How To Use a Box Blade | Pro Tips!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome back to the channel we are going to go over to our friend's house you guys uh seen uh our next-door neighbors are building a new house and we're gonna do a little bit of landscaping with the tymt uh 264 and we're gonna use the five foot hardy box blade now this box blade is a nice heavy box blade i i really like the fact that it's made heavy and it that way it gives it some down pressure some of your your cheaper box blades uh they don't they're not heavy enough and they really just kind of like bounce along the top of the of the dirt you'll see when we start using this one that you can really do some work with it so let's get this thing hooked up all right this is the pat's quick hitches and i have really really grown to love these these quick hitches here i've tried a regular hitch uh you know just using the three point hitch i've tried the the the square box quick hitch the the square box quick hitch is probably the easiest as long as you buy every implement matched but you know i found quite a few uh you know implements on craigslist or you know local paper where i can go out and buy a perfectly working implement for a lot less money and these will work on it whereas the square quick hitch won't always but this is still way easier than just this traditional three-point hitch let's get hooked up so in my opinion the box blade is probably one of the most productive dirt movers you can have for a small compact or sub-compact tractor you just gotta know how to use it to make it work to make the box blade work correctly you have to set it up correctly first thing you want to do is you want to have the rear blade that's facing forward it must have it must be making contact with the dirt so if you run the blade tilt it too far to the back all of the pressure will ride on the back blade and it'll slide across and if you run it too far forward then you'll start getting into your shanks prematurely [Music] this is another reason that i had put the rear remotes on this tractor i have my hydraulics hot link on the other tractor right now and it's at the shop getting the rear tires loaded so in the future i will use the hydraulic uh rear top link so that i can dial in my box blade and change it for what i want what my needs are right now the only way i can change the pitch of my blade is to get off the tractor and go to the back with a crescent wrench and remove it that with the hydraulic top link it's going to make it so much easier to operate everything from the seat so i'm trying to make this as clear as mud what i mean is that the box blade needs to have a slight tilt forward so that the front blade is engaging but when your rippers are in the up position they're not uh are the shallowest position they're not digging in really really deep so tilting forward and back the pitch of the of the box plate is very important but also it's very important that your box blade be level to your tractor from left to right so that means both of your lower arms are level with each other when you hook up to the box blade otherwise one side will have more down pressure than the other and you'll never get that perfectly smooth finish that you're looking for this is probably another one of the most important uh factors of setting up a box blade is making sure that your left to right is level and eventually as you go back and forth across the dirt the fact that the tractor is back in is level with a box blade it'll take care of itself and really start smoothing out the the dirt as you go through maybe the second third pass so now let's talk about uh setting the tractor up uh loaded rear tires are a very important thing for a tractor this size it gives uh this little tractor this gives it about 400 pounds extra weight having my rear tires loaded also i use four-wheel drive the four-wheel drive is on in the trasher and an additional thing you can do is put your heaviest attachment on on your loader if all you have is a bucket that's fine you can just scoop up a little load of dirt uh in the bucket and that'll give you an additional ballast in the front and additional pulling power with your front tires but the best setup is to have your rear tires loaded and also your front uh front weight such as a a bucket full of dirt or in my case i'm using the grout so the next thing i want to talk about is some basic box blade tips and what i mean by that is just some general things you're going to use each time with a box plate i run my shanks basically at the very lowest cutting point so that if i do hit a high ridge the shanks will partially engage and then if you're going to really try to bust some dirt up then obviously you'd put your shanks all the way down and those would be your primary uh part of the blade that's going to engage the dirt it's going to bust it up and you're not going to try to carry as much dirt you're not going to try to pull as much dirt with you when you have your shanks down all the way that's not what it's made for the shanks go down when you want to bust ground up and then when you want to move dirt uh you pull the shanks back up to a more reasonable uh position these are not this is not a pan this is not a scraper it doesn't work this you know it's not going to work like a big piece of equipment these are just some limitations that you're gonna have to deal with when you're using a subcompact or a small compact tractor [Music] the next tip is going to be crisscrossing you want to do criss-crossing patterns uh what i'm saying is you want to go one way that is uh you know straight across and then you want to go basically 90 or 45 degrees out front on the next pass or do a combination of straight passes one way and then do a combination of straight passes 90 degrees from the other this crisscross pattern will give you a a good feel it'll it what i mean by good feel it feels in the holes a lot better when you crisscross and the more you crisscross in different directions the smoother it'll get if you crisscross do a crisscross pattern and continue to do it multiple passes over the same areas it will become very very smooth and you know it's it's what the box plate excels at so the next thing i want to talk about is feathering not all dirt is created equal as you can see uh some of it here in this video right here the clay is very hard so what you're going to do is you're moving on you don't want to ever come to a stop like i just did here the ground the type of ground change very dramatically very fast plus it's going up a hill so the the ultimate thing is to keep the tractor moving forward and keep your momentum so as you're moving along you hit a really hard spot you'll start hearing the engine change it's starting to slow down so what you want to do at that point is feather your box blade up just ever so slightly so it takes off some of the cutting edge of the ground you're still carrying your dirt with you still carrying the load with you then at the after that when you get to the point that you want to spread the dirt out then you go ahead and start lifting it up feathering it up very slowly and but intentionally so that you're letting the dirt fall out the back so a box blade in a skilled operator's hand can not only just flatten land or smooth it out but you can actually change grade and that's what i'm doing in this video i'm changing grade and how you do that is as you've noticed if you watch this video from start to finish you'll notice that i keep going to the bottom of the hill and looking up you can really see where your low spots are where your high spots are and how the water drainage is gonna be and that and that's all done from the lower part you can see some of that from the top of the heel but our eyes are naturally uh calibrated if you will if you look at the bottom if you're at the bottom of the hill and looking up you can see the grade you can also see dips and holes and high points so as you're doing this each time that you go to the bottom of the hill you're not just making a turn you are looking for where you're going to put your next load of dirt and that's how you can take a box blade and really do some contouring of the land to make water drain where you want it to go [Music] so right here i'm dropping a load of dirt off into a low spot and what i do is i go to the bottom of the hill i find the low spot and i plan my next three or four loads of dirt to that spot i go back to the bottom of the hill and i reevaluate you're constantly going to the bottom of the hill and looking up and reevaluating where you're going to put your next groupings of loads of dirt [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right you can look here and see you can move a ton of dirt literally tons of dirt you got to use with it with a subcompact or a compact tractor like the t264 you have to use the weld methodology which is you have to eat it one spoon at a time but you can get some serious work done by just being patient and moving what the trash removed you can see right here well where's where i'm standing we have cut this little hill right here we cut this down at least four foot over two hours of just moving dirt back and forth and we've made drainage you know drainage away from the house so these are the kind of things you can do with a little tractor if you just put your mind to it and and kind of think about what you're doing and take it one bite at a time hey i really appreciate you watching our channel uh if you wouldn't mind hit that thumbs up that lets the google algorithm know that hey you guys like our video also if you wouldn't mind hit that subscribe button and the little bell icon that little bell icon will let you know when we put out something new i really appreciate you watching god bless and have a great day
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 160,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tym tractor, tym tractors, tym t264, tym t224, tym t474, hardee brush tiger, hardeebyevh, christian safe video, christian safe, box blade, best made box blade, how to use a box blade, box blades uses, box blades driveway, Subcompact Tractor, john deere 1025r, gravel driveway repair, pole barn homes, 3 pt hitch, 3 point hitch attachments, how to, three point hitch attachments, Everything Attachments, tractor attachments, hardee implements, first tractor implement
Id: ucKFxaqWx5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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