Book Of Kings I Book of Kings I Animated Children's Bible Stories| Holy Tales Bible Stories

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hello my name is tubby I live here in this wonderful library and I love to eat books I live here with my friends gumbo and freckles gumbo freckles come out come out wherever you are over there on that great book is grand old holy she is really old and wise and tells us wonderful stories when she is awake that is and we love to sing holy holy holy we are here we want to hear a story from the Bible will you tell us one more please oh I wasn't sleeping I was just thinking about Solomon and his dream oh do you tell us about it alright children today I will tell you the story of Solomon's dream Solomon was one of the twelve sons of King David of Israel he was made King just before the death of David though Solomon was wise and had a good heart he realized that he was too young to rule over the kingdom of Israel Solomon also loved God very much like his father David so he decided to go to the holy place of Gibeon there he offered sacrifices to the Lord and prayed finally the Lord came to him in his dream God said Son ask me for whatever you wish for today I will give you whatever you ask for me Solomon said Lord you guided my father and showed him great mercy now you have chosen me to become next king I only wish for you to give me wisdom to rule over Israel but the vice heart God was very happy with Solomon's answer he said I am truly happy when you have the chance to ask for riches victory over your enemies or long life you asked harvestable I shall grant you your wish you will be different from everyone else there will be no one like you you will also have success and riches you will have all of this as long as live by the commandments this much I can promise and so Solomon turn out to be a great King as God promised people from all over the world came to his court and paid him respect not only was he a good king he was also a poet he wrote many songs and there are many records of his clever sayings he was truly different from other kings ok hope you were paying attention my question is apart from being a great king what else was King Solomon known for I can answer that apart from being a great King Solomon was also a musician right well true but he was also a poet now run along children hello children what can I do for you hello holy we want you to tell us a story from the Bible sure I will today's story is a little long but you must listen carefully at the end I will ask a question ok holy we promise this story is about King Solomon a very wise king of Israel one day two women came to Solomon's court to solve a problem they has Solomon asked them tell me what is a problem the first woman said my lord we both live in the same house and we both have baby boy one night as I put my baby to sleep her little boy died so she came and stole my baby and put her dead baby in its place as I woke up in the morning to feed the child I knew at once that the dead baby was not mine and now she says she did not steal my baby the second woman said of course I will say that because this baby is mine you lie King Solomon sent for his guard and said here take this baby and cut him in half I'll give one half to each women the first woman who was indeed the real mother threw herself at Solomon's feet she cried please do not kill the baby get him to the other woman but please do not harm him the second woman said very calmly of course my lord you can cut him in half this way neither of us will have a baby and this will solve our fight King Solomon smiled he now knew who the real mother was handing the baby to the real mother the first woman he said here's your baby don't cry anymore your problem has been solved the entire Israel came to hear the story of Solomon Wise justice everyone now knew that King Solomon was indeed blessed by the Lord Himself over time King Solomon became known for his wise judgments I hope you heard carefully my question is when Solomon ordered his guard to cut the baby in half what did the real mother do I want to answer this the real mother threw herself at Solomon's feet and begged him not to that is right freckles very good now I'm going back to sleep bye-bye hello children nice to see you back again hi Holly nice to see you awake we want to hear another story from the grade book will you tell us one please sure I will but do pay attention do you know why because we will be asked a question correct now the story is about the Temple of Solomon a long time ago King David of Israel had brought the sacred Ark of Covenant which had the Ten Commandments to Jerusalem and now after his death his son Solomon decided to build the temple where it would be kept making of the temple was a great occasion builders from Phoenicia were called and cedar juniper and cypress wood were brought across the great seas gold and silver precious stones and blocks of stone were especially cut from mountains far away the temple took seven years to finish but when it was finally done it was beautiful it was grander than a palace the doors were made of bronze the walls were made of cedar wood which had very beautiful carvings of flowers and trees made on it the altars were also made from cedar wood and were covered with gold the inner temple