Boris FX Continuum Title Studio | Sports Graphics 01 | Starting Out

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hello and welcome to this series creating sports graphics with Boris continuum my name is Ben Brownlee from Boris FX and I am going to be taking you through the processes that we're going to be using to create this sports graphic right here out of some very very humble beginnings now in this first part what we're going to be doing is creating our initial shapes in Adobe Illustrator then we're going to be taking those into title studio and starting to create our animation now we are going to be using After Effects as a host but actually the thing about using title studio and continuum for doing this project is that it is host agnostic could be doing this in Adobe Premiere or DaVinci Resolve or avid or any of the hosts that support the continuum plugins but in this case we're going to be using Adobe After Effects mainly but bouncing around some of the other Creative Cloud tools as well so don't really further ado let's get on to creating our sports graphic okay so here we are in After Effects and this is a close-up of what we are going to be making in the next few lessons and this is going to have some very unassuming starts so what we're going to begin with is creating the shapes that we're going to need to were to make up these rings and because I want the flexibility of vector shapes we're going to pop into illustrator and create those here so in Illustrator I have created up some rings let's just take a look at these I've got my ring inner ring here I've got an outer ring and the Rings go out and out and out and all these rings are if we have a look at this one here this ring to here what I've got in this one is actually two ellipses I've got a small one which is the same size as the previous ring and then I've got one that's slightly bigger and what I'm going to do is just have these two selected come up to object and go compound path create and that's what he's going to give me my little ring here I've also got a just a flat whole circle here this the same size as the this green one but without the ring cut out maybe I'm going to use that little bit later to have a another background on just gives me a little bit of flexibility to have it at this stage as well alright so what I'm going to do now is export all of these out so that we can use them in title studio but the first thing I'm going to do is actually just get rid of all the color and I want any of the the colors here so I'm just gonna select all so I'm just going to ctrl or Apple a just to select all there and I'm going to come down to my colors my fill double click and I'm just gonna make this a nice white there we go and we'll see why in I think part 4 maybe part 5 when we come to texturing these up so the first thing I'm going to do is try and export these out so the title studio can now read them and we have to export these in a particular way so if I just save these so if I come into the right folder come into illustrator and I'll just call these circles white there we go yep that's fine I will save this outline this title studio might not read things correctly to make sure we're getting out exactly what we want we actually have to save these out as EPS files let's come over here I've got one that's called EPS but I'm gonna call this one EPS been so that I have a separate folder these ones here and let's take this out ring 1 save that here and I'm going to need to save it out as illustrator 8 EPS just to make sure that we're going to be completely compatible when we take this into title studio then I want to get rid of all the hidden ones here there we go and just save that out there and I'm going to want to repeat that for the rest of the layers as well so we only have to layer that we want outlet so it can be a bit tedious what I'm gonna do instead though is I've got a script that makes things a whole lot easier to take this stuff out of illustrator and it's actually a script by Andy Wiz the only thing I've actually done to it is translate some of the alerts into English from German and I've made sure that on where are we here yep 982 I've taken the compatibility to illustrator 8 everything else is just as it is in the script so I'm gonna leave a link down in the description file where you can know where you can grab that if you want it alright so now I've got my circles white here let's come in and go to my scripts let's go other scripts and I will find my folder AI scripts and export layers EPS okay on that ru one document maybe open close what other documents there we go that would have been in German otherwise and let's just run that script again first save the original the layers will be saved in the same folder as your file yes bum-bum-bum and I think we can all agree that that is a lot easier than going and doing that separately alright so let's take a look at our folder for it so in my illustrator folder I've got all these EPS ones with files named after the layer name so I can cut those I'm going to come into my EPS bin let's get rid of that one as well don't want that and let's just paste these in so that we know where they are living there again cool so with that done we can come back in to our host which is in this case After Effects and let's start to bring those into title studio so in After Effects I'm gonna create a new composition I'm gonna make this 10 seconds long I will call this one ring animation oh one ok on that I'm going to create a new solid there's the comp sighs and I'll call this one rings title studio it's gonna be more of the ring soon but we'll call this one rings title studio and let's come into title studio so I'm going to go to BCC 3d objects title studio here and if you haven't used title studio before if we just come into the effects browser we can see actually there's like a ton of presets that we have available to us that gives you a sort of idea of the type of things that we can do in title studio we're not going to use a preset we're going to build everything from scratch here but it's it's worth if you you know haven't really explored it too much just take a look at some of the presets and explore away with those we're not going to do that we're going to come in and launch the UI and here is the title studio interface with borĂ¥s effects text coming in as default we can move that around in the viewer in the composite window we were around using the screens here and we've got a control window in the top left and the timeline at the bottom so let's just come in and we'll delete the default text that we have in there so now all we have is our 2d composite scene we'll come back to what this means later it's fine and let's just add in that media that we had previously so I'm going to go add new media and I'm going to come to EPS file and I'm gonna find my EPS file so I'm gonna find EPS been coming to my ring one at my EPS file ring two EPS file ring three and so on and so forth okay and