MASSIVE UNBOXING | 6 boxes & increasing chaos

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hey everyone it's me again brittany and i'm here today obviously you you've read the title i don't know why i always explain it when i know you've read the title but i am here with a massive huge astronomical ginormous unboxing you guys know that i receive fairyloot and owlcrate boxes i am a rep for both of these companies it means that i just get their boxes free of charge which is very kind of them and then i unbox them and review them on my channel there's no like monetary compensation i do have a code it's britney for both of them it means different things for both of them so look down in my description if you're curious about it i for the past three months have not done an unboxing i was on top of it again i don't want to make this too long but i was on top of it again guys i had just made like my february unboxings or something and i was back to doing just like the set that i was supposed to be doing every single month and then unfortunately a fairy loot one took like two months to get to me and i was like i'm not gonna unbox the owlcrate one without the fairyloot one by the time the fairyloot one came the other owlcrate had already come and then the fairyloot came again and i was like oh my god i have four boxes to unbox and i was in the middle of moving and i was just not able to make that happen then i got another two boxes and i'm about to get the next two so it is time i have six boxes to unbox here for you guys i believe it's march april and june for both companies i think i have it in the right order we're just gonna jump in i might not even do close-ups guys i might not even do close-ups this is going to be the nitty-gritty this is going to be fun i think that this is going to be therapeutic i mean it's just been stacking up and it's been giving me anxiety so i know it's going to be therapeutic for that sense but it's also just really fun to do it's kind of like a present for myself i'm sorry if it doesn't look professional i'm sorry if this isn't the most aesthetic hopefully after this i am back on track and i can stop putting it off until it is absolutely necessary because i love unboxing these and i feel really bad i'm sorry fairyloot and owlcrate but let's just get in we're gonna see all of the good bookish merch today if you are here and this is your first time ever on my channel this is very chaotic and i'm so sorry but i hope you enjoy huge hauls of things because i know i do it makes me feel better and i'm getting better from being sick so it is only logical as spock might say i have not been spoiled for any of these i haven't been going on instagram so that was just happenstance and i haven't seen anyone else's because i've been avoiding them we really are getting my live inauthentic and organic reactions the spoiler card for the march look at me go fairy loot is going to be frozen fables i'm going to be putting everything i think on this back area except for this actually now that i remember i want it in front of me we'll watch this build up i'm not going to be undoing it i don't think the first things that i see in here are actually the tarot cards which is exciting i love fairyloot's tarot cards they're just so well done and it's really cool to potentially one day have a whole set of just bookish tarot cards and we got the two of wands and the ace of wands and i don't know if i've read this book she has a snowflake necklace she's really pretty i love the art style on here oh yeah it's the winter night trilogy by katherine arden i definitely was getting that vibe artist is rs28 i think it's funny that they're doing like a winter and march theme i mean i know some places are actually in winter vegas just gets very hot very fast but anyways the next thing is the baron the nightingale ceramic mug designed by monoline art oh i love monolimart literally favorite artist i think that i can say that with my whole chest god i still have not read the bear in the nightingale i've heard mixed things it's apparently a fairly slow paced fantasy novel and i believe it has to do with folk tales kind of situation i don't know it sounded really interesting to me at first but then when it became popular and a lot of people read it all the people that read it after it became popular was like this isn't really my thing i'm assuming it's the two main characters we have this stunning girl with like long flowing dark locks i have always side note wanted to be a really dark brunette because my mom is but it just doesn't suit my skin tone and like a dude with like also pretty nice flowing locks and this beautiful horse the horse is like the stunner it's it's the star of the show really i am such a mug collector i wish i wasn't because mugs are a really hard thing to collect i've been moving let me tell you packing it was an experience but i love mugs so i'm never gonna complain when i get one ooh okay we got another one of their little head scarf things we've gotten this in the past i like this it's i don't know it's um a house with like blood running off of it maybe this is cool i don't wear scarves like these let's see i feel like it's gonna make me look very i have a really big forehead i look like a toddler there's probably a way to make this cute let's let's try i guess uh i look very southern i just i haven't found a way to make scarves look good on me although i wish i did because i like pulling my hair back from my face really fast oh the something dark and holy series by emily a duncan is that what that's called like the wicked saints isn't that isn't that who this is i think so either way i never would have thought that i was getting really strong raven boys vibes but the blood kind of confused me and threw me off socks i love socks i love socks even if it's an even the darkest star socks i did not like the even the darkest stars book i only read the first book i just didn't love the