The End Times According to Jesus: The Olivet Discourse 9

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so [Music] so [Music] online before we get started let me wish my uh baby girl a happy birthday she turns 33 today mason michelle she is such a blessing um she works for life church she's an operations manager and she's moving to kansas city danger she has one of my grandchildren i like having my grandchildren close if you have grandchildren you know what i'm talking about i like to be about an hour away from them but anyways i so thank god that she's serving the lord and she feels like god called her up to kansas city to they're actually planting a life church up there and it's exciting work for her and um i prayed against it i'm just teasing that i didn't do that i want what god's will is for her but she is such a blessing and love my grandbaby that's uh with her it's kind of sad but one year ago yesterday i had open heart surgery and then of course macy had her birthday and then on july 22nd my second grandchild was born and i was still recovering and so i could not hold them and that was just such a tough thing but anyways i'm getting off didn't mean to do that after a three week break we're ready to move on to the second part of this series the first part laid the foundation for what i'm going to be covering over the next few weeks but the second part is what most of you have been waiting for you want to know what jesus taught concerning the end times and let me just say it's good it's real good in fact jesus revealed more specific information about when he would return and when the end times would begin than any other person the bible born out john who wrote the book of revelation does not share as much detailed information as jesus does about the winds yeah you see the book of revelation is more specific concerning what will happen during the end times but the olivet discourse is more more specific concerning when it will happen so you study the book of revelation to know what will happen during the tribulation but you study the elephant discourse to know when it will happen yeah it's true that's why it's so good now as we begin our study on the olivet discourse let me just tell you right up front that i'm going to proceed very slowly and at times i'm going to be intentionally repetitive because i want to make sure that you comprehend and you grasp exactly what jesus was saying you see in the olivet discourse jesus explained when the end of the age would begin let me just say that again because this is very very important in the olivet discourse jesus explained when the end of this age would begin in other words how we would know that we're living in the end times to illustrate how important this is let me ask you a question are we living in the end times yes or no yes how do you know oh because of our culture oh things are getting so bad that does not mean a thing people the culture has been bad before how do you know that you're living in the end times well the answer is yes but how do i know that i know that because jesus told us when the end of the age would begin and according to jesus it has already begun and it's not what you think it is now when i say the end of the age or the end times i'm not just referring to the tribulation also known as the 70th week of daniel the last seven years of this time which culminates with the turn of jesus now when i talk about the end times i'm also referring to the events that's leading up to the tribulation you see jesus specifically told us that certain events would be a sign that the end of the age had begun in other words a sign that the end times had begun and those events have occurred signaling that the end of the age has already begun so listen to me we are the final generation but that's different than saying we're living in the end times do you realize that there were some people who were living in the end times before the final generation began now we are living in the end times another sign occurred that says that we are the final generation so what's exciting is we're living in the end times but we're also the final generation if we live long enough we will receive the return of jesus christ and i'm going to prove it to you in the second part of this series so turn with me if you would to the book of matthew chapter 24 and let's read verses 1 and 2. as jesus was leaving the temple grounds his disciples pointed out to him the various temple buildings but he responded do you see all these buildings i tell you the truth they will be completely demolished not one stone will be left on top of another now i want you to remember the context in which this event occurred jesus had triumphantly entered jerusalem on april 6 32 a.d to officially present himself as the messiah just as the prophet daniel predicted in his famous 70-week prophecy this proved beyond a shout-out out that jesus was and is the messiah so you would think that the religious leaders of israel would have welcomed jesus as the messiah with open arms but they didn't instead the religious leaders rejected jesus as the messiah but even worse they used their influence to turn the whole nation against him therefore jesus not only denounced them but he also explained the consequences of their actions first jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed and left desolate we've already covered that secondly the jews would be scattered all over the world we've already covered that and last but not least the kingdom of god would be taken from them and given to the gentiles until it's only temporary the time of the gentiles was fulfilled and we've covered that also now people this was very hard for the disciples to fathom it blew their mind so as they were leaving the temple mount they pointed to the temple and the buildings surrounding it and in essence they said to jesus you're telling us that this is all going to be destroyed and left desolate to which jesus replied i tell you the truth they will be completely demolished not one stone will be left on top of another now this raised all kinds of questions so four of the disciples went to jesus after they reached the top of the mount of olives and they asked him three questions look at verse 3 and as he was sitting on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age now matthew doesn't tell us which of the