Old Testament Pt 2 120 mins Gospel Tales I Old Testament Stories I Holy Tales Bible Stories

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Hello my name is Tubby. I live here in this wonderful library And I love to eat books. I live here with my friends Gumbo and Freckles. Gumbo, Freckles come out, come out, wherever you are. Over there, On that great book is Grand Old Holy. She is really old and wise and tells us wonderful stories, when she is awake that is. Oh! and we love to sing. Hello Tubby, Freckels and Gumbo, How are you today? Hello Holy we are all fine. We have come to listen to another story from the Bible It is so much fun. Alright! Alright! wait a second but you do know what you have to do After my story is over. Yes we kow we have to answer a Question Good now let us start with the story. Long Long time ago In a city called Ramam. There lived a man called Elcana and his wife called Hanna. They had no son so they prayed to lord for a Baby boy God heard their prayers and blessed them with a son. Who they named Samuel. Hanna in her prayers had promised the lord That if she had a son she will give him back to the Lord to serve him all his life. Hanna remembered the promise to the Lord and when Samuel grew upto be a young boy His parents took him to Shilo to the house of the Lord The priest of shilo was Elai. Hana spoke about the promise made to the Lord She said "I asked God for this child and he answered my prayers" So I am giving him to the Lord to serve him as long as he lives. Elai rememberd Hana and her prayers and so took Samuel to train him in the ways To serve the Lord. Elcana and Hana thanked the Lord, left Samuel with Elai and went back Home Happily. Hana have also promised that his son would never have his hair cut. Samuel grew up to be a Nasiarite. The Nasiarites are people who spent Their entire life in the service of God. So the question for you today is What was the name of the city where Elcana and his wife Hana lived? The place was called Remaam Isnt it. Absolutely correct! I am so glad you listen carefully. I feel sleepy again see you soon children. Bye Bye Bye Holy!See you Hello children, Hi Holy it's story time. I love to hear the stories from the Bible Come on Holy what is today's story about Today I will tell you the story about Samuel he was promised to God but I'm Sure you remember that you have to answer a question after I finish my Story. Oh yes we sure do so you better listen carefully A long long time ago there lived a man called Elkanah and his wife Called Hannah. Now Hannah had no children and was very unhappy about it They went to Shiloh to offer their prayers to the Lord. After they finished Their meal at the house of the Lord Hannah felt very sad. She cried and Prayed to the Lord for a son. Eli the priest was sitting by the door Hannah Prayed and made a promise to God. Dear Lord If you give me a son I promise that I will give him back to you to serve you All his life. Hannah went on praying for a long time while Eli watched her. She was praying silently but her lips were moving He like thought she was just a silly woman and asked her to be quiet she Answered. I have been praying about my troubles to the Lord. Hearing this Eli asked her to go back home he was sure that the Lord would Hear her prayers. The next day Elkanah and Hannah went back home in a Few days later She gave birth to a son because she asked the Lord for him she Named him Samuel. Holy that was such a wonderful story I loved it Gumbo don't be Silly We all loved the story not just you All right! All right! Now Don't you children fight amongst yourselves answer my question Where did Elkanah and Hannah go to offer their prayers? I know I know they went to shilo Excellent you have all been good children Bye-Bye Holy we shall be back for another story Bye Kids. Wake up Holy! We have come to heare another story from the Bible come on wake up Yes I know, I know, I will tell you a story Oh! Holy please do not waste anymore time Yes and we also know that you will ask a Question after you have told us the story. Alright! Now Let us start with our story. Today I shall tell you another story About Samuel the prophet. Long time ago Elai the priest of Shilo Was training a young boy Samuel to serve the Lord. Months and Years passed. Elai was now a very old man and Samuel grew up to be young man Preperaing himself to serve the Lord. One night suddenly before dawn broke Samuel heard a voice calling him. He thought it was Elai looking for him. He went to Elais room But wasn’t him who had called Samuel This happen 2 more times.The 3rd time Samuel went to Elais room To see wether Elai had really called him or not.Elai understood that it was The Lord who was trying to speak to Samuel. So he send him back to his room and said "Next time when the voice calls you" say Speak Lord your servant is listening. Samuel went back to his room And the voice called him again. He replied exactly the way Elai had taught him. God then spoke to Samuel and said "I am going to punish Elai and his family" Because his sons have spoke evil things about me. No offering or sacrifice Will ever remove the punishment of their sin. The Next mornig Samuel told Elai What the Lord told him. As Samuel grew up the lord was always with him. Soon the people of Israel belived that Samuel was indeed the man of the lord. Now children the Question I will ask you today is, Why did Lord punish Elai and his family? He punished them because Elais sons have spoken Evil and bad things about the Lord. Yes we would never do that. Calm down Gumbo. Its Alright! Now off with you children. See you soon. Good night Holy sleeptight. Wake up Holy! Wake up! its time for you to tell us a story I am not sleeping Tubby I was just thinking which story to tell you all today So have you thought about it, Yes today I will tell you a story About How the people of Israel get their First King. Long time ago the people of Israel came to Samuel The wise man of the Lord asking him for a new king to rule them and their Nation. So Samuel called the people of Israel together for a religious meeting At a place called Mispa. Samuel said today you don’t want to obey the lord You have asked for a king well then gathered yourself before the lord By Tribes and by Clans. Then samuel had each tribe come forward And the Lord chose a tribe of Benjamine. Now the familes of the tribe of Benjamine where asked to come forward and the family of Matrie Was picked out. From the family of Matrie the son of Kish Saul was chosen as the king of Israel. But Saul hid himself behind a larg bag And was brought out by the people. Saul was a strong man and a foot taller than Any one else. Samuel said to the people here is the man Lord have chosen. The People of Israel was very happy at the annoitment of the new king. Samuel explained to him the rights and dutied of a King and wrote them in a book Where he kept in a Holy place. So this was the story of How Saul Became the first king of Israel. So children the Question for today is May I ask the Question today please plaese please. Ok go ahead, What was Sauls Fathers name? that was a good Question So who will answer Tubbys question. I will I will his fathers name was Kis No It was Kish silly. Well he was close Tubby. Now off you go Children. I shall see you soon. Bye Holy see you. In the corner of the library. We got late because Tubby was busy eating cake. No I was not we are ready to listen to another story from the Bible And we promise to listen carefully. Alright then A women have prayed to the lord for a son and promised if she did have one She would offer him for service to God. Her sons name was Samuel A wise man. During this time Israelited had an enemy called the Philistines The philistines wanted to fight the Israelites and take over the promised land. The Israelites decided to choose a king who could lead them into Battle. So they went to Samuel to ask him for his Help. They told him You must find someone fit to be a king. Samuel asked god for advise God said to Samuel they have rejected me Samuel not you. Do as they ask Find them a king To lead them in battle, But explain to them what it means To have a king before to do anything else. Samuel went to the elders and said to them, I am ready to find you a King But first you must have to understand what it would mean to have a king They will take your sons to the army and ask for taxes and it will take one tenth Of your best produce. He will do what best for you but you will be under his rules and to obey him. But the elders realy wanted to have a king So Samuel chose a handsome man called Saul. In the beginning Saul Proved to be a good king. He raised a strong army And fought the Philistines. But soon he became very proud . He broke many religious laws and stopped listening to Samuel Samuel said to Saul one day, Saul since you have rejected God. God have rejected you As King. Samuel never saw Saul again after that day. He decided to look for a new king for Israelites. Ok Tubby, Who did Samuel Choose as a King. I know Samuel chose Saul As the king for the Israelites. That is very good Tubby. Now its time to go and finish your homework. Bye Bye Hello children I can see that you are back for another story. Yes we are We really want to listen to a story do tell us one please. Alright I will but yes yes we know we promised to pay attention. A Long time ago Samuel A wise man had chosen soul as a king of the Israelites but God had rejected him Because he had become too proud. Often when Samuel would think about Saul His eyes would fill with tears. He was still upset by Saul's behavior when God saw Samuel hurt he said till when will you cry for soul it is fully free to do so. Since you know I have rejected him as king. It is true that he will be punished. God told Samuel to fill his horn with Holy oil and go to Bethlehem. God said there Was a farmer who lives there his name is Jesse I have chosen one of the sons To become the next king of Israel. So Samuel went to Bethlehem he decided to have a Feast in honor of God and called everyone in town. Everyone was excited About the feast Jesse and his sons also came. Samuel called Jessie to introduce himself and his sons one by one they Introduce themselves. Every time Samuel would