How Chef John Burgers

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[Music] grilled bacon meatloaf burgers that's right in honor of the upcoming end of summer grilling holiday i attempted to combine the awesomeness of a bacon meatloaf with the user-friendliness of a burger and i have to say for an experiment the results came out amazingly well although i guess i shouldn't be too surprised since combining bacon and beef does have a proven track record of success but anyway let's go ahead and get started and before we get to the beef and bacon we have to build the base which we're gonna do with the following ingredients so into a mixing bowl we will crack one large egg and drop it in from about three feet away we will also go ahead and add a spoon of ketchup as well as a little touch of brown sugar and a couple teaspoons of worcestershire sauce which i've been told i could just pronounce worcester sauce which sounds a little too easy there must be a catch but anyway we'll do some worcestershire sauce followed by some onion powder as well as some garlic powder and no those are not onion and garlic salt that is just simply dried ground onion and garlic we will also want to do a little pinch of dry thyme and like all dry herbs you want to sort of rub it between your fingers as you drop it in which as we say in the business activates the herb or at least that's what i say and then we also better add some cayenne here otherwise a few people will complain and by a few i mean a lot and then let's go ahead and finish this off with some kosher salt as well as some freshly ground black pepper and then we'll grab a whisk and give this a mix until everything is thoroughly combined and the reason we're mixing all this up ahead of time is so we don't overwork our meat all right if we just dumped all that stuff over the meat and then tried to mix it all in by the time it was perfectly integrated the meat could get overworked and tough so by blending all this first it's going to be a lot easier to combine and once that's that we will continue on with the last of the ingredients so we'll go ahead and dump in our plain breadcrumbs followed by the co-star of the show a nice big handful of cooked chopped bacon and yes i have seen bacon burger recipes that call for raw bacon but i highly recommend we cook ours first which i think is going to produce a better flavor and texture and i almost just said this is a perfect recipe for using up leftover bacon but then i realize there is no such thing as leftover bacon but anyway we'll toss in a very generous amount of cooked chopped bacon followed by our ground beef which i do like to crumble in before mixing and by the way in case you're keeping score at home i am using the 85 lean mix which is generally considered the optimum lean fat ratio for things like burger and meatloaf and then all we need to do at this point is give this a mix with our hand until it's just combined and because we mixed up our seasoning base first this is not going to be too challenging just get in there and mix it until you think the bacon and breadcrumbs are distributed evenly and while we never want to over mix on purpose because that would be kind of weird but even if you go a little too far relax it's still going to be beautifully tender and then what we want to do once that's combined is form this into four burgers or at least that's my suggestion i guess you could do six smaller ones or two gigantic ones but for me this recipe makes four perfectly sized burgers and yes of course i wet my hands before forming these as you know damp hands make smooth balls but they also make smooth burgers and then if we want we could cook these right away but personally i do like to wrap them up and chill them thoroughly before they hit the pan or the grill so let's go ahead and fast forward to a few hours later and we'll go ahead and pop these on the grill which by the way is my second favorite way to cook these as i may have told you in the past i much prefer a pan-seared burger to a grilled burger and i know that sounds crazy to some people but i will explain and defend myself on the blog post but anyway as you can see i ended up going with the grill yes chef john finally got a grill and he was so excited he started talking in the third person but anyway we're gonna pan fry or grill our burgers to about medium and no this grill was not properly set up for burgers i was actually trying some with chicken but i went for it anyway and it pretty much worked i mean i did have a few flare-ups which was a little scary i wasn't really scared for the burger as much as i was for the hair on my forearms i think you're actually supposed to use some kind of heat diffuser when you do burgers but anyway i'll figure that out in the meantime we will assume you can figure out how to cook a burger all right if they feel soft and mushy they're too rare or you want to wait till they firm up and kind of spring back to the touch i'm going to say an internal temp of about 145 to 150 probably is perfect so i pulled those off and headed back inside and what we'll do is we'll let these rest for just a couple minutes while we set up our plate and i'll be presenting these in typical burger fashion on a toasted bun with lettuce tomato