Woodturning - The Massive Live Edge Crotch Burl

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[Music] now this is a chunk of chunkiness just look at the size of me my vasive is not even a word for it someone gave me this actually it makes central last year and it's taken me a whole year to get it out and make something with it choose me now I'm not too sure whether or not this is gonna fit on my life it's so massive this should be fine actually I should be able to get it using the arm here and extend this and twist this round this is really quite good with this machine the CL 4 rectum record power you can just literally buy this arm which I've got and then I can turn the whole thing around ok so what I didn't know this is there's a bit of a hole in the back I only just turned it over so I think before we put this on the lathe and turn this I'm gonna fill this up with some resin and let that set because when we kind of like turn this then we you know that will kind of be part of the the piece so let's do that [Music] right we've got various colors unsure which one to choose oh sure they look like a champagne I'm gonna go with the blue [Music] [Music] again just me that's it come back to that one [Music] o M G look at the size of this thing it's absolutely joy mu Civ about to turn the lathe my lathe turns so which is pretty cool it's a CL for lay from record powers if you wanted to know but it turns it swivels so because I was no way you'll get don't kick that in there this is no chance so if I can turn it and I'll take it now has this little contraption on the end like a little robotic arm and which is going to allow me to turn this beast I can't believe I've only just got this out about this a year now look at the size of it absolutely massive so I'm hoping to make a really cool huge bolt from this it's gonna look really nice the live edge and stuff we're gonna try and keep all of this so that's fitted in there quite nicely using my little plate sort of one of these plates got a few of them actually really cool so got our resin in there that's all set lovely jubbly so that should look nice hopefully we should reveal some of that at some point so let's err let's get on and give this a bash I'm actually a bit scared [Music] [Music] [Music] oh right billy-ray so whoo this is so massive this whole wave is bouncing around all over the place they're gonna it's moving everywhere it was it was over there now it's over there it's just so big it's looking kind of like rough I've sanded it back a bit but it is a fairly rough looking Bowl anyway so I'm gonna leave it sort of like rough anyway got all these holes in it in gouges and things the resin has got a few kind of cracks in it that we put in there but that's alright I think that adds to the kind of the character of it anywhere who that's going to look quite cool once it's all like finished so we've got our tenon ready to reverse it and put it in the Chuck so we'd get that in there in a minute as well I think this okay good enough yeah I think it's quite cool it's absolute gorgeous piece of wood I've actually not too sure what kind of what it is but nobody's got serious character on it look at this so cool we're gonna try and keep something this some of this has blown off I never feel really I should try and glue it on but it didn't really work well that might look all right actually so what we're gonna flip this over now I don't know what we'll do that we are going to finish the bottom put some sanding sealer on it got some chestnut sanding so you know I'm gonna put on there and then we're gonna put a bit of Yorkshire grit on it and then finish the base we're gonna keep it sort of straight like this because I always kind of curve you will see these curve balls and there wasn't a on the same I'm gonna keep it kind of like this like a basin a basin Bowl right [Music] the would reign in this base [Music] [Music] I asked with the sanding sealer on there look at this I have no idea what's going on in there but it looks pretty funky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] aspetta so what I was saying was is I've changed the shape of this because I didn't like it it looked a little bit boring and I kind of wanted to try and mix it up and change it from kind of a normal bowl but that just looked a bit weird now I know we like weird but not too weird though I've hollowed out the middle of this now and it's looking really nice and really cool funky looking features in this and I think it's gonna turn out quite well as you can see I've gotten round here let me show you so I've kind of like gone over now rather than it kept you know being straight there's our resin bit that was in the bottom which is now kind of coming through on the side that was kind of cool that's gonna create quite a cool feature hopefully wouldn't that stand it back a bit obviously it's got a bit of a crack in it there but that's okay I kind of like that actually I mean I could fill it in but no so not we're gonna do now not what we're gonna do yes what we are gonna do is if we're gonna sand this baby back we're just gonna take me a little while I'll tell what I have found this quite hard to turn it's doesn't know it's just a bit rough and a bit the nice it's just a bit rough around the edges there's been a bit of a tough turn and as you see what a mess now am I in my shop a bit of a pain okay later on so yeah I'm gonna stand this back now you won't see most of it I'll just show you a snippet and then we'll get on and we'll see if we can seal this up with a bit of sanding and that's just