Recreating Paul Hollywood's Cornish Pasties from Taste | Bon Appétit

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I think this is quickly becoming my favorite BA series.

👍︎︎ 130 👤︎︎ u/BobaFettCat 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did anyone else see the freezer full of pizza rolls? I’m guessing a future GM episode?

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/BobaFettCat 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

few things bring me as much joy as seeing Chris Morocco scooting around the grocery store on a shopping cart

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Clearer-Skies 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

When Brad was judging he kinda seemed like a cool-but-harsh-grader TA

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/buko-babe 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Farty" - Sohla El-Waylly

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/efitz11 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/sarcasticsobs 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm dying at the fact that both Chris and I will buy "safety garlic"

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/FunctionalAdult 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think Chris needs to take a bite out of whatever he's making whole like its meant to before tearing it apart. You would get a better sense of what the dish was supposed to be and how it would be eaten. That could help inform some decisions later on in construction and cooking technique.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/MapleBackBacon 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Rutabaga and Red Leicester

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's Brad we're here in the Test Kitchen and today we have a little secret conversation about Chris Morocco we want to once again put Chris's super taster abilities to the test oh this here this Paul Hollywood's Cornish pasty and we're gonna be asking Chris to to replicate this dish in every aspect to the ingredients appearance everything in just two days he'll be able to taste it touch it smell it but at no means at any point will he be able to look at the dish at the end of the second day I'll come back and I'll be the judge I'll be the critic I will give him a score on his abilities of replicating this dish okay it happens you know what the first thing that went through my head was potpie so I'm feeling some kind of pastry OG is this feels like pie dough with a little bit of flake to it what do you got there oh you don't know no no I'm like oh really I'm feeling these nubs and I'm like what the [ __ ] has happened here I think what about you what do you think it is now the outside I I mean like it's too firm to be puff I mean it feels like you knit like a Cornish pasty you know like that kind of vibe but we've got like vents three little vents here don't get caught up more little bugs do you seal it but no I mean just the nuns are all I see Chris you're you're wearing a Bible yeah these are doing the looking like somebody like for the night they crimped it with your fingers that's what I was they good really it's a crimp the producers are they're never inviting me background yeah cuz you're a [ __ ] wild card keep worrying about you know huh the torture the next victim my guess is that this is some kind of store-bought pie dough so smooth I don't know it just it doesn't necessarily feel like anybody here made it so it's like thin pieces of vegetables they're all a little in like the mushy ER side potato carrot like a turnip or like a rutabaga I don't even know when the last time I had a rutabaga was it's just like a big old root vegetable you frankly want nothing to do with okay that was the thing that I was like what the car you and now I've already eaten it there's just not tons of flavor abounding my first instinct was you know that there's got to be some chicken somewhere Oh daddy and chicken that just tastes like ground meat is it ground beef though or is it just like really finely chopped Chuck or something the flavor just tastes like a little beefier kind of like iodine like minerally kind of thing like doesn't have the richness of flavor of pork it's not like a lot of sauce here not like a lot of onion it's not a ton of garlic or anything like that I'm not really even tasting white wine oh there could be some in just really small quantities this piece has this a little bit of like a beveled edge like as though it was about maybe turnip sized it means a very creamy could not detect anything being arrayed in there in any particular order it sort of felt like a bit of a jumble I'm really sorry if like you're an amazing person you know whoever developed this but there's just not like a ton of personality here okay very linear very straightforward tasty you know but but ya know there's nothing there's no like fireworks here I need a pen pastry cross slashes and trim pen score carat I feel like it was a [ __ ] potato because it had this creaminess to it I'm going hard on a turnip onion binder could be Roo could also just be liberally coating the music the meat with flour before searing it I'm honestly I'm thinking keep it real friggin simple for the first pass no white wine maybe not even a roux maybe we're just gonna with the meat Chuck let's presume there's