Super Mario Odyssey - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 11 - Bowser Wedding Boss Ending! (Nintendo Switch)

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all right here we go I'm playing Super Mario Odyssey we're going to the Moon Kingdom and we're gonna fight Bowser it's been an incredible journey so far but now it's about to get real serious I cannot wait for you guys to see what's coming up next in the Moon Kingdom a very stellar ending to the game but it won't be completely over we still got a lot of stuff to do with the Moon Kingdom honey loon Ridge and we're landing right here right now and we're going to attend Bowser's Moon wedding I hope you guys are ready for this it's gonna be the best well don't you look dapper indeed I do those two must be over there no time to dilly-dally let's go [Music] what's up guys axe Scott here playing Super Mario Odyssey and today yeah I'm telling streching streching today maybe we'll fight Bowser we're listening to go attend his wedding I don't have any moons to collect but check it out there's one up here look at this low gravity low gravity look at this oh okay well that makes it a lot easier uh here we go up once more easy-peasy here no but don't lose it anyway I want to thank you guys I don't you know this is definitely not the last episode no matter what happens oh my gosh I want to thank you guys because you know we're gonna try 200% this game because you've made this one of my most popular videos in such a short period of time over 1.1 million views my fastest growing video in forever you guys looked over twenty-two thousand likes to make it all possible I got a moon shining above the moon very true I did didn't I so what we're gonna do today well I'm just gonna make my way towards those coins up there how do I get those I don't know yet don't need to worry about it I guess I'd go this way moon has been really sculpted over here huh boom there we go out even oh you know what I bet slide on the wall as you sign the wall uh all right [Music] immediately what I want to do that place look like it's gonna break I don't know if I can get up here yet I may beg you some tricks let's see it seems like I'm not seems like I'm not grabbing under the wall I get think I should I don't know we'll figure it out later because I know that Bowser over there is waiting for me he wants he wants me to attend his wedding and what better thing to do and do a ten the wedding of Bowser [Music] here that I just crushed it and to the middle of that how do you think I do get up there huh wow look at all this over here hold on hold on we're gonna make this fun here we go now if you think there's low gravity in here I honestly can't tell it's fine I really don't know I can't even tell whoa nice nice coin Hall oh geez oh geez oh geez we're just slipping here really quick there's definitely a moon here can I don't know how many moons are here on the moon it's weird to find moons on the moon is it not let's see ah there's the secret oh I got like three of these little one of these little moon fragments okay I think we're good what's down here anything special okay I just had to see I just had to see alright so what we're gonna do you know we're gonna do okay well sure I found two moons already there's also coins up there in the game well you know we'll figure it out right alright here we go let's just play the game how we're supposed to play it yeah [Music] nice jeez Louise look at this how do i okay so I do this okay nice okay enough clowning around I've still been trying to work on my Mario jumps and they haven't been going as well as I would like but you know it's not super bad right right here's the thing hold on look at that let you see that I think I figured it out so you do this you jump oh gosh okay hold on so you you do this you run hold on so here's the thing I figured it out just now you throw the Hat you can run you throw the hat again then you die for it then you can throw the hat again and then you just end up catching it so not a big deal but I mean it is a big deal here that's you know that's a far jump anyway sorry for we kind of tripping out on the moon here man alright here we go let's go over here let's see what we got perfect another few I don't know if I'll find cat crazy cap here maybe I will put again I feel like ok sorry I feel like I've just been kind of dawdling here is that a word dawdling please don't tell me it's like a bad word but uh there we go nice little leap there's some coins over here let's grab them so wrap it over there again my big priority here is going to be just to make it my way to Bowser he's shooting like a drill at me not cool dude I bet I hit him from yeah I better hit him on top it's okay we don't need to worry about him they're ringing the church bells Oh God Bowser's gonna get married there we go saved it saved it there's a checkpoint over there nice all right uh and again this is so far off there we go nice all right ringing bells plateau now here's the here's the real question can I make it all the way over here look at that look at that look at that amazing jump it feels so much better in low gravity too doesn't it there's a moon right there flipside treasure chest