pacing it was honestly one of my worst rated books of last year which is unfortunate i think it's because i expected dragons don't go into it expecting dragons if you haven't read it yet because it was kind of anticlimactic but i love socks i love a good pair of socks and these are really cute it looks like there's a dog on it like oh no no it's it's a coyote or a fox box boxes i don't know i think it's foxes you can never have too many you always need them and they're super fun the design was made by jez hawk all right what's gonna be in here oh there we go oh cool so it's a phone ring holder oh it's the winter wood oh this is cute it says be your own light there we go it's just like it looks like the cover for winter wood just with the moon and the branches and everything it's really nice i don't honestly use phone ring holders although maybe i should because i tend to drop my phone a lot and i'm sure this would make it easier i kind of want a pop socket i think that's why i would love to be able to play with a pop socket and fidget with it and these aren't as good for fidgeting in my opinion but they are good for stands huh oh and it was created by iron and ink designs i should have opened this sooner i've been in need of notebooks this is beautiful i am a very big stationery fan all we're learning right now is i'm a big fan of a lot of things apparently socks mugs notebooks oh is it unlined that's exciting it's more of a sketchbook and it has just like a snow globe with a rose kind of gives me beauty in the beast vibes and the back says a candle unused is nothing but wax and wink wax and wick i would rather light the flame knowing it will go out than sit forever in darkness ah see i'm the opposite i store my candles forever because i get anxious about using them up i'm trying to fix this problem i want to be able to start using up my products because i've realized that's one of my problems the reason i have so much stuff is because i refuse to use the stuff because then i would not have that stuff and that is just not a way to live it was illustrated by tara and it is inspired by winter song by sj jones i think there's maybe one more thing that's supposed to be in here but i'm not seeing it so it might be in the little baggie of book stuff all right so we have the bookmark which obviously has the little wintery couple on it the character print and this one's really stunning with the letter from the author on the back oh no that's the fairy scoop yeah i don't think i got the foil door print that's okay so i don't know what it was it looks like it was inspired by spinning silver and it was made by worca art oh says the bright and the pale by jessica rubinkowski look at those sparkly blue edges and it's signed by the author look at those end papers oh my gosh it's embossed ooh look at that art on the reverse of the dust jacket i love how like everyone else is so pale that it makes the the blonde guy with a tan look dark anyways let's see what this is about seventeen-year-old valeria is one of the only survivors of the freeze a dark magical hold not mountain unleashed on her village everyone including her family is trapped in an unbreakable sheet of ice ever since she's been on the run from the tsar who is determined to imprison anyone who managed to escape valyria finds refuge with the thieves guild doing odd jobs with her best friend alec the only piece of home she has left that is until he is brutally murdered a year later she discovers alec is alive and being held against his will to buy his freedom she must wow they've really just spoiled that didn't they anyways to buy his freedom she must lead a group of cutthroats and thieves on a perilous expedition to the very mountain that claimed her family only something sinister slumbers in the heart of not and it has waited years for release inspired by russian folklore jessica rubinkowski's epic fantasy debut is a thrilling page turner with romance tragedy magic and monsters that will stay with you to the very end and obviously we have the author interview and next month's theme is gonna be hidden identities sweet all right let's move to the owlcrate box so again i'm pretty sure this is the right one the march one let's find out cute spoiler card it reminds me there's this artist i love she does really cute like polly pocket style like houses but she also does like art like this with like the witchy like stuff with tons of objects everywhere like all over i don't know how to describe it maybe i'll put up a picture oh it is the march box and it's of witches and wonder the print is giving me alice in wonderland vibes i'm into it the first thing i'm interested in is this box i've been cutting these boxes up to use i don't know for what i just love the prints on them so it says reading through the seasons oh it's a tumblr it's a tumblr it's like this really really pretty deep green tone and it says cheers for spring for life for a growing soul look at that look at that it matches my nails these are fun for i mean the one that i have was made for wine but you can obviously feel this with anything they're doing a collectible series of seasonal drink wear that's funny and it's artwork from macarena chomek the quote is from sylvia plath let's see what's in here emmanuel blackberry sage and cypress fiction back is this oh it's perfume i love perfume oh a little oily little oily oh my hands are dry oh all right anything that has a scent today i will not be able to tell you guys anything about why are my hands so dry again i've been sick if you watch my last video i talked a little bit more about that there i'll link it up above but i have no sense of smell zero my sense of taste is kind of coming back sort of but i have no sense of smell it's very upsetting to me because you guys know i love sniffing things i guess we'll just have to take its word it's blackberry sage and cypress sounds like it would be very fresh so it's from the year of the witching