Why A BOX BLADE Should Be Your First Implement!

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how about you i'm hank welcome to hamiltonville farm today i want to talk about why the box blade is the first implement you should buy if you're starting a farm there's going to be a lot of opinions about this but i think the box blade is one of the most versatile tools that you can buy if you're going to start a farm or hobby farm especially if you're going to be working on your driveways and your roads that are through your property and i want to show you some of the things that we're going to do with it on our property we're going to start in the little garden area and then make our way to the woods and you'll see the the range of functions that this box blade is able to do for you and that's why i think you should buy it first when you buy a tractor so we're starting our fall garden but anyway our peppers look at our peppers they turned out great and plus they're pretty good those are some of the flowers for the flower farm back there in the back i mean seriously when i talk about not having much to do at all like that little pile right there i'm just going to drag back into the garden area here so that pile of dirt is just not sitting there clumped in the corner i'm gonna drag it back out but i'm not too worried about the grass and stuff it should be all dead and we're not planting for a couple weeks so we might come rake it before then but so let's go ahead and get this little pile of dirt spread out and then head down into the woods what he's not telling you is it's actually on his honeydew list [Music] easy peasy it's so much easier than trying to rake all this down by hand [Music] [Music] we just left the garden area and now i've got this little cut through that goes up through here just connects my backyard basically to the access road into my wood and so i'm just going to do a little maintenance on that it's not bad at all i got some little holes to fill right here so i'll take the box blade and do that but like as far as roots and stuff like that goes you know box blade is going to be able to do those dirt roads for you but you want a box blade that's going to have these ripper shanks on them that's really going to help you out a lot when you're going through different types of environments where you need root removal that's just really going to help you as you go through different areas obviously you can take those ripper shanks and move them up get them out of the way and then you can just move dirt back and forth or pull dirt from one side of a project to another whatever or if you need that ripper shank capability you get roots out of your way and things like that to break up the ground and then box blade it i will say this though all right if you're going to buy a piece of property that's nothing but a field all right maybe a bush hog is a better option i guess it depends on your situation right i think that a box blade is an excellent choice though let's keep working when you're thinking about your tractor and what implements you should buy i recently added a hydraulic top link on mine this thing is amazing i i can't remember where i got maybe tractor supply i can't remember where i ordered it from but they're out there somewhere aggregate supply tractor supply you just get the one that fits your tractor or whatever you have to have the rear remotes to plumb your top link into so make sure that you know if you have the rear spools in the back you'll be good to go to plumb that into but i'm telling you can change the angle of the depth you know the aggressiveness of the bite of the box blade and it's it's really really a game changer to be able to get that hydraulic top link put on there and then kind of really massage is that the right word massage the box blade to make it cut the way you want it to cut and then of course you can tilt it you can angle it left and right depending on if you want to shape a road or crown a road box play i'm building the case for you guys i'm building the case for you guys okay you can see this road is yeah it could be bush hogged first probably a better option is the bush hog at first but this road is actually somewhat dirt and somewhat roots so we'll take the box blade this is the before and we'll see what how the box blade handles it as it goes down into the the thick stuff there i'm just going to make this first pass with no ripper shakes down just to knock the grass down then we'll come back and see what we need to do [Music] all right you can see where i push this stuff up here in the back side it goes down just a little bit over there but then it turns into mush i'm not going to worry about that this is where the trail comes out cuts across through here and then i've got another video trail maintenance there you can go watch that this was the job it did without dropping the ripper shanks or a very aggressive angle on the box play so you can see that so what i'm gonna do this time on the way out i'm gonna drop my grapple and i'm gonna let the teeth of the grapple now if you don't have a grapple you don't have to do this this is just an extra benefit but i'm going to drop the teeth of the grapple let it dig into the ground before the box blade and i'm also going to drop the ripper shanks of the box blade and then pull it all that to see just how much i can clean it up okay i'm only going to drop it to the second hole here so you can see i've got three holes one two and three all you simply do is remove the pin pull this pin out drop this ripper shank to the next appropriate hole push the pin back in replace your cotter pin or lynch pin whatever you want to call that thing again i can control the aggressiveness with that top link so these should be good plus that coupled with the grapple should have enough bite to get what i need because there's not a lot of roots on this particular trail section that i'm trying to clean up now if