Bouillabaisse French Fish Soup | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends delicious fish today we're making bouillabes from Marseille except with 6 000 miles away we're still gonna make it delicious we're gonna make this delicious fish broth first and then we're gonna poach all these delicious fish and we're gonna serve it with a crostini with a really traditional rui delicious friends remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned we're making booya best together thank you [Applause] okay friends well you know I'm from Mexico actually I'm from Exxon province which is a little bit north like um 20 minutes north of Marseille but ultimate the ultimate the ultimate fish soup and and we're gonna make it good you know been in the United States for almost for over 50 years I've learned to make it uh where it's uh it's American friendly if you will you know you can't just make it uh the way they eat it in Marseille the way you serve it in Maasai you serve it with a fish and the head and the bone and everybody got to go in there and dig in we're gonna make it where you don't have to do any of that all right but now we're gonna make a beautiful fish soup my friends and a fish soup is most most important you got all kind of vegetables you know I'm doing a lot because I got a big pot and and I like to make a lot because I got plenty of room in the freezer so I can make a lot I recommend you make that as much as big as you can make it because it freezes beautiful and with a a fish soup stock you can make sauces you can make soup you can do anything I make biscuit you can make all kind of stuff so what you need which is most important friends you need a relationship with your fishmonger because you see just now this morning I went in and I got the at the uh the fish Peddler fish Peddler is my fish store in Fort Lauderdale we're very lucky I've been shopping there for 40 years it's phenomenal they're all so nice and uh you call them up and uh and you say look I'm making a fish soup I was wondering if you could save me some bones and make sure you give a little tip to the guy give you the bones okay if they may probably charge you a little bit for it because they got a cutter they got to clean it make sure there's no guts in it see right there nice and clean no guts so that seems like a lot but it's not and then a beautiful head and a red snapper look at this make sure you're also friends then the Gill of the fish are beautiful look at this look how gorgeous that is the Guild of the fish are beautiful and I got a red snapper also and we're gonna do and look at this look at this it's fresh and and you clean the head make sure there's no guts in it no no blood no nothing okay and and the Mahi is going to give you the best mild fish it's not very fishy that's why I got the Mahi and that's the I'm also going to put some red snapper in the in the bouillabest I put everything they gave me right there okay so we got the um we got the fish bones in there now if you don't have fish bones plants because you don't have a relationship with a fish monger you got to figure out a way to get a couple of fish bones oh you know what's also fantastic friends is shrimp shell look this is shrimp salad when every time I do shrimp I clean the cell I rinse them and I put them in the freezer and whenever I make a stock boom I put them in there because they're going to give a beautiful flavor okay then we're gonna put leeks whenever you make a soup you gotta put leeks okay and I like to use the white and the light green part of the leeks they they not as bitter and then and then a fresh thyme and and put the whole thing in there fresh and white time white time because time is flower time is gentle Diamond goes with everything a couple of cloves of garlic it's poaching the garlic so it's going to be very mild put them all in there and um right and then celery everything nice and clean you know celery in there right and then and then carrots so so celery carrots and onion oh did I tell you I put onion in there first I probably didn't even tell you but I had like two but one big bowl full of onion that was the bowl for the onion and and I saute them in there I forgot to tell you what what time someone up with me I always forget something I saw Teddy onion in olive oil before because you always got to do that no matter what you got a saute onion and olive oil right and then fennel fennel fennel fennel fennel gives you the uh the Anis flavor fennel is very special you gotta try to find it if you can't find the fan or you got to put at least fennel seeds in there and if you look at the video on how to cut all the vegetables then we did a little while ago it shows you how to cut it correctly so diced fennel and we're also going to use more fennel when we met the boy about okay I'm gonna cut this guy right there in little pieces and then friends we're gonna put a um this is a a can and a half of tomatoes and I put the water up whatever thing in there okay I wonder the stock to get some nice tomato flavor out of it and then what I'm gonna do friends I'm gonna cover this up with water I'm gonna bring it to boil bring it to boil and then I'm going to reduce it and I'm gonna let it go blue blue blue blue blue low heat low heat for about 45 minutes stock do not fish stock do not cook very long okay for 45 minutes we're gonna clean it and we're gonna strain it and we're gonna have this beautiful stock so we will come back after I had an opportunity to cook it for for 45 minutes to strain it to get it all out and then we're going to make the Boya best together all right friends so I'll be back when it's all done I just wanted to show you how I made the stock first oh no salt and pepper we'll do that when we make the buyer base whenever I make a stock I don't put salt and pepper okay it's not salty because it's not a final dish the salt and the the