i still have to read that i really wanted to read that when it first came out okay my cats are running they're chasing each other anyways it looks like a pencil pouch it says magic is desire made real and i really like the colors that really pretty baby blue with pink oh it's a bookmark holder that seems excessive but i do have a lot of bookmarks interesting so do you put like a bunch in here or do you carry this around with you and you put your singular bookmark with you every single time you open up your book to read i've got questions is this gonna be the new book sleeve bookmark holder it says this been a thing or is this like owlcrate just being like what's creative based on a discovery of witches designed by amy mack illustration i'll probably use this i have a lot of bookmarks but it just seems um a little unnecessary i guess tell me if i'm wrong if you've gotten this box if you've been using it and you love it and you want bookmark holders to be a thing let me know down below this little cute box that says there's a little witch in all of us add a bit of magic to your morning brew with this tea bag rest that seems also just so excessive but definitely like why wouldn't you just use a plate you know because this is cute i get that oh it is really cute it just has like a little butterfly or mom no no it's a butterfly and it says there's a little witch in all of us i don't know if i'd use this specifically to put my tea bag on i'd like this as like a ring dish or soap holder even i feel like there's just so many things that they could have said besides tea bag rest could i use it for tea bags yeah will i seems like an extra step in a morning where normally in the mornings i don't want any extra steps you know i think i'm being a little too harsh don't fall please oh it was designed by team owlcrate it's really cute and it's inspired by practical magic oh a notebook and i was just saying how i've been wanting more notebooks look at owlcrate and fairly coming through this is so cute i really do like this theme a lot like i haven't really talked on it but i love the witchy theme it's so so cute she's just sitting there on her little window seat i've always wanted a window seat and there's flying books and tea and the giant witch hat oh and it's also unlined did they compare notes i always wonder that and that was designed by talia skyles and they actually say that it's a sketchbook so there's a little owlcrate oh it's like a a reading challenge so it's owlcrate reading challenge and then you write in what books you read for each of the prompts winner of a literary award last book in a series epistolary novel i don't even i don't know what that means i am uneducated and then the book so it's sweet and bitter magic by adrienne tully and this is so pretty i love i love lavender one of my favorite colors i love a lot of colors though so i have a hard time with decisions print with the author letter on the back and then the book itself which is just so pretty i love this shade i love the drawing on it no special end papers but it is signed on a special paper by the author which that's cool beautiful lavender sprayed edges it's embossed with a little bow how cute tamzin is the most powerful witch of her generation but after committing the worst magical sin she's exiled by the ruling covenant and cursed with the inability to love what would this worst sin be if you can't love is it like a love spell that would be funny the only way she can get those feelings back even for just a little while is to steal love from others ooh that's interesting ren is a source a rare kind of person who is made of magic despite being unable to use it herself i feel like i'm remembering something that has used that sources are required to train with the coven as soon as they discover their abilities but ren the only caretaker to her ailing father spent her life hiding her secret when a magical plague ravages the queendom ren's father falls victim to save him ren proposes a bargain if tamzin will help her catch the dark witch responsible for creating the plague then ren will give tamzin her love for her father that's so mean that's really mean why would tamsen want that that's cruel uh i don't like that of course love bargains are a tricky thing and these two have a long perilous journey ahead of them that is if they don't kill each other first i hope they fall in love i don't know how they would because one of them can't love but i kind of i really hope that that's what i'm feeling that's the vibe i'm getting and then the pin oh it's by icy designs and it's a cauldron that just says magic has consequences let me yeah cute oh yeah we do have the pamphlet the owlcrate pamphlet it just shows you the original cover it doesn't look like they changed much about it but i do like how much deeper like more saturated they made the background color the original background is way more pale and then we have obviously the interview with the author diy divination similar reads interview with the vendor and other books that come out in the month my definite favorite item was the notebook itself i just thought it was really pretty and practical with the tumblr being a close second and the last box the fairyloot my favorite item was obviously the ceramic mug let's just move on to the next fairy loot is anyone else getting anxiety because i feel like i'm still talking a lot please be april i did it i think this is the april card i love it it's just like the two sides of the same coin kind of situation and assassin and like the cute little blossom girl and it's hidden identities oh nice i thought they'd be like twins or something but they're literally the same person this is a really beautiful card we have a from blood and ash tote is that what he looks like oh i've been able to picture the main girl character from from blood and ash perfectly since the start and the guy i have not been able to picture i'm like making him up every single