now this is you know these are supposed to make me wrong nice these are supposed to me run so I'm getting moons while you know I'm just killing time here here we go nice I don't even have to worry that was amazing let's go over here obviously you know there's something going on I don't even need it the gravity so low there's a little robot to tell me what's going on Bowser's moon weddings sure will be there I can't wait can't wait to go see Bowser's moon wedding and I guess we'll probably be back here in order to clear things up so quiet Walsh I think how do you think one gets up there huh maybe we go through here what say you is just this kind of skeptical no watch out the whole back there is real deep [Music] here I go hahaha and so quiet almost a kind of a creepy atmosphere she the guests should have guessed underground moon caverns full of lava and Bowser statues alright weird the gravity feels normal in here okay so we can just sit just to further test this [Music] Kelvin just to further test it so you throw that you throw the Hat you go for it okay hold on I'll figure this out you throw the Hat you go for it you just you okay you feel that again sorry that's that's the difference I don't know why I'm still like obsessed with this all right nice perfect well they're both probably are getting married that sure looks like a shortcut over there let's go this way [Music] so yeah I mean this looks pretty straightforward come on really I beat you I can beat you and I can fly I hope they don't run out of juice power now whatever I don't care too much about everything because there are tanks and they're all wearing wedding hats I can probably get through I don't need a tank to tell me what to do there's a heart over here how do you think that gets taken care of you think of tank has to destroy it probably [Music] get out of town yes I just had to shoot it perfect thank you all right so I can use you to you guys supply right you guys you guys are gonna want me to use you to fly right excuse me Wow all right perfect hold on what why is there like a key [Music] something's going on with this I could have maybe found a key somewhere I don't know let's go up again right we're gonna to backtrack so much eventually one day we'll get this all done there we go hammer bros hammer bros keys [Music] perfect nailed it come back hammer broski's great doesn't it work Thanks perfect perfect oh my god all right we did it and we're still going here aren't we [Music] it's interesting because they have they're having me used like the stuff that I I think I clearly remember [Music] so we're gonna stretch it right here perfect right [Music] nice we're back in town we're back in business all right enough Here I am what is this all about there we go we can definitely use the hearts so what do you think this is I think this is gonna break open on me or something I knew it oh my god can I have you I want to be a big this is amazing I'm giant dudes you're gonna want to leave me alone I'm gonna just leave everything alone oh my gosh perfect now we see we got to go we got to go [Music] Oh help crap there's no way to do this now all right I just let's fall off through my debt all right he didn't go fast enough but we did get the purple thing so let's try this again I was so fun [Music] here we go guys close enough and look over here here we go over here so many coins all right again we have this nice see uh hey let's make sure there's nothing over here okay great excellent work whoa you haven't see this guy's it's like Super Mario World hey I want to be you what do I do [Music] boom nice [Music] excellent dude that was awesome all right hold on hold on I'm glad I dress up for the wedding - I probably would not you know just had a fierce fight all right I think we're good maybe is there one up here there is okay great oh gosh oh my god go go go thank you no oh my god oh I thought I could make it I thought he would just grab on to it sorry I saw that over there I like how this is having me be like all different characters it's so cool oh great okay here we go here we go sure we got you I'm guessing he can probably make it across break break break break break break break break break it open break it open thank you here we go take your time take your time I'm gonna see if you can make that jump that's a jump but you know if you can just kind of go that way you think you can oh yeah nice 29 of these things now [Music] come on man okay that's fine man oh no here we go I'll fix this I'll figure it out it's fine all right let's do it here we go [Music] [Music] all right so come on buddy all right I wonder can I just lay him up and in a line and will he just go like if I don't touch anything he just go I think so I think we're doing great I'm kind of moving him right now but that's okay fantastic well let's not leave too early here we go we're way up high oh jeez what the heck was like mama brutal no siree good yeah yeah I remember her from before now she's laughing at me but I'm gonna be the one laughing soon do you remember me you were ever so rude to me back in the Cascade Kingdom in fact you were quite rude to all my darling brood olds which is why we're all here now all of us again now I do