and secret sauce and what's in the secret sauce it's the same as every secret sauce recipe it's mayonnaise mustard and ketchup and we will place on our especially gorgeous looking bacon meatloaf burger and that's it i'm going to serve mine just like that and of course if you want to add some cheese or some more bacon or some grilled onions or whatever go ahead that's going to be up to you you are the boss of your burger de rigueur is i use a little bit of what i call cocktail party french but anyway i'm going to eat mine just like this and as i was putting that top bun on and picking this up to take a bite i was thinking man i sure hope this tastes as good as it looks and man did it ever i mean this thing had everything you wanted a great burger it was juicy tender and tasty but it had the flavor profile if you'll excuse the expression of a bacon meatloaf so as i already mentioned in the intro i just really loved how this came out i could have easily eaten two of these which i did but anyway that's it what i'm calling a grilled bacon meatloaf burger if you like burgers give it a try or if you like meatloaf give it a try and if you're one of these people like me that likes burgers and bacon meatloaf then making this is a total no-brainer okay so i really do hope you give this a try soon head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] hello this is chef john from with loco moco that's right we're making something that translates to crazy moco and what does moco translate to trust me you don't want to know but what you do want to know is that this easy fast and filling hawaiian classic is comfort food in every sense of the word which makes a lot of sense since this was especially invented for broke starving students but don't worry it works just as well for affluent hangry adult professionals so with that let's go ahead and get started and for this dish besides some cooked white rice we are also going to need some kind of ground beef patty and what we'll want to do is season this very generously on both sides with some salt freshly ground black pepper and cayenne and by the way this patty should probably be about half the size you see here as in like something much thinner around four ounces and you'll see why later when i'm struggling to eat this but for whatever reason i ended up going with the half pound here i guess i was trying to do a lower carb version i don't know but anyway regardless of the size we'll go ahead and season that and then i also like to slice up about a tablespoon or so of green onions and you're going to see what happens to those in a second and then besides those in our burger patty we're also going to want to mix up our sauce which will start with a nice high quality beef stock or broth or as the cool kids call it these days bone broth and then to that we will add a splash of soy sauce as well as a dash of worcestershire sauce and a little touch of sesame oil all right just a couple drops and then i also like to sneak in a little touch of ketchup and then almost last but not least a couple teaspoons of cornstarch and we'll go ahead and whisk that in and while it is true a lot of versions use a flower-based roux to thicken this i think the cornstarch is easier and works much better as well as i think makes for a better looking sauce and it was right about here when i realized i hadn't added my sugar yet and while that little bit of sugar is optional i do think it helps balance all the flavors here so you decide i mean you are after all the cocoa of your loco moco and speaking of highly intelligent apes we really do want to mix up our sauce ingredients before we head to the stove to start frying our burger okay because once we plate up our burger we want to be able to finish the sauce very quickly and that's it once that's set we can go ahead and start cooking our burger which i'm going to do over medium-high heat and a little bit of butter that i toasted ever so slightly before placing it in my patty and by the way if you like your burgers rare or medium rare i'm not sure that's going to work quite as well here because we really do want to get a deep serious crust on this burger which is going to take a few minutes so you go ahead and cook this any way you want but i believe the longer it stays in the pan assuming we're not going to totally dry it out the better so i gave that first side about five minutes or so and then flipped it over and as you can see we've created a magnificent crust and then what we'll do once that's flipped is go ahead and toss in our green onions if we're using them and we're actually going to go ahead and char those while this second side cooks and of course in the business char is just a euphemism for intentionally burning something and eventually what all those little dark brown bits are going to do is help give our sauce a beautiful dark brown color but also add another flavor element to our burger which is why once we think our burger is cooked which is probably going to be about medium to medium well we'll go ahead and spoon some of these caramelized onions over the top and we'll remove that burger to a plate to rest in a warm spot at which point we'll give our sauce mixture a quick stir and go ahead and dump it in where we'll very