where the Ark was supposed to be kept was made completely of gold on the day it was finished the priests of Levi carried out a small procession bringing the holy chest inside the temple when they left a thick cloud fill the temple it was so thick that the priests were not able to carry on their service King Solomon spoke to the people do not be scared this is Lord's glory upon us he has finally come to Stay in this temple saying this King Solomon led a great prayer to God to bless his people and his house the God answered Solomon I grant your prayers from this day on I will live in this temple that you've made I will keep Israel safe and bless your people now children my question is what was the inner temple made of Oh i know gold that is right very good gumbo you do pay attention bye bye hello you three I have been waiting for you today you know hello there holy sorry we are late freckles had to do her hair no way we were late because you have to eat that entire cake anyway now that we are here can you please a story and we promise to pay attention alright then the story I'm about to tell you today is about Solomon in all his glory Solomon had become rich as well as wise just as God had promised he had married an Egyptian princess so he had a huge Kingdom all the land that was under him had to pay taxes so Solomon had become very rich he had a big army of almost 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses ships from his kingdom sailed down to the Red Sea for trade and brought back spices gold ivory and exotic birds soon his kingdom became famous for its wealth and travelers from all over the world came to see the kingdom and all its glory Solomon decided to build himself a grand palace in Jerusalem the palace took 13 years to complete Solomon was helped by the king of Tyre Hiram the glory of Solomon had spread far and wide one day Queen Sheba came to visit Jerusalem she wanted to see if the tales of King Solomon's riches and grand palace would true or not she brought many gifts with her from arabia when she reached Jerusalem she was truly amazed there was peace and prosperity in the promised land during Solomon's reign she said thank God for giving you so much not only that but he has also made you wise and your glory has spread far and wide Jerusalem is indeed the promised land as people call it I hope you listened carefully children my question is where did Queen Sheba come from oh I know I know Queen Sheba came from Arabia right yes tubby that is right very good hope you love the story till next time buh-bye we really look forward to your stories can you please please tell us one why yes I will but you have to pay attention we promise to pay attention holy all right children the story I'm about to tell you today is about Solomon turning away from God King Solomon the son of David had become very rich but though he was rich he always managed to spend more than he had so he would be forced to borrow from others than to pay back the money he had borrowed he would taxes people heavily when he needed workmen he sent his officials to bring men to work as his slaves and he always refused to pay them Solomon was slowly turning away from God Solomon had many wives during his lifetime his wives were from many different countries so they prayed to different gods and had their own religions instead of teaching them about his religion Solomon made temples for each of their gods and eventually started praying to them too all this made God very sad he said to Solomon I thought you would stay faithful to me till the end just like your father but since you have broken the laws of the commandments I will take everything away from you for the sake of David none of this will happen in your lifetime but will happen in your son's life and you will have only one Travic and so just as God had said when Rehoboam Solomon's son became the next king he faced many problems thats so sad I really liked solomon I know money can sometimes change a person so I hope you pay it attention the question is for whose sake did God tell Solomon that nothing bad would happen in his lifetime Oh i know i know holy its rehoba right no gumbo it was David you must pay more attention so till next time bye bye hi Holi we have come to hear another story yes only I hope you have already thought of one yes I have but pay attention as we'll ask a question at the end of it sure we will alright this story is about the prophet Elijah in the desert a man called ahab who is now the king of Israel he had married a wicked woman called Jezebel she was from another country and when she came to Israel she brought hundreds of priests from her own country with her soon she started to kill all the prophets of God because of this God decided to curse Israel with no rains he sent his messenger Elijah to King Ahab Elijah warn Ahab your highness you must stop what Jezebel is doing if you don't Israel will have no rains for a long period of time but Ahab didn't listen to Elijah he didn't care what Jezebel was doing and so there were no rain just as Elijah had promised Elijah had to hide in the desert to escape from Jezebel everyday Ravens would get him bread and meat and he would drink water from the nearby Brook when the brook died God sent Elijah to the town of Sudan as he reached Sudan he was tired and hungry