BOOKSHELF ORGANISATION | my own little library

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel so this is going to be my first ever bookshelf organization video and i am so excited i've just set up my bookshelves so i'm not going to show you just yet but um basically today me and my boyfriend went to ikea and we picked up one of the full-size billy bookshelves and this is so exciting because i've never had one of those before i've only ever had the three shelf one so like the half size one i'm just so excited to finally have a full size bookshelf in my room and it's right there and i'm loving the way it looks already so yeah let's go to earlier when i picked up my bookshelf so basically in my bedroom i've only got this space like this patchable here we've got the desk here so yeah i've only got the space in between our chest of drawers and the desk so basically i have enough room for two wide belly book shelves and potentially a thin one so today we are going to be building a large berry bookshelf i've literally brought up says it was so much heavier than i thought it was and we're gonna put it there move this one over and then i'm going to organize all my books so these aren't even all my books and it's pushing it like i think this bookshelf isn't very happy and then if i come over here i have got a bunch of books that i have recently hauled um i do have my harry potter books over there but i don't know what i'm gonna do with those i bought those quite a while ago so yeah i've got a bunch of books here as well and then i've got a big tub of books over here as well that i haven't put out yet because i don't have the space so finally i can put some of these books on my shelves okay so it is time to finally build this thing and i'm gonna be doing it by myself so wish me luck [Music] so i have kind of screwed in whatever those are and that over there i don't have much floor space to be working with so basically i think right now before i like do anything else i am going to take all the books off of this shelf potentially put them over there i don't really know i don't have much space in here but yeah take all of those books off so that i can kind of like move the shelf over and then it'll be like easier to like maneuver everything [Music] do [Music] hi guys so here are my bookshelves all complete oh my god so these were the bookshelves i had before i've had them for maybe two or three years and at the beginning i didn't even buy them to be a bookshelf it was like more like a display kind of thing but um since then obviously i've gotten way more books over the years so this was holding a ton of books as you would have seen earlier in the video so i'm so excited to now have this massive bookshelf i don't actually know how this is going to turn out because i've never put every single book i own on my bookshelves i kind of want the middle sections to be the prettiest books or like my personal favorite books wait where's my little book so in this little penguin book that i got for christmas i put basically all my ideas of like how i wanted to organize the bookshelves um and then i also did a little kind of diagram and put like possible like genres for each shelf so i don't really know what i'm gonna do i just want it to look nice and be like not confusing my kind of idea for my shelf is to go off of mainly genres for each shelf and then like within that go off like different authors and different like kind of vibes and before we begin i just received this in the press from megan so thank you so much megan this actually completes my marriage gay toy collection now so i've literally got all three of her books and i'm so happy this came just in time these are gonna look so cute on my shelves okay so i think i'm gonna start by putting books on the shelves based on genre and kind of go from there so yeah i'm going to start putting books on shelves [Music] [Music] okay guys i don't know how long it's been but i've put up i would say the majority of my books are now like sitting on my shelves and i have categorized them i haven't put every single book up because some of them i don't know where i'm going to put them and i don't know like what's going to look good with what so to begin with i'm just going to organize the books that are currently on the shelves and see how it looks and then go from there i'm so nervous because i don't know if i'm actually any good at this so yeah let's see what happens [Music] okay so we've got my first completed shelf and i know that's a bit weird but i quite like it so we've got my beautiful classics i do have like a few more classics up there but i just wanted to show off like my nicest ones and i put this little glass here that used to be a candle because obviously the great gatsby it's like a little champagne glass and then here we have my agatha christie collection and i absolutely love the way this looks i basically had this like similar setup on my old shelf and then i put my little chest box underneath because i thought it looked super cute and then we've got my lord of the rings collection as well which i love and i just put the box at the end as well because i love how that looks i mean it looks like this is a pretty random shelf but basically it's all of my like kind of classics in a way so i've got my classics i don't know if donna tartt is classic but anyway um and then i've got like my agatha christie's which are obviously like quite old now and the same for lord of the rings i just love how they look together so yay okay so i was just charging my camera for a little bit but while i was doing that i just put some series up