Bouillabaisse by Chef Ludo Lefebvre

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module today I'm going to show you how to do a quick good we abyss always ask people what we want to learn they always not just about me and we are based Camelot it would be a best techno time you know Mia the restaurant trust me when I say to my cooker going to booyah base so I decided to do a little a quick we are best for you at whom we are best it's a dish from Super Friends and it was a fish soup for the poor people when the fishermen go out and fish you know in south of France they get in their nets a lot a lot of fish rock fish to somebody cried to do a fish soup with all this fish that's where I was create the booyah base so first we're going to melt some butter okay we'll put a little bit onion your carrot celery diced fennel leeks of course need up garlic over to sweat for this thing very well with the turtle orbiter when it's wet very well we're going to put a little bit of tomato paste cook the tomato place little bit bit over dice of fresh tomato so it will text regular shrimp like tiger shrimp okay from Mexico as a restaurant we we order the feed from France and fry them here to make sure is the test of France you know what is the thing when I use American fish or French fish it don't have the same guys it is not it's not the same water it does the same fish it is but you know you can replicate a little bit so now I'm going to add my shrimp and we did share this fine now I'm going to put red sniper sniper are we red red snapper red sniper sniper right it's not it's not the put some fish okay shut up I can see it up so that it's before stock okay and we put a scallop here and up what we do to buy beer butter up butter so now we're going to sweat everything very well a little bit of time I'll put a little bit of the Primo dispirit it's a dry jalapeno from a Basque Country from Suffern France ok now we have all our frame the fish scale up so scared to see a red sniper so as a fish now we're going to deglaze the booyah base with the piano but and now I'm going to add a little bit of a white wine drink you burn now okay and we'll put a little touch of saffron voila ah you goalie smells a cell phone already amazing today we're gonna put some water a little bit voila okay guys little bit bit jumpsuit bring to boil and now we're gonna cook for like three minutes bring to boil with my amazing adduction just so fast I'm gonna put everything in the food processor put your shell everything and now we're going to just mix ground everything ah Buffett CEO is speaking so now we're going to take our fish stock we're base and we're going to string [Music] I wanted to get all the flavor I know from the fish I would oppress it so now have a bra okay I'm going to put a little bit of a orange zest in my broth just to twist it a bit in more citrus flavor process of lemon juice a little acidity to the broth so now we're going to pour our seafood in our fish stock booyah base put a little bit of salt and seasoning little bit the fish so we should be very very gentle okay so I'm going to start to push the scallop caused by little bigger agent or with that okay let's cut up now put our shrimp in the start it's a very very light similar you can see little bit bubbly here but it's very light okay we are going to add our red snapper present Agartha so keep in mind we are days you can add if you want different seafood okay if you know be creative have fun okay keep in manga shreem the scallop is a fish don't cook the same time so check it okay so now I can see my shrimp are cooked so I'm going to remove the shrimp now how do you see the scarf is cook I mean you know we need to test how firm is it and yes the scallop is this cook you know it's very firm now it's not soft so here scarf is perfect love the coral like that's a yellow color like that it's it's really booyah base color so now it's time to plate or we abyss okay just a fish to the Train yeah so now we're going to put the bra here so the bra fits the key of the booyah base and of course so you want to be generous so we have s it's about the broth to fish the seafood of course but also the crouton okay with that was having a crouton here with what we call buoy with Magnus with saffron garlic salt pepper and eggs this pudding okay what up [Music] hey hey guys hey guys you can eat quick because pop I need your keys to open i'm walking okay okay okay guys thank you thank you Oh your fish you scream laughter ball see you later guys let me finish cooking okay guys mom let's go back guys okay little bit of chopped asleep she's some Korean freshness and a little bit of a fern elefante and here is our seafood we're base so let's go test so I see you soaked little bit of toast in the soup that is your toes get a little soggy it's so good so let's go dig a little piece of fish [Music] that's very good you will attest to suffer on the piano little beat and most important things we'll see cool Wow the IP about you're gonna be very happy by bad guys okay [Music]
Channel: Le Creuset
Views: 226,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Le Creuset, Food and Wine, Cooking, Cooking Show, Cooking Demo, French Cooking, Ludo Lefebvre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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