Bossology 101 | Boss Moves Part 1 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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[Music] what's up y'all listen i just want to pause for the calls and say thank you so much for clicking on this video some of you are part of our youtube family you are an extended part of our family and if you aren't man press that subscribe button so that you get notified each and every time we place new content here my wife and i love you and we're just so honored that you see us as a source of spiritual nourishment i also want to thank you for your support and generosity i mean we we never actually we ask you to do one thing and that is if the message blesses you send it to someone else that's the only we want to help as many people as possible and we're only able to do that because of you but so many of you each week you just give some of you give to darius daniels ministries you say pastor dares i have a church but your teaching ministry is blessing me and i want to help you continue to spread it all over the world just just thank you guys for that and uh speaking of teaching you're getting ready to watch part one of a message that i did in a new series called boss moves i want to help you make strategic decisions that's going to shift your season i hope this message adds value to your life it's time to make boss moves talk about this a little bit and our time together for the next several weeks i'm going to lean into this i believe this word is prophetic implications for us i think it's right now it's a right now word for us and so i want to begin a series of teachings today called boss moves boss moves and i want to read a scripture today found in the book of john chapter number 3 verse 22. i normally don't read a lot of scripture i teach the bible i do my best to at least throughout the message so i don't like to read a lot at the beginning but i feel like this story may not be as familiar to some and so i want to make sure we wrap our head around what i believe god's going to say to us through the scriptures so the bible says this after this jesus and his disciples went out into the judean countryside where he spent some time with them and baptized now also john was baptizing at aeneon near salem because there was plenty of water and people were coming and being baptized this was before john was put in prison an argument developed between some of john's disciples and a certain jew over the matter of ceremonial washing they came to john and said to him rabbi the man who was with you on the other side of the jordan the one you testified about look he's baptizing and everybody's going to him they're going to his church they're going to his company they're going to his team they're going to that neighborhood and verse 27 says to this john replied a person can only receive what is given to them from heaven see watch this you yourselves can testify that i am not the messiah but i'm sin ahead of him the bride belongs to the bride groom the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice that joy is mine and it is now complete i he must become greater and i must become less being that this series boss moves is about a theology of dominion i felt like it was important and appropriate to tag a title to this text that's reflective of that so i want to talk in this first lesson from this topic bossology 101 bossology 101. now family there are a number of words that can be used to describe this gentleman from galilee named jesus however i want to lift up one today that is biblically appropriate yet culturally relevant and that is family jesus was a boss as a matter of fact jesus is the ultimate expression and he is the epitome of what it means to be a boss i would argue and contend that if you look up boss in the dictionary you should you won't but you should see a picture of jesus's face beside it because there is family no other human in history that has been and is as influential as jesus history is divided bc and ac based on what a.d based on his birth and his death the book that is written about him the bible has sold more copies than any other book in human history has been translated into more languages than any other book in human history and is reaching more people in terms of its generational relevance than any other book in human history he has been gone or absent from this earth in bodily form for over 2020 years yet people still enthusiastically gather to worship him like we're doing right now to learn from him like we're doing right now and to learn about him like we are doing right now if we're going to call anybody a boss jesus is a boss and those of us who have been saved by his sacrifice and follow his leadership have been regenerated and recreated with the capacity to be a boss also to step into your dominion and part of this series of sermons that i'm starting today is intended to do part of what it is intended to do is to inspire you to encourage you to admonish you to step into your bossness i got two words for me and i need preaching partners that are watching me to help me preach and not just watch me preach put this in the chat for everybody in the chat put boss up yep those are two words i want you to drop in the chat right now boss up i know we're in the middle of a pandemic but boss up i know things are uncertain right now but boss up i know you're dealing with pressure in ways that you have never dealt with before but i'm coming with two words to encourage you today and those two words are boss up you may say pastor i'm dealing with burdens well maybe sometimes god uses the burdens on you to bring out the boss in you boss up i want you to catch this family and i want you to be clear on what i mean when i use this word i am taking a cultural term but that doesn't mean i share the cultural meaning see just because i'm saying the same thing that said in culture doesn't mean i mean the same thing i'm redeeming the word because when i say boss this is what i mean family i'm not talking about culture's way i'm not talking about the church or religions way i'm talking about the king or christ way and so when i say boss this is what i mean i am saying boss is this a boss is a leader who assertively takes responsibility