time if that's what he looks like i like it i love their totes they're really high quality totes they're made from really thick canvas they're really big and like they're sturdy it was obviously inspired by from blood and ash by jennifer l armentrout and the artwork is rs28 i do really like how rs28 does their art soap it's cherry blossom soap that's so cute look a little like pink phoenix it's a soft pink phoenix fired by flame in the mist by renee audier ah i want to smell it why open it if i can't smell it cruelty free and vegan oh my gosh oh guys bookends these are really hefty bookends they've got some weight to them they're giving me lord of the rings vibes i'm not sure if they are lord of the rings metal bookends inspired by lord of the rings by j.r.r tolkien you know i think that means that jrr tolkien did his branding so so well it was designed by jez hawk these are nice these are really hefty i've gotten some bookends before in book boxes and though they're really cute they don't have a lot of weight to them so then they don't i guess necessarily work as bookends these ones actually feel like they would work we have a little bag let's just see oh it's an enamel pain and it's inspired by the day of a bed series by essay chakraborty i still have not read city of brass i really want to guys and i'm finally getting back into a fantasy mood so i think it's it's on the horizon but this is a beautiful pin it says greatness takes time and it's designed by icy designs look at that remember how the last one was missing the print i guess that might have just been a thing because i think this is that print this is so beautiful this is stunning it's foiled it's just moody i really like the art style it's a stunning print look at that it's stunning that's something else okay oh we got foiled bookmarks we got a set of three i don't think i know these characters but i probably do let's see oh my god no two out of the three this is the poppy war oh shoot love poppy war still need to read the last book but love poppy war and ember in the ashes yep i can see it now and i'm assuming then that this is blood air but i have not read blood air and the artwork is by talia noble i can put them in my bookmark holder i wouldn't because i want them on display two tarot cards we have the eight of wands and seven of wands i never know what order they're going in i swear i'm obsessed i'm obsessed with this artwork this is really pretty oh these are these are blood and honey the first one is serpent and dove by shelby maherin they were drawn by morgana zero anagram i'm loving all of the art in this box it's very well done let's do it oh look at that purple the character card with the letter from the author on the back fairy scoop oh i love how the bookmark looks that's pretty that's really pretty oh my gosh i can actually see the purple reflecting on my hand from my lights like that's a bright purple nice okay so it's called the prison healer by lynette noni and look at that sprayed edge it's like a lock don't let her die we are coming signature page oh of course oh my goodness i didn't expect that i did not expect that i expected the artwork look at that can you oh my gosh look at that fairyloot's been going off on their special editions i really respect that it's so cool look at this embossing like this is so over the top this is that extra mile it says here at zalindov the only person you can trust is yourself seventeen-year-old kiva meridian is a survivor for ten years she's worked as the healer in the notorious death prison zalindov making herself indispensable kept afloat by messages of hope from her family kieva has one goal and one goal only stay alive then one day the infamous rebel queen arrives at the prison on death's door and kiva receives a new message don't let her die we are coming the queen is sentenced to the trial by ordeal a series of elemental challenges against the torments of air fire water and earth assigned to only the most dangerous of criminals aware the sickly queen has little chance of making it through the trials alive kiva volunteers to take her place if she succeeds both she and the queen will be granted their freedom but no one has ever survived and with an incurable plague sweeping zalindov a mysterious new inmate fighting for kiva's heart and a prison rebellion brewing kiva can't escape the terrible feeling that her trials have only just begun this is interesting i'm very interested and this is a stunning bug in the fairy scoop we have all of the all of the bonus things obviously and then the author interview and then we have next month's theme which is spellcraft which again i won't read into it because we're about to jump into that in a moment this box was really good i'm impressed i don't even know what my favorite thing would be i'm not sure let's do all great i'm feeling so chaotic i'm sorry guys let's hope this is the april box cause i mixed them all together yes okay oh that's luna give me a moment hi i love you too so we have like a frenemies situation because they're they're holding hands but there's daggers behind their backs coffee we got coffee i love coffee this is from fable grounds coffee the last coffee place bones coffee i finally ordered a whole thing from them loved it but it says spectacular and it's cinnamon owlcrate hazelnut exclu please please read what i how i read this cinnamon allocrate hazelnut exclusive it's cinnamon hazelnut i'm a big coffee drinker and so is my mom now that i'm living with her so i'm sure we'll try this out i don't know what flavor it is oh cinnamon hazelnut i blame the brain fog but who knows in your heart touchy face okay we're all hanging out then and i don't think it's based on anything oh it is inspired by where dreams descend oh it's probably a silverware set i love silverware sets so it says astra inkling said non obligant the stars inclinus they do not bind us this is a really cute case chopsticks the scarlet gang oh my god