gonna make this baby pop [Music] now you don't want to stick your hands anywhere near this bowl because it's got really sharp edges and you don't want to lose any fingers so that's why I'm using this bad boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so I didn't show you all of the sanding because quite frankly it's a bit boring and it takes ages but I've sanded it back now I've gone through all the grits from started at 80 grit 120 180 240 320 400 I finished on it's pretty cool pretty smooth smooth as a baby's bottom oh yes an old joke so oh this is where it gets exciting and really well exciting we're gonna use some chestnuts and encina where are you where are you there it is this is really great stuff so however however however I'm only gonna put this on the outside because I'm thinking this could be really quite a cool fruit bowl in your house so what we're gonna do is we're not gonna use the this one because we think I got some food safe standards they look sanding sanding Saylor sanding sealer I've got some food safe stuff somewhere and I'm gonna use that on the inside where is it where is it anyway so again chestnut again but it's a food safe one so we can use that on the inside this on the outside so but watch this baby oh this is gonna be nice so take this up to the shaking back if you're wondering why I'm using just tissue I get a few questions about this you know why don't you use a rag Nick the thing is if you use a rag you can use a rag if it's stationary like this that's no problem but if you're using a rag and putting it on when the lays spinning that could be pretty dangerous because if that gets caught up anywhere in your piece or your your um you know your life then that's going to pull you in to the light and that's gonna be pretty bad whereas this if this gets caught up well that's what happens so that's the reason why we use this blue paper there you go little bit of Education pull yeah all right so I'm gonna spin this bad boy round because this is what my light does this is the CL for life and this spins nuts that allowed me to turn this still quite fit underneath the bed there no I'm not gonna turn it in okay but it allows me to obviously turn something like this big let's just move you over here so you can see this this is gonna look quite nice when we put this on get some more light edge on it okay there we go look at that okay so that gives us a bit more like wow anyway right okay that's top waffle in it let's get on with this so put a little bit of this on your rag and then look at this watch this this is gonna come out beautiful look at that look at how many bits of grain and bits and pieces and notches and cracks and all sorts are in this that is lovely really nice really really lovely this is gonna look really gorgeous on some of these table yeah I mean with it loads of fruit in it bananas you know apples pears tomatoes well maybe not tomatoes look at that Hey that is so nice so you can put some like wax on this and would wax 22 or something on this to finish this off after we put the sanding sealer on I probably put a couple of coats of this on what I'll do is I'll sound this back again with using the 400 again and then I'll just put another coat of the sanding sealer on it and then that'll be enough I think two coats your sanding sealer on this and then we'll put some wood wax on it so I'll come back in a second let's go to fast motion [Music] all right look at that that is looking pretty awesome so put the food-safe sanding sealer in there that's quite cold and then obviously the other one at the outside so just gonna rub this back a bit and then we're gonna apply another coat and then get ready for our wood wax on the outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes I'm loving this nice look at all the features in this piece of wood unbelievable I've actually still no idea what this piece of wood is so any suggestions as to what it is would be really helpful I'm sure the guy that gave it to me definitely told me but I just can't remember now it was like I say last year 2018 it makes central so crazy but look at this is so nice we bring you up close and personal so you can see all the grain in this and all the bits the resin that we put in there turned out pretty nice I still do a little bit more buffing on this what I do is we take this off in a minute and I'll I'll put this through the buffing wheel and just sort of showing it up a little bit more and that's turned out pretty well you can't really shine up the inside too much but that's ok because obviously it's food safe in there but the inside is not too bad it still looks quite nice I'll put a couple of coats of the food-safe product in there so that turned out okay so I'm gonna pop this off the light now finally finally got this off this tight it's taking me absolutely ages this is absolutely ages but I mean I'm glad that I kind of shaped it up a little bit differently that's looking quite nice so let's brought this up a little bit more and then what we need to do is try and clean up the bottom there and fit my emblem in let's do that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've got my emblem in the bottom there and I've put a little bit of resin on top of it as well this time I normally set these kind of like emblems are using super glue but just I just think that you know it might be better if I start using resin because I think that I have had a couple of these emblems pop out super glue although it's pretty tough it's not that tough and it's definitely not as tough as Prezi so I'll put that