Reverse Stabilization in Fusion+Mocha Pro

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in the cinah comm video that i've linked below he shows how to use something known as reverse stabilization to apply an effect to a moving object in the video I wanted to show briefly how I made the same effect using fusion 16 and the mocha Pro plug-in I will use the same stock footage of a woman running that Sinha comm uses the goal here is to apply an effect to her face which will track with the face moving the end result is this somewhat goofy looking effect to begin with I will pull in a loader node and bring in the footage of the woman jogging as we can see from this this is the same stock footage that Sinha comm started with in order to track I will add a mocha Pro node and launch the mocha UI we can use the tracker in mocha to draw just outside of the region we want to track this is a little different than some other planar trackers they do really want a bit of an edge and it only tracks within this box a check that we have translation scale rotation and shear it should be good and 90 percent fine for this size and then we'll hit track and I will be back when this finishes alright I'm going to stop this because it doesn't look like it's actually doing a very good job you notice at the beginning here we track just a bit past the edge of her face and by the time we get to the inside the end were actually off the edge of her face I think the problem here is we have too much stuff outside of her face that's causing a little bit of confusion to the tracker so what I'm gonna do is pull this in so we don't track any of these features outside of her face we just grab the eyes nose and part of the mouth even let's try this again I think this tract a whole lot better we can kind of check by using this quick stabilize and just playing the video and watching the face there's a little bit of rotation happening actually the quick stabilizer doesn't appear to be correcting for rotation so it otherwise looks pretty good so in order to use this I'm going to use the stabilize node make sure that I've selected XY rotation and zoom because the camera distance does change and therefore her face will change size a little bit and we want to turn on this maximum smoothing normally with the stabilizer you want some smoothing to avoid sudden movements that exactly track the image you're tracking in this case since we're stabilizing in order to apply in effect we need it to be maximum ly smooth and if you play this you'll notice her face is very solid and the background kind of wildly gyrates at this point we will export the tracking data as a fusion composition and exit mocha from within fusion and notice I double-click twice once to select this another time to deselect all the nodes I will insert my tracker did the same kind of click dance to get rid of the unneeded extra loader and then I will feed my input into both the foreground and background of the tracker the reason is because the tracker uses the background image to determine the size of the output from within the tracker we can say we want a corner position or foreground of our background and if we preview this we'll see the same kind of effect we did before along with some garbage left over on the edges in order to undo the effect I'm going to make a copy of our tracker and for the background we want to feed in our original video I'll show you why in a second we need and then the output of this goes into the background of this the foreground of this tracker within the tracker I'm going to change this into perspective positioner which is the reverse effect from the corner positioner and if we just look at a few key places here we'll notice this looks a lot like our original video now there's actually some stuff happening wherever there is an edge the scaled image just scaled down here and this is being placed over this it's possible to get some effects here and if that was to be a problem it might be a good idea to impose some kind of mask over the track Terry and to only replace the image in that position you would put a merge node here and mask off the area you care about this video it doesn't seem to really be causing any kind of an effect so I'm I'm happy with this now for our effect what we want to do is a transform just a little note that coming from the other video you'll notice that After Effects has lots of little effects things called magnify and fusion is a bit more of a building block type approach and it will probably take us a couple nodes to create the same kind of an effect if we go into transform on the little heads-up display you'll notice there's this red reticule that I can adjust the transform itself and there's a green one which indicates the pivot point and I haven't looked up how to move the pivot point from the UI but it does work to just move it inside of these little windows here so what I'm going for is to position this effect directly over the center of her eye at this point we can zoom in a little bit so we can really see what's going on make sure we get this positioned accurately now when we'd use the size effect at least if we're looking at our effect this size will resize the image centered about the woman's left eye so I'm gonna pick about no 1.38 seems like a good idea what we need to do is now mask this appropriately for the woman's eye the way I'll do that is by creating any lips again centered over the woman's eye scaled down so that we get her new big eye over the top of her old eye lastly we want to increase the soft edge just a little bit so that this blends in nicely with the image so that's our effect and nicely if we look well that would be our effect if we were viewing it lastly we need to merge this in to the video to the stream which I will do with a merge node will take the output of our transform as the input to the merge and now we should have this warped view of her eye magnified over the other one because the image is stabilized coming into the transform the merge the mask the eye is always in the same place so this image will look much more mundane the reverse tracker then undoes this movement putting her eye back where it was originally to do the other eye I'm just going to copy and paste the three of these in feed this input in here and then for the transformation I will move the center point the pivot on top of the other eye and I will also move the ellipse itself for the mask to be on top of the other eye and if we look at the output of that we should have both eyes magnified we don't which is fascinating how that's happening what I'm gonna do is detach this mask from the transform itself and apply it to the merge we really want to be masking what's merged in not the part of the image that is transformed so at this point we have video of the woman with great big eyes and if we look at the unmodified output we have the woman jogging with her eyes in the right place but giant for a last little bit of fun to the effect let's give her a giant smile to do this I will use a loader to bring in an image of a smile in this case we do want to mask the smile itself I will do that with the Bezier node which we don't need that many of them pick some points kind of trying to get the essence of this woman's smile without too much of the rest of her face hooking this up to the mask on this gives us a smile a bit of a soft edge to feather that down a bit maybe pull in a little bit less of the corner but this actually looks pretty good one thing I will say right up front we will need to color great this most likely just by dropping try just a little bit on the game then use another merge note to merge the smile into our image which gives us this lovely bizarre Cheshire Cat effect so in order for that to be useful or interesting looking we then have to adjust the merge itself so that the smile is in the right place try to get it to match up with what a maybe a realistic smile like might look like but obviously this isn't very realistic because it's not even facing the same direction as you can see from this we need to remove a little bit of our original as we're pulling in some kind of darker areas a little bit above or smile but the end result is a really weirdly positioned smile obviously fake planted on the jogger this tracks well because the face isn't moving and if we look at the final image we have our woman with bug eyes and a really unrealistic smile enjoying a nice jog just as a little bit of last-minute fine-tuning we can adjust the color corrector to get a really good match on that and I think I need to make this soft edge just a little bit softer to get rid of that hard line we have there and there we have our bug-eyed woman running to finish I will add a saver node connect this up to our final output and we can render our final video
Channel: David Brown
Views: 2,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, fusion, mocha pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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