he saw an old woman he asked her will you please be kind enough to give me some food and water she said sadly I'm very poor I don't have much just a little flour and oil my son and I will have this last meal you may join us if you want to Elaija said cooked the meal your flour and oil won't run out till the end of this drought the old woman believed him and made a meal or three of them Elijah was right the jar that held her flower was never empty and the jug of oil didn't run out Wow imagine a box of cookies and never finishes true you have to have faith so what did the old woman have with her to offer Elijah she had flour and oil right yes that's right very good tubby I am off to sleep again bye bye hello children nice to see you back again hello holy I hope you are ready to tell us another story from the Bible of course I will but you have to pay attention especially you gumbo as I will ask a question after it when I do listen all right then a long time ago Israel had a king called Ahab his wife who was not very nice was called Jezebel King Ahab of Israel had a beautiful palace with a beautiful garden the garden had every kind of flower but there was no room for vegetables in it a farmer called Nabah lived next to the Royal Garden he had a vineyard which was perfect for the Kings vegetables one day Ahab went in the Nebas house to buy his vineyard King Ahad ordered I would like to buy your vineyard so name your price the farmer said your highness as much as I would like to be of service to you I'm afraid i cannot the vineyard was given to me by my late father Ahab returned to his palace very angry when Jezebel saw this she made fun of him you cannot even get a lowly farmer to sell you this land leave it to me Jezebel wrote a letter to the chief counselors charging the Nabah of crimes against God the Nabah was put to death for something he didn't do happy Ahab went to the vineyard to see the ground properly when he reached he saw Elijah there Elijah said today you have committed the worst sin you have killed an innocent man for no reason you will be punished Ahab felt horrible he repented all that he had done and begged for forgiveness God was happy that Ahad had repented and didn't punish him harshly he decided Ahab wouldn't suffer in his own time but none of his family would be Kings again the question is what did Ahab want to buy from the Nebah the farmer I know he wanted the vineyard that is right now I need to sleep bye bye hello children that was a wonderful song oh we are here been practicing we are here to listen to another story from the Bible will you tell us one please yes I will but you have to promise to listen carefully yes we promise to listen carefully great today's story is about Elijah and the lady from a city called shanem there was once a prophet of God called Elijah Elijah was a very sweet and kind man wherever he went people loved him he traveled and taught people about God who helped them in whatever way he could he really was very helpful there was a woman who lived in a city called shenem who had heard a lot about Elijah and know that he was coming there so she told her husband to build a room on their terrace for Elijah to stay in when he was there when Elijah reached her name the woman welcomed him and he lived in the room on their Terrace Elijah was very happy and thankful for all that the woman had done for him he said to his servant I wish I could thank the kind lady but she is already so rich I cannot think of anything else she might need the servants smiled and replied glad that he could be of help no I'm sure if you'd like to have child and so the next day Elijah said to the woman next year right this time you will have a child in your arms the woman soon gave birth to a son just as Elijah had promised but one day it so happened that her son became very ill and died the woman ran to Elijah Elijah came to the little boy's room and prayed quietly he then breathe air into the boy's mouth and suddenly the little boys sneezed Elijah turned to the woman and said happily do not cry anymore because your son is alive that is a lovely story I'm so glad that the boy didn't die see good things happen to you if you are good to people now this is my question for you what did the servants suggest to Elijah to gift the kind woman i know i know a servant old Elijah to give the woman a child that is right tubby very good I'm glad you guys pay attention Alright children today's story is about the prophet Elijah and the Syrian general there was a time when there was war between Israel and Syria the Syrian army had a brilliant general his name was naman with the help of naman the Syrians attacked the borders of Israel they stole and took whatever they could find they even took slaves from the Israelites among the slaves was a young girl who was namaz wife's maid one day naman got infected with a terrible skin disease called leprosy many doctors tried could not heal it naman was very upset namaz wife would often cry seeing her husband in pain one day her maid saw her mistress crying she said to her there is a holy man in my homeland his name is Elijah he is known to perform miracles I am sure that if master goes to Elijah he will be healed the Namans wife told him about elijah she asked her husband to send word to the king in israel that he wanted