think to himself maybe this is the One chosen to be the king. But God would say no soon Jessie had introduced all His sons and yet Samuel had not found the one. Samuel asked Jessie are these All your sons Jessie said oh my youngest son David is looking after the Sheep Samuel quickly sent for David. when David Finally arrived Samuel said to him "One day you will be the king of Israel" But right now you're too young. So return to your sheep but prepare yourself for The future young man because God has plans for you saying this he poured Holy Oil on David's head in front of his brothers. From that day the Spirit of God Stayed with David. Now my question is What was the name of Jesse's youngest Son who would be the next king of Israel? The answer is David right yes very good Gumbo. Now off you go Bye-Bye. Hello Children, Hi Holy what a surprise how come are you awake today. We thought you would be asleep as always.Hahaha No No I don’t feel sleepy today. I have thought of a wonderful story to tell you I am sure you are all going to find it very interesting. Really So lets don’t waste anymore time please start your story Holy. Ofcourse But you know after the story. I am gonna ask you all a one Question Yes we know, we know, A long time ago The Philistines who where the peoples of Israles Greatest enemy Wanted to make the people of Israel their slaves. Saul was then the king of Israel. Saul and the Israelite army All of them gatherd to fight the Philistine. The philistine army was Standing on top of the Hill And the Israelites on the opposite Hill. In between these Hills was a valley In the philistine army there was a man called Goliath, who was a scary strong Giant. He was almost 8 feet tall and wore Heavy Bronz Armour and a Bronz Helmet Goliath came out from their camp and challanged the Israelites. He had a Bronz Javaline and a spear which was very thick and had sharp Iron points. Goliath came infront of saul and said Show one of your men to fight with me. If you win we wil be your slaves. If I win you will become our slaves. These words of Goliath really frightened King Saul and the people of Israel. Since they didn’t have anyone who could fight him. Ooh! Goliath sounds so dangerous. He must have been a zillion times bigger than me. My Goodness. Yes that he was. So should I ask todays Question. Yes Holy go ahead. What did Goliath have in his hand? I will answer this one He had a Bronz Javelin and a Sharp Spear in his hand. Good answer Freckels. Now I feel sleepy children I should see you all soon for another story. Bye! Oh! Oh! Hi children so you've come to hear another story from the Bible. Ofcourse Holy you have to tell us another story. All Right! Today I will tell you a story of David and how courageous and brave he was. Yes! Yes! I love to hear stories of brave and strong men like David. I'm sure you do anyway, A long time ago When Goliath a Giant bully in the Philistine army challenged the Israelites to fight him Saul and his people were extremely afraid. A young boy David's three Older brothers were soldiers in the Israelite army. One day David went to meet his brothers in the army. He arrived at the camp, just when Goliath had come forward and challenged the Israelites once again. The people saw Goliath and ran away in terror. This only made Goliath laugh. David spoke to some of the men in the army and understood what was going on. He told them that he had a way to fight the Giant. Some men from the army went and told King Saul About David so he sent for him. When David came to the king he said, Your majesty no one should be afraid of this Philistine. I will go and fight him. This confused soul greatly. David was just a boy and Goliath a Giant. It was impossible for him to fight Goliath. But he saw the courage in his eyes and allowed him to go ahead. Saul gave him all the weapons and armor that were necessary to fight Goliath But David knew he could not fight with these. He was not used to it So he took it all off and picked up his Shepherd's stick instead. He chose five smooth stones from the stream and put them in his bag. With his sling in hand he went out to fight Goliath. Wow! David was so courages and Brave I am in so love with him. Right girls you are a pretty little girl If David had seen you, I am sure he would have fallen in love with you too. Now Today's Question is, What did David take with him to fight Goliath? He took five Guns, No silly he took his Shepherd's stick and five smooth stones from the stream in his sling. Excellent Freckles, now off you go children Hello! Today I will tell you the story of David the Shepherd Warrior. A long time ago God was looking for a new King of Israel to replace King Saul who had displeased him. God sent his servant Samuel to the House of Jesse and asked him to anoint one of his sons. The youngest, David, a young boy of fifteen with bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks was chosen as the one and anointed. Since that day, God's spirit was always with David. King Saul was not happy because he had not made peace with God. David used to play the harp very well, so Saul's servants thought that the beautiful music played by David would cheer him up. And it did. David's music made the king feel better and slowly David was adored by the King. However, King Saul was unaware of the fact that David was anointed by Samuel And that he would become the future king of Israel. While Saul was the king of Israel, the Philistines continued to battle with them. One Philistine was a huge giant called Goliath. Goliath was nine feet tall and it was impossible for anyone to fight him. He kept on daring the Israelites, telling them, We Philistines will become the servants of the Israelites if someone could fight Goliath. But King Saul and his army were scared. David was extremely courageous and was not afraid of Goliath. With his shepherd's staff in hand, David went down to fight Goliath. David took out his slingshot and picked up five stones from a stream. He openly challenged Goliath and said, "Come with a sword." Goliath noticed that David was carrying a shepherd's staff and he laughed at David. But David was not afraid. David ran towards Goliath, put a stone in his slingshot And hurled the stone deep into the giant's forehead. Surprisingly, Goliath fell to the ground and David won a great victory for Israel. That's a wonderful story. If one has faith one can even bring down a giant. No questions today please. We want to sing for you! Okay go ahead! Hi Holy, I hope you are up we are here for a story from the Bible. Yes I am hungry for a story. Okay I will, but you have to promise to listen carefully as at the end of the story I will ask a question. We always do, All right then. This story is about David and his Harp. Saul was now become the king of Israel but God had rejected him Because he was becoming a bad person. God had said that the next king of Israel would be one of the sons of a farmer called Jesse. This was David, now King Saul was often very ill. He suffered from fits of madness and only music could make him feel better. He sent for his servants to get him a good musician. Who could play him music whenever King Saul had his attacks of madness. The servants sent to salt. Your Highness there is a boy his music is lovely And he's quite famous for his songs may be we should call him. Saul ordered his servants call that boy to the court. The boy they were talking about was none other than David the son of Jesse. David would often played his Harp and sing while watching his sheep. Soon he had become famous for his music. Not only was he a good musician he was also blessed to be the next ruler of Israel By God himself. So David was called to Saul's court. So whenever the King would get his attacks of illness David would leave his sheep and run to him to play gentle and soothing music for Saul David's music had a calming effect on the King And soon the King began to really like the little boy from Bethlehem Who was able to bring peace to his disturbed mind. What he did not know was that this boy would be the next king. Now children I hope you were listening carefully Because I'm about to ask you the Question If you get it right I will sing along with you What did David play to soothe the the king when he had his attacks? I know, I know, David would play his Harp to soothe the king when he would have his attacks. That is right Tubby. Well Done. Hi Holy it's time for us to listen to a story from the Bible well well I was Waiting for so long for you children. Come on let us start with today's story. Today's story is about lifelong friendship that David and Jonathan Shared. Wow! that sounds nice just like us Yes you can learn something about friendship too. But you do remember That you need to answer my question at the end of the story Yes yes we know Long time ago A brave young man called David had defeated a Philistine Giant called Goliath single-handedly. After this battle when he returned to Camp Abner who was King Saul's commander took him To Saul. Seeing David he was extremely pleased. So asked him Whose son are you? David answered I am the son of Jesse From Bethlehem. Now King Saul's son was Jonathan. David's courage and bravery That day affected Jonathan very deeply. He was moved to love him like a brother They had many things in common from that day forward they became best friends and Never let anything or anyone come between them ever As a gift of friendship Jonathan gave David the beautiful robe he was wearing Along with the robe he also gave him his armor sword and his bow. From that day Onwards Saul kept David with him and did not let him go back to Bethlehem. David Won all the battles to which Saul sent him and he soon was made an officer in His army. This made Saul his officers and his men Very happy. Wow Thank You Holy for sharing with that Such a wonderful story about friendship. Well Well you are most welcome children So who wants to answer my question today. Oh I will I am in love with David Alright! What was the name of the commander who took David to Saul ? David, no his name was Abner you silly girl you're quite obsessed with David. Hahah Bye Holy ,we shall be back soon. It's storytime Holy you've got to wake up I know, I know. I will tell you all