believe it's lunch time for my newly powered up Chain Chomp Atkins okay fine lunch time huh you know I could really use a different heart and I'm not gonna head out three times oh come on all right oh yeah we know the drill another drill all right I could definitely use Stan to use symptom splinted sure yeah totally splendid oh my god all right come on now I'm trying here I really am you know I can probably just hear I forget that I could do this what he touched me well you gotta be kidding all the way back here great okay here we go all right here we go straight line [Music] all right here we go all right here we go [Music] come on No dang it doomed gosh I'm doing terrible in this part I'm just trying to make it across I keep making fall off the edge okay it's needed line them up in a straight line and don't even think about changing it that's what I need to do gosh I hate okay hate that I'm not doing so well right now here we go sorry guys we got this correct don't worry we're gonna do this [Music] he's lined up see what both made faces mind ever all right one more time I know it's a narrow platform all right hey buddy here we go all right this should not be a big deal that's perfect don't even look at it all right let's go fight now here we go don't make any foolish mistakes Mario [Music] all right you're gonna skip this as we know all right here we go he ran into her that was intriguing all right let's go go go go go go she's gonna chase me down swiped right twice boom got her blended I think so too [Music] and nothing happened due to that nice that's an opportunity I took it I got all three hats off rats up - yeah boom just like that that's exactly how it was doing it all right do you think how far did he was he's gonna go oh here's a lot of hats and I should know I'm a guy with a lot of hats so pitiful Mario is not me I don't have that many hats at all all right here we go - what two swipes three swipes please be done with this one all right her lips are red from the blood nobody's lipstick got her doing any moons for that or just no okay well that's okay I guess I don't deserve any dubai alright so let's get a move on really quick all right nice there we go there's a heart what's in here [Music] looks like I'm up top and I got a pile of coins ever after Hill happily-ever-after hill I almost jumped down there I would have but I could have fast travel thankfully cuz I got the thing I'm going I'm going I'm going at the same time I do want to check out just to see if there's like anything over here there's one of these thing I know I still don't know what to do with those yet this place is so big do I do anything with this it's a lot of coins right I want to be surprisingly good back at the castle mood there's a frog hey buddy what are you doing here oh my gosh I bet he can jump so high oh my gosh look at this this is so cool hold on hold on there we go oh my goodness perfect I'm happy with this this is so cool okay hold on hold on hold on no no no no no all right great you know there's clearly oh my gosh here we go well I don't want to lose you yet buddy okay I don't want to lose your froggy oh you know I probably ought to keep it up there didn't I did you know what fine there we go a moon so glad I went up here hopefully I can regain my frog nope it's okay we'll be back we'll be back I mean I need them tip of the white spire [Music] and I could definitely go another frog right or I could just do this this isn't so bad right I think I dropped down there I think that's a secret what do you think that is let's see for ourselves wedding hall well there is a moon here so that's that's I'm glad I went this way some exploration never hurt anybody especially me I'm glad I went and checked now what happens that you think if I go down down here I mean I have to right let's see okay yeah can I go where do I go and I'm confused I'm in oh okay yeah I'm probably good for that door the gravity is regular inside knock-knock it sent me Mario and we're not very happy but everyone's here time for the wedding hope I'm not interrupting anything even Pauline in Syria everyone why are you guys here I was forced to attend the ceremony I wish to go home now you came to savor that sweet hey Pauline adjust in time awful awful awful I was dragged away from my cooking for this what is going on in this place this place looks great though this dude looks great here we go just in time hey Bowser Bowser alright oh right Mario looks very angry Bowser's pretty happy though I wouldn't want to ruin bet okay throw your hat you just do a crazy trick jump happy Sammy okay I thought he was saving me looks like we're gonna fight down here hi Bowser alright I'll help you I guess wha-ha-ha crashing the wedding Mario that's tacky even for you also your outfit isn't half way fancy enough for the occasion not that it matters that you weren't invited so now it's time for you to make like a bouquet and get thrown out okay okay all right get ready Mario he's got his boxing gloves on again a Bowser just you know get ready for you done you're into because you might lose this one here's your happily ever after nope let me in the Hat I have a giant boxing hat here we go oh yeah hold on I probably have to forgot