in there with resin then I thought to myself actually I'll seal the bottom with a bit of clear resin as well so I've done that and we'll leave that to sit overnight then we're done oh we finished it this was absolutely nuts it was so big it did take me a while to do this and I wasn't sure what I was gonna finish here I did have a bit oh I had a few problems because it was bouncing around so much on my leg and the leg was kind of just jumping around everywhere because it was just so big it was kind of off-center a bit and I've been down to me I don't know but I sort of stopped because it just made so much mess everywhere labor is moving around I kind of stopped doing it and I kind of like left it for a few days I actually probably left it for about a week and then I sort of saw it down there I thought you know what I'm gonna finish this I am determined to finish this so I grabbed it back out and kind of real Evald it a little bit put it back on the lathe and then leveled it some more then it starts to sort of come a bit true but obviously to you you know it was kind of done in one hit it wasn't but it just took me a while and but I'm really really chuffed I finished it actually because it's come out really nicely I've put the resin in the top of there to seal my emblem in there it's 0:08 piece which are kind of like doing the number thing I think that's quite cool this sort of gives my sort of pieces that I make you know do know a bit more remaining I suppose I don't know really I don't put them in everything cos one you can't get them in and two not really worthy of one of those numbers so I thought I'd put that in there and seal that in there quite nicely if you can see that but this wood is awesome it's so nice I really don't know what it is and thank you again so much to the guy that gave me this at maker central last year it's such an awesome piece mate a really sorry that I haven't sort of turned it before really and see just a bow in there there's a cracking it but I left that I thought that was quite cool I just saw all like gives it a bit of character I suppose you can see there's like something going on inside the resident they're like I don't know like a waterfall or something I don't know if you can see that on the camera you just see my round light the halo is a halo inside there if you can see it there is something going on in there anyway look I still see it no no so yeah I mean again I don't know what what it is it's like some kind of a bowl of some kind I don't know but it's pretty awesome and pretty and pretty Megantic if that's even a word I don't think it is but it is now well I hope you like this one a bit it would turn in for you which I know some of you kind of like will enjoy I've got a couple of woodturning projects more woodturning projects coming up as well at some point so stay tuned for those I won't keep you hanging this might have been a long video I'm not too sure you haven't headed today but please like and subscribe if you haven't done already please share the video if you would if you thought it was worthy of a share cuz that really does help the channel and I'm trying to hit the big 500,000 subscribers at the moment that's the big one that is gonna be pretty awesome half a million followers would be immense and we're not a million miles away from that so if you guys could do me the honors of sharing the video then that would be absolutely awesome cuz I really would like to get there I'm gonna do like I know I don't want to do for half a million subscribers that I'm gonna do something I don't know what it is I don't know if I'm gonna do a giveaway or I don't know maybe make something kind of cool to know and then give that away I don't know I don't know I think there's something that I we can do for 500,000 subscribers maybe you can give me some ideas no idea well there we go guys well put it there it's actually quite heavy no it's not well thanks very much for joining you on the channel folks I really do hope that you enjoyed the project I think I've already said that one as well please check out my links below please don't forget to check out me on Instagram as well I would love for you guys to follow me on there I do put up some stories now and again not many stories actually I'm gonna try and get into stirring more stories because I think they're pretty cool but I put up pictures and you know things about what's going on in the week and also would like you guys to check out my little boys channel Charlie the maker I will leave a link below and there's also loads and tons of other links in there where I get my music from epidemics sound my resin where I get that from and loads of other things that will help you in there as well so please check out all the links in the description below thank you for joining me out on the channel thank you sticking with me I really do appreciate it and let's hope we can get to half a million subscribers soon because that would be pretty epic hope you still enjoying the content I hope you all have a fantastic funky weekend take care and I'll see you all for the next one bye for now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 209,969
Rating: 4.8780022 out of 5
Keywords: woodturning, woodworking, makers, makingstuff, making a vase, nickzammeti, makersgonnamake, woodturners, woodturnign a huge bowl, HUGE BOWL BLANK, massive bowl, turning a huge bowl, record power lathe, cl4 lathe, charlie the maker, CROTCH, CROTCH BURL
Id: n5rNm5oWwsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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