a star Oh! story I have already thought about it. But I'm sure your children can remember that we need to answer a question at the end Well then. A long time ago, King Saul of Israel had made David a brave man and officer in his army. The people of Israel were very happy. He won all the battles that Saul sent him to fight. The Israelite women sang joyful songs and praise of David. They sang Saul has won one thousand but david has won ten thousands. All these praises of David angered King Saul. He did not like it at all. He said they gave me less honor than David Next they will make him king. Saul was jealous of David from that day onwards He watched his actions and movements very carefully the next day Suddenly an evil spirit took control of soul. He started behaving like a mad man in his house. David was playing the Harp like he did every day and Saul was holding a spear, All of a sudden he threw his spear at David David moved just in time and thus was saved. Saul realized that the Lord was not with him anymore. So Saul sent David away to fight dangerous Wars With a thousand men under his command. Even then David managed to win all the battles. Saul became even more afraid of him. But the people loved David. Because he was such a good leader. David felt brave I loved him more and more every day. Stop it Freckles you have being silly. Anyway Holy you can go ahead and ask us the question So the Question is, what did Saul attack David with while he was playing the Harp? A spear yes very good. Now if you children will allow me may I please go back to my Nap. Ofcourse Holy. Bye Bye Wake up Holy, Wake up, it's time for you to tell us a story. Yes I remember, I remember, but do you children remember That you all will have to answer a question at the end of the story. Ofcourse We do. well then let's not waste any more time Shall I begin the press story. Now all of you pay attention A long time ago when a young man David Had come to Saul's Court after winning against a giant called Goliath King Saul's son Jonathan made a promise of lifelong friendship to David A few months later when David realized that Sol was trying to kill him He went to Jonathan and told him all about it. When Jonathan heard everything he was very confused As To why his father would want to kill his dear friend. To make Jonathan believe him David said Tomorrow is the new moon festival and I am invited to the king's dinner. If you agree I will go and hide in the fields. Your father will ask why I'm not at the table Tell him that I got your permission to go to Bethlehem For the annual feast. If he becomes angry you will know that he wants to kill me or else I shall be safe. Jonathan understood what David was trying to say He took him out in the fields and promised to him That he would do exactly what he had been told to do. He also promised in the name of the Lord that he would send him word If he understood that his father was really trying to kill his friend. In return he made David promise that he would always keep his friendship and be good to his family. David promised to do that Yes they are awesome we three shall always be such good friends for the rest of our lives So What's today's question. Oh! Oh! The Question Just dozed off a bit. The question to you children is, For what occasion was David invited to Saul's Court for Dinner? It was a New moon festival. Well! Well! right you are Freckles. All right then Bye children. Bye Holy we will come back soon Hello there I had been sitting and thinking about which story I should tell you today Oh great I hope it's another story about the brave David yes it is but you have to listen carefully because I will ask a question at the end of the story we always do wholly or right that This story is about a young man David going into hiding David's a young boy was chosen by the Lord to be the next king of Israel after King Saul. Saul loved David and had made him the commander in the army he was brave handsome and a good leader it was not long before people started singing praises in the main off David when King Saul saw this he was very angry and jealous And he thought that soon his people would want David as their King So he tried to kill him David soon realized that and so he went into hiding He could not understand Why the king had the sudden change of heart David ran from one place to another to get away from Kings soul And his many soldiers who were looking everywhere for him One day King Saul and his soldiers came near the cave what David had been hiding it was night so they decided to rest and continue the search in the morning When David saw them he became very worried He thought to himself this is the perfect time to kill him However David could not kill soul David was loyal And he wanted to know why soul wanted him dead So when everyone was asleep David crept towards King Saul and cut a part of his robe in the morning he showed the piece of cloth to King Saul And said my lord while I had the chance to kill you I did not I'm a lotal servant then why did you want to kill me Seeing David Saul's anger went away David is so loyal isn't that wonderful Hmm now for my question where was David hiding When Saul soldiers came looking I know in a cave, that's right You are very good little bookworms Bye Bye Hi there, Today I have a really nice story for you children. Oh! I hope it's another story about David He is so cool, He is so cool. Yes it is about David. Now listen carefully. Today I will tell you the story of David the King. David was Jesse the farmer's youngest son and God's chosen king of Israel. After King Saul. King Saul was very fond of David in the beginning. Later However because of David's growing popularity Saul became very jealous of him. The Israelites in the meantime had to fight another war with the Philistines In which the Israelites lost. Soul lost his three sons, soon Saul died of sadness. After Saul had died there was no danger for David. So he decided to come back to his own land. His own tribe of Judah made him the king. Just as Samuel had said. But David was a little boy. As time passed the rest of Soul sons also died. Hence David was made the king of entire Israel. when the Philistines heard this. They decided to attack, but David proved to be a strong and clever King Soon defeated the Philistines and drove them away. Never again did they dare to attack the City of God. David needed a capital city. He decided to take Jerusalem. Jerusalem was a beautiful city set on top of a hill. Jerusalem was strongly guarded and was a fortress. The jeggi sights living there did everything they could To stop David from entering their city. But soon David found underground tunnels leading to the city So he sent his soldiers inside the city to open the gates And so David took Jerusalem by surprise thus making it his capital city. I hope you listened carefully the Question is Which city did David want as his capital? Oh! this one is easy-peasy. David want to Jerusalem as his capital city. Very good Freckles that is absolutely right. Now off you go. Hello you naughty little children. Hi Holy we have been very good today you know. Yes and since we have been good you must tell us a story from the Bible. Ofcourse I will but you have to pay attention because at the end of the story I will ask a question, we always do. All right then. The story I will tell you today is about Jerusalem, the City of God. There was once a young shepherd called David who was chosen by God To be a king of Israel. After the old king died his own tribe made him the King just as Samuel A wise man had said they would. But David needed a capital city. He decided to take the city of Jerusalem. It was a very well guarded City. David captured it by moving through the underground tunnels After David had captured the fortress city of Jerusalem he made it his capital. This is from where he ruled Israel. He had made Jerusalem the city of his people And now he wanted to make it the city where God lived. So David decided to bring the Ark of Covenant Here. The Ark held the sacred stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. He knew that once the ark was in Jerusalem. God would truly be with them. And so David sent for the ark. It was brought for the great long procession. Musicians played their music and people rejoiced and danced. David was so happy that he threw off his rope and joined the people in the dance And praise of the Lord the ark was kept in a tent where it would be till the time a Special place was built for it. Hence Jerusalem finally became the City of God. So children I hope you were listening carefully I will ask the question now Which city did David make his capital? Hey I know the answer For this one. It was a city of Jerusalem. That is absolutely right Tubby, Very good. Now I'm going back to sleep children. Bye Bye Thank you and Bye Bye Holy. Hello children Don't you want to hear a story from the Bible today. Yes please do. All right children Today's story is about David and Absalom. 