for their responsibilities you see did you hear what i just said a boss is a leader who assertively takes responsibility for their responsibilities you see see the word there the operative word in there is responsible see god has called and created us this is going to bother some some people it may ruffle some religious feathers but i just want you to hear me out here some people are so obsessed with being righteous that they're not responsible and they don't realize and recognize that our advancement and our evolution and our effectiveness is not just tied and tethered to our righteousness that's important right living outwardly right relationship with god inwardly of course that's important but your effectiveness is also tied to our ability to be responsible a boss is a leader you see we're all about helping as many people as possible change their lives so that they can live love and lead like jesus and this is what i believe i believe everyone look at me everyone even if you do not have a leadership role everyone has leadership responsibility if you're a parent you're a leader if you're a spouse you're a leader why because leadership is influence leadership at its core is influence so if you're a coach you're a leader if you're a teacher you're a leader if you're a doctor you're a leader if you're a lawyer you're a leader if you're a big brother you're a leader if you're a big sister you're a leader even if you do not have a leadership role you have a leadership responsibility and i believe god is calling us in this age and in this era of uncertainty to step into the fullness of your responsibility in that area watch this it is a leader listen to me who assertively what do i mean by that pastor darius what do you mean by that assertively it means that they are able to find the balance between being aggressive that's not kingdom that's not christ-like aggressive that's abrasive dishonorable disrespectful inconsiderate no no no assertive is not aggressive yet at the same time assertive is not passive they they they find they found the middle ground assertiveness is what it's right in the middle between aggressiveness and passiveness a leader assertively watch this it means that they're proactive not reactive it means that they do not sit idly by waiting for life to hand them a favorable hand of cards so that they can play the game when you're assertive you take watch this you take the initiative to win with the hand you've been dealt you don't wait until life deals you a better hand when you're assertive you become what dr henry cloud calls ridiculously responsible you move from a victim mentality to a victor mentality you say i'm not waiting on other people to get the revelation that they need to treat me right i'm going to take the initiative to set some boundaries and i'm going to teach people how to love me i cannot control how they are with everybody else i cannot control what they do with everybody else but i can determine how they're going to treat me why because i'm going to take responsibility to be assertive i'm not going to operate in the way that adam and eve did watch this in the garden of eden when god called them to accountability and responsibility for their behavior when he called them when he called them into account of whether or not they were responsible with what he had given them responsibility for which was managing themselves and managing the garden come on family and the bible is clear that when god called them into account they played the blame game he blamed the devil adam blamed eve but when a person is operating in assertiveness they take responsibility even for the error of their own decision making they say listen my past is real but it is not predictive of my future i messed up yesterday but i'm taking the responsibility to make sure that my past was a school and not a prison i'm gonna learn from it and not be imprisoned by it because i am assertive it means you overcome learned helplessness and refuse to be infected by excuses it means i refuse to keep blaming bad relationships on people that i'm with and i take responsibility for my choices i refuse to keep blaming economic conditions on things beyond my control i take responsibility for what i'm able to change and i pray for the things i cannot change they do not they do not blame their lack of joy and peace on people and no haters and they take responsibility for stewarding their own soul assertively watch this take re don't don't mess with me take responsibility for their responsibilities i'm about to get to this in a minute because i'm about to get to this in a minute they they assertively they assertively take responsibility for it watch this their responsibilities i'm gonna unpack this in a minute they're they're resp they assertively take responsibility for their responsibilities uh-oh so it means if i'm a boss i got to know what my responsibilities are good god almighty see you can't be a boss if you don't know what you're responsible for you can't make boss moves if you don't know what moves you're supposed to make see just because you're making moves doesn't mean that you're making boss moves because you're only making boss moves when you're making your moves i want somebody to talk to me in this chat say preach if i'm preaching to you i said you only make boss moves when you're making your moves because a boss is a leader that assertively takes responsibility for their responsibilities so here it is i'm getting ready to run up out of this church and preach to myself don't miss this don't miss this so then the first step in becoming a boss is clarifying your calling i got to know what my responsibilities are listen to me every need is not your responsibility every problem is not your purpose every issue is not your assignment and when people are not clear they run around trying to fix issues and they never discover their issue but your anointing hey you need to go watch oil change if you don't know what that word means but your anointing empowers you to handle the issue you've been created to address the anointing doesn't work on every issue so i have an anointing the empowering presence of the holy spirit to do what i've been called to do but if i step outside of what i've been assigned to