we was going down into there i might want more of aggressive cut because it's got tons and tons of you know yo pawns and things like that root structure across the way man look at the difference look at how clean that is when you just drop those ripper shanks you know that's crazy i mean there is no grass in there whatsoever let's look at the front of the tractor so you can really get a good comparison of how you can manipulate your box blade or manage your box blade settings look at that grass see the grass there but you don't have that when you drop those ripper shanks again and i'm just got my i got my grapple just barely sitting on the ground maybe going half inch inch deep you can really see a difference let's go ahead and go out the other side with this thing and we'll see how it cleans up well maybe let's do a walk through right quick hold on a second this is the area that we've done with just the box blade down no ripper shanks just dragging the blade right you can see look at that i mean you still see how green it is up there all right this is where brutus is setting back here so let's go get in him let's clean this area up and then take a look at what happens when you do it with the grapple and the ripper shanks [Music] this is a section that we just did with the grapple and the box blade so we run the grapple through it first and then box blade with the ripper sinks down grapple down so this is what we get a couple yeah you miss a couple pieces here and there but overall not too not too bad definitely i can walk down through here now i could probably even bring my golf cart to be honest with you so you've seen a different a couple different settings here you've seen it where we just dragged it with the box blade without the ripper shakes down you've seen us do the box blade plus the grapple now let's do just the box blade with the ripper shanks down no grapple and see how that does and for this part of the trail again we'll leave it on the second setting here and then i will work the aggressiveness of the box blade with my hydraulic top link so i'll keep the grapple off the ground just use my box blade [Music] okay i need to adjust the aggressiveness there because it's the blade is not touching only the ripper shanks so let me go ahead and adjust my top link so that the blade catches it as well [Music] [Music] [Music] take a look at just the ripper shanks i didn't use the grapple at all so let's see how it done with just the ripper shanks and adjusting the aggressiveness of the blade itself not too bad i got a little thick spot right here i went over it three or four times and never could get it you know maybe i could have offset my tractor a little bit more and got it with the ripper shanks but anyway so that's one spot but really not not bad so if you don't have a grapple and you're not using your bucket you can still get a pretty good finish with the box blade that doesn't uh require that got a little more stuff here push off my debris there but not not bad is it looks pretty good actually let's take a walk let's talk about the three things that we've done number one we did the box blade grapple up ripper shanks up just the blade itself that you know just knocked down some grass then we did the box blade with the ripper shanks down and the grapple down and that done a really good job and then we did just the ripper shanks down with the blade so the grapple was up so you can see that you got a lot of options to work with that box blade to make it however you want it to be however you want the finish to be you've got options that's the trail that we're eventually all going to clean out it's already been cleaned out this summer but this now that it's the fall we're going to clean that up we've made a video of trail maintenance the other a few videos back go check that out but man check it out i'm talking about this is good stuff right here like literally if you can get a golf cart down it you've succeeded in what you're trying to do now keep in mind i'm not worried about drainage at all okay so there's going to be times where you're going to need to use your box blade to control the drainage or how you want the you know some maybe some soil erosion or something like that this ain't one of those times again i'm telling you the box play it's a pretty good first implement the vibe you ask me there's a lot of options you can do with it and to be able to control it and manipulate it and get it to exactly the way you want it it's good options so something you definitely need to consider if you're thinking about buying a tractor with the first implement and of course we use the homestead implements here but we're out of the the road that we just got through with the box blade on you can see this is what pretty much that's what it used to look like there and now we got a nice dirt road to go into the back into the woods with pretty pretty neat what you can do with this stuff hey if you like these kind of videos make sure you subscribe we'd appreciate it click this little white circle underneath it is another homestead implements and branson tractor video go check out all the implements at homesteadimplements.com save five percent with hank five or if you're a veteran you can save ten percent us vet10 anytime you order homestead implements okay you guys take care god bless you guys i appreciate you watching
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 248,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxblade, Branson tractor, branson tractors, box blade, box blade driveway, box blade for atv, box blade teeth, box blades for sale, boxbalde, homestead implements, hoemstead, farm university, tractro implements, 3 point hitch, 3 point implement, who makes the best box blade, tractor, tractor implements, farm tractor, what to buy, box blade vs landplane
Id: eXmsK2Otpvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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