452 00:44:34,000 --> 00:43:40,000 David was a young boy who was chosen by God to be the king of Israel. After he became king he had many sons and he loved all of them dearly. As David grew old his son started fighting over who would get to be the next king of Israel. Though David knew about the fights he did nothing to stop them. One day and on David's eldest son was killed by Absalom His own brother. After killing Amnon, Absalom left Jerusalem and raised a strong army to defeat his father And take away his throne. David was very angry with Absalom. But he loved him too dearly to fight back. First he left Jerusalem so that the city would not be under attack. Then he told his soldiers protect the city but do not harm Absalom. Absalom rode into the battleground on his horse as he was riding He passed under an old oak tree his long hair got caught in the branches Leaving Absalom hanging helplessly as his horse ran away. Soon David soldiers found him and they killed him. David soon heard that Absalom was killed and was really very sad. He cried Oh! How I wish I had died instead of Absalom. Oh! my Dear son is dead. Soon David's other sons also tried to take the throne But failed. David finally chose his son Solomon to take his throne. The question is, What was the name of David's son who wanted to defeat him and take away his throne? Absolu, Absole, Absalom see I was paying attention. Holy Holy Holy we are here we want to hear a story from The Bible will you tell us one more please oh I wasn't sleeping I was just Thinking about Solomon and his dream oh do you tell us about it Alright children today I will tell you the story of Solomon's dream. Solomon was One of the twelve sons of King David of Israel he was made King Just before the death of David though Solomon was wise and had a good heart he Realized that he was too young to rule over the kingdom of Israel Solomon also loved God very much like his father David so he decided to go to The Holy place of Gibeon there he offered sacrifices to the Lord and Prayed finally the Lord came to him in his dream God said Son ask me for whatever you wish for today I will give you whatever You ask for me Solomon said Lord you guided my father and showed him great Mercy now you have chosen me to become the next king I only wish for you to Give me wisdom to rule over Israel with the wise heart God was very happy with Solomon's answer he said I am truly happy when you have the chance to ask For riches victory over your enemies or long life You asked for wisdom I shall grant you your wish You will be different from everyone else there will be no one like you you will Also have success and riches you will have all of this as long as live by the Commandments this much I can promise answer Solomon turn out to be a great King as God promised people from all over the world came to his court and Paid him respect not only was he a good king he was also a poet he wrote many Songs and there are many records of his clever sayings he was truly different From other kings ok hope you were paying attention My question is Apart from being a great king what else was King Solomon known For? I can answer that apart from being a great King Solomon was also a musician Right well true but he was also a poet now run along children Hello Children What can I do for you, Hello Holy we want to tell us a story from the Bible. Sure I will todays story is a little long you must listen carefully. At the end I will ask you a Question Ok Holy we promise This Story is about King Solomon a very wise king of Israel One day 2 women came to Solomons court to solve a problem they had. Solomon asked them, Tell me What is the problem the first women said My Lord we both live in the same house and we both have a Baby Boy One night as I put my Baby to sleep her little boy died So she came and stole My Baby and put her dead baby in its place. As I woke up in the morning to feed the child I knew at once the dead baby is not mine and now she says she did not steal my baby. The Second Women said ofcourse I will say that because this baby is mine You lie. King Solomon send for his guard and said Hear take this baby And cut him in hallf and give one half to each woman. The first women indeed the real mother Threw herself at Solomons feet. She cried please donot kill the baby Give him to the other women but please do not harm him.The second women said Very calmly Ofcourse My Lord u can cut him in half this way neither of us won't have a baby And this will solve our fight. King Solomon smiled now he knew who the real mother was Handing the baby to the real mother. The first women he said Hear is your baby don’t cry anymore your problem has been solved. The entire Israel came to hear the story of Solomons wise justise. Everyone Now knew that King Solomon was indeed blessed by the lord himself. Overtime King Solomon became known for his wise judgements. I Hope you heard carefully. My Question is When Solomon ordered his Guard to cut the baby in half What did the real the Mother Do? I wanna answer this. The real mother Threw herself at Solomons feet and begged him not to. That is right Freckels Very good. Now I am going back to sleep. Bye Bye Hello Children nice to see you back again. Hi Holy nice to see you awake. We want to hear another Story from the Great Book Will you tell us one please. Sure I will but do pay attention. Do you know why because we will be asked a Question. Correct! Now the story is about The Temple Of Solomon Long time ago King David of Israel had bought the sacred arc of covenant. Which had the 10 commanments to Jerusalem and now after his death His son Solomon decided to build the temple where it could be kept. Making of the temple was a great Occation. The builders from Finetia was called And seeder, Juniper and Syprus wood where brought from the great seas. Gold and Silver Precious stones and block of stones specialy cut from mountains faraway. The temple took 7 years to finish. When it was finaly done it was beautiful. It was Grander than a palace. The doors where made of bronze. The walls where made of Seeder Wood which had very beautiful carvings of flowers and trees made on it. The All Curves where also made of Seeder Wood And were covered with gold. The Inner Temple where the arc was suppose to be kept Was made completely of Gold. On the day it was finished the Priest of Levai Carried out a small possession bringing the Holy Chest inside the temple. When they left a thick cloud filled the temple it was so thick that the priest was not able To carry on their service. King Solomon spoke to the people Do not be scared This is Gods glory upon us. He have finally come to stay in this temple Saying this King Solomon led a great prayer to God to bless his people And his House. The God answered "Solomon I grand your prayers from this day on I will live in this temple that you have made. I will keep Israel safe and bless your people. Now Children My Question is What was the Inner temple made Of? Wow! I know Gold that is right .Very good Gumbo you do pay attention. Bye Bye Hello you 3 I have been waiting for you today you know. I know that Holy sorry we where late Freckels had to do her hair. No way we were late because you had to eat that entire cake Any way now that we are here can you please tell us a story.And we promise to pay attention Alright! then the story I am about to tell you today is about Solomon in all his glory Solomon have become rich as well as wise just as god have promised. He have marrid an egyptian princess so he had a huge kingdom. All the land that was under him Had to pay taxes, So Solomon have become very rich He had a big army of almost one thousand four hundred chariots And twelve thousand horses. Ships from his kingdom sailed down to the red sea for trade And brought back Spices,Gold, Ivory and exotic birds. Soon his kingdom became famous for his wealth and travelers from all over the world Came to see the kingdom in all its glory. Solomon decided to build himself a grant palace In Jerusalem. The palace took 13 years to complete. Solomon was helped by the King of Taier From Tairum.The glory of Solomon had spread far and wide. One day Queen Sheeba Came to visit Jerusalem she want to see if the tales of king Solomon riches And grand palace where true or not. She bought many gifts with her from Arabia. When she reached Jerusalem she was truly amazed there was peace and Prosperaty in the promised land during Solomons rein. She said thank God for giving you so much. Not only that but he has also made you wise And your glory has spread far and wide. Jerusalem is indeed the promise land As people call it. I hope you listend carefully children my question is Where did Queen Sheeba come from? Oh I know, I know Queen Sheeba came from Arabia right! Yes Tubby that is right. Very Good, Hope you loved the story till next time. Bye Bye We really look forward to your stories. Can you please, please tell us one. Yes I will, but you have to pay attention. We promise to pay attention Holy. Alright children. The story I'm about to tell you today is about Solomon turning away from God. King Solomon the son of David had become very rich. But though he was rich he always managed to spend more Than he had. So he would be forced to borrow from others and then to pay back the Money he had borrowed. He would tax his people heavily when he needed workmen. He sent his officials to bring men To work as his slaves and he always refused to pay them. Solomon was slowly turning away from God. Solomon had many wives during his Lifetime. His wife's were from many different countries And prayed to Different Gods and had their own religions. Instead of teaching them About his religion. Solomon made temples for each of their gods and eventually Started praying to them too. All this made God very sad he said to Solomon I thought you would stay faithful to me Till the end, Just like your father but since you have broken the laws of the commandments I will take Everything away from you. For the sake of David none of this will happen in your Lifetime but will happen in your son's life and you will have only one try. And so just as God had said when Rehoboam Solomon son became the next King he faced many problems. That's so sad, I'd really liked Solomon. I Know, money can sometimes change a person So I hope you paid attention. The question is For whose sake Did God tell Solomon that nothing bad would happen in his lifetime? I know, I know. Holy It was Rehobam right No Gumbo, it was David you must pay more attention. So till next time, Bye Bye. Holy, what is today's story about? Today's story is about how a fish saved Jonah and spit him out. What! A fish spit him out? Stop it Tubby. Just listen to the story. Okay children, a long long time ago, God had given a man called Jonah a job to do. Instead of listening to God, Jonah set off in another direction. Suddenly, there was a dangerous storm and the waves were running very high. The boat was tossing and turning in the middle of the sea. Everyone on the boat was really scared. They did not know what to do. They try to lighten the boat but throwing stuff overboard but it did not help. They ask Jonah to pray to his god to rescue them. Jonah in his heart knew that it was because of him, that the lives of others were in danger. He told his fellow sailors, "Throw me into the water." Jonah knew that God was with him and he would rescue Jonah. The sailors tried hard to row to the shore but they were very tired and could not row any