stock is not a final dish the stock is what you use to make a dish to make a soup to make a a sauce that's when you put the salt and pepper not when you make stock all right friends I'll be back as soon as it's all done okay friends well look you know what I'll tell you I show you that later I want to let you know because we got to get going we got the onion going over there now we're making now the the easy part the difficult part is to make the stocks I'll go back to that in a minute the um the fun part now is to cook the fish because the hard work it's done let's talk about this in a minute I got onion going in a pot okay I am going to put um a a fennel then I cut very small you see that was a little that was the the fennel I was showing you earlier you see I cut it very small remember there's a video and show you how to do it you can do that I got leeks again okay it seems redundant but the reason why I like to do this also my friends is because you see a lot of you are not going to take the time to do that because you don't have time you know you're going to buy a seafood stock Mater or you're gonna buy or you can do is chicken stock too there's nothing wrong with a good chicken stock or a good vegetable stock for the vegetarian idea a good vegetable stock you know it says some beautiful one out there there's no reason if you don't want to make this you don't have to make it okay so you want to make a nice uh best without making the stock this is your thing so but you got to do this though okay so now we're going to make a sapphire infusion Sapphire is one of the most expensive spice in the world you don't have it you could put the um a little um uh or voice a lot of cell phone 55 um you can put a little turmeric to give you a nice little color it's important okay if you don't have a little turmeric uh it's not the same flavor obviously as a form but we're going to get a Supple infusion here or put the supper in there and then what we're going to do now we're gonna put some white wine and we're gonna let it reduce okay remember I got the onion caramelized already so now I got the leeks and and the fennel now I'm going to put a bottle of Chardonnay and I'm gonna let that reduce this is called a saffron Fusion or that looks like a lot of wine it was not that much whatever bottle so uh uh and and we're gonna let that reduce and we're gonna do a saffron infusion okay and you'll see the color in a minute the supply is going to release its fragrance and then after that we're going to put the seafood some chopped tomatoes and I got okay but I'm gonna let that cool I'm gonna let that reduce let me let me show you this is what I got out of the uh the stock is here look look how beautiful the stock is friends you see look how beautiful the stock is so so the stock is here and look that's the bone and you know what I used I use one of those to get rid of it I used a big bone to take it off and this don't give it to your cat now you can do it look at the bones they got a big size bone so we get rid of this and now my friends we're gonna make the rouya the Ruiz got a little bread in it it's got a little saffron and ruia in French means rust it's kind of color rust a little bit so um let's make it so it's an emotion you know like a mayonnaise right so it's got Dijon mustard in it and uh and it's got the egg yolks and you know some people make it with potatoes some people make it with bread uh depends what part of uh uh Provence your apartment they make it all different we're gonna put a little stuff around there and that's going to give us this color and uh and and garlic and garlic of course garlic and then we're gonna make an emotion all right little chop garlic in there and we're gonna do the emotion with uh there you go close this there you go and uh we're gonna put the olive oil and uh we're gonna let it turn and we're gonna make the motion first and then we're gonna add the bell peppers roasted bell peppers and uh and then we're gonna add a little bit of a Risa it's not exactly traditional but I like a little heat in there so you know I like to do things that are not necessarily traditional by the way I'm Paul slowly I don't have to pause slowly because if you have a good food processor at the end of the day the food processor feeding tube but you see we're pour it in slowly that's if you have a good food processor if you have one of them uh uh deck and Decker Black and Decker they want to make the Deep drills and all that they don't know anything about food processor so they don't they don't have a little holes in there to feed it and we're gonna get the emotion going and then when we have like a mayonnaise you can do this by hand you know if you don't have one of those you can do it by hand and then you can add the bell peppers which you have to smash in which case you'll have to use a uh a a a um you don't know what I'm talking about right it's a stone and I got one of those it's like an antique and you can use uh and pestle I know the one thing is called the thing and pestle I forget the name of it but you know what I'm talking about you probably have one and uh let's see how we're doing in there friends let's see how we're doing I want to show it to you because you probably can't see through the uh say now look see we got a nice emotion see right there my friends it's a nice emotion all right so now we're going to continue with the emotion we're gonna make it nice and thick by putting a little more oil in there and then I put the garlic in there and then we're gonna put the bell pepper I'm using a roasted bell pepper you can use a if you don't want to if you don't have a Roosevelt but then don't put it in it's okay still gonna be delicious my friends okay put it in there and then we're gonna put an eraser like I said the Arista is not traditional Arisa it's a wonderful little hot sauce gives a fabulous flavor my friends