what you'll see or you'll see a couple of things what you see is that we've built on top of each other so we've added the larger rings on top of the smaller rings we're kind of blocking out some of them so ring four is actually like a big ring that we don't need in fact we're gonna get rid of some a lot of these rings soon but the other thing you'll see is there we are quite close to these rings here so I'm gonna come up to my viewer and I'm going to go fit to 100% there we go and that will just scale those in tune those in force so now we're left with three rings for rings so if I turn off visibility on all the others on all the rings actually and we have our Center ring which is ring 1 and ring to ring three ring for now ring one we're actually just going to use as a as a placeholder we're not even going to do anything interesting with this ring one we're gonna replace that with our ball a little bit later so we're just going to concentrate and focus on what's happening on rings 2 3 & 5 and we're just gonna add a little bit of animation to them so let's come into my controls so the controls up here are contextual so as we select these different layers here you'll see that the type of controls that we have available to us will update depending on what we have selected but something that's common with them is we have position X Y Z scale master scale X Y Zed and rotation X Y Zed as well so I'm just going to focus on animating up the first ring here and we could do something rather simple I'm just gonna come over on my timeline a little bit maybe about half a second in you can see the time either sort of see the time on the ruler down here or you can see it up in the viewer here and I'm just gonna add a keyframe and I'm gonna add a keyframe in my position Zed and I'll choose what type of keyframe I'm gonna add let's add an easy and easy L come to the start and I can add another keyframe in here easy knees out and just scale or just so I've repositioned this so it's outside of the view of the camera - 3200 something that should be alright so to play their back whoo look at that fancy very very fancy it's coming in it's not it's not that fancy we're gonna do fancier stuff and what's going to spin this in as well now if I don't want to keep adding keyframes manually I could always just turn on auto animate down in the viewer here which is exactly what I'm gonna do so let's come in and have it so that once it comes in which direction should we have this going let's have it going there so we'll take it there and then right at the very end and I have it going around about there so 10 to 40 all right so that means as it spins in we want to spin in counterclockwise so we're gonna I swear it's gonna spin in clockwise we're gonna have this go - - something large - 180 there and that should just give a little spin as it comes in there what sakes it's not hitting the light all the time that should be alright and then just as it fades back to spins back a little bit there cool happy with that I can change my view range as well so I'm not previewing the whole thing on the timeline just gonna preview the first three seconds of that there we go so far so good so easy let's come to our second ring and I'm gonna have this starting a few frames in and we can do pretty similar thing so let's turn on visibility on it and this time I'm gonna have it or we want to have a easing these out on the z2 there and we're gonna have it rotating the other way so it takes to about minus ten minus five they're all the way to the end - twenty round about there we're gonna change this on anyway at some point so it's fine it's not I did I had my keyframe selected down the bottom there yeah if you have your key frame selected on the timeline it doesn't matter where you are on the timeline it will just affect the value there so that's why we weren't seeing the animation that I was expecting we go see a bit more animation I'm gonna do is make sure they've got nothing selected just click anywhere in the gray here got nothing selected just animate up a position said again so add another keyframe there have this one here and we'll take this back out again what was that - - mm it's something around about there such readjust that said position maybe instead easier knees out I will just have this decelerating and this first one that set that to linear instead okay that's Kim me better better look change the timing on that by dragging it boom-boom yep cool I was still rotating we're still rotating good let's do the final ring which the ring up here do exactly the same thing I've got my auto animate on here I see remember to turn the ring on so let's get it so it's just out of view about - thousand something make sure nothing selected down there bring that in take this one back to zero but decelerating and we'll pivot this one or spin this one back again but plus seven there y'all come over here spinning a bit more team come back to our first frame - hundred and something under an 80 something oh yeah actually we didn't spin this one in because we couldn't see it so let's take this one back in as well - hundred sixty something there we go take a look look boom boom boom okay cool alright okay let's hit apply see what we've got now says bring it back into our host bring it back in that's rendering out and let's look in interesting it's not looking right and we definitely got quite a nice nice spin going on there which we might want to tweak out but it's it's got us somewhere I think that's the important bit for this beginning exercise so so far we've set up our rings in Illustrator we have exported those out and we've brought them into title studio and we have started our initial animation so far so good so easy there's still a little way to go as you can see objects are still very flat we're going to change that up they're not very interesting or dynamic we're going to change that up as well but we can take a little break now but when we come back we're going to take these flat planes into actual 3d objects that interact with each other properly in 3d space which they're definitely not doing now and that's coming up in part two of sports graphics with Boris continuum and I will see you there thanks for watching and be sure to go to to download a free trial of Boris Continuum so you can try this out yourself if you want to see more of this type of tutorial be sure to leave a comment below also subscribe to the Boris YouTube channel to stay up to date with the latest information and training materials on all the Boris FX products
Channel: Boris FX
Views: 3,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Illustrator, Boris, Title Studio, broadcast, 3d model, animation, continuum, continum, bcc, sports, graphics, motion graphics, mograph, tutorial, how to, create, export layers, eps, 3d animation, after effects, titling, resolve, Premiere Pro
Id: jT_nX13TyI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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