to navigate these this is very go God hi I only have three three things to fight you with oh gosh yeah hi I didn't know you're gonna be so mean to me Bowser yeah I don't I don't understand oh nice he's down for the count there we go got him on the spiked wall geez it's the stuff all right what happens to me now I could really use a heart or three oh my god how do I even survive this am i lucky or is this is that able to not hit me and not not able to hit me oh I think it could tell which one's the real one but also hey how can I get some hearts that's here we go all right sure Oh - all right all right I beat cuphead I can do this all right wedding hall hey guys guys have any like thing like you guys have anything at all like it seriously really use all your heart or something I'll check over here never mind skip we know this fights like he's gonna throw everything he has at me let's do this let's do this oh yeah totally totally get it deal with this right all right [Music] alright won't one got him nice they'll teach you all right this is some confusing how I guess I just have to be in the air pretending like I do not want to get hit it's no buts no to pretend it's real I don't wanna get hit all right let's try this again [Music] all right so there's two [Music] there we go at least two there we go got it got it nice thank you all right watch out [Music] I think this is the suffice is right [Music] alright what happens what happens he has several hats oh yeah that take it hearts nice I'm back up to three then [Music] okay so cheese hi Bowser I'm gonna try to beat you right here but I don't know you might have a secondary wave whoa where's the suit oh just him now just just him now oh it's blowing this is good this could be great I thought maybe you'd have a second wife and he still might he's knocked out but he may not be down yet yay peach oh gosh I'm so scared hey let's just get out here Oh God oh these things if these things were not explained to me yet and I think I might find out what these are about now who's one drop down ooh a lot of them because we should consider getting out of here okay here we go maybe our hats will save us also maybe not oh boy well here we go Oh looks like there might be a fight over here she's on his side peace join my side here we go okay yeah uh who are those - oh right and maybe hi Bowser's still knocked out what are we going to do so I become Bowser I had no idea I don't want in this mind this mine is awful [Music] this is so cool that is this this vision [Music] it's a me Mario we're gonna get us out of here right all right okay which way there you go this is awesome oh my gosh what the heck these are turning into gold bricks [Music] I don't have the same what I don't even see that as an enemy or obstacle or whatever maybe there was a heart there somewhere all right dang it being brutalized alright oh my gosh this is amazing this is a joy oh my gosh I'm Bowser oh my gosh this is so cool I'm serious like this is for real the coolest thing I've seen oh my gosh this is truly splendid oh my gosh - the stage is falling away from me we got to be faster than [Music] oh yeah perfect [Music] oh my goodness [Music] I'm just taking a peek just to see what there was this is absolutely incredible Rey Cates oh my gosh what's of the music I see outside we're almost there I'm gonna go in a straight line for now [Music] what I didn't see that as a whole [Music] okay well I love that Sun hey I'm back to 6:00 that's great oh yeah that song would remain mumbles like a katamari a song well all the way back okay that's fine I'll go all the way back here I guess what this seems really far back I didn't see that as a whole like I said did not register my brain as a whole so I got to do this again [Music] all right fine we're fine [Music] here we go all right amazing amazing at least I get this is so fun I can't believe I've do this part again that's so weird we kind of know what to prioritize though [Music] all right here we go and you know what maybe there's something over there I don't know I really don't I really can't tell you oh god oh god you know what who knows I messed it up again I'm sorry I'm sorry we'll get it done I'm surprised I had to start so far back after that but whatever that's when I hear that song again I was a great song whoa I just tossed a fireball all right let's go let's go surely we've got this so I can breathe in okay that got I got I can breathe in this is cool though [Music] right up here here we go let's do this [Music] so there are like four pillars in an amazing song [Music] all right just watch out cuz the time to fear they say but I wasn't paying much attention I almost died I mean I did die [Music] [Applause] here we go there's another one any holes here oh my god [Music] all right here we go nice what's left a big middle oh my god it's falling apart quick get to the middle you know I'm trying here we go and there's a big block here to break my goodness I did it how do I leave his head oh yeah there we go it's all of us [Music] go charging they think oh we're launching to earth no one can stop us now there we go amazing any bounds are still knocked out I don't know that was incredible but I saved all of us