an egg wash cool so I've got my list it's frightening ly concise but we're gonna head to the market and yeah I'm gonna make it happen I think the main thing that's freaking me out about this one is my list has like literally six things on it so maybe it's just that simple or maybe it isn't I'm feeling pretty confident I tasted Karin turnips they have a sweetness it starts out really crunchy and then when it's cooked it kind of gets this creamy almost potatoey kind of texture to it who has seen potatoes these are potatoes that get really creamy in stews and things safety garlic for safety alright few onions could I have two pounds of the shot cubes thank you yeah we're gonna go we're gonna go hard on that no options none of that back and forth all that [Music] this is an organic traditional pie dough I mean that's it right we'll have eggs in the kitchen it's a very tight little list let's do it so we're just back from the supermarket and I should have been using all that time out of the office to think and plan and strategize what I'm gonna do instead I just kind of drifted off for a little while so I'm back and I'm thinking about it now let's err on the side of browning the meat right I didn't taste like tons of us here on that meat but it would make sense for it to be seared just to have some flavor development like I'll put a little bit of flour on the meat I think to sear it but then I think I'm gonna thicken on the back end there wasn't a lot of liquid in the situation so yeah all right so here we go so I have Chuck you like the pieces I was experiencing or something like this like smaller you know that is kosher salt I'm putting flour on now I guess I'm just I'm thinking of this a little bit more as like a beef stew base so I'm gonna brown off the meat I'm not gonna cook it through all the way where'd you get these how cute is that so color is good I mean you know it's not like super even but that's not the point this is an onion I mean I barely could find any onion so we're going real small dice here oh by the way they didn't even have rutabagas at the supermarket so maybe we need to get a rutabaga and cook a rutabaga just to see what the hell is going on with the rutabaga go go go okay not gonna do too much of edge like we don't really need a ton of filling to tournaments might be too many I mean two turnips is definitely too many for me Andy do you like turnips that's fine Molly are you excited about turnips yeah so like these guys I feel like it was a like kind of situation right and then so like something like that like these corners are gonna round up the potato you know as it cooks whereas the turnip is gonna keep its shape a lot better all right and then like carrot I feel like it was like more like one of these guys maybe so meats going back in the pot along with most of this that I'm gonna throw some water in there bring up the temp a little bit and just get it braising I would be very wary of putting raw fillings into a pastry situation like that is it possible yeah it's probably possible maybe not recommend it I think we're just about where we need to be I've raised this stuff I've cooked it I'm gonna cool it down this yeah so satisfying honestly you just you live for these moments I kind of just assumed that the pie crust would be ready to go when I was ready to go not taking in that they need to thought room temperature for 3 to 5 hours so even though it says under no circumstances do what I'm about to do we're gonna do it anyway so a little warm water let's just go ahead and assume that that flimsy plastic is watertight did not feel like there was a lot of bound liquid or anything inside the pastry it just felt like a very tight mixture I just don't know if it's quite tight enough I'm gonna pour off some of the liquid from here into a sauce pan and just reduce it down meat could be a little more tender but it's not bad I'm pretty good with my choice of beef in here I feel I feel justified about that so I put that reduced liquid back in here already looking a lot drier ooh might have gotten a little water in filtration here got a problem it's not that it's not even the water in there just like totally split apart I'm gonna see if I can salvage this one but we may be totally tear even irrespective of water getting in a little bit just didn't ever feel like it was ever gonna want to unroll perfectly hide oh just like dogs and bees can smell fear hide oh you know is really just flour water butter and salt whether you make it yourself or you use a pre-made dough again given the time constraints here I just don't imagine that what I tasted this morning was homemade pie dough my pastry dough is feeling a little warm here but I can work with it now and then just throw this whole thing assembled in the freezer for a few minutes strategy is to get the saucy fillings in there I couldn't detect any kind of seam and what we were talking about this morning was is it a seam that's just like two things kind of pressed flat together is it being curled under you knows it didn't feel like it was being curled over so it's like a big dumpling so I might just fold it under just gonna make it look a little bit neater I don't know everything this is like the moment where everything just feels wrong we're gonna throw this in the freezer ten minutes come back make our slashes it goes in the oven that's it this