do then i lose that empowering presence for that work because god will not help me do what he's called somebody else to do and i'm coming for you today because there are some people that are listening to me right now and you're in a season of confusion and this is a spiritual epidemic among christians one of the greatest challenges christians struggle with well-meaning is this issue of lack of clarity of what they supposed to be doing you cannot be a boss and be confused speak holy spirit you cannot make boss moves if you do not know what moves you are supposed to make and the text here gives us some insight on how to clarify our calling listen to me the greatest gift god can give you after conversion is clarity you know how some people advance to places and spaces at a pace and at a rate that is quicker than others you know how sometimes sometimes watch this sometimes that's not god's call sometimes it is sometimes it's not god's call sometimes it's their lack of clarity see because when you get clearer you go faster hey i want you to hear what i just said when you get clearer you go faster have you ever been driving in the car and you're driving behind someone and they're like pumping the brakes and they're going and i know you stay cool calm and collected and civil because you're christian right i know that but you drive you like what what what are they doing why because when people are unclear they go slow watch this and it's tough listen to me leaders listen to me leaders it's tough to stay behind a car that's unclear right yeah they stop you so here it is when you're behind a leader that's unclear you can't go full speed you always live your life having to pump the brakes because you're behind somebody that's unclear lord i know loving basketball is over but please don't just pick somebody to marry that's fine pick somebody that's clear did you cause i don't know i don't care how good the car looks at some point if you behind that car and it does not know where it's going it's going to contribute to some frustration and some agitation regardless of how attractive they are i want you to see though something in the text whoa i love this see in the text i just read there are two bosses we're getting ready to learn from one of them the first boss in the text is jesus but we learn it from another boss the other box in the text is john whoa he's a boss see watch this watch this john is such a boss john is such a boss y'all that jesus picked john to baptize him in matthew chapter 3 verse 13 it says then jesus came from galilee to the jordan to be baptized by john but john tried to deter him saying i need to be baptized by you you do and and do you come to me and jesus replied let it be so now for it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness then john consented and as soon i'm not going to bother that it's it's so much in that right it's so much in that see sometimes watch this your confidence in somebody else's um um competence has to be your comfort i'ma say it again john's like i can't believe you asking me to do this because john's like i don't believe in me that much that i believe i should be baptizing you he says but i got confidence in your competence jesus and i know you're not just asking anybody to baptize you so if you asking me to do it it's in me see see some of you some some people miss their calling because you don't have confidence in god's competence right that was moses issue god called moses moses like i can't do this and he had to get to the point where he had confidence in god's competence god's like you think i don't know who to pick you don't think you think i don't know what i'm doing when i pick you god you don't know me i do know you i knew you before you knew you so the bible says as soon as jesus was baptized he came out of the water and at that moment heaven was open he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and a lightning on him and a voice came from heaven and said this is my son whom i love with him i am well please see uh please don't miss this jesus asked john to baptize him john's a boss now watch this but john was jesus cousin see we can learn something from jesus here bosses don't allow proximity to pervert their perspective of another person's greatness because if jesus was funny acting like some people in our current and contemporary society he wouldn't let his cousin baptize him because even like we used to go to the corner store together and we used to play basketball together but jesus did not allow his proximity to john to pervert his perspective when it comes to john's greatness here it is maybe some people didn't get less great maybe you got too close and for those of you that are leaders you have to discern and determine what is a healthy distance not for you but for them because you don't always need them to see you a certain way for you that's codependence you need them to see you a certain way for them did you hear what i just said come here parents and coaches and spiritual leaders and marketplace leaders this is this is important here bosses don't allow proximity to pervert that perspective of another person's greatness watch this now jesus who who will end up baptizing other people right asks john to baptize him because bosses are not infected with insecurity to the degree that they don't realize they need someone else to do for them what they do for others so i know what you do for others here's my question if you're really a boss who do it for you because not having someone do it for you is not always a sign of strength sometimes it's a sign of insecurity sometimes it's a sign of false assumptions that you think you don't need somebody to do for you what you do for everybody else this is so interesting jesus asked john to baptize him john didn't ask jesus to do it jesus asks john because here's something else bosses don't have to declare their greatness they just demonstrate it when you're really a boss you don't have to call yourself one jesus will call you one you'll miss it when you're really a boss you don't have to declare you'll demonstrate it other people will observe your activity and they'll say oh that's a boss listen to me y'all listen to me and we need kingdom bosses in the earth we need kingdom