longer. Praying for forgiveness to God, they threw Jonah into the water. To everyone's amazement the sea stopped raging at once. God hears Jonah's prayers and sent a huge fish to rescue him. Jonah was inside the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Jonah prayed to God for help from inside the fish's belly. God spoke to the fish. When the time came and it was safe for Jonah to come out into the world, the fish spit him out. And now here is a question for you. What did Jonah do When he was inside the fish's belly? I think he ate up the fish from inside. No silly. He prayed to God so that God would rescue him. You are absolutely right Gumbo! Hi Holy, we have come to hear another story. Yes Holy, I hope you Have already thought of one. Yes, I have. But pay attention, as I will ask a question at the end of it. Sure we will. Alright. This story is about the Prophet Elijah in the desert. A man called Ahab was now the king of Israel. He had married a wicked woman called Jezebel. She was from another country and when she Came to Israel, she brought hundreds of priests from her own country with her. Soon she started to kill all the prophets of God. Because of this, God decided to curse Israel with no rains. He sent his messenger Elijah to King Ahab. Elijah warned Ahab, Your Highness, you must stop what Jezebel is doing. If you don't, Israel will have no rains for A long period of time. But Ahab didn't listen to Elijah. He didn't care what Jezebel was doing. And so, there were no rains just as Elijah had Promised. Elijah had to hide in the desert to escape from Jezebel. Every day, Ravens Would get him bread and meat, and he would drink water from the nearby brook. When the Brook died God sent Elijah to the town of Sudan. As he reached Sudan, he was tired and hungry. He saw an old woman. He asked her, "Will you Please be kind enough to give me some food and water?" She said sadly, "I'm very poor, I don't have much, just a little flour and oil. My son and I will have this last meal. You may join us if you want to." Elijah said, "Cook the meal. Your flour and oil won't run out till the end of this drought." The old woman believed him, and made a meal for three of them. Elijah was right. The jar That held her flour was never empty, and the jug of oil didn't run out. Wow! Imagine a box of cookies that never finishes. True, you have to have faith. So what did the old woman have with her to offer Elijah? She had flour and oil, right? Yes, that's right. Very good Tubby. I am off to sleep again. Bye Bye. Hello Children Nice to see you back again Hello Holy! I Hope you are ready To tell us another story from the Bible. of course I will But you have to pay attention especially you Gumbo as I will ask a question after It But I do listen. Alright then, A long time ago Israel had a king called Ahab His wife who was not very nice was called Jezebel. King Ahab of Israel had a beautiful Palace with a beautiful garden. The garden had every kind of flower But there was no room for vegetables in it. A farmer called Naboth lived next to the Royal Garden He had a vineyard which was just perfect for the king's Vegetables. One day Ahab went to Naboth's house To buy his vineyard. King Ahab ordered I would like to buy your vineyard so Name your price. The farmer said your highness As much as I would like to be of service to you I'm afraid I cannot The vineyard was given to me by my late father Ahab returned to his palace very angry When Jezebel saw this she made fun of him You cannot even get a lowly farmer to sell you his land. Leave it to me. Jezebel wrote a letter to the Chief Counselors charging Naboth of crimes against God Naboth was put to death for something he didn't do. Happy Ahab went to the vineyard To see the ground properly. When he reached He saw Elijah there, Elijah said Today you have commited the worst sin. You have killed Innocent man for no reason you will be punished Ahab felt horrible. He repented All that he had done and begged for forgiveness God was Happy that Ahab had repented And didn't punish him harshly. He decided Ahab wouldn't suffer in his own time but none of His family would be kings again The question is What did Ahab want to buy from Naboth the farmer? I know, he wanted the vineyard. That is right Now I need to sleep, Bye! Bye!. Hello children, that was a wonderful song We have been practising. We are here to listen to another story from the Bible. Will you tell us one please Yes I will but you have to promise to listen carefully yes we promise to listen carefully Great! today's story is about Elisha and the lady from the city Called Shenam. there was once a prophet of God called Elisah. Elisah was a very sweet and kind man. Wherever he went people loved him. He travelled and taught people About God he helped them in whatever way he could He really was very helpful. There was a woman Who lived in a city called Shenam who heard a lot about Elisha and knew that he was coming there so she told her husband To build a room on their terrace for Elisha to stay in when he was there When Elisah reached Shenam the woman welcomed him and he lived in the Room on their terrace Elisha was very happy And thankful for all that the woman had done for him He said to his servant I wish I could thank the kind lady but she is already so rich I cannot think of anything else she might need. The servants smiled And replied glad that he could be of help Well I'm sure if you like to have a child The next day Elijah said to the woman next year Right this time you will have a child in your arms The woman soon gave birth to a son just as Elijah had promised One day it so happened that her son became very ill and died. The woman ran to Elisha Alisha came to the little boy's room and prayed Quietly. He then breathed air into the boy's mouth And suddenly the little boy sneezed Elisha turned to the woman said happily Do not cry anymore because your son is alive That is a lovely story. I'm so glad that the boy didn't die See good things happen to you If you want that to people now this is my question for you What did the servant suggest to Elisah to gift the kind woman? I Know, I Know, the Servant told Elisha To give the woman a child That is right tubby very good glad you guys pay attention. Alright children. Today's story is About the prophet Elijah and the Syrian general. There was a time when there was war between Israel and Syria. The Syrian Army had a brilliant general his name was Naaman. With the Help of Naaman the serious attacked the borders of Israel. They stole and took Whatever they could find, they even took slaves from the Israelites. Among the slaves was a young girl who was Naaman's wife maid. One day Naaman got infected with a terrible skin disease called leprosy Many Doctor's tried but could not heal it. Naaman was very upset. Naaman wife would often Cry seeing her husband in pain. One day her maid saw her mistress crying she said to her There is a Holy man in my homeland his name is Elisah. He is known to perform miracles. I am sure that if Master goes to Elisah he will be healed Naaman's wife told him about Elisah. She asked her husband to send word to the King in Israel that he wanted to meet Elisah to be healed. When the Israeli King heard about Naman's strange request he said, First he attacked my border and now he Wanted me to cure him. This is just another reason for war. Elisha who is with the Israeli King said let him come he should see that the prophet of God lives here. General Naman came to Elisah house in Israel. There a messenger told him to go And bathe in the river Jordan seven times. The general was angry if I had to bathe in the river Seven times I could have done that in Syria. The messenger said if Elishah asks you to do something You should do it. Naman bathed seven times and the seventh time his leprosy was healed Naman said: It is a miracle It is true that God lives in Israel. So how many times was Naman asked to bathe in the river? I know, he was asked to bathe seven times. Right? Imagine bathing seven times I hate bathing even once. Hahaha Hello children I see you're back again.What can I do for you today. Hi Holy we want you to tell us another story from the Bible. Will you please, please tell us one. Yes, I will but you have to promise to pay attention, as at the end of it I will ask a Question. Yes Holy, we promise to pay attention. Now listen children This story is about the Prophet Isaiah's warning. A man called Hezekiah was now the king of Judah. One day Hezekiah became very ill. He was so ill that the people thought he was going to die They finally took him to the Holy man Isaiah. With Isaiah's help he soon became better. The news of his miraculous recovery reached many places Soon the ambassador of Babylon came to see him. The ambassador brought many gifts from Babylon with him. This pleased King Hezekiah a lot And he Happily showed the ambassador everything in the palace From the treasury to the store houses the King showed him everything. That evening when Isaiah came to Hezekiah He asked him what Hezekiah had shown the Ambassador from Babylon The king told Isaiah everything he had shown the Ambassador Isaiah was very worried. He warned him saying there will be of aid when Everything from your palace will be taken away to Babylon. Even your own sons will not be spared. But Hezekiah did not pay any attention to Isaiah warning. He just wanted to enjoy peace in his own lifetime. He did not care about what might happen later He would unfortunately soon regret it I hope you were listening carefully children Because I will ask a question now The ambassador of which country came to meet King Hezekiah? I know I can answer this, The Ambassador from Babylon. Correct! yes that is right Gumbo you have started paying attention That makes me very Happy. Now children go on and play See you tomorrow. Bye Bye. Bye Holy Holy! Holy! wake up we are here. I was not sleeping I was thinking about which story to tell you today. Ya story time we love your stories from the Bible Can I ask them the question today, please Holy sure Gumbo all right children This story is about How Isaiah saves Juresalem. Over time the people from Judah From Israel moved away from Gods laws. So God got angry and took away his support