effectively deglaze this pan meaning it will help dissolve all that goodness off the bottom and you'll see by stirring this over medium high heat for just a couple minutes not only will our sauce thicken up beautifully the sauce is going to take on a beautifully deep color and gorgeous glossy appearance so we'll simply cook that stirring for a couple minutes until we have something that hopefully looks like this at which point we can reduce our heat to low and other than tasting this for seasoning it is pretty much ready to use okay so on our checklist we've made some rice we've cooked our burger we've made our sauce which just leaves us one last task and that's to fry an egg which i'm going to do over medium heat and a little bit of butter oh and the reason we use a ramekin to transfer that in so we know for sure the yolk's not broken right is there anything worse than adding an egg to a pan and the yolk breaks no that's the worst but anyway we'll go ahead and cook that egg as long as we want and i think we should probably season the top with a little pinch of salt as well as the obligatory shaker cayenne and yes if we're smart we will cook that while we're doing our sauce and that's it once our egg is cooked to our liking we can go ahead and assemble this dish which will start with a nice hot base of freshly cooked white rice onto which we will place our burger along with of course any and all accumulated juices at which point we'll proceed to smother this with our perfectly made pan sauce and i keep calling this a sauce but since this is most definitely a comfort food we should probably refer to it as a gravy and yes it is a generous amount since in the entire history of loco moco no one's ever said this is good but it had too much gravy okay because that rice is going to soak it up so we're going to be generous and then once gravied we'll go ahead and place over our runny egg and then i decided to turn the plate so it looked like an eye here's looking at you kid that reference was dedicated to all the old people and then i went ahead and finished up with some sliced green onions and that's it our loco moco is done and ready to enjoy so we'll go ahead and bust that egg right in the oak and dig in which we should probably be doing with a spoon if we had a nice thin normally sized patty but since i went with the half pounder here i was forced to use a fork and knife and not very well i should add okay a burger this big and thick is perfect for a bun but maybe not so much on top of rice but anyway i should probably stop complaining about having too much burger and move on to the part where i tell you how awesome this is which really was super awesome right just that sauce on the rice is worth making the dish for but the combination of those two things along with the burger and the egg really does make for a quite substantial and extraordinarily tasty meal so other than having to do a little too much work with the fork and knife i really did love everything about this but anyway that's it my take on locomoco even if you didn't know the history of this dish you pretty much could have guessed it was invented for broke starving students who also may have had a couple drinks before they enjoyed this so whether you're a young starving student who's pinching pennies or you're an older professional who wishes you were i really do hope you give this hawaiian comfort food classic a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy hello this is chef john from with black and blue steak burger that's right not only are we going to show you how to make your own hand chop burgers and then flavor them with black pepper and blue cheese but we're also going to prove our love to whoever we're serving these two by chopping up some perfectly good steaks which some people might consider crazy but i'm pretty sure those people haven't tasted this since it really did make for an extraordinarily good burger so with that let's go ahead and get started with the aforementioned meat and what i have here is a beautiful fatty ribeye as well as a less fatty but still lovely top sirloin steak and the first thing we need to do here is slice up both these steaks nice and thin and the reason we're doing this is because we're going to have to freeze this before we chop it and i think by slicing this first it makes that step a lot easier right some people like to freeze the whole steak and then try to slice it but personally i think slicing this up first works better and since we're doing two different steaks that have different amounts of fat once sliced we do want to give this a mix and that's it once our sliced steak has been randomized we'll go ahead and transfer that back onto the plate wrap it in plastic and pop it into the freezer until it's very very cold and very firm but not quite frozen all right let's say half frozen and speaking of half frozen we probably also want to pop a couple ounces of blue cheese in the freezer because it will be a lot easier to crumble okay if you try to break this stuff up when it's too warm you're going to have more in your fingers than you do in your burgers so make sure that is very cold as well and then what we'll do once we think it's ready is pull our partially frozen steak out of the freezer