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hey what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan or - do you come in every like and today we're playing the battle cat which is a game which for some reason this game has been like widely requested here on the channel I don't know why but you guys want me to play this game so I was like you know what let's play this game it looks terrifying and scary but you know what we're gonna play we're gonna experience this game as as as as a group of friends so let's do this guy's I'm in Korea energy five energy 100 I don't know what's going on right now guys so we're just gonna press the shiny button that says attack I'm just assuming that's the battle begins okay what are we doing I don't I'm so confused attack the enemy base about cats tap this icon to produce a cat okay you need money not real duck to produce cats wait until enough is saved up okay so we have to wait and then we can send a cat wait all right now let's shorty some cats tap the icon below okay cats attack the enemy base automatically save money first and keep reducing cats there we go okay so what's happening at send another one so this is it I can't wait I need this I need the video background I'm gonna move this down here right there so you guys can see that okay tap the icon indicated by the arrow to increase money production speed the capacity of the wild also Kristin gives you a resource advantage so if I do that okay so oh and that just makes it go up faster so let's do that or more so let's just let's just increase that fast in the camp because these cats are doing a pretty good job honestly let's get one more might as well right all right there we go that's now we're getting so much money so fast ready I don't know what this like button over here but everyone think it's so much come out the same guys are awesome kids are enjoy okay wait fire the cat cannon and I can't appears in the cat cannon is ready to fire it who are the enemies in the firing range and then fire oh I can drag this back and forth oh that makes more sense okay I I that makes sense so into the fire got him let's upgrade that as well but he's gonna keep upgrading this as much as possible and send more cats out more guts we will battle them we will win this oh yeah don't worry guys I fix I just pick up I'll just there we go once we get the peel we'll just keep sending things out these guys these guys are about to get rickety Rick there's so much going on right now there you go we're making money so fast now we're doing so fast go battle gets more battle guess this guy's oh we totally won this these guys don't stand a chance please we have so many cats running at him oh yes oh we have so many cats we take it anymore I don't I'm assuming that's renew care whatever but that's okay [Music] victory is ours we gave a thousand likes we received treasure superior and kimchi okay alrighty the treasure menu has been a lot get cat treasures to activate cat treasured bonuses the item shop is now open you can buy many useful items and use battle catnip sounds are now available so much stuff is not only available for us ok log in daily and collect day 130 cat food receipt cool umm wait you can get a special cat that's sick ok ok awesome win-win slang gentlemen one more ticket so I'm actually gonna be later tonight guys so don't worry about it everyone love slime rancher including myself that'll be later tonight this codes required to recover your data be sure to safely recorded well hopefully that I can't be used with you guys but cool you picked up a rare ticket nice onward to Japan um here let's get by the start up power pack for a smooth start to the game this set can be only bought once don't know whatever yeah whatever whatever we should be good um no I don't want any of these things thank you upgrade we should be good alright wait so we can oh we can can we get this thing how much is this you need acquired yeah I got it ok how much is required upgrade ok cool back I'm trying to figure out how this works okay let's go with what's at the store yeah that's where ok okay that's fine we're good all righty usually a trade already yeah yeah yeah start let's just click on start I'm trying to figure out how this game works guys how to use items tap an item you want to use note at least like the am your items before battle line items I think these are my items okay yeah yeah so we're let's go wait we already fought this place so can we go oh so okay so let's attack this place so we haven't been here before the battle begins okay here we'll send one cat out real fast so we'll send this cat out and then we're gonna save up money because we want to upgrade these as fast as possible the more these are upgraded to better can you make this serious um it depends on welding how well it does if you guys really like it then more than you absolutely will definitely make this in the series oh I just realized this is gonna be not good look at all these guys uh-oh alright send more guys out I need more some more cats out we're gonna need more oh we really need to see this yikes these guys old musician holding back yeah let's say yeah we're good we're good we're good let's update this alright