and help. Soon the army from Syria got hold off the northen kingdom. The king of Judah Isahicia Was a good man who loved God. He didn’t want anymore wars. So he made a pact with the king of Syria not to attack the Southern Kingdom. King Isahicia had to give away a lot of gold from the temple of Judah To make the king of Syria agree to this. However even after giving all that gold. Instead of going back the Syrian army surroundded the city. King Isachia didn’t know what to do so he went to the prophet Isheya for his advice. Isheya assured him that the city would not fall in the hand of the Syrians. This was Gods promise. When the King of Syria heard what Isahia have told Ishecia He made fun of him by saying let me remind you that we the Syrians have conquered many cities. No God came to there help and no God can save you from us King Ishecia was worried so he went to the temple and prayed to God asking for forgiveness For his peoples behaviour as he finished praying messenger from Ishecia came He said dont worry your Highness God has heard you. Jeruselem will not fall. That very night thousands of Syrians soldiers dies of a misterious illness And so they went back to their own country never to come back again. I hope you where listening children because hear is my Question. What was the Name of the Prophet that king Ishecia went to for help? I know but I wont tell you. it was Isheya Gumbo that is correct Freckels Very Good! Now I am off to sleep children. Bye Bye Wake up Holy it's time for you to tell us a story Don't sleep anymore yes we have come to listen to your story I wasn't sleeping let's start with today's story Gumbo Listen to the story carefully once there was a man called Isaiah Who lived in Israel he knew that no one in Israel was good enough to stand before God One day when he was in the temple in Jerusalem He had a vision of the Lord Isaiah saw the Lord in the year king Isaiah died. King Isaiah was standing the king of Israel in his vision he saw the Lord sitting on his throne With a long robe filling the whole temple. Around him stood Flaming Creatures And each of these creatures at six wings Each creature covered its face with two wings And its body but to the other two we use for flying The creatures were calling out to each other And their voices shook the entire temple And it was completely filled with smoke Isiah was confused and scared after some time He gathered some courage and said to the Lord There is no hope for me every word I say is simple I love most people whose words are also sinful Suddenly one of the creatures flew down to him With a piece of burning coal from the altar It's touched Isaiah's lips with the burning coal And said that this has now removed all his guilt and that his sins had been forgiven Then the Lord turned to Isaiah and said That he had chosen him as his messenger And that he should go and convey his message to the people Wow that was scary I would have been really scared So the question for today is What was the name of the King Who Died? That year when I fan saw the vision of the Lord His name was Isaiah very good Gumbo You seem to be paying good attention today Now if you would allow me I'll go off to sleep see you next time Hello children as you can see I'm awake nice to see you Hope you had a nice day oh we did Holy they want to listen to another story will you please tell us one Yes I will but pay attention at the end as I will ask the question We will, promise. Today's story is about Jeremiah Over time God chose many men and women to deliver his message to his people These people were not always the most gifted or rich or intelligent or beautiful God just chose them because they were good Sometimes these men and women did not even want to become prophets Because they knew the problems they would face But God always gave them strength and courage to face these problems One of these was Jeremiah a simple man He came from a family of priests so when called upon He was very scared because he knew how difficult his life could be He said My Lord I'm scared that I would not know how to speak your words I'm quite young Maybe you should choose someone more experienced God knew he was worried so he showed Jeremiah A vision of the Potter. The Potter was making a clay pot But soon the pot lost its shape. so the Potter made it into a ball And started again this time it was made perfectly. God said Jeremiah my people are like clay in Potter's hand If they go wrong I will destroy them But if they follow my Commandments I will make them good and strong I have chosen you so you have nothing to fear After hearing this Jeremiah wasn't scared any more Children my question for you is What did God show Jeremiah when he was scared? I know, I know, God showed him a Potter. That is right Freckles very good Now let me find a story to tell you tomorrow Bye Bye children Hi Holy we are back for another story I can see that I had a horrible day today. I lost my homework, stub my toe, fought with my friends Well Freckles, some days can be bad but tomorrow is another day right Now for today's story, Today's story is about Jeremiah in prison Jeremiah was a chosen one of God he had won the people of Israel That the army of Babylon would attack them But they did not listen. Jeremiah told them to leave the country But they stayed and fought back. so more trouble happened each time they did not listen to him The leaders of the city hated Jeremiah. Because whatever he said came true They went to the king and tried to turn him against Jeremiah They said Jeremiah is a betrayer, you must get rid of him. The king was too scared to go against the leaders of the city Or say what he truly felt. He said to them, do whatever you want, they said to themselves Jeremiah is a man of God, we cannot kill him. Finally they decided to put him in a well, so he would starve to death. So one evening they caught him and lowered him into a well. One of the Royal servants got to know what the leader had done. He went to the king and said, Your highness! the city leaders have put Jeremiah in a well He will starve to death if he stays there, if that happens Great disaster will fall upon us. He's a man of God, so we have to save him The King agreed and sent his men to save Jeremiah. The man dropped some rope into the well for Jeremiah to tie around his waist And finally pulled him out. He was saved, he was saved, yah! Yes he was Now I hope you'll listen carefully children, because I will ask a question now Where did the mean leaders of the city leave Jeremiah so he would starve to death? I know I know Holy, They lowered him into a well so he would starve to death Correct! very good Freckles that is right. You are a good little bookworm, Bye-Bye Hello children, Hello Holly it's time for you to tell us a story yes It is. Well today I shall tell you a story about How God punishes those who Do wrong things in the name of God. But before I start with the story You all know what you have to do right. Yes we have to listen to your story very Carefully, So that we can answer your question at the ends of the story good. Long long ago different prophets had warned the people of Israel about God's Punishment but they completely ignored these warnings and did not change their Ways. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon the most powerful and strong nation finally Took over Jerusalem. Many people were taken as captives to Babylon Kings Zedecia who was the last king of Judah was also taken as captive. The Lord was so angry with the people that he turned away from them Kings Zedecia challenged King Nebuchadnezzar. So King Nebuchadnezzar Came with all his army and set up a camp around Jerusalem. They also built walls To attack the city. Jerusalem was under attack for two years and finally a time Came when the people had nothing left to eat. So the people of Israel broke Through the city walls although the Babylonians were all around The city Zedekiah and his soldiers escaped during the night . The Babylonians chase them and captured Kings Zedekiah and brought him To King Nebuchadnezzar he was held as a prisoner and both his sons were killed So God's warning of punishment had come true.Oh my goodness this is so Scary yes it is, and God always punishes those who do wrong things. Anyway So today's question is who was the last king of judah? King's Zedekiah was lost king of Judha Yey! I remember yes you do. Now may I please go and take my nap. Ofcourse! Bye Holy. Hello children I was just thinking about which story I should tell you today I hope it is a nice one Holy Yes it is but you have to pay attention as at the end of it I will ask you all the question Ofcourse we will. We love your stories. Alright! then Today's story is about Exile in Babylon There was a time when the people of Judah Forgot the ten commandments once again The prophet Jeremiah Warned them that if they did not get back to the commandments Great misery would fall on them But the people of Juda didn't listen Soon King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked them The Babylonian army burnt every buildiing Every house to the ground They raided the temples and took away everything Valuable. The people of Juda Were made prisoners and taken to Babylon. Among them was a young boy called Daniel. Though Babylon was a beautiful place The people of Judah were homesick Often they would sing songs of Judah and their unhappiness The people were losing hope so God Called upon his prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel He said to them tell my people not To lose hope I'm still with them, tell them to settle down in Babylon And live by my commandments, one day I will give them back their lands and happiness. The prophets did as they were told The people of Judah in Babylon Had hope once again. Now they knew that God was with them And good days were not too far. God said One day I'm going to form a new covenant with my people And I'll forgive them for their mistakes. I feel so bad for these people And I'm glad God decided to forgive them. True if you have been bad and then repent God always forgives you, now My question for you is. Which prophet Warned the people of Judah that great misery Would fall on them if they did not follow the 10 