is what I experienced just these little nubs nothing absolutely [ __ ] nothing this confuses me it stresses me out makes me question everything in a 425-degree oven I'm gonna leave it there at least 15 minutes yeah pastry looks pretty good to me it's flaky but it's got that firmness to it which i think is correct definitely gives you top high vibes it just looks a little goofy to me but maybe that's okay maybe that's what maybe goofy is what we're going for as I kind of suspected I feel like the meat could have been a little bit more tender giving it a head start in advance of the veg would it definitely help aside from maybe like a little wine if there's another ingredient you know I don't really know what it is I feel good about the beef chuck feel good about turnip feel good about potato I feel good about pie dough no no there's there's nothing to like hate here I mean there's just I guess I'm just asking the questions are anything to love ingredients let's call this 78% taste I'm gonna give myself 85 technique 70 pearance wise I would love to think on at least at 85% here you know it's a it's an oversized like mutant hot pocket with pot roast in it I mean I just how wrong can I be all in all that works out to be 79 percent which as far as I'm concerned is not bad for a first pass coming up my final tasting of the original dish hopefully picking up a little more nuance when it comes to the crimp presence of carrots and just confirming if there's just one other kind of little flavor or set of flavors behind everything whoa see this one feels completely different to me and it's just funny how your mind kind of magnifies these things whereas this one feels very clearly like both sides of the pastry have and curled up and over hasn't been scored I'm not feeling anything like marks you know like the way it was before all right are you guys like literally just hang with me where they're only two slashes on the first one all right so two slashes not three it's kind of amazing how something can smell so much like chicken pot pie but not be chicken pot pie just like thinking a lot about the cook on these vegetables I'm wondering is there scenario in which the meat could have been cooked but the vegetables are literally just cooking in the pocket cuz they're tender but the man they're firm you know they hold their shape and so busy thinking about other things I haven't stopped and thought about whether I got a carrot now the texture on these vegetables is really tripping me up you're like this is the one that I was like oh is this a rutabaga it's just like a very mushy weird carrot but I mean damn I am feeling more meat on top it wasn't really apparent before like the veg seems to be arrayed underneath it I don't know I mean I'm not picking up other flavors I mean I suppose there could be a splash of white wine or something everything in here just tastes like a little bit too mushy it doesn't have like that density of carrot mmm I'm feeling pretty good about what I used for pastry pastry still is is reading pie dough Tamim that's pretty neutral it's not sweet it's not super salty either it's just very you know kind of right down the middle all right whatever take it away that's all that I think I'm gonna be able to get out of my second tasting a little bummed I felt like things are gonna come together and instead the picture just got a little mark here so I'm gonna see you guys tomorrow and hopefully hopefully it's a good day the same [Music] the objective this morning is to test whether we can layer raw potato and turn it into the dough package with some of the stewey beef on top what I was noticing yesterday in the second tasting is that the potato and the turnip felt just cooked you know not undercooked but not hammering so I want to try a couple different things this morning part of me is still wondering like should I have just made my own hide oh I don't know it just felt like a little excessive just given how long like all the meat needed to cook and everything but at least I have some cooked meat here I can kind of assemble smaller kind of versions of this I had a little bit of an existential crisis about whether or not that was carrot in there just everything just tasted like a mushy earthy slightly sweet indistinctive root vegetable rutabaga had come up at one point I don't really know what a rutabaga tastes like and they didn't have any at the market yesterday unless we walked right by them you guys got a close-up on it and Dan didn't say anything which seems pretty standard did they stop I just thought like the note-taking was all for show I didn't think you guys actually listened this is a rutabaga it's like a mutant turnip that's not even as good as a turnip and a turnip frankly isn't that good to begin with some countries they call this Swede Oh God I mean it's like it's very tough actually not that bad pretty sweet pretty mild yeah well throw a slice and maybe we will do it a little side-by-side I'm using mandolin today just for evenness this is just a pure test the one thing I feel like I really noticed yesterday it was that the vegetables were in a more compact and even layer with the meat on top of it rutabaga test slice right there so I'm going to take some of the crazy meaty business I like I didn't disgrace her I'm just going to take a guess that there were some differences in process sure