Brad and Orville Peck Make Elote (Mexican Street Corn) | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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next up claire and mark kozelek make gourmet crab cakes

👍︎︎ 258 👤︎︎ u/stansymash 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Conde Nast using that Pitchfork x Bon Appetit analytics data

👍︎︎ 175 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

BA Test Kitchen tapped into my brain and I don't know how I feel about it...

👍︎︎ 134 👤︎︎ u/rccrisp 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Grew up with Brad, so cool to see what he’s doing!

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/Nihilistnobody 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Brad Leone's insta is how I discovered Orville Peck. This has come full circle.

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/MrNvmbr 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Brad is a national treasure.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/Scooternuts 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh my fucking god

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Nessfull 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’ve always wanted an It’s alive with Mac demarco but figured it would never happen since he’s a musician. Now at least there’s a chance!

But since Brad is a huge Peck fan this doesn’t surprise me much.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/AlwaysATen 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

TFW your two disparate interests merge together

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Rubbersoulrevolver 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
action hey guys saying it's alive oh we got a special one we're gonna be making a Lotte and we've got a nice musical guest little wonderful the mass cowboy Orville Peck what about thanks for joining and bye thank you so much for having me I'm so excited it's my first time ever stepping foot in a kitchen I believe that so basically you know I really just wanted to come up figure out what could we make that's going to be extremely difficult to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know if I found out about you a big fan your music thank you thank you sorry over in the Brooklyn one time uh-huh blew me away man you guys came on me in the album and I've seen a lot of shows and you know usually sometimes like you get the record you fall in love with it and you go not everyone plays a great live show but I saw you guys you showed up man and it was like it was like a bus driven by Marty Marty Robbins Morrissey and Elvis and it just like hit you right in the face going 90 miles an hour that's great yeah I love Marty Robbins Oh Marty Robbins is the best thank you I appreciate that no we had a lot of fun at that show we have a lot of fun at all our shows buy your tickets at orful Pieczonka cool we're gonna make a little halo today I did where'd you grow up all over the place all right fair enough tell me man I can be the message was the honest truth all those I've been fooling around this a little bit and I was talking to some friends who are a little more informed in the a Lotte feel okay I'm gonna run the little water into these it's kind of just saturate them with water all right all right then I got the grill aver all fired up and we're gonna cook them in the husks okay okay then we peel them off and then we grill them get that nice char on the outside right now we'll stick a stick in it yeah all right is that the thing right yeah I mean you're just describing like cooking corn right yeah the powers that be informed me that you are not a dairy man I don't do dairy I don't know no you don't have to do it man my son he doesn't have to do you don't do they're either upset I think they call it lactose-intolerant yeah I just I mean it freaks me out a little bit I mean listen I'm no offense if you drink milk though it's either way I love cheese whatever yeah yeah yeah we can do it it's fine no I got you this is dairy-free I was looking around I was like you know you don't do dairy cojito is like probably one of the funnest parts of the whole dish right but I'll say car we're gonna get through this and I went and I found it's like a vegan parmesan Oh something that you could crumble what's it what does it matter oh you don't - no no no it's probably got everything in it no shellfish no dairy okay I needed to worry about yeah yeah and then we'll make a little powder mixture okay let me see I got a little wild card for us here oh yeah ooh what do you think what is that tell you got what you have all you have two guesses it's kind of fishing you know like not fishy like bad but it's kind of got like a like a fish okay like a fish no all right yeah you're actually that's pretty close there might be an oyster in it oh wait damn I don't know if it has shellfish in it a lot of this time we can't use this it's kimchi it's powdered Kim yeah you know there's always like some kind of shellfish that's what you were gonna do we'll do it Joe why don't you do what I'll do you mind that yeah exactly okay cool and then we have like a really fun little like mild kind of spicy little chili powder little garlic powder and I was looking at a little white vinegar distilled white vinegar powder and maybe we mix some of that into our mayonnaise just to give it a little I've never heard of this so you don't have a cork [Laughter] its first time in a kid hey what's this oh that's