all my favorite children doing okay okay I need I need a clerk up port collector guys I need a ploy collector real bad okay yum-yum-yum-yum okay that should be everyone is now fed over here okay leave me alone okay I only have 30 HP I'm about to die why okay look at the value of those things are so low they give us like no money anymore okay and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna get the dash boots because that's gonna make us faster and then that's it well it's not gonna make us faster but it doesn't make it faster oh we're getting a call help me out here and I'll make sure you get what oh all right sure what do you want old lady I can do the radiation but I don't know about the phosphor I have 28 minutes I don't think that's even possible but they get honestly that's not like that's kind of worth it but I don't have I don't have phosphorous limes oh my goodness look at all the puddle porch you guys gave me you guys are the best all right there you a puddle son goes back in soap little puddle ports how much of these things worth 35 not bad honestly that's I'm pretty happy about that okay onward we go we need to go get the oka oka okay Oh cos our number one priority right now because we need to make an oka oka farm so we can feed our radiation and boom slimes so essentially we're gonna want to make a farm or we want to be able to collect every type of floor right like that's kind of what we really want to be doing so okay now like that video okay onward we go did I get another key no I did not get another key I hope I popped to go guys but one of them only gave me a teleportation to a place that I don't even use get the music box it makes them stop exploding but when they explode it so cool you know it's awesome when they explode all right we're gonna head back over here because we really want to get those oka okay and anything else value belongs I guess it's always nice to just carry like fruits and vegetables on me in case something happens and I'm like oh you know at least I have fruits and vegetables I need better energy my energy is not like where it should be right now I definitely want more so here's I love how all these guys are still just chillin here like you know what's up like they just live here now that's where the floor to live or not the port's the slimes ports is there poop what is that okay okay okay okay yes all right and we also want to head back to get more oka oka and I don't need odd onions but I do want is more of you more puddle salons because the more potable something you have the better and let's let's get our energy back and then we'll go gather this oka okay so there we go oh there's a lot of money in there okay okay don't you dare eat my oka okay you fat Roxxon okay all right we're getting out of here this place is getting a little bit too spooky for us okay and bada-bing bada-boom let's do this and we push onward guys okay it looks like it sounds like they're getting a little saucy over there and I don't want to have to deal with that okay you guys are desperate for those likes aren't you they're desperate they need them they must require the likes righteous dude all right there's the phosphorus oh I could get a phosphorus lime Nance too much work because that's the trade they want but yeah what up Vail good keep going keep going we're almost we're almost back home and then we kid I went the wrong way darn it I forgot I have to head up this way this is way better okay you guys are so close but you're so far away at the same time no I'm so bad okay II love you dude keep it up you're killing it thanks fail you're killing it too dude keep it keep up keep doing you dude okay it started a series of simon 'show what's your Ommegang video that we actually kind of lit but i don't think is games not multiplayer yet is it I'm pretty sure it's not okay whoa just keep doing thing okay Oh keep going we just gotta keep going just click the ones that the wild phosphorus lines drop but I need four of them and it's not it's not worth just chilling around waiting for them to like get hungry and ain't worth it sorry we finally at 500 likes okay okay I'll sing here let me get back to the base okay so you guys want the duck song right that's apparently that's what you wanted you guys wanted the duck song um all right so we can put our puddle slime back in there I'll take my puddle torch thank you very much we need to make another farm and this one we're gonna do okay oka so garden purchase all right there we go now we're gonna grow oka oka and now these guys there we go I'm trying to feed you there you go I think that's I think that's all of them all right go go go go go operation port control go okay I'm about to die from radiation poisoning that's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay okay it's not okay oh my gosh I almost died from radiation poisoning almost okay oh my gosh it's so valuable we're rich we finally are getting some money it's beautiful that's so beautiful we have over a thousand dollars we can actually buy the things we need okay first things first first things first floor collector purchase floor collector purchase it's so nice it's so nice there you go have some of those oh look we got more heartbeats this is the greatest day of my life everyone greatest a great day ever 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 because now I can just hear you look how happy they all are there you go friends ok um they eat vegetables here I've just have some carrots just in case so they can eat that whatever they want and look at that just it's a miracle it's an act oh yeah ok ok yeah I did not forget to sing guys I was just busy working on this stuff ok and so for the duck song right let me look alright alright let me below we pull up the lyrics let me pull up the lyrics doctor song ok duck song lyrics I don't know why I don't know why it's specifically the duck song that makes you guys crazy but I'll back it up there a duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said no we just sell lemonade but it's cold and it's fresh and it's all homemade can I get you a glass and the duck said I'll pass and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he whirled away waddle waddle until the very next day bump bump bump Bob I don't um when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump um got any grapes the man said no like I said