commandments? Ah! Jeremiah Yes, That is correct Tubby you are a good boy. Now off you go. Bye Holy Hello children I was just having this wonderful dream When you are singing woke me up sorry Holy we didn’t mean to We where just exited about story time will you please tell us one Ofcourse I will children I love telliing you stories from the Bible We promise to listen carefully Holy, Alright then. The story I am about to tell you today is about Hosea. Hosea was a man From the northen kingdom of Israel. He had married a women Called Gomear. Hosea liked a quiet and peaceful life. But Gomer Wanted to have fun and go on adventure for a few years they where very happy together They had 3 children. But 1 day Gomer put on her best cloths and Left to the city to go on an adventure leaving her husband and Children behind. Hosea was really very sad. He loved his wife a lot He went from city to city trying to find her. When he finally found her He begged her to come back to Israel. Even though Gomer Did come back for a while, she left him again and again in search of fun and adventure. Hosea finally gave up trying to get his wife To come back so he raised his children on his own even they left him As soon as they grew up. Hosea had an unhappy life And a disapointing marriage. This taught him a great deal about The lord. He learned Israel is like gods wife like Gomer she would Move away from God over and over again and though god might get Angry with her sometimes he will always try and bring her back into his loving arms. That is so sad Hosea was such a nice man And his family was so mean to him. Then he always forgive them I will forgive you Guys when you are mean to me. Good, Then you will forgive me Eating your cake. That was you, just you..just you..don't fight Be more like Hoseya. So the question for you is this How many children did Hosea and Gomer have? Holy I know, 3 right. It is absolutely right. Hi Children I was already waiting for you. So shall we start Yes! Yes! and we know that you will ask us a question at the end and we have to Listen to the story very carefully, Excellent!. So Todays story is about how Isecial a priest Had a vision of God. there was a time a lot of Israelits where captured By the Babylonians and taken to Babylon. One of these men was a priest Called Isecikal. He was trained to work in Gods temple in Jerusalem. When he moved to Babylon Isecial had first thought all his hope of serving god were gone But later he realised that God had a special plan for him in Babylon. One day all of the suddden he had a vision of God and Lord spoke to him And Isecial could feel the power of the Lord. Isecial suddenly saw the sky opening And saw storm coming from the north lightning was flashing and a huge cloud The sky was bright and something was shining like a bright metal At the center of the storm he saw which looked like four living things In human form each of them had 4 faces and 4 wings they had straight legs and they had hooves Like those of a Bull which shown like some bright metal they also had human hand Under each wing, when they flew the wing made a noice it was like the roar of the sea. Like the noice of a huge army and like the roar of thunder. When they stoped flying They folded their wings above their heads there was something Which looked like a sparkeling Glass Dome. Above the Dome was throne Made of pure safire. On the throne sat a Shadowman who was shining with the very bright light All the colours of the rainbow were there. This was the dazzling light of the Lord. Wow! The Lord must have been soo bright and colorful. Yes so now Who will answer Todays Question My I please. Ofcourse so tell me What was Gods Throne made up of? The throne was made upof Blue Saphire Am I right Absolutely Excellent. Hi Holy, Sorry we are late its Gumbos fault like always he got lost. It's such a big Library. well you are hear now so let us start with todays story. Todays story is about valley of dry bones. Wow! that sounds scary well it's not. It's Actually a quiet interesing. Once up on a time there was a Israelite preisted gods temple In Jerusalem called Izecial. Izecial lived with his people who have been taken captive By the Babilonians. He had a vision of God. Izecial could feel the power of the lord. And he also he that God was with him. The Lord one day took him to a valley And showed him around. The Valley had Drybones everywhere scatered on the ground. The lord spoke to Isecaial and said Izecial can this bones come back to life. Izecial replied, Great God only you can answer that. So Lord told him to speak to these bones The word of the Lord. Izecial did as he was told he spoke the word of god And while speaking. He heard the noise of the bones joining together. They became many bodies but the bodies where not breathing. God then asked Izeciakel to speak to the wind. He spoke to the wind And the wind started to blew from everywhere giving life to these bodies. All the bodies came to life and stood up as a large crowd. God then explained To Izecial. The people of Israel think they are dry like these bones because they are in Other allaince. They say that they can never come back. But I will bring them back to their own land. This is my promise and this will happen. This how the Lord breath life into these dry bones. Wow! That was such an amazing story we all loved it. So what is todays Question Todays Question is In which temple was Izeciacal a priest? He was the priest In the temple of Jerusalem. Very good Freckels. Bye Holy! thanks for the story. Good Bye children. Hello Children, Come, listen to my story today. It's about four men who walked in the fire. King Nebuchadnezzar, The King of Babylon, had made a golden statue which was ninety feet tall. He made an announcement in his court that all the citizens should worship this statue Or they would be thrown into a furnace. Fearing for their lives everyone started worshipping the statue That The King had set up, except three men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These three men were not ready to worship the statue which angered The King. The King warned them that they would be thrown into the furnace If they did not worship the Idol. The three men stood in front of the angry king and said We have a lot of faith in our God and the Lord will save us from the furnace. But we will never serve your God or idol. This angered Nebuchadnezzar all the more. He ordered That the furnace be heated seven times hotter than ever before. The King ordered the guards to tie the three friends and take them to the furnace. The furnace was raging with heat, which killed the guards and the three men fell down into the flames. The King and his people were amazed looking into the furnace. They were surprised that they had thrown three men into the flames. But now they could see four men, untied and walking through the fire. None of them looked hurt at all. The King realized that the fourth man was no one else but the Lord himself. He asked The three men to come out of the fire. The Three men walked out but none of them were burned, nor did they smell of fire. The King declared, "The God of these three men is blessed and no one should ever speak against their God." I hope you listened very carefully to the story. Yes we did! So Who can tell me the number of people King Nebuchadnezzer saw inside the furnace? I know! Four! Correct! Okay nap time, Bye Bye children! Hi children why are you so late today don't you want to listen another story from the bible Of couse we want to, tubby was busy eating. Anyway holy can please start with todays story Well today's is about How Daniel stayed at the royal coat of King nabacud Nazer Long time ago King Nabacud Nazer the Babalonean king Ordered his chief official to choose some men from the Jews prisoners They should be good looking, cleaver and healthy and should also learnt to serve the royal court They should also know how to read and write the babolonean language Everyday they were to be given Royal food and wine After three years of training. They were to appear before the king Among the chosen jews were Daniel, hernaniya, Michelle and Azaria All of them were from the tribe of Juda The chief official gave them new names Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel decided not to disobey god Law's about food and drink He asked Ashpenaz for help Ashpenaz was very kind to Daniel but he was also very afraid Of the king so he said to daniel the king has decided what used in drink If you do not look fit like other young man he will punish me So daniel said please just ask for ten days Give us vegetables to eat and water to drink Then compare us with the young man who are eating the royal food The man agreed and after ten days they looked healthier and stronger Than the others The king realy like this four man and they were presented to him So Daniel continued to stay at the kings palace Yes Daneil was indeed a very wise man true now answer my question what was the name of the official who has to train Deneil and the other three jews captures The Name was espionage no silly it was it was Ashpenaz Holy Holy we have come to hear todays story. Aah Ha! I will tell you a story today. Only if you answer my Question at the end. Gumbo you never listen to my stories Carefully, Alright! I will So todays story is about writing on the wall That Daniel was able to explain. Wow! Daniel must have been so wise A long time ago King Naabacan Naser or Babylon fell really ill and started behaving Like a mad man. His son Belshisar was now the king of Babylon. One night King Belshisar invited a 1000 important man for a Grant Dinner. He ordered his Officials to bring in the gold and silver vessels that his father king Nabakinasar Have taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Belshisar and his guests Would drinking from these vessels. Suddenly the king saw a human handwritting On the brightly lit wall of the palace. His face turned pale with fear And his knees began to shake he called for his Magicians, Wisemen and Fortune Tellers And said. Who ever can read this writing and tell me what it means. He will be pressed In Kingly words. But non of the men could read the writing or tell him what it meant The king was all the more afraid. The kings