bosses in key positions as long as we do not have kingdom bosses and key positions we will be at the mercy of people in power to make decisions and steward that power well in a way that up that contributes to human flourishing so we'll be standing outside the gate begging people inside the gate to make decisions that are in the best interest of people outside the gate when what god has called us to be is to be salt and light to occupy till he comes to invade these spaces and to manage them in a way like daniel like nehemiah like the hebrew boys like joseph that brings glory to god you cannot change the world just screaming at the problems you can only change the world when you get some power bosses now watch this now i want you i i want you to see something i'ma wrap up because i feel like y'all tired of me already don't miss this please don't miss this so jesus is baptized by john he has no followers at this point marketplace leaders he hasn't started his company paso jesus in business read jesus ceo spiritual leaders he has not started his church john is the only one in town doing it that way then all of a sudden jesus starts his company and jesus starts his church and now we read it in the text people on john's team say you know i rolled around the corner and i saw such and such over uh over there by jesus wait a minute people that used to come to us are coming to jesus people that you used to disciple jesus is disciple in them people used to baptize jesus is baptizing them this is what john's team is coming to him with and john responds in a way that lets us know what it looks like to be clear on your calling because when you are not clear when you are not clear on the inside you get influenced by others on the outside did you hear what i just said yeah when when when they said our people are going over there that's his way of saying john you need to change what you're doing john said i'm clear who's for me is for me i'm clear he says a man can only receive what is given to him from heaven in other words i can't compete with god if favor is on him for that i can't uh market that if favor is on him for that i can't out hustle that if favor is on him for that i can't outlead that what god has for him is for him but that has nothing to do i'm getting ready to run with what god has for me i'm trying to help somebody today what god has for them has nothing to do with what god has for you bosses get that lord i'm out of time already listen to this john knew i'll never be great carrying out somebody else's calling and i cannot allow the perceived notoriety and fame of what's happening with jesus to cause me to abandon what god has for me because i'm committed to my calling not to fame i'm committed to my calling not to notoriety i'm committed to my calling not to what's hot and i will not compromise come on this is john talking to us the authenticity of my calling and lay it on the altar of human approval because then there will be no consistency in my life i will live my life like a chameleon because in every season everybody wants something different so if they want if standing on your head is popular people who are committed to that will just stand on their head but when you know who you are and when you are clear on who god's called you to be you will look at people who are trying to push you into a purpose that not that is not yours and say i got to decrease that he could increase why because i'm clear everybody thinks your calling means you jesus in the text cause jesus represents increase but sometimes you john see this is why it's dangerous this is why see this is why i believe spirituality is important because this is what spirituality gives you it should give you it should give you values and your values become the guard rails on the road of your life that you will not go around to get anywhere what does that mean it means that when you got values you say i'ma go as far as i can go without violating these biblical standards so if i got to sell out to get there i just won't be there did you hear what i just said john models this i'm so inspired by him because it means god when you've got the heart of john it means god can trust you in every season because that was a season where the trajectory of his life and his ministry was upward and then all of a sudden it starts to fizzle out a bit but he's a man who's clear on his calling your calling what's a caller a calling is god's invitation for your participation in the reason for your creation what's it called it is god's invitation for your participation in the reason for your creation it's not automatic bro it's not automatic sis you got to accept it and when you it's not one yes it's constant yeses yeah cause it's one thing to get in that path it's another to stay on it when you're tempted to get off of it sometimes not because things are going bad because things are going well so i want to see i want to give you i just want to give you three things here really quick y'all know i'm practicing here it is i'll give you three things real quick here that'll help you clarify calling number one you gotta release assumptions we gotta release assumptions about what our calling will look like and the way it will play itself out here it is just because you see it that way doesn't mean that's the way god showed you lord i don't have time to deal with this i do not have time to deal with all this here it is but i'll tell you this this is what sam storm says it's so important see whenever god's showing you something you got to manage what you see with humility because it's not that god's revelation is wrong but your interpretation can be so when you're operating with assumptions you can miss what god is actually calling you to do because you assume he's going to show up looking a certain way so you got infallible without fail or inerrant without error divine revelation but that's being filtered through fallible human interpretation so god can say it and get it and what he's saying can be right but we can interpret it wrong when he's calling jeremiah he's testing his prophetic eyes and he says okay i'm showing you something now tell me what you see and jeremiah tells him what he says what he sees and he says you've seen well because sometimes