wait two sets of oh two sets of chopsticks and a cool thing that holds them i've never had one and the white flowers guys this is so cool i love chopsticks metal chopsticks are kind of hard for me though i'm not gonna lie like the noodles just slip right through but these are so pretty so it's obviously inspired by these violent delights and if you guys watched my recent mid-year book freakout tag i talked about how this is probably favorites that i've read this year share a romantic meal with your bitter yet somehow infuriatingly attractive rival and it's designed by paperback bones it says etc by owlcrate oh it's a game so it says challenge fellow fiction loving friends with categories that were designed just for bookworms i only have one in real life reader friend so i'll have to get her to hang out with me when i'm feeling better readers will need to rack their bookish brains to score points in this fast-paced game of literary lists i love making lists but i feel like i'm not good on a time crunch they're just little like cards that's cool designed exclusively for owlcrate by tez medovich paperback bones oh this is such a cute little that's perfect it says history has its eyes on you i am keeping this envelope i always do but this one's really nice it's like a wallet oh this is really cool but it has like this kind of thing and i don't like this kind of thing but it is so creative because you can't normally have both you either have to pick between a wallet or like a phone ring holder it's a hamilton inspired phone wallet designed by lady chub letters what's this it's a pillow cover conquer your fear and you can conquer the world love this this is so cute i love that everything kind of matches they have a lot of red and black and roses good news gentle friends you can channel a bit of mirror corvair in your decor with this never night inspired throw pillar case designed did i say throw pillar throw pillowcase designed by kdp letters i 100 just spoiled myself for what the book is oh and how much you want to bet that this is going to be the book that's in the fairy loot this i was looking forward to it's witches steeped in gold sienna smart like look at this it's so stunning then we have obviously the cover with the letter from the author on the back this is just so pretty enemies bent on revenge an unlikely alliance one witch left standing the sign page from the author oh oh we have the embossing which is so pretty and then look at that that artwork is stunning like it is really really really really well done aria adair has spent her life in a cell heir to an overthrown and magically gifted dynasty she was exiled from her home on the island nation of avayika when just a child but every day brings her closer to freedom and vengeance jasmine carriott grew up dressed in gold with stolen magic at her fingertips daughter of the self-crowned doyan her existence is a threat to her mother's rule but unlike her sister before her jasmine has no intention of dying to strengthen her mother's power sworn enemies the two witches enter a deadly alliance to take down the woman who threatens both their worlds doyenne carriott but revenge is a bloody pursuit and nothing is certain except the links uriah and jasmine will go to win this game that sounds so good wait let's see what the pin is it's huge first of all like much bigger than a normal pin and it's just black and gold and a necklace a book a spider water potentially and a mirror this is just it's so cool looking the original cover has green in the background with the gold which i do really like but the black and gold looks good as well and then we have the interview with the author try these great reads the interview with a vendor photo challenge and then other books that came out in the month that they're excited about i forgot to mention the spotify playlist i didn't show you the last one did i never knight playlist okay the theme for next month is expect the unexpected that's hilarious i feel like i've been quoting that tick tock sound all week gotta expect the unexpected now fairyloot we're at the end i feel like i've been filming for a little while but i've been having fun i don't know the card isn't at the top look at this spoiler card it's so stunning definitely giving me which is steeped in gold buds the theme for may is spellcraft the first thing i'm seeing is a game okay fairyloot owlcrate i'm betting you guys you guys take notes from each other you just can't convince me that you don't ooh a 20 die oh my gosh i'm using this whenever i play dungeons and dragons now it's hefty this is a nice dye and it's like gold and purple lakers colors my boyfriend won't love that for me but this is a nice dye i love it and it comes with a little pouch um you write things are there instructions or do we just hope for the best a tbr game all you need to do is write down all the books you want to choose oh wait that's cool that's actually really cool i thought it was going to be a game to play with your friend i'm like oh this wasn't well thought out tbr game though is smart write down all the books you want to choose from on the sheet of numbered paper and then you roll the dice and whichever number you roll that's the book you read great for someone like me i'm so indecisive i actually probably will use this i spoke too soon i was being judgey for no reason so let's do whatever's in here ah come on guys you can't tell me they don't take notes from each other oh my god is it a giant phone holder i use the one that they gave us in the other box a lot does this go like this no maybe i don't know uh the lettering is by lady chubb letters and is inspired by ray bear by jordan ifueko it says behold it has arrived next thing we have is a print they look really cool they look like a cool gang of friends in school they're just like the popular kids they're having always a good time you know they're always joking around in class and you're like i hate you or maybe