get ready with millie & jake

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hi everybody my name is Jake and this is Millie as you know and today I have been asked to do Millie's makeup which I'm very excited to do this is a first for me putting her makeup on and yeah we're gonna see what happens here we go also going to answer some some hot couples questions okay guys let's do this let's do this what's fast I am a visual learner so I've seen you do your makeup over maybe a thousand times you think 2 000 times yeah three more you think three thousand times three I would say maybe even five okay so I think we have to start like anything like painting a countertop or a picture with or a portrait a landscape with a primer is that correct like um some type of blush setting powder if you matter mattifying setting powder is that correct the first thing to start with if that's what you think is correct I don't want to mess this up because I feel like I'm like what have you seen me put on first see you do your eyes first usually or your eyebrows sometimes as well okay we're going to start with your eyebrows the eyebrow pencil as you can see here very easy use I think I've seen you draw them on first you kind of like draw a shape and then you brush so I'm going to start with a shape here we go so how did we meet we met as I strangely think some people know if he is social well you said it so we've met via Instagram this is going to be a long ride but it's not over yet nope it's only the first quarter baby so we're gonna flick these up because I've seen you do that a bunch of times okay how did we first meet well I think that people kind of have sometimes surmised that we've met on Instagram and looking good actually not too bad from a thaw from afar it doesn't look horrible but when you close up it's scary okay it's crazy can I take this off yeah probably you could just use a bit of water I'll do it don't worry I'm the professional here let's try that again when we first met in person I actually picked you up at the airport you know you were you were playing a cool like whatever like you know hey how about that it's a little bit darker it's super dark what's going on with that well you have to be pretty like you know you have to be light with it yeah okay that's good to know because what you want to do is you want to try and mimic what a hair actually looks like okay right so you're not exactly painting them on you're kind of just you're trying to like okay so what was your first impression of me when we met and and you and I were in the airport I I think I was taken aback because when what people kind of like don't understand it's such a like a I guess like a gen Z thing is that like when you meet someone online on FaceTime or on like Instagram or whatever you don't have a gauge for their like physical person because you're only talking to like this you know what I mean yeah so you were just a floating head for like a little while but now that the eyebrows are done we're gonna move on to the eyeballs I don't feel comfortable putting eyeliner on you because I don't want to poke your beautiful eyes out I do feel comfortable doing your eyelashes okay don't you have to put something on my face blush then you have to put on your face bronzer no sunscreen after sunscreen found Foundation that was on the tip of my tongue that was my second guess after I don't know this one no to the right there we go that one next question what has been your favorite look of mine look um um my favorite look is anytime you have to dress up fancy and nice the post sweatpants full Glam but hoodie and my gym shorts I love you too okay here we go oh what nope on that side remember do you see me do that yeah yeah okay little painting that's my palette is this a whole face situation it can be stressful to do your makeup really sometimes I like I'm so happy with the way I've done my makeup and then sometimes I'm like I hate the way I've done my makeup really that's a lot I'll spread it blend it's the word land I'm gonna blend this do you think your favorite makeup product that I wear is well it's not exactly a makeup product but my favorite Florence sorry don't eat that it's okay it is vegan though it is you're right babe um my favorite Florence product are the moisturizing beads ah I love the mosque yes the mask that you um give to me sometimes huh I really enjoy that because it's like so fun and so easy to take care of they're pearls pearls you see how they're two different colors yeah so you just have to no no more but you'll just want to like blend all right well this is my salon thank you sorry what was the one time I ever gave you the ick you've never given me the egg once you get the egg you cannot get rid of it all right all right who could have given me the egg by picking me up from the airport that alone is just icky but you didn't which is why I think I loved you oh yeah that's nice and that's fair yeah well you never propose to me yeah I was and because it's not a known story there were many different factors that went into it that were actually life-threatening that if they went up awry it could have been detrimental to your