disciples went to jesus but mark does in mark chapter 13 verse number 3 it says that it was peter james and john who approached jesus and they asked him three questions the first was when will these things be these things refers to the destruction of jerusalem in the temple in fact luke gives us a little more information concerning this first question look at luke chapter 21 verses 6 and 7. the time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished same thing we read in matthew not one stone will be left on top of another teacher they asked when will all of this happen what sign will show us that these things are about to take place so the first question was really two questions two questions and one number one when will jerusalem in the temple be destroyed and number two what will be the sign that it's about to happen so that's the first question when will the temple be destroyed and what will be the sign that it's about to happen the second question was what will be the sign of your coming look back at matthew chapter 24 verse 3. and as he was sitting on the mount of olives the disciples came in privately saying tell us when when will these things be first question and what will be the sign of your coming second question now this question has nothing to do with the rapture remember the rapture is imminent that simply means it can happen at any time and that there are no prophetical events that must occur before it can happen in other words there won't be a sign that the rapture is about to take place people when the rapture happens it just happens so this question is not referring to the rapture it's referring to the second coming of jesus christ in other words what is the sign that precedes the second coming of jesus christ so that's the second question taking notes write this down what's the sign of jesus coming do you realize the signs going to be given right before jesus comes and everyone on the earth will see the sign the third question was what will be the sign that the end of the age has begun look back in matthew chapter 24 verse 3. and it was he sitting on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be first question and what will be the sign of your coming second question and at the end of the age third question you see in jesus day the rabbi spoke of two ages the present age in which we now live and the age to come which is the messianic age so what they were asking was this what's the sign that the end of this age has begun in other words what's the sign that the end times have begun and people that's what we want to know are we living in the end times has it started and if it has what's the sign that it has begun what event or events signaled that the end of this age has begun people jesus is going to answer all three questions when and what's the sign when and what's the sign when and what's the sign three questions question one when will jerusalem and the temple be destroyed and what will the sign be that it's about to happen question number two when would jesus return and what will be the sign of his coming question number three when will the end of the of this age begin and what will be the sign that it has begun now here's what's funny at least it's funny to me i don't mean funny haha i mean funny weird most christians study the book of revelation to find out what's going to happen during the end times but they're not even going to be here for most of it why because christians are going to be raptured before the tribulation even begins yeah and most of the content in the book of revelation deals with what's going to happen during the tribulation what christians should be doing is studying the olivet discourse to see if the end of the age has already begun and if it has to determine exactly where we are in the sequence of events leading up to the tribulation and the second coming of jesus christ in other words to see how close we are to the very end to the tribulation to the last seven years because if we know how close we are to that then we know how close we are to the rapture people that's what christians should be doing so they can be ready and not caught unaware in fact let me read to you the closing portion of the olivet discourse from the book of luke you see both matthew mark and luke all three of them record the olivet discourse so we're going to stay in the book of matthew most of the time but we're going to go over to luke sometimes we're going to go over to mark sometimes because they add information that matthew doesn't but let me read the closing portion of the olivet discourse from luke chapter 21 verses 34 through 36. notice what it says be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and the anxieties of life actually should have been translated the cares of life now when he says your heart weighed down it means instead of your heart being in the right place it's been weighed down by other things and its priorities are somewhere else and what does that well first he says crowsing party cove clubbing yeah crowsing drunkenness partying and the anxieties of life that word anxieties is translated for from the greek word nao and it really means cares what you really value what you care about it's referring to things like mortgage payments car payments extracurricular activities for your children going on vacation making sure that you can stay up with your neighbor and have your swimming pool too those are the things that weigh the heart down and puts it in a different place than where it ought to be which was concerned about the cares of jesus christ now notice what else it says and that day what day we're going to find out and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap for it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen this is the end of the olivet discourse and that you may be able to stand before the son of man let me tell you what this is saying you're going to have one chance one chance to miss the tribulation if you're in the final generation and what is that one chance the rapture and there is no sign that it's about to happen jesus doesn't give you a sign then the disciples give you a sign you're to be watching because you get one chance and if you miss that one chance listen to this you're trapped you're trapped there's going to come a day and i hope it's on a sunday lord i do and i'll be up here teaching and