I'm yeah I have never seen this made this way before I didn't do anything like kind of a bit of a crimp it's like something like that I think we all realized that it was just the two slashes in the end we'll just go for 15 minutes and then check our color okay how about that while our tester is going I'm gonna start doing some meat for the next round I get the onions in here hi oh my gosh yeah we met over there but um it is so cool to have you on the show this is fantastic making I have no idea that's the whole thing again yes yeah I have one in the oven it's this kind of a savory and pie with I believe it's ground like beef chuck and then some potato and turnip all the root veg in there are kind of mushed together there's a lot of meaty flavor there's nothing super distinct like what I loved about your dish it's like the flavors how do you think I did when I heard the last minutes is like a monkey something and I couldn't believe amazing so you know about Korean food none like you you know so only about Korean food I know they're all what is inside already ginger no I can say but none like years old yeah you are so tell it to the person oh thank you thank you it's so fun to have you here thank you come back I burnt my onions but it was worth it a little bit of white wine a little bit of something but not too much even though I'm not a hundred percent sure that I'm tasting it in the original dish I want to see what this dish tastes like you know with me adding in and then see all right so let's see where our version - is that okay nuns are feeling better to me I mean I feel like I have a little bit more of an obvious seam than the averse tasting yesterday when I was doing that knife scoring yesterday I mean I think I was trying to be just incredibly literal about what my fingers had kind of told me about the texture of the dough and it just looked so friggin ridiculous but you know you got to walk before you can run right ties them way more defined layer of meat and vegetable here I would say just from eyeballing it that the vegetables are cooked and I think that's a pretty exciting development now I'm like racking my brain trying to figure out that I taste carrot did I not taste carrot rutabaga revealed Oh [Music] if carrots over here and turnips over here rutabaga seems to be right here I'm feeling extremely justified in my decision to put the vegetables raw into the pastry I really like the cook on these potatoes and turnip something about the smell of the rutabaga how do you describe the smell of a cooked rutabaga but not with something kind of funky like lurking in the backroom little basement thank you all right you're up solo party party farts in basements but not in Molly's house ingredients here I'd say we're at 82% taste I'm going an idea technique I think doing the raw veg in the pastry was a game-changer I think the new crimp works so yeah technique I'm saying 88% appearance I will go with 86 okay we'll call not an 87 this was overall a lot closer to where we need to be I've got one more chance to do this for Brad few adjustments on the way the white wines not obvious but I like it so little white wine little black pepper my dough performed great Molly likes my dough she didn't know it was store-bought so how are they gonna know other than they saw me buy it in a store you know Brad's a real stickler for exactitude this round no rutabaga going in strong turnip and potato a rutabaga is already so close to a turnip it just didn't feel right feel like laying them in as rounds makes sense I have a feeling that was kind of fractured angular pieces were more result of me trying to remove the vegetables from the pastry than to do with the fact that they were cut any smaller than this I've got potato and turn it a little bit of salt maybe feels a touch saucy ER but I think it can take it this is feeling pretty good to me I'm loving where we ended up with the vegetables being raw in there we're gonna do our two slashes see it in 20 wait oh okay there was on the top we're okay close to a half hour at 350 I would say this is my best version of this so far as I say 87 that seems wildly high let's drop that down to an 82 overall look whatever I did or didn't do right this is the one I got to serve to Brad so I'm hoping I made some right calls here and we will find out soon enough how do you feel you did I feel I feel I feel all right new apron yeah anyway prints the new collab what do you think yeah what makes it what do you like about that like that I like the stitch meow yeah I want one I know where do you think it is I think it's a who wants to be a millionaire and bio is some eaten root veg hand hi Chris what is that cold in Cornish pasty is that what it is I don't know let's find out eat pie so this is the one you were trying to achieve and then this is the one that you made on the count of three we'll we'll reveal okay what you've made I've been on the show oh okay so I'm done I'm coming up to speak with one two three Paul Hollywood's Cornish Pasties you know King Hollywood you even suggest the freaking name yeah okay is he using yo does the pedal on yellow tinge to it yeah or maybe like is this homemade pie dough can you put me out of my misery yes really Street 450 grams plain flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 115 grams cold lard you did not get that lard all right we're gonna