to meet elijah to be healed when the Israeli King heard about naman strange request he said first he attacks my border and now he wants me to Join this is just another reason for war Elisha who was with the Israeli King said let him come he should see that the prophet of God lives here general naman came to Elijah's house in Israel there a messenger told him to go and bathe in river journey seven times the general was angry if I had to bathe in the river seven times I could have done that in Syria the messenger said if Elijia asks you to do something you should do it naman bade seven times and the seventh time his leprosy was healed naman said it is a miracle it is true that God lives in Israel so how many times was the man asked to bathe in the river I know he was asked to bathe seven times right imagine bathing seven times I hate bathing even once holy holy wake up wake up we are here I was not sleeping I was just thinking about which story to tell you today yeah story time we love your stories from the Bible can I ask them the question today please Holy sure gumbo all right children this story is about how Isaiah saves Jerusalem over time the people from Judah and Israel moved away from God's laws so God got angry and took away his support and help soon the army from Syria got ahold of the northern kingdom the king of Judah Zakia was a good man who loved God he didn't want any more Wars so he made a pact with the king of Syria not to attack the southern kingdom King Zekiah had to give away a lot of gold from the temple of Judah to make the king of Syria agree to this however even after giving them all that gold instead of going back the Syrian army surrounded the city King Zekiah didn't know what to do so he went to the prophet Isaiah for his advice Isaiah assured him that the city would not fall in the hands of the Syrians this was God's promise when the king of Syria heard what Isaiah had told Zekia he made fun of him by saying let me remind you that we Syrians have conquered many cities no God came to their help and no God can save you from us King Zekia was worried so he went to the temple and prayed to God asking for forgiveness for his people's behavior as he finished praying messenger from Isaiah came he said don't worry your highness God has heard you Jerusalem will not fall that very night thousands of a Syrian soldiers died of a mysterious illness and so they went back to their own country never to come back again I hope you were listening children because here is my question what was the name of the prophet that King zekia I went to for help I know but I won't tell you it was Eiseia Gumbo that is correct freckles very good now I am off to sleep again children bye-bye hello children hello Holly it's time for you to tell us a story yes it is well today I shall tell you a story about how God punishes those who do wrong things in the name of God but before I start with the story you all know what you have to do right yes we have to listen to your story very carefully so that we can answer your question at the end of the story good long long ago different prophets had warned the people of Israel about God's punishment but they completely ignored these warnings and did not change their ways King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon the most powerful and strong nation finally took over Jerusalem many people were taken as captives to Babylon King Zedekiah who was the last king of Judah was also taken as captive the Lord was so angry with the people that he turned away from them Kings Zedekiah challenged King Nebuchadnezzar so King Nebuchadnezzar came with all his army and set up a camp around Jerusalem they also built walls to attack the city Jerusalem was under attack for two years and finally a time came when the people had nothing left to eat so the people of Israel broke through the city walls although the Babylonians were all around the city Zedekiah and his soldiers escaped during the night the Babylonians chased them and captured Kings Zedekiah and brought him to King Nebuchadnezzar he was held as a prisoner and both his sons were killed so God's warning of punishment had come true oh my goodness this is so scary yes it is and God always punches those who do wrong things anyway so today's question is who was the last king of Judah king Zedekiah was the last king of Judah i remembered yes you do now may I please go and take my nap ofcourse hello children I was just thinking about which story I should tell you today I hope it's a nice one holy yes it is but you have to pay attention as at the end of it I will ask you all the questions of course we will we love your stories alright then today's story is about exile in Babylon there was a time when the people of Judah forgot the Ten Commandments once again the Prophet Jeremiah warned them that if they did not get back to the commandments great misery would fall on them for the people of Judah didn't listen soon King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked them the Babylonian army burned every building every house to the ground they raided the temples and took away everything valuable the people of Judah will make prisoners and taken to Babylon among them was a young boy called Daniel though Babylon was a beautiful place the people of Judah were homesick often