boom i'll be gone and if i'm optimistic i'll say fifty percent of you will be gone if i'm not optimistic i'd say ten percent of you will be gone and the sad part is if you're sitting here when that takes place you miss the one chance you had pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen but you missed it you're either going to die during the tribulation or you're going to have to endure to the end of the tribulation but you missed your one chance to escape it all when jesus came back for his bride now as i said jesus answered all three questions but not in the same order in which they were asked or at least the gospels don't record them in the same order in which they were asked in fact the gospel of matthew doesn't even record jesus answer to the very first question so we're going to have to use luke's gospel to look at jesus answer to that question now it looks like from studying all three gospels that jesus answered the third question first the first question second and the second question last so here's the order in which jesus answered their questions third question what's the sign that the end times have begun jesus answers this question first even though it's the last question that they asked but it makes sense because there's no way to know whether we're living in the end times or not unless there's some type of sign to let us know that the end times have begun yeah i asked you are we living in the end time and every one of you said yeah i said what's the sign someone says it's the fig tree no it's not no it's not that's the sign we're the final generation not one of you know what the sign is so you have no idea whether we're living in the end times then he answered the first question when will jerusalem the temple be destroyed and what will be the sign that is about to happen now because this event had nothing to do with the end times jesus did not want to answer it first but it's a very it's still a very important event because jerusalem must be trampled underfoot by the gentiles until the time of the gentiles is fulfilled so it's a very important event but not in regards to the end times it's part of the judgment against israel for rejecting jesus as the messiah and it sets up the church age and it explains why there's a 2000 year gap between when jesus was crucified and resurrected until when he comes back again and then he answered the last or the second question last what's the sign of jesus coming now the reason he answered this question last because it's the last event in the tribulation in fact when jesus comes back he puts an end to the tribulation and he ushers in the messianic age so his coming is the end of this age and the beginning of the messianic age let me say that again because that's very important when jesus returns it's the end of this age and it's the beginning of the messianic age it's the pivot point this ends this begins it's kind of like midnight on the last night before january the 1st you come to midnight it's a new year it's the end of the last year it's the beginning of the new year that's what will happen when jesus returns it's the end of this age it's the beginning of the messianic edge so it makes sense for jesus to have answered their questions in the order that he did in fact he added some information concerning things that they didn't even ask about so they would get the complete picture because jesus wants us to know he wants us to have the complete picture and you'll see what i'm talking about as we go through the olivet discourse in fact the first thing jesus shared with them had nothing to do with the end times or any of the questions they asked look at matthew chapter 24 verses 4 through 6 we're going to go through the olivet discourse verse by verse the way i like to teach we're not just going to hop around we're going to do it just as jesus said here it goes and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not tribal don't worry about it for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet and as you can see rather than immediately answering their questions jesus began by giving them some general characteristics of the church age but none of these things were signs that signaled that the end of the age had begun you see jesus wanted to make sure the disciples didn't jump to the conclusion when they saw these false messiahs coming and when they saw wars and rumors of war oh we're living in the end times which is what most of you do are we living the end times oh yes look at our culture be not deceived don't get worried i won't tell you what the signs are if you know what the signs are you don't have to worry you know exactly where we are you know what's taken place these events were going to happen but they were not signs that the end of this age had begun and jesus wanted to make sure the disciples didn't jump to conclusions and think they were living in the end times when they weren't living in the end times so look back at verses four through six again and notice what jesus said and jesus answered said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you not be troubled don't be worried about this for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet do you see that but the end is not yet these are not signs that they were living in the end times these were simply things that would happen during the 2000 year church age so what did jesus say what happened first he said false messiahs would come jesus said many shall come saying i am christ the word christ is translated excuse me from the greek word christos christos means anointed one it was a messianic title so he said many shall come saying i am the messiah historically and this is interesting historically jesus is the very first jew who ever claimed to be the messiah they came to john and they said are you the one that we should look for he said no i'm the one preparing the path for him before then no no jew ever claimed to be the messiah until jesus came he predicted he fulfilled all of the of the messianic prophecies he fulfilled every one of them and some of them were almost impossible to fulfill but he's the only one that ever came in or the first one that ever came in and officially presented himself as the messiah in his triumphal entry but after him many have come claiming to be the messiah from the time of jesus until the middle of the 19th century