just my drink oh let's soak them yeah so come come on let's get a mask damn that's for sure seriously wait why are you doing this oh I thought you'd never ask because I think it like as it cooks in there it's got its own moisture but it keeps it from big if it's good corn it's just kind of like steams in its own husk so it's not like burning it it's not burning it's not I think it's just I think it cooks more evenly what I do at home they say I'm gonna have some friends over or something to do a little thing you know I got some corn going on I'll put it in like a bucket or a cooler with like salted water like like salted like to the ocean and that way it just kind of it seasons it you know it's like the already ocean tastes like yeah so I give you were to taste it it would be comparable to like what a clean the taste of it with the North Atlantic that's nice November morning we taste like okay and look we got this grill nice and hot and yeah this is really important I'm gonna demo it for you but you just place it right on there okay I'm glad you showed me how to do it yeah I leave that on there for like seven minutes or so yeah so you don't have the like bare corn on the thing at all no because I'm the way I saw it was it would get - like - Chari really I just needed something to stretch this episode I mean but it's like you know what if I don't have this at my house a grill it's really not like a giant grill in my kitchen but this was thinking you doing I got a stove or something yeah see I'm trying to make it I'm just trying to make this like pedestrian for some people that might not have access to a barbecue you know great point Orville you could set up a little grill pan or a little cast-iron yeah and you could chart right cool okay where did you get these online oh and they're like they're leather but they're because they're woven they're like Airy you know so it's like perfect summer I could wear these to a wedding I could wear them to work yeah hey man it took a little while it took a little while at first when I first got him I was like oh no they're not they look nice I didn't know I was gonna be able to pull them off but then I started wearing them and I was like ooh you know I was gonna I got a nice one down in Texas and I forgot not gonna lie I thought it was gonna be a more interesting still no no really anti-climatic I just blew it that's okay oh look you showed up the Test Kitchen team we got the masked cowboy Orville Peck oh good how are you nice to meet you horrible well what are you cooking look at that I love ham Fox makes everything burning no no no the little hairs are but that's fine good I'm glad you're paying attention hot whole life shellfish allergic no really teenage Oh hormonal yeah yeah Japanese food allergies I do not it's probably not only as a show it's that nice yeah whenever I see like chopped or like any of those shows I always think how I would be so out of luck because I wouldn't be able to eat so much that they make it's always like scallops or like scoffs where'd you where'd you where'd you squared you grow up why'd you say scallop I say scallop Chris is from Massachusetts and his wife's room he's like happy English sometimes and he says Scala you say but that's like a Massachusetts thing doing it Scott scallops Andy what do you say you say scallop scallops italics what do you said you say and you say apricot I say I say apricot I say apricot you say apricot one of those when this comes off it's gonna be ripping hot obviously so we'll let that hang out a little bit okay and that's what we'll build our little little mayonnaise I'm excited for that like all the little bowls some fire just a little hold the tray yeah I want me to grab those hands so too bad I think I have a high heat threshold because I take really hot showers okay inside like burning hot yeah yeah I don't know why all the time finish cold no never no I finished read so let these hang out they're gonna continue to carry through cook a little bit you can just get real nice you know in the next little corn juice and stuff and then in this bowl here we just got a little mayonnaise blob oh okay and what we're gonna do we good that looks perfect yeah that looks great I mean thinking we add just a pinch of this funky stuff okay don't taste it taste it yeah oh you know what give me worse yeah it's quite it's quite cheesy it tastes like cheese puffs a little bit like a cheese puffs right Oh hold on be right back what we'll do here I'm just gonna pull a little piece to the side oh so you can do you yes I could do my kimchi one yeah I'll stir this little guy can i stir this stir that little guy okay all right well add a pinch of this yeah wait what is that that's the chili powder yeah well pinch of that and they washed my hands right girl Hospital how about a little bit of lime juice okay just a little little bit Tang and then I was thinking we had a little bit of garlic powder do you like garlic yeah I love garlic and then what I'm okay you can't do the kimchi powder that was how about hey you like sauerkraut yeah you that'd be good on this you think sauerkraut powder Andy do you think sauerkraut powder would be good on it and we have the tagine stuff the old the old school that's weird it's weird what's weird this tastes like cheese puns bad Jesus stay away from the crowd all right let's keep it simple keep it simple stupid next we'll put a little bit of this in and this is just gonna give that mayonnaise a little bit of body well make a sprinkle