Brad Makes Pickled Avocado | It's Alive | Bon Appêtit

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hey guys and it's live we're gonna be doing pickled avocado really simple recipe few ingredients a jar a couple under ripe avocados which we'll get into and uh and that's it really easy goes with a lot of things um and just no that sucks cool hey guys saying it's live we're gonna be doing pickled avocados a new way of using uh and utilizing avocados for me because we're gonna be using them unripened easy peasy [Applause] [Music] you want to start off with two unripe avocados so you don't want it to where it's like rock hard greens where you could you know hit it like a baseball uh you want something that's got a little bit of give to it and i'm gonna have and try to open and scoop out with a spoon like i would a ripe avocado like these could probably even be like like we could have done it yesterday and then we're just i'm gonna try to scoop it out when it's unripe like that it kind of separates from the skin rather well too nice so still still firm but like like that like i wouldn't want to make guacamole quite yet two avocados in this recipe and again it's starting to get a little ripe but the inside is probably like really not desirable um yeah so the reason why you know i recommend using a little bit of an unripened uh mango oh my god a little bit of an unripened avocado uh because it you know if it was super creamy in the vinegar i think the texture would just get a little mushy it might start to fall apart a little bit more might be really good you know me i'm all about experimenting especially with the food so uh give it a shot but i'm guessing the vinegar will have kind of a real emushifying reaction to it yeah so we're gonna make our brine now a lot of folks are like hey you gotta heat up your brine to melt the sugar and the salt it helps right and in this application it might even work really nicely to have a little bit of a quick blanch on the avocado i'm not necessarily against that but either way hot or not just make sure your salts and your sugars are dissolved in the liquid you could do that by putting them in a jar uh and just shaking them you know kind of like simple syrup oh you got it you gotta heat it you don't turn turns out you don't you can also put that in a jar shake it but today for today's application we're gonna heat it a little bit so let me turn this bad boy on [Music] one cup of water and then we're going to do one cup of vinegar again use whatever vinegar you want i don't really care i recommend we're going to do half a cup of apple cider i love vinegar you know i'm going to go ahead and say it's underrated people pay you know people are willing to shell out a little money for a good bottle of olive oil as you should but i feel like people are a little hesitant on like oh twenty three dollars for a little bottle of vinegar but i tell you what i'll tell you what yeah underrated in the pantry at least at least in america all right one cup of that then we're gonna do one tablespoon of salt don't worry stuff grows on trees yeah one tablespoon of salt and then we're gonna do a third a cup light brown sugar all right third a cup third a cup here we go let me just do a little swirly swirl get that melting and then our vinegar add that right in there too get that warm i don't want you know we need we don't need to go boil in here just to help kind of you know like you know like um yeah things melt and hot water bread i think everyone gets that and then i'm gonna peel a little bit of garlic i'm gonna slice up and do like two oh that's the good stuff garlic season is amongst us it's exciting it's for the chickens i give my chickens garlic too i think my my wife and kids named a few but you know like i don't need to go getting too attached and i mean let's face it you know yeah we're going to eat the eggs and then like listen one starts getting a little like you know a little too broody or a little too aggressive we get a rooster start saying really getting you know that's it man eating them so like i don't need to go naming them and you know what i'm saying let's cut that out add two cloves of garlic crushed and chopped nice okay right into the brine there so then we have a nice jar here all right quart and what i like to do i'll put one in just in the halves just like this boom all right one in there boom stagger them yeah buddy oh we could even put another one in right in there baba right in there baba little crushed red pepper flake seedless this one's from turkey it's called maraspa beer and then i got a little bit of a pinch of salt in there just because it was actually an accident and a little bit of black pepper we're gonna sprinkle that over it that's nice yeah that's nice right there you know add a little bit of cilantro and then we're gonna pour brine over guys let me get that garlic in there look at that i have one that's about a week old that i tasted yesterday it was delightful texture was great some of the outside texture of the green gets like a little mooshad and starts to get