you had a large number of jews hundreds who claimed to be the messiah from simon barkova in 132 a.d if you remember that that's when hadrian came in destroyed all of jerusalem banned any jew from even coming inside jerusalem to jacob frank in the 18th century and they led many jews astray it's interesting the one true messiah who fulfilled all the messianic prophecies they rejected but many of them were led astray by all these other false messiahs who didn't fulfill any prophecy they just simply claimed to be the messiah but you also had gentiles claiming to be the messiah now we're usually familiar with the current ones people like jim jones and david koresh they're the most well-known because you know they've happened in our lifetime but there have been hundreds of gentiles who claim to be the messiah what's interesting the christian messiah the false messiah is in no way meant that the end times had begun secondly jesus said there would be wars and rumors of wars and believe me there have been but wars and rumors of wars did not mean that the end of time had begun now so what is the sign or signs that the end of this age has begun if you remember that's the third question the disciples asked and now jesus is going to answer it look at verses 7 and 8. for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes but all these things in these two verses are the beginning of birth banks now most people gloss over these two verses thinking that jesus is simply expounding on the general characteristics of the church age in other words they think that this is a continuation of a statement that there will be wars and rumors of wars and our mind we read this passage of scripture like this there will be wars and rumors of war for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom so in our mind it sounds like he's continuing to expound on his statement that there will be wars and rumors of war and therefore we just gloss over it people that's a big mistake big mistake because verses seven and eight is not a continuation of this previous statement in verses five and six he is not expounding on what he said in verse six this is meant to be taken as a completely new statement it's easier to see in the greek i've said this before you don't need a gree you don't need a knowledge of greek and hebrew to understand 99 of the bible but there's one percent of the bible that if you don't have a knowledge of greek and hebrew you're lost you're lost this is one of those times yeah this is meant to be taken as a completely new statement and it's easy to see in the greek because it ends verse 6 with but the end is not yet and verse 7 starts with the greek word gar which is a coordinating conjunction but more importantly it's an explanati it's an explanatory conjunction so what he's doing is he's saying these things in verses five and six the end is not yet but in verses seven and eight i'm going to explain what is the beginning of the birth pangs and when you read this angry i see so we're supposed to differentiate this statement from his previous statement and let me show you why i say that look back at verses seven and eight i wanted you to underline the first part of verse seven for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes but all these things are the beginning that's what we want to know what's the sign that the end times has begun that the end of this age has begun these things all these things are the beginning of birth pains now do you see the first part of this verse i've both faced it for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom believe it or not this is a hebrew ism it's a hebrew idiom that refers to a world war or a conflict that involves the entire world you see the rabbis taught at the time of jesus the worldwide war would take place that would signal the coming of the messiah in fact let me read you a quote from the bereshit rabbah the bear rabbah is a talmudic era midrash from the book of genesis now don't let me throw you with all that a midrash simply means it's an ancient jewish commentary usually written in aramaic we've translated it into english so here's what it says if you see the kingdoms of the world rising against each other in turn in other words one after another these two kingdoms go to war and then this kingdom jumps in and this kingdom jumps in as an ally to this one and then other kingdoms begin to come in as allies and then other kingdoms become as allies when you see world war kingdoms of the world rising against each other enter then give heed and note the footsteps of the messiah now that doesn't make any sense to you but let me just say this the phrase footsteps of the messiah is also a hebraism that refers to the events leading up to the coming of the messiah so basically what this is saying is that when you see a world war it signals the coming of the messiah it's to be any of the events that lead up to jesus returning yeah of course they didn't receive jesus so the coming of the messiah and all of the rabbis taught this at the time of jesus but my point is this the phrase for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom is a hebraism that refers to a world war that signals the end times have begun and the messiah will soon appear in fact this hebrewism is used twice in the bible it's used in the book of isaiah chapter 19 and is also used in the book of second chronicles chapter 15. it's used in a different way because it's not referring to a world war so what it does is it comes in and talks about neighbor against neighbor neighborhood against neighborhood and it tribe against tribe but what it's trying to tell you is the conflict will involve all if we if we spoke like jews let me tell you what we would have done for the civil war yankees against the confederates north against the south the conf the uh the civil war of the united states here's how we would have described it if we were jews brother against brother neighbor against neighbor state against state north again south and what we would have meant is it would have been a conflict of all of the united states and that's where the hebrewism is but nation against nation kingdom against kingdom means war war now listen to me because this is very very important there has never been a war that involved every part of the world until world war one let me say that again there has never been