yesterday we just sell lemonade okay why not give it a try the duck said goodbye and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day bump bump bump bump on a time when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump bump got any grapes the man said where's the man said look this is getting old I mean lemonade's all we've ever sold why not give it a go and the duck said how about no and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle and then he waddled away waddle waddle until the very next day bump bump bump bump on a time when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to them in running Stan hey pom pom pom Donny grapes the man said that's it if you don't stay away jack I'll glue to the tree leave you all there there all day stop and then it's oh don't get close so the duck said adios and you waddle away waddle waddle any wallet away waddle waddle any whiled away waddle waddle to the very next day bump bump bump bump on a bum what is the rock I see I totally forgot what the rock for seat they eat vegetables right yeah they eat vegetables okay and then we're continuing on our weekend knew it was continuing on right um when the duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bump bump bump gone igloo the guy got a clue no why would I Oh and one more question for you Donny grapes found pom pom the man stopped he started smile he started to laugh he laughed for a while he said come on duck I'll take you the store I'll buy you some grapes so you won't have to ask anymore and the man brought some grapes he gave one of the duck and the duck said hmm no thanks you know what sounds good you know what make my day do you think this store do you think this store has got any lemonade bump bump bump it's a great song tonight and I hope you guys enjoyed my little my rainbow of a song okay um I need more food to feed the the Gordo that's behind the huija bobber you know the huija bobber thing you know over the rock Gordo um do we have any here let's get some I'll take that I the oka oak is growing right now here I want I'm gonna grab these heartbeats because we need these to go feed the there's a specific Rock Gordo that I want to go feed all so let's let's buy some upgrades let's let's finally get some upgrades let's get let's get the Power Core because having more energies genuinely like incredibly important and then we should be good should I should drop my mixtape I honestly low-key guys love rapping I'm not I'm not very good at it but I love rapping like I don't know if you guys know who NF is but I love like like rapping over N and F versus I'm just not like my voice isn't good for rapping I can keep like a beat when it comes to rapping but my voice is just not like aesthetically pleasing for it so I guess I would just have to use a lot of auto-tune like the rest of them lulz got'em mm-hmm okay keep on going get the water thing dude gets rid of radiation and beats tar slams Nev ale I don't need the water slam water's the water s for lips for chumps I need more money okay and if so good I love NF like he's such a good artist okay Annie no nf he does a lot of like really he doesn't swear in any of his song so like it's it's child-friendly he talks a lot of but he's like one of them it's called like one of the songs it's called like when I grow up all right guys you ready for me to spit some fire here you guys are getting two songs to the price of one okay this is this is just from nfn so this is alright and I'm also just not gonna do them justice in the slightest bit but mm-hmm when I grew up you know what I want to be take a seat let me tell you my ridiculous dreams that when I rap yeah I know it's hard to believe and I can tell you already thinking I will never succeed but I'm okay with it I admit the lyrics a week I've been working on him I'll be good eventually I understand you got a call before you get to your feet but I've been running for a while they ready for me I know this probably isn't really realistic and honestly I might not ever make a difference but that don't make a difference on the have to risk it I've been crunching numbers you ain't got to be a map petition see the odds a room for me I can't lie though it's kind of how I like it to be the underdog yeah you probably think you know what I mean but I'm saying is they ever pushed me I'm gonna swing see like that is he does some super good stuff like he's super good also please tell me that's enough it's not enough dang it and I didn't realize these were fruits and he only eats vegetables Brad no no never never never not okay I need I need vegetables does anyone got any vegetables on them I know he's so he's so good nf is such a good rapper do the alphabet aerobics I don't know what its kind of lagging on ice cream just a skip frames detective I just did I just lost a couple of frames sorry about that guys ah radiation okay yeah I like wrapping up mama yeah I like nf because he doesn't swear in any of his rap things he talked about relatable subjects the things that things that I personally like relate to and like listening to and overall like he's like the way he goes about is really really cool okay there we go okay okay but most the time I thoroughly despise rap okay that's just my personal preference though we're gonna make this go to a pop we need we need more food Oh heartbeat stops where we are good to go now yeah where is I actually have already lost this person and character oh this guy is like ready to go what's this and I always get money for opening those crates like I'd be silly to not do that okay where I don't where are we even going anymore I'm like I have no idea where we are I found a I found a portal where's it yeah I can't I can't go anywhere from that I can't believe it won't let me go anywhere well ladies and gentlemen I think this is a perfect place to call this episode quits I hope you guys enjoyed if you didn't you want to see more slime rancher in the future hit that like button subscribe as well turning our notification means the world to me when you guys do I love you guys and I'll see you guys later for another awesome stream today I'll probably be doing minecraft or something so thanks for watching bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 44,998
Rating: 4.9167209 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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