i'm just you know projecting who knows i don't know who these people are oh it's from crave by tracy wolf and was illustrated by grace z hort i still have not read crave i honestly wasn't very interested in it when it looked like a carbon copy of what twilight books have on the covers and it looked like it was going to be some kind of twilight ripoff it doesn't seem that way anymore it seems like a vampire academy ripoff if you ask me these all look like people going to school and they're uniforms and they're vampires i'm being judgy if you've read crave and you love it and you think that i should give it a try let me know down below in the meantime i'm just gonna keep being judgey i guess so next we have a coaster set and it's serpent and dove inspired i really like fairyloot's coasters they do a really good job with it and they did it like the last style that they did where they're little hexagons and they're so stunning look at them i literally better not have a single ring mark on any table in my new house whenever i get to move into a house and get furniture because look i have so many coasters i have i'll have a coaster for every room i just better not have ring marks you know and i know i will because i'm the one that forgets to use coasters designed by rs28 i was waiting to open this because it seemed like the most exciting item it's a tumblr i could tell when i grabbed the straw oh which now i have no idea where that went [Music] this is my favorite thing ever this is my favorite thing ever i'm just still not over it you know it's been years it's been years and i'm still not over thrown of glass you guys know i just really really resonate with sarah j maas writing but particularly i resonate with the 13 with manon's 13. and this tumbler says from now until the darkness claims us and there's there's the 13 wyverns kingdom of ash is still so fresh in some ways this is beautiful i've been needing a new tumbler for so long because i've never unpacked my old tumblers from the first time i ever packed things up over a year ago and i've only been using the one that i have in rotation that i've gotten since that move and it's great but i need another one and this is definitely my new favorite i'm gonna carry it everywhere i'm gonna treat it like gold it's beautiful i need to find the straw but it's somewhere here in this pile you just haven't seen the pile that's my favorite thing hands down in everything that we've unboxed so far that is my favorite and in anything i will ever unbox today i don't want to box myself in you know it was designed by chatty nora oh i found the straw let's look at the book oh wait the tarot cards almost forgot how do they put all of the prints on the bottom this time so it's the ten of wands and the nine of wands these are so so pretty look at that i don't wanna be with them they're too pretty oh they're actually serpent and dove and they were done by morgan morgana zero anagram who in serpent and uh am i am i um i don't remember who these people are i'm gonna be honest with you oh you know what okay wait i know this is the friend this is the best friend and this is the guy the sweetie pie that she meets i'm pretty sure okay not the not the hot guy the sweetie pie first we have fairy scoop which we'll actually look at at the end of this since we're not opening up the next box oh my god look at that character card stunning letter from the author and we get the bookmark i like this bookmark a lot very pretty oh my goodness oh my goodness guys fair loot you guys go off you guys have been going off on your freaking books let's just let's just take a moment i didn't i knew it was going to be good i did not that matches my nails this gives me low-key vibes only because we just filmed my loki podcast or we just filmed the loki episode for our podcast today which is why my nails are green my podcast is always linked down below it's the one i do with my boyfriend but that's why it's probably giving me those vibes this is a lot it's which is steeped in gold if you couldn't tell because this is a completely different cover this is so cool this is so well done stenciled edges i'm orange oh my gosh that is that's a good juxtaposition look at the signature page look how beautiful the author's signature looks here she said i am using a fine line gold pen for this this deserves perfection and i agree holy mother of holy look they said yes we gave you a special cover but don't worry it's embossed on the book just in case there's art there's there this is beautiful i love this art style we don't have to read the summary because i just read it this is beautiful oh my gosh the one thing fairyloot has not stopped doing for like a year now is just going above and beyond oh my god there's there's a bookmark a ribbon a ribbon ribbon this is an experience this book is an experience like look i just saw like what the chapter headers look like this is beautiful this might be the prettiest book i own because i'm beyond words right now we know we got the redesigned cover we got stenciled spray dutches signed by the author artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket foil embossing on the hardcover ribbon bookmark the wishes steeped in gold read-along is starting june 28 has already begun probably has already ended i'm not gonna lie and then we have the interview with the author and then we have next month's theme which is animal companions i love animal companions they're like the reason i read yes i felt a connection to an animal friend i like to think it's because i'm i was an only child so i just became very attached to my dogs there's two items that they've never featured before one of which is going to be a crescent city flower pot keys delivery service i'm excited about this i'm so excited kiki's delivery service do you know how many times i have regretted since i named t'challa t'challa his name is gonna be toothless by the way but his eyes weren't green so we named