here yeah so these are like series that i read like ages ago so i've kind of just like put them at the top there i think they look nice and like uniform all up there but i don't necessarily like want them right in the background of all my videos and stuff so yeah that's where they're gonna stay and yeah let's carry on [Music] okay so i decided to put my kind of graphic novels manga and comics hair and like frankenstein in the middle i'm not entirely like happy with this at the moment and then i've got my alice in wonderland collection here and then i moved my kind of like adult fantasy shelf here and my bookmarks in my illumicrate mug here i believe that elaine mcrae are giving us a bookmark pot in the next box so that will probably be replaced and i'll use that again as a mark for tea and then on the next shelf down i've got my thrillers and like horrors and then i've got like a bunch of like spooky books like my vampire books and then i've also put bunny hair on display because obviously like look at her like she's so gorgeous and i've got my little cold urine as a decoration so yeah i absolutely love these shelves so that's what's done so far and now i'm gonna move on to the contemporary and like the ya fantasy [Music] okay amazing so i've put some contemporaries here i think they look so satisfying like that and then we've got to all the boys and my funko pops some make habits and this random hardback which i am like three quarters of the way through so i want to finish that soon and then i actually change this section so i have all of my manga and stuff standing up and i put my little wax burner here and my polaroid camera and then up on the top of this shelf i put my fake ikea plants i've had forever i put this little rose quartz um tea light holder and then my rose quartz book ends with all my romance [Music] [Music] do hi guys it's the next day and i have finished my bookshelves i actually did a couple finishing touches for them today i am just obsessed like i first of all didn't know that i owned this many books some of them are my boyfriends but literally i would say probably about five percent i don't know like how much you can see obviously there are a couple shelves down there as well but i thought that i would just like do a quick kind of like tour of like where i decided to put everything but i don't think i'm gonna do like a really in-depth like his each shelf and like talk about the books or anything so if you guys want a bookshelf tour let me know in the comments and i will do one properly for you guys in another video but yeah let me show you the books okay so up here we've got all of my like series from when i was younger i just put them up there because like i'm not gonna necessarily read them anytime soon or like grab them and then this next shelf is my kind of classics um some classic mother mystery and some classic fantasy the next shelf down is my adult fantasy and then today in my lumacrate order i got this little book pot and i put my bookmarks in it then the next shelf down which i'm considering swapping over because i love the shelf so much and i want it in like the background of my videos um this is my thrillers and horrors and my vampire books and then obviously i don't know if you guys can see but i've got bunny facing outwards because i love that book with my whole heart and then the next shelf down is my contemporaries my my hk choice i've got my to all the boys series there which has my funko pops next to it i've got some meg cabots as well and then at the bottom which you guys can't see at the moment but i will show you in just a second um i've got my historical fiction and some books from my childhood so moving on to this shelf i've got a few of my romances at the top here um with my rose quartz book ends which i just love so much they were my grandma's and i'm so happy that we actually found them when we moved out of my last home and then underneath we've got all of my graphic novels manga and comics and heartstopper vol 4 arrived this morning so that is there now which i'm so pleased with and then over here we've got my little alice collection it's just a little collection but alice's adventures in wonderland is one of my all-time favorite stories so that had to have its own dedicated little section especially now that tasman got me the most beautiful edition ever and and then this next shelf down here which is probably my fullest shelf fullest is that word it's all my why a fantasy paranormal and like urban fantasy i'm probably going to expand this shelf to cover um the bottom shelf as well which i don't think you guys can see either um but at the bottom we just got some of my non-fiction and then a couple of books that i've borrowed from my sister and that is literally it [Music] do [Music] okay so that is it i'm actually so proud that i fit all of my books onto these shelves um and they don't look too sparse actually but there is definitely room for growth so yeah i'm just so happy with how they turned out i hope that you guys like them too let me know what you think so yeah i think that's it from my bookshelf organization video i really hope you guys enjoyed watching me organize all my books thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in my next one [Music] bye you
Channel: bambinakatarina
Views: 150,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bookshelf organisation, reorganising my bookshelves, ikea billy bookshelf, booktube, bookshelf makeover, bambina katarina, bambinakatarina
Id: b5pk9iHVyII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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