yeah amazing right oh and they're reunited - amazing [Music] No dang it [Music] they're fighting over her love she doesn't know what to do I would take Mario just me governing bouncer oh that was totally weird Mario is just like I'm pretty Bowser they kick passing away then how is it truly incredible ending oh my goodness Wow I think this is my favorite episode thus far you know sometimes games tend to kind of dwindle off towards the end but this only got better and better as you approach the end this was amazing holy moly was this amazing this is amazing Wow I mean I mean 10 10 out of 10 right I like to thank Nintendo for sending me a free copy of this game I own i pre-ordered my own I had it on pre-order since before like it had it on pre-order and Best Buy was before this game was like even gonna be a big deal oh no this is always gonna be a big deal you know what I'm saying though right I just I had it I just wanted to play this since I first heard it was a thing and I got it and man I am still happy to play it this game was absolutely incredible absolutely incredible I don't know what else to say I mean like I'm just there were a lot the tin dough has this really unique sense of humor and they've had it for like 30 years if not longer [Music] and it is really showcased perfectly in this game I love this game this game was incredible I just Center on how to say I mean like it's just such a sometimes a bizarre sits at humor sometimes are really nice and charming sense of humor but always wholesome always fun always heartwarming so thank you Nintendo so much for making this game incredible absolutely astounding I'm gonna play it like 100% I mean I I owe you guys that for being so supportive of this series and I owe it to myself because this is gaming history right here this is one of the best Mario games you know you could everyone was talking about like all the different Mario games before and how it relates to this and how this is like you know gets its roots from Mario 64 and how this is like the first true true true sequel to Mario 64 and really it is and they've done a stellar job with it and oh my gosh everyone's trying to relaunch their old franchises bring him back anew but Nintendo's the only one who truly truly knows the soul of what its games is supposed to be about you know the truly no stone soul and what its games it's supposed to be about and holy cow amazing just a phenomenal game but here we are bringing peach back home right thanks for playing gosh we should you're very welcome uh I I made a video before when the switch was announced about how the switch was going to be incredible I cannot believe people actually doubted the switch because it turned out to be truly incredible and great for the company too it was just me I cannot believe there so I just I just there have been Nintendo critics throughout history and they're ultimately always proven wrong and this game does it as well you can now travel to the Mushroom Kingdom that's cool additional power moves are in stock of the shop really music list has been added to the map screen interesting so Mushroom Kingdom Peach's castle here we go this looks amazing there's a crazy cap here isn't there and I'm just relaxing so calm so peaceful like our trip to the Moon Kingdom was all a dream but good thing it wasn't because we saved our two dear friends that nightmare is over her ray for us but I'd like to travel so much I don't want the journey to end I mean there's still so much to do so many hats you need to meet and I bet if we collect even more power moons we'll be able to travel somewhere new so our trip is far from over one more hooray I say but for starters let's head up to Peach's castle incredible this game is definitely to have a lot of content for me a lot of post game content you're gonna you're gonna want to see it for sure I'm gonna go through I'm gonna find everything I can not just now it's not gonna be necessarily now but I'm you know I'm saying here we go this place is beautiful and green with a crazy cap but there's these stuff buried around here a bit snow there's a big gathering inside the castle well what am i doing getting uh getting a list all the toads are wearing hats what am i doing Italy these coins I figured like I could stop by crazy captain SuperDuper quick just to pick up something right I'm at 13 this is gonna go pretty well I imagine I mean I think I'm kind of down here now that's okay we're definitely gonna get enough on your back I see him irulu let's swim together you know I never thought to take him over I probably will Sunday there we got a mushroom pond how do we get out of here because I mean as much as I want to do this I really don't think I want to do the very most is most definitely put a nice finish on this game let's get a crazy cap really quick though and to think you don't even really pick up mushrooms and the scan doesn't even have them like 50 classic mushrooms that you typically see at a Mario game all right let's see what crazy cap is all about the toad brigade runs a store interesting let's see what they have for us and I bet you anything a good buy a power moon but we'll see if that's true they say more power moves are in stock was that Oh a