him t'challa because black panther but i have regretted not calling him gigi ever since that moment but black panther he is a loyal creature t'challa my baby he's a chaotic creature like gigi this box was amazing i really even liked the tbr game which i was bashing on don't judge a book by its cover my friends let's do it the last box i'm so excited oh that's different that's not what i expected gotta expect the unexpected that's the theme for this month and i thought of that without remembering that was the theme that's what i'm saying i keep quoting it a lot i want to know what this is but okay let's grab the little spoiler card this is cool it's very like oh just big city vibes but overtaken big city vibes it's obviously expect the unexpected it's lavender ah this is pretty okay what's this i wanna know is this gonna be the box that has like the next um book tin for a darker shade of magic i don't know it's a tote it's a corduroy tote it says may we meet again on distant shores i really like this tote this is like a really nice corduroy tote and it has like a little zipper this is a great beach bag i feel like that's the vibe that i was that they were going for and that they succeeded in there's a little zipper to hold like your chapstick so you don't lose it in this endless pit there's this zipper which is making a lot of noise which is fun and then you got handles and you got a big handle this is really nice quality too like this is a well-made corduroy bag i like this a lot i wish i lived near a beach or traveled i would take it i would oh so it's a line from obsidio and it was hand lettered by studio kyra calligraphy and i also really liked the little bag it came in you can just like take it with you you pack it into your travel bag when you're going to california or something that way it's not taking up too much space and then when you're in the hotel you just pop all your necessary beach items in it ah this is brilliant brilliant so we have a out of print scarf for rule of wolves each purchase helps to fund literacy programs and book donations you know i think i have an out-of-print gift card that i bought when i was at bookcon and i never used and i should i really should oh yeah it's just a cute little like bandana i guess oh i'm holding it upside down so it says we're all monsters now cool i'm i think this is like the c wyvern or maybe not the c one but a wyvern a little foxy fox that's a mad dog and then a hawk ah i probably got every single one of those animals wrong what do i know about companions nothing nothing i can tell you that my cap is black and my other one is leopardy she's not but she looks like a sea leopard sometimes or a leopard seal is that what it's called yeah leopard seal i like bandanas and i think that this one when like folded up and if you like center the world monsters now that would be really cool i was right guys it's a book tin i think i'm gonna like this one the most it's for gray london it's volume two and it's from the library of gray london this is really cool see i waited long enough so that the next unboxing i did had a book tin that was the whole reason obviously this is so pretty it says crowned captains deadly pirate kings and queens and then the back says stars rescon i'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still iconic i love this i love the red and gold one too but this is way way more my aesthetic i can't wait for the black and white one if you want to get the next one uh they're doing it obviously every three boxes right yeah three boxes so not the next box not the box after that but the box after that so the next box is june july august for my birthday they're doing it for my birthday obviously obviously oh and it was created by forensics and flowers and it's a faux book that lila bard would have certainly nicked for her own bookshelves so true so true oh is this a fancy bookmark oh it's a metal bookmark it's really nice it's hope in the shadow of fear is the world's most powerful motivator this reminds me of the hunger games quote like the hope is the only thing more powerful than fear says president snow oh and then it says neither myths nor mysteries can hold a candle to the most infinitesimal spark of hope pixel and ink creative plucked two quotes full of hope from the pages of scythe and the fifth season oh it's two different books that's why that makes sense to me you know i've read the fifth season and scythe and i'm i'm a bad reader guys obviously i just can't remember every single quote from every single book and i have a bad memory on characters names as well i am not a good reader i don't know why you watch me it's my sparkling personality no oh my gosh i just saw what the book is and i'm so excited um is that the last thing in here okay i don't even care if it is i'm grabbing it this is on my list of most anticipated reads for the year it's the ones we're meant to find and they changed the cover and they did a really good job so it's the ones we're meant to find by joan he they did like a sunset version the original is like very daylight like light light pale blues and like yellows and this is just beautiful lilac purple and pink it's stunning this is such this is cool and then oh this is the original cover yeah i really like i really really like what they did with it and the letter from the author obviously just oh my god the end papers do you see that oh i like this a lot this is really cool and then we have the signature let's read it it's it's a it's a trip it's a bit of a trip so pay attention it's been three years and 17 days since sea woke up on the shore of an abandoned island she has no idea how she came to be marooned or what her life was like before she is only the rickety house by the sea the android she built for company and a single memory somewhere beyond the horizon she has a sister and it's up to sea to escape the island and find her a world away 16 year old stem prodigy casey is also looking to