a war that involved every part of the world until world war one that's why it's called world war one and most historians agree that world war ii was just a continuation of world war one the reason you had world war ii is because of what happened in world war one most of you don't realize this with the peace agreement they made germany pay reparations well they didn't have the ability to do that their economy was wrecked as a result of that they just printed money you can't just print money america but they just printed money out of nowhere and they paid off their debt but in doing so they had hyperinflation so the economy was horrible which allowed hitler to come to power and because he was very bitter about what happened in world war one and thought that they were taken advantage of world war ii was just a continuation of world war one and both world wars had a major impact on the jewish people in israel you see world war one was the the impetus for the growth of the zionist movement which called for national homeland for the jews but not just any homeland their ancient homeland and as a result of world war one the balfour declaration was issued the balfour declaration was a public statement issued by the british government government in 1917 calling for a national homeland for the jews in palestine it was the beginning of the rebirth of israel as a nation people it was the blueprint the palestinians have no claim to the land of israel the jews have lived there since the time of christ and world war one and the balfour declaration recognized that and as a result of that they said they need to have a homeland in their ancient land and world war ii is a result of the holocaust is way what made the hope of israel becoming a nation again a reality and may 14th 1948 when the un recognized them as a nation and they declared themselves as a nation they did so and the reason people voted for is because they looked at the holocaust and they said this isn't right no country would let them in when they were running from the jews or we're running from the germans even america study our history we had a ship come over we wouldn't let them hear we'd let them let them get off but more importantly world war one and world war ii was the sign that the end of the age had begun let me say that again world war one and world war ii was the sign according to jesus that the end of the age had begun nation rose against nation and kingdom against kingdom and that had never happened before in the history of mankind and every piece on the chessboard was set in place the game has begun now as confirmation that a world war was the sign that the end of the age had begun two other signs would accompany it according to jesus look back at verses seven and eight for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom a world war and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes but all in other words all of these three things world war famines and earthquake all these things are the beginning of birth pangs now i'm sure you're thinking come on alan there's always been famines and earthquakes yes but not on the magnitude and scale as there's been since world war one world war one escalated everything and it's unbelievable because it's almost like that's not even possible did you know that in the first 1000 years after jesus there were approximately five recorded major earthquakes five in the 20th century the 1900s and remember world war one began in 1914 more than 900 000 earthquakes have been recorded almost a million that's about an earthquake every hour now come on people five in the first thousand years and nine hundred thousand in the last 100 years start having earthquakes in oklahoma oh it's the fracking it's the fracking i'm not saying it's not the waste water the wind but i can tell you this it wouldn't matter if they had that we'd still had earthquakes in oklahoma what about famine during world war one famines and pestilence killed 23 million people from 1928 to 1930 the great chinese famine ki occurred killing 10 million people alone and from that time on there's been too many famines to count and too many people have died to count so according to jesus a world war is the sign that the end of this age has begun and an increase in the magnitude and scale of earthquakes and famine would confirm the sign and i want you to notice what jesus said in the last part of verse number eight go ahead and look at verses seven and eight again for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom world war that's a hebraism and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes that's further confirmation that this world war is the sign of the beginning of this age and at this age but all these things are the beginning of the birthplace everyone knows what a pang is right you know people look at that and go oh you know that's that's odin no no it's an english word it's a modern word today too what does pain mean well a pain is a short sharp pain anyone had short sharp pains that's a pain i'm having pains it's not all the time it's just like short sudden pains a birth pang is a contraction but more importantly a contraction tells you that it's time the baby might not come immediately but it's coming in other words the contraction is the beginning of the end of the pregnancy let me say that again a contraction is the beginning of the end of the pregnancy you know it's kind of interesting but my wife knew that i would have probably freaked out but when micah was born she started having contractions that day but she didn't say anything she called me it would have been time to go to the hospital she didn't say anything because they were far between few and far between and that night we went with cui and merle we went over to catfish i can't remember it's over by wagner but anyways they have great onion rings so we were eating fish and onion rings and then that night she woke me up and she said my water's broken i'm having contractions we're driving ownerships yeah i was having them all morning and you didn't tell me but you know what the contraction told me those very first ones it's coming the baby is coming it's the beginning of the end of the pregnancy so what jesus was saying is that world war followed by an increase in magnitude and scale of earthquakes and famine is the sign that it's time it might not happen