and now we're gonna put the bread in there okay yeah chefs put different kind of bread in there I like to put a little bit of the brioche bread because it's nice and dense and it gives a beautiful texture you don't have to put it on there if you don't want to my friends okay so look we have it right there and right there you got a beautiful aioli you see look it's a beautiful aioli so you can put it on the toast directly I have a little toast right there you can put them right on the toast like this a lot of people just put it all away under the toss like this with a lot of chopped silly on there or I have a it depends how I make it it'll change colors all the time or you can take a squeeze bottle and put it on the stove like this okay it's really up to you how you doing my friends doesn't matter either way you make it it's going to be delicious let's go back to our uh uh to our reduction our wine reduction right there and then we we'll get into the fish you're good Jack you're gonna be back all right so now this is a base as you can see the saffron as a release color it looks beautiful in there let's go see what we got here friends you see look beautiful color all right so now say the yellowish color come from the saffron we're going to put our tomatoes in there those are just chopped tomatoes and now let's talk about the seafood okay let's put the stock in there too now we gotta stock and this is easy parts okay you can make it in the afternoon the soup you can make it the day before okay this is like the end of it is very simple my friends you see you're preparing everything this is the base of your of your soup you see right there my friends this is gonna be delicious I promise you now we're gonna put the salt and pepper remember we didn't put any salt and pepper so now we're going to sew them back all right because it's got no well that's pepper let me get the salt right there that's the black pepper somebody switched the color there you go you'll come back over there I'll put the salt we're gonna put salt in there now because there's no salt all right now let's talk about the fish let's bring this to boiler okay now let's talk about the fish I got mussels we're gonna put those at the end I got beautiful sea scallops they're gorgeous there beautiful scallop usually I give one per person I got some beautiful halibut halibut halibut is beautiful I cut them in about bite size and I got beautiful group look how gorgeous the scooper is this fish I you know beautiful fish doesn't smell a lot of people are afraid of fish it doesn't smell good fish does not smell at all and look how beautiful this grouper is look at this look at the Snapper this is a now we're gonna wait at the end my friends to put that in we're not going to put that in right now because it's too small so we're gonna put it at the end you see we'll cut it in like a bite-sized pieces kind of like kind of like and I will put them at the end because it's going to cook very fast all right and this if you haven't done a party you want to make a boy a base in advance let me tell you my friends this is going to be fantastic so I'm gonna wait for a second for this mixture to come to boil and then I'm gonna start putting my fish in I'm not gonna put it all at once because the scallop are going to take a little bit longer to cook than the than the rest of the fish especially the Snapper is going to take a second so I'm going to wait for this to boil and I'm gonna get my plate ready I'm gonna get my coffee ready and I'll be back and we finish cooking the fish okay friends I'll be back in a minute okay it's boiling now friends and uh we are going to put a scallops they're going to go in first and then we're gonna put the the halibut in a second I don't want to put everything quite at the same time it's not going to take that much more time but still and then we're going to be gentle and uh let me tell you this this my friend is starting to really really really be incredible in flavor and uh and uh it's already incredible and flavor it and it doesn't even have doesn't even have all the flavor of the fish another flavor that I'm gonna add my friends I'm gonna add a little more garlic because it really has to have the garlic flavor I'm gonna add a little bit of Opera no this is the nanny zet flavor so you don't have it don't worry about it but it gives you you're going to be very careful look this is something friends that I have to put very little of it you notice look that's it this is a French liquor then it's very uh popular in France and uh and the French people love it and um so we're gonna put the halibut and the group at the same time because those now what's gonna happen friends is this cold fish because it's very cold it's going to slow down the cooking process and and I spotted the dealer it's going to slow down the cooking process so we're gonna do we're gonna let her do that and and then we're gonna wait a second I'm gonna put some parsley in there and uh and we're gonna let that come to a little boil again and then we're going to start putting our Snapper and the Snapper is going to take no time at all for insta cook none of that is going to take any time at all all right so and then after that we're going to put our muscles now you know the muscles friends everybody thinks oh if a muscle is open You Gotta Throw It Away now don't throw it away it's because it's sleeping with his mouth open let's see if we can find you one this one is a little open let's see if I can find an open one ah they're all closed they know I'm coming look look look I got a possibly in my hand see this one is an open right here so you ticklish it hey wake up when it wake UPS it closes see this one is not waking up it's not this one is dead probably let's say wake up hey dude if you do not close I'm gonna put you in a garbage it's not closing now I'm not gonna cook it because you