escape from the signs she once believed in and from her home the eco cities earth's last unpopulated habitats are meant to be a sanctuary for those from deserving lineages for those committed to planetary protection but instead they're populated by people willing to do anything for refuge even lie after a series of man-made disasters rock the planet casey must decide if she's ready to use science to help humanity even though it failed the people who mattered most to her it's about climate change it was just already so good i'm so excited this is oh this is so beautiful did i get everything um oh a sticker a vinyl sticker look it's a little wolf and it says most myths are just truths covered in cobwebs and he's carrying that in his little mouth and there's like stars behind him oh he's doing such a good job i love this designed by lion in the trees it's for fans of the gilded wolves nice i literally have such a hard time using stickers because then you'll have used it you know and then you won't have it anymore but i love that sticker it's very pretty so and then we have the enamel pen and it was made once again by i see icy designs oh i like it a lot it's like a bowl and there's a sun and a moon and it says logic ends where love begins that's funny since i started this whole video with a quote from spock it is only logical our half human king half human half vulcan king we have the interview with the author we have the original cover and the cover that they did which grisha order do you belong in oh i want to know i want to know okay pick one from each find the column containing most of your choices king of scars introvert sweet creative earth chemistry class jasper definitely not that i hated chemistry and i'm not much of an introvert or sweet six of crows extrovert spicy fierce fire anatomy class i do like anatomy but i'm not really an extrovert oh ambivert okay amber vert salty yes loyal yeah air physics oh it's b or c i'm gonna go with b just because i mean yes i'm an ambivert i like six of crows better than shadow and bone i'm more fierce and loyal even though i am loyal i guess and i like fire more than air and anatomy class definitely more than physics oh and genya more than soya yes mostly bees oh corporal kai i should have guessed it was red the order of the living the dead okay that was fun oh interesting so they're saying the ones we're meant to find is similar to not a drop to drink i read that and i really liked it i have an interview with studio kyra calligraphy which is a vendor and then we have the maybox photo challenge the sorrows which is the spotify playlist there you go other releases for the month and then the theme for next month is go your own way and all of them will include an enamel item from pineapple sundaes and it's not a keychain it's something they've never sent in a box before interesting this was chaotic that was three months worth of fairy loots and owl crates i actually had a really good time unboxing them like this but i don't like doing it like this i mean they send me their boxes free of charge so i definitely would rather be on top of opening them up and sharing them with you guys rather than this but things happen life gets in the way i we all know i moved and i got sick so here we are and actually i had fun i hope you had fun too i hope this isn't as long as i think it is but i'm positive it is so thanks for sticking through it you're a trooper i appreciate you um also for future me editing this right now you're a trooper i'm sure you hate me i wish i'd shut up too okay so i'm gonna end it expect the next set of boxes i already got the elk crate one in the mail so the fairyloot one should be coming anytime soon and then i am doing a single month like how i used to do for just the june unboxings thank you again to fairyloot and owlcrate for sending me your boxes i love them so so much i always have a hard time picking between them i seriously cannot pick between them i think that each of them always has their own strengths and i hope that these videos do help you though if you are trying to pick between them because i know that personally if i had to pay for them i would not have the money to do two subscriptions either maybe you do maybe i'm being presumptuous but that's going to be it for this video today guys if you do want to use my code it doesn't like give me any money or anything like that it is only to benefit you it is a discount for your first subscription to owlcrate or fairyloot the code for both of them is britney check down below to see the percentages though because it is different for each of them without further ado not without further ado without i'm not going to prolong this anymore i'm done thank you guys so much for watching thank you again to fairyloot now craig look at this mess guys look at this chaos it's beautiful i'm like there's a cat look at him he's twitching in his sleep luna's in here somewhere too i just don't know where she's a sneaky gal wait yeah she's supposed to be in here don't tell me i locked her out oh my god she's gonna be so upset oh no she's in the corner she's over there okay cool bye guys i'll see you my next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] creatures
Channel: Brittany the Bibliophile
Views: 54,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book, read, series, fiction, fantasy, young adult, manga, sci fi, contemporary, graphic novel, urban fantasy, recommend, review, audiobook, audible, libby, scribd, brittany the bibliophile, bibliophile, bookish, pretty, funny, fun, best, popular, summary, booktube, fairyloot, owlcrate, unboxing, huge, haul, merch, box, special edition, sprayed, edges, stencilled, limited, edition, witches steeped in gold, the ones we're meant to find, exciting, collector, chaotic, march, april, may, sweet and bitter magic, the prison healer
Id: 63eIIK7hbJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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