immediately but it's the beginning of the end of this age so what's the answer to the third question you're probably thinking i don't even remember what the third question was what is the third question the third question was what's the sign or signs that the end of this age has begun and the answer is according to jesus nation shall rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom in other words a world war and the world had never had a world war up until world war one but it would also be confirmed by an increase in magnitude and scale of earthquakes and famines these are the birth pangs the beginning of the birth pangs signaling it's time it's the beginning of the end you see that's what the disciples wanted to know they said we don't just want to know what's going to happen we want signs to tell us where we are when it's going to happen and most of us just read through the olivet discourse and we don't have a clue and jesus is telling us so when someone asks us do you think we're living in the end times i say definitely well how do you know i turn to matthew chapter 24 i read verses 5 and 6 and says those are not signs i read verses 7 and eight explain what the greek word garden means explanatory it's actually contrasting verses five and six to verses seven and eight these are not the signs this is the beginning of the birth phase it answers the third question what is the sign that the end of this age has begun world war one and two followed by an escalation in magnitude and scale of famines and earthquakes but how do we know we're the last generation well we're going to even get that jesus is going to tell us so that we know whether we're the generation if we live long enough that we'll get to see or could experience if we're prepared the rapture and we are so we know when the end of the age began we'll also know when the final generation begins and then we'll be able to come in and see all these other things that jesus tells us but he does it for one reason you get to the end of luke chapter 21 and i've already read it and he says so you won't be caught unaware so you won't be trapped because you're going to get one chance to escape what's going to happen at the end and if you miss that one chance then all these things are going to come upon the world and there's no way out except through death oh do you worry about what's going to happen no i'm not going to be here i don't know about you but i pray and i prayed because my faith in jesus i will escape the things that's going to happen to this whole world the question is are you prepared or is your heart so weighed down by carousing drunkenness and the cares of this world that that day comes like a trap but if you miss it you're trapped or are you ready here's the tough part i believe that the bible teaches lordship salvation what is lordship salvation it's not enough to believe if you truly believe you'll also make jesus lord even the devil even the demons believe and tremble but they're not saved i believe if if you accept jesus christ your lord and savior if you really believe that he is the messiah it will affect your actions and you'll make him lord that's why romans 10 9 10 says if thou shalt believe in your heart that god hath raised him from the dead and confess with your mouth that jesus is lord because what we confess to we're committed to so i believe in lordship salvation but you want to hear something funny you know what's so bad about lordship salvation every once in a while you get thinking is jesus really lord of my life sometimes i question if jesus was really lord of my life when i live like i'm living and that's a good question to ask because in my prayer time in the mornings i want to know is jesus really lord of my life because i don't want to miss the one chance and be trapped and all these things come upon me because we are the final generation the stand we just started the ultimate discourse and it's good it's real good and you know what's sad most of us christians we've read the olivet discourse for years so we had no idea what jesus was saying but he's warning us he's preparing us [Music] and you know what's sad too is also that some people won't live long enough to see the rapture even if their final generation because we live in a sinful world but you get that one chance while you're on this earth to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior and if you miss that chance you're trapped you're trapped in hell you're trapped in the lake of fire but if you take advantage of what christ has done it's all jesus people it's not what we do it's jesus if you believe in jesus and you make him lord of your life you're not trapped if you believe in jesus you're set free you're free from sin and death and you get to go to heaven and you're gonna get to experience what true liberty is all about not trapped in this sinful world so if you're here this morning you've never received jesus christ as your lord and savior i'm going to give you the opportunity here's what i'm going to do i'm going to say a very simple prayer if you're online you can do the very same thing you can say this prayer at home if you want to make jesus lord of your life if you believe that he's the messiah that he died for your sins and god raised him from the dead all you have to do is repeat this prayer the prayer is not magic but if you believe what you're saying by faith your sins will be forgiven and when you die you'll get to go to heaven and or if you're alive and the rapture curse you'll be raptured so i want everyone to bow their heads close their eyes if you want to receive jesus just repeat this prayer after me here goes god i know i'm a sinner and i know that my sin has separated me from you but god i believe you love me and because you love me you sent your son jesus to not only die for my sin but to pay the penalty for my sin i believe that when jesus died and so went to hell to pay the penalty for my sin but i also believe that when all of my sin was paid for god you raised jesus from the dead proving that my sins been forgiven jesus i want you to be my lord and savior my faith is in you and i confess you as my lord
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 4,395
Rating: 4.9389315 out of 5
Id: VNgmHwbWwxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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