check that off as incorrect you see what I mean not to worry about the fridge you were all all focused on I kept feeling these hard little than like Bombadil I'm really that oh it's like so magnified it was like the Rocky Mountains you know what could that oh my god it could be anything anything according to whole Hollywood ami 21 cribs in order to be a traditional English pass fascinating give me the finger sorry no you see that this the main thing with this was just sort of like I got 13 yeah like your finger is almost like your unit of measurement right for like how you need to kind of seal it oh oh nailed it there ain't no you know but that's gonna that's going to affect your trade for sure right off the bat your you got to which is good too yep his are straight your off is it on a bio little yeah okay no where's a little deeper which might actually make for a better end product I'm not quite sure I don't know I don't know about that yeah me neither why are they calling Paul Hollywood you watch that show all right Paul whoa what's the matter rutabaga yeah hello I thought you were happy English known big were they not we'd the rutabaga it was King me up my brain kept being like wait are you a potato or you a turnip you're what is happening well huh you know what they say about hindsight back to the filling one large onion nailed it sweet all right well sweet we didn't do that sweet what do you wear my turn up I want my turn hey you know what if you can't find a rutabaga not a battle time oh it's the only alternative but that's eight points off okay one large flowery tatum all right well then look potato steak you've got steak what cut did you use I use a Chuck Oh Hollywood wait with who does that literally criminal it is next with my hockey no it probably will be sustained it'll be skirt steak see you with the filling Chris Paul Hollywood but everything in raw wraps it up in oh that's not what you did no what'd you do by talking so the steak texture was very much breezy shreddy I guess that makes a little bit more sense that you could do that with a skirt steak just cuz it has a little bit more of that like shreddy fibery thing yeah it's true in there so I took the graceful breeze yeah raising at a time cool it down and then layer it in there yeah so the only thing they do with it with this one before they wrap it a little bit of butter on top and then you have it I'm still thinking about the rutabaga can you repeat everything he just said no the visuals I say let's taste it let's come here hey all right now cut it's both a little piece sorrow Falls has a little bit of a carrot thing to it I might have does have a weird carroty flavor beta-carotene guy to thing here I want you to have this this whole like Romanovs go fight of yours not that this is what the show is about but tell me that's not good it's very good the crust is very different it's delicious yeah but in comparison you see it's more bready makes a lot of sense knowing that you know the steak went in there raw that like I was expected to spend the bulk of my time on the dough you know named affair I think you did a great job first of all my god we have four categories here to grade you on each of them out of a hundred and then we'll give you an average okay to see where you whether you got to go to summer school or not okay so first one is ingredients how well you did 7,800 okay only because we had a few yeah yeah a couple Edie yeah lard paste I think yours was delicious out of 100 I'm gonna go give you an 82 okay technique I mean well you didn't do 21 crimps but yeah meat wedding cooked he did a full egg wash you did too right I did oh yeah it's just a difference in the dough I think the way it registered 84 oh okay back and then appearance okay I guess I bled in a little bit there with the crimps and stuff that's appearance sorry you know we're gonna give you a burr but I think we're looking at is just a solid B student on this one okay you know pull that whatever you want you pick it somewhere in the eighties I'm the best teacher ever 88 or what's our average Dan drumroll please 83 that's a B - that's a be mine what is thank you sure the graphic says bead I mean it all fairness Chris you have you had a freaking blindfold on that's I don't know if I could do this as well with what we don't wear of the show I've never seen this one you know this one burns a little bit skirts takes a bit of a chameleon you know especially to have it show up in this guy's you know where it has like such a kind of shreddy texture that really tripped me up Paul won the battle but the the war rages on you know guess you know should have made my own dough just not what I was expecting
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,627,849
Rating: 4.9414177 out of 5
Keywords: chris, cooking challenge, chris morocco, chris makes, reverse engineering, chris bon appetit, chris reverse engineering, chris test kitchen, blind cooking, blindfood cooking, blindfold cooking challenge, taste testing, cornish pasty, cornish pasties, cornish pasties recipe, paul hollywood, paul hollywood cornish pasties, chris makes cornish pasties, make cornish pasties, making cornish pasties, how to cornish pasties, how to make cornish pasties, food, bon appetit
Id: DKsxda--GVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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