and proceed to give it the old choppa choppa and for that any big old sharp knife will do but if you have when a cleaver like this works the best and please be very very careful if you try to do this with one hand especially when you first start because what will happen is larger pieces will sort of fall away from the pile and you will reflexively reach for those with your free hand and long story short probably chop off a fingertip so what is a much safer technique is to place your free hand on top of the knife or cleaver so that there's zero chance of cutting it plus by using two hands you can cut through this stuff even easier so that's how we should probably do it at least until we have everything in nice small pieces then if we want we can switch to one hand to finish it off oh and if you're wondering why we're going through all this trouble and not just buying ground meat is because the stuff from the store is almost always overworked and overground which can make for a very tough burger so by taking a few extra minutes and doing it this way the texture is going to be much better not to mention we're using steaks and who knows what kind of mystery meat they're grinding up all right that's why they don't let anyone watch but anyway what we'll do once we have that chopped to resemble coarsely ground meat is stop and crumble in a couple ounces of parsley frozen blue cheese at which point we'll use our cleaver to kind of fold everything together and then give it one last quick chop until we feel like that cheese is fairly evenly mixed in and usually when people talk about a blue cheese burger they're either stuffing the cheese in the center or they're just topping the burger with the cheese but by actually chopping it into the meat like this something fairly magical is going to happen when we fry these as you're about to see and that's it once our chopped meat has been cheesed we can go ahead and portion that up and start cooking or what i'm going to do portion them up using some damp hands of course and then wrap them and pop them in the fridge until we're ready to eat and as usual the plastic makes it really easy to flatten these out and because i started with about a pound and a half a steak i ended up with three big beautiful burgers so we have one for you one for me and one for we and that's it we'll pop those in the fridge until we're ready for final production at which point we'll pull one out and press it down to as thin as we want and i generally like a less wide thicker burger but for this black and blue steak burger i'm actually going to press it out fairly thin all right i'm going to sacrifice being able to cook this medium rare and keep a nice pink center so that we have a lot of surface area to achieve an extra severe crustification which i think really makes this burger what it is but regardless before this goes in the pan we're going to go ahead and season it up with some salt as well as an extra generous amount of freshly ground black pepper and if you don't put that you'll only be able to call this a blue steak burger which is just not nearly as catchy of a name but of course suit yourself i mean you are after all the big daddy of this patty and you go ahead and season this up any way you want including but not limited to adding some cayenne which i'm not going to so that people leave lots of comments under the video but anyway once we have that seasoned and pressed we'll head to the stove and place this in a dry but well-seasoned pan set over medium-high heat and yes make sure that pan's hot before you place it in and once we place this down do not touch it or try to move it right we have to give it at least three or four minutes to form a crust and what's happening here is that blue cheese on the surface is melting and basically forming a blue cheese butter in which our burger is searing which as you'll see creates some very impressive crustification and in case you're wondering sure you can start with a ball of this and then flatten it out with your spatula using the smash burger technique but i think because this has the blue cheese i like to flatten it out before we start and because this burger is so thin we don't have to worry about trying to catch it at medium rare or medium we're just going to cook it through and that second side is probably only going to take a couple minutes and as soon as it stops feeling mushy and kind of springs back it's probably done which mine was so we'll go ahead and pull that off and transfer it onto a toasted sesame bun that has been swiped with some mayo and of course these are homemade so we can get the exact size we want and thickness all right a thin burger needs a thin fast food style bun and then the only garnish i'm going to do here is some pickled red onions plus just a little extra crumble of blue cheese and this is one of those things that you look at and you think that needs something else but then you bite into and you realize that did not need anything else okay so while i was tempting to dress this up with some lettuce and tomato to make the pictures look prettier that would not have made it better and i wanted to show this exactly how i would eat it which is what i'm about to do and that my friends is just an amazing burger right