to jazz it up too you know okay so how is this different from the chili powder then the chili powder Oh from this stuff yeah let's let's let's read the ingredients the flavor profile on there well bear with me I can't read up Chili Peppers sea salt dehydrated lime juice interesting well anti-caking agent and and that's it picture that this is a nice color yeah nice man show the world oh yeah that's like it's turning into quite a nice little you just want to brush that over corn yeah exactly alright you know oh my god I think I might even one time like my kid loves that song old river really they like puts his hand up he goes old river it's the whole best you're gonna film that I have it's amazing we'll keep that over there no cross-contamination yeah yeah yeah yeah I miss with my rice hey you're trying to kill the mass cowboy Astrid - what wha wait where're we supposed to put this you know I was on the fence it's very very pulling that's good though it might be so good on I mean I like we're doing it I mean it is just I guess but it's just like it's bizarre that it's in a powerful yeah because the second it touches your mouth it just takes the vinegar it's really weird yeah yeah alright where are we oh yeah did you have no nerve endings thank you problem no this is easy they cooled off a bit I did this little earlier and I didn't wait and it was like huh yeah and watch it's just so juicy when you pissed it off no murder man I like preferably I couldn't find it oh wait till Hans he's ready he's on see I prefer white corn I it's like really smaller kernels sweet usually like pop pop crisp you know New Jersey that's what we do may have very white corn so white corn is sweeter than yellow corn I think maybe I mean I just feel like that seems wrong okay phone a friend I call someone rosemary trout but yeah I think it is a little sweeter know if you believe it that's good I believe yeah yeah and then look I made us little out little skewers Oh No I'll make more take five if you ever in a bind they need to cut a small amount of wood sir a a cheap serrated knife man a little song you know just enough Oroville oh my god it was alright have you ever cut yourself really badly oh yeah it must have I used to be a carpenter and a union glazier so he's using like huge one time I was cutting a piece of like lexan it's like I take a plastic fake glass kind of thing and I was using a brand new razor and it likes lift and good went like three fingers to the bone I got looking it was just I was just like oh this is not good and one time I got hit by an ATV and I had to get like I could no no these are kitchen righted yeah and I could take my fist and touch my femur I was it was horrible helicopter ride what happened in the woods oh yeah one time we were doing a camping video and I was making a little breakfast yeah and I was doing some cute little potatoes you know slicing them on the mandolin and the diabetes at the time he used to be Matt but now Matt's here and that's always been here let me rephrase that so yeah we're doing it with this guy there was a few of them and this guy Matt Vinnie who uh we'll just avoid Vince huh you start over so anyway and Vince was talking and he was saying something about bow and arrows or something and I just went boo boo quarter inch chunk right off my fingertip it was gnarly I gotta find the picture at some point well later it's it was horrible I got like a little light-headed they were like Brad we can like we don't have to continue shooting I was like no I gotta finish and wrapped it up in the show and on man let me get my [ __ ] spirit back in this here huh it's been a day I mean the tips your fingers that's like the worst dude it was gone it was in the bowl Oh as like a little bit mandolin that thing is never there's never a story about a mandolin that's like not know and like that and it wasn't like I was cool I mean they should just get rid of that thing like all right back to back to business fooling around here so let's go char this stuff up on the grill right on oh that way yeah and that way though could give us a nice little ping we're gonna start picking up color quick that one's looking good huh let's go get toasty boys oh great handkerchief oh thank you damn em you know what I want to start wearing handkerchiefs handkerchiefs yeah handkerchief Thank You chief Thank You chief I guess probably how you want to wear this one cuz you're not wearing a cowboy hat so here yeah exactly I want to start rocking this yeah there you go no you gotta say yeehaw I got one song you got every day they say cut oh yeah yeah man you know one day I've been saying this my whole life I've always wanted to make music but never did I tried to make him play a bass one time I just never stuck with it when I kind of sucked at it I got like ten thumbs but I always wanted to make a country music album do it yeah one day and I always wanted to wear the handkerchiefs that was something one of your dreams just came true you have big the next ones around the pool well a couple drinks in the outside ice are where I'll tie like I'll be at a restaurant I'll tie like a napkin around my neck and I just I like like Ally's wearing lunch he looks freaking yeah I know out of the damn band look at this here we go look really I want in no it's not should we we should make our little seasoning first before we go Manny in the little Bowl yeah yes okay dry spice I want to use this too I go use this as a base okay this is the tagine I'm gonna add a little