they would sing songs of Judah and their unhappiness the people were losing hope so God called upon his prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel he said to them tell my people not to lose hope I'm still with them tell them to settle down in Babylon and live by my Commandments one day I will give them back their lands and happiness the prophets did as they were told the people of Judah in Babylon had hope once again now they knew that God was with them and good days were not too far God said one day I'm going to form a new covenant with my people I'll forgive them for their mistakes I feel so bad for these people and I'm glad God decided to forgive them true if you have been bad and then repent God always forgives you now my question for you is which prophet warned the people of Judah that great misery would fall on them if they did not follow the Ten Commandments Jeremy yes that is correct tubby you are a good boy now off you go bye holy hello children come listen to my story today it's about four men who walk in the fire King Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had made a golden statue which was 90 feet tall he made an announcement in his court that all the citizens should worship this statue they would be thrown into a furnace fearing for their lives everyone started worshiping the statue that the king had set up except three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego these three men were not ready to worship the statue which angered the king the King warned them that they would be thrown into the furnace if they did not worship the idol the three men stood in front of the angry King and said we have a lot of faith in our God and Lord will save us from the furnace but we will never serve our God our Idol this angered Nebuchadnezzar all the more he ordered that the funnest be heated seven times hotter than ever before the king ordered the guards to tie the three friends and take them to the furnace the furnace was raging with heat which killed the guards and the three men fell down into the flames the king and his people were amazed looking into the furnace they were surprised that they had thrown three men into the flames but now they could see four men any time and walking through the fire none of them looked hard at all the King realized that the fourth man was no one else but the Lord himself he asked three men to come out of the fire the three men walked out but none of them were burned nor did they smell a fire King declared the god of these three men is blessing and no one should ever speak against their God I hope you listen very carefully to the story yes we did so who can tell me the number of people King Nebuchadnezzar saw inside the furnace I know four correct okay nap time bye bye children hello children I was just having this wonderful dream when you're singing woke me up sorry holy we don't need to we were just excited about story time will you please tell us what of course I will children I love telling you stories from the Bible we promise to listen carefully holy alright then the story I'm about to tell you today is about Hosea Hosea was a man from the Northern Kingdom of Israel he had married a woman called Gomer Hosea liked a quietly peaceful life but Gomer wanted to have fun and go on adventures for a few years they were very happy together they had three children but one day Gomer put on her best clothes and left the city to go on an adventure leaving her husband and children behind hosaya was really very sad he loved his wife a lot he went from city to city trying to find her when he finally found her he begged her to come back to Israel even though Goomer did come back for a while she left him again and again in search of fun and adventure hosea finally gave up trying to get his wife to come back so he raised his children on his own but even they left him as soon as they crew up Hosea had an unhappy life and a disappointing marriage but this taught him a great deal about the Lord he learned that Israel was like God's wife and like Gomer she would move away from God over and over again and though God might get angry with her sometimes he would always try and bring her back into his loving arms that is soo sad Hoseya was such a nice man but his family was so mean to him they always forgave them but I forgive you guys when you are mean to me good and you will forgive me for eating your cake that was you just you just wait don't fight be more like Hosea so the question for you is this how many children did Hosea and Gomer have holy I know three right it is absolutely right freckles till tomorrow
Channel: The Holy Tales: Bible
Views: 757,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old testament, bible stories, kids stories, kids edutainment, jesus, bible characters, judas, bible chapters, morals, priests, happykids, all children, children, bible, bible for kids, christian, christianity, stories for kids, moral stories, sunday school, Solomon, Isaiah, prophet isaiah, elisha, King Hezekiah, Gospel, bible cartoons, Queen of Sheba, Hosea, Book of Kings, Holy Tales, Holy Tales Bible Stories, animation, animated bible stories, cartoon bible stories, popular bible series
Id: 4LrpiHzN-Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2015
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