that beautiful crust we got frying it and that melted blue cheese gives it the most beautiful texture very super crusty and a little bit crispy around the edges and then inside we have all these little molten pockets of melted cheese and because this is fairly rich the little bit of acidity from our pickled onions balances everything perfectly so i just love everything about this experience and even though we sacrificed a couple perfectly good steaks the gorgeous flavor and tenderness of this i think makes it all worth it plus people aren't bragging to their friends you made him a regular burger but the you made them one out of hand chopped steak that is a story that's gonna get told and many times but whether you're going to make this to get included in people's burger-related anecdotes or you just want to taste what hamburgers were like before machines were invented i really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] hello this is chef john from with teriyaki burgers and or sliders that's right i'm going to show you my twist on the old teriyaki burger which is usually just a plain patty covered in some kind of teriyaki sauce but that's not the way we're going to go here we're going to actually put some teriyaki flavorings in the burger which makes these way more cookout friendly of course ironically i ended up not grilling these outside but regardless these came out really really good and had my tripod not broken at the end this would have been a completely successful video but we'll get to that for now let's get started with where's the beef so i have one pound of ground beef your standard 85 lean 15 fat mix and what we want to do before we start adding the flavorings is break this up a little bit with the tip of a fork which is going to help allow us to integrate our other ingredients without over mixing everything so what we'll do is we'll just break it up a little bit like this and at that point we can start the teriyaki process so first up i'm going to add a little bit of worcestershire sauce so we'll sprinkle over a little bit of that followed by some soy sauce and i'm going to drip over about two tablespoons and we are going to mix this but please note we're going to kind of drip this all over the surface just for a little initial distribution before we mix it with the fork again and by the way yes you can mix all these liquids together and drizzle it over at once but anyway we'll add some soy sauce followed by a tablespoon of sake that's right we're putting rice wine in our burgers and by the way the sake is actually clear there was some soy sauce in the spoon and of course sake is a key ingredient to real teriyaki or so i've been told and then after the sake we're going to do some mirin which is very similar to sake only it's a little sweeter so a little bit of mirin and then we'll finish off with a little bit of hot sauce i'm using sriracha but that's up to you of course you are and always will be the boss of your sauce and then last but not least a little bit of brown sugar not too much and then what we'll do is we'll take the fork again and give this a fairly gentle mixing and the reason we're using a fork over our hands is because a fork is cold and sharp as opposed to our fingers which are warm and dull so this is definitely a case where the tines are on our side so we use the tip of a fork to mix this gently and do not worry about mixing it completely perfect because what's really going to accomplish the final mixing here is when we form these into patties so we will give that an initial mixing with our fork and then we will switch to our hands which i've run under cold water wet cold hands always work better and since i started with a pound of beef i decided to divide mine into four four ounce sliders and yes four ounces is kind of a big slider they're usually closer to three and by the time that burger is shaped into a patty form everything should be perfectly mixed and then once our burgers have been mixed and shaped we could cook them immediately or pop them in the fridge until you need them but i'm kind of hungry so i'm going to grill a couple up and the beauty of this recipe because we don't have to worry about any sticky sauce is that we can pretty much cook these any way we want charcoal grill gas grill or one of these grill pans which really is a great alternative for grilling things when you can't get outdoors so i'm going to cook those on what i'll call medium high heat for approximately three or four minutes per side and generally with these grill pans you want to kind of leave things on there until you're going to turn them but you know i'm a sucker for grill marks so i gave mine a half turn to try to get that cross hatch pattern and a little bit did stick on one of them but not the other i mean why would one stick and not the other these are the kind of wonderful mysteries you deal with when you cook but anyway like i said i cook that for about three or four minutes on the first side and when i see that doneness going up the side i'll flip those over and give them three or four minutes on that side and just like if you were using a gas grill or a charcoal grill when your burgers start to get a little bit of a dome shape and you see juices kind of coming up