more garlic powder okay yeah we like garlic club yeah we like garlic powder I made my own a couple times and it's well you just take garlic dehydrate it and then put it in a blender okay but that's the point what's the hottie dehydrated I'm dehydrated oh wow bad boy you can get one of these put her in your van Oh dad what's in there now this is salt and cured ooh cured egg yolks give that a little stir okay I'm gonna go run and grab something that I think would be great in it okay can I just serve with my finger do it everyone Oh yeehaw just to sell practicing it once you impress me all right so this is not traditional okay but it's a fantastic when you were like you like chili you kind of got me inspired it's that Korean pepper flake here you want you want brush one hell yeah okay I'm gonna plate mine really well yeah played it up you're an artist okay how much of this do I brush on here I just want to world's my oyster good about it no oysters all right are you doing full coverage I'm doing full coverage oh whoa yeah you sure are I thought maybe it would look kind of nicer if it's just like a thick layer on the top so you can still see the color and is it only on one side this is just like my nice interpretation you know I mean make it how you would want it to be made Oh in the cheese oh yeah the cheeseless cheese Orville oh right on the plate I'm gonna do that to you lady all right hon table let you get a little beauty shot first or something Oh would you look at that let me get a shot too because I never get a picture my pictures never looked that good oh that's a cool view from up here actually it's the best I love this building this crazy like oh yeah occulus yeah it's so sick in there it's kind of weird it's like I'm it's like yeah I think it's a beautiful design like I come to kind of like I like yeah like Fifth Element Wales very yeah I don't know freaking out it's very this there's no Celine did you grow up around snow oh yeah yeah so you know like when it's a lot of snow and you're kind of like first go out and it just sounds like it's like yeah it's like it's like soundproof just cold it's like that in there yeah it's weird when you walk in it feels like dead space it's really like and it's a mall yeah it's so bizarre well shall we try it here wait this is yours let me tidy up I wasn't expecting company no it says company anymore do they I say company yeah yeah we got company guys I'm company there's God dad I'm not just a pretty face you ready sure chairs are sticks so here's the steak there you go all right here we go oh the vinegar powder it's actually really good really good right I feel like I'm one more lime it's a cup through the Mayo a bit you know yeah well you were heavy juicy right that's actually so good so good got mayonnaise all over your match the idea of someone listening to me you think corn on the cob like I hate people like I don't like I have that thing where people chew crunches I'm like you need to get away from me yeah get in there Andy go ahead it's delicious you're welcome can't wait try mine though see if mine's better come on no I believe it Manny's an artist what you want yeah I put listen to this Andy we put it in in the mayonnaise how you like them apples slain into that yeah you're just just really trying to use lovely by the powder vinegar board but I think mine's better I mean mine looks it did look nicer I think yeah like the plating was nicer ya know yeah it did well heck you know well chili over the shoulder that's uh that's it to live that's it I think we do okay yeah that was really good thank you so much for having you know I wish next time I'm gonna figure out a way to get you I want to close it out you can sing about horse I know I'm just gonna surprise you next time I'm gonna just come in and go singing and you won't know I'm coming Oh God all right when's your birthday now May 16th you're Taurus yeah Capricorn alright but I get along with so I'm surrounded by tourists all right all right put May 16th right listen to this kookiness half the balls on the bullpen the bullpen yeehaw I'm sure [Laughter] you'll okay Orville Peck thanks for coming in thank you so much your house and bring it awesome and uh a bone Appetit man make something okay yeehaw smile with your eyes or though smize you've been singing doing music for a long time yeah yes yeah what's your country name gonna be I don't know you can't just go it's Leone oh well just change it to just change it to Bradley oh hey guys I'm Brad Leone like nah I sounds like you like opening a golf course or something at Bradley that Country Club yeah just take the e off just make it Bradley own hey guys I'm Bradley own see you that's great yes kick the end well you stay there Oh like just go up really slow oh yeah just like directly behind me see [Music] you
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,768,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corn, it's alive, it's alive bon appetit, brad, brad leone, brad makes, brad bon appetit, brad it's alive, brad leone 2019, what is, alive, fermented, live food, test kitchen, how to make, fermentation, probiotics, make, bon appetit brad, elote, brad elote, brad makes elote, elote bon appetit, elote orville peck, brad orville peck, elote recipe, make elote, making elote, how to elote, how to make elote, orville peck bon appetit, orville peck brad, food, bon appetit
Id: HkKfbA2mTN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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