Box of Lies with Millie Bobby Brown | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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-Welcome back to "The Tonight Show." We're about to play a game called "Box of Lies." But I'm gonna need some help. She stars in "Stranger Things." Season 4 premieres May 27th on Netflix. Please welcome Millie Bobby Brown! [ Cheers and applause ] Come on, now. Come on! Are you kidding me? Come on. It's so good to see you. I miss you. -Good to see you, too! -Millie, here's how it works. We have nine mystery boxes containing objects no one has ever seen before. Okay? On your turn, you pick a box, take out the object, and describe it to your opponent. -Can I sit down? -Yes, please. -Oh, my, I'm -- You're not even ready for this. -No. Really? -No. -You have to describe what's in the box, put it out there, and then I and you decide if we're telling the truth. I can't even look at you. Or if we're lying. Okay? -Alright. -Are you already playing right now? I'm in your head right now. -I don't even know if you know what I'm thinking right now. -Yeah, I totally do. You have no clue. Are you ready to go first? -Oh, my God. -That's the way I talk. That's the way I talk to you. -That was berating me. -It was, right? All right, bud, you're up first. You can pick the first box. -Alright. -Which one? -Four! -Four. -He was so passionate about four. -Yeah, he was very passionate about four. -Alright. [ Audience shouting ] -This could be a hint right here. -Oh, my gosh! -Yeah. It looked like it was a little light. -No, I've just got huge guns. [ Laughter ] Huge guns. -Huge guns. Alright, bud. -Okay. -Yep. [ Clears throat ] -[ Chuckles ] [ Laughter ] -Okay. -Alright. [ Dramatic music plays ] -The music. Alright. Jimmy. -Mm-hmm. -Um, this almost looks like a children's play set kind of. You know? Something that a child would play with. And it's the Demogorgon from the show, a toy Demogorgon, painting E.T. -A children's play set. -Yep. Yep. -What does that mean again? -I don't know. It's up for interpretation. -Children's play set. -And It's painting E.T. with my eyeshadow palette from Florence by Mills. -Ah! Now, I know -- I love Florence. -Yes. -I know your makeup line, yes. -And, um, that's what he's doing. With a makeup brush. -E.T. Yep. Uh-huh. E.T.. And you've seen the movie "E.T." -Um, I don't know. Have I? -You're very young. -Am I? [ Laughter ] -No, I actually know how old you are. Yes, you are young. But you've seen "E.T." before. You loved it? -Loved it. -Yeah. What character did you love in "E.T."? -E.T. himself. -Yeah, I know, but there's other characters in there. How about the boy? -I loved the boy. -Yeah. What was his name? -Elliott. -Hmm. You do know "E.T." -Or do I? Did I just read a synopsis before I came out here? -So you have a child's play set, is what threw me. That makes no sense to me, 'cause a child's play set -- -Well, do you have children, Jimmy? -Yes. They don't have play sets. -They don't have toys? -They don't have toys. -They're not real. -Toys are banned from the house. Toys are banned from the house. Only books. A child play set to me seems like a swing set or something. That's a play set. -No. I mean like a toy almost. You know, something that you go, "Oy, oy!" You know? -Yeah, a toy and a painting of a Demogorgon, E.T. Too many details. I'm going to say, Millie Bobby Brown, you lie! -Owwww. -Oh, my gosh! Are you kidding me? [ Sad tuba plays ] Come on. You're good. You know how to act. Come on. What am I talking about? Why mess with the best? Why mess with the best? I'm sorry. Of course you're going to be a good actor. Which one, guys? [ Audience shouting ] -I'm going to put -- My "E.T." for later. I'm going to put it this way. -[ Grunts ] -I'm here with you. -Okay. Alright. Here we go. Phew. Mm-hmm. ♪♪ [ Laughter ] ♪♪ [ Laughs ] -Uh-huh. -Oh, my goodness. -[ Mocking laughter ] Go! Tell me! -It is -- It's, like, a child's play set. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ It is a bowl. Full of Chef Boyardee. -What's that? [ Laughter ] -I don't know how to describe it. Pasta. -Okay. -Yeah, it's a bowl of Chef -- I should have said that. But it's Chef Boyardee, 'cause the can is next to it. It's a canned food in America. -Oh, okay. I'm from England. -Sorry. You're from England. Yes. -Yeah. -Yes, and in that bowl is a head that looks to me like Elon Musk. [ Laughter ] Elon Musk head in the Chef Boyardee. So it's like pasta with Elon Musk's head. -Okay. -Heads. -Heads? -Yes. It's, like, floating. -Multiple different heads? -Floating like -- -How many? -Four. -Four. I know you are lying. -How? -'Cause you're a horrible liar. [ Laughter ] -What are you talking about? Are you sure? -I'm positive. I don't want to ask any more questions. I know that you're lying. -No, no, no, ask me -- -No, I -- Okay, fine. Fine, fine! I'll ask