we have that we have our camp so we're just gonna wait entirely I'm trying to save up my I think that's okay I know we need to keep we need to keep up gonna have money thing are we gonna get the money better take a look at these three caps needs to catch a ball in and then I'm gonna get the tent oh my gosh these guys believe this we're recognized okay let's get I want to just keep upgrading our money counting cuz then I'll just launch it like a devastating attack what is it things wrecking them okay we need to save up we need to save up on the things just bad it's actual madness okay I wonder if it does like AoE damage I'm not sure I start to figure this out okay this isn't you're gonna make the money go faster we need the faster money we have we have the Canada fire right okay it's maxed out now good stuff good stuff okay let's go this day out and now fire these guys don't stand a chance it's over it's just over these guys lost we have our money maxed out we're gonna send so many cats at them I don't know it depends how well the game does if you guys really enjoy it more than like people probably make it into the series [Music] the big cats are so strong look we have an army these guys don't go fast the damage victory is ours and we gained 1300 XP Hey yeah all right what do we got upgrade um my basic cat upgrade let's upgrade him let's just max this cat it's probably a bad idea but I want to do it wait oh we can upgrade the cat wait that's the cat worker cat rate increase your rate of income oh that's actually so sick I want to get things actually that's those are the ones that I really need all right back missions what are the missions no I don't want to see whatever that is through our 20 level up and wait plane okay cool cleared Japan complete the seventh stage in the okay cool let's go back we got 50 now so we can go to the score and we can use whatever the 50 plus which is speed up that a little speed will be double tap the item while in battle to target that's kind of cool these are so these are four items I don't want any items right now I don't need any I don't need any start we can battle them remember guys if you're enjoying you want to see more of this smash that like button okay I don't understand what the energy is but okay I'll figure it out that battle begins this is such a strange game but I'd love it okay who are we up against who gets the Great Wall of China no way um yeah let's just upgrade that will be fine we can upgrade we can upgrade this a couple of times I think we're being a we're being a little bit greedy here all right and by a little bit I mean really greedy here we'll send one cat Adam this one cat because that one caps leveled up quite a bit I think you'll be able to deal with them yeah we'll send that to just adjust to be careful okay just to be oh my gosh they're sending so much at us but we almost have our factory turret leave these two cats are just going ham since we've upgraded them they're so strong look these two capsules is going hand they can't be stopped [Music] that's fine I'm not worried at all guys I'm not worried I'm gonna get the next upgrade [Music] let me no wonder that there's something more stuff but it doesn't even matter at this point the answer is no it does not there we go easy yeah we're saving up money because we gotta keep using it and leveling up because you want to match the incoming fastball right once you like match your income then you just win cuz you just overpower that's the that's the way you play is you just try to look you just be like his defensive as you can in the beginning and then you just go over running this game is amazing guys I think this is probably the greatest I've ever it's over we've already won guys it's already this we're just gonna overpower there's nothing these good people about it they're just done for it since we make so much money so fast loot oh we have and we like one shot [Music] everyone saying you that the money you get like increases Oh would you upgrade the castle didn't get much okay that's awesome look at that look at the damage that's so strong normal shortfin I don't know what that is but that's kind of cool there is a new cat waiting to be upgraded what is it that looks amazing um okay so that's cool I want to upgrade wait no I don't want this I want this increased workers increasing let's let's upgrade that because we want to make it so we gets more money more my knees start let's do this guy's that's a I don't know what the entered what might but it's still good we're still doing good okay alrighty how fast I do actually get money pretty fast now oh no these guys are sending out stuff pretty quickly here I want to upgrade I want these to start upgrading faster oh I just realized these things oh the price of it costs a lot more water red enemies apparently there's like a thing with the red enemies I don't know and it's in to cast but you get to do it as you if your energy runs out you can't attack okay I mean I guess I guess that makes sense this so yeah there's so many different so I want to light up good I can see I don't know what's the best thing to max I'm what are those little people what all right let's start something out without actually start