a little murky some people will probably be like oh but it was actually quite nice i think that's beautiful i think the sweet spot's like a day or two oh that smells good i'm gonna do another little pinch of pep yeah yeah buddy there we go oh that's good i'm gonna give it a little shake look at that huh put it on your shelf little avocado garlic vinegar globe so i'm gonna pop that in the fridge let it chill i have a little chicken that i did on the smoker the other day a little smoked chicken salad that i prepared a little sourdough and a little open face put in some of those pickled avocados to call it lunch it's an apple tree we have a good relationship [Music] these are white cherries i just let them make like a liquid for like a year but these are some really cool beach plums that i packed in some salt like a little riff on like a umaboshi plum it's the gill plate to a giant bluefin tuna and i'm gonna use it as like a platter to serve sushi on so yeah this is the swap we have it's a little different i am anticipating that recipe that we set up uh and this one the same thing uh would be really nice like i said before i think it'd be that sweet spot would just be like two days um but as you can see most of the orange kind of i mean most cheese bread most of the green has kind of been pulled and stripped from the vinegar uh on the outside let's see what it looks like when you cut it yeah this one probably went too far i also threw a little green tomato in there let's see what that did oh that looks good all right bonus that's going on the sandwich and i got a little bit of sourdough a little sesame sourdough kind of thing here's that chicken salad i was talking about beautiful smoked chicken it's got a little bit of this in there and that's kind of it and then just a little bit little bit of mayonnaise and and we're living the dream so we've got pickled green and then maybe i'll slice up a couple oh god it's embarrassing you know what i'm gonna cut it in half i think that's nice and i just put a little butter on it and i toasted it up in a little cast iron a little quick there that's that looks good to me and what i'm going to do is cut up this avocado i'm going to mix it right into the salad because it's still firm it's well let's try it we never tried it brad whoa we kind of like it's taste has a very custardy almost like it was a very ripe avocado which was very cool very acidic picked up the sugar it's quite nice actually i think this would make a really cool guacamole 50 50 regular avocado to this oh my god let's do that next that would be that's a good idea bruh so small dice we'll add that right into there or like a medium dice what am i talking about large dice whatever you want to do i'm just gonna mix it up let me try it with a piece of chicken i bet you that's gonna be awesome oh my god it's one of the best things i've ever made in my life we'll put a little bit of tomato down on the bottom i'm gonna do a little bit on top and i'm just gonna put a little cilantro on top too when i tasted it um a day or two in it picked up the pickling uh spices and vinegar and salts and sugars and stuff which was really nice but it still had that like firm like slight little like crunch fibery texture to it which was actually kind of nice in its own unique way but i also really dig bringing it a few days more and getting it into that like mushy state because it's a it's just delightful and very bright little pickled avocado smoked chicken salad all right you can get that at cafe brad no doubt how much you think 15 bucks sounds right cafe bread sucks besides that nice little creamy fattiness and the you know and that flavor of an avocado which just goes i think perfectly with chicken when it has that vinegar to it it just adds like ah it's just it's really nice it's really good in a chicken salad i think again i think it would be a really fun way to fool around um with a making guacamole give it a shot guys make some at home and you know i put some garlic in there i think this is just a really open palette to being able to to adapt and cook with the ingredients that you have at your house you know if it's if something's really really going off in your in your garden or something throw a little bit of that in there thanks for joining guys we'll see you next time bon appetit love that noise yeah
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 488,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avocado pickle, avocado recipe, bon app, bon appetit, bon appetit brad, brad, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, brad leone, brad leone 2021, brad makes, ferment avocado, fermentation, fermented, fermented avocado, food, how to ferment avocado, how to keep avocados, how to make pickles, how to pickle avocado, it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, its alive, keep avocados, live food, make pickle, make pickled avocado, make pickles, pickle avocado, pickled avocado, probiotics
Id: 27z4vgSmsZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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