Boy Scout MAKES FUN Of GIRL SCOUT, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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all right scouts grab your backpacks and let's head out pink backpack whose is this don't tell me this is yours no mine's right here oh billy it's yours isn't it wow can't believe it it's mine what are you doing here i'm bailey i just joined nice to meet you scout master john please tell me this is some kind of joke i mean we've never had a girl in our troop exactly so it's time we add one right bailey's gonna be joining us today all right everybody before we leave i want to go over some quick first aid training with you all so come here gather round we're going to start with what happens if you happen to sprain your ankle out there you see first you want to deal with the pain and the swelling the best thing for that is going to be an ice pack there's going to be spiders snakes probably even mountain lions repeat that every two to three hours okay date little girls like you for breakfast sure you want to come with us yes i'm sure but thanks for your concern though we better pay attention in case someone at camp gets hurt and needs our help all right now don't wrap that too tightly otherwise you're gonna cut off the last person anyone to go to for help is some girl besides stuff is easy how do you know all this got it remember ice wrap elevates do not lose your trail maps it is very easy to get lost out here okay so keep an eye on them at all times you guys paying attention back there yes sir yeah okay let's go it's not too late to turn back and wait in the bus you know i'll be fine thanks just saying if you get lost don't count on me or one of the boys to come save you as long as i have my map i'm good and who knows i might be the one saving you oh she got you she says she's the one saving you yeah right that never happened watch this where is he going what is he doing he's gonna take him he's gonna it's here no it's not now we'll see who needs to saving all right we're almost to the campfire let's pick it up all right everybody i'm gonna show you how to make a fire now pay close attention because the scout that does the best today is gonna win a special badge you may as well just give it to me now everyone knows i'm the best guy here well we'll see it could go to anyone even bailey yeah right she should have stuck to selling girl scout cookies hey trevor cut that out okay that's not nice besides anything a boy can do a girl can do too if not better yeah right now back to what i was saying you take your flint and steel hold it over your kindling why is she over there nodding your head it's not like she understands any of this hey bailey this is manly stuff you should stick to playing with dolls hey you guys might want to pay attention to this if there's ever an emergency a fire is a good distress signal [Music] come that's how you make a fire okay now it's your turn everybody choose a partner go out and find some wood stick together do not lose your map yeah yeah okay hey max want to be my partner uh actually i was gonna be partners with daryl whatever sorry sammy want to be my partner uh i already chose billy man sorry hi your loss hey trevor want to be my partner yeah right i'd rather go alone come on everyone else is already taken and besides i can help you no way hey wait here stop following me i don't need your help this isn't something a little girl can do but you heard about scoutmaster john said we need to take our maps and stay in twos well that's for everyone else not me i'm the best guy here and i don't need some dumb map and i certainly don't need some little girl as a partner trevor wait it isn't safe alone trevor trevor doesn't want a girl as a partner so he runs away from bailey leaving her all by herself trevor goes deeper and deeper into the forest in search of a good log that can be used as firewood he finally finds one and decides to head back to camp with it everything seems to be going great that is until he gets lost he can't remember which way he came from because everything looks the same he wanders deeper and deeper into the forest unbeknownst to him going farther and farther away from all the other scouts as it begins to get dark trevor gets worried and starts yelling out for help but no one can hear him he starts to wish that he hadn't thrown away his map [Music] trevor begins to panic as he can't find his way back to camp he starts to run as he does he ends up falling and twisting his ankle really bad he screeches in pain but no one is around to save him [Music] hours have gone by and now trevor is terrified he keeps hearing all these noises trevor now cries and screams for help only to be saved by the last person he'd ever want to be saved by help what was that or a snake lion stay back stay back i'm serious i'm armed please don't hurt me forever oh no not you hey the whole camp has been looking for you everywhere everyone's so worried thankfully i heard you screaming and found this i wasn't screaming i was just resting really because i thought i heard you say help help please somebody help me can you please leave me alone i'll be fine just about to get up oh my ankle let me help looks really swollen it feels like it's spring that'll be fine let me help you i don't need your help remember what scoutmaster john said we need to ice it to control the swelling and keep it wrapped for extra support ah yeah of course i'm just about to do that can you hold on to my shoulder and hop one leg and i'll use my map it's gone have you seen it uh no shoot okay we'll hold up with scoutmaster john do oh we can build a fire and use it as a distress signal yeah of course i was just about to do that come on want me to help you no i got this come on it's not working must be the dumb stick here let me try fine but if i can't do it you definitely can see it doesn't work come on [Music] there now just let me get some more wood so we can start a bigger fire okay you just rest here i'll be right back that should be good hopefully someone sees it or it might be scary spending the rest of the night out here scary the only person that'd be scared is little girl my little girl is you ah oh trevor bailey oh we've been looking everywhere for you are you okay you're hurt oh yeah i'm fine oh i brought my ankle just like you taught us trevor i gotta say this is perfectly wrapped thank you great job getting the fire going too otherwise i don't think we would have been able to find you guys oh it was pretty easy let me help you up okay you know trevor i am so impressed with how well you've done today that i've decided to give you the special bench what for best scout performance oh whoa i don't know what to say i actually this isn't balling to me what do you mean you did everything perfectly just like i taught you it wasn't me it was bailey and to be honest i don't know if i would have survived without her so here bailey this is yours oh my gosh trevor i don't know what to say i do i want to say that i'm sorry for how i treated you and now i know anything boys can do girls can do too if not better so can you please forgive me of course and i'd love for you to be my partner going forward if that's okay with you i love that okay well i'm sure everybody is very tired and very hungry so let's go home huh well if you're hungry i actually have some cookies thin mints my favorite what i love girl scout cookies okay hi my name is haley gray and i'm playing bailey so in this story it's about a girl who joins a boy scout team and this boy really doesn't want her anything a boy can do i like to have this kind of good message out there in the world
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 22,788,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, boy scouts, girl scouts
Id: 8S79ilc4rwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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