mother heard the noice and came to speak to him She told him that Daniel was one man in his kingdom. Who have Godly power in him. She told him that Daniel is very good at explaininng dreams and all kind of Mistries Belshisar called Daniel to the court. Daniel explained the writing on the wall Said that the days on his kingdon were numbered. This later turned out to be true Now Gumbo you will answer my question, What was King Nabacansars sons name? I know the answer his name was King Belshisar. Excellent Gumbo! It seems you have been listening to todays story very carefully. Hello children, I have been waiting for you. Let's start with today's story. Listen to it very carefully. Yes please! We are ready to hear today's story. Okay. A long long time ago, Darius was the King of Jerusalem. He had passed a new law against praying towards Jerusalem. In spite of this new law, Daniel continued to pray three times every day. There were a few men who were jealous of Daniel. So, they went to the king And complained against him for not obeying the law. When Darius heard this, he was very upset. Daniel was one of his presidents and he did not want to punish him for not obeying the law. The King tried very hard to save him but the wicked men of his court were insisting upon Daniel's punishment. Seeing no other option, The King had to punish Daniel. He was thrown into a den of lions. The mouth of the cave was then sealed with a big stone. But King Darius was worried about Daniel. He could not sleep the entire night. Next morning he ran to the den. He called out for Daniel, and to his amazement, instead of hearing the lion's roar, he heard Daniel's voice. Daniel told the King, "God saved me by sending an angel to shut the lions' mouth. The lions could not hurt me at all." King Darius, very happily, took Daniel out from the cave and punished those wicked men Who had plotted against him. Daniel was a good man. That's why God saved him. Holy, so what is today's question? Today's question is, How did God save Daniel from the lions? I know! He sent an angel to shut the lions' mouth. Yes! You are correct. Now I must sleep. Bye Bye all of you. See you tomorrow. Holy! Holy! wake up you are suppoose to tell us another story today. Ofcourse I will tell you a story I have already thoought which one to telll you but you children do remember you have to Yes! Yes! we remember We have to answer one question at the end of your story So you will know how much attention we have payed. Good yey story time. Long Long ago a man named Cyrus was the king of Persia. During this time God was using all the powerful nations to carry out his plans In his first year as a king Cyrus was guided by God to give a special Command. This command of God was sent to his people through out the empire. One of God's prophets called Jeramaya, A long time ago have said something like this Would Happen. When it was time for Cyrus to convey the message of God To the people he said, I Cyrus king of Persia send this order to all the people That the true God ruler of heaven has made me king over all people. He also said that God has asked him to build him his temple in Jerusalem In the land of Juda. The people must go to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of their God. If someone lived out of the country and needed help to return Their neibours must help them and give them silver and gold and all the other things That they might need. Sayng this Cyrus blessed the people And returned home. By the seventh month all the people of Israel met in Jerusalem To rebuild the Alter of God's temple. That was a wonderful story Holy Thank you. You are most welcome Freckels. Now it is time for the question Cyrus was the king of which Nation? Mmmm…Peru, Paris. What are you saying Gumbo where did Peru and Paris come from I now the answer he was the king of Persia. Hey that what I said Nevermind anyway children Till next time Bye Bye Bye Holy, We will be back soon. Hi Kids How have you been. Hello Holy you are Awake. well yes I feel fresh and Chirpy and ready to tell you another story from The Bible and I am sure you know What you have to do, Yes we have to listen to Your story very carefully and answer your question at the end of it. Great So today I shall tell you a story about a man called Nehemiah. There was a time When King Axerox's was the ruler of the Persian Empire. The King had a trusted Official whose name was Nehemiah. Nehemiah's hometown was Jerusalem and he Knew that the temple city of Jerusalem wasn't ruins. The thought of this made Him very very sad. One day Nehemiah was serving wine to the king at dinner and The king noticed that Nehemiah was very sad. He had not seen him like this ever Before. The King asked him Why do you look so sad are you sick. Nehemiah was Surprised and afraid to answer. But then he said your majesty My home city was burned down long ago all my ancestors are buried here and This is What makes me sad. The king was confused As to What it was Nehemiah exactly wanted. Nehemiah's told him that he Wished to go to Jerusalem and rebuild it. The King immediately granted him his Request and helped him by giving him passes to go through all the provinces On the other side of the river Euphrates. The king also ordered Asaf the forest Officer to give Nehemiah all the wood that he needed to build the temple fort The city walls and his own house. Nehemiah knew That the king had helped him so Much because God was with him. Wow! that was such a beautiful story Holy. Absolutely! So What is today's question Holy I know the question I Think you are supposed to know the answer Gumbo not the question. So the Question is What was the name of the forest officer? Well I know the answer Of this question too and such a good boy. The answer is a Asaf. Excellent! Hope you guys come back soon. Bye Holy we shall. Hi Holy How Old are you? Are you hundreds and hundreds of years old. Well am old but a women never talks about her age you know. Ignore Gumbo he will be stupid sometimes. we want to listen to another story from the bible. Will you please tell us one. A Question. We promise Holy. Alriight then this story is about How Nehemaiah Rebuild Jerusalem. When the Persian king took over the city of Babylon he allowed the jewish People to return to their home land. He even returned their temple treasures. But the war was still going on. So the people could not rebuild the city of Jerusalem. Nehamaia was a high official in the Percian Kings Court. He was one of the few Jewish people still living in Babylon. When he heard that the city of his Ansistors Was in ruin he was very sad. He wanted to go there and rebuild the city himself. So Nehhamaia went to the Persian king to ask for permission. The Persian king was a good man he not only gave permision but also wrote letters to the governors of Jerusalem asking them to help Nehamaia When Nehamaia reached Jerusaalem he called all the leaders and said to them. Look at these letter the Persian king have given me. I have been sent to rebuild the city walls. There is Gods way in this. He then gave their jobs and parts in rebuilding of the city. Each family was to build 1 part though even it looked impossible. Nehamaia Drove the people till the city was finally complete. At last the day came When the buildings have to be dedicated to the Lord. There was great celebration That lasted for 7 long and Happy days. So children I hope u heard carefuly. The question is How many days did the celebration and the march last? Yes I know this Holy. It lasted for 7 long and Happy days. Right Yes! Gumbo that is right. Well done now off you go. See you next time. Bye Bye. Bye Holy Hello Holy! It's so nice to see you awake. Now please, please, Tell us another story from the Bible. Please! Ofcourse! I will. But you have to promise you will listen to the story very carefully And answer my Question at the end. Yes Yes we promise. A Long time ago Jerusalem had got destroyed overtime because of many wars Nehamaya a jewish exile in Babalon decided that he wanted to rebuild Jerusalem. He was finally able to finish building the wall of Jerusalem by the seventh month since then. The people on Israel were all setteled in their towns. On the first day of that month All of them gathered in the square inside the water gate. They asked Esra The priest to bring the book of the law. Esra stood on the platform And opened the book. All the people stood up to praise the lord. And they bowed down to the ground in worship. Esra read out the law To the people From early morning until Noon. They listened carefully Esra put the word of the law Into their own language and explained it to the people. On the 24th day of The same month the people of Israel again met together. They fasted the entire day To show sorrow for their sins. They prayed to god and asked for forgiveness for their sins. The promise that the people made to god was we the peopleof Israel Made this promise to God in writing. Our leaders put their seal in it. We know How we suffered in the past because we disobeyed God. We have now Decided to separate ourself from those Who do not worship the Lord According to the law of Moses. We will live by this law and obey all that Our God has told us. If we do not Obey God He may punish us. So children, Now Answer My Question. What was the name f the priest who read out law out to the people of Israel? I remember his name was Esra. Very good Come on Freckels, Come Gumbo let us finish our song. Bye Holy! See you children
Channel: The Holy Tales: Bible
Views: 513,601
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Keywords: morals, prophet samuel, Happy Kids, judas, moral stories, bible stories, king cyrus, matthew, christianity, king david, priests, stories for kids, sunday school, old testament, happykids, The Hippy Hoppy Show, christian, bible characters, kids stories, prophet daniel, all children, jesus, bible, bible for kids, bible chapters, David, Ezekiel, Solomon, Holy tales, Holy Tales Bible Stories, Animation, Animated Bible Stories, cartoon bible stories, bible movies, the holy tales, non stop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 57sec (7197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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