setting some things that fire what does that not hit them look back there you go low man look we got an axe Pat now they're not gonna they can't stop the axe that axe talks [Music] that's talking about him guys I'm going spatula but if you does Jana please feel free to subscribe means to working with you guys okay quit let's uh get this Tim all right that's nice all right so now we just wish that's the one guys oh yeah cooler I'm gonna send all let's just wait I'm gonna buy it I want to buy [Music] these they're trying to send stuff to stop us they won't be able to we haven't we have an army after them well it's over they're not stopped it's over what stand with you we just move yeah and fear your collar of like all these items I need to find my inventory but cat fizzers from each date the higher quality again you treasure okay I don't know yet okay store let's go to the store let's see what do we have here say I feel like I don't I really don't really want any of these things yet see I feel like giving the XP would be really better but alright let's go so let's up we want to upgrade ah see that's not really that great worker cat efficiency let's just upgrade that I feel like see that's something like I don't know if I'm always gonna use these basic like hats but I'm always gonna need money right I'm always gonna need to use money already Cambodia let's go you guys won't stand a chance okay see look how fast I get money now I get money so fast they have 1500 XP that is that is cheating okay diet that is cheating there we go oh we push them back good and there we go which is that we need more more cats okay let's send out a wall we're gonna be good now we gotta upgrade this as fast as humanly possible I feel like if I don't upgrade that's gonna kill us look is getting close I feel like I might upgrade that one more time it's going to be really bad look cause I need to get my max amount of money I feel like the next time it's gonna be too much look I can't I can't level it up anymore whoopsies yeah okay that is actually a hilarious so I have to update my name x10 name okay the cat cannon right yeah I should I should do that definitely but we make so the money goes so fast now you know so fast [Music] axe chops there we go believe this oh it's beautiful I want to see how much damage oh it's so much damage that's easy that that was I know I need to upgrade my wallet upgrading my wallet is definitely the next thing to do okay oh he's always gonna give me that okay so lets you upgrade we definitely want to upgrade our wallet now oh yeah definitely upgrading the Wallace alright let's upgrade that one increases the money earned run the feed oh wait what um move to special attachment no that's actually so cool I need that now what was one that I really wanted music at production speed pieces are the health of the cat bass I want I want to count it no I didn't want to get that oh no I didn't want to get that one dang it okay it's fine we'll eventually be able to come back and try to get all of these um do I have everything alright attack the Philippines let's do this [Music] get it how far away is what deck that's so far away that's fine it'll take him a long time to try to get to it so I have to up get my cats to level 10 so they evolve that makes sense are we gonna get rid of this guys well goodsoon look at that evil looking dog I wanted to just try to update using 240 oh look at our wallet our wallet freaking massive just to be suggests to be on the safe side just to be on the safe side guys remember guys if you're enjoying smash that like button subscribe to the channel can do when you're excited for battlecast no promises as always probably later today I want to access my past as I can [Music] okay and let's sum this day out and let's fire I will fear no I won't take any damage to the house no I took a little bit of damage oh well it's fine it was bound to happen guys it was bound to happen eventually there we did so much money now though all rights now all I want to do Torreya guys but I have to wait on Owen and only one really really busy so I have to define a time when Owens available hey Jess proposed that you subscribing dude alright we're about to send an entire cow it's over guys oh it's over it these guys don't stand a chance no siree no siree Bob Rooney I almost putting up some time in defense right now a normal banana now that's what I call a treasure you can now watch others play videos what I don't want to watch other people play battle cats I want people to watch me play battle cats hey there's a new cat a gross cat what able to do a very exceptional attack power and range what so let's upgrade that guy and let's get wait what's this I want a new special cat what one of the strongest fighters rivals with ax hat 10 wins yeah I want that let's get it yes ok let's go and wait we should have 2000 let's go back let's go back let's go - let's upgrade the tank at once what's up great hand we have 1300 left so let's get study so we get more XP because we definitely want to get more XP right and then let's go it quit ok organizing cats 101 tap and drag cat okay so organizing cats 102 tap and drag a cat I couldn't you want to rearrange ok that makes sense special