through the top that's generally a sign you're pretty much done unless you want these well done which you don't so right here i determined mine were ready so i pulled them off and i went to set up my plate and my tripod broke yep the threads on that thing that hold the camera steady totally got stripped which is why for the rest of the video the camera's kind of moving and shaking so my apologies i was kind of surprised because this thing was imported and cost over 19 but anyway i placed my teriyaki slider on a homemade sweet potato slider bun and topped it very simply with a little lettuce and tomato with michelle's help and then just so everyone's clear it's a slider and not a hamburger i will add a pickle slice to the top and then impale everything with one of these fancy bamboo skewers and our homemade teriyaki slider on homemade sweet potato slider bun is done hun and even though i spent 15 minutes trying to fix my tripod and this thing was ice cold by the time i ate it it still was amazing despite not being glazed this had a beautiful teriyaki flavor and because we carefully forked it and did not over mix it with our hands had a beautiful tender texture and again i apologize for the camera movements i'm basically holding it with one hand while i'm trying to eat with the other and i was doing a pretty good job of keeping it steady until i tried to eat a potato chip and briefly lost control but anyway that aside this really did come out great and above and beyond showing you something a little bit different you could do with burgers this recipe was also intended to serve as a major tease for our next video which will be how to make the aforementioned sweet potato slider buns and as everybody knows the hardest part about making good sliders is finding great slider buns or rolls i mean people usually end up using dinner rolls which are okay but they're just not even close in quality to these sweet potato buns so please stay tuned for that but in the meantime i really do hope you give these teriyaki burgers and or sliders a try soon so head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy [Music] hello this is chef john from food with hamburger buns that's right i've gotten like a thousand requests for these which is understandable because it's not easy finding a decent hamburger bun at the store i mean they're either the wrong size or you look on the label and there's a whole bunch of weird ingredients like riboflavin and whole grains so what we're going to do is make our own hamburger buns and not only are they going to be the perfect shape they're going to taste way better than anything that comes out of a plastic bag so here we go we're going to start by putting one package of dry active yeast in the bowl of our stand mixer to that i'm going to add half a cup of all-purpose flour and then one cup of very warm water not too hot it should basically feel like bath water and at that point we're going to take a whisk and mix this up and then we're just going to let that sit there for about 10 or 15 minutes and if your yeast is okay and active you should have something that looks like this kind of foamy like the head of a beer so now we know for sure our yeast is alive and thriving and we can go ahead and add the rest of the ingredients the first of which would be one whole egg we're also going to put in some melted butter some sugar some salt of course and then before we add the rest of the flour we're going to go ahead and take a whisk and mix that very thoroughly okay so once that's mixed we're going to go ahead and dump in the rest of our flour we're going to throw the dough hook on our mixer oh and by the way speaking of nice buns i name all my kitchen appliances and ironically i call this piece of equipment sir mix-a-lot anyway we're gonna throw the dough hook on we're gonna put that on low speed and we're basically gonna need this for five or six minutes or until we have a soft sticky dough if you need to stop and scrape the sides down with a spatula go ahead but usually the dough will pull most of it off the sides and after a couple minutes i'm going to stop and evaluate and what i'm checking for here is do i need a little more flour and here's how you're going to know now as i mentioned we want a very soft very sticky dough but not so sticky that it will stay attached to the spatula so if you're moving it around like this and it's smearing and sticking onto the silicone it's too wet or you can also check with your fingers it should be very soft feeling very tacky but large amounts shouldn't stay stuck to your fingers so at this point i determined i was okay i'm not gonna add any more flour i'm gonna turn that back on and knead it for another two or three minutes like i said it's going to be about five or six minutes total kneading and when you're done you should have something that looks like this all right very soft very elastic let's go ahead and transfer that onto a lightly floured work surface for a final check and you can see here it's definitely a little sticky but it's not attaching to my fingers which are just very lightly floured oh it wants a stick but it's not sticking okay and when in doubt always go for a little too sticky versus a little too dry you can always knead a little