you one more question. What shape pasta is it, Jimmy? -I was lying! You won! You knew! [ Cheers and applause ] It's spaghetti and meatballs. Baseballs. I thought maybe you could smell the pasta, so then I started trying to make something up. And I messed up. -You got nervous. You got really nervous. -I did, right? -As soon -- You know what -- Just for future reference. It's when -- I just want to make you -- As soon as I asked how many heads, you just went straight for four. -Oh. -When you just should have taken one more look at how many Elon Musk heads were in that bowl. -Yeah, yeah, exactly. I could really count four. -Well, anyways. -But I knew four. -It's my turn now. -Yes, it's your turn. Yes. [ Audience shouting ] Someone's saying eight. Five is the one. Okay. [ Thud ] -Did that scare you? -Yeah, it did a little bit. It woke me up. Okay, here we go. -Alright! -Okay, 'cause the first one was not a lie. So I figure, well, maybe this one you're gonna probably think of something. Or the pressure's on. Your face is getting red. So you're probably thinking -- -It's just my blush. [ Giggles ] ♪♪ Okay. -Mm-hmm. -It is... -Uh-huh. -...a Croc, sandal kind of shoe. -I know what a Croc is. -I don't know. You didn't know what a children's play set was, so... -Yeah, I'm sorry. Thank you. -Stuffed with pasta. Spaghetti pasta. Cooked. And it's going through the holes of the Croc. -Mm-hmm. Huh. -And there's a watermelon-flavored Sour Patch Kid in -- drowning, really, in the spaghetti. -Now, how would you know it's watermelon-flavored? -Because they're green on the bottom. And they're one of my favorites, actually. I eat them on set quite -- -How do you see the bottom if he's drowning in the -- -No, I see it. I can see it from the top. From the top angle, I see it's green. -Okay. -And also spaghetti is quite, you know, thin, so I can see through the spaghetti. -Oh, I know spaghetti, 'cause I was just lying about it. -I know. I know. -Yeah. So you're saying two spaghettis? That's -- What are the odds of choosing two spaghettis? -I don't know. Ask your writers. [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] -Oh, you're good. Oh, you're good. [ Applause ] Oh, you're good. ♪♪ I'm gonna say... you're telling the truth! ♪♪ [ Sad tuba plays ] [ Cheers and applause ] Oh, my gosh! You're so good! You're so good! Wait. Can I try? One more? -One more. -Yeah, here we go. [ Audience shouting ] -Three, Jimmy! -That's my man three right there. Yeah, look. So light. Oh, my gosh. It's like there's nothing in it. -[ Laughs ] -But there might be. Who knows? -You're so red. -Oh, my goodness. It's just awesome. [ Laughter ] ♪♪ You ready to get into this world? -I don't know. Am I? -I mean my brain. -Oh, yeah. -Yeah. See what I saw? Do you want to see? Maybe I'll take my time a little bit on this one. -Alright. [ Laughs ] -Is my acting getting better? -No. -It's a, uh -- baseball hat. -Mm. -But one that holds the drinks. ♪♪ And one drink -- You know those people that have beers -- -No. I've never been to a baseball game. -Oh, my gosh. -Is it where they drink the beer through straws? -Yes! One -- Instead of beer, though, one is Pepto Bismol. And one is... [ Laughter ] One is... Hmm. What is that? [ Laughter ] I learn from the best, bud. One is, uh, hot sauce. -What kind? [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -I'm not wearing my glasses, of course, but I can tell by the bottle that it's Sriracha. -Oh. Sriracha mayo or just regular Sriracha? [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -Regular Sriracha. -Uh-huh. This is what I'm going to say. I'm gonna say it is a partial lie. I think you are telling the truth in some places, but I think that I've got you on this hat. I don't think it's this kind of hat. You've accepted my suggestion far too quickly. I don't believe that it's one of those beer hats. -Yeah. How could it be? -I don't know. You tell me! -That's the game. So you have to make the choice. -You lie! -You think I lie? Oh, I tell the truth. -No! -Yes! Redeemed myself! I redeemed myself! Millie Bobby Brown, everybody! [ Laughs ] I'm so happy. I redeemed myself. -You did so good! -I did. I learned. I learned from the best. We're talking to Millie after the break. Stick around.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 9,636,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy fallon, tonight show, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Millie Bobby Brown, TSJF Interview, Millie Bobby Brown on Fallon, Millie Bobby Brown Stranger Things, Stranger Things, NCIS, Eleven, Eleven Stranger Things, Box of Lies, Tonight Show Box of Lies, Enola Holmes, Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, David Harbour, Mike Wheeler, Noah Schnapp
Id: kY8stpY4rrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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