to your life but luckily for you it was amazing but yes I was nervous to answer your question um I answered your question why please marry me I think this is a good time to use the map yeah if that's what you think well okay I feel like you've watched me do this all the time how do you not know I know but it's it's like one of those things where you just kind of zone out and you're like okay plus I'm more used to being like hurry up and tell me about it how do you think I'm doing so far is this a good you're doing great really okay we're going to add on I need one of those I guess I could use this okay is there something you see me do before I put oh powder I love doing this check this out this I've seen this on close your mouth and your eyes okay don't open your eyes because that's not what happened on Instagram sorry I did something yeah yeah now we want to do like some type of don't you feel like my eyes look a little dark okay okay I'm gonna hit a hint okay so what kind of what do I put on you sometimes because we don't have that no highlighter no concealer concealer concealed I'm feeling you can feel you don't feel what's my favorite song babe I mean it's a Taylor one there it goes yeah I know the last great American dinosaurs because I'm a member of it oh yeah all too well 10 minute version no sometimes when I close my eyes and it creases yeah to stop that you can put some of that mattifying powder on oh finally my friend mattifying powder we're going to put the mattifying powder under your eyes yeah we can put a little bit under that okay so what happens now like now I look like this so now I'm going to blend out on that we're going to move on to the mascara bronzer we're going to move on to the bronzer and bronzer is here 's our bronzer for today okay that one all over my hands well yeah so now we're gonna put it down your ooh so do I to avoid that would I put a thinner brush probably with just less on the brush I think I've seen you do this one before and then we do it down the nose here next let's use some cheeks this is my favorite part because I just so happen to know [Music] this is the cheeky pop blush stick yeah there are many of them yeah that means that's fun okay what what shade anything most to me at the moment I think we're gonna go with kind Kelly the color spoke to me and Kelly Millie's mother who is one of the all-time most lovely people in the world and kind people in the world all right so I know it goes like like that and there maybe a little there what made you want to put the blush on my nose just because you're giving like it's like cold chili Christmas like oh I know so I'd like to do your eyes first so I've been looking forward to doing your mascara okay I'm nervous okay I'm just gonna look straight for you okay okay wow you're so brave oh that was in your eyeball though it's okay that was in your eyeball it wasn't in my eyebrow I just in my eyeballs I just felt to go into your eye but it's okay okay all right back to normal okay okay looking good do you want to do eyeliner yeah yes I do all right so I would suggest doing this one okay so the first thing is have you played the okay the first thing is have you played the game Connect the Dots okay so first of all what you're going to do is this is the dotted end okay you're gonna do this on the other side I thought this was the one that went on your eyelids no no no no no no they're water line is what that's called yeah that scares me I can't do that I couldn't do that oh we did them underneath too yeah okay now we're gonna use the other side yeah that doesn't look great but that's okay check that out so you kind of see what I was trying to do like one under one over okay I like that that's fine that's creative okay all right now we're gonna do a nude b-i-v-i-p u r VIP bro in my life in my heart oh did that go into your mouth no you're okay that's good is that silence a good or a bad thing it's a good thing okay I think I've lined the top a little bit more than I should have so is that a completed look yeah that would be it that would be that would be all of the the steps that you would need well I feel accomplished thank you so much you're welcome thanks for having me on this um wonderful Journey with you I'm so I'm so excited to go on my huge red carpet right now to go and publicize my new book 19 steps in my new fragrance wildly made thank you Jake Bon Jovi for helping me you're welcome babe I love you I love you too I'm very very excited to go I think this is good a good night out kind of like who is that like not too much lighting you know what I mean yeah let's see a darker space how do we turn the lights off okay okay before you know what it's good for a a distanced conversation okay how are you yeah I think it's probably expensive yes you start walking over and I'm like well [Applause] this video and until next time until you guys ask for another makeup tutorial bye the master Yours Truly The Yours Truly bye bye
Channel: florence by mills
Views: 2,253,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gGTwoKuOXvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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