cat we'll put him there yeah there we go now I got ninja cats heck yeah alright go back and start all right there we go okay and with Japan oh we're about to fight Japan let's go Japan the battle begins you can just tell this is a very foreign game well you can just you can just tell that it just has a very very like Japan feel to it or a very like you know what I'm you know what I mean it just has that very feel to it it's awesome though okay let's go with these is don't see if it's just probably not gonna be seen we'll figure it out we should be good [Music] okay we'll be good guys yeah I mean there's nowhere else for me to put my FaceCam sorry guys I tried the CAC on it'll help a lot thanks man sir make you feel incarnation and I will do that I will buy the cat dog next [Music] the gross is 400 so it's gotta be like super stay out I'm trying to upgrade these as much as possible we have one more that we need up you can upgrade it one more time we'll be good but we got to get that one more upgrade on it for it to work so and then a little just stack up and get all the first guys we've already won guys we've already won max let's send out you know send up this guy and I will send out a ninja cat like jazz what is this cat and why is he awesome the dis that's a baller I need more of these [Music] I love this game look at them go oh boy oh boy it's a hippo alright you want to fight hippo man you want to play rough I'll play rough a sense of ninjas at you how do you like that hippo man maybe some tall dude these guys okay well you're about to get rickety rickrack hippo man that bull just got rekt guys easy you guys are telling me I was about to lose to the hippo just think I'm gonna lose to a hippo yeah I don't think so [Music] we gained a lot of XP off that you unlock the cat seeker filter through inspect all the cats you picked up a new event stairs are gonna locked cap capsule okay okay and okay and game well keep up the good work thank you okay okay then we just got so much xp I don't wanna look at your advertisements upgrade alright let's go look at this alright let's go to special cats and let's we have to God has let his power you can I use awesome I don't want to upgrade the ninja cat it's really not quite right I feel like I want to max out the normal cat but you know let's upgrade these things will work your cat upgrade and upgrade what else can we have great I've no idea you mr. shiny grandma huh god I'm so good thank you so much for the donation but um let's see let's upgrade the rain why not why not guys might as well start I am ready guys I am ready to do this Australia alright get ready to fall Australia okay Australia's about to get rekt do you believe in God tap the button a lot of hurry up you should believe in miracle that looks rather terrifying actually okay I don't even what happens when we click that when we click and God guys what happens here I don't know it seems I don't know wait I have rare tickets how do I use rare tickets guys I don't know how do i how do i use here tickets open your tickets I'll go use my stat tickets if I know how to use on I'm not gonna click again I don't know what it does I don't know what it does guys I'm gonna use it when I feel like I actually need it why is that a oh it's awesome [Music] everyone's like do it good you get good look how fast we get my knees my knees [Music] this is glorious hey there we go there we go okay sorry the cats have taken over the world guys the cats have to take over the world okay 200 we're just sending everything Adam absolutely everything all right I want to know what this does is good the first Advent cottage is normally me cat food to get itself but it's free this time to tap back [Music] the greatest day ever guys I'll even care that I wasted it that's awesome that was the greatest thing ever I know I could have saved it but I don't care that was awesome that was just super cool ok many guys know it's not the cat tag no it's not the cat guide rare cat capsule oh is this what it is stop it I'm gonna try one I do have the ticket for it [Applause] [Music] what what okay what's this now try one [Applause] [Music] that's a little gross - okay don't I have one more thing oh I have one more cat castle okay try one [Applause] [Music] all righty then that's that's something guys that's definitely something and I think on that note we're gonna end this stream thank you so much every important stream you guys are awesome you get a beautiful I love you all and I'll see you later tonight for some slime rancher I don't know when but it will be later tonight we'll be doing some slime rancher you guys are awesome I love you all make sure to smash that like button if you want to see the next episode of this and I'll see you guys later fire
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 135,947
Rating: 4.9035215 out of 5
Keywords: Battle cats, free to play, mobile, ios, ios game, mobile game, free to play games, free to play mobile games, The Battle cats, tower defence game, tower defence battle cats game, tower defence mobile game, Android, Android game, Iphone game
Id: x-NjeodPY3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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