greatness isn't always greatness in name sometimes there's greatness in service yeah so here it is could it be that god's trying to show you what he wants you to do but he can't get through because he's fighting through the filter of our assumptions capable of it doesn't mean called to it did you hear what i just said they're going to be people that come to you all the time oh if you would do this you would be this if you would do this you would be that capable of it isn't called to it it's jesus right he told peter listen bro if i wanted to i could call for legions of angels i don't have to but this is this is where i'm called this is what i'm called to do so i'm capable of living beyond this moment of crucifixion but i'm called to be crucified capable of it doesn't mean call to it and so because john understood this he didn't allow others to hype his head to the degree that he stepped out of what he knew god called him to do number two redefine success john said i've got to become less jesus became more popular but john did not associate greatness with fame he did not feel entitled to be best because he was first he was doing it before jesus and jesus did it greater than him but he did not get infected with entitlement because he redefined success he didn't think i'd do this better because i did it longer because this gets in the way of people clarifying their calling and accepting it because you got to believe that winning may look different see john didn't just talk about his calling as a job he didn't just talk about the impact of his calling he talked about the emotions associated associated with his calling when you look at the text john said he said hey i got something you can't get by being busy i got something you can only get by being faithful to what god's called you to do and that's joy it's in the text it's right here john says this joy is now mine he says the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice that joy is mine and is now complete and i'm telling you right now when you chasing everything except for your calling there will never feel like there i'm talking about everything i'm talking about money in the bank once you get that one level then you realize okay i need another level because i never want to go beneath this level and there will never feel like there you have everything but joy [Music] got to redefine success and then number three you've got to resist the temptation of comparison john says a man can only get was given to him from heaven he was clear that god gives us all different assignments and you must believe that yours is enough your calling is customized your calling is customized it's tailor-made you do not get it off the rack you might eat locust and wild honey you might not be like others but when you walk in your uniqueness you experience your elevation because greatness recognizes greatness so when john was about to leave this earth jesus gave the most affirmative statement of him that i think is one of the most affirmative statements that he's made of any other human in history he says in luke 7 28 i tell you among those born of women there is no one greater than john but he who is least in the kingdom of god is greater than he he's talking about you and me family we can't make boss moves if we don't know what moves to make and i believe in this season especially in this pandemic this is an opportunity for many of you to pivot but you got to get clear and when you're clear you're able to do as dallas willard taught you're able to admire and not desire oh it's such a freeing thing when you get to that space when someone can call you and tell you something absolutely extraordinary that's about to happen for them and you can genuinely say that is amazing i admire it but i don't desire it because i'm clear you're clear that clarity helps you crucify the natural tendency of the flesh to compare what's happening with you with others i can't tell you it won't rise up especially in a social media era where we're exposed to what's happening with other people i don't think that makes you evil or immature it makes you human but when you clear even when it comes up you crucified because you believe what god has for me is for me and if john could talk to us he would tell us learn from me this is bosology 101 i'm teaching you what it really means to be a boss it doesn't mean to deprive your body of needed sleep it doesn't mean to build the empire and to ignore your castle and not have meaningful relationships with people who love you for you and not your gift i'm telling you right now that the relationship you have with your customers the relationship that you have with your team the relationship that you have with so many others i'm not saying they don't genuinely care about you i'm just saying if you were not that good they wouldn't be that interested in you but you're gonna get to the top of the ladder success and then realize you leaned it against the wrong wall i'm pushing back against this cultural narrative that you that you sleep when you die when jesus promised you rest it doesn't work people who do that aren't genuinely happy you're comparing their trailer of the movie on instagram but you're not seeing the real thing you're a real boss so father right now i pray in jesus name for people all over this place that are watching me i pray that you give them grace and strength right now to walk out to walk in clarity i pray that you open their blinded eyes to see who you've called and created them to be and i pray that you give them contentment and comfort with that in jesus name amen
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 88,613
Rating: 4.9202881 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, Derrick jaxn, Joel osteen, devon franklin, mike todd, ron carpenter, Craig groeschel, dr. jamal bryant, dr. Matthew stevenson, mike McClure jr, Robert madu, Stephen chandler, rich wilkerson jr, chad veach, chris durso, carl lentz, Judah smith, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, trent shelton, erwin mcmanus, Samuel rodriquez, Levi lusko, keion henderson, dr. Tony evans, shaun king, lacrae
Id: Yq138krUAZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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