flour into these okay next up is your standard dough rising procedure i'm going to wipe out the bowl i'm going to put in a few drops of olive oil i'm going to throw the dough back in and move it around until it's lightly coated with the oil and then we're going to cover that in foil and let it rise for about two hours or until doubled in size i usually leave mine in the oven the oven's off of course so after two hours we're gonna unwrap it mine look like this we're gonna knock all the air out of it all right now with the spatula in the bowl i was just doing that for fun you're going to plop it on a lightly floured work surface and just pat it down with your hands all right don't be afraid to give it a little dusting of flour when needed but don't use too much less is more with the flour and besides knocking the air out of it what we also want to do is form it into some kind of rectangular shape so we can cut eight equal pieces so i'm just using a little pastry cutter here i'm gonna cut it in eight and then the first phase of formation here is just take each piece and make it into a little round mini loaf just like that smooth top and really the reason for this is to see how even these were portioned if one's bigger than another take a little pinch of dough off and stick it into the smaller one all right but mine were pretty even so i'm on to the next phase which is transferring these onto our baking sheet and all i'm going to do is use my palm and if necessary fingers to pat this out into a round disk shape about a half inch thick and you can see here i've lined my pan with a silicone mat you could also use parchment paper and look at that pan rocking note to self buy new sheet pen all right so i'm gonna do that to all eight pieces and i want you to pay particular attention to how i'm laying these out we're using the old two one two one two hamburger bun placement method and as you'll see when those rise and bake that's gonna give them that classic hamburger bun appearance once those are trade up we're gonna give them a very light dusting of flour very light just a fine dusting and then we're to place some plastic over the top and i did not say wrap them you're going to drape the plastic that's right i said drape we don't want any pressure on these we don't want anything pressing them down and once those are covered we're going to let those rise at room temperature for about an hour or until they look like this check it out those are pretty now at this point you're going to want to preheat your oven to 375 and then we're also going to make a little wash for the top which is going to be one beaten egg plus a tablespoon of milk you're going to take a fork and mix that good and proper and then you're going to take a pastry brush and then you're going to very gently brush the surface i want you to use an extremely light touch all right if you press too hard these will become deflated which in turn will make you emotionally deflated and that's not the idea of these videos these are supposed to elevate your mood and not make you depressed all right so be careful light touch and once you've gently and carefully brushed all your buns the final and maybe most important step you're going to shake on some sesame seeds if you don't put sesame seeds don't even think of colonies hamburger buns you have to call them buns so i'm going to sprinkle on the sesame seeds that wash is going to make it stick on beautifully and at that point they're going to go into our preheated 375 degree oven for about 16 minutes or until they look like this check it out now be honest have you ever seen a more gorgeous hamburger bun in your life i said be honest that's better alright and then the rest is easy simply let them cool completely before tearing them apart and you'll see because we use the old two one two one two method they're gonna be slightly attached to each other which gives them that signature hamburger bun look just beautiful and then let me cut one open here so you can see that absolutely perfect texture the perfect crumb soft supple buttery very light and yet totally sturdy enough to stand up to a hot hamburger so i garnish mine with a nice medium rare half pound hamburger and that was just a thing of beauty sure took like four hours but the actual amount of work involved is like maybe 10 minutes and like i said these are gonna be vastly superior to anything you find in the store okay and i'm gonna take a couple quick nibbles that was not edited that was in real time and here you can see the absolute perfect bun to meet ratio which is two to one each half of the bun should be the same thickness as the burger so like my good friend sir mix lot once said the wrapper not the electric mixer my burgers don't want none unless you got buns hun and thanks to this video you will have buns and beautiful ones at that so i really hope you give these a try head over to for all the ingredient amounts and more info as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 427,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, hamburger, meatloaf, loco moco, bacon, steak, teriyaki, cheeseburger, hamburger buns
Id: 2eFNWM_YXs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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