star mushroom kingdom power moon apartment that periodically appears at once yeah I want that what why did it start you got a moon what I'm altar confused but sure we'll just go with it and we've seen this stuff Oh black fedora oh wow I haven't even seen all this linking all this stuff about classic cap classic suit Luigi stuff one oh and I see the olive they unlock oh my gosh 381 left Wow Wow what about in crazy cap what do you have here hi yeah a mario 64 cap you've got to be kidding me of course I'm gonna get that yes bye and then what's yeah changed now of course I remember Mario 64 oh my gosh it was Oh 20 ah dang it sorry I man I thought I was gonna be the same scheme 5 and 15 ok whatever but I got a mario 64 cap I kind of want the and I kind of want the the other one - I only need nine more and that maybe won't be too hard I don't know but of course we could definitely uh we could definitely try to try to complete that next next time as well all right let's let's get into the Peach's castle I love it there's three nope ow hold on here we go I need three more and I can totally get that other out there there they are they're all over the place and the wonders so it's so relatively and expensive now that now we can get it this is amazing okay here we go let's go let's go let's go here we go here we go excuse me I'm in a big hurry I could probably run just faster than that anyway here we go amazing hey buddy hi yeah mario64 suit by and I'm just bad but change now yeah okay there we've got it got it come again I will probably there's probably a lot more stuff to get my face changed I'm like Mario from Mario 64 what the heck oh that's incredible absolutely incredible oh my gosh all right well let's let's go I can't with my face change if you just cancel main entrance all right awful news Mario Princess Peach's gone missing again she packed her suitcase happy as can be and walked off we can't find her anywhere where is she oh well I don't know I mean if she's on her own been happy then I don't I don't know if I mind too much oh wow I haven't seen her what is this [Music] hint art so this is peaches castle oh it's toadette hi I'm Mario it looks like you're on another big adventure that's great I hope you don't mind but I've been traveling the world and keeping track of your achievements I've also got power ones to give you as rewards for those achievements oh hey you've already completed rescue Princess Peach Congrats nice you got a moon rescue Princess Peach you can also see the names of the power of moons you'll get for all of your achievements I've added some hints to the power moon list which you can see by opening your map with that and pressing Y oh wow oh my gosh achieve world peace parent oh my god oh my god - like para moons bring peace to all kingdoms in the world yeah nice oh my gosh oh my gosh achieve world peace I've done that she's gonna give me extra power moons [Music] awesome anything else power moon nights another one you get more paranoids for getting power moons nice what'd I get no collecting world tour alright rad Hatter amazing wearing it well again amazing all these moods I've got them [Music] what I say slots machine nice I guess have I done all the slots machines [Music] capturing novice [Music] what else what else what else anything else Oh checkpoint flagger but I get all the checkpoint or something or most of them I don't even know loaded with coins oh wow hope you achieve off your dreams thanks Wow say I don't know where peach went I don't know if it matters too much where she wins but let's head outside we've definitely got more adventures in the future so Wow well guys thank you so much for watching like I said we're gonna keep playing and playing and playing we've got so much more to check out let's go ahead and register with this Forgotten Isle alright here we go where am I am 195 I hear it 200 you get to check out a new us a new world so guys again thanks so much for watching what happens off to another Kingdom sets sail I'm not so sure what happens but we go to the mushroom you even go back to the cap Kingdom I'm sure there's a lot of stuff to find there especially now that it's restored ah there's there is gonna be a lot to do I know that for a fact guys thanks for watching come back next time for some more Super Mario Odyssey it was such a pleasure to play this game in to beat it I'll see you next time goodbye and thank you for watching I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and what a help this channel grow all you gotta do is click the like button below thanks so much for watching follow me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram this is Otto Egon and I'll see you next time for more [Music] you
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 3,848,964
Rating: 4.7866211 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey Gameplay, Super Mario Odyssey Walkthrough, Super Mario Odyssey Part 1, Super Mario Odyssey Gameplay Part 1, Super Mario Odyssey Walkthrough Part 1, Super Mario Odyssey Ep 1, Super, Mario, Odyssey, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: wfNl38NhDbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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