know it might they'd be dead already if it doesn't close right away it's going to the garbage truck I don't want to be eating no dead mussels all right friends come on you or you know it would have worked better if I would have turned the heat back on I turned it off a little bit sometimes I wonder about me you know look it's looking beautiful my friends looking beautiful you're getting beautiful I don't want to overcook fish I certainly don't want no one to cook fish I can see some translucent so I'm doing good I can now come put my Snapper in there and put whatever fish you want you know in France they put the Rascals the rockfish yeah good luck finding some rascasa in uh Fort Lauderdale well whatever you are my friends they're not easy and if you're in France then you can go to some restaurant and get a get a beautiful boy a best but uh that is not there's not many places in the world you can find a beautiful fresh boy your best so I'm so glad I'm making it for you my friend I'm gonna put the mussels in there now and the muscles are gonna open so we're gonna wait for this to boil uh come to boil the mussels will open up the one that don't open that means they were dead and if they were dead we don't want them we don't want to eat the dead mussels and then we're going to decorate the plate and then we're going to eat it and let me tell you my friend this is delicious so I'll be back in a second when all the mussels are open and it's ready to serve okay foreign it's ready you know this is a it's a level of love my friends this is not something then you decide the kids are hungry let's uh let's make a boy a best huh you got a plan and planned and obviously but you know if you make the broth in advance my friends let's say you make the broth in advance right all you got to do is cook the uh the seafood at the last minute and and this is not that big of a deal I promise you so you see right there you got beautiful now they take the muscle I'm not going to burn my hand because I usually have tendency of doing this and uh this guy's not open go back in there you you only when they open eh if they're not open they're staying they're mostly open usually when they open they're good to go yeah look at this right there and uh and then what we do we take a let me take a a ladle so I don't make a huge mess my friends because I know me I can make a mess now you know it's supposed to be liquid like this but if you like a little thicker sometimes I I gotta be honest with you sometimes I like I put a little cornstarch just to get a little thicken it's really up to you my friend okay however you want it all right oh oh you know what you should do also I saved some of the frowns of the um some of the frowns of the uh of of the fennel I usually save some then you put it as a decoration in your watch with my luck I didn't save them did I oh yeah yeah I say let me see I save them I I this I like to save them so you put a nice frown right there to remind everybody friends then it's got fennel in there you know you don't have to overdo it occasion beer don't overdo it I'm talking to myself I do that a lot have you know what he said and right there my friend oh oh oh and you know what you do now you're taking your crostinis right there you can do two or three per plate it's really up to you you see and right there my friends you have yourself a beautiful plate two three questions four five Seventeen however many you want uh I hope you like it my friends I love making enough for you like I said if you haven't already in advance the stock you can make a 17 years ago yeah and keep it in the freezer it lasts a long time and you can make it as a soup is delicious all you got to do is cook the seafood at the last minute and make the rui or make an aioli it's very simple I'm just gonna have a bite of it and uh and and it's they say oh it's beautiful look at this look at this my friend I think I'm Gonna Be In Love um oh yeah oh yeah [Music] my friends it's delicious I hope I didn't make it too complicated but everybody's been asking for me to do a buyer Best so I hope you enjoyed it remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and by all mean ring that Bell thanks for watching the video thanks for watching the channel you guys are fantastic we love you foreign [Music] you know I always forget something friends what do you think I forgot this time shrimp I forgot to put the shrimp so I got him right here the beautiful thing about this thing I don't need to start all over again I can just take my shrimp and look so if you forget something don't do like me but if you forget something my friends just put them in there and just add it to your soup all right there as soon as they cook boom and I'm gonna add all that broth because that broth will have a delicious flavor of the shrimp juice so I'm gonna add all that to my soup all right friends I'm gonna do it I'm gonna cook them up I'm gonna enjoy it again thank you for watching we'll see you soon friends we love you okay they're beautiful they're going back now yes look how gorgeous they are you wanna overcook them you don't want to overcook shrimp here we go right in there they look like they were there the whole time
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 143,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bouillabaisse recipe, bouillabaisse seafood soup, how to make bouillabaisse, fish soup, bouillabaisse, bouillabaisse soup, easy bouillabaisse recipe, fish stew, traditional bouillabaisse recipe, french fish stew, classic bouillabaisse recipe, how to make fish soup bouillabaisse, french fish soup, seafood bouillabaisse, how to make fish soup, french fish soup bouillabaisse, recette bouillabaisse, sopa de pescado francesa, Receta de sopa de pescado francesa, fish soup recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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